Exercise 4.Final Facade Initial Goal My initial goal was to learn more flexible programs beside AutoCad, which is great for drawing plans and creating basic volumes, but way too inflexible when it comes to curved surfaces and volumes as well as changes during the drafting process. I wanted to learn a programm which offers me full control at all steps and makes changes easy. Grasshopper is quite a powerful tool, but it requires a lot of trial and error, but I think that the possibilities are worth it. Since I learned quite quick the basics, it became challenging to create an adaptable sun protection system, which can change depending on the suns postion. So this final facade system consists mostly of different types of sun protection. Sometimes it worked qutie well, but sometimes I could not figuere out how to link the sun protection to the sun move-ment. So for me it was important to understand grasshopper and play with different parametres and dependence. The architectual demand only comes second.in this exercise.
Evaluation During the process of creating the final facade system I came across some problems. After the step of dividing the surface by length, my new surface is a little bit smaller because of the cut off objects, but after that I wanted to create a new surface with the new height and lenght but without the divisions, only the edges of the whole surface. This was important for me because in the further steps to create a sun protection, I needed this surface as a base. Since I could not figure out way to do this, I had to take the basic, undivided surface. Another problem has been the „cull pattern“ to place the „wind bracing“ and the „voronoi facade“ on different areas on the surface. For most times it worked very well except for the last two elements in the bottom right corner. I could not solve this problem either. Another problem was exporting the HI Res Image, it did not work and I got an error, so I had to screenshot the whole script and put it together in Photoshop. In the end, this course was really great and provided us with all the basics we needed to work independently in grasshopper. The pace was also good and questions have always been answered in detail. So I am very satisfied with the course and definitely working more with grasshopper in the future !
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Overview Verschattung vertikale Lamellen 1
vertikale Lamellen 2
vertikale Lamellen 3
horizontale Lamellen
Kiemen 1
Aussteifungen Kiemen 2
Box Morph
Divide By Length
Voronoi Fassadenelement
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Final Preview
Exercise 4.Final Facade Divide By Length
Short Description The basic purpose was to divide the inital surface into parts with a real length and trim the remaining smaller parts. After that we get a new (smaller) surface, which becomes the foundation for the following steps.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Divide By Length
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Sonnenverlauf
Short Description I created an simple arc, which I can manually rotate on the X,Y and Z axis. This is my path on which the sun should move. Then I createtd a Point on Curve to manually move this point along the arc. This Point is my sun and becomes the „attractor point“ for the adaptable sun protection systems in the further steps.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Sonnenverlauf
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Elementfassade
Short Description To get the element facade, I took my already divided surface from „Divide by Length“ and made an offset of it. All rectangles from both surfaces were off setted and loftet and substracted from one another to get the „frames“ of the element facade.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Elementfassade
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Aussteifungen
Short Description Before creating the actual „Wind Bracing“, there is a cull pattern, which allows me to control where I put the wind braces on my element facade. The wind bracing itself consists of a deconstructed Brep, a List Item and Lines which are connected by the choosen corners and piped afterwards.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Aussteifungen
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Vornoi Fassadenelement
Short Description The Voronoi facade element is created to be very customizable. This means I can change the look, the size and form of the holes etc. To apply it at the box morph later, it had to be a solid union at the end.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Voronoi Fassadenelement
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Box Morph
Short Description Script to apply the voronoi facade element on my element facade.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Box Morph - Organize Surface
Short Description This part shoul have organized my diveded surface into the right order, but I guess it did not work right because as described in the initial goal there is a problem with the wind bracing and the voronoi facade elements after applying the cull pattern.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Box Morph - Cull Pattern
Short Description The cull pattern allows me to postion the voronoi facade elements in the opposite order than the wind bracing.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Box Morph
Short Description The Box Morph basically applies my voronoi facade element (or whatever I want) to my element facade.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Box Morph mit Vornoi Fassadenelement
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Elementfassade mit Vornoi Fassadenelement und Aussteifungen
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Test Fassadentragwerk
Short Description This was just a test to create a facade truss.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Test Fassadentragwerk
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung vertikale Lamellen
Short Description This is a sun protection systems based on my original surface. It is diveded into vertical lamellas, which can adjust to the sun depending on where the attroctor point (the sun) moves. So it can be more open or closed. It is an overall sun protection.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung vertikale Lamellen
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung vertikale Lamellen 2
Short Description This is a sun protection systems based on the surface from divide by length. It is diveded into vertical lamellas, which can adjust to the sun depending on where the attroctor point (the sun) moves. So it can be more open or closed. It is applied to every single element on the facade.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung vertikale Lamellen2
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung vertikale Lamellen 3
Short Description This is a sun protection systems is a different approach. It becomes longer or smaller depending on where the sun is, but it is not able to rotate towards the sun.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung vertikale Lamellen 3
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung horizontale Lamellen
Short Description This is a more complex sun protection system. It consists of horizontal lamellas which are opening up or closing depending on the suns movement.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung horizontale Lamellen
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung Kiemen 1
Short Description This is a gill sun protection system. It can react to the path of the sun and be more or less open. So it is very adaptable.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung Kiemen 1
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung Kiemen 2
Short Description This is another gill sun protection system. Unfortunately it is not linked to the sun, it can only changed with a slider to open and close the gills.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Verschattung Kiemen 2
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Final Preview
Short Description This final preview is for easy switching on/off all the different components of the script. The basic components are the element facade, the wind bracing and the box morph with the voronoi facade element. All the different sun protection variations are meant to be shown one at a time. Everything is connected wireless to the outcome of each group for purposes of clear arrangement.
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349
Exercise 4.Final Facade Final Preview - 2 Examples
Marc-Phillip Michel. 309349