February 2011
His Exellency Heng Samnang is cutting the red ribbon to officially open the Mondulkiri Resource and Documentation Centre, 17th of December 2010.
ពិធីស&'(ធ)ើកឲ(-.(ើ/(ស់1មជ(4មណ6លធន9នឯក;រ1 =(ត?មណ6លគិរA1
The Mondulkiri Resource and Documentation Centre: The Opening Ceremony By Chey Bunthy
មណ6លគិរAផងf(រ។ កS–ងsះឯកឧត?មអភិEល1
R(ធSJ TU(ំ២០១០ Y(Z&[(ង០៩:០០^ទី_(ឹក
B(CវEន/((រពFពិធី)ើកឲ(-.(ើ/(ស់GផIJវKរLMN(ទី១៧ LKរabល័យរបស់មជ(4មណ6លធន9នឯក;រf(ល1 gនទីhំងLភូមិចំKរl( សmn(ត់;o(នgនជ័យ p(ុងr(នមsរម(- (t((យមនuីរអប់រwយុវជន
និងកីx=(ត)? t((មអធិបតីyពឯកឧត?ម {(ង សំ|ង អភិEលរង}(គណៈអភិEល=(ត?មណ6លគិរA។ ពិធី€(ះ1
gនអSកចូលរួមសរុបƒ(gណ១០០^ក់f(លអ„…ើញមក ពី;‡(ប័នរដ‰GŠ(គូអភិវឌ(Œន៍ អងŽKរGតិ/អន?រGតិ
•ក•(C អSក•(C និងសិស(‘នុសិស(’}(វaទ(“ល័យ ហ៊ុន r(ន
}(គណៈអភិEលក៏Eន˜™ើKរšតសរ›ើរ និងœំ•(1
ះគំ¡ង€(ះ ¢យឯកឧត?មEនសង£ត់ធNន់1
¤គំ¡ង€(ះពិតG¥ចចូលរួមចំ¦(កជួយ§(រក(‘ អភិរក(’វប(¨ធម៌ ƒ(ª(ណីរបស់ជនGតិ«ើមyគតិច ក៏ដូចG=(ត?មណ6លគិរA¬ំងមូលផងf(រ។
{ើយម(“[(ងវaញ-ៀតគឺ°¥ចផ?ល់yពmយ±(ួលដល់1 ;9រណៈជន អSក²((វ³((វGតិ/អន?រGតិ សិស(‘នុសិស(’•(ប់មជ(4´µ(ន1¥ច.(ើ/(ស់
តß?(ីដ៏ពិ¡ះរណàំ និងB(Gក់áS(ក
ពីp(ុមតß?(ីជនGតិ«ើមyគតិចមកពីភូមិពូhំង និងតß?(ីករ មកពីភូមិប៊ូ²(។ ប^â(ប់ពីទស(’^1 Kរƒ(គុំតß?(ី ÆÇÈវកិតិយសf(លមកចូលរួម
Eន«ើរទស(’^មជ(4មណ6លធន9នឯក;រ ក៏ដូចG1 ប|¸(ល័យនិងr™(ងយល់បÉ(Êមពីƒ(ព័នF•(ប់•(ង1 ទិនSន័យLកS–ងមណ6ល។ អSកចូលរួម¬ំងអស់1
ãក់បីដូចGgនyពä(ញចិត?b[(ងžŸ(ំងGមួយគំ¡ង f(ល-ើបបå£ើតថ¹ី€(ះ។
The MRDC held its opening ceremony on Dec 17, 2010 at 9:00 am which was celebrated at its office, Chamka Tae village, Sangkat Spean Meanchey, Senmonorom city (behind the Department of Education, Youth and Sport).
This ceremony was held under the honor of Mr. Heng Samnag, the deputy governor of Mondulkiri province and other 100 representatives from national institutions, national and international NGOs, high school students and musicians from Putang and Busra villages. Mr. Samnag admires and supports this program which he strongly recognized to be very important to help to protect and preserve the indigenous people‘s cultures and traditions as well as Mondulkiri province. He added, that it provides many facilities to the researchers, students and the public to access the resources, which are stored in the center. Furthermore, two music groups from Putang and Busra villages were invited to show traditional Bunong performances. After looking at the music performances the participants visited the center and the library and tried to know more about the MRDC’s database. All participants seemed very pleased with this new project.
The library room at the MRDC.
Kរƒ(មូលចងp(ងរបស់Þើង និងmយ±(ួល ›ៀវ¿,រEយKរណ៍,កÉI(ងសិក(‘²((វ³((វ,អីុន˜ើ¦(ត
Our collection and facilities: Books, reports, study places, internet etc. By Chey Bunthy
រហូតមកដល់បច¼–ប(¨នS MRDC
›ៀវ¿ រEយKរណ៍ រូបថត Á(នទី សុីឌី និងវAសុីឌី
ƒ(មូលEនGង៣៥០ធនធនឯក;រ f(លរួgន
¤U(ក់និង´ក់Â(ខកូដ EនបļJលÅកS–ងƒ(ព័នS•(ប់•(ង1 ទិនSន័យរបស់ MRDC Eន´ក់hំង LÂើទូរ›ៀវ¿
f(ល¥ចឲ(-ÆÇÈវចូល¥នEន។ MRDC Ll(បន?Kរ1 ƒ(មូលធន9ន ឯក;របÉÊ(ម-ៀត ពីË(ះអ™ីf(ល MRDCgនLកS–ងប|¸(ល័យរបស់ខIÌនសព™MN(គឺL
តិចតួចLÍើយ។ MRDC មិនB(ឹមl(ÎÏ(តសំžន់ÅÂើ1 l(Kរƒ(មូលធន9នឯក;រប៉ុ·¸(ះ-(
ទិនSន័យរបស់ MRDC និងƒ(ព័នSអីុន˜ើ¦(ត កÉI(ងសÖ((ប់មក˜™ើKរសិក(‘²((វ³((វ
ឬ)ើកសិKØ(;ZG«ើម។ ម(“[(ងវaញ-ៀត MRDC gនºៀបចំពិធីÐ(’(ងៗf(លឆI–ះបÚÛ(ំងពីវប(¨ធម៌
ƒ(ª(ណីជនGតិ«ើមyគតិច និង=(ត?មណ6លគិរA1 ¬ំងមូល។ កម¹វaធី¬ំងsះរួមgនKរបÚÛ(ំង1
R(’(yពយន?ឯក;រ ºៀងÜល់R( LMN(_(ហស(¨ត?Ý
សEÏហ៍ទីមួយ។ Kរនិ¬នºឿង Kរស»?(ងសិល(¨ៈ1
collection process as we have not yet collected everything and new documents are constantly being produced and របស់p(ុមតæ(?ីជនGតិ«ើមyគតិច published. The MRDC not only collects resources related to និងKរhំងពិពណ៌ផលិតផល˜™ើ¢យŠ( Mondulkiri province but also provides various facilities - two public computers with access to the database and internet, f(លនិងgនºៀបចំÍើង LºៀងÜល់បីR(ម?ង។ MRDC study places and a meeting room which can be booked for ;ç(គមន៍ចំ ះKរបរaèÛ(គធន9នឯក;រf(ល¬ក់ទង free by anybody interested. Furthermore, the MRDC និង=(ត?មណ6លគិរAពី•ក អSក {ើយ MRDC organizes cultural events, which include movie screenings, storytelling, Bunong music performances and exhibitions. ក៏រAកÜយនឹងទទួលយកéបល់ និង The movie screenings will happen on the first Thursday each កិច¼សហKរសÖ((ប់KរºៀបចំKរhំងពិពណ៌1 month. The cultural performances and exhibitions are ពី•កអSក។ expected to happen every three months. If you have any documents or resources related to Mondulkiri province, the MRDC welcomes your donations and appreciates your ideas Up to date the MRDC has collected over 350 resources, books and reports, CDs and DVDs. All of them are classified, and collaboration for the preparations of exhibitions and other events. entered into the MRDC database, displayed on the shelves and ready for reading. However, the MRDC continues this
On the left: The two MRDC staff at the training in Phnom Penh, Library of the National Museum, October 2010. On the right: The two Bunong Musicians from Busra, Opening Ceremony of the MRDC, December 2010.
ឃុំ´ក់´ំ។ ខÇ–ំEនºៀនចប់y;1
អង់îI(សរយៈ ä(លពីរTU(ំ1 ឥឡJវ˜™ើKរL MRDC
ខÇ–ំEនƒ(មូលនិង˜™ើចំ|ត់¤U(ក់1 ›ៀវ¿ និងឯក;រf(លមកពី1 •(ប់អងŽKរ។
ប^â(ប់ពីB(ឡប់មកពីºៀនLភSំä(ញ ឥឡJវខÇ–ំដឹងពីºៀប´ក់ចំ|ត់¤U(ក់1
›ៀវ¿និងºៀប´ក់›ៀវ¿កS–ង Chang Oen, MRDC librarian and assistant
បុគ$លិក MRDC (ង អិន
MRDC staff Chang Oen ខÇ–ំEទêë(ះ èង អិន ជនGតិពូនង, ¥យុ២៤TU(ំ{ើយខÇ–ំរស់L1111111111111
MRDC ÞើងÎÏ(តÅÂើវប(¨ធម៌1
ƒ(ª(ណី និងបÕò(របស់ជនGតិ ពូនងLកS–ង=(ត?មណ6លគិរA
²((វ³((វ1gន.(ើអីុន˜ើ¦(ត1 មិនគិតMI( និងងgនកÉI(ង1 សំÜប់ƒ(ជុំ។
My name is Chang Oen, Bunong , I am 24 years old and I live in Dak Dam commune. I studied English in Phnom Penh for two years and just got a graduated degree . Now I work at the MRDC , I have to collect and classify books and documents from other NGOs. After the training in Phnom Penh, I know how to manage the database and how to catalogue the resources. I like to work here because at the MRDC we focus on traditional Bunong issues in Mondulkiri Province and we have a lot of books and other resources, free internet and a free meeting room. In the future I want to continue to study in Phnom Penh because I want to get a bachelor degree in English.
ល¤U(ក់កុំព(-Jទ័រ និងអង់îI(សផងf(រ។
ចំ¦(កឯyកិច¼របស់ខÇ–ំវaញគឺ¬ក់ទង នឹងKរƒ(មូលធន9នឯក;រf(ល ¬ក់ទងនឹងជនGតិ«ើមyគ
និង=(ត?មណ6លគិរAដូចG ›ៀវ¿ រEយKរណ៍ សុីឌី វAសុីឌី Á(នទី អតÊបទKr(ត រូបថត ។ល។
ពីប|ù(;‡(ប័ន^^កS–ង=(ត?G1 Chey Bunthy, MRDC librarian and assistant
ប^â(ប់ពីƒ(មូលEនខÇ–ំºៀបចំសំ¥ត ´ក់p(បûŸ(សuិច ´ក់Â(ខកូដ
បុគ$លិក MRDC ជ័យ ប៊ុនធី
MRDC staff Chey Bunthy ខÇ–ំêë(ះ ជ័យ ប៊ុនធី ¥យុ២៣TU(ំ។
ខÇ–ំEនចូលបó(ើKរmរកS–ងតំ¦(ងG ប|¸(រក(’ MRDC€(ះ1
{ើយខÇ–ំពិតGចូលចិត?Kរmរ€(ះžŸ(ំង |ស់។ °GKរmរ
Kរƒ(មូលធន9នឯក;រf(ល¬ក់ ទងÅនឹងជនGតិ«ើមyគតិច
ខÇ–ំយល់¤°Gគំនិតដ៏លô«ើម(¨ីចូលរួម Âើកកមõស់វប(¨ធម៌ ƒ(ª(ណី
និងធនធនរបស់=(ត?មណ6លគិរA។ ខÇ–ំgនឱKសEនºៀនសូB(
On the left: Students using the internet. On the right: The monthly movie screening, January 2011.
ពិ›(សពីអងŽKរú((រ´µ( ភិEល។
បļJលទិនSន័យÅកS–ងកុំព(-Jទ័រ បļJនÅកS–ងទូhំង›ៀវ¿
និងºៀបhមលំ´ប់Â(ខºៀង11111111111 ៃនឯក;¬ំងsះ
DEWEY។ ខÇ–ំl(ងl(˜™ើKរសំ¥ត
និងពិនិត(-ýើល និងºៀបចំឯក;រ1
¬ំង€(ះLºៀងÜល់មមួយសEÏ(ហ៍1 ម?ង។ ម(“[(ងវaញ-ៀតខÇ–ំ
និងពន(-ល់¦(^ំÆÇÈវពី MRDC ផងf(រ។ Lä(លf(ល
¬ក់ទងនឹងKរƒ(មូលធន9នឯក; រមិនសូវរវល់ ខÇ–ំEនចំ|យ1 ä(លŘ™ើបÄ…ីÂ(ខºៀង1 þ(ើសºAសសំÜំងýើល
R(’(yពឯក;រf(លB(Cវ´ក់បÚÛ(ំង ជូនទស(’និកជន
ទស(’^GºៀងÜល់R( {ើយខÇ–ំ1
ក៏Eនចំ|យä(លខIះ«ើម(¨ីជួយ1 ƒ(9នគំ¡ងរបស់ខÇ–ំ«ើម(¨ីºៀបចំ1 Á(នKរ Kរhំងពិពណ៌
ឫ_(ឹត?ិKរណ៍ឆI–ះបÚÛ(ំងពីជនGតិ1 «ើមyគតិច និង=(ត? មណ6លគិរA។
My name is Bunthy, Chey, and I am 23-year-old. I have been working as MRDC assistant for almost four months and I do love this kind of job. It’s a place which collects all the resources related to Bunong people and Mondulkiri province. And I think it is a great idea to promote and conserve the Bunong’s cultures, traditions, believes and the Mondulkiri province as a whole. I have much opportunity to learn and gain new experience from such different work here. I have been provided a computer class and English class. I respond to collect books, reports, CDs, VCDs, maps, newspapers and photographs. After collecting, I cover the books, put the classification number, do the data entry, transfer those books to the library and arrange them in order on the shelves. I usually check and clean the documents and shelves once a week because the books are dusty and not in order. I also prepare to welcome visitors and introduce the MRDC to them. If I am not busy with the classification process I spend time doing the list of movies and view and select them for the monthly screenings and help my manager to organize the exhibition or cultural events as needed. On the other hand, I am assigned to translate and interpret various documents for promotion and advertisement of the MRDC. I am much involved in the other MRDC activities such as recruiting volunteers, organizing appointments, as well as attending other activities of Nomad RSI.
Looking ahead គំ¡ងសំÜប់R(t(យៗ
Plans for the coming months KរបÚÛ(ំងកុនL MRDC, MN(_(ហស(¨ត?ÝសEÏ(ហ៍ដំបូង
ºៀÜល់R(ៈ KរបÚÛ(ំងÂើកt((យLMN(ទី០៣ R(មិ^ TU(ំ២០១១
Cinema at MRDC, on the first Thursday of every month: Next screenings on the 3rd of March 2011.
Kរhំងពិពណ៌ៈÞើងgនគំ¡ងºៀបចំKរhំងពិពណ៌ ÂើកដំបូងLÕក់ក|ù(លR(កុម!ៈ TU(ំ២០១១។ Þើងសប("យចិត?កS–ងKរ˜™ើកិច¼Kរ€(ះ ¢យgនកិច¼សហKរGមួយ WWF
Bunong Performance at the Opening Ceremony of the MRDC, Villagers from Putang, December 2010.
Exhibition: We are planning the first exhibition middle of February 2011. We are very happy to do this in collaboration with WWF and the topic will be about Mondulkiri‘s biodiversity.
បុគŽលិកស¹•(័ចិត?ៈ MRDC
-ើបl(˜™ើKរþ(ើសºAសបុគŽលិកស¹័•(ចិត?Eនចំនួន ៨^ក់ «ើម(¨ីជួយýើលប|¸(ល័យL&[(ងMN(B(ង់
និង§N($រ% ជួយ˜™ើÁ(នKរºៀបចំKរhំងពិពណ៌1 និងKរបÚÛ(ំងកុន។ƒ(សិន)ើ•ក\អSកgន1
ចំ|ប់¥រម¹ណ៏ចង់˜™ើGបុគŽលិកស¹័•(ចិត?L MRDC, សូម˜™ើKរទំ^ក់ទំនងមកបុគŽលិក MRDC។
Volunteers: The MRDC just recruited eight volunteers who are helping to cover opening hours, to plan and prepare the exhibitions and movie screenings. If you are interested to join the MRDC volunteers group, please contact the MRDC staff.
At the MRDC, January 2011
MRDCNEWSLETTER February 2011 ©Department of Tourism, Mondulkiri
ពត៌gនទូÅ 1 «ើម(¨ី¬ក់ទងលមôិត1 &[(ង)ើក
ច័ន-u សុp(ៈ ៩_(ឹក- ៥Z&(ច $រ%ៈ ៩_(ឹក - ៤Z&(ច
ឈប់សÖ((កៈ MN(¥ទិត(- និងMN(ឈប់សំÜក ផ?ល់yពmយ±(ួល
ប|¸(ល័យ និងƒ(ព័នFអីុន˜ើ¦(ត,gនបនuប់ សំÜប់ƒ(ជុំ
General Information and contact details Opening Hours Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 4pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Facilities Study places, two public computers with access to the database and internet, one meeting room for meetings, trainings, workshops etc.
)ើកសិKØ(;ZG«ើម។ អុី»(៉ល
Email Address nomad.mrdc@gmail.com
Â(ខ ទូរស័ពu 011 483 430
Phone Number 011 483 430
Street Address Chamka Tae village, Sangkat Spean Meanchey, Sen Monorom City, Mondulkiri Province
ភូមិចំKរl( សmn(ត់;o(នgនជ័យ, p(ុងr(នមsរម(-, =(ត?មណ6លគិរA