3rd MRDC Newsletter

Page 1

August 2011, Issue Nr. 3


New resources at the MRDC: Books, reports, DVDs etc.


New Resources Received at MRDC By Oen Chang, translation Bunthy Chey

ថ2ីៗ5)ះ មជ)9មណ;លធន#នឯក&រ<)ត>?

មណ;លគិរB +ើបC)ទទួល0នDVDវBE)អូH)កម2វIធីសមធម៌? L)Mំស0O)ហ៍មួយចំនួន ()លសហTរផលិត?

VយអងXTរUNDP និងទូរទស)Yន៍Zតិកម[\ZTVK ()ល]ននិ^យ_ក់ទងaនឹង<)ត>មណ;លគិរB

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•)នŽ))ន•រក)Yអnកz និងឧបករណ៍•)ˆងជនជនពូនង ឯក&រ„))វ…))វL)វត>ិភnំ និងជនZតិEើមeគតិច


(‘))ល) Tររស់m L)t)ណី

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និងš)ីនiៀវ™_ំង៤L)•)ទ›ងœើyើងវIញចំនួន? ៤០ក)Ÿល និង យអត¡បទឯក&រ()លស>ីពី

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និងឯក&រមួយចំនួន()ល_ក់ទងaនឹងវIស័យកសិកម2 និងTរជីករុករក±²) មកមណ;លធន#ន³ើងខµ\ំ()រ។ មជ)9មណ;លធន#នឯក&រ នូវC)¶O)តaTរ? L)មូលប·¡)មនូវធន#នឯក&រ˜˜

MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 3, August 2011

()ល_ក់ទងនឹង<)ត>មណ;លគិរB និងជនZតិEើម? eគតិច ºើយមណ;លក៏សូម&®)គមន៍ចំÊះ???????

អងXTរ/&Ë)នប័ន និង&#រណៈជន()ន]នបំណង? ចង់L)គល់ឯក&រមកមណ;លធន#ន Eើម)hីរក)‹ទុក

និងផ)Yពwផ)‹យxយម§ជនទូa•w)ងយល់ពីឯក&រ _ំងÌះ។

MRDC just received a number of DVDs of the Equity Weekly Show produced by UNDP and TVK. Some of those DVDs talk about Mondul Kiri and indigenous people, and generally talk about society, politics, culture and the economic situation in Cambodia. At the same time, the Mondul Kiri Department of Culture and Fine Arts provided some resources related to Khmer traditional arts, improving the livelihoods of Bamboo Handicraft producers, and four other research documents about the

history of Youk Sros Plom (Doh Kramom mountain), Bunong’s traditions and musical instruments and the history on Tamoun people, history of the Kraul people and mountain and the tradition of Bunong and Ra Oung people. Meanwhile, the MRDC has collaborated with the department to design the book covers of those four research documents and has printed 40 new books and retyped another document titled “The summary of the history of a French grave at Gati village, Sre Preah commune, Keo Seima district and Mondul Kiri province” for the department. Oxfam Australia and Support Child and Young People NGOs also offered some documents and DVDs discussing about agriculture and mining. The MRDC still needs to collect more resources related to Mondul Kiri province and indigenous people and we highly welcome your donation to our center.

Bunong handicrafts at the MRDC

Tរzំងប¸d)ញស]{)រៈ |)ើ})ស់របស់បងប¹”នជនZតិពូនង

Bunong’s Handicraft Products are now displayed at the MRDC By Vanny Chhay, translation Bunthy Chey


]នTរzំងប¸d)ញផលិតផល|)ើ})ស់របស់បងប¹”នជន ZតិEើមeគតិច ºើយផលិតផល?

_ំងអស់5)ះសុទkC)q)»វ0នប¢¼ើតyើងVយ&½)•)របស់ ជនZតិeគតិចm<)ត>មណ;លគីរB?¾¿)ល់។


Eើម)hីឲ)Ãសិស)‹នុសិស)Y និង&រ#រណៈជន_ំងអស់? 0ន&¨)ល់ពីរបស់របរសÄ))ប់|)ើ})ស់


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MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 3, August 2011

The MRDC has collected some of the Bunong’s handicraft products and they are now displayed at the center. Bunong in Mondul Kiri produce these materials themselves. This show is conducted in order to promote the Bunong’s

daily material usages and specific tools for their traditional harvest as well as to preserve their cultures and traditions for the next generation.

On the left a traditional Bunong instrument, made out of a gourd, bamboo and strings. On the right a closeup picture from a Bunong basket.

!រប$%&ំង)&*&+ពយន/ឯក2រ Movie Theatre Organized by MRDC By Vanny Chhay, translation Bunthy Chey



C)ងC)]នÍៀបចំÎក់បcÏ)ំងu)Y) eពយន>?

ឯក&រ()ល_ក់ទងaនឹងបcd)˜˜mកn\ង? <)ត>មណ;លគិរB និងជនZតិEើមeគតិច?

mកn\ងL)+)សកម[\Z_ំងមូល។ TរÎក់បcÏ)ំង5)ះ

q)»វ0នvwើyើងm Íៀង¦ល់ÐÑ)š)ហស)hត>Ò ស0O)ស៏ទី១ H)u)នីមួយៗ ºើយ C)ងC)q)»វ0នÎក់បcÏ)ំង? mTរI^ល័យរបស់មណ;លធន#ន¾¿)ល់

ក៏ដូចZmបÔÕ)ភូមិÎច់†)^ល˜˜mកn\ង? <)ត>មណ;លគិរB។ រហូតមកដល់Ö)ល5)ះ?

មណ;លធន#ន0នÎក់ បcÏ)ំងកុនឯក&រ? _ំង5)ះ0នចំនួន ៨œើករួចមកºើយ? mTរI^ល័យរបស់ខˆÇន និង ៤

œើក‚)Y)ង+ៀតmzមមូលÎØ)នភូមិ/ឃុំ។ MRDC ក៏ផ>ល់TរសហTរ^¬)ងជិតសnិទÙZមួយអងXTរ/

The opening event for the first exhibition about Bunong storytelling. On the left, Mrs. Ngam Krak from Sre Amboum, tells her version of the O‘Ply story, while Oen is translating from Bunong to Khmer. On the right: Participants are listening carefully to the story.


&Ë)ប័ន˜˜ ()ល]នបំណងចង់Îក់បcÏ)ំង? u)Y)eពយន>ឯក&ររបស់ខˆÇនmទី5)ះ។

TរបcÏ)ំងកុនឯក&រ Zពិi)សគឺកុន()ល_ក់ទង? នឹងជនZតEើមeគតិច5)ះ គឺÍៀបចំyើង?

Eើម)hីចូលរួមœើកសp”យវប)hធម៌ ទំ5ៀមទ]Œ)ប់ L)t)ណី របស់បងប¹”នជនZតិEើមeគតិច


To preserve and promote the indigenous believes, cultures and traditions, MRDC always organize the documentary film show related to Mondul Kiri province especially movies about indigenous people all across Cambodia. Each screening at its office is on every first Thursday of the month and the other screenings are arranged at the rural areas of the province. Up to date, MRDC have conducted 8 times of documentary film shows at its office and 4 shows at the local communities. The MRDC welcomes any collaboration with stakeholders inside and outside the province who want to screen a movie at the centre.

MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 3, August 2011

!រ3ំងពិពណ៌7ើកទី២ <<<<<<<<<< = MRDC៖

?@រពីA& Food from the Forest: 2nd Exhibition at MRDC By Bunthy Chey


អងXTរ (WWF) និងអងXTរភូមិខµ\ំ (MVI) L)Mំ<)ត>មណ;លគិរB

មណ;លធន#នឯក&រ<)ត>មណ;លគិរB (MRDC) និង]នÍៀបចំTរzំងពិពណ៌œើកទី២

របស់ខˆÇន()លស>ីពី•§រ()លL)មូល0នពីÜ) mកn\ងÖ)លដ៏ខˆី›ងមុខ5)ះ។



ម)ݬ)ងវIញ+ៀត ZឱTសកn\ងTរចូលរួមœើកកម[ស់ និងអភិរក)Yធន#ន•§រÜ))

និងZពិi)ស•§ររបស់ជនZតិEើមeគតិចm? កn\ង<)ត>មណ;លគិរB។ MRDC

នឹងជូនដំណឹងលម¹ិតអំពីទីzំង Ö)លß)àZក់àក់ H)Tរzំងពិពណ៌œើកទី២5)ះzម‘))យ។

មណ;លធន#នឯក&រ<)ត>មណ;លគិរB MRDC

0នÍៀបចំTរzំងពិពណ៌ œើកទី១

របស់ខˆÇនTលពីÐÑ)ទី៣ u)មិថុ˜ â½)ំ២០១១ ()ល]នTរចូលរួមពីã½)ក់ ដឹក˜ំកn\ង<)ត>

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ពីe&ពូនង ក៏ដូចZ L)វត>ិH)ទីក·ˆ)ង˜˜? mកn\ង<)ត>មណ;លគិរB។

Tរនិយ_នÍឿងគឺq)»វ0នvwើyើងZe& ពូនង

Vយ]នTរចូលរួមនិ_នពីæក^យ ¸¬)ម ç))ក Mស់š)ឹ_è)Mរ)ÃជនZតិ ពnង?

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MRDC staff Oen and volunteers collect plant samples in the forest near Pu Haim village, Oreang distirct.

MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 3, August 2011

Ze&u2)រVយបុគXលិករបស់គì))ងMRDC។ Vយí)កអត¡បទH)L)វត>ិÍឿង របស់អូរ0Œ)យ

()ល0នî)កជូនអnកចូលរួមកn\ងពិធី5)ះ គឺZe&u2)រ និងបកë))Ze&អង់Ȉ)ស។

With the close collaboration of WWF and MVI Mondul Kiri, the MRDC will have its 2nd exhibition “Food from the Forest”, with an attractive and amazing display, coming up soon. It is a part to contribute to promote and conserve the food from the forest resources and indigenous diet. The MRDC will inform you about the definite date of this exhibition.

As well as to promote the Bunong language and the history of places in the province, the MRDC conducted its 1st exhibition on Jun 03, 2011 with guests from the provincial hall, line-departments, partner NGOs and students. That exhibition is about the O Ply River Story Telling, located in the territory of Pichreada district and which is a sacred and taboo place for indigenous people. The story was told in Bunong language by Mrs. Ngam Krak, a habitant around the O Ply river, and translated to Khmer by a staff of the MRDC project. Beside of that, we distributed copies of the Khmer-English story to the guests who participated in this opening event. The posters are still displayed at the MRDC. And we are planning to collect and exhibit more stories in the coming months.

On the top: Collecting mushroom samples and interviewing villagers about their food from the forest. On the left: Bunthy gives instructions about carrying out interviews and how to lable, dry and store the plant samples.


MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 3, August 2011

©Department of Tourism, Mondulkiri

ពត៌]នទូa ? Eើម)hី_ក់ទងលម¹ិត? ï¬)ងðើក

ច័ន-p សុŠ)ៈ ៩š)ឹក- ៥àñ)ច òរóៈ ៩š)ឹក - ៤àñ)ច

ឈប់សÄ))កៈ ÐÑ)•ទិត)Ã និងÐÑ)ឈប់សំ¦ក ផ>ល់eព¸យ†)ួល



បÔ—)ល័យ និងL)ព័នÙអីុនvើö)ត,]នបនpប់ សំ¦ប់L)ជុំ

General Information and contact details Opening Hours Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 4pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Facilities Study places, two public computers with access to the database and internet, one meeting room for meetings, trainings, workshops etc.

ðើកសិT÷)&àZEើម។ អុីø)៉ល

Email Address nomad.mrdc@gmail.com

œ)ខ ទូរស័ពp 011 483 430

Phone Number 011 483 430


Street Address Chamka Tae village, Sangkat Spean Meanchey, Sen Monorom City, Mondulkiri Province


ភូមិចំTរC) ស¸ù)ត់&ú)ន]នជ័យ, Š)ុង•)នមÌរម)Ã, <)ត>មណ;លគិរB


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