Mlongtout stone2 poster

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KOV POUMLONG TOUT The story of the Kov Poumlong Tout Stone

ខ–Dំ*ទKL&ះ ¶&&ន ·ម ¸យុ ៨១·J&ំ

,ជន,តិពCង។ ខ–Dំ*ទ»ើតBភូមិ ពូ¼&ង ឃុំ™ក់™ំ ®&ុកអូរ¾ំង ¿&តoមណÁលគិរÂ

‡ើយ¸ស័យ™Äនបច’Dប&gរបស់ខ–DំគឺBភូមិ ពូ¼&ង ឃុំ™ក់™ំ ®&ុកអូរ¾ំង ¿&តoមណÁលគិរÂ។

សពsST&ខ–Dំ*ទ*នរស់ទី1&ះអស់រយៈ_&ល ៨១·J&ំ‡ើយ ។

ខ–Dំ*នដឹងពី„&វតoិរបស់HកIថ01&ះIមÆ រយៈI និងŸយរបស់ខ–Dំ ‡ើយខ–Dំក៏

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ប(•&ប់មកHកI*ន•sើឧបកិច’3 ““ើថ0ពិត,Gនe&លឹង‰&ន ខ–Dំនឹងយកថ01&ះ•sើ,រ(ំង!រ—រផyះ”។ ˆ&&យពីគិតដូ}C&ះ‡ើយ Hកក៏ស˜&&ចយកថ0VះW™ក់ជិតផyះ‡ើយHកI

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ះបី,Gនសw&¡វមកIម¢J&នីសHកŸ£&ង¤ក៏¥យ ក៏ខ–Dំ,អCក!រ—រHកI,និច’Vះ

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និងកូន§¨ំងអស់¬ឿ3ថ01&ះពិត,Gនe&លឹងM&រ។ ‡ើយHកI និងអCកភូមិ¨ំងអស់*ន•sើពិធីបន់®&ន់3 “សូមឲ&œថ0ជួយ¯&រក&°±&²•រHក និងអCកភូមិ¨ំងអស់ឲ&œGន³&ចកoីសុខតកូនត§ផង”។ ប(•&ប់ពីបន់®&ន់ Hក*ន!ប់Z&បីមួយក&´ល និងGន•&&ផងM&រlើម&gី•sើពិធី{&នជូនដល់ថ0Vះ។ Qប់Iំងពី_&លVះមកថ0Vះw&¡វ*នអCកភូមិ†រពបូ,±&ប់ៗ©J& ‡ើយ.ថ0Vះ3ថ0កូវពូម8ង់ទូតរហូតដល់សពsST&1&ះ។

My name is Chran Chham, I am Bunong and 81 years old. I was born in Pou Treng village, Dak Dam commune, O’Raing district, Mondulkiri province and my recent address is in Pou Treng village, Dak Dam commune, O’Raing district, Mondulkiri province. I have been living here for 81 years. I know the story of this stone from my grandparents and I usually tell it to young people as well. The story is as following: Once upon a time, this stone was called Kov Poumlong Tout stone because of grandfather Kov Poumlong Tout who was an elder in the village. One day, the grandfather went to graze his buffalos on a mountain. While he was looking after the buffalos, he heard dogs barking close to the village. Right away, he went to that place and saw nothing but a stone. As he didn’t see anything he went back home. The day after he went to graze his buffalos again and he saw the dogs barking at that stone again but he was thinking that the dogs were barking at cattle or buffalos. Moments later he went to see the place again where the dogs were barking at and once more it was very weird because he saw only the same stone. He started to be suspicious about that stone and asked himself: “Why would the dogs bark this stone? Or might it be a secret stone from the spirits” After he started praying to the stone: “If this stone really has a spirit inside, I will take it home and put it in front of my house to protect it.” Later he took the stone home, walked his buffalos into their stable and went to sleep in the house. While he was sleeping, he dreamed about the stone and the stone was talking to him: “You! Grandfather Kov Poumlong Tout, you want to use me as your home protection stone and even to protect you from spiritual or physical enemies. I will approve your suggestion if you agree to kill one buffalo for me.” Getting up in the morning, grandfather gathered all of his relatives and villagers together and announced that this stone has actually a spirit inside. All people believed what he told them and they all together organized a ceremony and prayed to the stone that it should please take care of grandfather’s family and of all the villagers. After praying, the grandfather killed one buffalo and provided jar wine for the ceremony. Since that time until now, this stone is highly respected and called Kov Poumlong Tout stone.

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