March 2012, Issue Nr. 5
The MRDC volunteers and Oen.
MRDC 2.0 By Bunthy Chey
មកដល់បច()ប*+ន-.*ះ MRDC 0*1វ3នស56*ធ8ើកឲ*;<*ើ=*ស់>ផ@AវBរ3នរយៈF*ល១HI*ំ>ងLMើយ
ប៉ុPQ*អSីU*ល>បVW*Xះ គឺមិន\នមនុស*]^*ើន_ក់`a*ល់ MRDC bcើយd*។ ដូចអ-ក3នដឹងh**ចរួចមកMើយj កន@ងមកk*សិន8ើអ-កចង់ទទួល3នពត៌\ន__ពី MRDC អ-កpំ3ច់0*1វq*`a*ល់r*ហទំព័ររបស់កP@*ង.*ះ ឬក៏pំ3ច់0*1វq*wSើដំxើរមកBន់Bរyzល័យរបស់ MRDC {|*ល់q*មQង។
}>ក~•*មួយU*ល_ំឲ*;អ-ក€ត•ំងF*ល‚*ƒ ថវyB និងjមពលផងU*រ។ ចំ…*កឯពត៌\ន__U*ល\នbMRDC ក៏មិន0*1វ3នផ*]ពSផ*‡យ3នHប់រហ័ស និងទូលំទូƒយU*រ~មរយៈមw*ˆ3យ.*ះ។
‰យŠើល‹ើញbBរលំ3ក.*ះ bក-)ងកំឡ)ងŽ*កុម•ៈ HI*ំ២០១២ បុគ’លិក និងអ-កស“័”*ចិតQរបស់ MRDC
3នទទួលវគ’បណ–—ះប˜™*លមួយសQីពីBរបš›ើតកម“វyធីœ•*ប់ទំ_ក់ទំនងសង’ម~មប˜™*ញអីុនwើ…*ត (Social Media and Web 2.0 Applications) žើម*+ីចូលរួមចំ…*កក-)ងBរផ*]ពSផ*‡យពត៌\ន__ U*ល\នbMRDC LBន់`Ÿរណៈជន•ំងក-)ង និង¡**k*d*ស ឲ*;3នBន់q*ទូលំទូƒយ និងHប់រហ័ស។
វគ’.*ះ0*1វ3នប¢W*ត់ប¢W*ញ‰យ£ក David Fullana Martínez U*ល>និស*]ិតjI*ក់អនុបណ¤ិត¥-*ក ”*ប់”*ងវប*+ធម៌ (Cultural Management) មកពីk*d*ស¦*ស*§ញ Mើយ£កបច()ប*+ន-កំពុងប¨*ើBរ¢រស“័”*ចិតQb AECID។ ©**យF*ល3នចូលរួមbក-)ងវគ’បណ–—ះប˜™*ល.*ះ ក៏ដូច>©**យពីទទួល3នBរសហBរពី£ក David ªើង3នបš›ើតr*ហទំព័រ__ស«**ប់¬*ករ-®*កធនŸនឯក`រ__ U*ល\នbMRDC
និងស«**ប់œ•*ប់ទំ_ក់ទំនងរ}ង MRDC LBន់មនុស*]ដ¯*ៗ>^*ើន_ក់ និង`±*ប័នដ¯*ៗdៀត>^*ើនកP@*ង។ មិនq* ប៉ុ³´*ះពត៌\ន និងឯក`រ__U*ល>សមិទµិផល MRDC ស¨**ច3ន 0*1វ3នប¶W*ះbក-)ង Web Applications •ំងXះ។
MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 5, March 2012
• ឯក`រ>វ·ž*អូ និងសŠ@*ងមួយចំនួន0*1វ3នប¶W*ះbក-)ង Youtube website (mondulkiriMRDC)
• ចំ¸ៀង>œ`ព-ង និងŽ“*រU*លនិពនµ និង¸ៀប¸ៀង‰យអង’Bរ Nomad 0*1វ3នប¶W*ះbក-)ង Soundcloud
website ( និង sets/ songs-about-health-in-bunong) • រូបថត__U*ល•ក់ទង វប*+ធម៌ k*¹*ណី º»របP@* របស់ជន>តិžើម œគតិច d*សœពក-)ង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·
0*1វ3នប¶W*ះbក-)ង Flickr website ( ) • ½*ឹតQិប័0*”*ប់¾*ខU*ល¸ៀប¸ៀង‰យ MRDC និង{|*ំងរូបœពសQីពីº»រពី À**
និង¸ឿងនិ•នœ`ព-ង0*1វ3នប¶W*ះbក-)ង Issuu website (។
• ម*ˆÂ*ងវyញdៀតMRDC ក៏\នBlog ( និង ºស័យÃÄ*ន Facebook
( {|*ល់ខ@ÅនផងងU*រ។ ~ម រយៈ Web Applications •ំងអស់.*ះºច_ំឲ*;ពត៌\នU*ល\នb MRDC
~មរយៈBរ<*ើ=*ស់ប˜™*ញសង’មយក*] Facebook។ សូមបV•*ក់jbក-)ង Blog របស់ MRDC អ-កºចŠើល‹ើញរូបœពជន>តិžើមœគតិចព-ង d*សœព__bក-)ង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· ក៏ដូច>ºចកំ`នQ>មួយM’*មចងpំមួយចំនួនផងU*រ។
>ចុងបÆ(ប់~មរយៈវគ’បណ–—ះប˜™*ល.*ះ MRDC 0*1វ3នបš›ើតbក-)ងr*ហទំព័រ
ដ៏F*ញនិយម>^*ើនស«**ប់អ-ក<*ើ=*ស់ដូច> Issuu, Flickr, Youtube, Soundcloud, Facbook, Blog >žើម Mើយªើង3នស¨**ចÃក់ÇÈ*ះ>រួមមួយj MRDC 2.0។
r*ហទំព័រ•ំងប៉ុ_È*នដូច3ន¸ៀបÉប់.*ះ0*1វ3នœ•*ប់LBន់r*ហទំព័រធំរបស់ MRDC (។ ~ំង_មឲ*;គÊ**ងMRDC •ំងមូល _ងខË)ំសូមÌ@*ងអំណរគុណzÂ*ងÍ**លÎ**ចំÏះ£ក David U*ល3នwSើBរសហBរ>មួយªើង និង3នចំ˜យF*ល‚*ƒដ៏\នតÐ@* និងម\ញឹក žើម*+ីមក¬*ករ-®*កចំx*ះដឹងវគ’.*ះដល់ªើង•ំងអស់ÑI*b MRDC។
Up to date, the MRDC is officially open for over one year but so far only a few researchers and institutions know and use this place as their operational site and our aim is to increase this number. Because until now, the MRDC’s resources and information could only be accessed by directly visiting the centre and only a few information is available on its website. Therefore, potential users of the MRDC, especially people from outside the province and outside of Cambodia, did not yet have the possibility to find out about our activities, and its resources could not be shared quickly and effectively. To solve this problem, staffs and volunteers working at the MRDC received a training on Social Media and Web 2.0 Applications which was presented by Mr. David Fullana Martínez, a Spanish master degree student in the field of Cultural Management and currently an intern at AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation) in Phnom Penh. This training helps the MRDC to disseminate its work quickly to the people all around the world. After this training, which was greatly facilitated by Mr. David, the MRDC has signed up its accounts to many websites in order to share information and knowledge to people and institutions; many resources at MRDC have been uploaded to those websites.
• • • • •
Video and sound files are uploaded at Youtube website (mondulkiriMRDC) Bunong and Khmer songs which are written and produced by Nomad are uploaded at Soundcloud website (http:// and Pictures regarding culture and tradition of Bunong and landscape of Mondulkiri province are uploaded at Flickr website ( ) Every MRDC newsletter, the posters of food from the forest and story telling produced by MRDC are uploaded at Issuu website ( ). Moreover, the MRDC has now its own Blog and Facebook ( ) and ( ). Through Facebook, we can easily allocate our resources and documents from these web applications. We would like to inform that in Blog of MRDC you will we photos of Bunong people and sceneries of Mondulkiri as well as enjoy with some memory games there.
To sum up, at the end of this training, the MRDC has created accounts in many different popular websites (Youtube, Soundcloud, Flickr, Issuu, Blog and Facebook) and finally we adopted a name MRDC 2.0 for this achievement; theses web applications of the MRDC are linked to our main website ( On behalf of the MRDC project, I would like to acknowledge and thank Mr. David who kindly offered his support and brought his experience and comprehension to us.
MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 5, March 2012
David explains to the MRDC staff and volunteers about Social Media and its advantage for the centre.
បុគ$លិកស)័+,ចិត/0 MRDC
Volunteers at MRDC By Bunthy Chey
MRDC dើបq*wSើBរÒ*ើស¸·សបុគ’លិកÓ
ស“័”*ចិតQថ“ីdៀត ប_|*ប់ពីបុគ’លិកស“័”*ចិតQមួយចំនួន
3នƒឈប់žើម*+ីLបនQBរសិក*‡យកជំ_ញឯកd*ស __bភ-ំF*ញ និង¼*តQដ¯*ៗdៀត។
បុគ’លិកស“័”*ចិតQbMRDC _F*លបច()ប*+ន-\នចំនួន ០៧_ក់ U*លœគ^*ើន×*ពួកr*>ជន>តិព-ង។
ពួកr*គឺ>សិស*]U*លកំពុង¸ៀនbjI*ក់វyទ*ˆល័យ MើយØ*ប F*ល>មួយÑI*Xះ
ពួកr*\នBរpប់ºរម“ណ៍LនឹងអSីU*ល MRDC
កំពុងq*wSើ Mើយ}ក~•*U*លÚ—*ំងឲ*;ពួកr*មកស“័”*ចិតQÓ ប¨*ើBរ¢រbMRDC។ បុគ’លិកស“័”*ចិតM Q RDC កំពុងq*žើរតួzÂ*ងសំ€ន់ក-)ងBរជួយ¸·កBយ
¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· U*លÜÝើរq*3ត់បង់អស់មួយœគធំÓ LMើយXះ។ ខ@Åនr*{|*ល់>អ-កÞS*ងយល់
ពួកr*ក៏\នឱBស>^*ើនdៀងក-)ងBរÞS*ងយល់បPà*ម អំពីអតàk*áជន៍របស់កុំព*;Aទ័រ
ក៏ដូច>ចូលរួមក-)ងវគ’បណ–—ះប˜™*លបš›ើនសមតàœពÓ __ U*ល¸ៀបចំcើង‰យMRDC។
The MRDC just recruited some new volunteers who replaced the previous ones who resigned. Recently, we have 7 volunteers; most of them are Bunong and they are students at the high school. At same time as studying, they are interested in the MRDC’s activities and applied to work as volunteer her. They are important key persons in recording and promoting the cultural heritage of Bunong, which is gradually disappearing. They work themselves to preserve their culture and distribute this awareness to the other people. Even more, they have the opportunity to learn about computer skills and participate in capacity building training organized by the MRDC.
និង¬*ករ-®*ក}ឲ*;3នBន់q*ទូលំទូƒយLBន់អ-កដ¯* ។ មិន0*ឹមq*ប៉ុ³´*ះd*
A Bunong wedding in Poulung.
MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 5, March 2012
កិច1សហ3រ5មួយ SCY 9ើម,;ីថត>?រហ៍ពិ?រហ៍ជន5តិពDង Collaboration with SCY and DoCFA for Filming Bunong Wedding By Bunthy Chey
MRDC 3ននឹងកំពុង\នទំ_ក់ទងzÂ*ងជិតស-ិទµ>មួយអង’BរÑំâ*កុ\រ និងយុវជន (SCY)
ក-)ងBរជួយ¬*ករ-®*ក និងផ*]ពSផ*‡យពត៌\នឲ*;ÑI*Lវyញមក។ F*លកន@ងL.*ះ MRDC 3នផQល់>ទីកP@*ងឲ*; SCY ¸ៀបចំBរk*ជុំ និងបVã*ំងបទ យកBរណ៍របស់ខ@ÅនU*លបង›ប់L‰យអតàន័យអប់រ- U*ល`I*ä*របស់យុវវ័យ
Ž“*រ>អ-កផលិត}cើង។ Ø*បF*ល>មួយÑI*XះMRDCក៏3នទទួលនូវ DVD បទយកBរណ៍មួយចំនួនពី SCY ផងU*រ។ Mើយម*ˆÂ*ងវyញdៀតក-)ងF*លថ“ីៗ.*ះU*រ MRDC ក៏dើបq*នឹងចុះ
កុងå**ជួយÃក់បVã*ំងŽ*]*œពយនQអប់រ-U*លផលិ‰យ SCY ‰យឥតគិតç@*។ >មួយÑI*.*ះU*រ MRDC >មួយ SCY រួម•ំងមនÝីរវប*+ធម៌ និង វyចិ0*សិល*+ៈ¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· ក៏នឹងកំពុងq*wSើBរសហBរÑI*žើម*+ីផQិតយករូបœព ក៏ដូច >ផលិតនូវបទយកBរណ៍មួយ សQីពីº»រហ៍ពិèរហ៍របស់ជន>តិព-ង ¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·។ ªើងសង*éឹមjដំxើរBរ×*Bរផលិត.*ះ នឹងºចk*½*ឹតQL‰យរលូន ê**ះ}¥-*កដ៏ សំ€ន់មួយក-)ងBរចូលរួមអភិរក*]ពិធី¸ៀបºèរហ៍ពិèរហ៍~មk*¹*ណីព-ង។
The MRDC is now having a fruitful partnership with Support Children and Young People (SCY) in order to exchange and share its knowledge and resources. The MRDC has provided meeting space to SYC for conducting their meeting and screening their show talk and it is just given 8 video DVDs by SCY. Those programs are connected to various concerns of youth and produced by Khmer youth. In addition, we are in contact with SCY and Department of Cultural and Fine Arts (DoCFA) for a new research project about Bunong wedding. We hope that the objective of this research, the filming of a Bunong wedding, will work well and smoothly because it is another part to contribute to preserve the traditional heritage of the Bunong.
On the left: Bunong ceremony before the cultural event in November 2011. On the right: A Japanese professor is consulting with MRDC staff.
វឌ,HនIព0មជ,JមណLលធនNនឯកPរQ,ត/មណLលគិរR (MRDC) Progress at the MRDC By Oen Chang, translation Bunthy Chey
ពីមួយçë* Lមួយçë* b
នឹង`±*នœព__ ក-)ង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·
MRDC\នឯក`រBន់q*^*ើនcើងU*ល•ក់ទងL ក៏ដូច>ជន>តិžើមœគតិចbk*d*សŽ“*រ។
Ø*បF*ល>មួយÑI* ªើងក៏\នk*មូលចងì*ង
k*d*សកមÛ)> ក៏ដូច>តុƒBរŽ“*រì*ហម សុខœពទូL និងសុខœពបនQពូជផងU*រ។
ពីប˜™*ì*ុមហ៊ុន`រពត៌\ន__ ដូច> កមÛ)>ថ“ី ដឹ¼*មបូîž*លី ភ-ំF*ញបុសQï មនសិBរŽ“*រ
Bរyzល័យ MRDC។
និងមួយœគdៀត>œ`ព-ង អង់r@*ស និង3Éំង។
រ·ឯðËñវ>តិ/អនQរ>តិ >ពិÜ*សសិស*‡នុសិស*]3នមកÓ ចូលºនÜៀវò wSើBរó**វÍ**វ និង<*ើ=*ស់Ó
អីុនwើ…*តBន់q*^*ើនcើងៗគួរឲ*;កត់ស\a*ល់bទី.*ះ ។ ចំណôចមួយõ*]*ងdៀត គឺªើង3នពö*ីកទំ_ក់ទំនងÓ LBន់`±*ប័ន__3នBន់q*^*ើន
និងBន់q*ជិតស-ិទµ។ >ºថទï MRDC 3ន
MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 5, March 2012
ជប៉ុន\I*ក់•ក់ទងLនឹងអSីU*លខ@Åនកំពុងq*žើរតួរក-)ងBរ និង`±*នœពបច-)ប*+ន-របស់ជន>តិព-ងbក-)ងÓ
¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·។ ªើងក៏3នសហBរ>មួយ CAMBODIA NTFP WORKING GROUP (CNWG) ផងU*រ
ក-)ងBរសរÜ*រ>អតàបទមួយU*លឆ@)ះបVã*ំងអំពី អតàk*áជន៍របស់ធនŸនធម“>តិ
ស«**ប់ប¨*ើដល់ផលk*áជន៍k*>ជនក-)ងÓ ¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· >ពិÜ*សជន>តិព-ង។
សូមកុំ`|*ក់ÜÝើរក-)ងBរ•ក់ទងមក MRDC។
ªើងក៏bq*បនQÞS*ងរក ឯក`រèក់ព័នµ__
និងÞ*Sងរកកិច(សហBរ>មួយä*គូរអភិវឌ*!ន៍បPà*មdៀត žើម*+ី k*មូលចងì*ងឯក`រ•ក់ទងនឹង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· និងជន>តិžើមœគតិចឲ*;3នBន់q*^*ើន
និងwSើBរអភិរក*] និងផ*]ពSផ*‡យ}ឲ*;3នBន់តÓ ែទូលំទូƒយបPà*មdៀត។
Progressively, more resources related to indigenous people and different aspects of Mondulkiri province are collected and displayed at the MRDC. At the same, there are new resources available at our library related to other topics Khmer Rouge regime, Khmer Rouge tribunal, general health and reproductive health. As well, we purchase each week from different companies: Rasmei Kampuchea, The Cambodia Daily, Phnom Penh Post and Moneaksekar Khmer. You are welcome to come and enjoy these new readings here at the centre. The main part of our resources here are in Khmer language, the other part is in Bunong, English and French. Not only the resources are increasing here but also the amount of national and international researchers who are visiting the MRDC. Especially numbers of students who are coming to do research, read books and use internet here, are growing. On
the other side, we have developed close relationship with other stakeholders in- and outside the province. For example, we just wrote an article about the advantage of food from the forest for Bunong people and published it in the 8th newsletter of CAMBODIA NTFP WORKING GROUP (CNWG) and we gave an interview to a Japanese professor about the MRDC project and the Bunong condition right now in Mondulkiri province. We still provide space to whoever wants to organize meeting, seminars, exhibitions and trainings. So please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need the place. And we also continue to collect more resources and to collaborate with more active partners with the purpose of preserve and publicize the cultural heritage of indigenous people and Moudulkiri province.
និងTឿងនិVនថ)ីៗ0 MRDC Bunong Cultural Exhibitions and New Bunong Stories By Oen Chang, translation Bunthy Chey
MRDC 3ន¸ៀបចំBរ~ំងពិព័រណ៍របស់Ó
ខ@Åន3នចំនួន ០២¾ើករួចមកMើយ។ ¾ើកទី១
សQីពីBរនិ•ន¸ឿង•ក់ទងLនឹងk*វតQិរបស់ទីកP@*ង __bក-)ង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·។
និងស#*បស#*$លបក%**>œ`Ž“*រ‰យបុគ’លិក MRDC។ ចំ…*កឯពិព័រណ៍¾ើកទី២វyញ គឺសQីពីº»របP@*ពីÀ*
¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· >ពិÜ*សគឺបងប&Aនជន>តិព-ងÓ ×*¼*តQ.*ះq*មQង។
U*ល\នបំណង¸ៀបចំBរk*ជុំ សិBý*`ƒ
bBរyzល័យរបស់ MRDC និង¾ើកទី២ bបរy‚*ណមនÝីរវប*+ធម៌¼*តQ។
•ក់ទងLនឹង¸ឿងនិ•នœ`ព-ងវyញ ពួកªើងគឺdើបq*3នចុះស\6*សន៍
និងថតយកសŠ@*ង¸ឿងនិ•នថ“ីបPà*ម3នចំនួន ០៦¸ឿងdៀត U*លសQីពីk*វតQិទីកP@*ង__
bក-)ង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·។ ¸ឿង•ំងXះរួម\ន៖ áគ)Â*, áគÉ**ឡំទូទីល áគ˜ំ¾ៀ
អូវ+៉*‚·នk*ះ ថ“កូវពូម@ង់ទូត និងភ-ំpÉ**ឡABច់។
ទីកP@*ងដូច3ន¸ៀបÉប់•ំង.*ះ>ទីកP@*ងពិត=**កដ \នរហូតដល់សពSçë*។
ªើងនឹង\ន¸ៀបចំBរ~ំងពិព័រណ៍>^*ើនdៀតÓ U*លជួយ¾ើកតŠ›ើង និងអភិរក*]វប*+ធម៌ k*¹*ណីជន>តិžើមœគតិច
>ពិÜ*សគឺជន>តិព-ងbក-)ង¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ· Mើយªើងក៏bq*បនQó*វÍ**វÞS*ងរក
និងwSើបទស\6*សន៍បPà*មdៀត•ក់ទងLនឹងk*វតQិÓ របស់ទីកP@*ង__U*ល\នbក-)ង¼*តQ.*ះ។
MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 5, March 2012
MRDC has organized its two own cultural events, which one is about Bunong story telling, about the history of places in Mondulkiri province and the other is about Food from the Forest. The first one was celebrated at the office of MRDC and the second one was at the Department of Culture and Fine Arts. Regarding the story telling, we just have collected 9 more stories from 6 different places in the province. They are: Yok Yao, Yok Lalomtoutil, Yok Nam Lea, Ouvmevernbras, Kov Pou Mlong Tout Stone and Charalokach mountain. In the future, we will further coordinate cultural events about Bunong people in Mondulkiri province and we plan to record more stories regarding the history of places in Mondulkiri.
Food from the Forest cultural event: A tradiitional Bunong dish was prepared for the guests and the posters displayed in the yard of the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, November 2011.
ឯកPរថ)ីៗX,លផ/ល់[យ មជ,JមណLលឯកPរកម\]5 (DCCam) New Books donated by DC-Cam By Oen Chang, translation Bunthy Chey
MRDC សូមwSើBរÌ@*ងអំណរគុណzÂ*ងÓ
Í**លÎ**ចំÏះ មជ*,មណ¤លឯក`រកមÛ)>
U*ល3នសហBរk*គល់Üៀវòចំនួន១៨ក*§លÓ žើម*+ីតម›ល់ទុក ក៏ដូច>Ãក់ប¢W*ញb MRDC
žើម*+ីឲ*;`Ÿរណៈជនºច\នលទµœពBន់q*^*ើន ក-)ងBរទទួល3នចំx*ះដឹងបPà*មពីរបបk*ល័យពូជ `សន៍Ž“*រì*ហម និងតុƒBរŽ“*រì*ហមU*លÓ 0*1វ3នបš›ើតcើង។
We would like to express our gratitude to DC-Cam who kindly donated 18 books to the MRDC about the Khmer Rouge Regime and Khmer Rouge Tribunal. We are pleased to be able to display these books and make them accessible for the public.
The books, which were donated by the Cambodian Documentation Centre (DC-Cam), are now part of our library.
MRDCNEWSLETTER Nr. 5, March 2012
©Department of Tourism, Mondulkiri
ពត៌^នទូa b 9ើម,;ីVក់ទងលមcិតb 5Â*ង8ើក
ច័ន-Ý សុì*ៈ ៩½*ឹក- ៥ƒ.*ច /រ0ៈ ៩½*ឹក - ៤ƒ.*ច
ឈប់ស«**កៈ çë*ºទិត*; និងçë*ឈប់`Ÿរណ: ផQល់œព¢យØ*ួល
កP@*ងសិក*‡ó**វÍ**វ \នកំព*;Aទ័រ
ប˜´*ល័យ និងk*ព័នµអីុនwើ…*តÓ\នបនÝប់ សំÉប់k*ជុំ
General Information and contact details Opening Hours Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 4pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Facilities Study places, two public computers with access to the database and internet, one meeting room for meetings, trainings, workshops etc.
8ើកសិBý*`ƒ>žើម។ អុី+*៉ល
Email Address
¾*ខ ទូរស័ពÝ 011 483 430
Phone Number 011 483 430
Street Address Chamka Tae village, Sangkat Spean Meanchey, Sen Monorom City, Mondulkiri Province
ភូមិចំBរq* ស¢2*ត់`3*ន\នជ័យ, ì*ុងÞ*នមXរម*;, ¼*តQមណ¤លគិរ·
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