My name is Tout Nhoeunh. I am 80 years old and I am Bunong. My place of birth is village 5, Bou Sra commune, Pichreada district, Mondulkiri province and I am living here since 80 years, since I was born. I know the story of this mountain from my uncle and my grandparents and I usually tell it to young people as well. Let me tell you the story of this mountain: Ralom Toutil Mountain has a big square on top where many small and big trees are growing. Its shape is ខ"#ំ%ទ'()ះ ទូត -.ញ 0យុ៨០ឆ6ំា almost the same like other mountains but it is a 8ជន8តិព6ង ទីក@)AងកំBើតភូមិទីF)ំ bit different because it looks like it has lost one part of its body. You will understand what ឃុំប៊ូJ) K)ុកL)M)N O)តPមណRលគិរV។ happened to this mountain when you listen to my បចY#ប)Zន6ខ"#ំ%ទរស់]ភូមិទីF)ំ ឃុំប៊ូJ) story. This mountain is located at the border of Pichreada and O Raing district. You have to K)ុកL)M)N O)តPមណRលគិរV។ spend at least 1 hour and 30 minutes riding a ខ"#ំរស់ទី^)ះអស់រយៈL)ល៨០ab)ំមកcើយ។ motorbike from the town of Dak Dam if you want to visit that mountain. The story is as follows: ខ"#ំ%នដឹងពីf)វតPិរបស់ភ6ំ^)ះhមរយៈih Once upon a time, this mountain was និងjយរបស់ខ"#ំ cើយខ"#ំក៏lm)ប់%ននិnនi called Ralom Toutil. At that time grandmother and grandfather named Ouvtra and Vatroen lived at oឿង^)ះឲ)rst)ងៗiជំvន់w)យxy)ប់z)រ។ Nam Lyr mountain where they always grazed their cattle and buffalos. One day, there was hardly any grass left on Nam Lyr Mountain for their animal to eat, so they decided to find another place. Finally they reached a mountain that was very pleasant for their animal, and this was Ralom Toutil Mountain. One day, when they went with their ភ6ំ{|)ឡំទូទីល~នទំហំធំ និងសម)Z•រ‚ƒយ„ើម…ើតូចធំj†)ង‡)ើនដុះ]ទីˆះ។ ‰~នរូប{ងផតមួយដុំ animals to Ralom Toutil Mountain, grandfather z)លអ6កនឹង%នដឹងពីមូលc)តុz)លvំឲ)r‰ផត]ក6#ងxច់oឿង Œងw))ម។ ភ6ំ^)ះស•ិត]Ž)ំf)ទល់រ‰ងK)ុកL)M)N Vatroen made a fire to cook rice. While the fire was burning, he saw fat appearing from the soil. និងK)ុកអូរ{ំងO)តPមណRលគិរV។ អ6ក•)•វចំ‘យL)លj†)ង’ច‘ស់១ម៉ និង៣០vទីជិះម៉ូតូពីទីf)ជុំជនNក់Nំ When he saw that, he was wondering, why is „ើម)Zី‚ដល់ភ6ំˆះ។ oឿងនិnន~នដូចត‚៖ —លពី˜)ងvយ%ន8™)šភ6ំ^)ះ› ភ6ំ{|)ឡំទូទីលœ))ះ‰~ន there fat coming out of the land like this? He cut off a part of the soil and saw meat underneath it. f)វតPិរបស់‰› —លˆះ~នjយhពីរvក់'()ះអូវ•))‰|)•)ឹន z)លអ6កnំងពីរi%នž)ញមកពីភ6ំ‘ំŸៀ He ate the meat and realized that it was very cើយ¡)ង¡)vំ¢b)£¤)ល¥ ¦)បី]Ÿើភ6ំˆះ។ ~ន§¨)មួយ]ភ6ំ‘ំŸៀអស់©()ឲ)r¥ ¦)បីសុី tasty. In the evening he returned home as usual. The next day, he persuaded his grandchildren to អ6កnំងពីរក៏%នvំ¢b)„ើររកក@A)ង£¤)ល¥¦)បី]Ÿើភ6ំដª)ៗ«ៀត cើយក៏%ន‚ដល់ភ6ំ{|)ឡំទូទីល។ go with him to the Ralom Toutil Mountain and ពីមួយ§¨)‚មួយ§¨)អ6កnំងពីរ¡)ង¡)‚£¤)ល¥ ¦)បី ]Ÿើភ6ំ{|)ឡំទូទីល។ J))ប់¡)~ន§¨)មួយˆះ they took some small and big bamboo baskets to carry the meat. Everyday, he went to cut meat L)លកំពុង¡)£¤)ល¥ ¦)បី ¬កh‰|)•)ឹន %នប-®)ត់¯Aើង]Ÿើភ6ំˆះ„ើម)ZីNំ%យហូប។ ]L)ល¯Aើង°)ះ from that mountain, brought home some parts J))ប់¡)¬កh±ើញ ~នž)ញŒm)ញ់ពីក6#ងដីមក។ L)លˆះ¬កhឆ¨ល់›i²៉)ច%ន‰ž)ញŒm)ញ់មកអ³Yឹង? and kept it for food. He cut and cut everyday and until one day he got to the lung and liver of the ±ើញដូ´b)ះ¬កក៏xកវះដីˆះ²ើល J))ប់¡)%ន±ើញxច់]ក6#ងˆះ។ ] mountain. At that time there were as well many L)ល±ើញxច់ដូž6)ះ¬កhក៏%នយកxច់ˆះមកហូប cើយxច់ˆះពិត8~ន រស8តិaµ)ញ់¶)ន·)ន។ Cheang and Yang people who came to Ralom Toutil Mountain to cut some meat. Because there បv¸)ប់ពីហូបcើយ±ើញ›aµ)ញ់អ³Yឹង ¹º)ក»ើង¬ក%ន បបួល¼របស់¬ក‚ភ6ំˆះមPង«ៀត ƒយ%នយកសះ/ were too many people cutting its meat, Ralom ½ៀវ‚8មួយ„ើម)ZីNក់xច់ យកមកផ¾ះ។ 8oៀង{ល់Ž)ឹក¬ក¡)ង¡)‚វះxច់]ភ6ំˆះnំងដុំៗយកមកទុក បរ¿Àគ។ Toutil Mountain passed away. The husband of Ralom Toutil Mountain felt very scared when he ~ន§¨)មួយˆះL)លកំពុង¡)វះយកxច់]ទីˆះ ¬ក%នវះដល់សួត និង ÁAើមរបស់‰។ saw that and he immediately ran away from that cើយក6#ងL)លˆះក៏~នមនុស)Â8ជន8តិជ)Ãំង និងជន8តិj†)ង8‡)ើនvក់%នមកវះយក xច់ទីˆះz)រ។ place. As a result, one part of that mountain became hollow; it seems like one part of it fell ƒយxរ¡)~នមនុស)Âមកវះយកxច់‡)ើន និងវះរហូតដល់សួត និង ÁAើមដូច^)ះ down. Because people took one part of it and the ទីបំផុតភ6ំz)ល•)•វ™)វះយកxច់ˆះក៏%នxm)ប់‚។ ±ើញដូច^)ះភ6ំមួយ other part was her husband who ran away, the mountain has now this very particular shape. «ៀតz)ល•)•វ8បPីរបស់ភ6ំ{|)ឡំទូទីលz)ល%នxm)ប់‚ˆះ %នរត់‚%ត់ƒយភ័យŒm)ច Hence, the mountain was called Ralom Toutil ™)វះយកxច់អស់រហូតដល់xm)ប់ដូចf)ពនÅខAÆន។ Çប់hំងL)លˆះមក អ6ក0ច²ើល ±ើញរូប{ងរបស់ភ6ំˆះផត Mountain in Bunong language, which means ឬក³ÉតមួយដុំÊក់បីដូច8~នភ6ំមួយ%នរលំ%ត់‚។ ^)ះ Toutil Hollow Mountain in Khmer language.
The story of Ralom Toutil Mountain
ƒយxរ¡)មនុស)‚វះយកxច់របស់f)ពនÅផងនិងƒយxរ¡)បPីរត់‚%ត់ផង។ ដូž6)ះ
cើយ«ើបរហូតមកដល់សព˧¨)^)ះ™)šភ6ំˆះ8Ìxរព6ង›ភ6ំ{|)ឡំទូទីល z)ល8 ÌxរÍt)រ~នន័យ›ភ6ំរលំទូទីល។