TERNATE A Set Designers Studio
IR 2038 Hybrid Work(place) Subin Jameel (Harsh Vyas(T.A.))
Yug Shah UG191555
TERNATE A Set Designers Studio IR 2028 Hybrid Work(place) Subin Jameel Harsh Vyas
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank mt tutor subin jameel who taught us extremly well and patiently. Allowing me to think on different paths and broadning my vision. Secondly, I would like to thank Harsh Vyas (T. A.) who always encouraged me to work. Next to all my studio mates who gave me immense feedback and critics, people who made this semester memorable. I would also like to thank my people (CMYK Collective) who were there for me in my ups and down and pushed me to do better. Lastly, I would like to thank scruffy who came to me every morning and sat besides my table and was my pet companion thoughtout the semester.
ABOUT THE BOOK This book comprises the process of making a hybrid workplace from the initial set designing exercise to the final workplaces.
CONTENT Set Design Object Catalogue 2D Hybrids 3D Hybrid spaces Site Analysis Audience Group Plans Sections Rendered Views
The picture depicts the life during covid where the room is covered in aluminium foil as a last resort to save myself from the outside virus. The picture is divided into 3 parts where the RGB scheme where the blue part shows working, red part is gazing to stars in ceiling reflecting from the mirror ball.The green part shows me reaching to the outer side signifing hope.
The objects were curated on the basis of their colour referencing to the set design exercise where majority of the space was black with a pop of colour in it.
- Defensive - Do not touch - Questioning the function
Repetition Seamless form Mechanical -
- Focal point - Questioning the notion of objects - Confusion by options
Materiality Hide and seek Natural and manmade -
- Dividing into thirds - 2 entities joined by linear elements - Materiality
- Sir. Work. Leave - Uncomfortable - Repetition
Psuedo Columns Making ones own way Mezzanine spaces -
- Play on facade - Exploiting one material - Light and shadow experience
Suspended in air Different levels Psuedo columns -
The site is an industrial warehouse in Vatva, Ahmedabad having the dimesions of 50 m x 30 m x 12 m. We were allowed to built underground also
The users are set Designers cross programmed with performance spaces.
The spaces include Workplaces
Theatre Amphitheatre Working spaces Residencies for designers Vertical connecting shafts
The overall spaces are divided into 3 areas according to the work and also according to floor levels. The spaces are residency for the designers, workplaces, and performance spaces. All the spaces having visual connections to the spaces adjacent to them and having very few walls.
Ground Floor The main space in this area is the exhibition space. There are 2 entries one for outsiders and one for workers. While going back one come across library and meeting spaces for clients.
First Floor Consisting of reidency for the designers and the workplace where they can make models have group meetings.
Mezzanine 1 Continuing from the first floor this plans shows the leisure spaces where people can gather and discuss informally
Second Floor Showing the performance spaces this plan also focuses on the second floor of residency where the designers have their individual workplaces.
Section AA’ Cutting though the residency it shows the vertical connections and how it is suspended in air
Section BB’ Cutting though performance and workplaces this section shows how the space interract with each other and ground floor being completely devoid of any activity.
Exploded view of residency pointing on how the roof is reacting with the levels and help in creating volumetric spaces.
Exploded view of workplaces islands and them reacting with the surrounding walls and columns with their own elements of space.
Front elevation intervention
The elevation si divided into 3 parts one is residenctial other is conduits and than corrugated sheets enveloping around the performance spaces
All of this in used to enhance the experience of the enterance where one enters from triple heighted space.
Side elevation of the space hiding and showing the residential spaces and emphasising on different heights
Snipet from residential space pointing out on how a partition wall us used to celebrate the exposed wiring and shows the conduits running though
Practice performance area along with the other side facade comprising of chains and cube frames
Workplace materiality.
Cafeteria looking over to performance spaces.
Theatre space
Side elevation of the space hiding and showing the residential spaces and emphasising on different heights