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The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (Act) received Royal Assent on 6 December 2022

The Act amends workplace relations laws relating to bargaining, job security, gender equality, compliance and enforcement, workplace conditions and protections and workplace relations institutions.

Employers must be aware of and take necessary actions to comply with these amendments. This article will focus on the following amendments which have already taken effect and are of particular interest to members:

1. Pay secrecy;

2. Job ads;

3. Protected attributes; and

4. Sexual harassment.

Employer Assist will continue to update you on these amendments as well as those that will be taking effect shortly in future articles. In the meantime, fact sheets covering all amendments can be found on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ website. Alternatively, for more information on the amendments, contact Employer Assist by Industry Legal Group (Employer Assist) to discuss.

Pay secrecy

The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) now includes provisions that give employees and future employees new workplace rights in regard to pay secrecy. Section 333B states that employees have the right to disclose or not disclose information about their remuneration and any terms and conditions of their employment that are reasonably necessary to determine remuneration outcomes, such as their hours of work. They also have the right to ask other employees about the same.

These rights apply to both existing and new employment contracts, as long as the existing contract (i.e. contract entered into before

Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave

Starting on 1 February 2023, non-small business employers (employers with 15 or more employees) must provide their employees with 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave each year (does not accumulate). This applies to all employees, including part-time and casual workers.

Small business employers (employers with less than 15 employees) will have to offer paid leave starting from 1 August 2023. Until then, employees of small businesses can take up to 5 days unpaid family and domestic violence leave each year.

7 December 2022 which has not since been varied) does not include pay secrecy terms that are inconsistent with these rights.

Pay secrecy clauses included in new employment contracts from 7 December 2022 will have no effect, and from 7 June 2023 will attract penalties. Pay secrecy clauses in current employment contracts entered into before 7 December 2022 will continue to operate, until those contracts are varied, at which time they will have no effect, and from 7 June 2023 will attract penalties.

Employers cannot take adverse action against an existing or future employee for exercising these rights (or to prevent them from exercising these rights) and can face penalties for breaching these provisions.

Job ads

From 7 January 2023, employers should ensure their new or existing job ads do not advertise pay rates that would breach the FW Act or applicable award or enterprise agreement. In other words, the rate advertised must not be less than the minimum entitlement that applies.

Employers advertising piecework will also be required to state if a periodic pay rate that applies as well as the rate.

Protected attributes

From 7 December 2022, breastfeeding, gender identity, and intersex status are new protected attributes under the anti-discrimination provisions of the FW Act. This means employers are prohibited from taking adverse action against current or future employees because of these attributes from this date.

Sexual harassment

From 6 March 2023, the FW Act will expressly prohibit sexual harassment in connection with work. This protection will apply to all workers, future workers and anyone conducting a business or undertaking.

Employers will be held vicariously liable for sexual harassment unless they can demonstrate that they have taken all reasonable steps to prevent the conduct.

Employees will be able to make an application to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for a stop-sexual harassment order and/or to deal with the dispute. The FWC has expanded powers, it will first attempt to conciliate the dispute and if unsuccessful, the FWC can arbitrate the dispute with the consent of both parties. If consent is not given by either party, the applicant will then have 60 days to make an application to the Federal Court.

FWO Powers

The Fair Work Ombudsman has the power to take enforcement action, including fines or starting court proceedings, for alleged breaches of these new provisions.

What should employers do now?

To ensure compliance, employers should:

1. review their template employment contracts to ensure they don’t prevent employees from discussing their pay and if they do, amend so that they are compliant with the new provisions before issuing any new contracts;

2. review their current policies and procedures to ensure they meet their obligations under the new provisions;

3. review any existing or new job ads to ensure they include the correct pay rate and comply with the new provisions;

4. take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. This includes having an appropriate workplace policy in place, providing training to workers to prevent or address sexual harassment and promptly investigating and addressing complaints of any such conduct; and

5. keep an eye out for our future articles on further amendments.

This article is intended for information purposes only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Please contact Employer Assist for advice.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.

AAAA Member Benefits

Employer Assist provides all AAAA members with advice regarding all aspects of your workplace and employment law. We can assist you in understanding and complying with your obligations in relation to the new legislation.

Please contact Employer Assist on 1300 735 306 or aaaa@employerassist.com.au if you require any assistance.

Gcg Turbos Opens New Branch

The business now has a new Brisbane location GCG Turbochargers Australia says it is proud to announce the opening of its new Brisbane facility at Unit 10/32 Spine Street in Sumner.

“Queensland has been a big part of GCG’s success over the years,” GCG Turbos Chief Executive Officer, Brett Lloyd, said.

“We have had local sales representatives and a small warehouse for a long time now.

“We could see opportunity particularly for South East Queensland businesses that need same day dispatch because they have a car in the shop.

“People are the backbone of any business and with the opening of this new branch, we have assembled a team of turbocharger specialists with a combined experience of over 70 years.”

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