2012 NSS Show Shedule

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The Australian Alpaca Association Ltd Presents The National Show and Sale Wayville Pavilion, Royal Adelaide Showgrounds Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th October 2012


Closing date for Entries is 31st August 2012

About this Package This pack contains all your entry information for the various sections of the 2012 National Show. There are separate schedules and entry forms for animal, fleece, craft, art and photography sections as well as booking forms for advertising space, trade display sites and the Saturday dinner function. Please read the relevant schedule information as well as the General Regulations and Conditions carefully as they contain important details that you need to know if you are planning to attend the 2012 National Show and Sale.

National Show and Sale Contacts Show Convenors

Sarah and Perry Wheeler 08 8388 3051 alpacas@prados.com.au

Halter Show

Kerry Porter 08 8568 5254 info@yackaridge.com

Fleece Show

Isi Cameron 08 9641 2058 info@keis.net.au

Auction Convenor

Mark Short 08 8853 2354 shorty@alpacaschaparral.com

Important Show Regulations Show entries Please note these important changes to previous National Show entry procedures. All entries and bookings are to be sent to: AAA Ltd. PO Box 1076, Mitcham North, Victoria 3132 Do not include any other AAA correspondence or payments with your National Show entries and bookings. All payments for National Show entries and bookings can be made by cheque, money order or credit card. Closing date for all entries and bookings is 18th July for early bird entries and 31st August for regular entries. Note: This closing date is the date received at the AAA Ltd. postal address. Space Limitation As space at the venue is limited it may not be possible to accommodate all animal entries. For this reason entries will be processed on a “first come, first served� basis. Any entries received after all pens have been allocated will be held on a waiting list and will be given the opportunity to enter if withdrawals are received prior to the closure of cataloguing. Intending exhibitors are encouraged to submit entries as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Pen Bookings The entry fee for this show is in two parts: 1. Entry Registration Fee of $50.00 per alpaca with early bird entries and $60.00 for regular alpaca entries and 2. Pen Fee of $60.00 per pen with early bird entries and $90.00 for regular entries.

Each exhibitor is required to nominate and pay for the number of pens they wish to be allocated for their stock. There is a minimum of one alpaca per pen and a maximum of three alpacas per pen, or seven to a double pen. Triple pens are not permitted as the resulting instability of the structure can become dangerous. Exhibitors with only one or two entries are encouraged to team up with colleagues and share pens. Early bird entries Option 1 Enter animals by name, age, class and pen as per normal entries. Should there be a need to withdraw entries before closing date entry fees will be refunded. Option 2 Enter animal/s and book pen/s but not give names or details until 31st August. Should you not take all the spaces you have booked no refund will be given. Dress Code Handlers will be required to wear white show coats, black trousers or skirt and solid black or brown shoes. No shorts, open shoes or hats. Handlers not properly attired will be denied entry to the show ring. Arrival and Departure Exhibitors may arrive from 10am Wednesday 24th October. All entries must be penned by 9pm Wednesday 24th October, or by prior arrangement with the Convenor. Any entries not penned by this time may be disqualified. Departures will commence at the completion of the Auction on Sunday (approximately 3pm). No exits prior to this time will be permitted (exceptions will be made only for reasons of health). All exhibits must be removed by 9pm on Sunday 28th October or by prior arrangement with the Convenor. Age of Alpaca Exhibits Age of animals will be calculated as at 25th October 2012. Judging Times Fleece, Craft, Art and Photography exhibits will be judged from Monday 22nd October. Alpaca classes will be judged from Thursday 25th October through to Saturday 27 th October (subject to change). The judging timetable will be announced after the closure of entries. Companion Animals No companion animals will be permitted in show pens without the express approval of the Show Convenor prior to submitting entries. Security A professional security officer will be present on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. An experienced alpaca vet will be available on call throughout the weekend. Accommodation If you have not already secured accommodation for the show time we strongly suggest that you do so as soon as possible. The organising committee has secured preferential rates for local hotels, please see the show website for details. Photographer A professional photographer will be on hand over the weekend to photograph all broad ribbon winners. Photography of other animals will be available by direct request to the photographer. Friday evening After a day in the show ring what better way to unwind than to head to Hawthorn Bowling Grounds for a chat with friends, BBQ and ‘friendly game’ of lawn bowls as well as the awarding of the Fleece, Craft Art and Photography Sections.

Gala Dinner Saturday evening 7.00pm Book your place for the Gala Dinner. This black tie preferred event will be held the Adelaide Festival Centre Banquet Room. There will be music and dancing. See the booking form in this package for full details. National Classic Auction Sunday 1pm (approx) As you have come to expect, some of the best alpacas available for sale in the country will be presented at the National Classic Auction. Take the time to inspect the offerings on Sunday morning and then get ready to bid – or just enjoy the spectacle.

General regulations and Conditions 1. AAA Alpaca Showing Rules for Judges, Stewards and Exhibitors This Show will be conducted under the current AAA Ltd. Showing Rules. 2. Accommodation In the event of more entries being received than can be accommodated, entries will be processed in order of receipt. Additionally, the number of alpacas from any one exhibitor may be reduced to a figure determined by the Show Convenor and Halter Show Manager. The exhibitor will have the right to nominate the alpacas to be withdrawn should this reduction be necessary. 3. Registration of Animals at Time of Lodgement of Entry Forms All members intending to exhibit at this Show must ensure that the relevant animals are registered on the IAR at the time of entry. Show entries for animals not registered at the time of processing will not be accepted. Entries must be made in the name of the owner as recorded on the IAR at the time of entry. 4. Late Entries All entries must be received by the AAA Ltd. by 4pm on the closing dates shown on each entry form, whether delivered by post or hand. No late entries will be accepted after these dates. Postal delays will not be accepted as an excuse for late entries. 5. Fleeces All show fleeces must reach the address provided on the Fleece Entry Form no later than Friday 12th October. Fleeces received after Friday 12th October will not be judged and entry fees are not refundable. All fleeces being shown must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. All fleeces entered will be grid tested. Note: Only one fleece that has been shorn from any one animal in the 18 months prior to the show may be shown. 6. Absence of Exhibit (Withdrawals) An exhibit must be exhibited, unless a letter signed by the Exhibitor or the authorised agent is lodged with the Convenor, no later than 12th October 2012. Failure to notify the Convenor will incur an extra $50 levy to your entry fee. Original entry fee will not be refunded. If the exhibit is withdrawn after 12th October a veterinary certificate must be lodged with the Convenor no later than 8am Thursday 25th October showing why the animal has been withdrawn. Failure to notify the Convenor will incur an extra $50 levy to your entry fee. The above levies must be paid by the exhibitor prior to any entries being accepted for future National Shows. Original entry fee will not be refunded. 7. Period of Exhibition Alpacas may arrive from 10am Wednesday 24th October but MUST be penned by 9pm, unless prior arrangement has been made with the Convenor, and may not be removed from the showground until the completion of the Auction on Sunday 28th October. All animals must be removed by 9pm Sunday 28th October unless prior arrangements have been made with the Show Convenor. 8. Inspection of Exhibits All alpacas must be registered with the Australian Alpaca Association Ltd. and carry an approved brass tag showing the alpaca’s IAR number. NOTE: If there is no IAR tag present in the ear of an animal exhibit, official Association confirmation in hard copy must be provided by the owner to the Chief Steward that the ear tag has been recently lost and that a new tag has been ordered and paid for. No male animal shall be eligible for exhibition if it is not entire. All genitalia shall be complete, properly formed and proportioned for normal reproduction.

The committee of a Show conducted under Association Rules shall appoint a person, or persons, as an inspector, or inspectors, who shall inspect all alpacas for age, colour and IAR number. The Inspector or Chief Steward will classify all entries for colour and has the power to transfer an exhibit to the class which, in his/her opinion, it should have been entered. The Chief Steward will combine or split classes as he/she sees fit. The inspection of alpacas will commence at 12 noon on Wednesday 24th October. Alpacas not presented for inspection by 9pm Wednesday 24th October may be disqualified by the Chief Steward. Exhibitors must be in attendance at the time of inspection. Exhibits of huacayas must carry a minimum fleece length of 50mm and a recommended maximum length not exceeding 130mm. A huacaya 12 months and older must be shorn regularly so that no more than 15 months’ fleece is carried at the time of showing. The minimum fleece length for suri is 75mm and fleece length will be assessed by the judges. A suri must be shorn so that no more than 24 months’ fleece is carried at the time of showing. Any alpaca found to have lice infestation must be removed from the showgrounds immediately along with any other alpacas present that belong to the same exhibitor. The only person or stud eligible to exhibit an animal is the owner listed in the AAA register, or the agent of the registered owner. All animals must be placed in the pens allotted by the show stewards and must not be moved or removed except by order of the Chief Steward. 9. Correct Animal Colour Classification An alpaca is to be shown in the appropriate colour class, when it is predominantly that colour. Any colour variations will be assessed at the time of inspection. 10. Age of Alpaca Alpacas must be entered into the correct class for their age (i.e. age as at 25th October 2012). 11. Physical Soundness and Disapproved Exhibits No exhibitor, to the best of their knowledge, shall exhibit any alpaca showing any signs or symptoms of disease at the time of exhibition. Exhibitors must sign and return enclosed Health Declaration with Entry Form. Failure to sign the declaration will render all alpacas of an exhibitor ineligible for exhibition. All male alpacas must be completely entire and deemed physically sound. 12. Preparation of Exhibits and Cleanliness of Stalls Exhibitors must keep the stalls allotted to their animals clean, and give proper attention to their stock throughout the show. Exhibitors must provide their own feed, and feed and water containers. 13. Companion Animals and Dogs Special permission to bring a companion alpaca must be obtained from the Convenor prior to submission of the entry form, otherwise no companion alpacas will be permitted. No dogs are permitted into the precinct of where show animals are being penned or shown in the ring. Guide dogs may be permitted access by arrangement with the Show Convenor. 14. Quarantine Areas All animals must adhere to the strict movement and quarantine areas. 15. Bedding Will be supplied at venue. 16. Exercising of Animals Separate areas will be allocated depending on JD Status. 17. Alpaca Exhibit Numbers All exhibitors shall, on arrival, obtain their pen position from the Shed Steward. Exhibit numbers will be issued upon completion of inspection. The exhibit number of the exhibit must be worn and clearly displayed on the handler whilst in the judging ring. All handlers showing animals must be competent in the handling of their exhibit or removal from the ring may be requested by the Judge. 18. Dress Code All attendants leading stock in the judging ring or on parade shall wear white dust coat (with or without AAA logo), black trousers or skirt and black or brown solid shoes. No shorts, hats or open shoes will be permitted in the show ring. The Chief Steward may disqualify an Exhibitor for incorrect attire. 19. Final Exhibitor Information An exhibitors’ meeting will be held prior to the commencement of judging. Withdrawals and class change information will be posted prior to the commencement of judging. 20. Judging A competitor may not discuss with the Judges their alpacas, or proposed exhibits, prior to or during the show judging. The Judges’ decision shall be final. They may choose not to award a prize or prizes in a class.

21. Ribbons Ribbons may be awarded to placegetters in their classes according to the table below, and sashes to all Champion and Reserve Champions. No of Exhibits Prizes which may be awarded up to 8 1st, 2nd, 3rd 9 to 12 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 13 to 19 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Ribbon Colours Blue Red White Yellow Green 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Highly commended ribbons may be awarded at the discretion of the judges. 22. Advertising and Signage No advertisements or notices are permitted on or in any stalls or buildings (except by permission of the Chief Steward). Sale signs are not permitted. Stud names are permitted, but must be contained to the bounds of the pen and to a height of the pen panels. Display of show ribbons awarded in any other show is prohibited. 23. Sire’s Progeny Class Only the three progeny of the sire are to be shown, not the sire himself. A Sire’s Progeny entry may be a group of males, females or males and females. Progeny need not be owned or bred by the one exhibitor, but all must be the progeny of the one sire and drawn from ordinary classes of this show. Entry for this section is free of charge and entry may be made at the event at times to be advised. 24. Dam’s Progeny Class Only the two progeny of the dam are to be shown, not the dam herself. A Dam’s Progeny entry may be a pair of males, females or male and female. Progeny need not be owned or bred by the one exhibitor, but all must be the progeny of the one dam and drawn from ordinary classes of this show. Entry for this section is free of charge and entry may be made at the event at times to be advised. 25. Junior Judging Competitors to be aged between 15-25 years The competition will be conducted as follows: 1. One group of four animals will be judged by the competitors. 2. There will be one visual class and one oral class. 3. Each competitor’s performance will be observed by an Overjudge who will allocate credit marks. 4. The judging criteria to be used are that set out by the AAA Showing Rules. 5. Dress code applies. Entrant judged as Champion Junior Judge will receive a sash and trophy. 26. Most Valuable Huacaya Commercial Fleece Class This class has been created to underscore the focus on the breeding aspects of producing quality alpaca fibre for commercial purposes. The overall winner of the Most Valuable Huacaya Commercial Fleece will receive a distinctive sash. The class will be judged on a commercial basis for overall dollar value of each fleece, based on current prices that can be obtained on local/international markets. The valuation is calculated taking into consideration, fineness, length, overall excellence (style), faults, yield (impurities) and fleece weight. No fleece weight annualisation will take place in this class as the fleece is judged solely on how it presents for commercial processing. Any huacaya fleece shorn in the 18 months prior to this show may be entered in this class. Any fleece entered in this class may also be entered in the standard huacaya age/colour classes, provided that it is clearly marked with two separate entries on the entry form and the two separate fees are paid. 27. Progeny Fleece Classes The Sire’s Progeny Fleece Class is comprised of two fleece exhibits from alpacas that are the progeny of the same sire. Both fleeces are evaluated simultaneously and should represent their sire’s ability to transmit positive traits to each of his progeny in a uniform and consistent manner. Fleeces entered in the Sire’s Progeny Class must be eligible (i.e. registered on the IAR) and entered in the Fleece Show in their respective fleece classes. The Show Convenor will confirm the qualification of the entries. Both genders can be represented, but must be from two different dams. The colour and age of each alpaca within the group will not be a discriminating factor. Show entry is made in the name of the sire on the show entry form and the two fleeces being included for this class must also be nominated on the entry form.

The sire’s fleece is not shown with this group entry (but may be shown individually within the Fleece Show). Judging criteria for the Sire’s Progeny Fleece Class shall include: • Consistency of positive fleece traits exhibited by both of the fleeces within the group. • Uniformity of positive fleece characteristics exhibited by both of the fleeces within the group. • Uniformity of type and style exhibited by both of the fleeces within the group. • Absence of negative traits. The Dam’s Progeny Fleece Class is comprised of two fleece exhibits from alpacas that are the progeny of the same dam. Both fleeces from this dam are evaluated simultaneously and should represent their dam’s ability to transmit positive traits to each of her progeny in a uniform and consistent manner. Fleeces entered in Dam’s Progeny Class must be eligible (i.e. registered on the IAR) and entered in the Fleece Show in their respective fleece classes. The Show Convenor will confirm the qualification of the entries. Both genders can be represented but must be from two different sires. The colour and age of each alpaca within the group shall not be a discriminating factor. Show entry is made in the name of the dam on the show entry form and the two fleeces being included in this class must also be nominated on the entry form. The dam’s fleece is not shown with this group entry (but may be shown individually within the Fleece Show). Judging criteria for the Dam’s Progeny Fleece Class shall include: • Consistency of positive fleece traits exhibited by both of the fleeces within the group. • Uniformity of positive fleece characteristics exhibited by both of the fleeces within the group. • Uniformity of type and style exhibited by both of the fleeces within the group. • Absence of negative traits 28. Protests Only an exhibitor may lodge a protest against another exhibitor or a Show official. The protest shall be lodged in writing together with a deposit of $50, which shall be refunded if the protest is upheld. The sole grounds for a protest shall be a breach of the Show Rules. Protests shall be lodged with the Chief Steward or Show Convenor within one hour of the alleged incident occurring. The Show Convenor shall set up a Protest Committee prior to the commencement of the show. A meeting will be convened within 30 minutes of the protest being received. The Protest Committee shall immediately investigate the protest and if found to be valid initiate appropriate action. 29. Liability Release Entry to and remaining in the Wayville Pavilion and showgrounds is entirely at the risk of the exhibitor and to the maximum extent permitted by the law, the exhibitor releases the Australian Alpaca Association Ltd. (which term includes in this clause the Association’s officers, employees, and agents) from all claims and demands of every kind resulting from any accident, damage or injury, occurring at the Wayville Pavilion and showgrounds, and without limitation, the exhibitor acknowledges a) the Association has no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury to or caused by any exhibit. b) the Association has no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury to or caused by any exhibitor, his or her family, invitees and agents. c) the Association has no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury to a motor vehicle or any of its contents whilst it is located within the Royal Adelaide Showgrounds.

Alpaca Section Schedule Judges: Natasha Clark and Peter Kennedy Judging will commence on Thursday 25th October at a time to be announced. Entry Fees: $50.00 per alpaca plus $60.00 per pen for early bird entries or $60 per alpaca plus $90 per pen for regular entries. Prizes: Ribbons awarded as per AAA Showing Rules. Sashes and Trophies awarded to all Champions and Reserve Champions in age classes. Classes may be combined or split subject to the number of entries. Entries Close: Early bird entries close Wednesday 18th July, regular entries close Friday 31st August. Entries will be processed in order of receipt until all available pens have been allocated. No entries received by the Convenor after 31st August will be accepted.

Huacaya Classes Section 1: Junior 6 to under 12 Months Female 101 White 102 Fawn-Light 103 Fawn Medium/Dark 104 Brown- light/Medium and Dark 105 Roan 106 Grey 107 Black Champion Junior Female Huacaya Reserve Champion junior Female Huacaya Section 2: Junior 6 to under 12 Months Male 201 White 202 Fawn-Light 203 Fawn - Medium/Dark 204 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 205 Roan 206 Grey 207 Black Champion Junior Male Huacaya Reserve Champion junior Male Huacaya Section 3: Intermediate 12 to under 18 Months Female 301 White 302 Fawn - Light 303 Fawn - Medium/Dark 304 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 305 Roan 306 Grey 307 Black Champion Intermediate Female Huacaya Reserve Champion Intermediate Female Huacaya Section 4: Intermediate 12 to under 18 Months Male 401 White 402 Fawn - Light 403 Fawn - Medium/Dark 404 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark

405 406 407

Roan Grey Black Champion Intermediate Male Huacaya Reserve Champion Intermediate Male Huacaya

Section 5: Adult 18 to under 30 Months Female 501 White 502 Fawn - Light 503 Fawn - Medium/Dark 504 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 505 Roan 506 Grey 507 Black Champion Adult Female Huacaya Reserve Champion Adult Female Huacaya Section 6: Adult 18 to under 30 Months Male 601 White 602 Fawn - Light 603 Fawn - Medium/Dark 604 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 605 Roan 606 Grey 607 Black Champion Adult Male Huacaya Reserve Champion Adult Male Huacaya Section 7: Senior 30 to under 48 Months Female 701 White 702 Fawn - Light 703 Fawn - Medium/Dark 704 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 705 Roan 706 Grey 707 Black Champion Senior Female Huacaya Reserve Champion Senior Female Huacaya Section 8: Senior 30 to under 48 Months Male 801 White

802 803 804 805 806 807

Fawn - Light Fawn - Medium/Dark Brown - Light/Medium/Dark Roan Grey Black Champion Senior Male Huacaya Reserve Champion Senior Male Huacaya

Section 9: Mature 48 Months & over Female 901 White 902 Fawn - Light 903 Fawn - Medium/Dark 904 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 905 Roan 906 Grey 907 Black Champion Mature Female Huacaya Reserve Champion Adult Female Huacaya Section 10: Mature 48 Months & over Male 1001 White 1002 Fawn - Light 1003 Fawn - Medium/Dark 1004 Brown - Light/Medium/Dark 1005 Roan 1006 Grey 1007 Black Champion Mature Male Huacaya Reserve Champion Adult Male Huacaya Section 11 - 14 Fancy Classes Huacaya “A Fancy alpaca is to be shown in a fancy class if it has an unusual or striking distribution of two or more colours on the saddle, neck and/or legs on or above the knee. This includes appaloosas, pintos and tuxedo fronts where the primary colour is not grey.” Fancies are not eligible for Supreme Championships

Section 11: Junior 6 to under 12 Months 1101 Female 1102 Male Section 12: Intermediate 12 to under 18 Months 1201 Female 1202 Male Section 13: Adult 18 Months to under 30 months 1301 Female 1302 Male Section 14: Senior 30 months and over 1401 Female 1402 Male

Supreme Champion Huacaya

Section 15 : Progeny Groups Huacaya 1501A

Sire’s Progeny

Group of 3 males and/or females, not necessarily owned or bred by one exhibitor but all progeny of the one sire from different dams. (Progeny must have been exhibited at this show). Entries to this class may be made at the show. Ribbons will be awarded to the first three placings in the progeny classes and a broad ribbon awarded to the owner of the winning sire.


Dams Progeny

Group of 2 males and/or females, not necessarily owned or bred by one exhibitor but both progeny of the one dam by different sires. (Progeny must have been exhibited at this show). Entries to this class may be made at the show. Ribbons will be awarded to the first three placings in the progeny classes and a broad ribbon awarded to the owner of the winning dam

Best Colour in Show - Huacaya White Best White Female Best White Male Best White In Show Light Fawn Best Light Fawn Female Best Light Fawn Male Best Light Fawn In Show Med/Dark Fawn Best Med/Dark Fawn Female Best Med/Dark Fawn Male Best Med/Dark Fawn In Show Brown Best Brown Female Best Brown Male Best Brown In Show Roan Best Roan Female Best Roan Male Best Roan In Show Grey Best Grey Female Best Grey Male Best Grey In Show Black Best Black Female Best Black Male Best Black In Show Fancy Best Fancy Female Best Fancy Male Best Fancy in Show Best Appaloosa Huacaya To be eligible for the Best Appaloosa Award, appaloosas have to have been awarded first place in one of the Fancy Classes. The eligible animals will be noted during judging of the fancy classes, with the Best

Appaloosa trophy being awarded at the same time as the Best Fancy. The appaloosas will not be judged as a separate class.

Suri Classes Section 20: Junior 6 to under 12 Months Female 2001 White 2002 Fawn – Light 2003 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2004 Brown 2005 Roan 2006 Grey 2007 Black Champion Junior Female Suri Reserve Champion Junior Female Suri Section 21: Junior 6 to under 12 Months Male 2101 White 2102 Fawn – Light 2103 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2104 Brown 2105 Roan 2106 Grey 2107 Black Champion Junior Male Suri Reserve Champion Junior Male Suri Section 22: Intermediate 12 to under 18 Months Female 2201 White 2202 Fawn – Light 2203 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2204 Brown 2205 Roan 2206 Grey 2207 Black Champion Intermediate Female Suri Reserve Champion Intermediate Female Suri Section 23: Intermediate 12 to under 18 Months Male 2301 White 2302 Fawn – Light 2303 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2304 Brown 2305 Roan 2306 Grey 2307 Black Champion Intermediate Male Suri Reserve Champion Intermediate Male Suri Section 24: Adult 18 to under 24 Months Female 2401 White 2402 Fawn – Light 2403 Fawn – Medium, Dark

2404 2405 2406 2407

Brown Roan Grey Black Champion Adult Female Suri Reserve Champion Adult Female Suri

Section 25: Adult 18 to under 24 Months Male 2501 White 2502 Fawn – Light 2503 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2504 Brown 2505 Roan 2506 Grey 2507 Black Champion Adult Male Suri Reserve Champion Adult Male Suri Section 26: Senior 24 Months and over Female 2601 White 2602 Fawn – Light 2603 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2604 Brown 2605 Roan 2606 Grey 2607 Black Champion Senior Female Suri Reserve Champion Senior Female Suri Section 27: Senior 24 Months and over Male 2701 White 2702 Fawn – Light 2703 Fawn – Medium, Dark 2704 Brown 2705 Roan 2706 Grey 2707 Black Champion Senior Female Suri Reserve Champion Senior Female Suri Sections 28 - 31: Fancy Classes - Suri Section 28: Junior 6 to under 12 Months 2801 Female 2802 Male Section 29: Intermediate 12 to under 18 Months 2901 Female 2902 Male Section 30: Adult 18 Months to under 24 months 3001 Female 3002 Male Section 31: Senior 24 months and over 3101 Female


Best Med/Dark Fawn Male Best Med/Dark Fawn In Show


Supreme Champion Suri

Brown Best Brown Female Best Brown Male Best Brown In Show

Section 32 : Progeny Groups Suri 3201A

Sire’s Progeny

Group of 3 males and/or females, not necessarily owned or bred by one exhibitor but all progeny of the one sire from different dams. (Progeny must have been exhibited at this show). Entries to this class may be made at the show. Ribbons will be awarded to the first three placings in the progeny classes and a broad ribbon awarded to the owner of the winning sire.


Roan Best Roan Female Best Roan Male Best Roan In Show Grey Best Grey Female Best Grey Male Best Grey In Show

Dams Progeny

Group of 2 males and/or females, not necessarily owned or bred by one exhibitor but both progeny of the one dam by different sires. (Progeny must have been exhibited at this show). Entries to this class may be made at the show. Ribbons will be awarded to the first three placings in the progeny classes and a broad ribbon awarded to the owner of the winning dam

Best Colour in Show - Suri White Best White Female Best White Male Best White In Show Light Fawn Best Light Fawn Female Best Light Fawn Male Best Light Fawn In Show Med/Dark Fawn Best Med/Dark Fawn Female

Black Best Black Female Best Black Male Best Black In Show Fancy Best Fancy Female Best Fancy Male Best Fancy in Show JUNIOR JUDGING Class 3301 Competitors aged between 15 and 25 years. Please use animal classes entry form to enter this section.

2012 AAA National Show

Alpaca Entry Form

COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM, PLUS ALPACA HERD HEALTH STATUS DECLARATION Early bird entries close 4pm AEST 18th July 2012. Regular entries close 4pm AEST 31st August 2012 Entry fees: $50.00 (early bird) / $60.00 (regular) per alpaca entry plus $60 (eb) / $90.00 (reg) per pen. Power (1 x 10amp socket) $75

Use one Entry Form per exhibitor Please print all details clearly Late entries will not be accepted



Name of Alpaca (inc Prefix)


Preferred Number of pens to be allocated (Minimum of one alpaca per pen and a maximum of three alpacas per pen)



Date Last Shorn


Pens @ $60 (eb) / $90 (reg) per pen Power supply @ $75 Total $

Declaration 1. I have read the Regulations and Conditions and understand that my entry in the show has been accepted subject to those regulations and conditions. I agree to be bound by all the rules outlined in the current Australian Alpaca Association Showing Rules manual and abide by all matters in connection with or arising out of the competition. 2. I certify that the details given on this entry form are correct. 3. I agree that no exhibit shall be exhibited from a herd or stud/property for which either: a) Proof of accreditation under Alpaca Johne’s Disease Market Assurance Program (AJDMAP) or AAA Q-Alpaca is provided or origin from a state recognised as Johne’s protected area, or b) For a non-assessed alpaca originating from a State recognised as a Johne’s Disease protected area, a signed declaration verifying tht the exhibits have not at any period of their lifetime been in a herd or on a property, when at any time Johne’s Disease was known or suspected to exist.

Penning Details: Please tick appropriate boxes: □ Non-assessed □ Under testing □ MN1 Certificate No. _________________ □ Q-Alpaca

Name of Exhibitor (Owner):___________________________________________________ Stud Name:________________________________________________________________ Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No: ____________________________Mobile:________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________

□ MN2

□ MN3

Certificate No. _________________

Penning requests (reasonable attempts will be made to meet these but the barn manager’s decision is final)

Signature of Owner (or Agent):______________________________________________Date:_________________

Explanatory notes for this form available at www.pir.sa.gov.au or Google ‘sa alpaca movement form’

ALPACA HERD HEALTH STATUS DECLARATION FOR SHOWS AND SALES Instructions to Owners / Exhibitors: 1. Complete Part 1 of this form. 2. This form is not an interstate entry permit. However, if stock are likely to be sold or moved onwards from a show, Part 2 must be completed by your local animal health official to assist authorities prepare the necessary official interstate movement certificates. 3. If Johne’s disease (JD) testing has been undertaken, have your approved veterinarian complete Part 3, or attach a signed veterinary certificate. 4. This Herd Health Status Declaration form is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. The owner must notify the issuing government veterinarian or Animal Health Officer of any change in herd status or other information provided on the form subsequent to completion of this form. 5. THIS FORM IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AS AN ENTRY PERMIT TO OTHER STATES AND/OR ZONES PART 1 OWNER/EXHIBITOR DECLARATION Trading name: ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address:............................................................................................................................................................ Post code: ............................ Property address: ............................................................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................... Post code: ............................ Telephone: .......................................................................................... Fax: ................................................................................................... Property Identification Code / Ear Tag / Microchip: ............................................................................................................................. Sale / show:

AAA National Show and Sale................................................... Date: ...25-28 Oct 2012………

Animal Identification (attach list if necessary) TOTAL NUMBER OF ALPACA: .................................. Name Date of Birth


Huacaya / Suri


Note: A show or sale may want to use only the higher entry requirements below and may delete one or more clauses that do not meet this standard.

I, Owner/Manager/Exhibitor (enter name): ........................................................................................................................................... Of (enter address): .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Declare that with regard to Johne’s disease: (Tick the box for the clause/s which apply) 1. The alpaca identified above originate from a: □Free □Protected □Control □Residual Zone for BJD in alpaca 2. The alpaca identified above originate from assessed herds under the AlpacaMAP with status attained in the year indicated; (e.g. MN12003) MNI □ ............(year) MN2 □............. (year) MN3 □............. (year) Herd Status Certificate No. ............... Date of expiry: ............... OR 2.1. The alpaca identified above originate from herds that have not been assessed for Johne’s disease (ie. Non Assessed status) □ OR 2.2. The alpaca identified above originate from herds that have been Check Tested Negative (CT), in the past 12 months Date Tested: ....................................................................... Approved Veterinarian: .................................................................. OR 2.3. Where applicable the alpaca identified above which are 1 year of age or older have been tested by faecal culture by a registered veterinarian with negative results within 6 months before the date of the show/sale/exhibition. OR

2.4. The alpaca identified above originated from a herd that is registered in the Australian Alpaca Association’s Q-Alpaca Program and satisfy the requirements for MN1 equivalence – refer item 8 and Appendix 12 of the AlpacaMAP. Certificate No:..................................................................... Expiry date: ............................................................ OR 2.5. The alpaca identified above originate from a herd that is currently under test for entry to the AlpcaMAP and I have no reason to suspect that Johne’s disease exists on any of the properties listed above. Exhibitors may also need additional certification to move between zones or between states. Check with your local veterinary authority. The above information, including the description of the animals and property(s) of origin is complete, true and correct. Signature: ................................................................................................. Date: ........................................ PART 2 ENDORSEMENT OF ALPACA HERD STATUS Note: This is an option that may be used to assist completion of official movement forms where there is reasonable probability that animals will proceed to another state or zone directly from the show or sale. It is not an official certificate. (To be completed by Government Veterinarian / Inspector of Stock if intending to move stock interstate.) The property(s) being certified in relation to the Owners’ Declaration has/have been allocated a PIC/tattoo (please record) ............................................................. to which the following information applies. To the best of my knowledge and belief and based on a search of available Departmental records, I certify the following statements: 1. I have no reason to doubt the owners’ declaration in Part 1 above. 2. Under the Australian Standard Definitions and Rules for Johne’s disease for cattle, deer and camelids, the herd(s) has/have an assigned status of ................................................................................................ HERD STATUS Non-Assessed (NA) – means the infection status of the herd is unknown, but the herd is not under suspicion. Check Tested (CT) – the herd has had a negative Check Test, undertaken by an approved veterinarian in the past 12 months. Monitored Negative (MN) – the herd has an Assessed status under the Australian Johne’s Disease Market Assurance program for Alpaca (AlpacaMAP). Q-Alpaca – The herd is registered in the Q-Alpaca program by the Australian Alpaca Association. Inspector of Stock: (Signature) ....................................................................................................... Print name: ................................................................................... located at: ......................................................................................................office Date of issue: ............................................... Telephone: .................................................................. Fax: ................................................................. PART 3 JOHNE’S DISEASE TEST RESULTS To be completed by the Veterinary Surgeon conducting the tests or government officer upon receipt of test results, or attach signed veterinary certificate. The individual alpaca listed below were tested for Johne’s disease by faecal culture with a negative result. Alpaca IAR (numbers): ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date of test: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Laboratory: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Accession No: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... If tested by Veterinary Surgeon Name of testing veterinarian

If tested by Veterinary Surgeon Name of testing veterinarian



Practice name and location

Practice name and location



Fleece Section Schedule Judge: Paul Garland Judging will be conducted from: Monday 22nd October 2012. Entry Fee: $25 per entry for early bird entry and $30 per entry for regular entry. Post all entry forms to: AAA Ltd. PO Box 1076, Mitcham North, Victoria 3132 Only one fleece that has been shorn from any one animal in the 18 months prior to the show may be shown. All fleeces will be grid tested. Histograms will be displayed with all fleeces during the show. Classes may be split or joined if numbers warrant. Entries Close: Wednesday 18th July for early bird entries and Friday 31st August for regular entries. No late entries will be accepted. Fleeces must reach: Fleeces must reach Chris Williams no later than Friday 12th October. Fleeces not received by that date will be ineligible and entry fee will not be refunded. Fleeces may be delivered By Post to PO Box 596, Mt Compass, SA 5210 or By Hand by arrangement with Chris Williams Enquiries can be directed to: Chris Williams 0417 826 762 or email chris@ambersunalpacas.com

Huacaya Fleece Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Alpaca 6 to under 12 Months Class FH1 White Class FH2 Fawn – Light Class FH3 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FH4 Brown Class FH5 Roan Class FH6 Grey Class FH7 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 6 to under 12 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 6 to under 12 Months Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Alpaca 12 to under 18 Months Class FH8 White Class FH9 Fawn – Light Class FH10 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FH11 Brown Class FH12 Roan Class FH13 Grey Class FH14 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 12 to under 18 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 12 to under 18 Months Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Alpaca 18 to under 30 Months Class FH15 White Class FH16 Fawn – Light Class FH17 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FH18 Brown Class FH19 Roan Class FH20 Grey Class FH21 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 18 to under 30 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 18 to under 30 Months

Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Alpaca 30 to under 48 Months Class FH22 White Class FH23 Fawn – Light Class FH24 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FH25 Brown Class FH26 Roan Class FH27 Grey Class FH28 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 30 to under 48 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 30 to under 48 Months Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Alpaca 48 to under 60 Months Class FH29 White Class FH30 Fawn – Light Class FH31 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FH32 Brown Class FH 33 Roan Class FH 34 Grey Class FH35 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 48 to under 60 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 48 to under 60 Months Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Alpaca 60 Months and Over Class FH36 White Class FH37 Fawn – Light Class FH38 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FH39 Brown Class FH40 Roan Class FH41 Grey Class FH42 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 60 Months and over Reserve Champion Fleece 60 Months and over

Supreme Champion Huacaya Fleece

Section 16: Skirted Fleece: Huacaya Fancy A Fancy fleece is to be shown in a fancy class if it has an unusual or striking distribution of two or more colours in the skirted saddle.

Class FH43 Class FH44 Class FH45 Class FH46

Huacaya Fancy Huacaya Fancy Months Huacaya Fancy Months Huacaya Fancy

6 to under 12 Months 12 to under 18 18 to under 30 30 months and over

Fancy fleeces are not eligible for Supreme Championship

Best Colour Huacaya Fleece Best White Best Fawn-light Best Fawn-Medium, Dark Best Brown Best Roan Best Grey Best Black Best Fancy Section 17: Most Valuable Commercial Fleece: Huacaya Class FH47 All colours Section 17: Progeny Fleece Class FH48A Sires Progeny

The Sire’s Progeny Fleece Class is comprised of two fleece exhibits from alpacas that are the progeny of the same sire. Both fleeces from this sire are evaluated simultaneously and should represent their sire’s ability to transmit positive traits to each of his progeny in a uniform and consistent manner. Fleeces entered in the Sire’s Progeny Class must be eligible (i.e. registered on the IAR) and entered in the Fleece Show in their respective fleece classes. The Show Convenor will confirm the qualification of the entries. Both genders can be represented, but must be from two different dams. The colour and age of each alpaca within the group will not be a discriminating factor. Show entry is made in the name of the sire on the show entry form and the two fleeces being included for this class must also be nominated on the entry form. The sire’s fleece is not shown with this group entry (but may be shown individually within the Fleece Show).

Class FH48B

Suri Fleeces

Section 29: Skirted Fleece: Suri Alpaca 6 to under 18 Months Class FS1 White Class FS2 Fawn – Light Class FS3 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FS4 Brown Class FS5 Roan Class FS6 Grey Class FS7 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 6 to under 18 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 6 to under 18 Months Section 29: Skirted Fleece : Suri Alpaca 18 to under 30 Months Class FS8 White Class FS9 Fawn – Light Class FS10 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FS11 Brown Class FS12 Roan Class FS13 Grey Class FS14 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 18 to under 30 Months Reserve Champion Fleece 18 to under 30 Months Section 29: Skirted Fleece: Suri Alpaca 30 Months and over Class FS15 White Class FS16 Fawn – Light Class FS17 Fawn – Medium, Dark Class FS18 Brown Class FS19 Roan Class FS20 Grey Class FS21 Black CHAMPION FLEECE 30 Months and over Reserve Champion Fleece 30 Months and over

Supreme Champion Suri Fleece

Dams Progeny

The Dam’s Progeny Fleece Class is comprised of two fleece exhibits from alpacas that are the progeny of the same dam. Both fleeces from this dam are evaluated simultaneously and should represent their dam’s ability to transmit positive traits to each of her progeny in a uniform and consistent manner. Fleeces entered in Dam’s Progeny Class must be eligible (i.e. registered on the IAR) and entered in the Fleece Show in their respective fleece classes. The Show Convenor will confirm the qualification of the entries. Both genders can be represented but must be from two different sires. The colour and age of each alpaca within the group shall not be a discriminating factor. Show entry is made in the name of the dam on the show entry form and the two fleeces being included in this class must also be nominated on the entry form. The dam’s fleece is not shown with this group entry (but may be shown individually within the Fleece Show)

Section 29: Skirted Fleece : Suri Fancy

A Fancy fleece is to be shown in a fancy class if it has an unusual or striking distribution of two or more colours in the skirted saddle.

Class FS22 Class FS23 Class FS24

Suri Fancy 6 to under 18 Months Suri Fancy 18 to under 30 Months Suri Fancy 30 Months and over

Best Colour Suri Fleece Best White Best Fawn – Light Best Fawn – Medium, Dark Best Brown

Best Roan Best Grey Best Black Best Fancy Progeny Fleece Class FS25A Sires Progeny The Sire’s Progeny Fleece Class is comprised of two fleece exhibits from alpacas that are the progeny of the same sire. Both fleeces from this sire are evaluated simultaneously and should represent their sire’s ability to transmit positive traits to each of his progeny in a uniform and consistent manner. Fleeces entered in the Sire’s Progeny Class must be eligible (i.e. registered on the IAR) and entered in the Fleece Show in their respective fleece classes. The Show Convenor will confirm the qualification of the entries. Both genders can be represented, but must be from two different dams. The colour and age of each alpaca within the group will not be a discriminating factor. Show entry is made in the name of the sire on the show entry form and the two fleeces being included for this class must also be nominated on the entry form. The sire’s fleece is not shown with this group entry (but may be shown individually within the Fleece Show).

Class FS25B

Dams Progeny

The Dam’s Progeny Fleece Class is comprised of two fleece exhibits from alpacas that are the progeny of the same dam. Both fleeces from this dam are evaluated simultaneously and should represent their dam’s ability to transmit positive traits to each of her progeny in a uniform and consistent manner. Fleeces entered in Dam’s Progeny Class must be eligible (i.e. registered on the IAR) and entered in the Fleece Show in their respective fleece classes. The Show Convenor will confirm the qualification of the entries. Both genders can be represented but must be from two different sires. The colour and age of each alpaca within the group shall not be a discriminating factor. Show entry is made in the name of the dam on the show entry form and the two fleeces being included in this class must also be nominated on the entry form. The dam’s fleece is not shown with this group entry (but may be shown individually within the Fleece Show)

2012 AAA National Show

Fleece Entry Form

COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM Early bird entries close 4pm AEST 18th July 2012. Regular entries close 4pm AEST 31st August 2012 Entry fees: $25.00 (early bird) / $30.00 (regular) per fleece entry. Class

Name of Alpaca (inc Prefix)



Use one Entry Form per exhibitor Please print all details clearly Late entries will not be accepted DOB

Date Last Shorn

Age of animal when shorn (in months)

Age of fleece (in months*)


Return postage to accompany fleece if it is not being collected from the show. Fleeces must reach Chris Williams no later than Friday 12th October. Note: Fleeces not collected by end of show and no return fee paid will be disposed of * Age of fleece means time in between this shearing and previous shearing (if any). Total $ Declaration 1. I have read the Regulations and Conditions and understand that my entry in the show has been accepted subject to those regulations and conditions. I agree to be bound by all the rules outlined in the current Australian Alpaca Association Showing Rules manual and abide by all matters in connection with or arising out of the competition. 2. I certify that the details given on this entry form are correct. 3. Whilst every care will be taken with the fleeces entered, the AAA can take no responsibility for any losses or damage incurred. 4. All fleeces must be in bags, clearly identified with name of exhibit and class number. 5. All fleeces shown must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor. 6. Only one fleece that has been shorn from any one animal in the 18 months prior to the show may be shown.

Name of Exhibitor (Owner):___________________________________________________

Please send your fleece to: Chris Williams PO Box 596, Mt Compass, SA 5210

Email: ____________________________________________________________________

Stud Name:________________________________________________________________ Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No: ____________________________Mobile:________________________

Signature of Owner (or Agent):______________________________________________Date:_________________

Craft Section Schedule Judging will be conducted from: Monday 22nd October 2012 Entry fee: $5.50 per entry. Post all entry forms to: AAA Ltd. PO Box 1076, Mitcham North Victoria 3132 Entries close: Friday 31st August for regular entries. No late entries will be accepted. Exhibits due: By Post to Anne Marie Harwood, PO Box 1600, Mt Barker SA 5251 by 12th October or By Hand by arrangement with Anne Marie Harwood 08 8391 5386 or email anne@echobeachalpacas.com.au Exhibits received after this time will not be judged. > An Exhibit Identification Ticket must be included with each article entered. > All exhibitors must make their own arrangements for the collection of their exhibits at the end of the show. Exhibits will not be mailed back to exhibitors.

Sections To Be Judged > > > >

Hand Spinning. Hand Weaving. Hand Knitting or Crocheting. Felting.

General > > > > > > >

Members and non-members of the AAA are invited to exhibit. Exhibits received without samples will be displayed but not judged. Exhibits that are the incorrect weight in hand spinning will be displayed but not judged. There is a limit of two exhibits per Exhibitor per class. Exhibits must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show. Where commercial yarns are permitted, a sample must be attached, with any labels (ball bands etc.) from the yarn. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Where time allows, the judge will give comments on the winning exhibits. > Trims/accessories: These can be used in small quantities to enhance an article. These include: buttons, laces, zips, metallic yarns, beads, ribbons, etc. > Alpaca blends: This show is encouraging the use of alpaca and as such, blends must contain at least 50% alpaca. > Most Successful Exhibitor will be awarded on a points system, 1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point. If there is a tie, then broad ribbons will be taken into account.

SECTION 1: Hand Spinning

This section will judge spinning of alpaca and alpaca blends. It will differentiate between huacaya and suri in the lace weight classes only. Conditions 1. A staple of original fibre(s) or sample of tops, sliver etc. must be attached to all exhibits. Entries for all categories may use commercially combed or carded fibre. However, judging points for preparation (where applicable) will not be awarded to skeins using such commercially prepared fibre. 2. State intended purpose of yarn. 3. All classes are open to white or naturally coloured yarn, except where stated. 4. Judging will be based on: > Fleece and yarn for end use. > Degree of twist in single and ply. > Spinning system employed (woollen or worsted). > Evenness of spin and ply. > Washing, scouring and presentation. 5. Please attach the Exhibit Identification Ticket using a safety pin. 6. Work must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show. 7. Skeins to be presented in one or two skeins. Make sure they can’t be separated from each other, or their tags and samples. 8. In presentation, make sure the skeins can be examined, so ensure they have sufficient ties, and can be opened out by the judge. Class CS1 Specimen of fine hand spun yarn in suri alpaca, plied, not less than 50 grams. 19 wraps per inch or finer. State intended purpose. Class CS2 Specimen of fine hand spun yarn in huacaya alpaca, plied, not less than 50 grams. 19 wraps per inch or finer. State intended purpose. Class CS3 Specimen of hand spun, plied yarn in Huacaya or Suri alpaca. Between 11 and 14 wraps per inch. Not less than 100 grams. State intended purpose.

Class CS4 Specimen of hand spun, plied Huacaya alpaca in bulky yarn, between 8 and 11 wraps per inch. Not less than 100 grams. State intended purpose. Class CS5 Specimen of hand spun, plied alpaca blend. Not less than 100 grams. Wraps per inch open. State blend and purpose. Class CS6 Specimen of hand spun alpaca novelty yarn. This yarn can incorporate commercial tops or sliver, can be dyed or overdyed. The yarn can be plied or a single with the twist set. Not less than 100 grams. Wraps per inch open. State purpose and technique. Class CS7 Specimen of alpaca yarn using a dying technique, either in the fleece or the yarn (e.g. rainbow dyeing, cram pot dyeing, overdyeing). Commercially prepared alpaca can be used in this class without penalty. Wraps per inch open. Not less than 100 grams. Class CS8 NOVICE Specimen of alpaca or alpaca blend, hand spun by a novice spinner (see Definitions). Not less than 50 grams. Wraps per inch open. CHAMPION HAND SPUN YARN EXHIBIT Reserve Champion Hand Spun Yarn Exhibit

SECTION 2: Hand Weaving Conditions 1. Where applicable a staple of the original fibre is to be attached. In the case of commercial yarn a sample of the yarn is to be attached. 2. All distinguishing marks or labels to be removed or covered. 3. Please attach the Exhibit Identification Ticket using a safety pin. 4. Judging will be based on: > Suitability of materials and patterns to classification. > Regularity of weave, set, beat and selvages. > Originality. > Quality of make-up and finish of garment or article. > Information about the entry as to purpose/application of design or weaving technique used. 5. Work must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show. Class CW1 Hand woven garment or article using 50% hand spun alpaca. Class CW2 Hand woven garment or article using commercially prepared alpaca or alpaca blend yarn. Class CW3 Hand woven item using 50% alpaca, hand spun or commerical, not mentioned. For example wall hangings or tapestries. Class CW4 NOVICE Article of weaving by a novice weaver (see Definitions) using alpaca or alpaca blend yarn, either hand spun or commercially spun, or a combination. CHAMPION WEAVING EXHIBIT Reserve Champion Weaving Exhibit

SECTION 3: Hand Knitting or Crocheting

Please read conditions for presentation, judging criteria and definitions. Conditions 1. Soiled work will not be judged. 2. All exhibits to be the work of Exhibitors. 3. Yarn label, or staple of fibre or sample of tops (in hand spun classes) must be attached to the article. 4. All classes are open to white, naturally coloured or dyed fibre. 5. Entries into the hand spun, hand knit classes may use commercially combed or carded fibre. However, judging points for preparation (where applicable) will not be awarded to garments or articles using such commercially prepared fibre. 6. Judging based on: > Spinning (where applicable). > Choice of yarn for pattern use. > Evenness of knit or crochet. > Evenness and quality of make-up and finish of garment. > Presentation. 7. Please attach Exhibit Identification Ticket using a safety pin. Any labels, identifying tags or marks are to be covered or removed. 8. In machine knitting, seams may be hand sewn or linked, but not over locked or machined. Attach samples. 9. Work must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show. Class CK1 Hand knitted or crocheted garment from hand spun alpaca or alpaca blend. Class CK2 Hand knitted or crocheted lace article from hand spun alpaca or alpaca blend.

Class CK3 Class CK4 Class CK5 Class CK6 Class CK7 Class CK8 Class CK9

Hand knitted or crocheted article using hand spun alpaca or alpaca blend. Machine knitted garment using commercial yarn. Machine knitted article using commercial yarn. Hand knitted or crocheted garment using commercially prepared yarn. Hand knitted or crocheted article using commercially prepared yarn. NOVICE CLASS Article hand knitted from commercial yarn or hand spun, by a novice (see Definitions). Garment or article created by a team, e.g. one spinner, a knitter, weaver, lacemaker or crochet using at least 80% alpaca fibre. Emphasis in this class is on originality, creativity and technique. Not eligible for champion.

CHAMPION KNIT/CROCHET EXHIBIT Reserve Champion Knit/Crochet Exhibit

SECTION 4: Felting Conditions 1. Attach samples of fibres used. 2. All distinguishing marks or labels to be removed or covered. 3. Please attach the Exhibit Identification Ticket using a safety pin. 4. Judging will be based on: > Evenness of fabric (where applicable). > Originality. > Quality of make-up and finish of garment or article. > Degree of difficulty. 5. Work must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show. Class CF1 Class CF2 Class CF3 Class CF4 Class CF5 Class CF6

Hand felted garment using alpaca. Embellishments using other fibres allowed. Hand felted article using alpaca. Embellishments using other fibres allowed. Article, garment or piece of felt not mentioned, using at least 50% alpaca. Needle felted piece, 3D or flatwork, using at least 50% alpaca. Hand felted garment or accessory using the nuno felting technique. Felt must be at least 50% alpaca. Article or garment of wearable art. Emphasis here is on originality, colour, design, techniques and impact. At least 50% alpaca to be used. Class CF7 NOVICE Hand felted article or garment using at least 50% alpaca using any technique created by a novice (see Definitions). Embellishments using other fibres allowed. CHAMPION FELTED exhibit Reserve Champion Felted ExhibitÂ

Section 5: Junior Open Class CJ1 6 years and under 11years any of the craft sections above. Class CJ2 11 years to 16 years any of the craft sections above MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR Supreme Champion Craft Exhibit

Definitions ALPACA: The natural fibre of the alpaca, which is a South American camelid. There are two types of fleece. The suri has a fleece that forms long lustrous locks, and the huacaya which forms fleece in bundles of crimpy soft fibre. ARTICLE: The item that is to be exhibited. A garment may be exhibited in a class calling for an article, but only garments can be exhibited in garment classes. Articles are knee rugs, scarves, shawls or wraps, socks, beanies, hats. Where a class calls for an article, this means one (1) article only, e.g. 1 scarf, 1 pair of socks.

BLENDS: These can be fibres that are used in conjunction with alpaca to create different effects with the yarn. They may include silk, cashmere (cashmere goat), wool (sheep), mohair (angora goat), nylon glitz, thrums (loom waste) or silk noils. COMMERCIAL YARNS: Those yarns that have been purchased by the Exhibitor. They have been commercially manufactured. In classes where these are permitted, attach to the exhibit a sample of the yarn and any tickets or labels that were supplied with the yarn. FELTING: The application of heat, agitation, water and soap to natural fibres to produce a fabric. Nuno felting uses this technique to felt fibres onto a cotton or silk fabric such as gauze or muslin. GARMENT: A garment is an article that can be fitted onto the adult body e.g. dress, skirt, slacks, jacket, jumper, cardigan, vest. NOVICE: A craft person with less than 12 months experience in the craft specified by the class. SAMPLE: Where commercial yarns are permitted, a sample must be attached, with any labels (ball bands etc.) from the yarn.

2012 AAA National Show COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM Entries Close Friday 31st August 2012 Entry fee : $5.50 per item Class

Craft Entry Form Use one Entry Form per exhibitor Please print all details clearly Late entries will not be accepted

Description of entry


Return postage to accompany items if it if they not being collected from the show. Exhibits must reach Anne Marie Harwood no later than Friday 12th October. Total $ Declaration 1. I have read the Regulations and Conditions and understand that my entry in the show has been accepted subject to those regulations and conditions. 2. I certify that the details given on this entry form are correct. 3. Whilst every care will be taken with the exhibits entered, the AAA can take no responsibility for any losses or damage incurred. 4. All exhibits must be clearly identified with name of exhibit and class number. 5. All exhibits shown must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor. 6. Exhibits must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show.

Please send your exhibits to: Anne Marie Harwood, PO Box 1600, Mt Barker SA 5251

Name of Exhibitor :__________________________________________________________ Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No: ____________________________Mobile:________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature of exhibitor: __________________________________Date:_________________

Art Section Schedule

Judging will be conducted from Monday 22nd October 2012 Entry Fee: $5.50 per entry. Post all forms to: AAA Ltd. PO Box 1076, Mitcham North, Victoria 3132 Entries close: Friday 31st August 2012 for regular entries. No late entries will be accepted. Exhibits due: By Post to: Wendy Jones, PO Box 43, Langhorne Creek SA 5255 or By Hand by arrangement with Wendy Jones 08 8535 8280. Exhibits received after this time will not be judged.  

An Exhibit Identification Ticket must be included with each article entered. All exhibitors must make their own arrangements for the collection of their exhibits at the end of the show. Exhibits will not be mailed back to exhibitors.

General > Members and non-members of the AAA are invited to exhibit. > The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Where time allows, the judge will give comments on the winning exhibits. Section 1 Junior Art: Conditions 1. 2. 3.


5. 6.

All art must have been executed by the exhibitors themselves within the last 12 months. Age is determined as at 24th October 2012. Minimum size of artwork is to be A4 (210 x 297mm) however, there is no maximum size of artwork. Exhibits must not have any identifying features on them i.e. stud name or logo, Exhibitor name, etc. Exhibits with identifying features will not be judged. If your exhibit does have an identifying feature, please make sure it is removed or covered before sending it in. Artwork must be framed, or mounted without glass. It should be ready to hang with picture wire attached one third the way down from top back. Attention should be given to adequate packaging for postage and transportation. Any painting or drawing accepted in any medium i.e. pencil, paint, oil etc. Artwork can be collected at the conclusion of the National Auction, by the Exhibitor or nominee.

Class AW 1 - 6 year and under 11 years – Artwork containing at least one alpaca. Class AW 2 - 11 to under 16 years – Artwork containing at least one alpaca Place ribbons awarded in each class. CHAMPION JUNIOR VISUAL ARTIST Reserve Champion Junior Visual Artist Section 2 Senior Art: Conditions 1. 2. 3.



All art must have been executed by the exhibitors themselves within the last 12 months. Minimum size of artwork is to be A4 (210 x 297mm) however, there is no maximum size of artwork. Exhibits must not have any identifying features on them i.e. stud name or logo, Exhibitor name, etc. Exhibits with identifying features will not be judged. If your exhibit does have an identifying feature, please make sure it is removed or covered before sending it in. Artwork must be framed, or mounted without glass. It should be ready to hang with picture wire attached one third the way down from top back. Attention should be given to adequate packaging for postage and transportation. Any painting or drawing accepted in any medium i.e. pencil, paint, oil etc.


Artwork can be collected at the conclusion of the National Auction, by the Exhibitor or nominee.

Class AS 1 - 16 years and over – Artwork containing at least one alpaca. Place ribbons awarded in each class. CHAMPION SENIOR ARTWORK Reserve Champion Senior Artwork

2012 AAA National Show COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM Entries Close Friday 31st August 2012 Entry fee : $5.50 per item Class

Art Entry Form Use one Entry Form per exhibitor Please print all details clearly Late entries will not be accepted

Description of entry


Return postage to accompany items if it if they not being collected from the show. Exhibits must reach Anne Wendy Jones no later than Friday 12th October. Total $ Declaration 1. I have read the Regulations and Conditions and understand that my entry in the show has been accepted subject to those regulations and conditions. 2. I certify that the details given on this entry form are correct. 3. Whilst every care will be taken with the exhibits entered, the AAA can take no responsibility for any losses or damage incurred. 4. All exhibits must be clearly identified with name of exhibit and class number. 5. All exhibits shown must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor. 6. Exhibits must have been completed within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show.

Please send your exhibits to: Wendy Jones, PO Box 43, Langhorne Creek SA 5255

Name of Exhibitor :__________________________________________________________ Age of Exhibitor if Junior (at 24th October 2012) ___________________________________ Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No: ____________________________Mobile:________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature of exhibitor: __________________________________Date:_________________

Photography Section Schedule Judging will be conducted on: Wednesday 24th October 2012 Entry fee: $5.50 per entry. Post all entry forms to: AAA Ltd. PO Box 1076, Mitcham North, Victoria 3132 Entries close: Friday 31st August 2012. No late entries will be accepted. Exhibits due: By Post to Wendy Jones, PO Box 43, Langhorne Creek SA 5255 or By Hand by arrangement with Wendy Jones 08 8535 8280. Exhibits received after this time will not be judged. > An Exhibit Identification Ticket must be included with each article entered. > All Exhibitors must make their own arrangements for the collection of their exhibits at the end of the show. Exhibits will not be mailed back to Exhibitors.

General > Members and non-members of the AAA are invited to exhibit. > The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Where time allows, the judge will give comments on the winning exhibits.

Section 1: Photography Conditions 1. The photographs must have been taken by the Exhibitors themselves. 2. Minimum size of image is to be A4 (210 x 297mm). Maximum size of image is to be A3 (420 x 297mm). 3. Judging will be based on: > The quality (focus, light, colour balance) and artistic impression (creativity) of the photograph. > How well the photograph depicts the category in which it was entered. 4. Exhibits must not have any identifying features on them i.e. stud name or logo, Exhibitor name, etc. Exhibits with identifying features will not be judged. If your exhibit does have an identifying feature, please make sure it is removed or covered before sending it in. 5. Photographs must be framed or mounted to protect them and for display purposes (no glass). The frame should be able to be hung with a hook. Attention should be given to adequate packaging for postage and transportation. 6. Photographs are to be collected at the conclusion of the National Auction, by the Exhibitor or nominee. Class PH1 Cria: A photograph containing one or more cria. Class PH2 Alpacas Interacting: Photograph showing interaction between alpaca/s and other alpaca/s, alpaca/s and other animal/s or alpaca/s and humans. Class PH3 Farm Scene: A photograph of a farm scene including at least one alpaca. Class PH4 Humorous: A photograph that makes you laugh including at least one alpaca. Place ribbons awarded in each class. Champion Photograph Reserve Champion Photograph

Section 2: Junior Photography Conditions 1. The photographs entered must have been taken by the Exhibitors themselves. 2. Minimum size of image is to be A4 (210 x 297mm). Maximum size of image is to be A3 (420 x 297mm). 3. Judging will be based on: > The technique and artistic impression (creativity) of the photograph. > Age of Exhibitor as at 24th October 2012. 4. Exhibits must not have any identifying features on them i.e. stud name or logo, Exhibitor name, etc. Exhibits with identifying features will not be judged. If your exhibit does have an identifying feature, please make sure it is removed or covered before

sending it in. 5. Photographs must be framed or mounted to protect them and for display purposes. The frame should be able to be hung with a hook. Attention should be given to adequate packaging for postage and transportation. 6. Photographs are to be collected at the conclusion of the National Auction, by the Exhibitor or nominee. Class JPH1 Photography: A photograph including at least one alpaca – Age of Exhibitor: 6 years and under 11years. Class JPH2Photography: A photograph including at least one alpaca - Age of Exhibitor: 11years to 16 years. Place ribbons awarded in each class. Champion Junior PHOTOGRAPH Reserve Champion Photograph

2012 AAA National Show COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM Entries Close Friday 31st August 2012 Entry fee : $5.50 per item Class

Photography Entry Form Use one Entry Form per exhibitor Please print all details clearly Late entries will not be accepted

Description of entry


Return postage to accompany items if it if they not being collected from the show. Exhibits must reach Anne Wendy Jones no later than Friday 12th October. Total $ Declaration 1. I have read the Regulations and Conditions and understand that my entry in the show has been accepted subject to those regulations and conditions. 2. I certify that the details given on this entry form are correct. 3. Whilst every care will be taken with the exhibits entered, the AAA can take no responsibility for any losses or damage incurred. 4. All exhibits must be clearly identified with name of exhibit and class number. 5. All exhibits shown must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor. 6. Exhibits must have been taken within the last 12 months and not shown at a previous AAA National Show.

Name of Exhibitor :__________________________________________________________

Please send your exhibits to: Wendy Jones, PO Box 43, Langhorne Creek SA 5255

Contact Phone No: ____________________________Mobile:________________________

Age of Exhibitor (at 24th October 2012) For Junior class _____________________________ Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Signature of exhibitor: __________________________________Date:_________________

Trade Display Booking Form Note: Alpacas may not be displayed in trade booths

Exhibition Stand Details Size: Trade Booths are 3x3 metres or 3x6 metres in size. Limited open equipment space is available for larger displays. Please contact Lee Sadler to discuss your requirements Walls: Panels are 2.4 metres high and are covered in steel frontrunner. Only Velcro, thumbtacks or push-pins are to be used to attach display items to booth walls Name and Fascia: Names using vinyl cut lettering onto a white background will be applied to open sides Lights and power: Two 120-watt spotlights are provided to each booth along with one 4-amp (1000-watt) capacity power point. Internet Access: WiFi access is available as an option – please contact the organisers for costs and further details Pricing: Single booth $770 (inc GST), double booth $1100 (inc GST). Please visit www.nationalshow.com.au/sponsors.php for details of trade site sponsorship opportunities. Additional fit-out: Adelaide Expo Hire on 08 8350 2340 or www.aeh.com.au Bookings for sites close on Friday 31st August 2012 and will be taken on a “first in, first served basis” so please be quick to secure your site! Further enquiries: Lee Sadler on 0414 585 955 or email lee.sadler@bigpond.com The floor plan on this booking form is provisional and is provided only as an indication Please print all details clearly Preferred booth no. 1st




Name of Exhibitor Stud/Company Name Postal Address Postcode Phone




Catalogue Advertising Booking Form Bookings close Friday August 31st 2012 Advertising bookings will be accepted in sequence as received with payment. Bookings will be confirmed. Weekend Programme Size of Brochure: 210mm x 297mm Booking deadline: 31st August 2012 Material deadline: 31st August 2012 Media: Full colour semi-gloss Distribution: All exhibitors and visitors

Quarter Page W 92mm H 123mm (no bleed)

Half Page W 188mm H 123mm (no bleed)

Full Page W 210mm H 297mm (5mm bleed)

Ads Required (inc GST) Advert type Cost Centre Spread $1320 Outside Back Cover $660 Inside Back Cover $550 Inside Front Cover $600 Full Page $275 Half Page $165 Quarter Page $100


COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PAYMENT SUMMARY FORM. REFER TO PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ON SUMMARY FORM. Artwork must be supplied in correct size. Please supply hard copy proof in colour for reference. Please supply advertising material as: Electronic artwork on CD, DVD or USB stick (not returnable). Preferred formats Adobe InDesign or print-ready PDF, Alternative formats JPG, TIFF or PNG Adverts to be supplied in CMYK. Include all screen and printer typefaces, high resolution pictures (300dpi), logos etc. All care will be taken with the reproduction of adverts but no responsibility taken by organisors Advertising space enquiries to show convenors Material to be sent to: Perry Wheeler, Box 492, Meadows, SA 5201 By Friday 31st August 2012. Late advertising material will not be included.

Advertiser details: Name of Advertiser: _______________________________________________________________________________ Stud/Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Postal Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No: _____________________________________


Email:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________Date:________________

Friday Night BBQ Booking Form

Location: Hawthorn Bowling club, 86a Monmouth Road, Hawthorn, South Australia The Friday night event at the Nationals should be, above all, fun; a chance to relax and unwind before the hard work of Saturday's showing.

Friday BBQ Proudly Sponsored by

With that in mind, we've gone for something a little different this year. We've booked a bowls club... The Hawthorn Bowling club (3km from the showground) is celebrating its centenary this year and promise us a warm welcome. Catering will be by Texas Bull Machine and the club bar will be open for us. Bookings are essential and are required by 31st August



@$35 each

Total $


Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Stud/Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Postal Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone

________________________________________________________ Postcode ________________ Mobile _____________________________ __________________________________________

Email __________________________________________________________________________________ Weather permitting; are you interested in taking part in an informal bowls tournament (flat shoes required)? Yes / No Any special dietary requirements? ________________________________________________________

Saturday Night AAA Gala Dinner Booking Form

In the heart of Adelaide’s Riverbank cultural precinct, Adelaide Festival Centre aspires to be a hub of arts excellence and to be acknowledged as such - locally, nationally and internationally. Adelaide Festival Centre is an integral component to the revitalised Riverbank Precinct’s success with quality public arts and entertainment. The Festival Centre looks forward to being part of the further development of a dynamic cultural destination for all South Australians and its visitors.

Gala Dinner Proudly Sponsored by

Dress code – Black tie preferred Featuring  A choice of main course with no requirement to pre-select  Pay bar  Live entertainment  The AAA Fun Auction Bookings are essential and are required by 31st August



@$85 each

Total $


Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Stud/Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Postal Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Email

________________________________________________________ Postcode ________________ Mobile _____________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________ Any special dietary requirements? ________________________________________________________

AAA National Show and Sale Exhibit Identification Label

AAA National Show and Sale Exhibit Identification Label

(one label to be attached to each entry)

(one label to be attached to each entry)





Alpaca Name: Class:


______________________________ ______________________________

ART PHOTOGRAPHY (circle as applicable)




Alpaca Name: Class:


______________________________ ART PHOTOGRAPHY (circle as applicable)

Exhibitor: ______________________________






AAA National Show and Sale Exhibit Identification Label

AAA National Show and Sale Exhibit Identification Label

(one label to be attached to each entry)

(one label to be attached to each entry)





Alpaca Name:

______________________________ ______________________________


Alpaca Name:

ART PHOTOGRAPHY (circle as applicable)





______________________________ CRAFT Exhibitor:

(one label to be attached to each entry)

FLEECE IAR No: ______________________________ ______________________________

Alpaca Name: Class:




(one label to be attached to each entry)

Alpaca Name:




AAA National Show and Sale Exhibit Identification Label



ART PHOTOGRAPHY (circle as applicable)

AAA National Show and Sale Exhibit Identification Label FLEECE


______________________________ ______________________________


______________________________ CRAFT


ART PHOTOGRAPHY (circle as applicable) ______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

CRAFT Exhibitor: Class:

ART PHOTOGRAPHY (circle as applicable) ______________________________ ______________________________

Payment Summary Form One copy of this form to accompany entries/bookings Visit www.nationalshow.com.au/paperwork.php for assistance on what forms are required Please send this form together with payment or card details to National Show and Sale 2012 Australian Alpaca Association Ltd PO Box 1076 Mitcham North, Vic 3132


Your Name




Contact Tel:



Alpaca Entries


Early bird Animals _____ @ $50.00 Early bird pens _____ @ $60.00 Regular Price Animals _____ @ $60.00 Regular Price pens _____ @ $90.00 Power supply YES / NO @ $75.00

Fleece Entries

Early bird fleece _____ @ $25.00 Regular Price fleece _____ @ $30.00

Craft Entries

Number of entries _____ @ $ 5.50

Art Entries

Number of entries _____ @ $ 5.50

Photography Entries

Number of entries _____ @ $ 5.50

Friday BBQ Tickets

Number of tickets _____ @ $35.00

Gala Dinner Tickets

Number of tickets _____ @ $85.00

Trade stand bookings Programme Advertising Grand Total (inc GST) Cheques made payable to Australian Alpaca Association Ltd Credit card payment (Visa / Mastercard only) Card Type

Visa / MasterCard (circle as applicable)

Card Number __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

Expires __ __ / __ __

Cardholder name (as it appears on the card) ___________________________________________________________ Card verification No __ __ __ Signature _______________________________ Date __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __

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