Read and Breed November 2011

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The Inaugural SOMADALE JUNIOR HANDLER Trophy Winners




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Read and Breed

Inside this issue: President’s Report


SA Region Calendar


National show and sale report


Animal Health article


Clare Show results


Cutting Toenails


Future Events


R.A.S. Show report


SA Region R.A.S. stand


Advertising Rates


Regional Committee




Cover Photo:The Inaugural Winners of the Somadale Trophy ELOUISE CONROY BRADLEY DALTON

A word or two from the Editors, Hi there! Gee whizz, cant believe that the November 2011 issue editors words are being written already! Time sure flies!! Spring cria are appearing and the shearing is well under way. Before we know it October 2012 will be here and the National Show will be upon us. What exciting times—and South Auzzie region has the chance to show the rest of Australia, and for that matter, the world, how to conduct a very successful show, again. We did just that in 2009, so with the full cooperation of all our members, there is no reason that 2012 shouldn't be bigger and better! Some show results have not been printed in the issue — hopefully they will be available and in the correct format for the February magazine. The winners of the Somadale Trophy are very deservedly featured on our front cover of this issue. The children are our breeders of the future and must be encouraged in every way possible way. Thanks must go to Derrick and Cynthia Hall of Somadale Alpacas for not only seeing the need for such a perpetual trophy, but also for putting it in place for our juniors. Many thanks to Natasha Clark for the interesting articles printed in this issue. It is very difficult to find original articles so should you be contemplating putting pen to paper to write an alpaca article, we would be very happy to hear from you. Please forgive me for this issue being a week late in release, my Tafe studies are now completed and the last assignment is done and submitted. Thanks for your patience. Wishing you all a very happy festive season and a safe and successful New Year and see you all at Mt Pleasant in March! That’s all for now. Your editors, Rhonda and Sharon.

All members are invited to submit photographs for use on the cover and in the newsletter NOVEMBER 2011

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OUR PRESIDENT’S REPORT What a busy time we have had over the last few months. Our regional shows have come and gone and we are all now in the throes of shearing. Many thanks to our convenors for the time and effort they put into preparing their shows. Colour Classic again drew entries from intestate and went well; Ron Reid enjoyed his time judging and said how much he always enjoys coming over to South Australia. With a lot of help from a lot of members the Trade Stand at the Royal Show looked a treat, many thanks to those of you who manned the stand through the 10 days of the show. Our thanks must go Ruth and Steve Goodwill from Haylilla Alpacas who kindly made and donated a fleece display cabinet. The fleeces looked great inside. The alpaca show went well and Rick Hodgson was well received as the judge and many of you had chance to speak with Jenny McAuliffe our national president. The new arrangements for leaving the showground on Monday afternoon worked well with minimum delays. Strathalbyn Show continues to go from strength to strength with increasing numbers. Nerida Aldred had her work cut out getting through the number of animals before dark! I think we are all getting used to watching the rest of the showgrounds pack up around us while the animals are still being judged in the ring. I think we would miss this happening now. Clare Show saw a new face judging, by no means in experience just new to our state. Pam Baxter enjoyed her time judging the show and was well received by those members taking part. This show saw Sue and Trevor from Adaminca Alpacas becoming one of the few breeders in the state to take out not only Grand Champion Huacaya but Grand Champion Suri in the same show. Next year will see some different convenors for our shows starting with Mount Pleasant in March and again at Strathalbyn. Please spare a thought for them as they embark on their new venture. The National Show and Sale Committee are now in full swing with their plans for the next year. The recent announcement of judges for the show went down well at this year’s National. For the Halter Show subject to approval at the next board meeting, we have Natasha Clark and Peter Kennedy and for Fleece Paul Garland from New Zealand. The SA Region tender has gone in for the 2013 National Conference and we wait to hear the outcome from the next Council meeting. Susan Haese has put together a well-structured program. The Fleece Collections continue and it is nice to see our bales ready to go off to auction. The last workshop saw more members join with 3 of those adding fleeces to the bales. We have 2 workshops planned one for new breeders in March and another in May for those of you who want to start showing animals, fleeces or both. These are not solely for those who are new, it is always useful to attend, and quite often you will learn something new. The Saturday Night Dinner at the National Show and Sale saw the 1st presentation of the AAA Certificate of Achievement Award. This award will be given out annually and has two sections. The first being a certificate nominated by the board and the second nominated by the regional committee. This year’s nomination from South Australia was for a couple that relentlessly for nigh on 20 years have contributed a vast amount of their time to this region. Between them they have served on the regional committee and held most, if not all, of its executive roles. They have convened a National Conference, a National Halter Show (which they will be doing again next year) and Mount Pleasant Show for the past 15yrs, have sat on the Showing and Judging Panel and have contributed greatly to the region in so many ways. I am sure you will agree that Jolyon and Kerry Porter were well deserving of this award. It’s been a busy year and next year is shaping up to be just as full, we’re always open to new suggestions though. If you have any ideas for things we can do to raise the profile of Alpaca ownership in the state, drop us an email or pick up the phone we’re waiting to hear from you. Your President, Sarah

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CALENDAR March 2012

Mt Pleasant Show

31 March 2012

New Breeder Workshop

19 May 2012

Showing Workshop

7 - 8 September 2012

Royal Adelaide Show - animal and fleece judging

1 October 2012

Strathalbyn show

20 October 2012

Clare Show

26—28 October 2012

National Show and Sale

SA REGION WEBSITE SA Region has their own website which is free to members to use. It can be found at

To access the members section, you will need a username and password. For this you will need to contact Sharon Warland at When requesting your password, please send me your herd code (eg: Waradene is JSW). The members section will have a lot of information not normally available to the public.

The National Show and Sale 2012 This year members of the 2012 National Show Committee took off to Sydney to promote next year’s show here in Adelaide. Kerry Porter and Lee Sadler joined me and the part-time Perry (in fairness, he was doing a lot of other stuff as well) to man the stand. Not only did we want to promote the show but we wanted to take the opportunity to find out what members wanted of their National Show. Our main role was to talk and we certainly did that! We took with us feedback sheets that were distributed to every member at the show; this included those running trade sites. Some members chose not to fill the forms in but to talk to us instead, we did record what was said and over the next couple of weeks we will be analysing all the comments and suggestions. This will also include the feedback from the National Newsletter. The trade stand was received well with many members asking questions about where to stay and how far accommodation was from the show ground. We were prepared with brochures and maps. So how does this help us prepare us for next year’s show? It will highlight areas that members feel need addressing. I suspect that food will appear high on show participants list of concerns. As a show committee we will meet and address the issues and hopefully produce a show that will tick most boxes. This year’s National Saturday Evening Dinner saw the announcement of next year’s judges. This was received well by those that attended, with Natasha Clark and Peter Kennedy as Halter Show Judges and Paul Garland for the Fleece Section. The countdown has started to Adelaide 2012. Breeders all over the country still talk about 2009 as being one of the very best shows in recent years – we have a lot to live up to! Sarah Wheeler


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by Natasha Clark, Kurrawa Alpacas How to determine signs of a sick alpaca.

Wouldn't it be great if alpacas had a way of telling us that they are unwell, maybe make a weird noise, or nip at our stomach when entering their paddock. Well alpacas may not be that obvious but they do have certain characteristics that tell us that they are unwell. Some signs are hard to distinguish between normal behaviour, and others are a dead (no pun intended) give away that there is something wrong. The more time you spend around alpacas, the easier it is to determine what is normal every day behaviour and signs of a problem. Alpacas get used to routine, waiting at the gate in the morning for breakfast, waiting at the gate for dinner, etc. so anything out of routine, such as not eating at meal times, may need to be investigated. Alpacas love to sun-bake on a nice sunny day by lying stretched out on their side. This is normal behaviour. If an alpaca is lying on their side on a cold day with no sun, or lying on their side, getting up, lying down again, rolling around, and generally looking like they cannot get comfortable, further observation might be needed as they may have colic which is a stomach upset. Another sign to look out for is lethargic alpacas. If an alpaca allows you to walk up and handle it when it is usually wild and wants nothing to do with you, then it may be in need of attention. If an alpaca is constantly sitting down for extended times during the day is another sign. Grass seeds are a problem for alpacas. They get into their eyes and ears and can cause great discomfort for the alpaca. Signs of grass seed problems are watery or discharging eyes. Further investigate by catching the alpaca, pulling down the lower lid and inspecting for either grass seeds or eye ulcers which are quite common in alpacas. If a grass seed is found, carefully remove and treat with eye ointment which can be purchased from a vet. Eye ulcers can also be treated with the same ointment. Below is a cria with a grass seed in her eye.

If an alpaca is shaking their head and maybe an ear down, it could be a sign of a grass seed in the ear. If this is the case it is best to consult your vet. If you come across an alpaca with behaviour that is out of the ordinary, the best advice we could give is to call a vet. Alpacas are too precious to take a risk with and it's better to be safe than sorry.

This article is printed with the kind permission of the author Page 6

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Clare Show Results- Alpacas


Suri Classes Junior Female (6-<12mths) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

1st- Adaminca Glory (Adaminca)

1st- Adaminca Haighs (Adaminca)

2nd- Adaminca Champagne Blonde (Adaminca)

2nd- Marquez Filomena (Marquez)

3rd- Mundawora Gemma (Mundawora)

3rd- Meridian Tianna (Meridian)

Junior Male (6-<12mths) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

1st- Adaminca Amadore (Adaminca)

2nd- Mundawora Grady (Mundawora)

CHAMPION JUNIOR SURI Adaminca Amadore (Adaminca) RESERVE CHAMPION Adaminca Morning Glory (Adaminca) Intermediate Female (12-<18mths) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

No Entries

No Entries

Intermediate Male (12-<18mths) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

No Entries

2nd- Meridian B.B. King (Meridian)

CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE & RESERVE N/A Adult Female (18-<24mths) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

1st- Mundawora Filigree (Mundawora)

2nd- Meridian Danica (Meridian)

2nd- Mundawora Filigree (Mundawora) Adult Male (18-<24mths) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

No Entries

No Entries

CHAMPION ADULT SURI Mundawora Finesse (Mundawora) RESERVE CHAMPION Mundawora Filigree (Mundawora) Senior Female (24 mths & over) White/Lt Fawn

All Other Colours

No Entries

2nd- Meridian Petrina (Meridian)


GRAND CHAMPION SURI Adaminca Amadore (Adaminca) Huacaya Classes Junior Fancy (6-<12mths) Female & Male 1st- Appaloosa Archipelago (Arcadian) 2nd- Appaloosa Movie Star (Arcadian) 3rd- Karlin Gypsy (Karlin) Intermediate Fancy (12-<18mths) Female & Male 1st- Appaloosa Faux Pas Adult Fancy (18mths & over) Female & Male No Entries BEST FANCY HUACAYA Appaloosa Archipelago NOVEMBER 2011

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Fleece Collection Days We are still working on our fleece collection and at this point in time some 800kg of fleece has been collected and baled ready for auction. We are continuing with white fleece at present but our plans are to continue through to other colours. With shearing now underway in the region it may be time to consider what you are doing with your fleece this year. We plan to arrange another workshop in the New Year so make sure you keep an eye on the website for dates. For further information contact Rosalie Brinkworth Tel 08 8524 6805.

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by Natasha Clark, Kurrawa Alpacas Cutting Toenails

Alpacas need to have their toenails cut at least once a year. The easiest time to cut toenails is when they are tied down while shearing. Toenails grow at different rates for individual alpacas and many need their toenails cut every six months. If toenails are left uncut they can grow sideways and even curl upwards making them harder to cut in future and may also cause the alpaca some discomfort. There are many theories as to the best way to cut toenails. Some say that if you occupy the alpacas mind with food you can cut the toenails whilst the foot is still on the ground. Some say that holding the foot with force is the wrong method. Training is another popular method which has been well mentioned, although when you have a large herd of alpacas this method is unworkable. Whatever method you use should be the method that is suitable for you. It's a matter of trying what works, if it doesn't, move on to something else. The method of cutting toenails below works well for us. We have a large herd and don't want to spend a great deal of time for preparation or effort in cutting toenails. Tools for cutting toenails. Foot rot shears work well for cutting toenails, as do straight edge garden shears. It is a matter of personal preference as to what tool you use for cutting toenails. The faster they allow you to cut the better, you want to be able to cut the toenails quickly as the longer you are holding the alpacas foot, the more it will get agitatored. A minimum of two people will be required to cut the toenails if the alpaca is not tied down. The holder, and the cutter. The holder will be responsible for holding the alpaca steady and not allow it to move around. The best way to hold the alpaca is wrap an arm around the neck. With the other hand grab an ear tightly and pull the alpaca close to your body. It may be easier to face the alpaca into a corner so they realise they cannot push forward. You may also need to push down on the alpacas back with one hand if it tries to rear up. It may be easier with only one person holding the alpaca at the front so long as the alpaca is calm and not stressed. Alpacas like to feel as though they are standing balanced and may struggle if it thinks it is going to fall over. If the alpaca does struggle you may need to push it up against a wall or a solid yard fence or gate (Not wire fencing). If you have a spare person they can hold the alpaca at the rear end over the rump. The cutter has the job of taking hold of the feet and cutting the toenail. Personally I hated cutting toenails outside of shearing time. It wasn't until I leant the right technique that I realised that cutting toenails is quite easy and safe if you take care. The hardest part about cutting is squeezing the shears to cut the toenail off. Young crias have very soft toenails making for easy cutting. Some of the older males and females have very hard toenails making them difficult to cut. The more times the alpaca has its toenails cut, the more it will be at ease although some alpacas never get used to the idea of having their toe nails cut. Continued on page 15........... NOVEMBER 2011

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12 MONTHS REGISTRATION INCLUDED IN THE PRICE! If this isn't exactly what you need, we can design and build any trailer for your needs.

Please contact Stan for any further information. ARC & SPARC TRAILER REPAIRS UNIT 2, 20 WING STREET, WINGFIELD SA 5013

Phone/Fax : 08 82440288 Mobile : 0418812820 Email :


New Breeder Workshop Saturday 31st March 2012 1pm Venue TBA Check website for further details.

Show-ring Craft and Fleece Exhibiting Workshop Saturday 19th May 2012 1pm at Ambersun Alpacas Come and find out what is involved with showing your animals and fleeces. Stay on for a BBQ afterwards and a chat.

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Clare Show Report 2011 Thank you to all who helped set up, & the stewards on the day, & fleece stewards on Friday. The weather was a bit worrying on Friday as it rained all day, the marquee was getting water laying at each entrance. The Judge, Pam Baxter, was partly standing in water judging the fleeces for a short while till we managed to shift tables to the drier area. We all thought we were in for a repeat of last year. Thankfully, the rain never continued through the night as forecast. Show day rolled relatively smoothly with Chief Steward, Lea Richens & Gate Steward, Jim Thompson chasing exhibitors to get the animals to the waiting area. All other stewards were much appreciated. A mention to entries. Could all breeders please keep a record of what animals they have entered instead of ringing me when I am flat out doing paperwork to midnight every night for the month leading up to the show. The last few years I have had several studs call me to let THEM know what animals to bring. This is just not good enough. On a happier note, we had 126 alpacas entered & 44 fleeces, which was a good number considering it was the same weekend as the National. Congratulations to all who won ribbons. Well Done. Congratulations to Adaminca who took out Grand Champion with both Suri & Huacaya. Thank You for showing at Clare. Tracey Earl & Derrick Hall

FOR SALE Greystone Paddock Vacuum Purchased in 2007 and hardly used so as new. Runs on 2 stroke, Kawasaki engine.

All books etc are available.

Price $2750 exc. GST. Phone: 0407927649 or 0417 828753 NOVEMBER 2011

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Read and Breed


by Natasha Clark, Kurrawa Alpacas

How Much Toenail to Cut Off As mentioned before, toenails can be very difficult to cut. It's best left to persons with a strong grip to be the cutter. Cutting toenails too much will cause the alpaca to bleed but don't worry, these nicks tend to heal very quickly and cause the alpaca little pain or distress. How far to cut? If you could imagine a straight line that extends along the base of the padding through the toenail, this would be your guide to how far to cut the toenails. In wet conditions there may be mud and dirt stuck up in the toenail. The inside of the toenail has a gristle type area called the "quick", which almost runs along the imaginary cutting line. If you cut too far into the quick it will cause bleeding. It is a good idea to cut small sections of toenail at a time. You can cut either side if the toenail or both sides at once. It may take several cuts to take the toenail down to the quick.

Cutting Front Toenails 1. Face the alpaca straight on. 2. Lean down and with one hand pick up the leg as low down the leg as possible. Pull the leg up to the alpacas body, not out to the side. You should have the cutters in the other hand holding them away from the alpaca. You may need to lean your shoulder into the alpaca to steady yourself and the alpaca. 3. Move your hand down the leg until being able to firmly hold the foot. You will be able to then push the toes apart with a finger. 4. Cut toenails swiftly as possible and be careful if the alpaca moves suddenly.

Cutting Rear Toenails The trick with cutting the rear toenails is to grab the leg and not let go. Some experts say that you should not hold the foot in a "death grip" but by letting go you may be reassuring the alpaca that by struggling they can release your grip.

Continued on page 17.......


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Somadale Junior Handler Trophy. The Somadale Junior Handler Trophy runs for a year covers the Mt Pleasant, Colour Classic, Strathalbyn and Clare shows. Points are accumulated and the winners are the juniors with the highest points. There are two age groups 6 to under 11 and 11 to under 15. The winner in the 6 to under 11 is; Elouise Conroy with the full 40 points The winner in the 11 to under 15 is; Bradley Dalton with 20 points The trophies were presented to Elouise Conroy and Bradley Dalton at the Clare show. Congratulations and well done to both of you we hope you will enter again next year. Cynthia and Derrick Hall Somadale Alpacas

OPEN DAYS JANUARY 2012 SATURDAY 14th & SUNDAY 15th 10am - 4pm both days ALPACAS FOR SALE




Nobby White Hill Road (off Macaw Creek Rd) Riverton S.A. This will coincide with the ‘Tour Down Under’ weekend in Riverton (leading up to the sprint on Tuesday) For further information please contact

Tracey Earl Phone: 08 8847 2017 Mobile: 0417 801151 Email: Page 16

Read and Breed

2011 Royal Adelaide Show Report The Alpaca Section enjoyed a most successful 2011 Show. Firstly, congratulations to all participants – exhibitors, stewards, shed staff and everyone who contributed in any way. Thank you, one and all, for your wonderful efforts and support. Feedback from exhibitors, stewards and onlookers alike consistently highlighted a well organized, well run event with a great atmosphere and good competition. Suggestions for improvement have been forwarded to RAS for consideration and implementation. We were fortunate to have Rick Hodgson as our 2011 judge. Apart from doing an excellent job, his presence as an AAA judge certainly helped maintain a good atmosphere throughout. Another highlight was the Junior Handler Section with a large number of spectators impressed by the handling skills and management of alpacas which were not always on their best behaviour. Special thanks to Ambersun Alpacas and Urrbrae Agricultural School for their great support, and to Susan Haese for judging these promising youngsters.


Repositioning of the fleeces and the open pens around the fleece area were well received with the recommendation that set up be similar for 2012. Exhibitors were particularly appreciative of the more diligent security checks and smooth running of departure. Closing off the roadway through to the Alpaca Shed certainly made it much quicker and safer. Finally – a special thank you to all exhibitors and congratulations to all prize winners. Your presence, your alpacas and/or fleeces make the Show. Sincere thanks too, to all sponsors (another vital ingredient) for your generosity and support. I urge all SA Region members to consider entering alpacas and/or fleeces in next year’s Royal Adelaide Show and help achieve our aim of 180–200 alpacas and 60+ fleeces In summary – a Great 2011 Show. Thank you to all involved. Lea Richens Supervisor - Alpaca Section ......Continued on page 18

by Natasha Clark, Kurrawa Alpacas

If you have a hold of one leg, the alpaca cannot kick out with the other. Stretching the leg out to the rear doesn't allow the alpaca to do anything. The alpaca will try and pull its leg back to a standing position but it will not be able to kick you. Do not pull the leg out to the side. 1. Stand next to the alpaca, not behind. 2. Lean down and grab the rear leg with one hand as far down as possible. Hold the shears away from the alpaca. 3. Pick up the leg and stretch it out towards the rear (not side) of the alpaca. 4. Once stretched out, position your hand around the foot, use your leg to steady (see picture above), cut toenails as swiftly, but carefully as possible. Remember: Practice make perfect. The more you do, the easier it will become. If you are uncertain about cutting your alpacas toenails, don't do it. Get a Vet or person familiar with cutting alpaca toenails to do it. This article is printed with the kind permission of the author NOVEMBER 2011

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2011 Royal Adelaide Show

A huge thank you to those listed below for your generous support through sponsoring trophies for the Alpaca Section of the 2011 Royal Adelaide Show. CRESWICK WOOLLEN MILLS, our major sponsor, generously funding 5 of our trophies STOCK JOURNAL and DIRECT 2 DOOR, providing valuable vouchers for our Grand Champions JOTARS ALPACAS, VELIERIS, SOFTFOOT ALPACAS and WARADENE ALPACAS, each sponsoring 2 trophies AND ADAMINCA ALPACAS












each contributing one valued trophy.

And a huge thank you to the AAA - SA Region for funding the trophies for Supreme and Grand Champions and 12 trophies for Reserve Champions. Karen Holthouse is sponsorship manager for the Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society of SA Inc. Karen coordinates sponsorship for the Alpaca Section, liaising with sponsors, organizing payment tax invoices, overseeing the purchase and engraving of trophies, and ensuring that all is ready for judging day. If you would like to help with sponsorship – just one trophy would be great – please contact Lea Richens on 8842 2344 or Karen Holthouse on 8210 5255 before 30 November. This timeline enables the process to begin and ensures acknowledgement in the Alpaca Prize Schedule. The draft Schedule is prepared over the Xmas/January break ready for proofing at the February Diverse Farming Committee Meeting and goes to print soon after. Please Help if you can.

Wishing all our members,

From the Committee members and Editors of the SA Region Page 18

Read and Breed



AAA Presence at the Royal Adelaide Show Draped with precious alpaca fibre, cloth and mementos, the AAA stand at the Royal Adelaide Show was a delight in so many ways. Not only did it display alpaca treasures from more than six alpaca studs in the region, it was manned by representatives from more than 27 studs. From the stand, the public were provided many opportunities to witness delightful alpaca images, to see and feel the luxurious products that can be crafted from our fibre and to learn about the delights of alpaca farming and husbandry. There were many who made the AAA stand at the Royal Adelaide Show such a success and our sincere thanks and appreciation go to those who gave freely of their time and effort, to ensure that the stand was always attended by someone who would be our advocate and ambassador. In no particular order, our thanks go to:

Jan Bentley Julianne and Shane Buckley Rosalie Brinkworth Edna Chadwick Michael Conroy Jen and John Duggin Bernadette Dunker Jack Eskenazi Ruth and Steve Goodfellow Susan Haese Jacinta Hartill Anne Marie Harwood Honey Lindner David Mace Steve McNamara Jayne Miller Jolyon and Kerry Porter Judy Roberts Margret and Jim Thompson Greg Scarlet Ben Schmaal Mark Short and Dee Finlay Celia Smith James Wheeler Chris Williams Paul Winslet Jane Wray And anyone else whose name didn’t appear but provided their time. Our wonderful fleece display cabinet was made by the expert hands of Steve Goodfellow from Haylilla Alpacas – sincere thanks for sharing your cabinet making skills with the region to ensure we are able to show case our beautiful fleece. The TV showed a loop containing over 100 alpaca images, all from members of our region, together with video footage of alpaca behaviour and husbandry. This was an effective way to catch the attention of the passing parade and many questions were sparked by the images on the screen. The stand was adorned with alpaca treasures from the following studs and our thanks is also extended to them for their generosity: Ambersun Alpacas Anfield Park Alpacas Fleur de Lys Alpacas Prados Alpacas Softfoot Alpacas Somadale Alpacas As you would remember, there was a call for the donation of stud services for a raffle to say ―thank you‖ to those who were our ambassadors on the stand. This resulted in a long list of keen stud males, willing to share their services to the lucky few ... !! Those who worked on the AAA stand at the Show were each entered in a raffle and three names were drawn from the ―hat‖: Rosalie Brinkworth David Mace Susan Haese These lucky three have each chosen a stud service from the following selection. (If you would like to see the credentials of the stud males offered, they will be on the AAA SA website until the end of the year.) ..........Continued page 20


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Black Suri


EP Cambridge

Cathy and Matthew Lloyd


Brooklea Ridge Callahan Grey Huacaya

Softfoot Alpacas

Hindmarsh Valley

Arequipa Colin

Brown Suri

Prados Alpacas

Sandy and Gary Retalick Sarah and Perry Wheeler

Cambridge Dealbreaker

White Huacaya

EP Cambridge

Cathy and Matthew Lloyd


La Granja Florino

Grey Huacaya

Aloka Holistic Alpacas


Ambersun Jag

Appaloosa Huacaya

Ambersun Alpacas

Julie and Grant Horsfall Adrienne Clarke & Chris Williams

Alpacaspecialist Legend

Med Fawn Huacaya

Yaringa and Classic

Susan Haese and Jane Wray Lee Sadler and Greg Scarlett

Currency Creek

Sarah and Perry Wheeler Bernadette and Fred Duncker Susan Haese and Jane Wray Adrienne Clarke & Chris Williams Ruth and Steve Goodfellow


Fleur de Lys Lord Nelson White Huacaya

Fleur de Lys

Prados Puk

Prados Alpacas

Dark Brown Huacaya


Mount Compass

Pages Flat

Blackgate Lodge Sir White Huacaya Oliver Coonawarra Thunderbolt Black Huacaya

Glenovis Alpacas

Jolimont Tiberio

Greg Huacaya

Ambersun and Haylilla

Fine Choice Peruvian Ultimo

White Huacaya

Fine Choice Alpacas

Adrienne Clarke & Chris Williams

Mount Compass

Chaparral Zulu Warrior

Black Huacaya

Chaparral Alpacas

Dee Finlay and Mark Short


Yaringa and Classic

Yankalilla Currency Creek Mount Compass

Once again our sincere thanks goes to Sarah Wheeler for taking carriage of the idea that had come from the members at the 2010 AGM. She has again demonstrated a willingness to listen to the members and to then harness the necessary resources to bring the ideas into reality. Without her attention to detail and persistence, the AAA stand would not have been the delightful place from which to spruik all things alpaca. While much of the talk on the stand was about alpaca, at times the discussion turned to the purpose and success of the AAA stand. There have been many suggestions about how to strengthen the message and images of the alpaca stand for next year, and we are looking forward to the fruition of these wonderful suggestions. In conclusion, sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who made the AAA stand at the Royal such a success, especially those who gave of their time to ―man the stand‖ and ensure the public had the opportunity to speak with a knowledgeable breeder and experience a little of the fun we have with our beautiful alpacas. Lee Sadler

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Clare Show Results- Alpacas


Junior Female (6-<12mths) White

Junior Male (6-<12mths) White

1st- Fleur De Lys Nahema (Fleur De Lys)

1st- Ambersun Ring Master (Ambersun)

2nd- Lewiston Cassia (Lewiston)

2nd- Fleur De Lys Cadabra (Fleur De Lys)

3rd- Buckley Estate Isabella (Buckley Estate)

3rd- Adaminca Mobi (Adaminca)

Junior Female Light Fawn 1st- Waradene Brave Delish ET (Waradene)

4th- Triple G Jericho (Triple G) Junior Male Light Fawn

2nd- Chaparral Chardonnay (Haylilla)

1st- Arcady Toowoomba ( Arcadian)

3rd- Chaparral Tequini Haylilla Junior Female Med/Dark Fawn

2nd- Karlin Gigalo (Karlin) Junior Male Med/Dark Fawn

1st- Schutata Park Columbine (Schutara Park)

1st- Haylilla Leo (Haylilla)

2nd- Daltondale Latoya (Daltondale)

2nd- Lewiston Bailey (Lewiston)

3rd- Jolimont Kalasia (Haylilla) Junior Female Brown

Junior Male Brown 1st- Haylilla Brunato (Haylilla)

No Entries

2nd- Buckley Estate Shamrock (Buckley Estate)

Junior Female Grey/Roan

Junior Male Grey/Roan

1st- Waradene Brave Pandora (Waradene)

1st- Arcady Saltimbanco (Arcadian)

2nd- Karlin Grace Kelly (Karlin)

Junior Male Black

3rd- Jotars Florencia (Jotars)

1st- Marquez Gabriel (Marquez)

Junior Female Black

2nd- Marquez Geraldo (Marquez)

1st- Waradene Vulcan Iavent (Waradene)

3rd- Meridian Marlow (Meridian)

2nd- Haylilla Abra Cadabra (Haylilla)

CHAMPION JUNIOR MALE Ambersun Ring Master (Ambersun)

CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE Fleur De Lys Nahema (Fleur De Lys)

RESERVE CHAMPION Fleur De Lys Cadabra (Fleur De Lys)

RESERVE CHAMPION Waradene Brave Pandora (Waradene)


Page 21

Clare Show Results- Alpacas


Intermediate Female (12-<18mths) White 1st- Buckley Estate Amelia (Buckley Estate) 2nd- Samarjim Marille (Samarjim) Intermediate Female Light Fawn No Entries Intermediate Female Med/Dark Fawn 1st- Waradene Comm Deisha ET (Waradene) 2nd- Yacka Ridge Faylie (Yacka Ridge) Intermediate Female Brown 1st- Stansbury's H4 Kelsey (Stansbury) 2nd- Lomavista Mika (Lomavista) 3rd- Samarjim Bellos (Samarjim) Intermediate Female Grey/Roan No Entries Intermediate Female Black No Entries

Intermediate Male (12-<18mths) White 1st- Fleur De Lys Sonic (Fleur De Lys) 2nd- Ambersun Blizzard (Ambersun) 3rd- Schutara Park Sweeny Todd (Schutara Park) Intermediate Male Light Fawn No Entries Intermediate Male Med/Dark Fawn No Entries Intermediate Male Brown 2nd- Lewiston Dancing Duke Presley Intermediate Male Grey/Roan 1st- Kilberin Lightning Ridge (Kilberin) 2nd- Waradene Kodiak (Waradene) Intermediate Male Black No Entries

CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE FEMALE Stansbury's H4 Kelsey (Stansbury) RESERVE CHAMPION Lomavista Mika (Lomavista)

CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE MALE Fleur De Lys Sonic (Fleur De Lys) RESERVE CHAMPION Ambersun Blizzard (Ambersun)

Adult Female (18-<30mths) White

Adult Male (18-<30mths) White

1st- Fleur De Lys Nefertiti (Fleur De Lys)

1st- Softfoot Kakadu (Softfoot) 2nd- Ambersun Benchmark (Ambersun) 3rd- Yacka Ridge Ferocity (Yacka Ridge) Adult Male Light Fawn

2nd- Waradene Main Attraction ET (Waradene) 3rd- Somadale Elaina (Somadale) Adult Female Light Fawn 2nd- Yacka Ridge Emerald (Yacka Ridge) Adult Female Med/Dark Fawn 1st- Somadale Fleur (Somadale) 2nd- Daltondale Maisie (Daltondale)

1st- Ambersun Banderas (Ambersun)

3rd- Waradene Bellisimo Bettina (Yarilla) Adult Female Brown

2nd- Arcady Spartan (Arcadian)

2nd- Glenovis Kingston (Glenovis) Adult Male Med/Dark Fawn 1st- Ambersun Custodian (Ambersun)

3rd- Freelander Teddy (Freelander)

1st- Schutara Park Kahlua (Schutara Park) Page 22

Read and Breed

Clare Show Results- Alpacas

2011 Adult Male Brown 1st- Alpacaspecialist Keanu (Carlisle)

Adult Female Grey/Roan 1st- Lomavista Flying Cloud (Lomavista)

2nd- Waradene Hot Chocolate (Waradene)

Adult Female Black

3rd- Waradene Cochise (yarilla)

1st- Alpacaspecialist Black Nile (Marquez)

Adult Male Grey/Roan

2nd- Alpacaspecialist Shilo (Marquez) 3rd- Jotars Freya (Jotars) CHAMPION ADULT FEMALE Fleur De Lys Nefertiti (Fleur De Lys) RESERVE CHAMPION Schutara Park Kahlua (Schutara Park)

1st- Daltondale Rebel (Daltondale) 2nd- Freelander Invictus (Freelander) 3rd- Karlin Flinders (Karlin) Adult Male Black 1st- Marquez Fernando (Marquez) CHAMPION ADULT MALE Ambersun Banderas (Ambersun) RESERVE CHAMPION Ambersun Custodian (Ambersun)

Senior Female (30mths & over) White

Senior Male (30mths & over) White

No Entries Senior Female Light Fawn

1st- Fleur De Lys Lorimar (Fleur De Lys) 2nd- Blackgate Lodge Sir Oliver (Glenovis)

1st- Stansbury's H3 Peaches (Stansbury)

3rd- Windsong Valley Thorn 2 (Yacka Ridge)

2nd- Yacka Ridge Dimali (Yacka Ridge)

Senior Male Light Fawn

Senior Female Med/Dark Fawn No Entries

1st- Ambersun Gibraltar (Ambersun) 2nd- Leajay Isco (Buckley Park)

Senior Female Brown No Entries Senior Female Grey/Roan

Senior Male Med/Dark Fawn 1st- Nambi Durango (Adaminca) 2nd- Stansbury's H3 Braveheart (Stansbury)

No Entries

3rd- Daltondale Maverick (Daltondale)

Senior Female Black

Senior Male Brown

1st- Anfield Park Octavia (Anfield Park) 1st- Chaparral Altazar (Daltondale) CHAMPION SENIOR FEMALE Anfield Park Octavia (Anfield Park) 2nd- Stansbury's Wolfgang (Stansbury) RESERVE CHAMPION Stansbury's H3 Peaches (Stansbury) Senior Male Grey/Roan 1st- Millduck Mercedes (Jotinaddy) Senior Male Black 1st- Anfield Park Keegan (Anfield Park) 2nd- Anfield Park Lochinvar (Anfield Park) 3rd- Canchone Vaniteck (Marquez) CHAMPION SENIOR MALE Nambi Durango (Adaminca) RESERVE CHAMPION Fleur De Lys Lorimar (Fleur De Lys)


Namni Durango

Page 23

Clare Show Results- Alpacas


BEST OF COLOUR ALPACA White - Fleur De Lys Nefertiti (Fleur De Lys)

Brown - Stansbury's H4 Kelsey (Stansbury)

Lt.Fawn - Ambersun Banderas (Ambersun)

Grey/Roan - Arcady Sultimbanco (Arcadian)

Med/Dk Fawn - Nambi Durango (Adaminca)

Black - Anfield Park Octavia (Anfield Park)

SIRE'S PROGENY Anfield Park Heskey (Anfield Park) (Black) Junior Handlers 6-<11 years

1st- Elouise Conroy



Mundawora Cochise (Mundawora)

Ambersun Destinction ET (Ambersun)



Adaminca Sydney (Adaminca)

Softfoot Chaconne (Softfoot)



Page 24

Read and Breed

READ AND BREED—OUR REGIONAL MAGAZINE Article, advertising and payments (payable to AAA SA Region) should be sent to :-

The Editors Sharon Warland:- Phone: 8532 3029/0438 072383 Postal Address: P.O. Box 595, MURRAY BRIDGE SA. 5301 Email:

Rhonda Pitt:- Phone: 85322 553/0408814534 Postal Address: 28/5 Pugh Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Email:

Deadlines for next issues: Issue 68

27th January 2012

Issue 69

27th April 2012

Issue 70

27th July 2012

Issue 71

26th October 2012

ADVERTISING RATES 2011 Black and White Single edition

4 editions

Full Page



Half Page



Quarter Page



Business Cards $15.00


Colour Full Page



Half Page



All subject to availability and booked on first come first served basis. All advertising must be paid for by the closing date. Bookings covering four editions must be paid in full by the closing date for the first edition.

DISCLAIMER: The Editor and the SA Region Committee take no responsibility for the opinions expressed, information submitted or products advertised herein. Whilst every effort is made to ascertain accuracy, liability is neither expressed nor implied. All submissions are subject to editing. The Region Committee reserves the right to decline any article or advertisement.


Page 25

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL COMMITTEE Visit our regional web site for up to date news and information. Website:

Executive Members President Vice-President

Sarah Wheeler

8388 3051

0434 982760

Derrick Hall

8389 3269 Secretary

Sue Drogemuller

08 8188 0027 Treasurer

Wendy Jones

8535 88280

0415 250588

Committee Members Greg Scarlet

08 8556 1377

Rosalie Brinkworth

8524 6805

Jo O’Connor

8564 1384

Other Representatives Certified Males Directory

Susan Haese

8555 4163

Fleece Liaison Officer

Derrick Hall

8389 3269

Jodie Christian Memorial Trophy

Celia Smith

8388 2668


Susan Haese

8555 4163

Name Badges

Margaret and Jim Thompson

8278 2927


Perry Wheeler

8388 3051

Publicity Officer

Page 26

Read and Breed


Page 27

Located: Shop 1/327 Hampstead Rd Northfield. Phone/Fax 82623140

Under new Ownership Welcome to our shop and website to see, experience & enjoy the amazing world of meat. Most of you will know us as Waradene Alpacas. John and Sharon, together with Norman (Sharon’s brother) and Tammy have purchased Hampstead Quality Meat on Hampstead Rd Northfield. With over 21 years of butchery experience, you can be rest assured the meat (& seafood) you purchase from us is the best around. We take phone orders and organise meat for BBQ functions, parties and the like. We also have meat trays for sporting and social clubs available as fund raisers. ―Come in and see us at the shop sometime.‖ We welcome you to join our Loyalty and Xmas clubs. Xmas orders are being taken up until 10th December for guaranteed supply; but there will be hams and seafood on hand for the ones that need it in a hurry. From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. John & Sharon Warland and Family from Waradene Alpacas John, Sharon, Norman and Tammy from Hampstead Quality Meat

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