(RIVER ECOLOGY ) URBAN CONNECTION MArch Emergent Technologies and Design Ivan Ucros Polley Mohammad
PROGRAMME: Emergent Technologies and Design
TERM: 2010-2011
STUDENT NAME: Ivan Ucros Polley, Mohammad Nabil Suleiman, Nicolás Villegas Giorgi
THESIS TITLE: (RE) CONNECT (River Ecology) Urban Connection
“I certify that this piece of work is entirely our own and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of others is duly acknowledged.”
To who ever might find it interesting.
Contents Abstract Domain Methods Research Development Design Development Design Proposal Future Development Bibliography Appendicess 01 02 26 66 74 130 158 164 166
viii (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
The exploitation of the Tunjuelo River quarries in southern Bogotá, Colombia, has created a new geomorphology. More than 50 years of mining resulted in an inverted pyramid of gravel and clay around the natural watershed. As the mining moves away from the river, the exploitation goes deeper than the level of the riverbed leaving the area prone to flooding and mudslides. Consequently, existing soil instability and the hazardous environment created by this activity fails to support urban structures. The concept of this project is to generate an urban system of contingent infrastructures that would permit the revival of this former mining area and allow its urbanisation over time.
To address this, we propose three stages: first, we will study the fluid dynamics of the Tunjuelo River, the behaviour of its watershed, and the consequences of strip mining processes in order to evaluate the physical risks of the area. The information obtained by modelling and
analysis software, will provide the geometrical guidelines and limits of the intervention. The second stage will consist of a brief study of available materials and local building techniques in order to produce a specific urban morphology that responds to the ecological and cultural situation of the site. For this stage, we will develop a computational model that would allow sufficient variation and control of the proposed urban tissue. The results of these series of experiments will produce sufficient information to conduct the third stage of this exploration: Evaluation and re-formulation. The result of these stages will provide a long-term urban strategy adaptive and responsive to the fast growing context of the city of Bogotá.
Post-mining landscapes offer the unique opportunity of reshaping the territory. Examples from France, USA, Germany and other regions of the world show the possibilities of the regeneration of ecological structures
in derelict lands such as the Tunjuelo River quarry (PostMining Landscapes, IBA Furst-Puckler-Land). As Bogotá grows, the need of viable land becomes more pressing and the search for it more challenging. These types of sites will eventually be urbanised even if no contingency actions are taken to mitigate the risks of the area. The use of specialised software to model the different stages of the intervention will provide the necessary tools for evaluation to ensure safe and ecologically balanced conditions for urbanisation. Our system will introduce new urban qualities providing the necessary water control and improving the site conditions as well as the surrounding urban context.
Key Words:
Post-mining, Urban System, Contingent Infrastructure, Urbanisation, Ecology, Bogotá.
Contour lines of the intervention site. Lines every five meters.
Image 1.0
Domain Introduction: The City; The River; The Quarry The City The Quarry The River Conflict Aims Precedents 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.0
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005
04 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.1. The City; The River; The Quarry
(Re) Connect aims to provide an adaptive, urban strategy, which responds to ecological and morphological conditions of a post-mining site within a fast growing urban context.
The proposal deals with an open quarry located south of the city of Bogotá, Colombia. This particular set of quarries are set inside the watershed of the Tunjuelo River and are known as the Tunjuelo River quarries. The mining activity in these areas has modified the morphology and natural processes of the river resulting in an unpredictable water channel in need of stabilisation.
Due to the geological composition of the watershed, the area has been an important source of construction materials for the city for more than fifty years. However as the city expands, and the need for urban tissue is more pressing, consolidated the city now surrounds the former rural areas of the watershed adding to the conflict.
The site is influenced by three very different and particular dynamics: the city, the river and the quarry. This proposal focuses in the interaction of these dynamics in order to address the urban and ecological conditions of the site as an interdependent system capable of adapting and responding to specific situations following an overall logic. This proposal aims to stabilize the topography, restore the watershed and populate the site in an enduring yet dynamic arrangement.
In order to correctly explain the conflict generated by the interaction of these three dynamics, the document starts by explaining the main features of the city, the river and the quarry, relating them to relevant references both local and around the world.
The second chapter is an overview of the most relevant tools used in the design process and explains how these adapt to the particular situation that they try to solve.
The Research Development chapter outlines the general strategy followed in the proposal and explains how the information produced by each design influences the process. The section also introduces the evaluation parameters utilized to analyse the results.
The forth chapter, Design Development, explains the application of the tools to specific situations of the site and how they influence every decision taken during the design process.
The Design Proposal presents the results in the form of an urban strategy for the Tunjuelo River quarries. The section relates the proposal to the evaluation criteria and outlines its performance.
The Future Development critically considers how alterations on the resulting system affect the general outcome.
1.1 Domain // The City; The River; The Quarry
Colombia is located at the north tip of South America. Because of its proximity to the Equador Latitud temperatures stay relatively stable throughout the year. Colombia is a tropical country susceptible to phenomena such as “El Niño rain phenomena.
1.2. The City
Panoramic view of the city.
Bogotá rest on the foot of a mountain chain that serves as natural limit to the city. In general the city has a 3% slope east to west. This helps drain rainwater to the city’s largest river, The Bogotá River.
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is located 2.600 meters above sea level, on the central mountain chain that crosses the country. It expands over 1,587 km2, and has an urban area of 307 KM2. The city is set in what was originally a lake, evidence of this are the series of wetlands that cover some unpopulated areas of the city like the Tunjuelo Watershed.
Bogotá is today the centre of an emergent economy that has been growing at a sustained rate of more than 5% for the passed 5 years. Today the city is home of 9’600,000 people and it is expected that by 2020 the population of the city would be more than 15 million people, that is about 119 million square meters of new or re-densified urban area in less than 8 years. (DANE)
Because of its height, Bogotá has a mountain-tempered climate that remains relatively stable during the entire year. The city has an average temperature of 15°C with daily variations that go from 5°C in the early morning to 22°C in the first hours of the afternoon. Bogotá is a tropical yet cold city with an average of 207 rainy days a year and an annual precipitation of 980 mm.
06 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.2 1.3
Even though the overall climate of the city is relatively stable throughout the year, there is a significant increase of rain days during April and September, when the precipitation levels can go up to 1500mm. (IDEAM) (Tables available at http://institucional.ideam.gov.co/jsp/ index.jsf)
One of the main problems that the city faces today is the
lack of urban planning tools that correctly respond to the scale of the city and its specific problems. Today most urbanization plans end up expanding over the limits of the city into agricultural terrain with out densifying or restoring existing urban tissue. On the other hand informal urbanization processes grow with out any regulation or even safety guidelines resulting in poor
urban spaces in the best of cases, or settlements in unfit and very dangerous areas. The lack of effective urban strategies results in an impossibility to prevent social segregation because badly developed areas are inhabited by the poorest sector of the population. This dynamic is evident in the areas that surround the Tunjuelo Quarries with the added ecological imbalance that the presence of
07 Domain // The City 1.2
Bogotá is located in the geographical centre of the country and is one of the most populated cities in Latin America.
Satellite image of Bogotá taken with ASTER instrumentation by Nasa. The image makes a differentiation between hard and soft surfaces and shows the relative density of the urban tissue. ASTER provides information for surface mapping and monitoring of dynamic conditions and temporal change.
Source: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA13852 NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team
08 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Hard Srf Soft Srf 1.5
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the
the quarry brings to the area.
Other pressing issue of the city is the discontinuity of its infrastructure network. Because of underplaning and due to various social and economical dynamics, the city has grown faster that what its infrastructure system is capable of handling. Some areas of the city have then become inaccessible and virtually impossible to reconnect. These
practices even lead to informal settlements expanding with out any basic utilities resulting in critical sanitary conditions and very fragile urban tissues.
Inspite of the efforts of the local government, illegal promoters encourage and sell settlements before the city is ready to incorporate them into its infrastructure network. By this logic the Tunjuelo River quarries will
eventually be populated however there is no guaranty that the process will benefit the city of its community.
Bogotá, like most Latin American cities is expanding rapidly and the need for development strategies that would adapt to its particular conditions is more pressing now than ever.
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
North of the city is where some of the wealthiest neighbourhoods are located. Apartment blocks and relatively wellconnected infrastructures characterize the urban tissue of these areas.
Bogotá desde el Aire, Villegas Editores 1998
Domain // The City 1.6 1.7 1.8
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
1.3. The Quarry
The Tunjuelo watershed, southwest of the city, comprehends more than 670 hectares of rough and mainly dry terrain. Due to its geological composition of unconsolidated sandstone of gross grain and red clays, the area has been used for both legal and illegal extraction of minerals for more than 50 years. CARO et al., (1996)
The quarries that expand on both sides of the riverbed on the south edge of the city are known as the Tunjuelo River Quarries and are the main intervention area of this proposal. These quarries served as source of construction materials for the city until recently, today, however, the quarry is an obstacle for the city’s development, and a major ecological problem. As a result of this mining
activity, the Tunjuelo River, the largest river within the city, suffered a vast destruction of its watershed as it crosses the quarries. The subsequent erosion has left the soil prone to mudslides in the rainy months endangering the surrounding urban areas and inhibiting the city from reclaiming this post-mining site.
10 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.9
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí.
Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the
general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the
existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network Component notes: each seed is placed as a component – connectivity,
11 Domain // The Quarry
1.3 1.10
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks
(main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public
programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain scales of influence and capacity for certain densities. Placement and distribution will be based on their scales circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to
12 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.11
Image 1.12
Image 1.13
1.11 1.12 1.13
function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design
various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping
identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >> slope, S >> steep
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on
their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding
adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different
Domain // The Quarry 1.14 1.15 1.16
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
1.4. The River
The Tunjuelo River is a semi torrential river with a fluctuating flow that goes from 3 M3/sec in dry moths to 90m3/sec during the rain seasons.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides.
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding is accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion.
14 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.17
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005
points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components
(urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing
urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors
15 1.4 Domain // The River
Image 1.17
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005 the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005 the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005
16 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis. Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component – connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different
operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The
slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on
largest river within the The quarries that expand on both sides of the riverbed on thof the origides
geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
17 1.4 Domain // The River
1.18 1.19 1.20
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005 1.22
18 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.21
Image 1.22
1.5. Conflict
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there
has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing
mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads and houses get dragged into the quarry along with the mudslides, destroying all infrastructure lines and blocking entire sectors of the city.
The article starts as a description of the German regulation regarding mining and mining closure. However, it quickly moves Redevelopment strategies pointing out the dichotomy between nature conservation and rehabilitation of mining areas as available land for new uses.
19 1.5 Domain // Conflict
1.23 1.24 1.25
Image 1.25
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the ththophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the ththophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
20 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
21 1.5 Domain // Conflict
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as the quarry is surrounded by the city. The proximity of the mining activity and the water channel is one of the root problems of the site and the main contributor to the destabilization of the surrounding terrain.
Existing Layer Relation
Proposed Layer Relation
22 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Urban Networks Landscape Urban Networks Landscape River River
Image 1.27
Source: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazí. Flight 05 images 237, 238, 227, 228, Bogotá, 2005
1.6. Aims
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The
slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points
The Future Development critically considers how alterations on the resulting system affect the general outcome.
1.6 Domain // Aims
1.7. Precedents
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the
general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the
existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
24 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.28
Weiss/Manfredi’s proposal for Toronto’s Lower Don Lands Wins the American Architecture Award.
areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Image 1.29
Diller Scofidio + Renfro did not win the Taekwondo Park competition.
of the site and its surrounding areas the conflict between the thren the area. The
Image 1.30
1.28 1.29 1.30
Eriksson Architects, Mentougou Eco Valley Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks
(main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public the and preventing mudslides.
Due to nd channelized. As a resultnd channelized. As a resultnd channelized. As a resultnd channelized. As a resultnd channelized. As a resultnd channelized. As a result.
25 1.7 Domain // Precedents
Image 1.31
FACA, La Union. ARQ. Quilian Riano Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Image 1.33
Milanofiori Housing Complex / OBR Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Image 1.32
1.31 1.33 1.32
Ciudadela el Recreo, ARQ. Konrrad Brunner Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
Image 2.0
Gradient Desent Algorothm
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
in Urban Planning Fluid Dynamics in Torrential Rivers Vector Mapping Applied to Water Flow Water Level Analysis
2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 2.0
Morphological Analysis Slope Analysis Surface Point Analysis Other Relevant Tools Cities and Networks Space Syntax Topological Algorithms City Analysis Range Finder Relationships
Desent Algorothm Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
28 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 2.0
2.1. Algorithms in Urban Planning
The Tunjuelo River is a semi torrential river with a fluctuating flow that goes from 3 M3/sec in dry moths to 90m3/sec during the rain seasons.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides.
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding.
its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding is accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion.
areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. Furthermore this flooding
Cristofer Alexander y otros articulos resumen de los abstracts,
2.1 Methods // Algorithms in Urban Planning
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The
30 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
2.2. Fluid Dynamics in Torrential Rivers
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain
the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads and houses get dragged into the quarry along with the mudslides, destroying all infrastructure lines and blocking entire sectors of the city.
ding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads and houses get dragged into the quarry along with the mudslides, destroying all infrastructure lines and blocking entire sectors of the city.
ding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads
and houses get dragged into the quarry along with the mudslides, destroying all infrastructure lines and blocking entire sectors of the city.
ding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads and houses get dragged into the quarry along with the mudslides, destroying all infrastructure lines and blocking entire sectors of the city.
31 2.2 Methods // Fluid Dynamics in Torrential Rivers
Video escrito y resumido sirve como fuente.
HOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the
ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
areas in
their current condition. Image
1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
2.2.1. Vector Mapping Applied to Water Flow
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
As the city expands, more and more people move into the
neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The
terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
Image 1.30 COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 2.2.1 Methods // Fluid Dynamics in Torrential Rivers
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
34 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
2.2.2. Water Level Analysis
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors
operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.LandC Component
notes: each seed is placed as a component – connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded –and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
2.2.2 Methods // Fluid Dynamics in Torrential Rivers
36 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
Imagen sobre W of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Imagen sobre W of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
2.3. Morphological Analysis
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
37 2.3 Methods // Morphological Analysis
2.3.1. Slope Analysis
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the
general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area
of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale
38 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Saturation 5%
Saturation 15%
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the
topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain scales of influence and capacity for certain densities.
Placement and distribution will be based on their scales
circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Methods // Morphological Analysis
Saturation 75%
Saturation 25%
2.3.2. Surface Point Analysis
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the
general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area
of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale
40 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30 COMPONENT
ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >> slope, S >> steep
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seedpreventing mudslides.
In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries,s. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries
walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides.
ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 2.3.2 Methods // Morphological Analysis
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Path Chooser
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Capacity Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
2.3.3. Other Relevant Tools
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site,
Scales of influenize and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding
points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various
layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
42 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection 1.28 1.29 1.30
of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the points and rules between each of the reactors would create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public in scales (large, medium, small) ton, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent).
By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
43 1.31 2.3.3 Methods // Morphological Analysis
the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image
its surrounding areas in
Image 1.30
com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30
Point on
VB -
com of the
their current condition.
Image 1.30
Image 1.30
Image 1.30 MOSCOW
Image 1.30 NEW
Image 1.30
Image 1.30
44 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28
2.4 Cities & Networks
As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.sufficient vegetation
to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is
also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslide.
Aspectos relevantes de la ciudad y como una ciudad puede ser entendida como una red topologica
45 2.4 Methods // Cities & Networks
NEW YORK Numbered streets colored by magnitude, e.g. 1st Avenue is dark green, 250th Street is dark red.
46 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection Image 1.30 LONDON Axial Map www.spacesintax.com
2.4.1.Space Sintax
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire
sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to
erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
2.4.1 Methods // Cities & Networks
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
2.4.2 Topological Algorithms
Image 1.30
Path Chooser
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
As the city expands, more and more people move into the
neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
48 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection 1.28 1.30
Image 1.30 Set Point on Mesh COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The
terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
49 1.31 1.33 1.32 2.4.2 Methods // Morphological Analysis
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
50 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
2.4.3. City Analysis
Sample A. Bogotá 1.
The connections identify the flat areas from the topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain
scales of influence and capacity for certain densities. Placement and distribution will be based on their scales circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to
51 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.33
500m Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Set Point on Mesh COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Angle Evaluator
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
52 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there
the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >> slope, S >> steep
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale
of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Set Point on Mesh
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
53 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.33 500m
Sample B. Bogotá 2.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
54 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
Sample C. Bogotá 3.
heir integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditiof drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditi lo que pasa este documentico me tiene un poco casao asi que como nadie lo n conditions on the site.
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to
the specific scenarios.
pe, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying th
Set Point on Mesh
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
55 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.33 500m
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
56 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
Sample D. Genoa, Italy.
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the
general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area
of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale
Set Point on Mesh
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
57 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.33
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
58 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there
of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides
Image 1.30
Set Point on Mesh
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
59 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.33 1.32 500m
Sample E. Cuenca, Spain.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
60 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Secondary Tertiary 1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
Image 1.30
Set Point on Mesh
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Sample F. Enna, Italy.
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there
topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain scales of influence and capacity for certain densities.
Placement and distribution will be based on their scales
circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would
Image 1.30
Range Finder
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
61 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.31 1.33 1.32 500m
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Point Grouping
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Primary Secondary Tertiary
62 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.31 1.31 Primary Secondary Tertiary
Sample F. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >> slope, S >> steep
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
63 2.4.3 Methods // City Analysis 1.33 1.32 500m
Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Angle Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Set Point on Mesh COMPONENT ORIENTED
VB -
com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
64 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection Image 1.30 Point Grouping COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB -
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Set Point on Mesh
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
2.4.4. Range Finder
Circle Packing is so great that we will replace this text ining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components
(urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
65 2.4.4 Methods // City Analysis 1.31 1.33 1.32
Research Development General Strategy Evaluation Parameters 3.1 3.2 3.0
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
- Analysis of initial conditions.
- Extraction and storage of information
- Evaluation of partial results
- Evaluation of nal condition
- Analysis algorithms for speci c aspects of the site
- Physical response to Drivers
- Component application.
- Modi cation of partial results.
- Parameters for evaluation.
- Modi cation algorithms for speci c aspects of the site
- Component assemblies
68 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
3.1. General Strategy
System layers-Series of layers breaking down the existing urban/geomorphological characteristics of the site, and its surroundings, to the basic elements – this will help in creating a “map of values” that will help classify the various conditions on site. Subdividing the site in various zones – existing, contingent land use, reactive components. The overall systemic map provides for the general strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land
use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest
Image 1.30
bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain scales of influence and capacity for certain densities. Placement and distribution will be based on their scales circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
3.1 Research Development // General Strategy
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Watershed Morphology
Slope Gradients
Existing Urban Tissue
In uence Areas
Land Usage
Urban Types
Seeding Community Programs
Urban Topology
Boundary Classi cation
Watershed Restitution
Weak Embankment Finder
Flooding Pools Finder Flow Control Planes
Gradient Decent
Block Subdivider
Slope Analysis
Cominnity Range Finder
City Topology
Street Tracer
Building Type Engine
Space Sintax
Flooding Pools Finder
Weak Embankment Finder
Flow Control Planes
Gradient Decent
Block Subdivider
Slope Analysis
Cominnity Range Finder
City Topology
Street Tracer
Building Type Engine
Space Sintax
Ecological Aspects
Topographical Aspects
Network Aspects
70 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >> slope, S >> steep
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information
embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads
blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 3.1 Methods // General Strategy River Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements -Network condition-Infrastructure requirements-Urbantissuetypes -Transformed topography -Soil mechanics -Risk assessment Analysis UncontrolledMining Ana lysis FastGrowingCity Analysi s Rest tutionofthesettings need ed t o p r o m o et t eh developmentofthewatersh ed e c o s y s et m enableandsupport urban development Construction of stable conditionsthatwould C onn ce t i o n o f t he neede dinfrastructuresin order o tstra a s u s t a ina ble ur banizationprocess
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
72 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Water Ground Environment Private Public Mixed use Single-level Multi-level Linear stack Terraced Alternating Housing unit Hydro-turbine Live stakes / Joint planting Water storage Water channel Water filtration Water harvest Vegetation Stamp-based Safe river bank Safe spill pools Canals Embankment Pavement +Infrastructure Pavement +Lighting Roads Pavement Profile-based High risk resolution Mitigation Stabilize Safety restitution Reconnect Populate INTERFACE DOMAIN LEVELS GROUPING COMPONENT FUNCTION
tro uabrn dolevepemnt oCnrtsuoitcn of elbats ocdnoitinahts
iyslnaA s titseRuit dolevepm enaelbadnsppu
Ana lysi s
Analysis F
C onn ec t i o n o f t eh neede difnrtsarutcuisern rodre ot start a s u s t a ina bel ur abnoitazipn.ssecor
t he dolevepemnotfehtwhsreta ed e c
iyslnaA s titseRuoitnofittesehtgns need ed t o p r
- Watershed requirements
y s te m enaelbadnspputro uabrn dolevepemn.t oCnrtsuoitcn of elbats ocdnoitintahtswould C onn ec t i o n o f t eh neede difnrtsarutcuisern rodre ot start a s u
River Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition
iyslnaA s titseRuoitnofittesehtgns need ed t o p r o m o te t
enaelbadnspputro uabrn dolevepemn.t oCnrtsuoitcn of elbats ocdnoitintahtswould
NetworkconditionInfrastructurerequirementstypestissueUrbanTransformedtopography Soilmechanics Riskassessment Analysis UnconollertdMinign Ana lysi s
1. Essencial action : Restitution of the water channel and its surrounding safety areas.
River Ecosystem
- Water flow incidence - Watershed condition
- Watershed requirements
3.2. Evaluation parameters
River Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements
iyslnaA s titseRuoitnofitteseht
Transformedtopography Soilmechanics Riskassessment Analysis UnconollertdMinign Ana lysi s
2. Mitigating: Identification of safety zones for placement of contingencies.
3. Stabilizing: Modification of topography to generate viable terrain for urbanization.
River Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements
4. Reconnecting: Layout of the infrastructure according to the resulting topography.
-Transformed topography -Soil mechanics -Risk assessment Analysis UncontrolledMining
C onn ce t i o n o f t he neede dinfrastructuresin order to tstra a s u s t a ina ble ur banizationprocess.
River Ecosystem
- Water flow incidence
- Watershed condition
- Watershed requirements
Analysi s Restitutionofthesettings need ed t o p r o m o et t eh developmentofthewatersh ed e c o s y s et m enableandsupport urban development. Construction of stable conditionsthatwould
C onn ce t i o n o f t he neede dinfrastructuresin order to tstra a s u s t a ina ble ur banizationprocess.
River Ecosystem
5. Populating: Placement of housing types in the resulting areas.
-Transformed topography -Soil mechanics -Risk assessment Analysis
Ana lysi s
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale of influence that the surrounding various areas have on
Restitutionofthesettings need ed t o p r o m o et t eh developmentofthewatersh ed e c o s y s et m enableandsupport urban development. Constructio
- Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements -Transformed topography -Soil mechanics -Risk assessment Analysis
C onn ce t i o n o f t he neede dinfrastructuresin order to tstra a s u s t a ina ble ur banizationprocess
River Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements Analysis
Ana lysi s
each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale. Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
n of stable conditionsthatwould
Analysi s
The connections identify the flat areas from the
Restitutionofthesettings need ed t o p r o m o et t eh developmentofthewatersh ed e c o s y s et m enableandsupport urban development. Construction of stable conditionsthatwould
Analysi s
Ana lysi s
urban development. Construction of stable conditionsthatwould C onn ce t i o n o f t he neede dinfrastructuresin order to tstra a s u s t a ina ble ur banizationprocess.
GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
3.2 Methods // General Strategy
1.30 Range
Evaluate Evaluate terrain Evaluate watershed Evaluate density Evaluate conectivity Evaluate urban tissue 0 to 5 3 to 7 0 to 8 7 to 15 8 to 15 Year Year River Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements River
requirements Analysis Analysi s enableandsupport urban Construction of stable C onn ce t i o n o f t he neede dinfrastructuresin order to tstra a s u s t a ina ble ur banizationprocess.
Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed
Un Ana lysi s Analysi s Restitutionofthesettings need ed t o p r o m o et t eh developmentofthewatersh ed e c o s y s et m enableandsupport
mechanics Risk-
o te
s t a ina bel ur abnoitazipn.ssecor
o s
Ecosystem - Water flow incidence - Watershed condition - Watershed requirements
ec t i o n o f t
e d
na bel ur abnoitazipnssecor
he dolevepemnotfehtwhsreta ed e c
s y s
eh need
ifnrtsarutcuisern rodre ot start a s u s t
ed t o p r o m o te t
ed e c o s y s te m
he dolevepemnotfehtwhsreta
enaelbadnspputro uabrn dolevepemn.t oCnrtsuoitcn of elbats ocdnoitintahtswould C onn ec t i o n o f t eh neede difnrtsarutcuisern rodre ot start a s u s t a ina bel ur abnoitazipn.ssecor
Design Development Terrain Classification Flood Control Component Based Approach First Level of Connection Second Level of Connection Block Morphology Public Programme 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.0
Image 1.30
Set Point on Mesh
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
4.1. Terrain Classification
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there there there there there there there there there
topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain scales of influence and capacity for certain densities.
Placement and distribution will be based on their scales circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would
76 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
the site and its surrounding areas in their current
1.31 1.33 1.32
77 4.1 Design Development // Terrain Classification 0 250 500 1000 MTS Image 1.30 Low points COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. River Flooding 1.32
Referencia Catalogp de plantas COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Tipo de planta y porque es buena COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
de planta y fuente de porque es local COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >> slope, S >> steep
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components
78 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
1.31 1.33 1.32
Como se determina el borde COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
79 4.1 Design Development // Terrain Classification 0 250 500 1000 MTS
Image 1.30
River Flooding 1.32 Risk Area
its surrounding areas in their
(urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries
walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslidesthere there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there there there there there there there there thereneighbourhoods`its watershed assumes and adapts
80 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
1.31 HARD SOFT WET DRY S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 WET DRY S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
Tipo de planta y fuente de porque es local COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and
current condition.
Como se determina el borde COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
81 4.1 Design Development // Terrain Classification 0 250 500 1000 MTS Image 1.30
River Flooding 1.32 Risk Area S3 / 32.7° To 90° S2 / 8° To 32.7° S1 / 0° To 8°
Set Point on Mesh
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
4.2. Flood Control
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there there there there there there there there there
to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding
without loosing stability and preventing mudslidesthere there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been
82 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.33 1.32
83 4.2 Design Development // Flood Control 0 250 500 1000 MTS Image 1.30 Low points COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 1.32 River Flooding Risk Area S3 / 32.7° To 90° S2 / 8° To 32.7° S1 / 0° To 8° Weak Embankment Drain Path
Set Point on Mesh
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Angle Evaluator
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there there there there there there there there thereneighbourhoods`its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing
stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslidesthere there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there
there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there
neighbourhoods`its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also
84 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.31 1.33 1.32
85 4.2 Design Development // Flood Control 0 250 500 1000 MTS Image 1.30 Low points COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 1.32 River Flooding Risk Area S3 / 32.7° To 90° S2 / 8° To 32.7° S1 / 0° To 8° Surface Modification Cone -Water Speed +Water Speed
Drainage Axis
Weak Embankment
Flooding Areas
Site Boundary
Flood Planes +-
Drainage Axis
Weak Embankment
Flooding Areas
Site Boundary
to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and Tunjuelo quarries, the malparidito river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there there there there there there there there thereneighbourhoods`its watershed assumes and adapts
accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslidesthere there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there
86 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30 Set Point on Mesh
ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
87 4.2 Design Development // Flood Control 0 250 500 1000 MTS Image 1.30 Low points COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 1.32 River Flooding Control Area S3 / 32.7° To 90° S2 / 8° To 32.7° S1 / 0° To 8°
88 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection Water Ground Urban/Network Continuous Hybrid Water Ground Solid Porous Mixed Local Block Cluster Multi-scalar Structure Populate Stabilize Retain INTERFACE FORM MATERIAL SCALE FUNCTION Mixed Mixed Discrete Discrete Hybrid Flow control Protect Connect Image 1.30 Low points COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their
4.3. Component Based Aproach
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking
entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city. ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
tes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
89 4.3 Design Development // Component Based Aproach
90 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection Water Water Ground Ground Ground Local Local Block Cluster Swale Urban/Network Urban/Network Solid Solid Porous Porous Mixed Mixed Continuous Continuous Continuous Discrete Discrete Discrete Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Stairs Spill pools Multi-scalar Water Water storage Local Vegetation Local Solid Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Water Water channel Local Water filtration Street Local Live stakes Water Water Ground Ground Ground Local Local Block Cluster Swale Urban/Network Urban/Network Solid Solid Porous Porous Mixed Mixed Continuous Continuous Continuous Discrete Discrete Discrete Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Stairs Spill pools Multi-scalar Water Water storage Local Vegetation Local Solid Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Water Water channel Local Water filtration Street Local Live stakes Cluster Swale Urban/Network Porous Continuous Discrete Vegetation Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Solid Water filtration Street Solid Discrete Water Local Live stakes Water Water Ground Ground Ground Local Local Block INTERFACE Swale FORM MATERIAL SCALE FUNCTION Urban/Network Urban/Network Solid Solid Porous Porous Mixed Mixed Continuous Continuous Continuous Discrete Discrete Discrete Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Stairs Spill pools Multi-scalar Water Water storage Local Vegetation Local Solid Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Discrete Water Local Live stakes Water Water Ground Ground Ground Local Local Block INTERFACE Swale FORM MATERIAL SCALE FUNCTION Urban/Network Urban/Network Solid Solid Porous Porous Mixed Mixed Continuous Continuous Continuous Discrete Discrete Discrete Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Stairs Spill pools Multi-scalar Water Water storage Local Vegetation Local Solid Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Discrete Water Local Live stakes Cluster Swale Urban/Network Porous Continuous Discrete Vegetation Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Solid Water filtration Street Discrete Water Local Live stakes Urban/Network Hybrid Water Ground Ground Ground Mixed Local Local Block Multi-scalar INTERFACE Swale FORM MATERIAL SCALE FUNCTION Urban/Network Solid Solid Porous Porous Mixed Mixed Continuous Discrete Discrete Discrete Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Stairs Spill pools Multi-scalar Water Water storage Protect Connect Local Vegetation Local Solid Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Local Live stakes Urban/Network Hybrid Water Ground Ground Ground Mixed Local Local Block Multi-scalar INTERFACE Swale FORM MATERIAL SCALE FUNCTION Urban/Network Solid Solid Porous Porous Mixed Mixed Continuous Discrete Discrete Discrete Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Stairs Spill pools Multi-scalar Water Water storage Protect Connect Local Vegetation Local Solid Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Local Live stakes Cluster Swale Urban/Network Porous Continuous Discrete Vegetation Contingent Wall Ground Ground Mixed Hybrid Local Gabion Solid Water filtration Street Local Live stakes 1.31 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.33 1.32 Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT
the site
surrounding areas
their current condition.
- http://woojsung.com of
and its
91 Urban/Network Water Local Cluster Urban/Network Continuous Continuous Hybrid Water storage Local Vegetation Local Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Water Water channel Local Water filtration Cluster Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Discrete Water Water Stone toe Local Housing Urban/Network Water Local Cluster Urban/Network Continuous Continuous Hybrid Water storage Local Vegetation Local Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Water Water channel Local Water filtration Cluster Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Discrete Water Water Stone toe Local Housing Urban/Network Cluster Local Water filtration Street Cluster Solid Solid Discrete Discrete Water Local Housing Turbine Urban/Network Water Local Cluster Urban/Network Solid Porous Continuous Continuous Hybrid Water storage Local Vegetation Mixed Local Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Water Water channel Local Water filtration Cluster Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Discrete Water Water Stone toe Local Housing Urban/Network Water Local Cluster Urban/Network Solid Porous Continuous Continuous Hybrid Water storage Local Vegetation Mixed Local Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Water Water channel Local Water filtration Cluster Local Solid Solid Solid Discrete Discrete Water Water Stone toe Local Housing 1.31 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.33 1.32 Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 4.3 Design Development // Component Based Aproach
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
92 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection 0 250 500 1000 MTS
Low Connectivity High Connectivity 1.32
4.4. First Level of Connection
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries.
As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
93 4.4 Design Development // First Level of Connection
0 250 500 1000 MTS
1.32 S1 / 0° To 8° River Park Connection Points
Image 1.30-1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
94 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection 5000m 5000m 5000m 5000m 5000m 5000m 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
0 250 500 1000 MTS Low Connectivity High Connectivity
Image 1.30-1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
95 4.4 Design Development // First Level of Connection 5000m 5000m 5000m 5000m 5000m 5000m 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
96 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection Low Connectivity High Connectivity 250 500 1000 MTS
As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terrains to the city, the infrastructure that serves these areas is fragmented and in serious conflict.
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and
97 0 250 500 1000 MTS 4.4 Design Development // First Level of Connection
Image 1.30-1.30
1.32 S1 / 0° To 8° River Park
First Level of Connection
4.5. Second Level of Connection
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. there there there there there there there there there
neighbourhoods`its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
ides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the city.
98 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 1.32
Image 1.30-1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and
99 0 250 500 1000 MTS
1.32 4.5 Design Development // Second Level of Connection S3 / 32.7° To 90° S2 / 8° To 32.7° S1 / 0° To 8° S3 / 32.7° To 90° S H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 W S S S1 / 0° To 8° River Park
100 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection S3 / 32.7° To 90° S3 / 32.7° To 90° S2 / 8° To 32.7° S1 / 0° To 8° S H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 W W S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 W S S
1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. 1.32 S1 / 0° To 8°
Range Finder
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and
101 4.5 Design Development // Second Level of Connection
Image 1.30
0 250 500 MTS 250 500 1000 MTS
Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. PER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. PER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. PER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. PER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. PER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
102 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection SCALE
DENSITY Private Public Single-housing
4.6. Block Morphology
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component – connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual
to the specific scenarios.neighbourhoods`its watershed assumes and adapts to those changes. The terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslides. In the case of the Tunjuelo quarries, the flooding of populated areas is also accompanied by the collapse of the quarries walls due to erosion. Roads blocking entire sectors of the
city. terrain has therefore sufficient vegetation to sustain the flooding without loosing stability and preventing mudslidesthere there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there
ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. of the site and
4.6 Design Development // Block Morphology
H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT
1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
104 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection Urban (street / public program) Park Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Urban (street / public program) Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid public program) Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 Urban (street / public program) Park Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Urban (street / public program) Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid public program) Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB -
- http://woojsung.com
VB - http://woojsung.com
Landscape architecture as a discipline spend more time then necessary attempting to prevent the inevitable loss of traditional identity, rather than thinking proactively and developing the tools of an entirely new approach to large scale design.
The article descrives a new method as a topological
approach to site design using computer modelling and visualization, which is able to integrate the most significant parameters of planning. Engineering and architecture wie integration and biodiversity. Emergent topologies in landscape The article descrives a new method as a topological approach to site design using computer modelling and visualization, which is able to integrate the most significant parameters of planning. Engineering and
architecture within a new kind of interdisciplinary large –scale design. Emergent Topology, says the author, will become not only an impressive symbol by its shear size, but also an example of advance landscape integration and biodiversity. Emergent topologies in landscape
Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com 1.32 1.32 1.32 Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid Softscape Hardscape Primary Secondary SURFACE NETWORK SPATIAL Public Private Flexible Rigid 4.6 Design Development // Block Morphology
Image 1.30
Range Finder
NTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com
NTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com
NTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com
106 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
The Article outlines a list of by-laws for the formation and use of post-mining landscapes as developmental tasks:
-The post-mining landscapes, newly available for design should, on the one hand, suit their geological surroundings and, on the other hand, set their own economic, ecologic, and aesthetic priorities.
- After mining a landscape should be left behind that fills the requirements of environmental protection and provides new jobs for the people living there.
-Re-cultivation is interlinked with a learning process and requires a lot of time, energy, and financial means; durable tending strategies and accompanying measures are necessary so that any shortcomings of the re-cultivation can be duly rectified according to the respective level.
- The conversion, restoration and rehabilitation of a
liable environment give the inhabitants of the mining regions the opportunity to build themselves a new home.
In this process, therefore, the different stakeholders must be strengthened and the varying interest groups must maintain an equal say in order to increase the transparency of the policies and the restoration plans.
The re-cultivation should be accompanied by various investigations and research.
The Article outlines a list of by-laws for the formation and use of post-mining landscapes as developmental tasks:
-The post-ming landscapes, newly available for design should, on the one hand, suit their geological surroundings and, on the other hand, set their own economic, ecologic, and aesthetic priorities.
must be strengthened and the varying interest groups
must maintain an equal say in order to increase the transparency of the policies and the restoration plans.
The re-cultivation should be accompanied by various investigations and research.
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
4.7 Design Development // Public Programmes
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
116 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
117 Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com 4.7 Design Development // Public Programmes
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Image 1.30
Range Finder
118 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection 0 250 500 1000 MTS 0 250 500 1000 MTS
Range Finder
119 4.7 Design Development // Public Programmes 0 250 500 1000 MTS 0 250 500 1000 MTS Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com Image 1.30
DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com
120 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com Image 1.30
0 250 500 MTS
Range Finder
Range Finder
121 4.7 Design Development // Public Programmes
Image 1.30
250 500 MTS
Range Finder
122 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com Image 1.30
0 250 500 MTS
Image 1.30
Range Finder
Range Finder
0 250 500 MTS 4.7 Design Development // Public Programmes
This one is again a description of the chilenian law. Being Chile one of the largest producers of copper in the world the country is filled with old and unwanted infrastructure throughout its territory. To deal with tis situation the country has devised a strict regulation system than demands closure plans, Restitution of the land and restoration of the landscape before any mining site is given a licence to operate. As good as this may be, says Image
the author, the regulation when written, did not stipulate what to do with already closed mines and did not require the closure plans to be up to date as the mining process expands.
Among the most interesting strategies, the article mentions the concept of Significant Risk; a matrix of likelihood of a particular incident versus the significance of the consequences. This was done in order to determine the cost and extent of the mitigation and restoration plan. It uses the experiences of the Swell mine near Rancagua and La Africana Mine near Santiago as examples.
124 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Range Finder COMPONENT
- http://woojsung.com Image 1.30
HOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com Image 1.30
125 0 250 500 MTS 4.7 Design Development // Public Programmes
Image 1.30
Design Proposal The intervention: The City; The River; The Quarry Plans and Sections Component Placement Flood Phasing Network Dynamics Spatial Results 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.0
128 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection STABILIZE RESTORE POPULATE Public Programs Buildings Contingencies Flood Control
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
- http://woojsung.com
The intervention: The City; The River; The Quarry
This one is again a description of the chilenian law. Being Chile one of the largest producers of copper in the world the country is filled with old and unwanted infrastructure throughout its territory. To deal with tis situation the country has devised a strict regulation system than demands closure plans, Restitution of the land and restoration of the landscape before any mining site is given a licence to operate. As good as this may be, says the author, the regulation when written, did not stipulate what to do with already closed mines and did not require the closure plans to be up to date as the mining process expands.
Among the most interesting strategies, the article mentions the concept of Significant Risk; a matrix of
likelihood of a particular incident versus the significance of the consequences. This was done in order to determine the cost and extent of the mitigation and restoration plan. It uses the experiences of the Swell mine near Rancagua
This one is again a description of the chilenian law. Being Chile one of the largest producers of copper in the world the country is filled with old and unwanted infrastructure throughout its territory. To deal with tis situation the country has devised a strict regulation system than demands closure plans, Restitution of the land and restoration of the landscape before any mining site is given a licence to operate. As good as this may be, says the author, the regulation when written, did not stipulate what to do with already closed mines and did not require the closure plans to be up to date as the mining process expands. Image 1.30
129 5.1 Design Proposal //The intervention: The City; The River; The Quarry
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
5.2. Plans and Sections
As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry.
Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraih of the que closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraiNormally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically,
Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, rmally, when the flow of a river increasermally, when the flow of a river increase
130 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
0 250 500 1000 MTS 1.30
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
131 0 250 500 MTS
1.30 Design Proposal //Plans and Sections 5.2 250 500 1000 MTS
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
132 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection 1.30 1.30
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Image 1.30
Range Finder
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
133 0 250 500 MTS
Design Proposal //Plans and Sections 5.2 250 500 1000 MTS
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the three dynamics present on the area. The need for suitable urban tissue is evident as
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the ththophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the ththophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
134 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
Orthophotograph of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the thrrounding areas in their current condition. The image summarises the conflict between the th
Design Proposal //Plans and Sections 5.2
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
5.3. Component Placement
The primary aim of rehabilitation is that the surface areas engaged in mining, says the author, are suitable for another worthwhile use, including the necessary measures to enable this, so that, notable, the incorporation of future use is not relevant. However, the other worthwhile use does not later have to continue through a cultivation business, for instance through agriculture; its use as recreational area of nature conservation area is therefore also possible, like the wide range of respectable utilization options clearly prove. The consideration of the public’s interest during rehabilitation prohibits prospects constricted to one solution and demands a reconcilement with public needs.
136 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S H S S D S1 H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S1 D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S S H D S2 H D S3 H S1 H S2 H S3 W W W D S2 D S3 S1 S2 S3 W W W S S S S
Image 1.30
of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition. ENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the siteNT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com
of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// woojsung.com of the site and
Design Proposal //Component Placement 5.3 1.30 1.30
5.4. Flood Phasing
strategy of how the existing drivers and reactors operate and their hierarchies.
Existing urban tissues - existing Surrounding city fabric broken down and analysed as: connection points, densities (open: built, green percentage, soft: hard, public: private), social/public infrastructures (identify the existing public infrastructure, their scale, type and area
of influence), space syntax. Topographical patches The slope analysis of various gradients. Divided into 3.Land use- zoning the existing Urban / Park subdivisions: area for city growth / protected area for landscaping and stabilizing the watershed
Scales of influence/ influence areas-Proximity influence (values) Subdivision of land use zones based on the scale
of influence that the surrounding various areas have on each other: proximity to – water/park/urban. Connectorglobal scale (Primary “highways” that are imposed on the site, from the city space syntax – it operates on a city scale.
Constitutes the primary level of the proposed networks (main roads)
The connections identify the flat areas from the
138 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Buildings Water Water Balance Tanks Ramps Base Street Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Underground Balance Tank Main Intersection Permeable Ramp Permeable Ramp Swale Drainage Dich Flood Dierection Vehicular Street Vehicular Street Pedestrian Ramp Building
Base Building
- http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN
VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
139 Design Proposal //Flood Phasing 5.4
Image 1.30
250 500 1000 MTS 0 250 500 MTS 1.30 1.30
topographical patches (avoiding flood plains) and linking the identified connection points from each of the surrounding urban areas through the shortest bridging segment crossing the park areas. Seeding public programs- regional scale (Small, medium, large)- Civic/ social/public spaces and components that have certain scales of influence and capacity for certain densities.
Placement and distribution will be based on their scales circle packing and topographical patches/ slopes. Urban components- local scale(landscape, urban, contingent) constitute self-organizing components that relate to various elements of the site
Reactors (network– the relationships and connection points and rules between each of the reactors would
create a hierarchy of networks). Seeding public programs: Broken down to 4 main categories – Public/Support/ Commercial/Leisure-Culture, based on grouping identified in the existing public infrastructure. 3 different sizes/scales (L, M, S) going to be placed according to the slope gradients on site – L >> Flat, M >>
140 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
steep Image
Buildings Water Water Balance Tanks Ramps Base Street Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Underground Balance Tank Main Intersection Permeable Ramp Permeable Ramp Swale Drainage Dich
slope, S >>
- http://woojsung.com of
VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN
VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
Flood Dierection
Vehicular Street
Vehicular Street Pedestrian Ramp Building on Base Building on Base
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
250 500 1000 MTS 0 250 500 MTS 1.30 1.30 Design Proposal //Flood Phasing 5.4
ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information embedded – and their integration with other components
(urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
142 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Range Finder COMPONENT
Buildings Water Water Balance Tanks Ramps Base Street Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Underground Balance Tank Main Intersection Permeable Ramp Permeable Ramp Swale Drainage Dich Flood
Image 1.30
Dierection Vehicular Street Vehicular Street Pedestrian Ramp
Building on Base
Building on Base
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
250 500 1000 MTS 0 250 500 MTS 1.30 1.30 Design Proposal //Flood Phasing 5.4
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
To provide for a distributed network of services, the spread and placement of these seeds will be based on their scales and areas of influence. Produce 4 circle packing maps – one for each category as each would vary in scale. Each sub category has a certain size and scale of influence. There are 3 different scales (large, medium, small) to be placed according to the slope analysis.
Network notes: optimised connection of all the seeding points (minimum spanning trees or tree of trees), provides the 2nd level of the network to be overlaid with the first level, topographically sensitive network
Component notes: each seed is placed as a component –connectivity, function, and orientation, information
embedded – and their integration with other components (urban, landscape, contingent). By combining the various layers of drivers we produce a map classifying the different geomorphological and urban conditions on the site, this enables us to design adaptable components contextual to the specific scenarios.
144 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Buildings Water Water Balance Tanks Ramps Base Street Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Underground Balance Tank Main Intersection Permeable Ramp Permeable Ramp Swale Drainage Dich Flood
Image 1.30
Vehicular Street
Vehicular Street Pedestrian Ramp
Building on Base
Building on Base
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Design Proposal //Flood Phasing 5.4
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASS HOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
146 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
5.5. Network Dynamics
Due to the mining activity that resulted in the destruction of the original watershed, the path of the river has been modified and channelized. As a result, the flow increases its speed and tries to scape trough weak and unprotected points such as poor embankments in heavily populated areas to north of the quarries. As the city expands, more and more people move into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraih of the que closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraiNormally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically,
rmally, when the flow of a river increasermally, when the flow of a river increaseove into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraih of the que closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraiNormally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, ove into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraih of the que closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraiNormally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, ove into the neighbourhoods that
surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraih of the que closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraiNormally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, ove into the neighbourhoods that surround the quarry. Because there has never been a plan for the closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraih of the que closure of the quarries and the integration of its terraiNormally, when the flow of a river increases periodically, Normally, when the flow of a river increases periodically,
Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Design Proposal //Network Dynamics 5.5 Image 1.30
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
148 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Design Proposal //Spatial Results 5.6
150 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30 Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Design Proposal //Spatial Results 5.6
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
152 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Design Proposal //Spatial Results 5.6
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung.com of tRIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http:// of the site and its surrouENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VBhttp://woojsung.com of the site and
154 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
Image 1.30
Range Finder
COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
155 Design Proposal //Spatial Results 5.6
Image 1.30
Range Finder COMPONENT ORIENTED DESIGN IN GRASSHOPPER VB - http://woojsung. com of the site and its surrounding areas in their current condition.
Design Proposal //Spatial Results 5.6
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161 Bibliography 7.0
Appendices 8.0 Code Summary Tables 8.1 8.2
1 Private Sub RunScript(ByVal canal As Polyline, ByVal genL As Double, ByVal reset As Boolean, ByVal branch As Boolean, ByVal spur As Boolean, ByVal stick As Boolean, ByVal sclfac As Double, ByVal build As List(Of Polyli ne), ByVal cen As Point3d, ByVal scInt As Interval, ByVal wbounds As Curve, ByVal totalpop As Integer, ByVal startpop As Integer, ByVal growth As Double, ByVal startRL As List(Of Polyline), ByVal existRL As List(Of Pol yline), ByVal rbounds As Polyline, ByVal canCen As Polyline, ByVal aggCir As List(Of Circle), ByVal type As I nteger, ByVal areas As List(Of Double), ByVal height As List(Of Double), ByVal wOff As Double, ByVal rOff As Double, ByVal cS As Polyline, ByVal sC As Polyline, ByVal area3d As List(Of Double), ByVal aggcrv As List(Of Curve), ByVal attstrat As Boolean, ByRef waterCanals As Object, ByRef WaterOffset As Object, ByRef RoadList A s Object, ByRef RoadsOffset As Object, ByRef Buildings As Object, ByRef SolarStills As Object, ByRef GrowthCi rcle As Object, ByRef recGrid As Object, ByRef publicspaceList As Object)
2 If count = 0 OrElse reset Then
'----------------------------------5 count =
can = New polyline(canal)
trail = New DataTree(Of polyline)
gen = New DataTree(Of int32)
stopper New DataTree(Of int32)'stopper = 0 then go; stopper = 1 then dead
grow_branch(branch, sc, cs, genL, wbounds, aggCir)
make_points(build, areas)
grid(rbounds, sc, cs, build, areas)
Call Resize(sclfac, sc, cs, aggcir, attstrat)
canL As List(Of polyline) = trail.AllData : canl.Add(canCen)
Roads(growth, startRL, existRL, canL, rBounds, aggCir)
Call publicspace
Call recpack(stick, build, type, existRL, wOff, rOff, canCen, rbounds)
If bldL.Count > 0 Then bldl = orient(type, existRL, wOff, rOff, canCen)
tg AsNew DataTree(Of int32)
For i As int32 = 0 To gen.BranchCount - 1
Dim p As GH_Path = gen.Path(i)
For j As int32 = 0 To gen.Branch(i) Count - 1
If gen.Branch(i).item(j) = 8 Then tg.Add(0, p)
If gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 7 Then tg.Add(1, p)
If gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 6 Then tg.Add(2, p)
If gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 5 Then tg.Add(3, p)
If gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 4 Then tg.Add(4, p)
If gen.Branch(i).item(j) = 3 Then tg.Add(5, p)
If gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 2 Then tg.Add(6, p)
If gen.Branch(i).item(j) 1 Then tg.Add(7, p)
If gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 0 Then tg.Add(8, p)
If gen.Branch(i).item(j) =-1 Then tg.Add(8, p)
Dim prev As New List(Of circle)
For i As int32 = 0To aggcir.Count - 1
164 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
0 6
= New List(Of polyline) 11 outRec = New List(Of rectangle3d) 12 areaOr = New List(Of Double) 13 genW = 1 14 prevflag = New List(Of Boolean) 15 pstfl = New List(Of Boolean) 16 psL = New List(
17 stiL = New
18 aggpoly = New
polyline) 19 20 dph = New List(Of
21 dphi = 0 22 dFlag = New List(Of Boolean) 23 hecsortL = New List(Of Double) 24 '----------------------------------25 '----------------------------------26 For i As int32 =0 To build.Count - 1 27 Dim prop As AreaMassProperties = AreaMassProperties.Compute(build.item(i).tonurbscurve) 28 areaOr.Add(prop.Area) 29 pstfl.Add(True) 30 Next 31 32 33 totpop = totalpop * 1000 34 curpop = 0'startpop * 1000 35 addpop = 0 36 cannetLength = 0 37 addpopL = New List(Of Double) 38 roadnetlen = 0 39 conRate = 100 40 genR = 0 41 seg = 25 42 n 5 43 bothways = False 44 45 roadL = startRL 46 ageL = New List(Of int32) 47 tfL = New List(Of Boolean) 48 tvalT = New DataTree(Of Double) 49 50 For i As int32 = 0 To roadL.Count - 1 51 ageL.add(genR) 52 tfL.add(True) 53 tvalT.Add(0, New GH_path(i)) 54 roadnetlen += roadL.item(i).length 55 Next 56 57 '----------------------------------58 '----------------------------------59 timelaps = 0 60 fact = .895 61 actCir = New Circle(cen, 1) 62 For i As int32 = 0 To aggCir.Count - 1 Macintosh HD:Users:iNVG:Desktop:the code!!.vb: 1/23 63 prevflag.Add(False) 64 Next 65 66 '----------------------------------67 '----------------------------------68 69 oriT = New DataTree(Of polyline) 70 c = 1 71 72 recL New List(Of rectangle3d) 73 74 ReDim shptA(build.count - 1) 75 ReDim shnA(build.Count - 1) 76 '----------------------------------77 '----------------------------------78 area3dL = area3D 79 secFlag = New DataTree(Of Boolean) 80 areaL = New List(Of Double) 81 nc = 0 82 '----------------------------------83 '----------------------------------84 85 For i As int32 = 0 To aggcrv.Count - 1 86 Dim crv As curve = aggcrv.item(i) 87 Dim dbl() As Double = crv.DivideByCount(200, True) 88 Dim pol AsNew polyline 89 For j As int32 = 0 To dbl.length - 1 90 pol.Add(crv.PointAt(dbl(j))) 91 Next 92 aggpoly.Add(pol) 93 Next 94 EndIf 95 '----------------------------------96 '----------------------------------97 If timeLaps > 0 Then actCir.Radius += actCir.Radius *
^ timeLaps) 98 If timeLaps > 0 AndAlso timelaps Mod 50 = 0 Then 99 fact /= 1.85 100 timeLaps = 0 101 EndIf 102 '----------------------------------103 104 '----------------------------------105 Call
106 'Call
107 Call
114 ' '----------------------------------115 '----------------------------------116
Of rectangle3d)
List(Of Point3d)
130 Next 131 Next 132
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print("canal pr person = " & canNetLength / curpop)
Dim trail As DataTree(Of polyline)
Dim gen As DataTree(Of int32)
Dim stopper As DataTree(Of Int32)
Dim bldl As List(Of polyline)
Dim outRec As List(Of rectangle3d)
Dim areaOr As List(Of Double)
Dim can As Polyline
Dim canNetLength As Double
Dim fact As Double = 0
Dim timelaps As Int32 = 0
Dim prevflag As List(Of Boolean)
Dim stiL As List(Of point3d)
Dim hecsortL As List(Of Double)
Dim roadL As List(Of polyline)
Dim ageL As List(Of int32)
181 Dim tfL As List(Of Boolean) 182 Dim tvalT As DataTree(Of Double) 183 184 Dim totpop As Int32
185 Dim curPop As Int32
186 Dim addpop As int32
187 Dim addPopL As List(Of Double)
188 Dim nc As int32 = 0
189 Dim dph As List(Of rectangle3d)
190 Dim dphi As int32
191 Dim dflag As List(Of Boolean) 192 193 Dim roadNetLen As Double 194 Dim seg As Double 195 Dim div As Double 196 Dim n As int32
197 Dim bothways As Boolean
Dim actCir As Circle
Dim conRate As int32
Dim genR As int32
Dim genW As Int32
Dim recL As List(Of rectangle3d)
205 Dim oriT As DataTree(Of polyline)
Dim shptA() As point3d
Dim shnA() As int32
Dim c As int32
Dim area3dL As List(Of Double)
Dim secFlag As DataTree(Of Boolean)
Dim areaL As List(Of Double)
Dim pstfl As List(Of Boolean)
Dim psL As List( Of rectangle3d)
Dim aggpoly As List(Of polyline)
Sub grid(ByVal bounds As polyline, ByVal sc As polyline, ByVal cs As polyline, ByVal build As List(Of polyl ine), ByVal areas As list(Of Double))
Dim x As curve = bounds.ToNurbsCurve
Dim crva() As curve = x.Offset(plane.WorldXY, -50, 10, curveoffsetcornerstyle.Sharp)
Dim br() As Brep = Brep.CreatePlanarBreps(crva(0))
Dim min As Double =
Dim max As Double = 4000
If count = 0 Then
Dim bbx As BoundingBox = br(0).GetBoundingBox(True)
233 Dim l1 As curve = New line(bbx.GetCorners(0), (bbx.GetCorners(1))).tonurbscurve
234 Dim l2 As curve = New line(bbx.GetCorners(0), (bbx.GetCorners(3))).tonurbscurve
235 Dim div1() As Double = l1.DivideByLength(100, True)
236 Dim div2() As Double = l2.DivideByLength(100, True)
237 For i As int32 = 0 To div1.length - 1
238 Dim ln As New Line(l1.PointAt(div1(i)), New vector3d(bbx.GetCorners(3) - (bbx.GetCorners(0))), l2.Get Length)
239 For j As int32 0 To div2.length - 1
240 Dim pl As plane = plane.WorldXY
241 pl.Origin = (ln.PointAt(div2(j)))
242 If pl.Origin.DistanceTo(br(0).ClosestPoint(pl.Origin)) > .1 Then Continue For
243 dph.Add(New Rectangle3d(pl, New interval(-50, 50), New interval(-50, 50)))
244 dflag.Add(False)
245 Dim tS As Double = sc.ClosestPoint(pl.Origin).DistanceTo(pl.Origin)
246 ts *= 1.5
247 ts += cs.ClosestPoint(pl.Origin).DistanceTo(pl.Origin) * .5
248 ts /= 2
249 hecsortL.Add(ts)
250 If ts < min Then min = ts
254 Dim arrR() As rectangle3d = dph.ToArray
255 Dim arrF() As Boolean = dFlag.ToArray
256 Dim arrS() As Double = hecsortL.ToArray
257 array Sort(hecsortL.ToArray, arrR)
258 array Sort(hecsortL.ToArray, arrF)
259 array.Sort(arrS)
260 hecsortL = New List(Of Double)(arrS)
261 dFlag = New List(Of Boolean)(arrF)
262 dph = New List(Of rectangle3d)(arrR)
264 End If
266 Dim int As New Interval(7, 5)
267 min = hecsortL.item(0)
268 max -= min
270 If addpop < curpop Then
271 For i As int32 = 0 To dph.Count - 1
272 If dflag.item(i) Then Continue For
273 Dim val As Double = hecsortl.item(i)
165 134 If prevFlag.item(i) Then prev.Add(aggcir.item(i)) 135 Next 136 '----------------------------------137 '----------------------------------138
= "
144 '----------------------------------145 '----------------------------------146 WaterCanals
trail 147 SolarStills
148 WaterOffset
149 Buildings
150 RoadList
151 RoadsOffset
152 publicspaceList
153 GrowthCircle
" & count) 156
1 157 timeLaps += 1 158 '----------------------------------159 '----------------------------------160 ' addpop += 3000 161 If curpop > totalpop * 1000 Then curpop = totalpop * 1000 162 End Sub 163 164 Dim
0 165
curpop = ((canNetLength + 3918) * 52.6 * 3 * 24 ) / 1155.6
print("current sustainable population = " & curpop)
print("added population =
& addpop)
builings = " & bldL.Count)
print("number of stills
& stil.Count)
= stiL
= tg
= bldl
= roadL
= ageL
= actcir
recGrid = outrec
count +=
count As int32 =
203 204
Macintosh HD:Users:iNVG:Desktop:the code!!.vb: 3/23
209 210
213 214
216 217
218 '----------------------------------219 '----------------------------------220
221 222
225 226 227
229 230
Macintosh HD:Users:iNVG:Desktop:the code!!.vb: 4/23 Appendices// Code Summary 8.1
274 'If rnd > .1 Then
275 If val <= 4000 Then
276 val -= min
277 val /= max
278 val = int.ParameterAt(val)
279 Else
280 val = int.ParameterAt(1)
281 End If
282 ' Else
283 ' val = int.ParameterAt(rnd)
284 ' End If
285 Dim tot As Double = 0
286 If dphi >= build.Count - 1 Then Exit For
287 For r As int32 = 0 To val - 1
288 If dphi >= build.Count - 1 Then Exit For
289 tot += areas.item(dphi)
290 Dim bld As New Polyline(build.item(dphi))
291 Dim rec As New Rectangle3d
292 If bld.Count 7 Then
293 rec = New Rectangle3d(New plane(bld(0), bld(1), bld(5)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(1)), bld(1).distan ceto(bld(2)))
294 ElseIf bld.Count = 9 Then
295 rec = New Rectangle3d(New plane(bld(0), bld(1), bld(7)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(1)), bld(0).distan ceto(bld(7)) + bld(6).distanceto(bld(5)))
296 Else
297 rec = New Rectangle3d(New plane(bld(0), bld(1), bld(9)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(1)) + bld(2).dista nceto(bld(3)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(9)) + bld(8).distanceto(bld(7)))
298 End If
300 Dim v As New vector3d(dph.item(i).pointat(rnd, rnd) - rec.center)
301 bld.transform(transform.Translation(v))
302 rec.transform(transform.Translation(v))
303 bldl.Add(bld)
304 recL.Add(rec)
305 areaL.Add(areas.item(dphi))
306 addpop += area3dL.item(dphi) / 25
307 If addpop > curpop Then Exit For
308 dphi += 1
309 Next
310 dflag.item(i) = True
311 If addpop > curpop Then Exit For
Else If addPop > curpop AndAlso count > 10 Then
Call weneedwater()
End If
curpop = ((canNetLength + 3918) * 52.6 * 6 * 24 * .67) / 1155.6
End Sub' end grid
'----------------------------------321 Sub make_points(ByVal build As List(Of Polyline), ByVal areas As list(Of Double))
323 ' For i As int32 = 0 To trail.BranchCount - 1
' '
' ' If addpop * .85 > curpop Then
' ' Call WeNeedWater()
' ' Exit For
' ' End If
Dim lnL As New List(Of line)
' For j As int32 = 0 To trail.Branch(i).Count - 1
' Dim wp As Polyline = trail.Branch(i).item(j)
' If wp.Last.DistanceTo(actCir.Center) > actCir.Radius OrElse wp.First.DistanceTo(actCir.Center) >
Then Continue For
' wp.DeleteShortSegments(.1)
Dim sec() As line = wp.GetSegments
For r As int32 = 0 To sec.Length - 1
' Next
' Next
' For j As int32 = 0To secFlag.Branch(i).Count - 1
' If secFlag.Branch(i).item(j) Then Continue For
' Dim tot As Double = 0
' If j >= lnL.Count Then Exit For
' If bldl.Count > build.Count Then Exit For
' If nc >= area3dL.Count Then Exit For
' 'build.Count - area3dL.Count
' For q As int32 = nc To area3dL.Count - 1
' Dim pt As point3d = lnL.item(j).PointAt(rnd)
' Dim rec As Rectangle3d = recL.item(q)
' Dim bld As New polyline(build.item(q))
' Dim v As New vector3d(rec.Center - pt)
' v.Reverse
' 'print(v.ToString)
' bld.Transform(transform.Translation(v))
' rec.Transform(transform.Translation(v))
' recL.item(q) = rec
' bldL.Add(bld)
' areaL.Add(areas.item(q))
' addpopL.Add(area3dL.item(q))
' tot += area3dL.item(q)
' nc += 1
' If tot > 2500 Then Exit For
' Next
' secFlag.Branch(i).item(j) = True
tCur As int32 = 0
If stil.Count < trail.AllData.count * (4 / 5) Then
For i As int32 = 0 To trail.BranchCount - 1
For j As int32 = 0 To trail.Branch(i) Count - 1
Dim tp As PolyLine = trail.Branch(i).item(j)
Dim pt As point3d = tp.PointAt(rnd * tp.Count)
If tcur > addpop + 20000 Then Exit For
curnetlen As Double = 17.09117655 * (curpop ^ .77)
If count = 0 Then
Dim temp As curve = can.ToNurbsCurve
d() As Double = temp.DivideByLength(750, False) ' (n, False)
For i As int32= 0 To d.length - 1
166 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection
316 317
336 '
Macintosh HD:Users:iNVG:Desktop:the code!!.vb: 5/23 341
Next 377 378 End Sub 379 '----------------------------------380 '----------------------------------381 Sub WeNeedWater() 382 383
390 canNetLength
52.6 391
393 Next 394
395 Next 396 End
397 curpop
* 52.6 * 3
1155.6 398 End Sub 399 '----------------------------------400 '----------------------------------401 Sub grow_branch(ByVal
Boolean, ByVal
polyline, ByVal cs As polyline, ByVal mul As Double yVal
402 403 '--------------------------calculate
404 Dim
405 seg
50 406 '--------------------------initial
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' '
' Next
+= 3229.6365 /
tcur = ((canNetLength + 3672) * 3229.6365 * 3 * 24) / 1155.6
If tcur > addpop Then Exit For
= ((canNetLength + 3918)
branch As
sc As
bounds As curve, ByVal aggCir As List(Of Circle))
rate And div number----------------------------
411 Dim p As New GH_path(i, 8)
412 gen.Add(8, p)
413 Dim poly As New polyline
414 poly.Add(temp.PointAt(d(i)))
480 481 agP += v 482 Dim tf As Boolean = False
483 Dim rCir AsNew circle(agp,
415 poly.Add(temp.PointAt(d(i)) - (New Vector3d(vector3d.CrossProduct(vector3d.ZAxis, temp.TangentAt(d(i) )) / vector3d.CrossProduct(vector3d.ZAxis, temp.TangentAt(d(i))).length)) * seg)
416 trail.Add(poly, p)
417 stopper.Add(0, p)
418 secFlag.Add(False, p)
419 Next
420 Dim tempP As List(Of polyline) = trail.AllData
421 Dim dcan(tempP.count-1) As Double
422 For i As int32 = 0 To tempP.count - 1
423 Dim tP As Polyline = tempP.item(i)
424 dcan(i) = Sc.closestpoint(tp.Last).distanceto(tp.Last)
425 dcan(i) += cs.closestpoint(tp.Last).distanceto(tp.Last)
426 dcan(i) /= 2
427 Next
428 Dim tarr() As polyline tempP.ToArray
429 array Sort(dcan, tarr)
430 For i As int32 = 0 To trail.BranchCount - 1
431 For j As int32 = 0 To trail.Branch(i) Count - 1
432 trail.Branch(i).item(j) = tarr(i)
442 Dim tempPath As New List(Of GH_Path) 443 Dim tempWP AsNew List(Of Polyline)
444 Dim tempGen As New List(Of Int32) 445 Dim tempflag AsNew List(Of Boolean) 446 For i As int32 =0 To trail.BranchCount - 1 447 For j As int32 =0 To trail.Branch(i) Count - 1
449 'If stopper.Branch(i).item(j) = 1 Then Continue For 450 If gen.Branch(i).item(j) < 0 Then Continue For
452 Dim ghI As GH_Path = trail.Path(i)
453 Dim p AsNew GH_Path(ghi(0), gen.Branch(i) item(j) - 1) 454 Dim wP As polyline = trail.Branch(i).item(j) 455 Dim agP As Point3d = wp.Last 456
457 If agp.DistanceTo(can.ClosestPoint(agp)) < .1 Then Continue For 458 If agp.DistanceTo(actCir.Center) > actCir.Radius Then Continue For 459
460 Dim v As New vector3d(wp.Last - wp.item(wp.Count - 2)) 461 v.Unitize 462 v *= seg 463 464
< aggCir.item(r).radius AndAlso gen.Branch(i) item(j) <= 7 Then prevFlag.item(r) True
rCir = aggCir.item(r)
AndAlso stopper.Branc h(i).item(j) 0 Then
v.Rotate(rhinoMath.ToRadians(42), vector3d.ZAxis) 510 tp.Add(wp.Last + v) 511 tempPath.add(p) 512 tempWP.Add(tp) 513 tempGen.Add(gen.Branch(i).item(j) - 1) 514 '----------------------------------515 'branch end point 516 v.Rotate(rhinoMath.ToRadians(-90), vector3d.ZAxis) 517 dupWP = New Polyline 518 dupwP.Add(wp.Last) 519 dupwP.Add(wp.Last + v) 520 tempWP.Add(dupwP) 521 tempPath.Add(p) 522 tempGen.Add(gen.Branch(i).item(j) - 1) 523 '----------------------------------524 Continue For 525 526 Else If tf = False AndAlso gen.Branch(i) item(j) <= 3 Then 527 '--------------------------if outside concentration circles then grow towards them---------------------------528 actCir.ClosestParameter(agp, dbl) 529 Dim tvC As Vector3d = actCir.TangentAt(dbl) 530 tvc.Unitize 531 tvc *= seg * 2 532 'If vector3d.VectorAngle(v, tvc) < math.PI / 2 Then tvc.Reverse 533 agp -= v 534 v += tvC 535 v.Unitize 536 v *= seg 537 v.Rotate(rhinomath.ToRadians(20) * rnd - rhinomath.ToRadians(10), vector3d.ZAxis) 538 agp += v 539
465 Dim endpt As point3d = wp.Last 466 Dim turn As Boolean = True 467 468 For r As int32 = 0 To recL.Count - 1 469 If math.Abs(endpt.X - recL.item(r).center.X) < 1500 AndAlso math.Abs(endpt.Y - recL.item(r).cente r.Y) < 1500 Then 470 turn = False 471 Exit For 472 End If 473 Next
475 If turn Then
Continue For
540 Else If tf = False AndAlso gen.Branch(i) item(j) = 8 Then 541 542 '--------------------------if first genration then grow towards closets concentration
Else 478 v.Rotate(rhinomath.ToRadians(20) * rnd - rhinomath.ToRadians(10), vector3d.ZAxis)
479 End If
543 Dim minR As Double = Double.PositiveInfinity 544 For r As int32 = 0 To aggCir.count - 1 545 If agp.DistanceTo(aggCir.item(r).center) < minR Then 546 rCir = aggCir.item(r)
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435 EndIf 436 '-----------------------------------------------------437 438 '--------------------------grow canal---------------------------439 Dim dbl As Double 0 440 If seg > 1 Then 441
Macintosh HD:Users:iNVG:Desktop:the code!!.vb: 7/23
1) 484
aggCir.count - 1 485 If
486 If
490 Next 491 '----------------------------------492
here 493 '----------------------------------494 495 '--------------------------BRANCH!!---------------------------496
497 498
499 500 stopper.Branch(i).item(j)
501 '----------------------------------502
AsNew Vector3d(v) 504 Dim dupwP AsNew Polyline 505 '----------------------------------506 507
For r As int32 =
agp.DistanceTo(aggCir.item(r).center) < aggCir.item(r).radius Then
tf = True
'avoid buildings
If tf AndAlso wp.Length > ((rcir.Radius * mul) * .77 ^ gen.Branch(i) item(j))
'if inside circle do this!
= 1
'branching variables
Dim tV
Dim tP As New Polyline
Appendices// Code Summary 8.1
547 minR = agp.DistanceTo(aggCir.item(r).center)
548 End If 549 Next
550 agp -= v
551 Dim tvC As New Vector3d(rCir.ClosestPoint(agp) - agP)
552 'v.Rotate(vector3d.VectorAngle(v,tvc)/2,vector3d.ZAxis)
553 tvc.Unitize
554 v += tvc * seg
555 v.Unitize
556 v *= seg
557 v.Rotate(rhinomath.ToRadians(20) * rnd - rhinomath.ToRadians(10), vector3d.ZAxis)
558 v.Unitize
559 agp += v * seg
560 561 End If 562
563 '-----------------------------------if more water is needed then spawn a new canal!!-----------------------------------
564 If secFlag.Branch(i).item(j) False AndAlso curpop < addpop + 3000 AndAlso wp.Count >= 6 Then'AndA lso gen.Branch(i).item(j) <= 6 Then 565 secFlag.Branch(i).item(j) = True
566 Dim crv As Curve = curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(wp.ToArray, 1)
567 crv.Domain = New Interval(0, 1)
568 Dim tv AsNew Vector3d
569 For r As int32 = 0 To 1'math.Round(rnd)
570 Dim rdbl As Double = (.7 - .3) * rnd + .3
571 Dim pt As New point3d(crv.PointAt(rdbl))
572 tv = vector3d.CrossProduct(crv.TangentAt(rdbl), vector3d.ZAxis)
573 tv.Unitize
574 tv *= seg
575 Dim dupwp As New Polyline()
576 If r = 1 Then tV.Reverse
577 dupwP.Add(pt)
578 dupwP.Add(pt + tv)
579 If dupWP.Length < .5 Then
580 print("FUCK")
581 Continue For 582 EndIf
583 tempWP.Add(dupwP)
584 tempPath.Add(p)
585 tempGen.Add(1)
586 canNetLength += tv.Length
587 Next
588 Continue For 589 End If 590
591 '-----------------------------------dying into canal / coast-----------------------------------
592 Dim crv_can As curve = can.ToNurbsCurve
593 dbl = 0
594 If gen.Branch(i) item(j) <= 7 Then 595 Dim cv As New Vector3d
596 If crv_can.ClosestPoint(agP, dbl, seg * 5) Then 597 cv = New Vector3d(crv_can.PointAt(dbl) - agP)
599 If cv.Length < seg * 1.3 - 1 Then
600 stopper.Branch(i).item(j) = 1
601 agP = crv_can.PointAt(dbl)
602 canNetLength += cv.Length
603 wP.add(agP)
604 End If
605 cv /= cv.Length * (50 / (cv.Length + 50))
606 v += cv
607 End If 608 If stopper.Branch(i) item(j) = 1 Then Continue For
610 Dim min As Double = Double.PositiveInfinity
611 Dim pb As point3d = wp.Last
612 For r As int32 = 0 To trail.BranchCount - 1
613 Dim ghR As GH_Path = trail.Path(r)
614 For q As int32 = 0 To trail.Branch(r) Count - 1
615 If q = j AndAlso i = r Then Continue For
616 Dim cl As point3d = trail.Branch(r).item(q).closestpoint(wp.Last)
617 Dim d As Double = cl.DistanceTo(wp.Last)
618 If d < min Then
619 min = d
620 pb = cl
621 End If 622 Next 623 Next
624 cv = New Vector3d(pb - agP)
625 If cv.Length < 200 AndAlso cv.Length > 0 Then 626 If cv.Length < seg * 1.3 - 1 Then 627 stopper.Branch(i).item(j) = 1 628 canNetLength += cv.Length 629 wP.add(pb)
630 End If 631 End If 632 EndIf 633 If stopper.Branch(i) item(j) = 1 Then Continue For 634 '----------------------------------635 '-----------------------------------
636 If gen.branch(i).item(j) <= 3 Then 637 agp -= v 638 Dim tcv As vector3d = can.TangentAt(can.ClosestParameter(agp)) 639 If vector3d.VectorAngle(v, tcv) < math.PI / 2 Then tcv.Reverse
640 tcv +=New vector3d(can.ClosestPoint(agp) - agp)
641 tcv *= 1 / tcv.Length
642 v += tcv * .5 643 v.Unitize
644 v *= seg
645 agp += v 646 End If 647 '----------------------------------648 649 '-----------------------------------
650 'avoiding the boundary 651 If bounds.ClosestPoint(agP, dbl, seg * 3) AndAlso count > 3 Then'OrElse gen.Branch(i).item(k) Then 652 agp -= v 653 Dim rev As vector3d = bounds.TangentAt(dbl)
654 If vector3d.VectorAngle(rev, v) > math.PI / 2 Then rev.Reverse 655 v += rev * .75
656 rev = New vector3d(agP - bounds.PointAt(dbl)) 657 rev.Unitize 658 v += rev 659 v.Rotate((rhinomath.ToRadians(70) - rhinomath.ToRadians(50) ) * rnd + rhinomath.ToRadians(50 ctor3d.ZAxis)
660 agP += v 661 EndIf 662 '----------------------------------663
664 If stopper.Branch(i) item(j) = 1 Then Continue For 665 secFlag.Add(False, ghi) 666 667 canNetLength += seg 668 669 wP.Add(agP) 670 trail.Branch(i) item(j) = wP 671 672 Next 673 Next 674 '----------------------------------675 '-----------------------------------
676 If tempPath.Count > 0 Then 677 For i As int32 =0 To tempPath.Count - 1 678 stopper.Add(0, tempPath.item(i)) 679 trail.Add(tempWP.item(i), tempPath.item(i)) 680 gen.Add(tempGen.item(i), tempPath.item(i)) 681 secFlag.Add(False, tempPath.item(i)) 682 Next 683 genW += 1 684 End If
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685 '-----------------------------------
686 '-----------------------------------
687 'clean up! remove lines < specified tolerances 688 689 '-----------------------------------
690 End If 691
692 'print(trail.BranchCount)
693 End Sub 694 '---------------------------------
695 '---------------------------------
(bld(3)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(9)) + bld(8).distanceto(bld(7)))
753 End If
754 sf = math.Max(areaa(i) / 800, sclfac)
755 tr.transform(transform.Scale(tr.Center, math.Sqrt(sf)))
756 recL.item(i) = tr
757 outRec.Add(tr)
758 bldL.item(i) = bld
759 areaL.item(i) = areaa(i)
760 ' addpop += math.Round((arrpop(i) * sf) / 25)
761 ' addpopL.item(i) = arrpop(i)
762 Next
763 End Sub
696 Sub resize(ByVal sclfac As Double, ByVal sc As polyline, ByVal cancen As Polyline, ByVal AggCir As List(Of circle), ByVal attstrat As Boolean)
698 'addpop = 0
699 outRec.Clear
701 Dim dL As New List(Of Double)
702 If attstrat Then
703 For i As int32 = 0 To recL.Count - 1
704 Dim rec As rectangle3d = recL.item(i)
705 Dim min As Double = Double.PositiveInfinity
706 For j As int32 = 0 To aggpoly.Count - 1
707 Dim pj As New Polyline(aggpoly.item(j))
708 Dim d As Double = rec.Center.DistanceTo(pj.ClosestPoint(rec.Center))
709 If d < min Then min = d
710 Next
711 dL.Add(min)
712 Next
713 Else If attstrat = False Then
714 For i As int32 = 0 To recL.Count - 1
715 Dim rec As rectangle3d = recL.item(i)
716 Dim min As Double = Double.PositiveInfinity
717 For j As int32 = 0 To aggcir.Count - 1
718 Dim cj As Circle = aggcir.item(j)
719 Dim d As Double = cj.Center.distanceto(rec.Center)
720 If d < min Then min = d
721 Next
722 dL.Add(min)
723 Next
724 End If 725
728 Dim bldA() As polyline = bldL.toarray
729 array Sort(dl.ToArray, bldA)
730 Dim arrRec() As Rectangle3d = recL.ToArray
731 array Sort(dl.ToArray, arrRec)
732 Dim arrOr() As Double = areaOr.ToArray 733 array Sort(dl.ToArray, arrOr)
734 'Dim arrPop()As Double = addpopL.ToArray 735 Dim areaa() As Double = areaL.toarray
736 array.Sort(areaa)
737 array.Reverse(areaa)
738 'array.Reverse(arrpop)
740 For i As int32 = 0 To bldA.Length - 1
741 Dim ar As Double arrOr(i)
742 Dim sf As Double = areaa(i) / ar
743 areaOR.item(i) = arrOr(i) * sf
744 Dim bld As Polyline = bldA(i)
745 bld.Transform(transform.Scale(arrRec(i).center, math.Sqrt(sf)))
746 Dim tr As New Rectangle3d
747 If bld.Count = 7 Then
764 '---------------------------------
765 '---------------------------------
766 Sub roads(ByVal growth As Double, ByVal startRL As List(Of Polyline), ByVal existRL As List(Of polyline), B yVal canL As List(Of polyline), ByVal cityLimit As polyline, ByVal aggCir As List(Of circle))
768 If count Mod math.Ceiling(conRate * div) = 0 Then genR += 1
770 Dim flipL As New LIst(Of int32)
771 flipL.add(1)
772 flipL.add(-1)
774 Dim blockwidth As Int32 = 100
776 Dim RroadL As New List(Of polyline)
777 Dim RageL As New List(Of int32)
778 Dim RtfL As New List(Of Boolean)
780 Dim avdL As New List(Of Polyline)
781 avdL.addrange(canL)
782 avdL.AddRange(existRL) 783 avdl.AddRange(trail.AllData)
785 '--------------------------remove Short roads----------------------------
786 Dim remL As New List(Of int32)
788 Dim c As Int32 = 0
789 Dim dead As int32 = 0
790 For i As int32 = 0 To roadL.Count - 1
791 If tfl.item(i) Then 792 dead += 1
793 If roadL.item(i).length < blockwidth Then 794 remL.Add(i - c)
795 c += 1
796 End If 797 End If 798 Next
800 For i As int32 = 0 To remL.Count - 1 801 Dim re As int32 = remL.item(i)
802 roadL.removeat(re)
803 agel.removeat(re)
804 tfl.removeat(re)
805 tvalT.RemovePath(re)
806 tvalT.RenumberPaths 807 Next
809 RroadL.AddRange(roadL)
810 rageL.addRange(ageL) 811 RtfL.addrange(tfl)
812 '------------------------------------------------------
748 tr = New Rectangle3d(New plane(bld(0), bld(1), bld(5)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(1)), bld(1).distanceto( bld(2)))
749 ElseIf bld.Count = 9 Then
814 '--------------------------calculate rate And div number---------------------------815 If curpop > 50000 Then 816 Dim curnetlen As Double = 3.560661781 * (curpop ^ .77)
750 tr = New Rectangle3d(New plane(bld(0), bld(1), bld(7)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(1)), bld(0).distanceto( bld(7)) + bld(6).distanceto(bld(5)))
818 seg = (curnetlen - roadnetlen) / conrate
751 Else
752 tr = New Rectangle3d(New plane(bld(0), bld(1), bld(9)), bld(0).distanceto(bld(1)) + bld(2).distanceto
Macintosh HD:Users:iNVG:Desktop:the code!!.vb: 11/23
820 print("seg length before is: " & seg) 821 If count = n Then
code!!.vb: 12/23 Appendices// Code Summary 8.1
170 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection AÑO:2012 MES:ENERO DIA:7 TEMPERATURA(°C) PRECIPITACIÓN(mm)DIASCONLLUVIAFENÓMENOMEDMAXMIN ESTACIONDIAACUMULADOPROMEDIOACUMULADOPROMEDIOMETEOROLÓGICODIADIADIA AEROPUERTO7ENELMESMENSUALENELMESMENSUALRELEVANTE778 San Andrés 10.994.295.0719Lloviznas26.928.723.8 Providencia 3.059.674.0619Lluvias26.727.523.6 Santa Marta Cartagena Barranquilla Riohacha Valledupar Montería Barrancabermeja Bucaramanga Cúcuta 0.019.438.047Lloviznas25.129.222.0 Apartadó 21.2109.797.0410Lloviznasaisladas26.431.223.0 Medellín
Rionegro Pereira 0.044.5122.0514Lluviasfuerte21.625.817.9 Armenia
Pasto/Chachagüí 4.591.387.0612Lluviasfuerte17.923.015.4 Ipiales 0.035.883.0518Lluvias11.918.27.4 Quibdó 7.0336.5558.0724TormentayLluvias25.731.223.2 Arauca Puerto Carreño Villavicencio 1.432.158.037Lloviznas27.531.421.8 Leticia 0.066.1350.0524TormentayLluvias25.832.623.3
4.440.079.0312Niebla22.927.318.3 Bogotá Eldorado 1.75.932.038TormentayLluvias14.420.910.3
171 Appendices// Tables 8.2 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 SP PV SM CG BQ RH VP MR EJ BG CC LC MD RG PE AR IB BO CL NV PS IP UI UC PC VV LT
media maxima minima
172 (RE) CONNECT - (River Ecology) Urban Connection