Ann Arbor Masonic News | March 2009

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Ann Arbor Masonic News Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9614


Serving the Masonic Fraternity of Washtenaw County USPS 595-570 March 2009

The Rules of Being Human You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yoiurs for as long as you live. How you take care ofit or fail to take care of it can make an enormous difference in the qulity of your life. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a fulltime, informal school called Life. Each day, you will be presented with opportunities to learn what you need to know. The lessons presented are often completely different from those you think you need. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth i8s a process of trial, error and experimentation. You can learn as much from failure as you can from success. Maybe more. A lesson is repeated until it is learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. Wlhen you have leaned it (as evidenced by a change in your attitude and ultimately your behavior) then you can go on to the next lesson. Learning lessons does not end. There is no stage of life that does not contain some lessons. As long as you live there will be something more to learn. “There” is no better than “here”. When your “there” has become a “here” you will simply discover another “there” that will again look better than your “here.” Don’t be fooled by believeing that the unattainable is better than what you have. Others are meely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. When tempted to criticize others, ask yourself why you feel so strongly. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you create with those tools and resources is up to you. Remember that through desire, goal setting and unflagging effort you can have anything you want. Persistence is the key to success. The answers lie inside of you. The solutions to all of life’s problems lie within your grasp. All you need to do is ask, look, listen and trucst yourself. From the West Hartford Counseling Center… Pretty good to think about… and maybe act on…


Child’s Interpretation of the Bible A child was told to write a book report on the entire Bible. “In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothngbut God, darkness, and some gas. The Bible says,’The Lord thy God is one’, but I think He must be a lot older than that. Anyway, God said, ‘Geve me a light!’ and someone did. The God made the world. He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were nake, thet they weren’t embarrassed because mirrors hadn’t been invented yet. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden. Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn’t have cars. Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the dearly people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something. One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Hiram. Noah built a large boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, tht they said they would have to take a rain check. After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than His brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for smor pot roast. Jacob had a son named Joseph who wre a really loud sports coat. Another important Bible gus is Mosses, whoe real name was Charlton Heston. Moses led the Israel Ligfhts out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh’s people. These pagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels,and no cable. God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten commandments. These include don’t lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet your neighbor’s stuff. Oh, yeah, I just thought of =one more: Humor thy father and thy mother. One of Moses’s best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol and the fence fell over on the town. After Joshua came David. Continued page 8




109 West Michigan Ave, Saline 48176

135 E. Main St., P.O. Box116, Manchester

113 W. Middle St., Chelsea, MI 48118

THOMAS D. HYATT Worshipful Master


LYNN M. HELDT, PM Worshipful Master

46000 Ceddies Rd. Lot 109 Canton 48118 734.495.9363 cell: 734.216.8010 WILLIAM E. HOLIFIELD, JR. Secretary 8750 Melbourne, Saline 48176 734.461.6019 Cell: 7343.260.4858

12410 Miller Hwy, Brroklyn 49230 517.592.4824 GUY GILBERT …………….………Secretary 207 W. Duncan, PO Box 4, Manchester 48158 (734) 428-7036

13301 Pleasant Lake Rd., Manchester 48158 (734) 428-0763 Cell (734) 216-0842

1st MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM except July & August


The Master’s Letter Brothers: Unfortunately we have no petition in which to act or work upon at this time. There will not be any Specials at the Lodge this month. On Tuesday the 31st we will be traveling to Clinton Lodge for our election of Board of General Purposes Member for the Grand Lodge and our District Deputy Instructor for District No. 54. This will be preceded by our School of Instruction which will j.kbegin at 7 pm. See you in Clinton and then at our Regular Communication on March 3rd. Stay in good health and spirits. Tom Hyatt, WM

Scottish Rite Ambassador Program Are you a member of the Valley of Detroit who loves Blue Lodge Masonry? If so, you should consider becoming a Scottish Rite Ambassador. Scottish Rite Ambassadors play a very important role in the positive development of our Rite. Scottish Rite Ambassadors act as liaisons between the Valley of Detroit and the local Masonic Lodges. As an Ambassador, you will have an opportunity to help strengthen the partnership between your Masonic Lodge and the Valley of Detroit. For more information on the Scottish Rite Ambassador Program, or to find out how you can make a positive difference in Freemasonry, please contact Ambassador Program Chairman, Michael Stetz, at 313.917.1884, or by email at

The Master’s Letter Greeting Brothers and Friends:

Had a real good meeting Feb. 2nd. 20 Brothers from Manchester and 8 visitors were in attendance. Visitors from Saline, Ypsilanti and both Ann Arbor Lodges were present and we enjoyed their company. BGP Brother Jack Woodyard visited us and brought us up to date on Grand Lodge. Our Texas hold-em tournament is under way. The dates for that are Feb. 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd. Any Brother that would like to help, contact Guy Gilbert at 734-255-3747 or Manchester Lodge 148 and Manchester Knights of Columbus have an ongoing Euchre tournament usually the 3rd Mon of the month. Any of you Brothers that would like to play, meet at the Sportsmen Club on Grossman Rd. between 6:30 & 7:00 o’clock. Feb 16 is our next game. We have a traveling trophy that the winning team takes home and we presently are in possession of it. Come out and help us keep it. Discussions are under way about The KC and Manchester co-sponsoring a sauerkraut dinner and helping a local charity out. Any ideas and help will be greatly appreciated. Manchester Lodge will be hosting a School of Instruction on March 31st at 7:30pm. This will be conducted by a Grand Lodge Officer. Put this on your calendar and come out bring your ritual books and make a good showing for Manchester. Hope to see you all on March 2nd our next regular communication. In Brotherhood: Gil DAVID A. REDDING……………. Secretary 913 Moore Dr., Chelsea 48118 (734) 562-2090 Cell: 517 403-9871 WEB: 2nd MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM, Lodge phone (734) 475-8920

Greetings Brothers: We had installation of officers in Stockbridge and even though the weather was a little tricky and very snowy there was still a great turn out of visitors on the side lines. Thanks to Stockbridge Lodge for hosting the installation. Our new brothers are already taking some stations and ready to help. We have a FC degree coming up. It will be in Stockbridge Saturday, February 21st at 9:00AM. They have 2 candidates and we have one. Please come any support both Lodges and the new brothers. Brothers, please SEND YOUR DUES, if you have not done so already. We would like to have this completed ASAP. One of our newest MM’s has asked for a petition for someone that had ask him about the Masons. Looks like 2009 is going to be another great year in Masonry. If anyone needs petitions please call I will be glad to help. We need to reach out to those qualified men to join our fraternity. We are trying to grow our email list. You brothers that have an email address drop an email to The Secretary ( Also, keep us up dated if you change your address, phone number or get a cell phone. We are always updating the roster. Wouldn’t you like to receive the Masonic news via email instead of snail mail let me know and I will add you to the list. This saves on postage costs and the Masonic News is sometimes in color. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact me I would love to hear from you. Brothers please attend if you are able, and we need your support and would like to see your smiling faces. Fraternally, February 21, 2009 FC Degree March 9, 2009 Regular Meeting March MM Degree…TBD

1474As GOLDEN RULE LODGE N0. 159 ‘r 2875 West Liberty Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 WILLIAM KREBAUM



310 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, MI 48105

37 N. Tolan St., Milan 48160



Worshipful Master

Worshipful Master

Worshipful Master

1484 West Liberty St. #1, Ann Arbor 48103 734.320.2677


332 Anderson St., Milan 48160 (Cell) 734-891-7676

ROBERT MURPHY, PM ……..………Secretary P.O. Box 1014, Novi, MI 48376 (248) 348-9298 WEB: 1st THURSDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00pm Electronic Trestleboard (734) 913-9510

SEYMOUR D. GREENSTONE, PM …….….Secretary 12065 Glenview Dr., Plymouth, MI 48170-3052 (734) 455-6121 Fax: (734) 254-0124 2nd WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH - 7:00 pm

Master’s Letter

Master’s Letter

STEVE COBURN, PM ….…………..…..Secretary 10247 Crane Road, Milan 48160 734 231-7127 1st WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Special Communications, 3 rd Wednesday 7:30 pm, Lodge Phone (734) 439-1020 _______________________________________


SCOTTISH RITE SPRING REUNION Saturday, April 18, 2009, is the date of the Valley of Detroit Spring Reunion. For more information regarding the 32 deg. Masons, please contact the Valley Office toll free at 877-320-6432 or via email at

The Valley will be hosting a 32deg. Awareness Mixer on Saturday evening, March 14, 2009, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. 6:30—8:30 p.m. Contact the Valley Office for an invitation and more information.

Qualifications for Membership A Master Mason in good standing who possesses high moral and ethical standards, respected character, and personal honor.

January was another cold and bitter month, both in meteorologically and economically, and masonry was a welcome respite. It was also a month of firsts; we had our fist business meeting and our first degree of the year. The business meeting was well attended and everyone could feel the excitement in the air as we began work in our new location. I am inspired by the enthusiasm and participation shown by the brethren of our lodge. Our January degree was an Entered Apprentice during which three new brothers were received. We continue to enjoy a robust backlog of candidates and the degree work for this EA was excellent. Prior to the degree, our Junior Warden (Bob Hotter) made sure we were all well fed by providing a wonderful and hearty catered meal. Our Tiler (Rich Wilcox, PM) coordinated the setup effort, which was no small task. We do have a few bugs to work out, but overall it was a very enjoyable evening and hopefully made a lasting impression on the new brothers. After the degree and subsequent cleanup were completed, many of the brethren adjourned to the second floor of Hathaway’s Hideaway for fellowship, refreshment, and fun. There were Masonic discussions and card games (a brief game of poker and a spirited game of euchre), all of which were utterly enjoyable. Our second degree of the year will be a Fellowcraft on the fourth Wednesday in February (February 25th). Dinner will be served at 6:20pm and lodge will open at 7:00pm. As always, it is greatly appreciated if you can arrive early to help with the setup. Likewise, we also need help afterwards with the breakdown and cleanup. We always welcome and encourage participation in lodge events as well as any ideas you may have such as educational events, social functions, lodge visitations, etc. For further details on scheduled lodge events, please check the trestle board at Please keep in your thoughts our brothers and family who may be in sickness or distress. Sincerely and fraternally, Chris Fultz




1 0 6 4 5 W . M i c hig a n A v e S a l i n e M I 4 8 1 7 6 -9 6 2 5 P h o ne : (7 3 4 ) 4 2 9 -9 7 0 5

O p e n D ail y M o n .- S a t . 1 0 -8 S u n d a y 1 2 -6

Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Of Michigan Raffle 1 FULL “FREE” WEEK in Florida February 20th – 27th, 2010 at the Gulf Pointe of Naples 9439 Gulf Shore Drive Naples, FL 34108 Only 1000 tickets were printed Just $5.00 per ticket Drawing will be held on Thursday, August 6, 2009 Need not be present to win Contact Paul Howell to purchase your winning ticket. GLW

March 2009 Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor Masonic News Sunday




W ednesday







7:30 PM Manc he ster Lodge 148 - Regular Com m unica tion

7:30 PM Sa line Lodge 133 Re gular Com m unic ation

7:30 PM Milan Lodge 323 Regular Com m unic ation

7:30 PM Ann Arbor Com mandery KT Ypsilanti






Olive Lodge 156 -Chelsea Regula r








7:30 PM Grotto - 7:30 PM Ann 6:00 PM - 8:00 P M Regular Arbor Cha pter/ Grotto - Friday Council Fry 7:30 PM York Ypsilanti Cha pter 150 Milan - Stated AA-F 262 Regula r Com m unic ation




9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Gr otto Brea kfast Buffet



7:00 PM AA Council - Roy al Master De gree

Masonic News Articles Due







7:00 P M An n 7:00 PM AA-F 262 Arbor Mason - De gree W ork ic Temple Boa rd Meeting




6:00 PM - 8:00 P M Grotto - Friday Fry


7:00 PM South- 7:00 PM e astern MichiScho ol of Insgan Jint York truction. ElecRite Me eting tion - BG P & Westla nd Ma soDDI #54. Clnic Tem ple into n MasonDinner 6:15 p

February S M T W T F






9 10 11 12 13 14





15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

ic Temple Masonry Working for the Betterment of all Mankind

April S M T W T 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28



1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30



2875 West Liberty Road, Ann Arbor 48103 734.996.0121 Paul Bunten, President: 734.368.5146 Jim Lakin, Vice-President William Krebaum, Secretary: 734.320.2677 Henry Alvarea, Treasurer

At the Annual Meeting on January 26th, the Temple Board adopted the following dates for the Temple Board Meetings. All Meetings will be held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Masonic Temple; February 24 March 24 April 28 May 26 June 23 July 28 August 25 September 22 October 27 November 24 December 23 Paul Bunten, President

MONARCH 2655 Esch Ave., Ann Arbor 48104 (734) 913.5889 Henry Geiss, PM……………..……Secretary 3436 Yellowstone, Ann Arbor 48105 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM 2070 West Stadium Blvd. (734) 663-1202 or at:

Monarch’s Letter Greetings Prophets and Brothers,

Celebrate with Allen C. Christ Past Master - Golden Rule Lodge No. 159 Past High Priest - Washtenaw Chapter No.6 Past Thrice Illustrious Master - Ann Arbor Council No. 86 Past Commander - Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 Knight York Cross of Honour (KYCH) will be awarded the

Bronze Medal Award of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Ypsilanti Masonic Temple 5752 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti 48197 Saturday, May 9th, 2009 Reception: 5:00 pm Dinner: 6:00 pm Mail Reservations to: Arthur W. Davidge, 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 ****** Send bottom section with remittance ******** Name: _________________________________________ Lady’s Name ______________ Title (s) _________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: ________________ Phone No.: ___________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Number of People ______ x $15.00 = ________ Make checks payable to: Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, RAM



5752 Whittaker Rd., Ypsilanti 48197

37 N. Tolan Street, Milan



High Priest

High Priest

17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220-9773 (517) 262-5140 ALLEN C. CHRIST, PHP ……...…Secretary 1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494

11009 Platte Road, Milan 48160 734.439.7567 JOHN F. MIDKIFF, PHP ……… Secretary 326 E. River St., Deerfield 49238 (517) 447-3258

STATED CONVOCATION 2nd THURSDAYOF THE MONTH 7:30 PM Joint with Excelsior Chapter

High Priest Address

Greetings Friends & Companions, While I am writing this letter I am also off in a far and distant land. My mind, that is, for I will be leaving for Southern Texas the 11th of February and by the time that you receive this letter I will, hopefully, have the chill removed from my bones and joints. Just prior to leaving I must admit that I had a very unpleasant task that I performed. I say unpleasant, however, it was entirely so as we celebrated the life of Patricia Stoll, wife of PHP Arthur Stoll at a remembrance ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 7th. This year has not started out well for the Masonic Fraternity as we have found numerous members and supporters, such as Pat, that have departed from us to a happier and more relaxed and beautiful location in which they have planted the flowers for which they are waiting to receive us. We are all looking forward to that reunion, however, we hope for a delayed entry into that “celestial city.” Masonry often reminds us that we are only born to die. It does all in its power to attempt to convince us that we are only born to die. Frequently, in almost every degree, it reminds us of that fact. That makes the loss a little easier for those who must remain behind. We know that death is not the end, only the beginning, of our next and more beautiful life to come. Royal Arch Masonry supports and encourages us in this beliefs. We find these words: “Holiness to the Lord.” This is the motto of Royal Arch Masonry and ever reminds us of the reverence due the Great and Beneficent Author of our existence, who is a Being without beginning of days or end of years. Let us hope that the remainder of this year is much more pleasant in our journeys and travels. May we all stay healthy and well. May each of you find prosperity in all your doings.


It is hopeful that the new members of the Chapter will be joining with the older, dedicated members in the renewal of York Chapter into the premier Chapter that it once was. All members are needed to be in attendance in order for York Chapter to begin rehearsing for one the local degree traveling teams. At the March 30th Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association Meeting to be held at Wayne Chapter in Westland they will be setting which Chapters will be doing which degree. Perhaps York Chapter could again become the premier Chapter for doing the Most Excellent Master Degree in Southern Michigan. It would be great to have a large contingent from Milan traveling to Wayne Chapter. Let’s get York Chapter on the role again. Moving forward to bigger and better things. Show up for the Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, March 11th. It begins at 7:30 pm. We have a get together prior and refreshments and great conversation afterwards.

AFFORDABLE WINDOW AND SIDING CORPORATION (734) 662-5551 Where quality Products, Installation, and Service Make the Difference

Eric Feldt, Owner 7005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 Fax: (734) 662-6010

Plumbing Carpentry

Electrical Masonry

ProCraft Construction Full Service Building & Remodeling Licensed & Insured

Handyman Service Available Allen C. Christ

(734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 239-5504

_____________________ Joint Southeastern Michigan York Rite Meeting, Monday, March 30th at 6:15 pm for dinner. Wayne Chapter No. 182 at Westland Masonic Temple, 37137 Palmer Rd. Meeting for all York Rite Bodies will follow. Bring list of all of your Organizations Activities for the coming months. One of the few ways in which you can get attendance is by letting others know what, when and where you have something going on.

734 368.1508

Need some help? Give a call to those who support you. Support them!




5752 Whittaker Rd, Ypsilanti 48197

5752 Whittaker Rd., Ypsilanti 48197

Connie Sundrla – Dipl.Ac.



Thrice Illustrious Master

Eminent Commander

NCCAOK Certified

17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220 517.262.5140

1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494

ANNthat ARBOR COUNCIL NO. 86Sir candidates come in & become new

PAUL C. HOWELL, PTIM……………….Recorder 17635 Manitou Beach Road Addison, MI 49220 (517) 262-5140 STATED ASSEMBLY 2nd THURSDAY OF THE MONTH

7:30 PM Joint with Union Council

TIM’s Thoughts Companions and Friends: Our next Stated Assembly will be on Thursday, March 12th at 7:30 pm. With Union Council in Ypsilanti. Washtenaw Chapter will be opening that night. On the 19th we will be putting on the Royal Degree for several candidates from the area. Ann Arbor will be having George Lucero and Brandon Mullins to begin with as our candidates. I’ll be going to Kalamazoo for an all Chapter/Council Degree Day on March 7th. Do you want to travel with me? Give me a call and we’ll make arrangements for a beautiful day. On the 21st I plan on traveling to Battle Creek for an all Order Day for Commandery. Making the same offer for that day. The Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association will be holding its quarterly meeting on Monday, March 30th with dinner beginning at 6:15 pm. The Meeting will follow. This meeting is for the purpose of organizing all of the ritual work within the Southeastern Michigan area. The meeting follows the dinner. The closer we work together the better chance we all have of improving our work and our working toward one common goal of perfection. All Masons should find out when and where the secrets of a Master Mason would be given to a Master Mason in need and in want. No Mason should miss the journey around the Altar and the Conversation on death that takes place during that journey. It is probably one of the most impressive talks in all of Masonry. Any Royal Arch Mason that has yet to receive his Council Degrees is encouraged to join. Don’t be left in the dark. Sure hope that this has found each of you in the best of health. Also hoping that we have brought back from Texas a ray of sunshine that will get rid of this chill in our bones. Keep a smile on your face and a chuckle in your voice.

ARTHUR W. DAVIDGE, MSA ………….Recorder 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 (734) 769-6982 STATED CONCLAVE 1st THURSDAYOF THE MONTH 7:00 PM Joint with Ypsilanti Commandery

Commander’s Comments Greetings Sir Knights and Ladies! As I pen this letter, the sun is shining & the accumulated snows are melting! This may be just a tease, but I believe spring is coming soon. Spring is a time of renewal. A time for old things to become new again. The flowers of last year are all faded & withered, but they live on with each new spring. They push their way through the soil, bravely spread their leaves, growing strong & tall in the sun, & blossom with hope & vigor every year. Then, when the timing is right, they husband their energies & prepare to ward off the approaching chill of winter. This is a lesson we each should learn. The essential timing that goes with each phase of life & growth. All can see life within whilst the flower is leafy & blossoming, but how many see life when the snows cover the earth? Sometimes when nothing is apparent, is our time of greatest strength. Knowing the snows are falling quick about us, we must gather our courage, and hope with the light of faith, for the coming of spring. We dare not lose that internal light. The flame may flicker & waver, but we must not let it go out. For me winter is a time for curling up with a good book & reading in front of the fire. Sometimes for pleasure, sometimes studying for upcoming degree work. That I think is how we husband our resources & prepare for the new year. Reviewing & relearning the work again & again. Trying hard to commit it to memory so we make fewer mistakes. Funny isn’t it how the Craft resembles a living body? There are distinct phases in our growth, each member fills a different role, i.e. root stock, branches, leaves & flowers. The roots are the ritual itself – we must all have a strong beginning. The branches are the body of officers, the leaves are the membership we create, & the flowers are the Knights.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday By Appointment Only 2345 S. Huron Parkway ,Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-1012

T. Brandy Creps Massage Therapist 2350 Washtenaw Ave., Suite 10 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: (734) 761-9696 Cell: (313) 308-4306 Email:

Like master gardeners we must continually strive to better our stock. Protect the body from disease & blight, assure a proper diet of learning (our rituals & the Bible), plenty of exercise & always being on the lookout for good stock (candidates) to strengthen our body. While keeping our main purposes in mind, we find our path is clearly defined & easy to follow. Learn the work, do it well and encourage others to do the same. We are all better for it & the workload is lighter for each when shared. Speaking of degree work, we have a new candidate that is eager to receive the work & share in the fun. We will begin this happy task on April 23rd when we will have a rehearsal for the Order of the Red Cross at 7:00 pm in Ypsilanti. This will be our only formal rehearsal & I encourage all to come out & lend a hand. We will confer the Red Cross Order on May 28th also at 7:00 pm. March will find us in Wayne for the Southeast Michigan Joint York Rite Association meeting on the 30th. Dinner at 6:15 pm. Stay tuned for further details. Spring should be busy as we will be attending our Battalion Easter & Ascension Services in April & May. May the Almighty keep you in the hollow of His hands & bless you & yours. Humbly, Allen Christ ___________________________ Dues are do By a few We know who And so do you.

Check you wallet. If you do not have a current dues card, mail in your dues today to your Secretary!!!!!

The Ann Arbor Masonic News Published Monthly by: The Ann Arbor Masonic News Association 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 Arthur W. Davidge…………………..President Allen C. Christ………………….Vice President Beth Masten………….Secretary-Treasurer Paul C. Howell………….………Editor The Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) is published monthly by the Ann Arbor Masonic News Association, 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614. Subscription rate: $4.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE ANN ARBOR MASONIC NEWS 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Child, continued from page 1. Woodyard &Associates Incorporated He got to be king by killing a giant Your Neighborhood IncomeTax Practitioner with a slingshot. He had a son named Solomon who had about 300 wives and 1240 Evelyn Avenue Woodyard, 500Michigan porcupines. MyJack teacher waysJr. he Ypsilanti, 48198 Phone: 734-484-5216 was wise, but that doesn’t sound very Fax: 734-484-5055 Year-Round Bookkeeping, wise to me. Individual Tax Returns Income Tax Preparation, After Solomon a and bunch Partnership Tax Returns there were Business Tax of Profit & Non Profit Corporations Consulting major league prophets. One of these Fiduciary Tax Returns was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and then barfed upon the shore. There were also some minor league prophet, but I guess we don’t have to worry about them. After the Old Testament came the new Testament. Jesus is the star of the New Testament. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn, too, because my mom is always saying to me, ‘Close the door! Were you born in a barn?’ It would be nice to say, ‘As a matter of fact I was.” During his life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Republicans. Jesus also had twelve opossums. The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him. Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to Some Germans on the Mount. But the Republicans and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn’t stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands. Any way’s, Jesus died for our sins, and then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.

SCH LANDERER AND SONS J e w e le r s & S i lv e r s m i t h s 2 0 8 S o u t h M a in S t r e e t A n n A r b o r , M ic h ig a n 7 3 4 -6 6 2 -0 3 0 6

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AFFORDABLE WINDOW AND SIDING CORPORATION (734) 662-5551 Where quality Products, Installation, and Service Make the Difference

Eric Feldt, Owner 7005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 Fax: (734) 662-6010

Woodyard & Associates Incorporated Your Neighborhood Income Tax Practitioner 1240 Evelyn Avenue Ypsilanti, Michigan 48198 Phone: 734-484-5216 Fax: 734-484-5055 Individual Tax Returns Partnership Tax Returns Profit & Non Profit Corporations Fiduciary Tax Returns

Plumbing Carpentry

Jack Woodyard, Jr. Year-Round Bookkeeping, Income Tax Preparation, Business and Tax Consulting

Electrical Masonry

ProCraft Construction Full Service Building & Remodeling Licensed & Insured

Handyman Service Available Allen C. Christ

(734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 239-5504

You can place your Ad within the Ann Arbor Masonic News. By doing so you support your Masonic Organizations locally, but even more importantly you are getting your word out to a large group of Masons with in area. The AA Masonic News has a distribution of nearly 1500 copies sent by snail mail and Email. Only $60.00 per year for a business card size ad. Send to Paul Howell.

Do you want to receive your Masonic News via email? Are you receiving both snail mail and email Masonic News? Save yourself money by receiving it only by way of the email. Much faster and much better quality. Email your name, Address and Masonic affiliation to me at

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