Ann Arbor Masonic News | June 2009

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Ann Arbor Masonic News Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9614


Serving the Masonic Fraternity of Washtenaw County USPS 595-570 June 2009

Grand Ledge Lodge# 179 will host an All in One - Losdge Degree day on Saturday, June 6. · 0730 - 0800: Breakfast $5 · 0730 - 0800: Pre-open Lodge on the EA degree · 0800 - 0815: Purge Lodge and Brief Mentors · 0815 - 0900: EA degree 1st section (Okemos Lodge) · 0900 - 0910: EA Charge. · 0910 - 0920: Purge Candidates & Mentors (Break) · 0920 - 0930: Open on FC degree (Grand Ledge) · 0930 – 1015: FC degree 1st section (Grand Ledge) · 1015 – 1020: FC Charge. · 1030 – 1130: LUNCH /BRUNCH $7 · 1040 - 1130: EA and FC Lectures - DURING Lunch · 1130 – 1140: Open on MM degree · 1150 – 1240: MM Degree 1st section ( Charlotte Lodge) · 1240 – 1255: Break / Setup for 2nd section · 1300 – 1400: MM Degree 2nd section (Scottish Rite Team) · 1400 – 1430: MM Degree Lectures · 1430 – 1440: MM Charge · 1440 - 15:00: Thank You and Closing Statements. Contact Secretary Bob Lindsay at 517-627-6199 or PM Mike Beck at 517-775--5411. If a lodge is bringing a candidate, they need to have a bible, apron square and compass for their candidate, or contact Bob Lindsay to have him order a bible, apron, square and/or compass for them if they choose. He will have the prices for these items. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Don’t let your worries get the best of you; Remember, Moses started out as a basket case.


Clay Balls A man was exploring caves by the Seashore. Seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake. They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out out into the ocean as far far as he co could. He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock . Inside was a beautiful, precious stone! Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure. treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left. Then it struck him. He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands, but he had just thrown it away! It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel. It doesn't look like much from the outside. It isn't always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it. We see that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person. person. There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth. May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay. May we see the people in our world as God sees them. I am so blessed by the gems of friendship I have with you.. Thank you for looking beyond my clay vessel.




109 West Michigan Ave, Saline 48176

135 E. Main St., P.O. Box116, Manchester

113 W. Middle St., Chelsea, MI 48118

THOMAS D. HYATT Worshipful Master


LYNN M. HELDT, PM Worshipful Master

46000 Ceddies Rd. Lot 109 Canton 48118 734.495.9363 cell: 734.216.8010 WILLIAM E. HOLIFIELD, JR. Secretary 8750 Melbourne, Saline 48176 734.461.6019 Cell: 7343.260.4858

12410 Miller Hwy, Brooklyn 49230 517.592.4824 GUY GILBERT …………….………Secretary 207 W. Duncan, PO Box 4, Manchester 48158 (734) 428-7036

13301 Pleasant Lake Rd., Manchester 48158 (734) 428-0763 Cell (734) 216-0842


The Master’s Letter Dear Brothers: We had a very good Fellowcraft Degree in May. 2 Brothers from Saline and one from Stockbridge received this degree. We had some fantastic help from Stockbridge and surrounding Lodges. It was impressive for the candidates. On Friday, June 19th we will be conferring the Master Mason Degree. Please not that we will be having Dinner prior, beginning at 6:00 pm and then open the Lodge j.kand confer the Degree beginning at 7:00 pm. Please make every effort to be in attendance so that we can impress the new Brothers as they are raised. We have several candidates and petitions in waiting at this time, and are planning on applying for permission to confer and All Degree Day in the near future. Watch the Masonic News for more information on this upcoming exciting event. We wish everyone in sickness or distress a very rapid recovery back to full happy health. Speaking of sickness and distress we can only think about you and/or spread the word if we know about that you or a loved one is under the weather. Keep us informed. For your information and prayers. Your Secretary Bill Holifield was involved in a motorcycle accident. He is recovering, but it is slow. Your Junior Deacon had a freak accident while exercising and had some damage to his face. He also will be ok. Fraternally, Tom

1st MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM except July & August

The Master’s Letter Greeting Brothers and Friends: Wow, almost the end of May already. We are heading into the busiest part of the year for us and again we are looking for a lot of help. Plans are made for the Fair Watch, Parade Dinner for the Shriner’s, our yearly Raffle, Texas hold-em and possibly a booth at the fair for the Child ID Program. Contact Sec. Guy Gilbert at 734255-3747 or and he will get you in touch with the Brother in charge of each project. WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have 3 petitions underway and will be voting on them at our June 1st Communication. We will be doing 2 FC's on the 21st of May and will be scheduling a MM Degree day at that time. All Brothers are invited to attend to give a hand or just watch from the sidelines. We have a good time in Manchester doing this work. If anybody has a change of address or phone number, please notify Guy Gilbert so he can get it corrected. Also, please notify Brother Guy of an email address if you have one so you can get faster information on upcoming events. If you haven't been able to attend Lodge in awhile, we would love to have you sit with us. Don't worry about being rusty, we have a lot of Brothers who will help. Fraternally Gil Porterfield DAVID A. REDDING……………. Secretary 913 Moore Dr., Chelsea 48118 (734) 562-2090 Cell: 517 403-9871 WEB: 2nd MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM, Lodge phone (734) 475-8920

Greetings Brothers: Brother Scott and Thane are going to see if they have a Summer Reading Program that we might help with a prize. This program is called “Bikes for Books”. We could donate 1 or 2 bicycles that way we would know the age of the winner and size of bike to purchase. We have another petition that the investigation committee will be reporting on soon. If anyone needs petitions please call. I will be glade to help. We need to reach out to qualified men to join our fraternity. The Charity Poker Weekend date is July 16 – 19. We could use some help during the 4 evenings that we have it. Brother Richard has a sign up list. Each evening is split up into 2 shifts. This is a good money maker. We could use a little extra money to help with the winter bills. Call for more information if you are able to help. Chelsea is celebrating its 175th anniversary June 25 –28. Lots of activities for the family. Keep us up to date with your phone cell phone numbers. Please make sure that you get us the information to keep you informed. We are constantly updating roster. If you have email, notify The Secretary at ( Also if you would like to receive the Masonic News via email instead of snail mail let me know and I will add you to the list. Saves on postage and looks better. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact me I would love to hear from you. Please attend our next regular meeting, we need your support and would like to see your smiling faces. June 8 Regular Meeting July 13 Regular Meeting July 16 – 19 Charity Poker at the Chelsea Bowling Alley 5:00PM-2:00A Fraternally Lynn Heldt, WM

1474As GOLDEN RULE LODGE N0. 159 ‘r 2875 West Liberty Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 WILLIAM KREBAUM



310 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, MI 48105

37 N. Tolan St., Milan 48160



Worshipful Master

Worshipful Master

Worshipful Master

1484 West Liberty St. #1, Ann Arbor 48103 734.320.2677


332 Anderson St., Milan 48160 (Cell) 734-891-7676

ROBERT MURPHY, PM ……..………Secretary P.O. Box 1014, Novi, MI 48376 (248) 348-9298 WEB: st 1 THURSDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00pm

Master’s Letter Greetings, Brethren and Friends, All Golden Rule Lodge members are invited to meet for dinner on Thursday, June 11 at 7 PM at the Classic Cup Café, located at 4389 Jackson Rd., between Wagner and Zeeb. This will be an informal evening of fellowship that will provide an opportunity to discuss Masonry and matters relating to the lodge. We have a new petitioner for the Masonic degrees, and we are tentatively scheduled to confer the EA degree on Thursday June 18 at 7 PM at the Ann Arbor Masonic Temple. Mark your calendar for the Golden Rule Lodge Awards Dinner to be held at Zal Gaz Grotto Club on Thursday, September 17 at 7 PM. Members are urged to invite spouses and friends to this event, where we will honor members receiving longevity awards, as well as the recipient of the “Mason of the Year” award. Fraternal regards, Bill Krebaum June Calendar: Thursday, June 4 Regular Communication 7 PM Thursday, June 11 Dinner at Classic Cup Café 7 PM Thursday, June 18 Entered Apprentice Degree 7 PM

SEYMOUR D. GREENSTONE, PM …….….Secretary 12065 Glenview Dr., Plymouth, MI 48170-3052 (734) 455-6121 Fax: (734) 254-0124 2nd WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH - 7:00 pm

Master’s Letter Brethren: If is difficult to believe, but May is almost over and summer will be here soon. Looking back on what we have accomplished this year, I am extremely proud of our lodge and the participation of the members, both new and experienced alike. There was a bit of a transition to adapt to our new location, but we have our system in place now. I hope you were able to attend the table lodge in late April, which was a bi-loge event with Golden Rule No. 159 (although there were several lodges represented at this event). Dinner was excellent and the fellowship event better. Many thanks to all who helped arrange and execute this event, with special thanks to Bob Hotter, Bob Blackburn, and Rich Wilcox, PM. In April we raised three new Master Masons, who are all fine men and brothers. The degree was especially meaningful for Brother Harry Markham, whose father traveled all the way from Texas to see his son raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Markham, whom I still refuse to believe is 91 years old. We will raise three new Master Masons in May as well. The degree will be held at Hathaway’s Hideaway (310 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor) on Wednesday, May 27th. Please note that dinner will be served at 6:00pm and lodge will open at 6:30pm. We have been fortunate for some time now to have what seems to be a continuous stream of men interested in Masonry. However, because of the transient nature of many who move to Ann Arbor to attend the university, often times our members relocate as they graduate from school and/or change positions. This month we regretfully must say goodbye to two fine brothers. Brother Brandon Houser has returned to Idaho to be closer to family. Brandon has done a nice job as Senior Steward thus far and has also proven to be an effective Marshal pro-tem. Our Chaplain, Dr. Tom Hathaway, has achieved a great milestone this month by completing medical school, which also means he must move for his next assignment. Tom has been very active since ……………………..

STEVE COBURN, PM ….…………..…..Secretary 10247 Crane Road, Milan 48160 734 231-7127 1st WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Special Communications, 3 rd Wednesday 7:30 pm, Lodge Phone (734) 439-1020

Milan Lodge has been very fortunate in the last year or better in that we have again begun to receive new enthusiastic members into the fold. It is good to see this resurgence. It is good for both Masonry and the Milan Community. The Lodge has these new and younger members that are anxious to assist others in gaining Masonic Light and also in helping and supporting the community. Do you know of others who would and should become a member of this exciting organization? We can get them a petition and get them started on that journey to improving their lives forever. Come out and see how a Lodge on the go and grow is doing. _______________________________________

Ann Arbor-Fraternity cont. becoming a Mason, and his dedication to the lodge and affinity for Masonry have greatly contributed to the success and cohesion of our lodge. Both Brandon and Tom will surely be missed. Please look for upcoming opportunities to support charity and fundraising events. Also, remember to bring donations of books, magazines, toiletries, and clothes for our veterans at the VA hospital. Please contact Art Davidge, PM for specifics about which items are most needed at the VA. For further details on scheduled lodge events, please check the trestle board. Please keep in your thoughts our brothers and family who may be in sickness or distress. Sincerely and fraternally, Chris Fultz

June 2009 Ann Arbor Masonic News Sunday





7:30 PM Manch- 7:30 PM Saline este r Lodge 148 Lodge 133 - Regula r Re gular Com m unication Com m unication 7:30 PM Ypsi OES 119 - Work Session

W ednesday







7:30 PM Ypsilanti 119, OES - Regular Meeting Olive Lodge 156 -Chelsea ... Regular


7:30 PM Milan 7:30 PM Ann Lodge 323 Arbor KT Regular Ypsilanti Com m unication




Golden Rule - 159 Charity Gaming







12:00 PM GR 7:00 PM 159 - EA De g. Master 7:00 PM P ast and Mason Most Excellent Degree Master s De gree s - Salin e 133 Ypsilanti Dinner 6 pm

Select Master Degree Rehearsal

Masonic News Articles Due


8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Grand Ledge - All Lodge Degree Day

Manchester 148 - Texas Hold-em

PM AA & Flag Day 7:00 Ypsi Councils -



7:30 PM Grotto - 7:00 PM GR 6:00 PM - 8:00 P M8:30 AM DowaRegular 159 - Classic Grotto - Friday giac - Chapter Fry 7:30 PM York All Day OutdCup Cafe Chapter 150 7:30 PM Ann oor Degrees Milan RA Deg. Arbor Chapter/ AA-F 262 Regula r Com m unication Council Ypsilanti

Golden Rule...




Grand Lodge- Grand Rapids



GR 159 - Charity Gaming





9:00 AM - 1:00 7:30 PM Ypsilanti 7:00 P M An n 7:00 PM AA-F 262 PM Gr otto Break- OES 119 - 2nd Arbor Mason- Degree W ork fast Buffet Initiation ic Temple



6:00 PM - 8:00 P MYpsi O ES 119 Grotto - Friday Indoor P icnic Fry

Boa rd Meeting

Chelsea Community 175th celebration




7:00 PM SEMJYRA - Dinnr 6:15pm Ypsilanti

May S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30

Chelsea Co... Working to support and strengthen Masonry in Washtenaw County.

July S M T W T 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28


1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31



248 Dundee Street, Saline 48176 (734) 660-5534 Donelda Hughes, PM, …………….Secretary 2859 Marshall St., Ann Arbor 48108 (734) 929-2044 2ND MONDAY OF MONTH 7:30 PM 5752 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti 48197 __________________________________

2655 Esch Ave., Ann Arbor 48104 (734) 780-4761 Henry Geiss, PM……………..……Secretary

Greetings from Ypsilanti OES

Hello!!! Hope everyone is enjoying the Spring a chance for a new revival. I want to give a belated Happy Mother’s Day wish to our sisters and to wish an early Happy Father’s Day to our brothers. The dinner on the ninth was successful. I especially want to thank the brothers from the York Rite Bodies who helped slice turkey and mash potatoes, my loyal troops (my family) and sisters Lucy, Nancy and John. I also want to thank Frank and Carole Russell GREAT JOB!!!!!!! Please let our Secretary know of a change of address. It saves a lot of returned mail and money. Second dues notices have been sent. If you don’t have a 2009 dues card you had better “git-r-done” for you are now in arrears. We are in deep need of officers for the year starting in October. We require 18 officers to function as a chapter. Please put your thinking caps on and if you are interested or know of someone who is tell the secretary, or the Worthy Matron as soon as possible. Many heartfelt thank-you’s to all of you who donated food and/or worked on the funeral luncheon for the Hunter family. Remember we have a work session at 7:30 pm on June 1st and a Regular Meeting on June 8th. Coming Events are: an initiation on June 22, indoor picnic on July 27th May all of you have a safe Memorial Day weekend and please remember our troops in the Middle East. Your Worthy Matron Pearl Gale


3436 Yellowstone, Ann Arbor 48105 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM 2070 West Stadium Blvd. (734) 663-1202 or at:

Monarch’s Letter Greetings Prophets and Brothers,

May 25 – MEMORIAL DAY – Stay safe and enjoy June 10– House and Board Meeting and Regular Monthly Meeting. June12 – Friday Fish and other Fry 6 – 8 pm June 21 – Breakfast ALL YOU CAN EAT Buffet, 9 am to 1 pm June 26– Friday Fish and other Fry 6 – 8 pm ___________________________________ Dental Care for Children with Special Needs The Dental Care for Children with Special Needs program was adopted in 1970 by the GROTTOES as its second humanitarian project. Helping special needs children in need of dental care is the great challenge the GROTTOES of North America have accepted. Our membership has diligently labored to provide the necessary funds to improve the oral health of these special children. For reasons beyond their control, they are too often excluded from the mainstream of dental care. The GROTTOES of North America offer this service to those children afflicted with: Cerebral Palsy Muscular Dystrophy Mentally Challenged This service is rendered free of charge to any child under the age of 18 regardless of race, creed, or color. The only prerequisite is that the child must be sponsored by a local GROTTO. We do not cover children covered by Medicaid/Medical card. Support this program by purchasing an Enchanted Lantern today at the Zal Gaz.



5752 Whittaker Rd., Ypsilanti 48197

37 N. Tolan Street, Milan




High Priest

High Priest

1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494 ALLEN C. CHRIST, PHP ……...…Secretary 1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494

11009 Platte Road, Milan 48160 734.439.7567 JOHN F. MIDKIFF, PHP ……… Secretary 326 E. River St., Deerfield 49238 (517) 447-3258

Where quality Products, Installation, and Service Make the Difference

STATED CONVOCATION 2nd THURSDAYOF THE MONTH 7:30 PM Joint with Excelsior Chapter

High Priest Address

Greetings Friends & Companions, This last year is an example of the wonderful job Most Excellent Companion Paul Howell has done, and continues to do for us. He has worked long & hard for our benefit, and the benefit of the Craft. Without him, York Rite Masonry in Ann Arbor would likely have ceased to exist. Paul, thanks for keeping us together & working towards a common goal; the betterment of the Craft. Continue to attend and support your Blue Lodge(s), without them we cannot survive. It is our duty to dispense light & information, do so by being a good example for others. As you read this letter, we will have begun the work on our newest candidate for the Royal Arch, Adam Smith. Adam comes to us from Myrtle Lodge # 89 in Belleville. He is our first candidate to petition via email! He is a friend & brother of Brandon Mullins. Thanks Brandon for spreading the word! We held a Mark Master Mason degree on 21 MAY 09 in Ypsi for him and other candidates. A wonderful enlightening time was had by all. We are striving to put together a schedule for the Past & Most Excellent degrees soonest. Let’s do all we can to make sure this young man (& any others in the area) receive their degrees in a timely fashion. Mark your calendars! Dowagiac All Chapter Outdoor Degree Day is a go! It will be the 2nd Saturday in June (the 13th). The day starts early (8:30 am) on the western side of the state. Bring LAYERED clothing, sunscreen, insect repellent, and remind candidates to bring/wear sandals or shoes ok to walk through water in. It is ALWAYS a great day to do Masonry in the great out of doors! Lunch is BBQ pork, if you are a vegetarian, you may want to pack a lunch. The Grand Chapter has approved our petition to relocate our Charter back to Ann Arbor. We now just await word from ……………………………………………


Companions: What a pleasure it was to have the Royal Arch Degree put on in Milan on the 13th of May. What a beautiful job they all did in putting on this wonderful degree for our two candidates. We are growing again. We just need to continue in this growth. With these new Companions becoming involved and bringing in new candidates for the degrees I know that we are headed in the right path. We must thank all who traveled to assist in the conferral of this degree: From: Ann Arbor – Allen Christ, Art Stoll and Paul Howell. Ypsilanti – Tom Hyatt & Carl Rufus. Wayne – Richard Hitch, Gilbert Albanice & Rod Deyo Samaria – James Vann Thank you one and all. You did a beautiful job working together

Eric Feldt, Owner 7005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 Fax: (734) 662-6010

Al Harden 734 368.1508


FREE SA LES TA X ! 1 0 6 4 5 W . M i c hig a n A v e S a l i n e M I 4 8 1 7 6 -9 6 2 5 P h o n e : (7 3 4 ) 4 2 9 -9 7 0 5

O pe n D ail y M o n .- S a t . 1 0 -8 S u n d a y 1 2 -6

Support those who advertise in YOUR Masonic News the other two bodies. Upon acceptance, we can then start the process of moving our dates, times, and belongings to our new site! Thanks again Tom Jameson for finding this new meeting place! Starting a year with candidates lined up is a GREAT way to start! Let’s all look forward to an excellent year. Come on out & see what’s happening, we miss you! S&F, Allen Christ

*** “Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.” - - Albert Einstein




5752 Whittaker Rd, Ypsilanti 48197

5752 Whittaker Rd., Ypsilanti 48197

Connie Sundrla – Dipl.Ac.



Thrice Illustrious Master

Eminent Commander

NCCAOK Certified

17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220 517.262.5140

17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220 517.262.5140

PAUL C. HOWELL, PTIM……………….Recorder 17635 Manitou Beach Road Addison, MI 49220 (517) 262-5140 STATED ASSEMBLY nd 2 THURSDAY OF THE MONTH

ARTHUR W. DAVIDGE, MSA ………….Recorder 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 (734) 769-6982 STATED CONCLAVE 1st THURSDAYOF THE MONTH 7:00 PM Joint with Ypsilanti Commandery

ANNthat ARBOR COUNCIL NO. 86Sir candidates come in & become new

7:30 PM Joint with Union Council

TIM’s Thoughts Companions and Friends: Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti both have candidates in waiting for the Select Masters Degree and therefore we got together for an evening of fun on May the 18th and had a rehearsal for that and them. A great time was had by all with many laughs and giggles along the way. It was actually a great practice. In order to be even more properly prepared for putting on the degree we will be holding another rehearsal on the 15th of June at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple at 7 pm. And then will be conferring the degree on the 20th of July. The Select Degree takes place within the Crypt or Vault and explains the depositing of the Master’s Word for future generations to find and interpret. It is a beautiful degree and explains many questions that the inquisitive mind may have about what they have previously learned. The paperwork is out for the Grand Assembly of the Grand Council to be held at the Gateway Center in Flint Michigan on Thursday, August 6th. The Grand York Rite Banquet will be that evening. Our next Stated Assembly will be on Thursday, June 11th at 7:30 pm in Ypsilanti. We will not have a Stated Assembly in July so it is important that you come out on the 11th to learn what is being asked of us regarding legislation. On Monday, June 30th the Southeastern Michigan Joint York Rite Association will be having their quarterly meeting. This one will be hosted by Washtenaw Chapter but will be hosted at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. Dinner at 6:15 pm and Meeting to follow. Please show up! Renew old friendships and make new ones. Hope everyone had/has a very safe and enjoyable Memorial Weekend. Remember those who have given so much for you to be able to enjoy it and the freedoms which you have.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday By Appointment Only 2345 S. Huron Parkway ,Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-1012

T. Brandy Creps Massage Therapist

Commander’s Comments Greetings Sir Knights and Ladies! This year is rapidly moving along. The Grand Conclave this year will be held at the Gateway Center in Flint on Friday and Saturday, August 7th & 8th. Most of the business will be conducted on the 7th and finished, as needed on the 8th along with the election and installation of Officers and the Marching and Drills in the afternoon. Our Inspection is coming up this year on Saturday, August 22nd at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. Ann Arbor will open at 9 am, have their Inspection and then go to enjoy an excellent luncheon in the Dinning Hall. After the luncheon we can all return to the Asylum and witness the Order of the Temple again as Ypsilanti will then be putting on their Order for their Inspection. This is going to work out for all of us, only have to be gone one Saturday and for you because by the end of the day you should be able to have yourself well able to better understand and remember all that you had gone through many years ago. On Thursday, May 28th we will be conferring the Order of the Red Cross at 7:00 at Ypsilanti. We should have several candidates that night so come out and enjoy yourself, we will. We will be having a rehearsal for the Order of Malta on Thursday, July 9th and then be conferring the Order of Malta on Thursday, July 16th. Thursday evenings July 23rd and 30th and August 13th and 20th will be set aside for the Order of the Temple Rehearsals so that both Commandery’s will be well prepared for their respective Inspections on the 22nd. If we have enough candidates the rehearsals in August may be with an actual Knighting. We’ll let you know. See you on June 29th at the Southeastern Michigan Joint York Rite Association Meeting for the Battalion Meeting. Dinner at 6:15 pm. Our continued thanks to all of those who have served our Country so well.

2350 Washtenaw Ave., Suite 10 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: (734) 761-9696 Cell: (313) 308-4306 Email:

MATT SLATER 111 W. Main Manchester, MI 48158 734-368-3057

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ANN ARBOR (734) 971-2100

CRAFT APPLIANCE SERVICE COMPANY 5151 Esch Road Manchester, MI 48158 Frealin Craft Owner Fax (734) 428-1469 Email: WEB: CRAFTAPPLIANCE.COM ________________________________________________________

Today’s Color Alert RED, WHITE AND BLUE

In Memory of All who have Sacrificed

Woodyard & Associates Incorporated

Published Monthly by:


The Ann Arbor Masonic News Association

J e w e le r s & S ilv e r s m it h s

The Ann Arbor Masonic News

4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 Arthur W. Davidge…………………..President Allen C. Christ………………….Vice President Beth Masten………….Secretary-Treasurer Paul C. Howell………….………Editor The Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) is published monthly by the Ann Arbor Masonic News Association, 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614. Subscription rate: $4.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE ANN ARBOR MASONIC NEWS 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __

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ANN ARBOR MASONIC TEMPLE CORP 2875 West Liberty Road, Ann Arbor 48103 734.996.0121 Paul Bunten, President and Operating Manager 734.368.5146 Jim Lakin, Vice-President William Krebaum, Secretary: 734.320.2677 Henry Alvarez, Treasurer

Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Of Michigan Woodyard &Associates Incorporated Your Neighborhood Income Tax Practitioner


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Ypsilanti Chapter No. 119 OES Cordially invites you to a

BIRTHDAY PARTY Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Ypsilanti Masonic Temple Honoring:

Donelda Hughes, Grand Martha Mary Grace Gordon, Worthy Grand Matron’s Secretary

9439 Gulf Shore Drive Naples, FL 34108

Hankins-Schroeder Grand Family

Only 1000 tickets were printed Just $5.00 per ticket

Registration: 4:00 PM Potluck: 5:00 PM (Meat, beverage, table service provided)

Drawing will be held on Thursday, August 6, 2009 Need not be present to win

Contact Paul Howell to purchase your winning ticket. GLW ___________________________ There is no way that you can win a Raffle or the Lottery – If you do not purchase a ticket!

Grand Officer Exemplification: 7:00 SHARP Cost: RSVP:

Month of Birth By September 9, 2009

Priscilla Hankins, WGM 1515 Ridge Road, #65 Ypsilanti, MI 48198

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