Ann Arbor Masonic News Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9614
Serving the Masonic Fraternity of Washtenaw County USPS 595-570 April 2009
“That Fellow’s On the Square” It matters not whate’er your lot Or what your task may be, One duty there remains for you One duty stands for me. Be you a doctor skilled and wise, Or do your work for wage, A laborer upon the street, An artist on the stage; Our glory still awaits for you, O One honor that is fair, To have men say as you pass by: “That fellow’s on the Square.” Ah, here’s a phrase that stands for much ‘Tis good old English too, It means that men have confidence In everything you do, It means that what you have, you’ve earned, And that you’ve done your best, And when you go to sleep at night, Untroubled you may rest. It means that conscience is your guide, And honor is your car” There is no greater praise than this: “That fellow’s on the Square.” And when I die I would not wish A lengthy epitaph; I do not wish a headstone large, Carved with some fulsome chaff, Pick out no single deed of mine, If such a deed there be, To ‘grave upon my monument, For those who come to see, Just this one phrase of all I choose, To show my life was fair: “Here sleepeth now a fellow who Was always on the Square.” Joseph Fort Newton, supposed author
GOD IN MASONRY Everything in Masonry has reference to God, implies God, speakes of God, and points and leads to God. Not a degree, not a symbol, not an obligation, not a lecture, nor a charge, but finds its meaning and derives it beauty from God, the Great Architect and Master Builder of the Universe, God the Father of Humanity, its solidarity and salvation, God the Maker of Heaven and Earth and all that in them is, before whom silence is eloquent and wonder is worship. Every lodge is erected to God and dedicated to holy Saints and labors in God’s name, seeking to make His will the design upon its trestleboard. No initiate enters a lodge without first kneeling and confessing his faith and trust in God, whose love is the foundation of fraternity. The greatest symbol in Masonry, the triangle, is the oldest emblem of God in history and faith of man. Under His arching sky, upon his friendly earth where man goes forth to his labor, Masonry toils for the Glory of God. We think of fellowship as one of the fruits of Masonic membership. However, we must be established on the solid ground of morality. The effort that each one puts forth in truly “being a Mason” determines the real fibre of Masonic fellowship. Charles Allison Weed, Ph.D. American Philosophical Assoc. York rite Bodies-K.T. 32nd Degree
A STORY WITH A MORAL “A Modern Fable”- A Mason was hunting in the forest. A terrible storm came up. He looked for shelter, but there was none. It was raining in torrents. He crawled into a hollow log. It fit snugly. The rain lasted for hours and the water soaked through the wood. The log began to contract. The storm abated and the man tried, but could not get out. He strained, but to no avail. The log held him tight. He knew he would die of starvation unless he could free himself. His whole life flashed before him, especially his misstates, suddenly he remembered he had not paid his lodge dues. This made him feel so small that he was able to crawl out of the log. The Moral of the storey is: Do Not let your dues accumulate until you are in a tight pinch….
109 West Michigan Ave, Saline 48176
135 E. Main St., P.O. Box116, Manchester
113 W. Middle St., Chelsea, MI 48118
THOMAS D. HYATT Worshipful Master
LYNN M. HELDT, PM Worshipful Master
46000 Ceddies Rd. Lot 109 Canton 48118 734.495.9363 cell: 734.216.8010 WILLIAM E. HOLIFIELD, JR. Secretary 8750 Melbourne, Saline 48176 734.461.6019 Cell: 7343.260.4858
12410 Miller Hwy, Brroklyn 49230 517.592.4824 GUY GILBERT …………….………Secretary 207 W. Duncan, PO Box 4, Manchester 48158 (734) 428-7036
13301 Pleasant Lake Rd., Manchester 48158 (734) 428-0763 Cell (734) 216-0842
The Master’s Letter Brothers: It looks like we are in for the beginning of another good month or two. We currently have 3 petitions out for investigation to be voted on at the Regular Communication. We are assuming that we will approve one or more of these petitions and therefore have scheduled an Entered Apprentice Degree for Friday, April the 17th at 7:30 PM. It is important that we all have a say in the leadership from our Grand j.k Lodge. That can be done with our vote on the Brothers to be elected to serve us as our Board of General Purposes representative. This will be held in Manchester on the 31st of March. The last Tuesday of March. The District will also receive a School of Instruction that evening prior to the election. Hope you can make an effort to attend the Dinner honoring Allen Christ in Ypsilanti on Saturday, May 9th. Allen is a very dedicated Mason and has always been willing to assist everyone in any degree work. See the ad in this paper. Hope that this letter finds all in the best of Health and Happiness. Tom Hyatt _____________________ PERSERVANCE If a task is once begun Never leave it till it’s done. Be the labor great or small, Do it well or not at all. Anonymous
1st MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM except July & August
The Master’s Letter Greeting Brothers and Friends: Well another good turnout at our regular communication. Boy is it fun when that happens. A lot of business coming up in the next four or five months. We read a petition for transfer and a petition for new membership and an Investigating Committee was appointed. So we will be voting on them in April. Looks like we should have at least one more petition to read in April. Our Texas-Hold-em was successful and we have 3 more booked. One in June, one in July and one in August. Contact Guy Gilbert (734-255-3747) or any Lodge officer to offer your help. It takes a little manpower to run. We need two people for two shifts. Shifts are from 5pm to 9:30 and 9:30 to 2am and this runs for four days. It is very easy work and great results. April 10th, which is Good Friday, we will again be doing our Pretzel Making Project. We need all the help we can get. It is a fun project and we get to see a lot of Brothers that we don't normally see. We have limited it to 100 dozen pretzels this year. Must have your orders in by the 7th. So get your orders in early. Contact Greg Stewart at (734-428-0619) or any Lodge officer to place your order. We also have the fair watch, raffle, and dinner at the fair parade for the Shriners. These projects take quite a bit of manpower to put on, but they are fun to do and they really promote Brotherhood. So contact any of the Lodge officers to volunteer. Brother Denny Steele is working on setting up a Child ID program at the Fair and he is going to need HELP on that. If you are not familiar with the program it is an extensive ID program for the kids. It is getting positive feedback from all over the state and all law enforcement agencies are backing it. Fraternally yours Gil DAVID A. REDDING……………. Secretary 913 Moore Dr., Chelsea 48118 (734) 562-2090 Cell: 517 403-9871 WEB: 2nd MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM, Lodge phone (734) 475-8920
Greetings Brothers: The Fellow Craft Degree was well attended even though we had a snow storm again. We have a Master Mason Degree scheduled for Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 AM. Our School of Instruction is at Manchester Lodge #148 on Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30PM. Also, the election of the DDI and BGP for our district. Attend if you are able. We have petitioned the State of Michigan for a gaming license for charity poker week ends and could use some help during the 3 evenings that we have it. This sounds like a good money maker as all of the Lodges could use a little extra money to help with the winter bills. Call me if you might be able to help. Brothers, please SEND YOUR DUES, if you have not done so already. We would like to have this completed by the end of April 2009. If anyone needs petitions please call. We need to reach out to those qualified men to join our fraternity. We are trying to grow our email list, so you brothers that have an email address drop us an email to The Secretary ( Also, keep us up-dated if you change you phone number or get a cell phone. Please make sure that you can get us the information to keep you informed. We are always updating the roster for you brothers to use. Also, if you have an email address and would be willing to receive the Masonic News via email instead of snail mail, let
me know and I will add you to the list. This also saves on postage costs and the Masonic News is in color. Our next Regular Meeting will be April 13, 2009 at 7:30pm. Brothers please attend if you are able, and we need your support and would like to see your smiling faces.
1474As GOLDEN RULE LODGE N0. 159 ‘r 2875 West Liberty Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 WILLIAM KREBAUM
310 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
37 N. Tolan St., Milan 48160
Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master
1484 West Liberty St. #1, Ann Arbor 48103 734.320.2677
332 Anderson St., Milan 48160 (Cell) 734-891-7676
ROBERT MURPHY, PM ……..………Secretary P.O. Box 1014, Novi, MI 48376 (248) 348-9298 WEB: 1st THURSDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00pm Electronic Trestleboard (734) 913-9510
SEYMOUR D. GREENSTONE, PM …….….Secretary 12065 Glenview Dr., Plymouth, MI 48170-3052 (734) 455-6121 Fax: (734) 254-0124 2nd WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH - 7:00 pm
Master’s Letter
Master’s Letter Brethren, I’m pleased to report that we have several capable young Masons in our officer line who offer great promise for the future health of Golden Rule Lodge. With just one past master in the moving line, there is good cause for optimism for the Lodge’s long-term prospects. I must report, however, that there are a couple of problem areas that we must effectively address in the coming months. Our attendance at both regular and special communications has been in decline for a long time, and we can observe that this trend is continuing this year. We initiated a very bright and enthusiastic new Mason in February, but the sidelines were practically empty. There are several factors involved in this phenomenon, including difficulties in communication with the membership. There was no information regarding Golden Rule Lodge in the Ann Arbor Masonic News for the past two months. I am truly sorry that I missed the January 15 deadline for the February issue through my own forgetfulness, but for the March issue, I sent an item on February 15, only to find out later that the deadline had been moved up to Feb. 9, since the editor was leaving for vacation. (Notice of the early deadline was published in the Masonic News itself, but due to some kind of clerical error, I was not on the mailing list and did not receive a copy, neither by U.S. Mail nor email.) During the remainder of this year, I will be sending letters and notices to the membership, from time to time, to supplement such information as may be published in the Masonic News. Another challenge to the Lodge results from the status of the Ann Arbor Masonic Temple, which has operated with a budget deficit for many years. With the departure of other lodges and Masonic bodies from the Temple contributing to the worsening financial situation Continued Line 3
STEVE COBURN, PM ….…………..…..Secretary 10247 Crane Road, Milan 48160 734 231-7127 1st WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Special Communications, 3 rd Wednesday 7:30 pm, Lodge Phone (734) 439-1020 _______________________________________
We have enjoyed an excellent turnout at each event this year. Many have participated in the degree work and even more have helped setup and takedown the lodge furniture each week. Please know your efforts are greatly appreciated and directly contribute to the success of the lodge. Ann-Arbor Fraternity seems to be hitting its stride in our new location. We continue to create new "traditions", including the monthly Masonic Educational Presentations (prior to dinner on Business Meeting Nights) and the popular after-glows upstairs at Hathaway's Hideaway following each meeting and degree (activities include Masonic discussions, card games, etc.). In February, we Initiated one new Entered Apprentice. Subsequently, on March 18th we will pass a group of seven or eight to the degree of Fellowcraft. Dinner will be served at 6:20pm and lodge will open at 7:00pm. We always welcome and encourage participation in lodge events as well as any ideas you may have such as educational events, social functions, lodge visitations, etc. For further details on scheduled lodge events, please check the trestle board at Please keep in your thoughts our brothers and family who may be in sickness or distress. Sincerely and fraternally, Chris Fultz
Golden Rule continued. it appears that Golden Rule Lodge, too, will need to find other quarters before the end of the year. Our lodge cannot by itself carry the Temple through another winter heating and snow-plowing season. Until the Temple property is sold or otherwise developed on a sound financial basis, and smaller, more affordable facilities secured for our long-term use, our options will include temporarily meeting at undedicated space at the Grotto or at a hotel meeting room, or at a neighboring Masonic Temple, such as the one in Saline. Your lodge needs you, Brother, particularly at this time. Please make an effort to attend Lodge and offer your ideas and efforts to promote the health and longevity of Golden Rule Lodge. Feel free to contact me with your comments or questions. Fraternal regards, Bill Krebaum April 2 – Regular Communication April 16 – MM Degree Practice __________________________________ Why does the Master wear a hat? A contemporary relic of the ancient custom whereby the King remained covered under all circumstances, while his subjects were obliged to uncover in his presence. Apparently the custom which began in English lodges is now not there common but in American lodges a Master wears a hat as a sign and symbol of his authority.
April 2009 Washtenaw County - Ann Arbor Masonic News Sunday
March S M T W T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
May S M T W T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
6:00 PM Grotto Spaghetti Supper 7:30 PM Milan Lodge 323 Regular Com m unic ation
7:30 PM Ann Arbor Com mandery KT Ypsila nti Golden Rule159
7:30 PM Ma nche ste r Lodge 148 - Regula r Com m unic ation
7:30 PM Saline Lodge 133 Re gular Com m unica tion Pretzel Last chance to order - Manc he ste r
7:30 PM Grotto - 7:30 PM Ann 6:00 PM - 8:00 P M9:00 AM 2262 Flim Regular Arbor Cha pter/ Grotto - Friday Flam Study Club Counc il Fry 7:30 PM York Ypsila nti Cha pter 150 Manc hester PretMilan - Stated 7:30 PM W ashte - zel Cooking AA-F 262 Regular naw Cha pter/ Com m unic ation Ann Arbor Council State d
Masonic News7:00 PM Golden 7:30 PM Saline EAScottish Rite Articles Due Rule MM Deg Degree Reun ion Pra ctic e
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Gr otto Brea kfast Buffet
Happy Easter7:30 PM Ypsilanti OES 119 Olive Lodge 156 -Che lse a Regular
W ednesday
7:00 PM AA-F 2627:00 PM AA Co- 6:00 PM - 8:00 P M De gree W ork Grotto - Friday mmander y 13 Fry Red Cr oss Rehe ar sal
7:00 P M An n Arbor Mason ic Temple Boa rd Meeting
Masonry Working for the Betterment of all Mankind
248 Dundee Street, Saline 48176 (734) 660-5534 Donelda Hughes, PM, …………….Secretary 2859 Marshall St., Ann Arbor 48108 (734) 929-2044 2ND MONDAY OF MONTH 7:30 PM 5752 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti 48197 __________________________________
2655 Esch Ave., Ann Arbor 48104 (734) 780-4761 Henry Geiss, PM……………..……Secretary
Dear Sisters and Brothers: Greetings from your Eastern Star Chapter, we are happy to now be in touch monthly. While we were dark, plants were delivered to our shut-ins, Thank you Tom Hyatt for taking care of this and to those who helped deliver them. Our shut-in seemed to appreciate this bit of joy. In Jan. and Feb. we were very busy with dinners and the Al Anon Breakfast and working on a relief situation, a BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with these events. Our Meeting in March was not too long with all the catch up we had to do, correspondence and projects, but we made it! One of our projects this year is doing things for our Armed Service People, we have instructions to make hats and scarves, also will be packing boxes to be sent overseas. The instructions and list of items needed can be packing boxes to be sent over seas. The instructions and list of items needed can be obtained from the Secretary. Another project which has been ongoing for the last seven years is Domestic Violence and we are looking for ideas. In the past some members have sponsored items for a golf outing, so suggestions are welcome. If you are able to attend the Grand Officer Exemplifications (GOEX) or a very informative Grand Committee Program, we know that you would enjoy either one or both very much. Invitations to these programs are read in Chapter at the business meeting, but will try and put some ion the calendar. Remember, we have to do two (2) Initiations a year and they will be coming up soon. So if you need help with your part please contact the Worthy Matron, Worthy Parton (Carl Rufus) Continued page 6
3436 Yellowstone, Ann Arbor 48105 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM 2070 West Stadium Blvd. (734) 663-1202 or at:
Monarch’s Letter Greetings Prophets and Brothers, Spring is here. It is a good season to come on down to the Grotto and share the camaraderie. A good, relaxing, enjoyable time is had by all. We are having a Spaghetti Dinner on Wednesday the 1st. 6 pm. Our Monthly meeting is on the 8th. On Friday the 10th and Friday the 24th we are having our Fish Fry’s, which have several dinner choices. including a Surprise Special! On Sunday the 19th we are having our "all you can eat" Breakfast; which is getting more popular all the time. Come and see why. We are looking forward to seeing you. Hoping that all of you are doing well. Please keep us informed of what and how you are doing. Sincerely, Jim "Turk" Turkington
5752 Whittaker Rd., Ypsilanti 48197
37 N. Tolan Street, Milan
High Priest
High Priest
17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220-9773 (517) 262-5140 ALLEN C. CHRIST, PHP ……...…Secretary 1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494
11009 Platte Road, Milan 48160 734.439.7567 JOHN F. MIDKIFF, PHP ……… Secretary 326 E. River St., Deerfield 49238 (517) 447-3258
STATED CONVOCATION 2nd THURSDAYOF THE MONTH 7:30 PM Joint with Excelsior Chapter
High Priest Address
Greetings Friends & Companions, Two important things to bring to your attention. #1. We have found a place to meet in Ann Arbor. Calvary United Methodist Church, 1415 Miller Ave. We need you to be present at the meeting on the 9th to discuss and then vote on the proposal. It is not as big as we would like, however, we can put on the 1st 3 degrees of the Chapter. We will have to travel to Ypsilanti to put on the Royal Arch Degree. That’s no problem as we enjoy working with them. #2. One of our own, Allen C. Christ will be honored by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons on May 9th at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. He will be receiving the General Grand Chapter, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Award. This is the highest honor that the Grand Chapter can give a Companion of the State for their work and efforts in Masonry, Royal Arch Masonry and the Community. What a great honor for one of ours. He has done and is doing so much for all of us. We need to thank him with our attendance. Speaking about a great honor. We have one for those master Masons out there that are not a member of the Chapter. We have the Degrees of the Royal Arch for you. This is a great honor. These Degrees have beautiful lessons which they teach. These degrees also complete the work of the Degrees received in the Symbolic Lodge. Enjoy this weather as it continues to warm up. It should also be warming up you and your heart. Stay well. Paul
I understand that York Chapter has some new petitions upon which to begin work on. Hopefully you will be able to be in attendance for the degrees as they are put on. We’ll try to keep you informed of when and where they are being put on.
AFFORDABLE WINDOW AND SIDING CORPORATION (734) 662-5551 Where quality Products, Installation, and Service Make the Difference
Eric Feldt, Owner 7005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor 48103 Fax: (734) 662-6010
OES Continued from Page 5 or the Secretary and they will set up times for help. We are in the planning stage for the Reception to be held on September 16, 2009. It will be a birthday theme for each month as table decorations, will be a potluck and the Chapter will provide the meat, beverage and table service. We will be honoring two of our own members as well as the Grand Family who will be doing the GOEX. If you would like to help with a table or any of the other committees, please let the Worthy Matron know as soon as possible. Let’s make our Worthy Grand Matron, sister Priscilla “Perk” Hankins proud of her Chapter. CALENDAR: Mar 23 – Practice at 7:30 PM Apr 4 - Oakland County Assoc. @ Berkley Apr 13 Reg. Meeting – 7:30 PM – Nancy Sturgill, Refreshments Apr 18 – Lenawee-Monroe-Hillsdale Assoc. @ Tecumseh Apr 20 – Grand Committee Program @ Saginaw Apr 24 – GOEX @ Swartz Creek Apr 27 – Special – Initiation &:30 PM White dresses See you in Chapter – and remember to do: “Random of Acts of Kindness.”
Al Harden 734 368.1508
FREE SA LES TA X ! 1 0 6 4 5 W . M i c hig a n A v e S a l i n e M I 4 8 1 7 6 -9 6 2 5 P h o n e : (7 3 4 ) 4 2 9 -9 7 0 5
O pe n D ail y M o n .- S a t . 1 0 -8 S u n d a y 1 2 -6
Support those who advertise in YOUR Masonic News
5752 Whittaker Rd, Ypsilanti 48197
5752 Whittaker Rd., Ypsilanti 48197
Connie Sundrla – Dipl.Ac.
Thrice Illustrious Master
Eminent Commander
NCCAOK Certified
17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220 517.262.5140
1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494
ANNthat ARBOR COUNCIL NO. 86Sir candidates come in & become new
PAUL C. HOWELL, PTIM……………….Recorder 17635 Manitou Beach Road Addison, MI 49220 (517) 262-5140 STATED ASSEMBLY 2nd THURSDAY OF THE MONTH
7:30 PM Joint with Union Council
TIM’s Thoughts Companions and Friends: Your Council is getting started, again, in putting on our degrees. We have it scheduled to put on the Royal Degree in Ypsilanti upon Brandon Mullins of Belleville and George Lucero of Ann Arbor on March 19th. Hope that you were able to be there to assist, and or observe. At the Stated Assembly on March 12th we read our motion to move back into the Ann Arbor Area. The Calvary Methodist Church, 1415 Miller Avenue, has come up with a viable location. It is large enough for our Stated Meetings and the first degrees of most of the bodies. We will not be able to put on the last degree at home, however, Ypsilanti has been and is willing to work with us for these larger degrees. The proposal is to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month for our Stated Joint Meetings and then have the 4th Monday for Degree work as needed. This should work for us, and you. We will not have any cooking facilities at the church, however, we will have coffee and light refreshments. In order for this to happen, however, it is necessary that we have a large turnout in order to discuss and then vote on the proposal. If the proposal to move is approved then we must submit it to Grand Council for their approval. We should be able to begin meeting in Ann Arbor in June or July. We will let you know when our first meeting there will be. Hopefully everyone has found themselves in the best of health and happiness. The weather is clearing up and warming up. No forecast for any more snow, hopefully until December of this year. Looking forward to seeing each of you on April 9th at the Stated meeting in Ypsilanti. Your voice and vote is needed and counts. Paul -- Keep a smile on your face and a chuckle in your voice.
ARTHUR W. DAVIDGE, MSA ………….Recorder 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 (734) 769-6982 STATED CONCLAVE 1st THURSDAYOF THE MONTH 7:00 PM Joint with Ypsilanti Commandery
Friday, Saturday and Sunday By Appointment Only 2345 S. Huron Parkway ,Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 973-1012
T. Brandy Creps Massage Therapist 2350 Washtenaw Ave., Suite 10 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: (734) 761-9696 Cell: (313) 308-4306
Commander’s Comments Greetings Sir Knights and Ladies! I would like to thank our Sir Knight Tom Jameson, PC for all of his hard work over the years. Tom has not “rested on his laurels” but has continued to keep the welfare of our/his Commandery close to his heart. Tom has pondered our situation and offered us a place to meet, in his church – The Calvary United Methodist Church on Miller Avenue at a very reasonable rate. Some of you may recall that this is where we met after the OLD Masonic Temple was demolished. This will offer us an opportunity to remain in Ann Arbor & maintain our identity. The space is large enough for us to hold our Conclaves & put on the first two Orders. There is not quite enough space to put on the Order of the Temple, but we are welcome to meet in Ypsilanti to do this. In order to promote attendance, we have elected to meet (subject to member approval) on the 3rd Monday of the month @ 7:00 pm. This should make it possible for almost all of our members to attend. Regrettably, not all can make this night, but we should experience increased attendance. We are looking forward to strengthening our ranks with new members. We have 1 Companion that is eagerly awaiting joining our ranks. We are holding a rehearsal for the Order of the Red Cross on 23 APR 09 at 1900 hrs. Please come out on the 2nd @ 1930 hrs for our Stated Conclave in Ypsilanti & let us know what part you would like to take. There is still time to review the work & make a good choice! In closing, I would like to say once again, Thank you Tom, you are a good man & we are lucky to have you in our ranks! Bravo Zulu! Humbly, Allen Christ
MATT SLATER 111 W. Main Manchester, MI 48158 734-368-3057
Interior 8 Exterior Color Consultation * Faux Finish Furniture Refinishing Drywall & Plaster Repair
___________________________ “A Smile” A Smile Costs Nothing – but creates much. It happens in a flash – and the memory, sometimes last forever. It cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen – but it is no earthly good to anyone until it is given away. SO – if in your hurry or rush you meet someone who is too weary to give you a smile, Leave one of yours. For no one needs a smile quite so much as he who has none to give. ______________________ Joint York Rite Meeting March 30th, 6:15 PM Wayne Chapter #182 Westland Masonic Temple For the benefit of all Masons in Southeastern Michigan. Find out what is happening and then you will be better able to attend and support. Contact Paul Howell to travel with him.
The Ann Arbor Masonic News Published Monthly by: The Ann Arbor Masonic News Association 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 Arthur W. Davidge…………………..President Allen C. Christ………………….Vice President Beth Masten………….Secretary-Treasurer Paul C. Howell………….………Editor The Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) is published monthly by the Ann Arbor Masonic News Association, 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614. Subscription rate: $4.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE ANN ARBOR MASONIC NEWS 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __
ANN ARBOR MASONIC TEMPLE CORP 2875 West Liberty Road, Ann Arbor 48103 734.996.0121 Paul Bunten, President: 734.368.5146 Jim Lakin, Vice-President William Krebaum, Secretary: 734.320.2677 Henry W Alvarea, Treasurer oodyard &Associates Incorporated
SCH LANDERER AND SONS J e w e le r s & S i lv e r s m i t h s 2 0 8 S o u t h M a in S t r e e t A n n A r b o r , M ic h ig a n 7 3 4 -6 6 2 -0 3 0 6
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Woodyard & Associates Incorporated Your Neighborhood Income Tax Practitioner 1240 Evelyn Avenue Ypsilanti, Michigan 48198 Phone: 734-484-5216 Fax: 734-484-5055 Individual Tax Returns Partnership Tax Returns Profit & Non Profit Corporations Fiduciary Tax Returns
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Celebrate with Allen C. Christ Past Master - Golden Rule Lodge No. 159 Past High Priest - Washtenaw Chapter No.6 Past Thrice Illustrious Master - Ann Arbor Council No. 86 Past Commander - Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 Knight York Cross of Honour (KYCH) will be awarded the
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General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International
Only 1000 tickets were printed Just $5.00 per ticket
5752 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti 48197 Saturday, May 9th, 2009 Reception: 5:00 pm Dinner: 6:00 pm
Drawing will be held on Thursday, August 6, 2009 Need not be present to win
Mail Reservations to: Arthur W. Davidge, 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Contact Paul Howell to purchase your winning ticket. GLW ___________________________ There is no way that you can win a Raffle or the Lottery – If you do not purchase a ticket.
Ypsilanti Masonic Temple
****** Send bottom section with remittance ******** Name: _________________________________________ Lady’s Name ______________ Title (s) _________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: ________________ Phone No.: ___________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Number of People ______ x $15.00 = ________ Make checks payable to: Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, RAM