Ann Arbor Masonic News | January 2010

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Ann Arbor Masonic News Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595-570) 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105-9614


Serving the Masonic Fraternity of Washtenaw County USPS 595-570 January 2010

Robert W. Pate Past Master Ann Arbor-Fraternity Lodge No. 262

Number 228

Ann Arbor-Fraternity 262 Makes a donation to our Veterans

33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason

Photo taken by: Don Kincheloe Chief Photographer Moslem Shriners

Elected Oriental Guide for Moslem Shrine & Imperial Representative

To Shriners International On Monday, Dec. 14th, Most Worshipful Brother Donald L. Carmen , Grand Master Free & Accepted Masons of Michigan made the nomination speech for our Brother Bob. On Sunday, January 10, 2010, Robert W. Pate, Past Master of Ann Arbor - Fraternaity #262 will be installed to the office of Oriental Guide after being elected by the Nobles of the Detroit Shriners. The Shrine Officer Line, known as the Divan, is a five year line culminating with the office of Potentate. All Masons and non-Masons are invited to the Public Installation of officers at the Shrine Center, 24350 Southfield Road in Southfield, MI, between 9 and 10 Mile Roads. Installation begins at 2:00 p.m with a reception to follow.

THE MASONIC BELIEF. There is one LGOD, the Father of all men. The Holy Bible is the Great Light in Masonry, and the Rule and Guide for faith and practice. Man is immortal. Character determines destiny. Love of man is next to love of GOD, man’s first duty. Prayer, - communion of man with GOD, is helpful.

On Thursday, 17 December, as part of the Lodge's continued on-going support to our Veterans through the VA program, Ann Arbor-Fraternity Lodge # 262, Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan presented 12 winter coats and 24 stocking caps for distribution to the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center's patients. Pictured are Arthur W. Davidge, PM and Treasurer, Ann Arbor-Fraternity #262, Beverly Leneski, Director Volunteer Services, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center and Paul C. Howell, PM and Secretary Emeritus, Ann ArborFraternity #262. May your skies be filled with sunshine Each day your whole life through. May efforts that you now put forth Bring rich rewards to you. May each rainbow that you seek to find Not e’ er be sought in vain. May each cherished goal you have in sight Be yours to have and gain. May hopes and reams that you possess One day for you come true. May God walk always by your side And light the Way for you. Harold F. Mohn




109 West Michigan Ave, Saline 48176

135 E. Main St., P.O. Box116, Manchester

113 W. Middle St., Chelsea, MI 48118

THOMAS D. HYATT Worshipful Master

GUY A. COLE, JR. Worshipful Master

LYNN M. HELDT, PM Worshipful Master

46000 Ceddies Rd. Lot 109 Canton 48118 734.495.9363 cell: 734.216.8010 WILLIAM E. HOLIFIELD, JR. Secretary 8750 Melbourne, Saline 48176 734.944-7205 Cell: 734.260.4858

P. O. Box 186, Manchester 48158

13301 Pleasant Lake Rd., Manchester 48158 (734) 428-0763 Cell (734) 216-0842


The Master’s Letter Dear Brothers: Hoping that everyone had a very Happy Holidays. My year as your Master to guide over your Lodge is quickly coming to a close. My last meetings will be on Tues., Jan. 5th for our business meeting and then on Sat., Jan. 9th for the Annual Installation of Officers for the year 2010. Ryan Tucker, 60380 Lamplighter Dr., New Hudson, phone # 734.323.2901, j.khas been elected to succeed me. I know that he will do a very good job. He has fantastic enthusiasm for the Fraternity. He has selected Tommy Short to be his installing Grand Officer. The formal installation will start at 6 pm. on Saturday the 9th. After the Installation we will have a dinner and then it is WM-elect Ryan’s intention to perform the Master Mason Degree upon one of our Brothers in waiting. The Officers selected to assist this year are as follows: Senior Warden – Richard Vitale Junior Warden – John Vitale Treasurer – Jeffrey Newton Secretary – Bill Holifield Chaplain – Carl Rufus, PM Senior Deacon – Chris Boulter Junior Deacon – Larry Darling Stewards: Jeff Marshall, Michael Lord, James Jacobs & Ryan Forbes. Tiler – Steve Drouliard We have several candidates for them to complete the work on and several new petitions that have come in to be investigated. Looking forward to good years ahead. Tom Hyatt, WM GUY GILBERT …………….………Secretary 207 W. Duncan, PO Box 4, Manchester 48158 (734) 428-7036 1st MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM except July & August

The Master’s Letter Greetings from the East. Seems kind of funny actually writing this, but such is the first day after Installation. We had a great turn out for our Installation of Officers. Thanks to all who helped to make a great dinner. A special thank you to MWBro’s Richard Sands and Robert Helmic, PGM’s, and WB Robert Murphy for the very beautiful installation. They traveled many miles to perform this ceremony for us. We have before us a a new and exciting year. We already have 1 Brother in waiting to receive his Master Mason Degree. No date has been set at this time. I am nervous about learning the obligation for our new brother, but I will practice and make his night memorable. We have our Bell Ringing Night coming up on December 19th. Looking for a good turnout of Brothers, thanks to Jim Emery for his great work in setting this up and everyone’s assistance. Brother Guy Gilbert was honored as our Lodge Mason of the Year during the Installation ceremony. His tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed I would like to thank and congratulate him on behalf of all the members of the Lodge. My 1st meeting will be on Mon., January 4th. Looking forward to a great turnout. Congratulations to all of the Officers: Pat Conklin, Senior Warden Cliff Tracey, Junior Warden James K. Schook,, PM, Treasurer Guy Gilbert, Secretary John Church, PM, Chaplain Casey Salkaukas, Senior Deacon Jim Emery, Junior Deacon Pat Waltz, Allan Carson, Mike Cole & Andy Hunt Stewards Gil Porterfield, PM, Marshall Geroge Taylor, Tiler Eric Fields, PM, Musician Once again, looking forward to the fun and an exciting year ahead. Fraternally yours, Guy A. Cole, Jr. DAVID A. REDDING……………. Secretary 913 Moore Dr., Chelsea 48118 (734) 562-2090 Cell: 517 403-9871 WEB: 2nd MONDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM, Lodge phone (734) 475-8920

Greetings Brothers: Installation of officers is complete, what a great turn out. Lots of food and fellowship was had by all and everyone is looking forward to the 2010 year. This was a joint installation with Stockbridge Lodge. Monday evening practices will start again after Christmas, 7:00 to 8:00PM, come and enjoy the fellowship for an hour. We have received 1 inquire about joining the Lodge, come out and hear who it is. If anyone needs petitions please call, I will be glad to help. We need to reach out to those qualified men to join our fraternity. Our email list is growing. You brothers that have an email address drop us a note. If you have an email address and would like to receive the Masonic news via email instead of snail mail let me know and I will add you to the list. This also saves on printing & postage costs and the Masonic news is sometimes in color. Also, keep us updated if you change your phone number or get a cell phone. Some of you are dropping your land line and only have cell phones now. Please make sure that you can get us the information to keep you informed. We are always updating roster for you to use. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact me I would love to hear from you. Our next regular meeting will January 11, 2010 at 7:30pm. Brothers please attend if you are able. We need your support and would like to see your smiling faces. Fraternally Lynn Heldt WM Monday’s 2010 Practice and Education @ 7:00PM-8:00PM January 11Tth Regular Meeting January , TBA EA degree

1474As GOLDEN RULE LODGE N0. 159 ‘r Grotto- 2070 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor PAUL BUNTEN, PM

ANN ARBOR-FRATERNITY NO. 262 310 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, MI 48105


Worshipful Master

Worshipful Master ROBERT MURPHY, PM ……..………Secretary P.O. Box 1014, Novi, MI 48376 (248) 348-9298 WEB: st 1 THURSDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00pm


Master’s Letter __________________

Motivation for the Day When I woke up this morning Lying in bed, I asked myself; “What are some of the secrets of success in life?” I found the answer right there, in my very room. The Fan said … Be Cool The Roof said … Aim High The Window said … See the World The Clock said … Every minute is precious The Mirror said … Reflect before you act The Calendar said … Be upup-toto-date The Door said said … Push hard for your goals

Carry a Heart that Never Hates. Carry a Smile that Never Fades. Carry a Touch that Never Hurts. Live



SEYMOUR D. GREENSTONE, PM …….….Secretary 12065 Glenview Dr., Plymouth, MI 48170-3052 (734) 455-6121 Fax: (734) 254-0124 2nd WED. OF THE MONTH (Sept-June) 6:15 pm Dinner/ 7:00 pm Meeting

Master’s Letter Brothers:

Thank you very much to those who braved the weather for WM Chris Fultz’s last regular meeting and our 2010 officer installation and celebratory meal on Dec. 9. Despite the rough winds, we had a packed lodge room. The lodge authorized the purchase of several winter coats for distribution at the VA this winter and we welcomed a new plural member into our lodge. Tabled for vote next month is a motion to change our meeting night back to the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month which, if passed, would go into effect in February. WM Chris then surrendered the gavel and East to PM Art Davidge who presided over the 2010 officer installation. It was a moving experience that I will never forget. Special “thanks” is due our new SW, Bro. Brian Cors, who organized an outstanding dinner that followed and was capped with a special “thank you” cake for outgoing WM Chris. I am deeply honored to be Worshipful Master of such a vibrant and inspiring

lodge. “Thank you” again to all the fine brothers who have agreed to be officers this coming year. I know that we have a great year ahead of us - one that will be blessed with much Masonic work. We have, at the moment, eight candidates awaiting their E.A. degrees and six their F.C.s. We also have Hathaway’s Hideaway now four nights a month which will allow us greater opportunity to refine our ritual and share our collective Masonic knowledge. My guiding goal for the year, however, is to see that our gatherings are an oasis from the outside world, a place to enjoy each other’s company and recharge our batteries. Masonry is, after all, supposed to be fun. I have been alerted that Grand Lodge sent us “matching” funds of $1,500 for the money the lodge benefit party raised for Food Gatherers, bringing the total raised for this important food bank charity to $3,600.00. Congratulations again Bros. Hospadaruk, Cors, & Nagy for your fine work. There will be a Master’s Table on Jan. 6; our first regular meeting will be held on Jan. 13; and the first E.A. degrees conferred on Jan. 27. There is also rumor of a much anticipated second outing to watch the Detroit Derby Girls skate. Keep your eyes on the trestle board and your email for details on these and other great things happening at lodge. S & F, Robert Blackburn, WM


Cheers If you haven't read Mitch Ozog's Winter 2010 Rising Point issue, Ann Arbor Freemasonry, click on the Index Page at The images, quotes, and represent the Ozog's best ofWinter local2010 Rising Point issue, Ann Arbor Freemasonry, click on the Index Page at Ifarticles you haven't read Mitch Freemasonry. The images, quotes, and articles represent the best of local Freemasonry. The Bonisteel Masonic Library in concert with the Detroit Masonic Library will be The Bonisteel in concert hosting Chris Masonic Hodapp's Library book signing and with the Detroit Masonic Library will be hosting Chris Hodapp's book signing and lecture on March 12th. lecture on March 12th. Mark your calendar, Mark your calendar, this is a first rate Masonic event at the Detroit Masonic this is a first Masonic event at the Detroit Temple. Seerate attachment! Masonic Temple. We need your financial support for 2010; click on and go to Pay Pal. A small contribution will be greatly appreciated.

January 2010 Washtenaw County Monthly Masonic Planner Sunday



W ednesday





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7:30 PM Manch- 5:30 PM The 7:30 PM Milan 7:00 PM ester 148 Easy Street Jazz 323 - Regular Golden Rule Regular Band - Gr otto AA-F Master's 159 - Regular Saline 133 Table - Installation

6:00 PM - 8:00 6:00 PM Saline PM Grotto - 133 - Installation - Dinner Friday Fry M M Deg.




2:00 PM Shrine Installation Southfie ld

7:30 PM Chelsea 5:30 PM The 7:00 PM AA156 - Regular Easy Street Jazz Fraternity 262 Regular Band - Gr otto 7:30 PM YpsiInstallation lanti OES #119 7:30 PM Gr otto - Re gular Regular



7:00 PM Grotto Installation Monarch's B all






9:00 AM - 1:007:00 PM AA 5:30 PM The Easy Street Jazz PM Grotto - Joint YR Band - Gr otto Stated's Breakfast Most ExcelBuffet lent Degree





Yspi OES - AlNon B reakfast

7:00 PM Olive Lodge Rehearsal

5:30 PM The 7:00 PM AA-F Easy Street Jazz 262 EA Band - Gr otto


Mason ic New s Ar ticl es due NL T t oday



7:00 PM Super Excellent Rehearsal - Ypsilanti

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Grotto Friday Fry




31 December 09 S M T W T F S 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30

3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31


February 10 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Masonry Serving the Washtenaw Community





12151 Bunton Rd., Willis 48191 (734) 461-6019 Donelda Hughes, PM, …………….Secretary 2859 Marshall St., Ann Arbor 48108 (734) 929-2044 2ND MONDAY OF MONTH 7:30 PM 5752 Whittaker Road, Ypsilanti 48197 __________________________________

2655 Esch Ave., Ann Arbor 48104 (734) 780-4761 Henry Geiss, PM……………..……Secretary

Greetings from Ypsilanti OES East: Well, here’s your recycled Worthy Matron and Patron, wishing all the Sisters and Brothers a ve3ry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We go dark for the months of January and February. No activities except for the Al-Non Breakfast on Sunday, January 24th. They are expecting 200, so we’ll need lots of help. Please keep us informed of any illness. We only know if you call us. We were so please to confer our degrees on James Pederson. It’s great to have a Mom, Dad and Daughter join our Order. Remember to keep sharing those hugs and smiles.Give someone a smile, a word of praise and a hug! Let us know of any illness or woe. Jean and Carl Rufus 734-461-6019 ________________________________

The Making of Friends Life is sweet just because of the friends we have made And the things which in common we share; We want to live on, not just for ourselves, But because of the people who care’ It’s giving and doing for somebody else … On that all life’s splendor depends, And the joy of this world when you’ve summed it all up, Is found in the making of friends. Edgar A. Guest


3436 Yellowstone, Ann Arbor 48105 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:30 PM 2070 West Stadium Blvd. (734) 663-1202 or at:

Monarch’s Letter Greetings Prophets and Brothers, We usually have an incoming Monarch by now, but, our election of officers was postponed on December 9th because of a power failure at the club. Our January events include: All you can eat Spaghetti Dinner on Wednesday the 6th Fish Frys and more on Fridays the 8th and 22nd and all-you-can-eat Breakfast on Sunday the 17th. We now have "The Easy Street Jazz Band" playing on Tuesdays starting at 5:30 with sandwiches and refreshments available. The Installation of Officers and the Monarch's Ball will be on Saturday the 9th at the Grotto starting at 7 p.m. Please support your Grotto. Sincerely, Jim “Turk" Turkington Outgoing Monarch Jan 6th – Spaghetti Dinner Jan 9th – Installation of Officers, 7pm Monarch’s Ball following Installation Jan 13th – House and Board Meeting and Regular Monthly Meeting. Jan 15th – Friday Fish and other Fry 6 – 8 pm Jan 17th – Breakfast ALL YOU CAN EAT Buffet, 9 am to 1 pm Jan 29th – Friday Fish and other Fry 6 – 8 pm

"The Easy Street Jazz Band" will be playing every Tuesday Night beginning at 5:30 pm

What a great place to place YOUR ADVERTISEMENT for your enterprise. You support us – We’ll support you!

Do you need a petition for the Lodge or the other Masonic organizations!!!

WASHTENAW CHAPTER NO. 6 1415 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor 48103

ALLEN C. CHRIST, PHP High Priest 1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494 ALLEN C. CHRIST, PHP ……...…Secretary 1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494

Go to the Grand Lodge Web site,, and sign on through the Mason Access.

STATED CONVOCATION 3rd Monday of the Month 7:00 PM

You can then download a pocket petition for the organization that you want.

High Priest Address

Greetings Friends & Companions, Welcome to a New Year! I trust all had a year worth remembering last year, I know your Chapter did! Last year found us “visiting” in Ypsilanti for several months while we tried to secure a more permanent home. We moved into the Calvary United Methodist Church on Miller (thanks yet again to Companion Tom Jameson for working in the forefront & behind the scenes to find a place for us to meet) and moved all the needed things for our convocations into the storeroom downstairs. The accommodations are fitting, the price is just right, and the fellowship can’t be beat. It is so wonderful to be meeting in Ann Arbor once again. We look forward to the day when all area Masons can meet together in harmony in a common hall. In the meantime the third Monday will find us here. January 18th will see us meeting for refreshments (chili), before the meeting which begins at 7:00 pm sharp. We will confer the Most Excellent Master upon Brother Peter Cole then hold our regular Convocation immediately after. We’re hoping this slight adjustment in our work schedule will help Peter enjoy the camaraderie instead of waiting in a hallway for us to get the business completed and then call him in. We are in the process of creating a web page for the Chapter. Lodge Point has a great program going where they will sponsor a Masonic body’s web page. As more information becomes available I will keep you posted. We are looking forward to keeping you up to date on what is going on in your Chapter and hope this will be another good method.

Not able to then contact the Secretary of your local organization and they will get you one or more.

Eric Feldt, Owner 7005 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734-662-5551

Windows Siding Roofing Blown in attic insulation Where Quality Products, Installation, and Service make the Difference


FREE SALES TAX! 1 064 5 W . Mi c hig an Ave Sali ne M I 481 76 -96 25 P ho ne : (73 4) 429 -9 705

Al Harden 734 368.1508

O pe n D ail y M o n.-Sat. 10 -8 Sunda y 1 2 -6

If any of you are knowledgeable about creating and/or maintaining a website PLEASE contact me. I learned years ago the importance of doing something well, and in that spirit I am asking for your help. We need someone, at the least, that can instruct & guide through the process. Preferably someone can take this project & run with it. The more ways people have of finding us, the more likely they will ask the question, and you all know which question I am referring to! <smiles> The next two events we have are the Royal Arch Degree & Inspection.

The Inspection will take place in February. The conferral will be scheduled soon, please watch for updates. Looking forward to an uplifting year, I remain yours in Fraternity & Sincerity, Allen Christ

Masonic News Articles are due NotLater-Than the 15th of each month if you wish to have them published in the next months issue of your Masonic News. HOWEVER, articles for the March Issue must be in before February 12th.

Beth and I are going on vacation and need the few extra days in which to complete, so we can leave on time.




1415 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor 48103

1415 Miller Ave., Ann Arbor 48103

Connie Sundrla – Dipl.Ac.



Thrice Illustrious Master

Eminent Commander

NCCAOK Certified

1120 Jewell Road, Milan 48160-9529 (734) 429-4275 cell: (734) 395-6494 PAUL C. HOWELL, PTIM……………….Recorder 17635 Manitou Beach Road Addison, MI 49220 (517) 262-5140 STATED ASSEMBLY 3rd MONDAY of the Month 7:00 PM

17635 Manitou Beach Rd., Addison 49220 517.262.5140

ANNthat ARBOR COUNCIL NO. 86Sir candidates come in & become new

TIM’s Thoughts Companions and Friends: Please allow me to take this opportunity to say, once again, thank you for your continued trust in me. Please do not hesitate to let me know of any concerns you have or anything that we can do to make it better together. Congratulations & Welcome to our newest Royal & Select Master, Brandon Mullins! Your desire to wait to complete your degrees, in order to share them with a Brother is understood & appreciated. We are sorry he moved away, but are happy you chose to resume your progress towards light & education. You may have heard that Ypsilanti (Union 11) & Ann Arbor Councils are putting on the Super Excellent Master Degree TOGETHER. This is not just idle gossip, it’s true! We are joining hands & making it happen. Later this year we will confer this degree jointly. This has not been done in years & will be a great deal of fun. We are putting together a craft team & want YOU to take a part. There are large parts & small, some speaking, some not. Many of the larger (harder) parts will be done by companions who have already done them before, so don’t be afraid to offer to help. Our next rehearsal will be on Thursday, January 21st at 7:00 pm in Ypsilanti We have scripts for the parts, and will have time to practice before we put the degree on. Big news! The Grand Council has completed their great work. We now have access to NEW RITUALS. We now have rituals that are largely in clear. Each degree has distinct line numbers (to make finding one’s place easier) as well as page numbers. They have set the cost at $10.00 each which seems very reasonable to me. There is a very limited quantity available at this time (1,000 I think) so if you want new books, NOW is the time! Please contact any GC officer for copies. (or me if you need help). We will be opening & closing the Council after the regular meeting on the 18th. Officers, please study to make this the quick & easy thing it is meant to be. Knowing this will be the first time for many of you, grading will not be done, but good work is expected. Oh, I almost forgot! We are just beginning the process of an Ann Arbor Council Website! Wow, we are coming into the electronic age. We are in need of some skilled Companion(s) to help with this project. Are any of you skilled in website development? Go to page 8, col. 3

ARTHUR W. DAVIDGE, MSA ………….Recorder 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614 (734) 769-6982 STATED CONCLAVE 7:00 PM 3rd MONDAY of the Month

Friday, Saturday and Sunday By Appointment Only 2345 S. Huron Parkway ,Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 973-1012

T. Brandy Creps Massage Therapist

Commander’s Comments Greetings Sir Knights and Ladies! The Holiday Seasons for each of us is over for a period of time. We are now into a new ear in our lives, 2010. We had many hopes and aspirations for 2009. Hopefully we each were able to accomplish most of them so that we can get 2010 started in the correct direction. Hopefully with our many prayers and hard work, we can get everyone back to work, in their physical and in Masonic Lives. Remember that nothing good can ever be accomplished without preparation perseverance and perspiration. We will advance. Many are nervous about going forth for untold reasons and fears. I have tried not to allow myself to worry about the unknown. Most all of my life I have tried to remember and live by the motto: WHY WORRY? There are only two things to wory about: Either you are sick or you are well. If you are well there is nothing to worry about. If you are sick there are only two things to worry about. Either you will get well or you will die. If you get well there is nothing to worry about. If you die there are only two things to worry about. Either you will go to Heaven or to Hell. If you go to Heaven there is nothing to worry about. But, if you go to Hell, you will be so busy shaking hands with all your friends, You won’t have time to worry. So Why Worry? Don’t worry! Don’t hesitate. Step forth. Do that which is right for God, Work, your family, and your fraternity. As a Christian Mason step forth and strengthen your faith. Become a Knight Templar. Stay well by keeping a smile on your face, love in your heart, and a chuckle in your voice.

2350 Washtenaw Ave., Suite 10 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: (734) 761-9696 Cell: (313) 308-4306 Email:

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The Ann Arbor Masonic News Publication No. 595-570 Published Monthly by: The Ann Arbor Masonic News Association

Arthur W. Davidge…………………..President 4551 N. Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614; 734.769.6892 Allen C. Christ………………….Vice President Beth E. Howell………….Secretary-Treasurer Paul C. Howell………….…Editor/Publisher 17635 Manitou Beach Road Addison 49220-9773; 517.262.5140 The Ann Arbor Masonic News (USPS 595570) is published monthly by the Ann Arbor Masonic News Association, 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9614. Subscription rate: $4.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE ANN ARBOR MASONIC NEWS 4551 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 _________ ______ ______ ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __

Hospital Window Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man ion the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

SCH L ANDERE R AND SONS J e w e le r s & S ilv e r sm ith s 2 0 8 S o u t h M a in S t r e e t A n n A r b o r , M ic h ig a n 7 3 4 -6 6 2 -0 3 0 6

Woodyard & Associates Incorporated Your Neighborhood Income Tax Practitioner 1240 Evelyn Avenue Ypsilanti, Michigan 48198 Phone: 734-484-5216 Fax: 734-484-5055 Individual Tax Returns Partnership Tax Returns Profit & Non Profit Corporations Fiduciary Tax Returns

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One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn’t hear the band – he could see it. In his mind’s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.” Epilogue: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own

situations Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared is doubled. If you want to fell rich, just count all the things you have that money can’t buy. “Today is a gift, that’s why it is called the present.” As Masons were should be like the man who shared the beauty of the world around him, for others to enjoy and revel in. Ann Arbor Council 86 – Continued. Do you know what HTML is? Cascading Style sheets? Hyperlinks? Then man do we have some talking to do! Please contact me to discuss this work. We would like to make this site, and the other Ann Arbor York Rite sites, have a common look & feel. I have been told that this is not only possible, but easy to do if one knows what they’re doing. In closing Companions, thanks ever so much for all you have done & what I hope you will do in the coming months & years. S&F, Allen Christ TOTALLY USELESS INFORMATION 1. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere. 2. A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and no one knows why. 3. Most lipstick contains fish scales. 4. Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different. 5. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out. 6. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. 7. Horses can’t vomit. 8. Butterflies taste with their feet. 9. On average people fear spiders more than they do death. 10. It’s physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. 11. “Go,’ is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

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