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2.1.2 Technologies disseminated to rice farmers are
from Crop Productivity, Yield and Technology Adoption Survey of ATASP-1 Small Holder Farmers in Nigeria
CRS-03H, CRS-04H, SAMSORG14 (KSV-8), SAMSORG 40 (ICSV400), SAMSORG 41 (ICSV111), SAMSOR 44, SAMAORG 43, ZAUN-INUWA, EX-DAC. 2. Seed dressing with Apron Star. 3. Plant population: 0.75 x 0.3m 2 plants per hill. 4. Tillage: minimum Tillage (use of herbicides) Vs Conventional. 5. Fertilizer application: Micro-dosing of organic and inorganic fertilizer.
B. Mechanization: Hand planter, mechanized thresher, Stover crusher, stover chopper, motorized weeded (starting 2018).
C. Processing: Pop-sorghum machines, Hammer mills, hammer with cyclone. 1. Harvesting, threshing, cleaning and packaging of sorghum. 2. Effective Sorghum drying techniques (i.e of Solar dryer). 3. Storage of Sorghum grains and flour for enhanced shelf life. 4. Production of Pop Sorghum. 5. Production of Sorghum flour using hammer mill with Cyclone. 6. Production of composite flour using Soybean flour and sorghum flour.
2.1.2 Technologies disseminated to rice farmers are: A. Good Agronomic Practices (GAP) This comprises the following: 1. Variety selection and sources of seeds (Already selected varieties are Faro 44, Faro52, Faro 60 and Faro 61). 2. Site/Land Preparation. 3. Field Preparation. 4. Seed Preparation. 5. Determining planting season. 6. Crop establishment (Direct seeding, nursery bed operations for transplanted rice, seed evaluation, transplanting. 7. Weed management. 8. Fertilizer application. 9. Pests and Diseases control.
B. Post-Harvest Technology 1. Seed processing package and storage. 2. Improved rice processing technology-use of Gem par boiler and rice cooking stove. 3. Production of high quality rice flour. 4. Production of rice flour based products (Rice, pancake, biscuit, chinchin, doughnut, short crust pastry, cake. 5. Production of rice beverages (rice milk, porridge, noodles, Kununshinkafa). 6. Production of extruded rice snacks (Rice/legumes snacks, noodles,