James Lambourne
Design and layout
Vanessa Rohlfs
© Aba Art Lab, 2022
Jade Bedford Su Huang
Plaza Porta Santa Catalina 21b 07012, Palma de Mallorca +34 971 717 www.abaart.cominfo@abaart.com835
Art Palma Brunch 2017
De paseo con Ramón LLULL. On a walk with Ramón LLULL
JAMES LAMBOURNE, artist and landartist
The walks and spontaneous interventions in nature are the basis of James Lambourne’s creative process. Like the poet who collects words and retains their rhythm and internal order, James has collected, since he was a child, stones and objects eroded by the sea or by the wind. Remains whose hidden beauty only he recognizes and “precious stones” that he keeps as treasures in his studio, and whose value he transmits to those who observe his work. From his work with the stones, Lambourne turns his gaze to the primordial, to the origins of civilizations and to his own origins. The megalithic monuments of southern England and the Talayotic constructions of the Balearic Islands will become an element of identity, leading him to incorporate these references and forms into his drawings and installations. Engraving, drawing, painting or actions in nature become the grammar with which Lambourne structures his visual language. The work of introspection and abstraction, through painting, allows him to discover the invisible geometries of the near and far, of objects and landscapes. Unable to describe the soul of the inert, he superimposes layers of drawing to try to discover its secret.
Los paseos e intervenciones espontáneas en la naturaleza son la base del proceso creativo de James Lambourne. Como el poeta que colecciona palabras y retiene su ritmo y su orden interno, James recoge, desde niño, piedras y objetos erosionados por el mar o por el viento, restos cuya belleza oculta únicamente él reconoce y “piedras preciosas” que conserva como tesoros en su estudio, y cuyo valor transmite a quienes observan su obra. A partir de su trabajo con las piedras Lambourne vuelve su mirada hacia lo primigenio, hacia los orígenes de las civilizaciones y hacia su propio origen. Los monumentos megalíticos del sur de Inglaterra y las construcciones talayóticas de Baleares se convertirán en elemento de identidad, llevándole a incorporar estos referentes y formas a sus dibujos e instalaciones. El grabado, el dibujo, la pintura o las acciones en la naturaleza se convierten en la gramática con la que Lambourne estructura su lenguaje visual. La labor de introspección y abstracción, a través la pintura, le permiten descubrir las geometrías invisibles de lo cercano y lo lejano, de los objetos y de los paisajes. Incapaz de describir el alma de lo inerte, superpone capas de dibujo para intentar descubrir su secreto.
1. acrylic2.paint120x60cmonwood147x89cmpainton canvas 1 2
handmade30x22cm paper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
2. handmade36x29cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1. handmade40x30cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
3. handmade30x21cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 32
2. handmade30x21cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1. handmade30x21cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 2
2. handmade29x17.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1. handmade36x28.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 2
1. handmade36x29cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
2. handmade29x17.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
handmade40x30cm paper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1. handmade32.5x23cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 2
2. handmade36x23cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
2. handmade31x15.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
3. handmade20x15cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 2 3
1. handmade29x17.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 2 3 4
3. handmade29x17.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
4. handmade28.5x17paper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
2. handmade29x17.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1. handmade29x17.5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1. handmade40x26cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite 2. handmade30x22cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite 1 2
1. handmade30x22cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
3. handmade29x17,5cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
1 32
2. handmade20x15cmpaper/ paint/ ink/ graphite
La observación de la naturaleza es la base de su creación artística, construyendo una iconografía y un lenguaje personal que nos conecta con las formas y colores de su entorno.Através de su contacto con la naturaleza descubre elementos, objetos que, como un tesoro, guarda en su estudio para utilizarlos posteriormente como referencia para crear nuevos símbolos o elementos de su imaginario personal.
Born in England but resident in Mallorca since the age of five, James Lambourne has created his work in very close relation both with nature and the hermetic Mediterranean traditions. Observing nature is the basis of his artistic creation, building an iconography and a personal language that connects us to the shapes and colors of his surroundings.Throughhis contact with nature he discovers elements, objects that, as a treasure, he keeps in his studio to use them later on as a reference to create new symbols or elements of his personal imaginary.
Nacido en Inglaterra pero residente en Mallorca desde los cinco años, James Lambourne ha creado su obra en estrecha relación tanto con la naturaleza como con las herméticas tradiciones mediterráneas.