Communion Service N
orthwinds and Mountain View gathered together via Zoom on October 31, 2020, to focus on our amazing Lord and Savior. Families had washed each other's feet at home and contemplated the disciples’ perspective that the person kneeling in front of them was the Creator God of the universe. Very humbling!
Mountaineers Adventure Club Update
ountaineers Adventurers is off and running! This year, Adventurers have met online via Zoom and enjoyed songs, worships, crafts, and learning things in their various classes. They had their Induction Service at Bowness Park with Honey Todd and Cherie Wilson welcoming Aiyla and Lisette, both from the Northwinds Seventh-day Adventist Church, into the Mountaineers Adventurers Club. The Adventurers celebrated Christmas together with a party via Zoom. They celebrated by singing Christmas carols, listening to a story by Mr. Carlos, and playing a Kahoot! game. Congratulations to Melissa, who won the game. Luciana and Luana came in right behind her. Adventurers shared a favorite gift they had given to someone and a favorite Christmas tradition. The favorite Christmas traditions included opening presents at midnight on Christmas, sleeping under the Christmas tree, and having waffles for Christmas lunch. The Adventurers wished all their church families a very merry Christmas and happy New Year! — Submitted by Cherié Wilson, Adventurers Director
The emblems of unleavened bread and grape juice, representing the body and blood of Jesus in His substitutionary death, are anchor points that remind us God knows all that is coming and has already put in place all that is needed to eradicate sin and death. I am sure we look forward to the time when we will gather together in person to celebrate this special service, just as Jesus looks forward to the time when He will be with us in person at the table, celebrating the end of sin and death.— Submitted by Pastor Honey Todd
MARCH 2021
Alberta Adventist News