Donors point the way in 2021 “Level the Playing Field” Year End Appeal A June Memorial Gift jump starts a deferred pillar of Adventist Education at MANS—an outdoor playing field BY LYNN McDOWELL
know my job—like your job —i s a gift from God. But some days I feel like I’ve just heard God’s speaking as I sit at my desk, as clearly as I’ve ever heard it in any church sermon. The TueSeventh-day Adventisty before Canada Day was one of those times. Going through my mail, I found a hand-addressed card with just my name on it. Of course I opened it first! On the cover of the card inside was a beautiful sunset with comforting words — words intended for all the suffering Indigenous families with beloved children in unmarked graves, I thought. But on closer reading, this Adventist couple wanted to reach
Alberta Adventist News
out to Indigenous families by increasing the healing impact of Mamawi Atosketan Native School (MANS). “This gift of love is in memory of the precious Indigenous children’s lives,” began the hand-written note inside, “who were taken in such sadness and injustice. These terrible tragedies remind us of the sinful world we live in and why Jesus came to save all mankind. “May this gift help to bring healing as you share Jesus’ love to MANS.” The signature line — “With our love” — transported me to and Paul’s famous Love Chapter (I Cor.13) and its preface: “I show you
This gift of love is in memory of the precious Indigenous children’s lives, who were taken in such sadness and injustice. These terrible tragedies remind us of the sinful world we live in and why Jesus came to save all mankind. Photo by Patti Reasor