Business Excellence 2010

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010

EXCELLENCE Honouring outstanding organizations and individuals in Abbotsford who strive for excellence in the community.

who will


Chamber of Commerce abbotsford


Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010



A B B O T S F O R D ’ S

2010 TOP 100 M O S T





The News is asking you, our r eader s:

“Who ar e the most inf luential people in our city?” Who ar e the movers and s h ake r s t h at m ake A bbot sford ti ck?

expla i ne d A b b ots for d Ne w s p ub l i s he r An d r e w Fr a nkl i n.

m a i l e d to T he A b b ots fo rd N e w s at 3 4 3 7 5 G l a dys A ve . A b b ots fo rd .

Fo r t h e second year i n a r ow, t h e Abbot s fo r d N ews is a ski ng i ts rea d er s t o id e n t if y t h e To p 1 0 0 M ost Infl uenti a l Peo ple in t h e c it y.

T h e l i st wa s c r e ate d l a st ye a r a nd mor e t h an 100 na me s we r e p ut for wa r d. A j udgi ng pr o c e s s w i l l b e unde r ta ke n a nd a ne w l i st will b e c r e ate d.

You c a n a l s o s ub m it t yo u r n o m in atio n s by e m a i l to top 100@ abbyn e w s . c o m .

Bu t being i nfl uenti a l doe s n ’t m e an yo u h ave t o be famous. Ever yone is elig ible fo r t h e list . Whi l e l ocal pol i ti ci an s an d bu s in e s s lead er s recei ve pl ent y of t im e in t h e spot lig ht, tea chers, coa c h e s an d vo lu n t e er s also sha pe our communit y. A n yo n e w ho ha s been a m e n t o r, a s u ppo r t er or who ma de a di fferen c e is elig ible . “We are not j ust l ooki ng fo r c o m m u n it y lead er s , b ut for teache r s , fo r t h o se u n su n g h er o es – p eopl e w ho don ’t n o r m ally see k t he spotl i ght b ut deser ve t o be r e c o g n iz e d , ”

“It ’s i mp or ta nt to p ut thi s l i st toge the r base d on r e a de r i np ut b e c a us e we wa nt to s ee k out thos e p e op l e w ho we don’ t know abo ut,” s a i d Fr a nkl i n. “ T he r e w i l l l i ke l y b e m an y ne w na me s on thi s ye a r ’s l i st a s s ome pe o p l e a r e move d off.”

B ut you ha d b e t te r h u rr y, th e d e ad lin e fo r nom i nati ons i s Nov. 2 6 at 5 p. m . “ T h i s i s h i g h l y c ove t e d l i st . Pe o p l e a r e r e a l l y e x c i t e d a b o u t i t . I t h i n k of i t a s A b b ot s fo r d ’s ve r s i o n of t h e Fo r t u n e 5 0 0 . We a r e l i st i n g t h e t o p 1 0 0 p e o p l e i n A b b ot s fo r d w h o m a ke a d i f fe r e n c e a n d h o p e f u l l y, t h i s w i l l i n s p i r e ot h e r s t o d o e ve n m o r e . ”

N o mi nati on for ms a r e ava i l a b l e i ns i de ed it i ons of T he A b b ots for d Ne w s a nd T he Abbots for d Ne w s D a i l y a s we l l a s onl i ne at fac e b ook.c om/ m ya b b yne w s . N o mi nati on for ms c a n b e dr op p e d off or

Win an over night getaway!

Nominee One Name (first)

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A s a toke n of our than k s , yo u r n am e w ill be e nte r e d i nto a dr aw fo r an ove rn ig h t stay at a l ux ur y 2 b e dr oom v i l l a at Th e Falls G o lf Re s o r t.

Name (first)




N o m i n e e Tw o (last)


C l os i ng date fo r n o m in atio n s is Nove mb e r 26th 2 0 1 0 at 5 pm

Nominee Three Name (first)



Submit your nominees via email:

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your life your community.



Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


The best in business


Abbotsford News

Chamber of Commerce executive director David D. Hull with the coveted award.

Recognizing community leaders

The 15th annual Business Excellence Awards the quality of a business, says Hull, and deciding night – Wednesday, Nov. 24 this year – is shaping between nominees in each category is always a up to be another success. struggle for the judges. Almost 400 tickets have already been sold, Unlike many interviews in the business world, and about 500 guests are expected at Tradex however, interviewing nominees for these awards for an evening of top-quality dining by CTC is always a good time, both for the business ownCatering, decor by Valley Weddings and corpoers and especially the judges. rate entertainment by musical comedian Todd “They really enjoy it and they take it so seriButler. ously,” says Goldie VanGarderen, event coordinaDavid D. Hull, executive director of the tor for the Chamber. “One group was in here for Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce, says it is an hour and a half trying to deliberate. They had sure to be another fine evening of showcasing three (businesses) in mind, and they couldn’t the best in local business. decide which one they wanted to choose.” “Abbotsford has a really vibrant, thriving There are 10 categories for this year’s Business business community. They are a spirited entreExcellence Awards: preneurial lot. A lot of that Home Based Business is reflected in the Business Excellence Sponsored by: Click Excellence Awards: the Media Works Abbotsford number of nominations that Retailer Excellence we receive, the number that Sponsored by: Prospera Credit has a really vibrant, participate, the people who Union come out for the event.” Manufacturing & Producer thriving business To be as fair as possible in Excellence Sponsored by: community determining the recipients Sevenoaks Shopping Centre of each award, the format for David D.Hull Agricultural and Agrijudging was changed three Business Excellence Sponsored years ago to an interview by: TD Canada Trust Agriculture with each nominee, as opposed to an application Services package only. Service Industry Excellence Sponsored by: “What we’ve done is taken the subjectivity out Firstbase Services Ltd. of it,” says Hull. Eric Vanderham Young Entrepreneur of Each business owner submits a 250-word the Year Sponsored by: The Rotary Clubs of description of his or her company, the company Abbotsford logo, and attends a 20-minute interview with Non Profit Organization of the Year a panel of three judges from the Chamber of Sponsored by Baker Newby LLP, Lawyers Commerce. Before they arrive for their interNew Business of the Year Sponsored by: views, nominees get a list of the questions in KPMG Enterprise order to level the playing field. Established Business of the Year (1-19 About 120 businesses were nominated for a Employees) Sponsored by: Tradex coveted glass trophy this year. Established Business of the Year (20+ Simply being nominated shines a great light on Employees) Sponsored by: The Abbotsford News

The Abbotsford Business Excellence Awards have been our business community’s way of recognizing those individuals, businesses and organizations that go far beyond the ordinary. Whether it is a new enterprise just starting to make its mark, an industry leader that shows head and shoulders above the rest or a well established business that just keeps getting better, this is a celebration to highlight the success of all the nominees.

Thank you Abbotsford for nominating us for Retailer Excellence. Congratulations to all nominees. *for women

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The high calibre of the nominees makes it a formidable task for our judges to select a recipient in each category. In fact, all nominees should be equally proud of their accomplishments and feel truly honoured, for to be distinguished by one’s peers is the most meaningful form of recognition. Congratulations to all this year’s nominees on behalf of the Business Excellence Committee. Allan Asaph Chair, Business Excellence Committee

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


Entertainer brings music and stand-up Musical comedian/satirist Todd Butler will bring his quick wit and impressive guitar skills to Tradex this month for the entertainment portion of the Business Excellence Awards. Butler is a self-described Weird Al Yankovic meets This Hour Has 22 Minutes hybrid who likes to riff on local and national politics as well as Canadian trivia in general. “I poke fun at people in the news, like Tiger Woods and Conrad Black, that kind of stuff,” he said. Butler’s latest number, which he’s currently working on from his home in Courtenay, B.C., is a ribbing of our recently resigned premier, called What if Gord Was One of Us? Despite the heavy slant toward political humour in his routine, Butler said it’s not a partisan view; everyone’s made fun of equally. It’s good, clean fun though. Doing corporate entertainment is one of Butler’s favourite kinds

of shows because he gets to be funny without lowering the bar for an inebriated club audience. “I found that I had enough material that was funny and clean, which is basically what they want,” he said. “With comedians, you never know what you’re getting, especially with stand-up, and the last thing 300 bankers and their wives or husbands want to hear is somebody swearing and doing off-colour jokes.” Being only one in a handful of professional comedians in the corporate circuit, Butler said he gets a lot of gigs, such as the B.C. Municipalities Convention two years ago, where he won over the crowd. In addition to his jokes, Butler appeals to most audiences with his impressive finger-picking and flat-picking numbers which he’s been perfecting as a professional guitarist and teacher for the past 40 years. He can even play Dueling Banjos behind his head.

Getting into the comedy side of performing wasn’t a big leap for the guy who has always seen the world from a skewed perspective. Starting in high school, he played in bands seven nights a week, and found that if he changed the words to well-known songs, he’d get a laugh… and occasionally threatened. “Bikers don’t like it too much when you mess with Born to Be Wild,” he said with a laugh. Some CBC radio listeners may remember Butler from his days as a host and performer in Madly Off In All Directions, but these days he’s back to his roots, doing his comedy for live audiences. “I try to pick songs that everybody knows… It tends to be more on the country and folk side, but I also parody AC/DC songs, and that kind of stuff. The whole show is little snippets that all kind of tie together. It’s very much like standup with a guitar.” To find out more about Todd Butler visit

Todd Butler will bring his unique brand of musical humour to Tradex for the Business Excellence Awards.



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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


‘One of the best nights I can remember’ It was Oscar night last year at this time for Toews Sewing and Pianos. The long-standing local company was among the winners at the 14th Abbotsford Business Excellence Awards, taking the Established Business of the Year award, sponsored by the Abbotsford News. The firm’s Calvin Toews called it “exciting” and likened the experience to a Hollywood triumph. “It’s like winning an Academy Award, that’s how cool it was over there,” Toews said of the 2009 event at Tracex. “It was one of the best nights I can remember.” He said the award has significantly enhanced the profile of the Toews business, a family operation with a staff of five, which was already something of an institution in the Fraser Valley. After setting up shop in Chilliwack in November 1949, the business moved to Abbotsford five years later and has now been in the

community for 56 years. Throughout its history, the Toews shop has offered sales and repair services for sewing machines and pianos. By continuing to specialize in the finer points of both fields, Toews said his shop is able to offer a degree of expertise sometimes lacking in an era of big-box retailers and disposable products – a quality he believes was key to winning last year’s award. “Focusing in on a thing and sticking with it, I think that’s what it’s all about,” Toews said. “There are about 8,800 parts in a piano, which is something not everyone knows about.” The trophy is on prominent display at the Toews shop at 2518A Clearbrook Road. While there’s no hard evidence how much the award may have improved business, Toews suspects it probably has. “I think it makes people feel more confident about (making a purchase),” he said.


Abbotsford News

Calvin Toews of Toews Sewing and Music, winner of last year’s award for Established Business of the Year.

T hank you to everyone who nominated us as: NEW BUSINESS OF THE YEAR! We are honoured to be recognized this way and are grateful for the chance to work with our families to make a difference in the lives of their students.

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


Congratulations to the 2010 Excellence deserves recognition and on Nov. 24, ten worthy nominees will be rewarded. The Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce and The Abbotsford News are presenting the annual Business Excellence Awards, which honour outstanding organizations and individuals in Abbotsford who strive for excellence in the community. Guests at the awards gala will be treated to entertainment by Todd Butler. With over 20 years experience, Butler’s skills are honed to a fine point and he swings easily from lambasting politicians in political parodies to interpreting the latest news stories with a twist. The gala begins at 5:30 p.m. at Tradex at the Abbotsford Airport. Tickets are $62 and tables of eight are available for $496. This year more than 80 nominees will vie for the 10 awards. The nominees are:

Retailer Excellence

Service Industry E

› Homestead Nurseryland & Florist › Kingston Flooring › Kitchen & Bath Classics › Life Cycles Bike Shop › Ronald Allan Clothiers › Roses & Rutabagas › Simply Perfect Flowers › The Mad Butcher › The Valley Feed Bag › TimeMasters Jewellers › Valhalla Pure Outfitters

› 360 Fabrication › Fraser Valley Hearing › J’s Pizza (Immel Street) › Little Farmhouse in the › Maggie Reimer (RBC Do › Merle Norman › Ocean Stationery & Offi › PetroCan Service Statio › Prism PC › Relevention Marketing › Restaurant 62 › ServiceMaster Clean of › Shelley Gossett, PREC › Sumas Mountain Projec › The Baron Bar & Grill › Westview Executive Sea › Wild Orange Spa

Manufacturing & Producer Excellence › Abstract Alloy Manufacturing › Unitex Sales › Valley Master Mason Mable and Granite

Home Based Business › Cinderella Slip-Ons › Clayburn Comforts Soap & Bodyworks › Gail Winchester Salons › Gingerbread House Preschool › Theresa Chevalier

Agriculture & Agri-Business › Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery › Mt. Lehman Winery › Nutriva Group

Congratulations to all Business Excellence Awards winners and nominees!

Eric Vanderham Y of the Year

› Danielle Knowles, Red P › Dustin Russell, LAunch › Kelsey Vanderhorst, KV › Shyla Slade, Valley Wed

We were delighted to be nominated for Established Business of the Year, together with such outstanding businesses. Congratulations to all the nominees and thank you for your excellent service to our community! Two Beautiful Parkside Locations - Call 604-859-0053 to book a tour! -

Nominated for BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS S 2010 2 201 0 0

Thank You !

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and READ what all the fuss is about!

“The feeling of being nominated for or such an honour is indescribable.”

Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010



0 Business Awards nominees xcellence

Non Profit Organization of the Year › Abbotsford Agrifair › Abbotsford Food Bank › Abbotsford Downtown Business Association › Abbotsford Rotary Club › Abbotsford Special Olympics › BC Chicken Marketing Board › BC Egg Marketing Board › Canadian Cancer Society (Abbotsford Region) › CARE Abbotsford › Elizabeth’s Wildlife Centre › Food for the Hungry Canada › Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery › Fraternal Order of Eagles (Abbotsford) › The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford

City minion Securities)

ce Supplies n (Whatcom Road)

the Fraser Valley


Established Business of the Year (1-19 Employees) › Canadian Western Bank › Champagne & Lace › Classic Party & Balloon Supply › Clayburn Village Store › Concept Plumbing and Gas › Eximus Real Estate Team › J-B’s Candy Shoppe › MD Cosmetic and Laser Clinic › Nomad Auto Sales › Numbers Unlimited Bookkeeping › SciencePure Nutraceuticals › Whatcom Road Veterinary Hospital


New Business of the Year

oung Entrepreneur

encil Editing Services Man Bijou dings

› Formaggio Fine Foods › House Calls Home Nursing › KV Bijou › Launch Man › Lepp Farm Market › Magnuson Ford › Tutor Doctor

Established Business of the Year (20+ Employees) › Cannor Nursery › Hallmark Assisted Living › Ramada Plaza & Conference Centre › RDM Lawyers › Tradex › Valley Personnel

Thank you for nominating us for the Business Excellence Awards!

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


Chocolatier ‘Silly Bonka’ nominated


Abbotsford News

Phil Bonk with a tray of his sweet wares from J-B’s Candy Shoppe.

Phil Bonk had a good life with a wife, three kids and a job as an accountant, but there was one thing he couldn’t have – candy. A diabetic his whole life, Bonk couldn’t have sugar, though he’s always had a sweet tooth. But then five years ago he got the idea to give up bean counting and learn every aspect of making gum drops and candy apples in his own business. “I’ve always loved candy because I couldn’t have it,” he said. “Part of the thing was to actually make a good candy that diabetics would like.” So naturally his three kids, ages nine, 12 and 14, were delighted when their dad opened J-B’s Candy Shoppe on Pauline Street. They got to drop in after school to see how business was going and test the product. Bonk learned how to make chocolate, including the sugar-free variety, and also caramel, fudge, and candy of all kinds. Though some of his sweets are imported, the candy man makes about 75 per cent of everything he sells. Jelly beans, taffy, suckers, truffles, caramel corn – you name it, you can find it at J-B’s Candy Shoppe. It’s no coincidence he’s become affectionately known by some of his loyal customers as ‘Silly Bonka,’ the talented chocolatier. Truffles are his favourite treat to make. The original recipe was from an expert chocolatier in Creston, which he then


. W W





tweaked to make his own. “I had to turn the temp up a little bit and cook them a little longer to get the same texture and consistency,” he said. “With chocolate, sometimes it’ll bloom and you just don’t know why. You could do the same thing at a different location or a different altitude and it’ll turn out differently. It’s a funny little temperate item.” Chocolate makes up the majority of sales, but about 20 per cent of customers come in for the ice cream. In terms of wholesale, caramel corn is his number one seller. Bonk’s personal favourite is the irresistible caramel pretzel twist, though he knows he shouldn’t sample them too often. It wasn’t all sweet times from the start, of course, but Bonk said this year J-B’s Candy Shoppe has “turned that corner.” Priding himself on being a truly local supplier, he uses as many locally sourced ingredients as possible, including apples to make candy apples from Willow View Farm and the Apple Barn, here in Abbotsford. In recognition of his success, Bonk’s venture has been nominated for Established Business of the Year (1-19 Employees) for the 2010 Abbotsford Business Excellence Awards. “I was quite surprised, and thankful, of course, that a little shop like ours would be nominated,” he said, before getting back to his latest batch of fudge.




We are deeply honoured to have been nominated for a Business Excellence Award. Thank you for the opportunity to serve such a great city and its people. The Abbotsford TD Business Banking Group would like to congratulate all last year’s winners and wish good luck to all the nominees of the 2010 Business Excellence Awards. At TD Business Banking we are dedicated to helping you achieve your Business and Agriculture goals

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


Award gets a positive Reaction Last year’s Retailer of the Year result of a strong emphasis on award is the first thing customers customer service, and ensuring see when they walk into Reaction it kept its staff of five fully Fly and Tackle. employed through the recession. The Whatcom Road fishing “We did everything in our supplies firm took the trophy power not to lay anyone off,” he at the 2009 Abbotsford Business said. “There are not too many Excellence Awards, after having businesses who would put their won for customer service the year employees first, and we did that in before. spades.” And Reaction’s Terry Skipper In addition to serving as an said the boost impressive piece to his business, of shop decorathough difficult the awards “In our minds tion, to measure, is have allowed not in doubt. it’s a fairly significant for greater “It’s definitely opportunities in had an impact, award, and we networking in the no question,” business commuproudly display it. Skipper said. nity, he said. “In our minds Terry Skipper “There’s it’s a fairly sigdefinitely more nificant award, visibility there.” and we proudly display it.” Skipper said he would strongly The six-year-old business offers encourage non-members to a wide range of fishing tackle consider joining the Abbotsford and fly-tying equipment in retail Chamber of Commerce for the sales, as well as wholesale to other same reasons. retailers. It also offers regular The benefits are there for busicourses and seminars – interest in nesses “of all sizes,” he said. women’s-only “casting clinics” has As for the possibility of stepping surged, he said. into the winners’ circle one more Skipper said its success in the time? Skipper said it’s somebody awards competition is likely the else’s turn.


Abbotsford News

Terry Skipper of Reaction Fly and Tackle said winning a Business Excellence Award had a positive impact on the Whatcom Road store.





Honoured to be nominated for


Established Business of the Year (1 - 19 employees).

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010


Campbell’s has a sweet business When Judy Campbell learned that Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery had been nominated for an Abbotsford Business Excellence Award in the agri-business category, she was “surprised.” Upon reflection, Judy is just as surprised to be helping to run a business related to bees. “I’d been stung as a child, and I used to have a terrible fear of bees,” she admitted with a chuckle. As the story goes, Mike Campbell – Judy’s husband – had long desired to keep bees on their eight-acre property at 2595 Lefeuvre Road. Judy, for obvious reasons, was resistant. But in 1997, a friend from church had a hive in his backyard that he was trying to get rid of. Mike prevailed upon Judy to let him bring the hive home, on the condition that it be stationed at the very back of the property. The growth of that first hive into a thriving business occurred organically. Mike turned out to have a knack for beekeeping, and multiplied his hives. Soon, they were producing more honey than the Campbells could consume themselves or give away to friends, and the hobby became a business. As part of that transition, the Campbells took a basic beekeep-


Abbotsford News

Judy Campbell pours a glass of Melomel, which is a wine made with fruit and mead. ing course from the Ministry of Agriculture, and part of that course involved being stung by a bee to ensure you weren’t allergic. “I actually got stung, and I survived it,” Judy recalled with a chuckle. “That actually took away the apprehension.

“I still have respect for the bees, but it’s not a fear like I had.” When Mike retired in 2006, the Campbells took their enterprise to the next level, redeveloping their property to feature a farm store front, honey extraction centre and meadery.

Mead, or honey wine, is just one of an expansive list of bee-derived products the Campbells offer in addition to the honey. The farm store also carries such products as bee’s wax candles, pollen, healing bee hive products, lotions and creams, and raw beeswax. “In Europe and Asia, it’s not uncommon to have pharmaceuticals derived from the beehive,” Judy said. “But our Western culture doesn’t really know about the healing properties. It’s an eyeopening experience for people to come into our store and learn about that.” The Campbells strive to make their business community-oriented and environmentally friendly. Their event calendar is packed with a wide variety of activities, including school tours, junior beekeepers camps, art shows, craft workshops and wine tastings. On the environmental front, the Campbells planted shelter-belt trees to stop wind erosion; installed drip irrigation, which is more efficient than spray irrigation; and use geo-thermal heat. “We wanted to be environmentally friendly and give people a bit of a model of what can be done with a small acreage,” Mike explained. For more information on Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery, visit

Thank You It is an honour to be nominated for Non-Profit Organization of the year! Congratulations to all nominees and recipients.

We are truly honoured to be nominated for the 2010 Service Industry Excellence Award. Congratulations to all nominees.

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Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010

BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS Thank you to our many sponsors Platinum

MacAdams Law Firm



Baker Newby LLP, Lawyers Click Media Works Firstbase Services Ltd. KPMG Enterprise Prospera Credit Union Sevenoaks Shopping Centre TD Canada Trust The Abbotsford News The Three Rotary Clubs of Abbotsford Tradex

Abbotsford Printing BMO Bank of Montreal Business Development Bank of Canada Envision Financial Lotusland Vineyards RBC Royal Bank ServiceMaster Clean of the Fraser Valley Valley Weddings


Business in Black Sponsor

Conair Group Inc. Classic Party & Balloon Supply CTC Catering

Wilway Lumber


Chamber of Commerce abbotsford

Good luck to all those nominated for a Business Excellence Award.

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The Rotary Club of Abbotsford since 1950 The Rotary Club of Abbotsford-Matsqui since 1985 The Rotary Club of Abbotsford-Sumas since 1996


Proud to be a Platinum Sponsor for the 2010 Business Excellence Awards Douglas MacAdams, Q.C. Service Above Self

Marc A. Misner



Abbotsford News I Saturday, November 20, 2010

Congratulations to all the Business Excellence Award Winners & Nominees

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