2 minute read
Make a Word
Phoneme Awareness Make a Word
Students will segment words into phonemes, blend phonemes to form words, and substitute phonemes to form new words . Students will match phonemes with letters .
This activity is appropriate for children who know some letter-sound correspondences and have shown some ability to segment short words into their constituent phonemes . Children repeat a word shared by the teacher, segment the word, and select from a small number of letter cards those necessary to create the word, placing them in sequence . Ample scaffolding should be provided .
selected letter cards, one set for each child; list of words that can be created from the letters provided for the teacher’s reference (see the table on the next page for suggestions)
Procedure 1. Construct a small set of selected letter cards for each child, or print them from the Digital Resources . Review the sound each letter represents . Have each child lay their letter cards in a line so they can be seen . 2. Say, “Listen to this word: cat .” Ask children to repeat it . Assist children in segmenting the word . Say the word again slowly . Ask children to identify the first sound in the word . Ask them which letter represents that sound, and have them move that letter to start building the word . 3. Say the word again . Assist children in identifying the next sound in the word . Have them move the appropriate letter into position to continue building the word . Repeat for the remaining sound in the word . Say each sound represented by the letters, and then say the whole word . 4. Change one letter to make a new word . For example, change the c in cat to an r, and say, rat . Break the word into phonemes: /r/—/ă/—/t/ . 5. Continue making new words with the set of letter cards, using the suggestions in the table on the next page as a guide . Differentiate or Extend ▲ As digraphs are taught, incorporate them into the activity . Place the two letters representing the sound on the same letter card (e .g ., the two letters sh representing the single sound /sh/ are together on a single letter card) . School-Home Connection Provide small sets of letters for children to take home . Encourage them to share some of the words they can construct with the letters . Be sure that you have practiced this sufficiently with children . sample
Phoneme Awareness
Make a Word (cont.)
Sample Letter Sets and Words Letter Cards Possible Words
c, r, l, p, t, a h, m, n, p, s, t, e f, h, m, n, s, t, i f, g, p, r, s, t, o b, f, n, t, s, u
cat, rat, pat, tap, cap, trap, clap, lap men, hen, hem, ten, nest, step, pest it, hit, tin, fin, sit, him, mist frog, fog, got, rot, top, pot, stop, tops, pots sun, bun, fun, nut, nuts, stun sample c a p sample