12 minute read
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Appendix Bibliography of Literature: Books, Chants, Rhymes, and Songs Ada, Alma Flor, and F . Isabel Campoy . 2003 . ¡Pío Peep! Rimas tradicionales en Español, Edición especial . New York: HarperCollins . Ada, Alma Flor, and F . Isabel Campoy . 2010 . ¡Muu, Moo! Rimas con Animales . New York: HarperCollins Espanol . Ahlberg, Janet, and Allan Ahlberg . 1986 . Each Peach Pear Plum . New York: Puffin Books . Bynum, Janie . 2002 . Altoona Baboona . San Diego, CA: Sandpiper . C .R .S . Players, The . 2007 . “Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes .” CRS Records . Craft, Charlotte . 1999 . King Midas and the Golden Touch . New York: HarperCollins . Crews, Nina . 2003 . The Neighbourhood Mother Goose . New York: Greenwillow . Cummings, Pat . 1998 . My Aunt Came Back . New York: HarperFestival . Degen, Bruce . 1990 . Jamberry . New York: Scholastic . Delgado, Henry . 2008 . Destrabalenguerias para trabalengueros . Bogotá, Columbia: Circulo de Lectores, Intermedio . Dewdney, Anna . 2005 . Llama Llama Red Pyjama . New York: Viking Juvenile . Florian, Douglas . 2008 . Laugh-eteria . Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Co . Hopgood, Sally . 2016 . See You Later, Alligator . New York: First Sky Pony Press . Ives, Penny . 2002 . Five Little Ducks . Auburn, ME: Child’s Play International, Ltd . Langstaff, John . 1991 . Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go . New York: Aladdin . Lear, Edward . 2005. “A” Was Once an Apple Pie . London: Orchard Books . Lee, Dennis . 1983 . Willoughby Wallaby Woo . Toronto, Ontario: Key Porter Books . Longo, Alejandra . 2004 . Aserrin Aserran: Las canciones de la abuela: Las Canciones De La Abuela . Translation . New York: Scholastic en Espanol . Miller, Mitchell . 1971 . One Misty, Moisty Morning: Rhymes from Mother Goose, 1st ed . New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux (J) . Moss, Jeff . 1997 . “Ankylosaurus .” Bone Poems . New York: Workman Publishing Company . Most, Bernard . 1996 . Cock-a-Doodle Moo! Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Co . Raffi . 1996 . “Down By the Bay, et al .” The Singable Songs Collection . Rounder/Umgd . sample sample 228
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sample Digital Resources Accessing the Digital Resources The digital resources can be downloaded by following these steps: 1. Go to www.justrewards.ie 2. Go to Downloads and select Purposeful Play for Early Childhood Phonological Awareness. 3. Respond to the prompts using the book to view your account and available digital content. 4. Choose the digital resources you would like to download. You can download all the files at once, or you can download a specific group of files. Please note: Some files provided for download have large file sizes. Download times for these larger files will vary based on your download speed. Contents of the Digital Resources You will find additional resources that will enhance and support your instruction in phonological awareness. • A standards chart shows how the standards correlate with each activity. • Family letters in both English and Irish will help promote school-home connections. • Engaging colour picture cards can be used with the activities. • Lyrics for the chants, poems, and rhymes in the text are included. • A list of Spanish literature, and lyrics to traditional Spanish songs and poems, are provided. • Alphabet cards, Elkonin boxes, and phoneme boxes will support student learning. sample 230
sample sample
Appendix sample PhonologicalAwareness Early Childhood Purposeful Play for 127861 Hallie Kay Yopp, Ph.D., co-directs the California State University system’s Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing. Active in teaching, writing, speaking, and service, she was named CSU Fullerton’s Outstanding Professor of the Year and received a system-wide award of excellence. She served as lead author of California’s ELA/ ELD Framework (K–12) and the accompanying Executive Summary. Hallie taught young children for many years, including English learners in a bilingual setting. Ruth Helen Yopp, Ph.D., teaches literacy courses at California State University, Fullerton. She is the author of several books and is active in the professional community. Ruth taught in the public schools for 10 years and is a recipient of the Orange County Teacher of the Year Award (California). She is the recipient of CSUF’s Jewel Plummer Cobb Diversity in Education Award. She is an inductee into This easy-to-use resource provides more than 80 activities to help students detect, manipulate, and interact with the sounds of language. Whether through singing songs, identifying patterns in poems and chants, or engaging in playful games, every activity supports children’s developing phonological awareness. Suggestions for differentiation and home connections are included. For the revised edition the authors have added 17 new activities and have updated the original activities based on current literacy research. Children will engage in fun activities while learning how to recognise individual words, syllables, rhymes, and phonemes. The activities offer many opportunities for children to develop phonological skills to become lifelong readers, all while engaging in play! Second Edition the California Reading Hall of Fame in recognition of her contributions to literacy.