Sea is Air
Producing infrastructures along the coastal landscape of metropolitan cities. Case study: Jakarta Bay Area Abdul Said Ahtar 4626583 Supervisor: Rene van der Velde
Meandering Water, Shaping Spaces
How does a city protect itself from its surrounding water system?
Who is responsible for protecting the city? What water systems surround the city? Where is the most vulnerable part of the city? When did the first instance of the water system failure happen? Why does the cities current water system fail?
an Introduction Meandering Lines, Shaping Spaces. the Methodology Literature Study Tertiary Data Analysis Primary Data Analysis
Cities and towns have a tendency to form around water. These cities form along the coastal shores of the seas and oceans, they form along river beds, also around large water bodies such as lakes and lagoons. The natural water sources should be utilized by the inhabitants living around it, so it can bring life to the people. Examples of a man-made water system is the boezem system, as well as the polder landscape of the Netherlands is a good precedent in how the water system is managed in a national scale. The principles of diverting water, and water management can be applied in planning cities across the world. There is also the system of rice fields in Asian countries, which are formed along mountain-sides. The systems are created to disperse the water to the rice fields, and bring wealth and well-being to the inhabitants. Coastal protection is now seen around the world as a necessity, which has also been done in the Netherlands with the dikes and dunes. These protection systems aren’t just mono-functional pieces of infrastructure, rather they are developed now to have multiple uses. This is now trending around the world as well, in the development if the BIG U in New York, as well as the Jakarta Great Sea Wall Project in Indonesia. The aforementioned projects focus more on the urban areas, with a very hard and built approach for the urbanization of the metropolises. In landscape architecture, a holistic balance between the urban population and the natural systems should be found in order to create a sustainable development.
the Research Coastal protection methods Dynamics in a coastal water system Create multiple scenarios the Conclusion Coastal Protection strategic design plan for the Jakarta Bay area.
As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta is one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world. With a population of over 10 million people living in the city alone. The city is bounded by the Java Sea in the North, the Cisadane River flowing along the West, and has the Ciliwung River flowing through it. With two large rivers flowing through and along the city, creates a unique landscape between the water systems and settlements. At its current state land of Jakarta is sinking at an alarming rate, and there have been yearly floods, as well as abrasion along the coastline of his metropolis. In 2009, a coastal defense system against the flooding was planned with construction starting in 2012. Images of the islands C and D from said plans can be seen to have taken form in 2013 through sattelite imagery. Halfway through the making of island C, the reclaiming is halted by the current governer of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, due to lack of land building permits on more than half of the planned islands. Tensions have also risen through focus groups and local fisherman who are against the plans of the two newly formed islands in the area. This research focuses on the coast of Jakarta Bay, and what protection methods could be carried out against sea-level rise.
Banjir Jakarta 2007 - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
26/10/2018, 02)26
BCB di Kota Tua Runtuh -
26/10/2018, 02)21
Banjir Jakarta 2007 Banjir
Banjir Jakarta 2007
menghantam Jakarta dan sekitarnya sejak 1 Februari 2007 malam hari. Selain sistem drainase yang buruk, banjir berawal dari hujan lebat yang berlangsung sejak sore hari
Home / News / Lansir
tanggal 1 Februari hingga keesokan harinya tanggal 2
BCB di Kota Tua Runtuh
Februari, ditambah banyaknya volume air 13 sungai yang - 03/12/2008, 12:03 WIB
melintasi Jakarta yang berasal dari Bogor-Puncak-Cianjur, dan air laut yang sedang pasang, mengakibatkan hampir 60%
Hanya berselang sekitar 12 jam, dua gedung yang masuk dalam daftar
wilayah DKI Jakarta terendam banjir dengan kedalaman mencapai hingga 5 meter di beberapa titik lokasi banjir.
bangunan cagar budaya (BCB) DKI Jakarta dan berdiri di atas kawasan Kota Tua, roboh. Kedua bangunan itu adalah gedung Samudra Indonesia di Jalan
Pantauan di 11 pos pengamatan hujan milik Badan
Kali Besar Barat, Jakarta Barat, yang ambruk pada pukul 14.00 Jumat (1/2) dan Museum Bahari di Jalan Pasar Ikan, Jakarta Utara, yang menyusul pada
Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) menunjukkan, hujan yang
A Jakarta taxi submerged by ooded water. Tanggal
2 Februari–12 Februari 2007
Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten
100 tahun dengan probabilitas kejadiannya 20 persen.
Banjir 2007 ini lebih luas dan lebih banyak memakan korban
terjadi pada Jumat, 2 Februari, malam lalu mencapai ratarata 235 mm, bahkan tertinggi di stasiun pengamat Pondok Betung mencapai 340 mm. Hujan rata-rata di Jakarta yang mencapai 235 mm itu sebanding dengan periode ulang hujan
manusia dibandingkan bencana serupa yang melanda pada
Kerugian harta
seperti kawasan lain di Jakarta, digenangi air setinggi betis orang dewasa. "Enggak ada korban, sih. Untung. Karena lagi banjir. Kalau enggak, biasanya banyak tukang dagang rokok, makanan. Apalagi kalau malem," ujar Sugoro, saksi mata saat sebagian gedung Samudra Indonesia itu ambruk hingga ke badan jalan, kemarin.
material akibat matinya perputaran bisnis mencapai triliunan
Lagi-lagi untung, air sedang menutupi jalanan. "Kalau enggak, debunya bisa ke mana-mana. Tebel. Ada air aja debunya minta ampun," lanjut salah satu pemilik warung di seberang gedung yang meledos itu.
rupiah, diperkirakan 4,3 triliun rupiah. Warga yang mengungsi mencapai 320.000 orang hingga 7 Februari 2007.
Beberapa saat sebelum gedung itu runtuh, masih menurut Sugoro, terdengar bunyi kerikil berjatuhan. "Cuma begitu awalnya, kerikil-kerikil berjatuhan. Tibatiba itu gedung jatoh ke depan. Abis itu bunyinya kayak ada bom, gitu," begitu dia bercerita. Rekan pedagang lain menimpali, "Kaget aja kita tiba-tiba ada dentuman. Trus debunya lari ke kita."
Jalan Pos Pengumben, Jakarta Barat yang putus total akibat banjir
Ketika banjir, mobil dan motor masih bisa lalulalang. "Tiap kali ada mobil lewat, air kan mendesak ke gedung itu. Barangkali karena itu juga jadi gedung itu enggak kuat lagi nahan. Lagian gedung tua itu," imbuh Sugoro.
Sebab Antisipasi Sistem Pengendali Banjir Jakarta
Ketika Warta Kota menghubungi pemilik gedung, Shanti Poesposoetjipto, putri almarhum Soedarpo Sastrosatomo, dia menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya sudah mengosongkan gedung itu karena terlihat keretakan di beberapa lokasi. "Sudah sekitar satu tahun barangkali. Gedung itu sudah diperiksa oleh ahli gedung tua dan menurut mereka masih OK, hanya perlu diperkuat. Tapi kebutu roboh," Shanti menjelaskan.
Lokasi-lokasi banjir Korban Dampak dan kerugian Penyakit
Ditantang IDI Paparkan Solusi Defisit BPJS, Ini Jawaban Jokowi Dibaca 120.766 kali
Pasca bencana Penanganan sampah
Gedung Samudra Indonesia, khususnya di bagian yang bersebelahan dengan Hotel Batavia, roboh saat banjir melumpuhkan Jakarta. Jalan Kali Besar Barat,
$400 juta[1]
10 hari karena terseret arus, tersengat listrik, atau sakit. Kerugian
Khusus untuk Museum Bahari, kondisi yang terjadi kemarin adaah bukti bahwa museum ini sudah harus segera dikonservasi, "Tidak bisa lagi menunggu BCB di Kota Tua Runtuh terlalu lama," demikian ditandaskan Kepala Sub Dinas (Kasubdis) Pengawasan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Permuseuman (Disbudmus) DKI sekaligus Plh Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Kota Tua Candrian Attahiyat, Sabtu (2/2).
tahun 2002 dan 1996. Sedikitnya 80 orang dinyatakan tewas selama
Daftar isi
pukul 02.00 dini hari Sabtu (2/2).
Dia menambahkan, rencana awal gedung itu akan digunakan untuk tempat pendidikan dan latihan. "Kita akan segera selidiki lebih lanjut kenapa bisa runtuh," tandasnya. Page 1 of 7
Berita Populer Nasional: Kata Jokowi soal Kaesang Dibuli hingga Tes Seleksi CPNS
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Indonesia's thirsty capital is a sinking city - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
26/10/2018, 02)17
Jakarta hides behind the wings of Garuda | News item |
26/10/2018, 07*54
Indonesia's thirsty capital is a sinking city Updated Tue 15 Apr 2008, 5:04am
Separated by a road and a viscous finger of black, garbage-choked water, the stilt-house slum of Muara Baru and the BMW car dealership that faces it appear as if from different worlds.
Climate change is causing sea levels to rise, but the study's authors say the main problem is that Jakarta is sinking under the weight of out-ofcontrol development.
Jakarta hides behind the wings of Garuda News item | 07-04-2014 | 19:56
But on December 6, 2025, these two extremes of the Indonesian capital will have something in common as a World Bank study shows that unless action is taken, they and much of the coastal city of 12 million will be submerged by seawater. Experts have pinpointed that date as the next peak of an 18.6-year astronomical cycle, when sea levels will rise enough to engulf much of Indonesia's low-lying capital.
PHOTO: The study's authors say the main problem is that Jakarta is sinking under the weight of out-ofcontrol development [File photo]. (Enny Nuraheni: Reuters)
"The major reason for this is not climate change or whatever, but just the sinking of Jakarta," JanJaap Brinkman said, an engineer with Dutch consultancy Delft Hydraulics who worked with the World Bank on the study. "We can exactly predict to what extent the sea will come into Jakarta."
A dam and a series of islands just off the coast, shaped like the mythical bird Garuda, can protect the Indonesian capital Jakarta against flooding from the sea. The plan also provides space for the construction of new homes and the improvement of infrastructure. The Master Plan was presented during the official visit of Minister Schultz van Haegen to Indonesia in the first week of April. The Great Garuda The plan is to build a dam in the bay of Jakarta. The dam will consist of a series of interconnected
By 2025, estimates from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show, sea levels will have risen by only about five centimetres.
islands. From the air, the islands and the sea dike will look like the large mythical bird Garuda.
But Mr Brinkman says Jakarta, which spans a flat plain between mountains and coast, will be between 40 and 60 centimetres lower than it is now. The study shows that without better defences, in 2025 the sea will reach the presidential palace around five kilometres inland as well as completely inundating Jakarta's historic old city to the north. December 6 will be the highest point of the tidal cycle, but Mr Brinkman warns there are likely to be plenty of floods before then. Over-development Mr Brinkman blames the swelling city's over-development, which is compressing the land it is built on. The problem has been exacerbated by factories, hotels and wealthy residents drilling deep water bores to bypass the city's shambolic water grid, sucking out the groundwater and causing further subsidence.
Great Garuda Impression
The World Bank has called for a halt to deep groundwater extraction, and the city administration has raised the price of groundwater but so far there has been little progress.
"If you do nothing about the groundwater problem, parts of Jakarta will sink five metres (by 2025)," Mr Brinkman said.
The Indonesian capital Jakarta is facing a number of problems. The Indonesian economy has
A glimpse of the future can be seen in the shacks of Muara Baru, where the city's north meets the sea, and where flood levels late last year reached up to two metres.
drinking water supply. Instead of relying on a central drinking water supply, many inhabitants of
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been growing rapidly for years. Increasing urbanisation is putting considerable pressure on the Jakarta are illegally pumping up ground water. This has caused the land to subside. There are places in the city where the ground is subsiding by some 14 centimetres a year.
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