T h e N o r t h - e a s t ’ s o f f i c i a l B u s i n e s s B r e a k f a s t N e w s p a p e r | w w w. a g c c . c o . u k
Digital transformation
New initiative to boost local businesses
By Gethen Volved
A ONE-stop-shop has been launched to encourage businesses and consumers in the North-east to support local. Driven by the Chamber, North East Now pulls together great information, directories and blogs in to one central hub to make it easier for people to boost the regional economy and support enterprises in the city and Shire. Last week, the hashtag #NorthEastIsOpen trended top spot in Scotland during a social media ‘power hour’ as North East Now encouraged local businesses to shout out that they were open for custom. The posts, circulating on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, were shared and interacted by Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, Hampton, Aberdeen Journals,
Original 106 and VisitAberdeenshire, partners of the initiative. The North East Now hub will provide information on which local products are available in shops and supermarkets, making it easy for people to choose North-east brands in their weekly shop. It will also include sections on local businesses and those promoting local provenance operating across the food and drink, health and wellbeing, lifestyle, fashion, beauty sectors and more. Russell Borthwick, chief executive of Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, said: “We have seen some terrific examples of community spirit in recent months and a really fantastic sense of coming together in the face of adversity. As we start to come move through the recovery phase, the vital question we now face is how do we
re-fire our regional economy? “There’s lots of stimulus packages and technical guidance available to help firms understand how to reopen but if people don’t want to go places and buy things there is a real danger that many of our local businesses simply won’t recover. “We need to try to rebuild consumer confidence and demand, which is the only thing that will get our economy moving again and a strong regional economy is not just important for business owners, it’s vital for all of us. “North East Now seeks to use the power of the collective and make it easy for everyone to play a part”, Russell added. Morven Mackenzie, managing director of Hampton, said: “As a creative agency, we were really keen
to get behind this campaign and use our team’s skills and talents to help shape the ‘North East Now’ message and encourage people to get out there and shop, explore and stay local. Most of us working at Hampton live in the North East and so we want to do whatever we can to make sure our business community remains buoyant. “In bringing together our creativity, marketing knowledge and technical expertise, we can hopefully do our bit to help make a difference. We have such fantastic shops, restaurants, and food and drink producers in our region. What’s not to love. Let’s get out there and support them.” For more, visit northeastnow.scot and follow @northeastnowabz on social media.
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