CLe Programs 8:00-9:30 a.m. Breakfast Presentation o Successful Pre-arranged Bankruptcy Filings: Lessons Learned from GM and Chrysler 9:30-11:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions (4) (please select only one)
o Liquidating Chapter 11s:
New Rules of the Road
o Bankruptcy’s Next Wave:
A Look at the Financial Crisis One Year Later o High-income Individuals: Chapter 11 by and for the People o “Discharge by Declaration” and Other Strategies to Discharge Consumer Debts 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Committee Education Sessions (4) (please select only one)
o Public Companies & Claims Trading
Circuit Splits: Will Recent Decisions on Several Key Issues Result in Forum-shopping? o Investment Banking 2010: A Restructuring Odyssey o Consumer Bankruptcy/Professional Compensation The ABI Consumer Fee Study: The Results of the Pilot Study and Where We Are Going From Here o Legislation Should Congress Reform Bankruptcy Reform? 2:15-3:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions (4) (please select only one)
o Watching Your Stuff: Intellectual Property
and Intangible Assets
o Loan-to-Own: How Lending and Private-equity
Markets Are Changing the Landscape o Recent Issues and Trends in Real Estate Restructurings o Foreclosure Litigation: Defenses and Counterclaims 3:45-5:15 p.m. Committee Education Sessions (5) (please select only one)
o Labor and Employment
Labor Unions in Today’s Bankruptcies
o Business Reorganization/Young & New Members
Fixing Broken Not-for-Profit Entities
o Bankruptcy Litigation/Real Estate
The Real Estate Trinity: Litigation Involving Single-asset Real Estate Cases, Retail Reorganizations and Liquidations o Ethics/Law School It’s a Small, Small World: Inherent Conflicts in Representation of Closely-held Entities and Joint Representation o Health Care Flatliners: A Health Care Filing Checklist
SaturdayDeCember 5 8:00-9:30 a.m. o Breakfast Presentation Sponsored by EPIQ
On a Collision Course: Ponzi Schemes, Bankruptcy, Receiverships and Forfeitures
9:30-11:00 a.m. Committee Education Sessions (5) (please select only one)
o Asset Sales/Secured Credit/Unsecured
Trade Creditors Polaroid and Beyond: Differing Perspectives on What Is the Highest and Best Bid, and Other Selected Sale Issues o Bankruptcy Taxation Where’s My Cash Windfall? Tax Planning Opportunities from Recent Legislation o Court Administration/Alternative Dispute Resolution The Future of Alternative Dispute Resolution: How ADR Can Expedite Efficiency for the Courts and Attorneys o Financial Advisors/Technology & Telecommunications News at 11–Valuing and Restructuring Media Companies o International Global Crisis: An Essential International Update 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions (2) (please select only one)
o Bankruptcy Litigation: Latest Issues
and Defenses
o Internal Investigations: Ethical Challenges
in Managing the Process
FridayDeCember 4
Up to 11.25 hours of CLE credit available, including 2.75 hours of Ethics!
2009 Winter LeaderShip ConFerenCe