BulletBook_WI-ABM-1501 ourVOICE Program online version

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ourVOICE Program Deployment QMS Controlled Document Number: R-WI-ABM-1501-2 Version Number: 1.2

Produced by ABM Learning and Quality Irvine, California For comments or suggestions, send e-mail to: quality@thelincgroup.com R-WI-ABM-1501-2 Version 1.2 12.03.12

Release Date: 12.03.12

Section 1.0 Scope/Purpose

This Quality document is a local or paper based version of a QMS controlled document. It provides an abbreviated version of the released quality document designed for on-site usage when an electronic version may not be conducive to the audience’s lack of access to online resources. To view this document in its entirety, please travel to this link using any internet browser or scan the QR Code below using any mobile device. http://www.abmlq.com/n8dp

Section 1.0 Scope/Purpose

1.2 What are the goals and benefits of ourVOICE? 

The design goal of ourVOICE is to hear the voices of our employees, our most valuable asset, on the many ways they deliver services and value to our Customers and more importantly, to learn from each other. The cultural benefits are tremendous and the Best Practice aggregation opportunity is nearly unlimited. The program’s purpose is to create a conduit for the voice of our employees to be heard and provide social recognition amongst their peers locally and across the enterprise. Aligned to the eight primary ABM services (as seen in Metropolis), we work towards one Unified Workforce and begin the process of blurring the business unit lines.

1.3 What are the objectives of ourVOICE?

1.1 What is ourVOICE? 

 

Using a physical white board, employees in a specific location are requested to submit entries to program challenges by describing their methodology for completing a specific task (as provisioned by our contract) chosen by divisional management and/or location operations staff. The collective voice of the location is heard with submitted content translated into learning and quality content for organizational consumption. Entries are voted on by the peers of participants at the location, division and organizational levels.

What’s in it for our Stakeholders? Differentiate ourselves from our competition, thereby producing organic growth

What’s in it for our Customers? Improve and standardize (or specialize) services delivered to our Customers

What’s in it for the organization? Identify opportunities for improvement in our delivery of services as suggested by the people who make it happen in the field

What’s in it for “me”, the employee, and our collective talent? An opportunity to share learned information for organizational consumption and give our workforce a feeling of appreciation and confidence to be heard; to let them know that they can make a difference

Section 2.0 Procedure

2.1 Program Procedure – how do the program Challenges work using each toolset?

Section 2.0 Procedure

Local manager takes picture of board at week three and sends to specific address (quality check confirming continued use)

Pocket pal holder integrated to pass training data to the site (once complete with the enterprise challenge winner)

Challenge response with the most "likes" wins that month and that persons' name is placed on the local "winners corner" (highlights the last three months winners). Monthly winners receive yet to be determined ABM Bucks compensation

Current month challenge is posted on the first working day of the month for all shifts

Challenge response winning entry is tied to service vertical (as shown on Metropolis)

Employees noodle on the challenge for one week, being encouraged to think and experiment with ideas which will drive productivity

Employees who win challenge responses three times per year receive letters from the Business Unit President and yet to be determined ABM Bucks compensation

Local Toolset: 

 

Challenges are written on the boards in a predetermined location in all site languages (assuming three languages maximum) as dictated by the program challenge determined by management. Note: At this time ad-hoc challenges are not suggested as part of the benefit is to provide direction from leadership without micro management

Employees place their suggestions to the challenge, only nine for any given challenge

Employees vote, using a Facebook like manual "like" function for their favorite challenge response. Please note that it is likely employees will vote for more than one; however, are encouraged to only cast one vote max per challenge response.

Section 2.0 Procedure

Remote Toolset:  ABMLQ Facebook profile is leveraged: https://www.facebook.com/abmlq 

Employees like the LQ application which allows announcements and activity to appear on employees personal walls; however, not vice versa

Site managers/EASI Supporters upload their challenge winners entries to the LQ application running on Facebook using a specific taxonomy

Fourth week of the month, managers upload and "like" challenge responses

Enterprise challenge response winner and highest "liked" content is pulled and verified for eventual entry into learning and quality standards.

Standards based quality and learning is then distributed through impacted organizations

Enterprise winner of challenge response is socially recognized on Facebook ABM wall and added to local collaborative internal tools

Enterprise challenge winner receives letter from Business Unit President and yet to be determined ABM Bucks compensation

Employees which win the Enterprise challenge responses three times per year receive letters from the ABM President and yet to be determined ABM Bucks compensation

Section 3.0 Resources

3.1 Learning Resources The following QR codes can be scanned to view helpful training videos from your smart phone or mobile device. 

Introduction to ourVOICE Program

Receipt and Construction of Board

Section 3.0 Resources

Section 3.0 Resources

3.1 Learning Resources (continued) 

Board Layout and Use

Sequence of Events

Submitting Winner Photos

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