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Project Concept/Charter Document Purpose: The purpose of this document is to identify the business opportunity, scope, audience, approach, and approvers of a new project or initiative. Please note that this is a Print View of this document and is a READ ONLY page. If changes are required, please navigate back to the specific page.
SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION Project or Initiative Number (from scorecards or sequential) Project or Initiative Name
Targeted Learning
Submitted By (Your Name)
Lindsey Percle
Your Business Unit
ABM Faclity Solutions
Your Email Address
Project or Initiative Status
Pending Approval
Type of Project or Initiative
Proposed Executive Sponsor
Greg Lush
SECTION II: CONCEPT Proposed Vision Statement
This is what you need to gain approval to proceed and perhaps more importantly, this will help you complete the upfront analysis and initial organization that sets you off on the right track.
The Targeted Learning Initiative will help to make sure each of our coworkers receive the training and support they need to perform their duties to the very best of their abilities.
Strategic Objective(s) this Project Supports
Refer to the corporate or business unit strategy map; click here to view all maps
Business Opportunity/Description
Clearly articulate the problem that this initiative will solve or the opportunity for improvement.
Objective of this initiative will be a deployment of a company‐wide LMS that focuses on: ➮ Personalized learning ➮ Enhancement of learner engagement and collaboration ➮ Improved retention and organizational growth ➮ Equal accessibility for all, improved outcomes ➮ Creates value and reduces total cost of ownership
This was a combina on of two suggested ini a ves ‐ see info here and here. Risks
What are the business risks of NOT executing this initiative?
Everyone in a company, no matter what their level, wants to know that he or she has the necessary skills and support to complete the tasks they are assigned. Feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt can lead to a drop in productivity and impact overall morale. Project Assumptions
Assumptions that you are operating under, concerning issues such as: available skills and expertise; related business needs that will be filled in some other way. List each assumption.
deployment of a company‐wide LMS
Target Audience (enter as many as applicable)
Who will be impacted (positive and negative) by the outputs or deliverables of this project?
Targeted Learning.xml
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all of ABM
How are you going to communicate with your sponsor, stakeholders, and team members ‐ what reports, meeting, briefing, etc. will keep everyone apprised of your progress?
Proposed Communication Plan
through EASI
Who will manage or maintain the deliverables from this project after it goes "live" or past its stabilization period? How will it be maintained and managed?
Long‐Term Management
Project Approach (click insert item to add more) Phase #
Phase Name
Project Scope (click insert item to add more) IN SCOPE: The following items are specifically in scope for this project: Item #
In Scope
OUT OF SCOPE: The following items are specifically outside the scope of this project: Item #
Out of Scope
Project Timeline
Enter the anticipated duration of this project from start to go‐live; include # of weeks or months; you may also add a link to a Gant chart or Excel file
SECTION III: FINANCIAL AND LABOR RESOURCES The information provided in this section is only a high level estimate of required resources; details will be solicited in a CapEx Form when the project has been approved. Type of Resources Required
List all required internal resources; indicate roles and number in each role that will be needed, e.g.: 1 Project Manager, 3 JDE Analyst, 2 JDE Programmer, 6 Field Billing Specialists, etc. Number Hours Notes Role (click here to update the "Role" drop Required Required down list) Per Role Total Hours Required:
Estimated Cost Calculations for Internal Resources A) Estimated total number of hours required of internal team
0 A X $60 (average hourly burdened cost per employee)
B) Dollar value of internal resource commitment
Total Estimated Financial Commitment for this Project
0 B + E
Entered By
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End of Concept Document