Uw quality manual project work activity

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Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project QMS Control Number: QMS-ABM-0005b Version 1.3 March 2015 Developed by: ABM Learning and Quality

Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω 3.2 Activity, Project (with Smart Market)

Description: The foundation of the UW Queue relies on numerous variables in the decision making process to establish work distribution sequencing (by way of the notification ramp). To date, we use logistical and business variables, including yet not limited to: proximity, confirmation of compliance items, skills, licenses and certifications. These aforementioned variables have served us well as work distribution was focused on individuals. With the initiation of the UW Service Network component companies have been added to the mix. An opportunity has arisen which allows us to add to the logistical and business variables a financial set of variables. The total cost of a transaction must contain the existing and the new elements shown under the requirements. The local labor contractor will have, once the SMART market is deployed, the ability to manipulate their position on the notification ramp by becoming more competitive from a billable rate perspective. You will also notice that the SMART market is introducing an additional type of activity to UW, Project Activity.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω Purpose: Project Activity will allow UW participants to create project teams influenced by financial and social perspectives. UW Project activity naturally is anticipated to distribute activity via the UW hopper or work activity paths; however, it is not required. Functions: Alerts; slip notification

Per diem; calculation logic

Project slip; views; candidates

Billable rate; company and service location

Personality adjustment; individual addition and removal from teams

Qualified candidates

Billable rate; service network company

Points; activity; financial variables

Rates influence on insights

Choice; essential to cultivating exceptional team performance

Points; activity; influencers

Resource scarcity factor

Cost of resource

Points; community

Role selection; project slip; frenzy

Cost of resource; per diem

Points; project

Role; SMART admin

Cost of resource; total

Points; urgency selection

Scarcity factor; resource

Culture driven team selection

Project activity; view distance workers

Search; project slips

Distribution; project slip

Project feedback

Selection; culture driven

Expense per day; calculation logic

Project manager; tools

Share; project slips

Express interest; levels

Project normalization table (PNT)

Team personality adjustments

Export; available resources

Project profile

Tile; launch (project)

Flag; distance worker

Project slip; interaction; candidates

Tile; project factors

Master service; project activity

Project slip interaction; project managers

Tile; project slips

Message; a new project opportunity is available

Project slip; items

Traveler flag; individual

Message; congrats, you have been selected for [projectname]

Project slip; distribution

Urgency selection; points

Message; thank you for your willingness to travel

Project slip; search

Work location; selections

Message; you have not been selected for [projectname]

Project slip; share

Web services; GSA

Notification of slip


Alerts; slip notification Alerts may be sent to your local community (those within your zip range) or to all candidates (which will likely start calculating some additional cost points due to travelers). Alerts will contain; team selection date; anticipated kickoff; anticipated project field complete; anticipated duration


Billable rate; company and service location Pulling the information from the Service Network these costs impact selection criteria and for automated work distribution can serve as one of the massaging variables on the activity points. Manipulating the activity points will have a direct influence on who gets what, when (notification ramp)


Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω 3.

Billable rate; service network company Set as part of the profile within the UW Service network these points can influence both the community and activity points. Those companies falling above the median receive negative points, those below receive positive points (all configurable within the admin portal)


Choice; essential to cultivating exceptional team performance Teams are allowed to form based on several factors, logistics, business, financial, skill. However, what really forms a great team is the ability to folks to work with one another. The project activity candidates can place and extract their names from the candidate listing at any time (and multiple times) during the "team selection" window. This process allows potential team members to work with other compatible resources


Cost of resource Designed to address the fully burdened cost of an individual as a variable in establishing visibility for the project manager is selected the best team


Cost of resource; per diem Contributing to the cost of a resource, these per day fees, are automatically calculated via a web service to the US Government (GSA) per diem standards by zip code


Cost of resource, total Considered as an activity score adjustment if traveler as dictated by office level value. cost per mile (GSA default) and cost per day (GSA per diem). Both of the aforementioned GSA values may be overridden by the office


Culture driven team selection Teams are allowed to form based on several factors, logistics, business, financial, skill. However, what really forms a great team is the ability to folks to work with one another. The project activity candidates can place and extract their names from the candidate listing at any time (and multiple times) during the "team selection" window. This process allows potential team members to work with other compatible resources


Distribution; project slip Project manage initiates the process and UW sends via email, text message and UW message buss (default) depending upon settings in the users profile


Expense per day; calculation logic Contributing to the cost of a resource, these per day fees, are automatically calculated via a web service to the US Government (GSA) per diem standards by zip code


Express interest; levels Possessing the technical "know-how" does not necessarily insure that you will have a successful project with the right mix of humans. Candidates elect to throw their names in the hat for any or all of the project roles (assuming they have the proper qualifications). The process of signing up involves the user selecting an interest level (high, medium, low)


Export; available resources View for available resources by primary service, industry, skill (declared and qualified) may be exported to a .CSV


Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω 13.

Flag; distance worker Configured at the office level a mileage (based on the office zip code) is entered and calculated. Any resource associated with the office that crosses the distance flag threshold will add additional cost elements to their calculations for the SMART market


Master service; project activity The master project activity named "consulting services" leans on the project normalization table to pull specific service types. This process works exactly as the TNT table for work activity


Message; a new project opportunity is available A project slip is saved and within proximity of users' primary zip codes.


Message; congrats, you have been selected for "projectname" Work phased project listing


Message; thank you for your willingness to travel Based on the flag in the admin portal and when the user crosses the "traveler" threshold


Message; you have not been selected for "projectname" Project manager does not elect to move you to work phased


Notification of slip Alerts may be sent to your local community (those within your zip range) or to all candidates (which will likely start calculating some additional cost points due to travelers)


Per diem; calculation logic Contributing to the cost of a resource, these per day fees, are automatically calculated via a web service to the US Government (GSA) per diem standards by zip code


Personality adjustment; individual addition and removal from teams Possessing the technical "know-how" does not necessarily insure that you will have a successful project with the right mix of humans. Candidates elect to throw their names in the hat for any or all of the project roles (assuming they have the proper qualifications. Over the team selection window (generally several days) candidates can return to add or remove their name from the list of candidates for specific project roles.


Points; activity; financial variables x Cost of resource | for all slip candidates their median cost will be established. Those above the median will receive -2% and those below (for this project slip only) will take a +5% activity points adjustment. NOTE: only applied when the distance threshold is exceeded calculated by work activity location and primary zip code of labor resource x



billable rate of resource | for all slip candidates their median rate will be established. Those above the median will receive -10% and those below (for this project slip only and activity points) will take a +25% activity points adjustment

Points; activity; influencers The following variables will be evaluated to calculate project and activity points; x cost of resource (project and activity) x billable rate of resource (project and activity)

Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω x x x

client familiarity index (median) (project) client familiarity (high points) (project) scarcity factors (project)


Points; community x project slip creation | +.05% x project slip association | any number of items associated to the collateral function +.02% x project slip transitioned from active to work phased | +.75% x project urgency select | a user selects the project slips which have been weighted, high (+2%), medium (+1%), or low urgency (+.01%)


Points; project x cost of resource | for all slip candidates their median cost will be established. Those above the median will receive -2% and those below (for this project slip only) will take a +5% activity points adjustment. NOTE: only applied when the distance threshold is exceeded calculated by work activity location and primary zip code of labor resource x billable rate of resource | for all slip candidates their median rate will be established. Those above the median will receive -10% and those below (for this project slip only and activity points) will take a +25% activity points adjustment x Client familiarity index | for all work activity candidates their median familiarity will be established. Those above the median will receive -5% and those above (for this work activity only) will take a +15% activity points adjustment. x Client familiarity index | the candidate with the most client familiarity points will be awarded an additional +15% activity points adjustment x Scarcity factors | Two points engine entries will be required for each level and will be represented as percent increases, very limited = +1% and readily available +.1%


Points; urgency selection Three levels of urgency are available, high, medium, low. While these are very generic they do have an impact on points based on the candidates selection (high priority grabs more points)


Project activity; view distance workers Users may view a list of distance workers by industry, service, skill and State


Project feedback Integrated into the project slip the ability to provide a URL to a feedback blog or discussion thread


Project manager; tools Initiate a project slip and monitor its progress through a series of views. x Active project slips (default) shows those still in progress and those that have not been changed to "work phased". x Work phased slips are those read-only slips of projects underway. In some cases UW Field Work Activity may be used to manage those resources selected during the active team building phases. For those managers with lots of projects a mechanism to disposition multiple active to work phased status is available. Project normalization table (PNT) The output of the project roles (managed at the office level) will be additional services added to the master list and viewed by a deliberate UW service (consulting services). Once the role is selected (pulling from PNT) hours range (top and bottom); payment (top and bottom) are configured



Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω 31.

Project profile One page quick reference slip which shows the fields required to assist candidates in making informed decisions as to throw their hat in the candidate pool. Project profiles yield a project slip and are generated by the project manager role within UW


Project slip; interaction; candidates Candidates may interact with project slips in the following ways: x follow message sent link to project slip x view active slips and request to view details x details for project slips associated to user x express interest for project x view a list of all other candidates for a specific project slip x modify and / or retract express for interest


Project slip; interaction; project managers Project managers are provided with many tools to assemble the optimum teams, some of the adjustments possible: x details the project slip x modifications to the project slip x delete a project role in cases where no user has expressed interest x count of committed candidates x list of candidates and their respective points x move to work phased (locks record)


Project slip; items User may specific the following parameters; x name of project x details | short description x SOW reference x site x urgency | high, medium, low x team selection date x anticipated kick off date x anticipated project completion x project roles | service roles required to complete the project, set in admin portal. Once the role is selected (IE: architect) the following parameters are assigned per role: x location (on-site, remote, majority on-site, majority remote (no travel) x scarcity (very limited, readily available) x hours (min/max) x rate (min/max)


Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω 35.

Project slip; distribution Project manage initiates the process and UW sends via email, text message and UW message buss (default) depending upon settings in the users profile


Project slips; search Using the UW global charm users may search across project slips. Users may specify; name and / or site of the project


Project slips; share Users may share a project slip with other team members leveraging the connection with the ABMLQ.com messaging service (WordPress)


Project slip; views; candidates Exposed via charms the candidates may see; active; committed and work phased projects


Qualified candidates As with other areas within UW, candidates will only see project slips that they are qualified with the proper skill levels


Rates influence on insights SMART market looks at cost of resource and billable rate of resource and responds accordingly with points awards or deducts. How each of these (cost and billable rate) are weighted is configurable within the office profile. Helpful depending upon the market conditions and industry


Resource scarcity factor Identified as resources that are very scarce (subjectively set by their management). Exposed ad offset with points so the project manager can quickly identify those individuals from the other candidates


Role selection; project slip; frenzy Some may sign up for every project so they make sure that their billable percentages are always high. While this may be good for the individual it is not always the best for the organization as it creates false loads. Users may decline project slips; however, will incur a small negative points impact


Role; SMART admin Configurations that impact the logic running within the project activity are adjustable by the project admin, they are: x travel threshold (miles) x cost per day (GSA with override) x cost per mile (GSA with override) x office distance for subcontractors (miles) x billable rate weightage (%) x cost of resource weightage (%) x total cost of resource multiplier


Scarcity factor; resource Identified as resources that are very scarce (subjectively set by their management). Exposed ad offset with points so the project manager can quickly identify those individuals from the other candidates


Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω 45.

Search; project slips Using the UW global charm users may search across project slips. Users may specify; name and / or site of the project


Selection; culture driven Teams are allowed to form based on several factors, logistics, business, financial, skill. However, what really forms a great team is the ability to folks to work with one another. The project activity candidates can place and extract their names from the candidate listing at any time (and multiple times) during the "team selection" window. This process allows potential team members to work with other compatible resources


Share; project slips Users may share a project slip with other team members leveraging the connection with the ABMLQ.com messaging service (WordPress)


Team personality adjustments Possessing the technical "know-how" does not necessarily insure that you will have a successful project with the right mix of humans. Candidates elect to throw their names in the hat for any or all of the project roles (assuming they have the proper qualifications. Over the team selection window (generally several days) candidates can return to add or remove their name from the list of candidates for specific project roles.


Tile; launch (project) x Project managers | total number of project managers in project entity x project participants | running number of user which have used the project slip function x projects | count of all project slip views in all phases (active, committed, work phased)


Tile; project factors x billable rate | percent of time that billable rate fell below the median for users zip codes x familiarity index | percent of time that client familiarity rate fell below the median for user zip codes


Tile; project slips x active | number of active slips for the current user x committed | number of committed slips for the current user x work phased | number of work phased slips for the current user


Traveler flag; individual Adjusted at the office level a value is set which dictates when an individual should be considered a traveler. This is significant as this flag will begin to add travel expenses to the calculations (like distance and per diem costs)


Urgency selection; points Three levels of urgency are available, high, medium, low. While these are very generic they do have an impact on points based on the candidates selection (high priority grabs more points)


Work location; selections Four selections are presented for the project manager when configuring a slip; majority on-site; majority remote (no travel); on-site; remote (no travel)


Web services; GSA Two points of data are pulled from the US Government standards datasets; per diem and cost per mile


Unified Workforce Quality Manual Activity, Project φτυω

The Work Instructions for this component are still being developed, pending the production of the solution in Unified Workforce. Onboarding: WI-ABM-1601 Configuration: WI-ABM-1602 Usage and Adoption: WI-ABM-1603


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