Uw quality manual qmsabm0005 1 5

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Reference Material: 

UW Components Packets

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Video: What is Unified Workforce

UW Success and Benefits Infographics

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Unified Workforce Quality Manual QMS Control Number: QMS-ABM-0005 Version 1.5 - April 2015

All references are available through the ABMLQ product request: http://www.abmlq.com/productrequest

To learn more about ABMLQ and the EASI Community, please visit: http://www.abmlq.com

To view the most current version of this manual online, please visit: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualuw

Developed by: ABM Learning and Quality

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

April 2015 Copyright Š 2015 by ABM 152 Technology Irvine, California 92618 Contact: https://www.abmlq.com/assistance

All Rights Reserved

This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to other physical or electronic form without prior written consent, in writing from ABM.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Contents A. Quality Manual Organization .............................................................................................................................. 4 B.

Revision History ................................................................................................................................................ 4


Maintenance Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 4

Section I: UW Quality Manual ................................................................................................................................... 6 1.0

Unified Workforce Genesis and Goals........................................................................................................... 6


What is Unified Workforce? ..................................................................................................................... 8


Mission and Vision Statements ............................................................................................................... 10


Value Statements ................................................................................................................................. 10


Benefits and Success Keys .................................................................................................................... 12


Features .................................................................................................................................................. 15

SOP-0506 Unified Workforce............................................................................................................................ 16 3.0

UW Components ...................................................................................................................................... 25

3.1 Activity, Dynamic....................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2 Activity, Project (with Smart Market) .......................................................................................................... 52 3.3 Activity, Queue .......................................................................................................................................... 55 3.4 Learning, Dynamic .................................................................................................................................... 83 3.5 Learning, Formal ..................................................................................................................................... 107 3.6 Management, Procurement ...................................................................................................................... 138 3.7 Management, Service Network ................................................................................................................. 161 3.8 Work Activity, Client (E’Service)................................................................................................................ 180 3.9 Work Activity, Field .................................................................................................................................. 202 4.0

UW Elements ......................................................................................................................................... 229


Admin Portal ...................................................................................................................................... 229


Advertising Tile ................................................................................................................................... 234


Integrations ....................................................................................................................................... 235


Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 237


Learning Management Engine ............................................................................................................. 238


Messaging .......................................................................................................................................... 241


Platform ............................................................................................................................................. 242


Private Label ...................................................................................................................................... 245


Queue Activity, Dispatch Delegate ....................................................................................................... 247


UW Standing (Points) ...................................................................................................................... 250


Work Activity, Location Based Services ............................................................................................. 251


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 5.0

Supporting Work Instructions .................................................................................................................. 256

WI-ABM-1102 UW Onboarding General .......................................................................................................... 257 WI-ABM-1103 UW Onboarding Location ......................................................................................................... 264 WI-ABM-1104 UW Onboarding Individual Users .............................................................................................. 273 WI-ABM-1101 UW Device Guidelines .............................................................................................................. 280 WI-ABM-1556 User Status Management ......................................................................................................... 286 WI-ABM-1551 UW Support and Notifications ................................................................................................... 292 WI-ABM-1001 UW Quality Audits ................................................................................................................... 300 Section II: Quality Management System ................................................................................................................. 306 1.0

Management Statement .......................................................................................................................... 306


Quality Management System Introduction ................................................................................................ 307


QMS Guiding Principles ........................................................................................................................... 308


QMS Master Business Process ................................................................................................................. 309


QMS Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 311


Measurement and Verification ................................................................................................................. 313

Section III: Terms and Definitions and Document Links .......................................................................................... 315 1.0

Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 315

Benefits – From Item 1.4.1 ............................................................................................................................ 315 Success Keys - From Item 1.4.2 ..................................................................................................................... 317 2.0

Features - From Item 2.0 .................................................................................................................... 318

UW Components – Functions (From Item 3.0) ................................................................................................ 321 UW Elements ................................................................................................................................................ 350 2.0

Document Links ..................................................................................................................................... 362


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 A.

Quality Manual Organization This manual is designed to help adopters learn about and unleash the power of Unified Workforce through a Quality Management System (QMS), thus enabling each and every participant to contribute in continually improving business practices to consistently turn out products and services that enhance customer value, conform to customer expectations and increase productivity. This manual is also designed to help Unified Workforce Customers, Partners, Prospects, and other interested parties understand our commitment to quality and our fundamental belief that focus on quality results in our ability to continually meet our customer’s expectations with every customer interaction, product and service that we deliver. This manual is organized into three major sections: Section 1 contains the Unified Workforce Quality Management System documents describing the fundamentals and components of UW employ to deliver customer value Section 2 describes the ABM Quality Management System Section 3 contains the definitions and reference links that may assist practitioners in understanding and executing the processes and concepts outlined in this manual


Revision History QMS Manual Revision: Original Publication Date: Revision Date: Revision History Revision Date 1.0 07/01/14 1.1 09/25/14




1.3 1.4 1.5

03/26/15 04/13/15 04/28/15

1.5 Month Day Year April 28, 2015

Description of Change Document creation Renaming of Social Compulsion and Hopper to Field Work Activity and Queue Addition of new components and elements Addition of Section III Reformatted for automatic TOC Review and edit of formatting, minor typographical errors

Revised By Melissa Cipriani Melissa Cipriani Melissa Cipriani Melissa Cipriani Melissa Cipriani Melissa Cipriani

Maintenance Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the owner or author of this manual to maintain this document. All inquiries and revision requests may be submitted to: http://www.abmlq.com/assistance


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Section I Unified Workforce Quality Manual


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Section I: UW Quality Manual 1.0

Unified Workforce Genesis and Goals The service business, regardless of industry or culture, is often defined as "obsequious hoop jumpers compelled to provide consistent delivery amidst a sea of variables". ABM is driven to ensure our workforce always have what they need to exceed our clients’ expectations. Our goal is to evolve the level of service provided from every perspective. The Unified Workforce (UW) activity management system does just that by delivering a compelling, insightful, relevant, and industry shaping solution. UW helps empower clients, employees and partners with context rich applications and smart products to help them know which way to turn in their moments of need. With UW, systems of engagement will fuel business growth and innovation over the next decade. The journey will require some jolting decisions and a sophisticated approach to solution development but it is also inevitable. Our goals or targets are set on some of the following:    

Improve satisfaction, stickiness and trust Serve customers at the lower possible cost and instill in them a self-service habit Increase business productivity and drive cost out of internal processes Create significant new revenue sources from smart products and services

UW – Evolving Blueprint Our “Design for Mobile First” mantra ensures that every business team knows that mobile engagement is not business as usual. Here’s the approach: 

Start by understanding the tasks people do on their mobile devices The goal is to identify the tasks, the context, and the sequence of events in any personal or professional workflow so you can deliver focused functionality to help people get the task done. UW atomizes their experience and delivers tasks that they actually want to accomplish.

Focus on the user experience — not just on the user interface The cornerstone principle is that the interface not only looks pretty, but it also works in a natural and responsive way. In some instances UW needs to address the "casually connected" users, having an environment which works ONLY with an internet connection is not acceptable. The UW community will be governed and contributed to by socially available competition and continuous recognition.

Make informed choices between native and HTML5 or hybrid apps A technology agnostic approach needs to be respected. We cannot let good engagement principles get lost in religious technology debates. The right tool selection charts out the cost, support, and performance tradeoffs between native apps and mobile sites. Sophisticated companies like Time (which publishes Sports Illustrated), and Twitter are using HTML5 and hybrid technologies to deliver great experiences. UW is primarily focused on HTML5; however; the tool choice is based on the business outcomes needed. For example, HTML5 for reach and agility versus native apps for richer user experience.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Adopt rapid-release, Agile development processes Mobile apps fronting systems of engagement are “products” that demand a rapid response to business requirements and feedback. The UW platform as a service (running in the cloud technology MSFT Azure) provides robust and elastic systems, open authentication environments, and flexible live tiles with agent and non-agent based functions to expose dynamic business information in context with the work activity.

Use systems of engagement to create new business offerings Now that the core capability of UW is exposed through a mobile platform, it’s also available to be used in smart products or a new service from the business or a partner. For example, within minutes mobile screens may be personalized to a client, delivering the interface and tiles which are important to our customer. Personalized screens or tiles all provide opportunity for our field personnel to continue to differentiate ABM in the market.

Embrace the open Web as an architecture guidepost One of the many attributes of UW is the ability to leverage the right technology at the right time. For instance, let's say that today we are using an eProcurement system named PO-A. PO-A is plugged into the UW service buss and information is being exchanged between other UW applications leveraging the platform. Next year, we move or add PO-B, no problem, plug PO-B into the UW service buss. The velocity of change which exists today is only going to accelerate, the UW platform is designed from ground up to adapt and embrace

Fund back-end investments The initial multi-million dollar investment for the three year UW cloud based platform is being funded by ABM Corporate for use and exploitation by the business units. Capital investment is one thing; however, what happens with the expense? Operating expense was key from the beginning and a large part of the reason to use a cloud based platform as a service (MSFT Azure). Traditional software for enterprises is determined by client access licensing; however, UW is a utility based licensing model, similar to your home utility: pay for what you consume.

Reface — or re-architect — the middleware UW for many will be a contextual tile based interface collection of agent and non-agent based live tiles. As an example: The new ABM University (live 2013) will leverage the UW platform and route all participants through a set of live tiles to drive contextual awareness of all learning components available. In this way we manage an experience and not an interface focusing on the objective of delivering meaningful learning content (where the University is only one of the cogs in the wheel).

Lead the industry and shift to cloud solutions The mobile shift will accelerate cloud computing and "as-a-service" adoption. The complexity of multiple mobile platforms coupled with the physics of the last mile can kill a mobile experience. Cloud solutions are designed from the ground up to deliver a task-oriented mobile experience on every popular device over any network. Our work, which started in 2012, will place us years ahead of the competition who are still myopically focused on "work order" or other single function, isolated applications.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Manage the ecosystem of mobile partners and channels The rate of innovation coupled with the complexity of the platforms and delivery dictate that firms must corral a stable of solution providers. It’s certainly right up our alley as we preach and prove the effectiveness of outsourcing activities which are outside of your core competencies. Our UW framework is deliberately architected to allow multiple partners to provide solutions leveraging industry development standards. Example: UW2013 will be using four partners working in harmony to deliver the solution set. 1.1 What is Unified Workforce? Unified Workforce (UW) is a middleware product that provides users with contextual insight and promotes collective intelligence. Three primary roles consume and contribute to UW:   

Client Worker Field Worker Office Worker

Leveraging a pure cloud based PAAS model (platform as a service), UW flips upside down work activity delivery mechanisms found in traditional work order and knowledge management systems. A socially governed user environment designed to match work activity with labor resources blurs the lines between employee based and local labor based resources allowing unfettered delivery of service that span urban, suburban, and rural service regions. Providing what the user needs BEFORE they know they need it is simplified by the elegant manner in which UW optimizes the use of the foundational service buss and metadata management components. UW is NOT a work order system, financial system or relationship management system. UW IS a holistic framework that optimizes contextual service information to its participants thus sharply increasing productivity and amplifying field level esprit de corps. There are several functions that comprise the Unified Workforce activity management system, all of which can work hand-in-hand to increase productivity. They are categorized into two areas, based on their usability and practical application: 

Components – the primary work activity or activity solutions within UW that work hand-in-hand to deliver the robust features that allow UW members to fulfill their duties and, for field and office workers, serve their clients’ needs. See Item 3.0 in this section for more information on each of these components including a set of Work Instructions that define the onboarding, configuration and usage/adoption of each. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Activity, Dynamic Activity, Project (Smart Market) Activity, Queue Learning, Dynamic Learning, Formal Management, Procurement Management, Service Network Work Activity, Client Work Activity, Field

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Elements – a combination of supplemental and integral features within UW; supplemental items offer members an opportunity to use UW as a gap-filler for tools that currently are not at their disposal, and integral items that provide the administrative and deployment tools for the implementation of UW. See Item 3.0 in this section for more information on each of these elements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Admin Portal Advertising Tile Integrations Interface Messaging Platform Private Label Queue Activity, Dispatch Delegate Queue Activity, Learning Management Engine UW Points Work Activity, Location Based Services

Each component and element is defined in this Section, item 5.0 and referenced in separate Work Instructions. UW Business Model The image below provides a high level depiction of the UW business model and how the contextual activity platform bridges all the components of work activity delivery mechanisms, all in an effort to meet multiple objectives from several perspectives.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 1.2

Mission and Vision Statements

The overarching Mission of an organization provides the starting point by defining why the organization exists or how a business unit fits within a broader corporate architecture. The organization’s Vision helps individuals understand why and how they should support the organization. In addition, the Vision sets the organization in motion, from the stability of the Mission and core values to the dynamics of strategy, the next step in the continuum. Mission and Vision statements set the general goals and direction for the organization. They help shareholders, customers, employees and partners understand what the company is about and what it intends to achieve. Although Unified Workforce is not an organization, it is an enabling platform designed to help organizations meet their service delivery objectives. As an innovative solution that works to revolutionize the service delivery industry, a set of Mission and Vision statements was necessary to provide clarity of its objectives, direction and intentions to its potential end users and consumers. These statements can be used in any communication vehicle to create awareness. Mission Statement (Why We Exist):

Unified Workforce enables consistent delivery amidst critical variables by providing a holistic platform that optimizes service provision and radically innovates the workforce performance model. Vision Statement (What We Want To Be):

Revolutionizing the service performance model by embracing a peer governed meritocracy.

1.3 Value Statements The use and adoption of Unified Workforce will help an organization realize these value statements in the interest of serving clients. These statements drove the design and will drive the daily use of UW in an effort to continually challenge an organization to do the right thing and do things the right way. The right thing can mean different things in different contexts; however, in the area of service delivery, the right thing is the provision of services that exceed clients’ expectations and give them the most value. These value statements are the differentiators that set UW apart and will help innovate the workforce performance model. 


Empowered Interaction | Choice Drives Excellence The quickest way to insure motivation and maximum service output is to enlist the "freedom of choice". Service, in all industries, is an art and the canvas is expressed in the way that an individual approaches an issue and the perception of expertise a client has with that individual. Organizations

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 dealing with work activities understand that the perception of their company is all about the experience; those touch points are with the dispatchers and service workers. Seeming to do is not doing, just like freedom of choice without guidance is likely producing lack luster results. As the emerging generation (~80mil) of workers, commonly referred to as GenY, replace the current workforce it is critical that we adapt to their demonstrated behaviors which generally tend to be:     


Transient = UW learning formal and dynamic Seek social approval = UW Queue and UW points engine Corporate climbers = UW learning formal and dynamic Choice | UW Queue = UW points engine, UW field work activity Instant gratification and feedback = UW field work activity and UW points engine

Perpetual Perspective | Culturally Influenced Superior Performance Service is about fine tuning and adapting to ever changing field conditions and pertinent information. The motivation to share organizational knowledge is directly related to our ability to create an environment which promotes trust and experimentation without fear of judgment. A forum where you may contribute and consume relevant and pragmatic data tied directly to the ability to service your client. UW ties contribution of perspective directly to the field workers amount of choice. The more one contributes and consumes perspective, points are awarded which allows for more immediate access to new work activity (not to mention the social competition around having the most community points). Provide perspective at the point of performance leveraging contextual and community based intuition and you will create a culture of performance as opposed to a culture of task masters.

Qualified Not Merely Quantified | Eco-system of Resources Benefit: For years, whether the client contracting with the primary service contractor or the primary service contractor subbing work to another service contractor, we have never been able to provide the client with the confidence that they are receiving the best resource for their request. Instead the service contractor has always been in the power position, sending whom they see is best. As work activity is distributed logistical, business, skills and client variables are applied to filter the resources down to the perfect candidate pool. Priority notifications are adjusted based on the resources community and activity standing enabling the best resources to receive the best opportunity. A perfect meritocracy is established paving the way for peer balanced performance and visibility to determine the value of their human capital assets.

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

1.4 Benefits and Success Keys The use and adoption of UW can be driven by many motivators based on industry, economy, revenue, workforce size, etc. At a minimum and as derivatives of the value statements listed above, these are the keys to realizing Success and the Benefits that come from leveraging UW. These keys are organized according to the area of the business where each may be realized, namely:       

Client Learning Local Labor (subcontractors, partners) Office (back-office, administrative) Operations Sales Work Activity

a) Benefits

Table 1: UW Benefits Keys

See Benefits – From Item 1.4.1 for the definition of each of the Benefits listed in the table above.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 b) Success Keys

Table 2: UW Success Keys

See Success Keys - From Item 1.4.2 for the definitions of each of the Success Keys listed in the table above.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Section I Item 2.0 Unified Workforce Features


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 2.0

Features The features of Unified Workforce define how the platform works to provide a work activity system that engages each user to look at the service delivery mechanism with an innovative and merit-based approach to meeting the client’s needs.

Table 3: UW Features

See 2.0 Features - From Item 2.0 for the definitions of each of the Features listed in the table above.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 SOP-0506 Unified Workforce


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Section I Item 3.0 Unified Workforce Components


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.0

UW Components This section of the Unified Workforce Quality Manual provides an explanation of the main components of UW. The contents of this section are organized as follows:     

Component Name Description Purpose Functions Work Instructions – there are three (or more where applicable) WI’s for each component, defining these three processes (at a minimum) that are integral to the use of UW: o Onboarding o Configuration o Usage and Adoption

Each component section is also available as a packet via this link: http://www.abmlq.com/uwcomponents


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.1 Activity, Dynamic

Description: Through Dynamic Work Activity (UWDA), Unified Workforce (UW) provides a native work activity interaction for field labor resources when the use of a work order management system is unavailable or not an option. The device and operating system agnostic tool allows office and field personnel to perform the same basic functions that are available in Field Work Activity (FWA) or UW Queue (UWQ), with or without the integration of an external work order management system. Purpose: The use of Field Work Activity typically requires the use of a work order management system, including those that are externally available or already in use by the location. In cases where one does not already exist or is not an option, UWDA can be leveraged within UW in lieu of the WOM system. Specifically, UWDA can be used for the following reasons if the location does not already use a WOM system:    

Scheduled Work Activity – if location needs to generate work orders for scheduled work like preventive maintenance Unscheduled Work Activity – if location needs to generate service or repair work orders Peak Labor Management – if location needs to be able to generate multiple copies of work orders to easily schedule manpower and manage peak labor requirements Initial foray into UW – for those who want to give UW a try in managing work activities for both their internal workforce and subcontractors

Regardless of the motivation, the combination of features and functions that can be leveraged once in UW will provide any operating location with a set of tools for managing their work activities.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Functions: See 3.1 Activity, Dynamic – From Item 3.1 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Dynamic Activity: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualdwa

Activity; peak

Field workers; qualified (community and individual)

Activity; projects

Messaging | consider the community

Activity; queue | encouragement

Messaging | UWDA <48h reminder

Activity; sales

Tile; dynamic activity

Activity; peak load

Tile; dynamic stats

Broadcast activity


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1119 Dynamic Activity Onboarding


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1120 Dynamic Activity Configuration


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1121 Dynamic Activity Usage and Adoption


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.2 Activity, Project (with Smart Market)

Description: The foundation of the UW Queue relies on numerous variables in the decision making process to establish work distribution sequencing (by way of the notification ramp). To date, we use logistical and business variables, including yet not limited to: proximity, confirmation of compliance items, skills, licenses and certifications. These aforementioned variables have served us well as work distribution was focused on individuals. With the initiation of the UW Service Network component companies have been added to the mix. An opportunity has arisen which allows us to add to the logistical and business variables, a financial set of variables. The total cost of a transaction must contain existing and new elements shown under the requirements. The local labor contractor will have, once the SMART market is deployed, the ability to manipulate their position on the notification ramp by becoming more competitive from a billable rate perspective. You will also notice that the SMART Market is introducing an additional type of activity to UW, Project Activity.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Purpose: Project Activity will allow UW participants to create project teams influenced by financial and social perspectives. UW Project Activity naturally is anticipated to distribute activity via the UW Queue or work activity paths; however, it is not required. Functions: See 3.2 Activity, Project (with Smart Market) - From Item 3.2 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Project Activity: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualpwa Alerts; slip notification

Per diem; calculation logic

Project slip; views; candidates

Billable rate; company and service location

Personality adjustment; individual addition and removal from teams

Qualified candidates

Billable rate; service network company

Points; activity; financial variables

Rates influence on insights

Choice; essential to cultivating exceptional team performance

Points; activity; influencers

Resource scarcity factor

Cost of resource

Points; community

Role selection; project slip; frenzy

Cost of resource; per diem

Points; project

Role; SMART admin

Cost of resource; total

Points; urgency selection

Scarcity factor; resource

Culture driven team selection

Project activity; view distance workers

Search; project slips

Distribution; project slip

Project feedback

Selection; culture driven

Expense per day; calculation logic

Project manager; tools

Share; project slips

Express interest; levels

Project normalization table (PNT)

Team personality adjustments

Export; available resources

Project profile

Tile; launch (project)

Flag; distance worker

Project slip; interaction; candidates

Tile; project factors

Master service; project activity

Project slip interaction; project managers

Tile; project slips

Message; a new project opportunity is available

Project slip; items

Traveler flag; individual

Message; congrats, you have been selected for [projectname]

Project slip; distribution

Urgency selection; points

Message; thank you for your willingness to travel

Project slip; search

Work location; selections

Message; you have not been selected for [projectname]

Project slip; share

Web services; GSA

Notification of slip


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 The Work Instructions for Activity Project are still in development pending the production of the solution in UW. UW Activity Project Onboarding: WI-ABM-1601 UW Activity Project Configuration: WI-ABM-1602 UW Activity Project Usage and Adoption: WI-ABM-1603


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.3 Activity, Queue

Description: Work activity based Queue where notifications to participating UW members are prioritized based on qualifications, proximity and community standing. All activities are ranked and managed based on filters and points. Those with the best traits are notified first and all others incrementally notified at greater durations from the initial field notification. Thus, the best field based UW members will receive the best work activity opportunities and those further down the notification sequence will be motivated to improve their community standing. Purpose: Modify the dispatch process from a subjective “push” model to a community governed objective “pull” model. Dispatch interacts with the undesirable activities (those not picked up by AL or NAL resources) Functions: See 3.3 Activity, Queue - From Item 3.3 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Activity, Queue: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualqa


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Activity list and calendar views

Event based surge staffing (typically through Dynamic Activity)

Priority based, auto escalation loop

Alert distribution, email

Filtering, business rules enforcement

Random rounds management

Alert distribution, SMS (text)

Filtering, proximity based

“Recycled” alerts and notifications

Algorithm based worker selection

Filtering, skill based

“Recycled” queue activity logic

“Available” priority based ramp

Queue activity summary view (by office)

Shuffle, client priority modification

Charm based expandable application

Integrated search function

SMS (text) based Queue activity interaction

“Committed” alerts and notifications

Office configurable effort and pay banding

System based, objective, work distribution

“Committed” time/day conflict resolution

Office configurable NAL handicap

“Undesirable” alerts and notification

Community standing, induction leveling

Office configurable show pay at “pickup”

“Undesirable” queue activity logic

Compelled collaboration

Office configurable proximity

UW Standing inputs, 56 See all inputs at:


Continuous quality loops

Peer governed society

Work activity alerts and notifications

Dispatch variant, pull

Performance to opportunity balance (standing)

Work activity summary view (by office)

Dispatch variant, shuffle

“Pickup” alerts and notifications

Work activity type matching, personal protective equipment

Dispatcher-less work activity distribution

“Pickup” by others immediate feedback

Work activity type matching, proximity

Dynamic work type actual pay calculations

“Pickup” selection, effort and pay (optional)

Work activity type matching, skill level

Dynamic work type actual time calculations

Priority based, client manipulation

Work activity type matching, tools


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1105 Activity Queue Onboarding


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1110 Activity Queue Configuration


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1107 Activity Queue Usage and Adoption


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.4 Learning, Dynamic

The ability to produce and share dynamic learning content to different types of audiences can be a powerful tool in the education and growth of an organization. Unified Workforce (UW) provides this ability through one of its components known as Learning Dynamic or Contextual Learning. Within UW, there are two types of Learning methods, Dynamic and Formal. Formal Learning is delivered via a Learning Management System or a Corporate University known as The Learning Spot (TLS), while Dynamic Learning is delivered via Contextual Learning. Dynamic Learning motivates UW users to contribute practical learning content related to a site or across the UW community, associating rich media (images, video, and audio) to field assets and providing the ability to discuss asset specific content, a path to a perpetual learning environment. Content may be accessed via a work activity or tile from within UW.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Description: Rich media visual reference (photo, video, audio) available when the field employee opens the activity in Work Activity-Field or Work Activity-Client (before, during or after the work activity). Other platforms that offer Dynamic Learning, in addition to Contextual Learning are:  Metropolis: Address the “what we do” and “why we do it” raw perspective from field employees centered around our verticals (16) and services (8)  MTube: Streaming media and audio content consumed and contributed by ABM and Non ABM resources Purpose: Focuses on bringing collective intelligence and contextual insight to the field worker as related to the work activity. Our ability to share what has happened and is happening with assets in the field (site equipment or tools) will provide a leg-up to UW members. Functions: See 3.4 Learning, Dynamic – From Item 3.4 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Dynamic Learning: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualcl

Contextual learning client work activity charm based launch Contextual learning field work activity charm based launch Contextual learning UW tile based launch

Featured content management by site Individual media asset work activity automatic discussion contribution Individual media asset user discussion contribution and consumption Integrated search function

Peer ranked media

Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases – vignettes

Integrated share function

UW standing inputs, 9 See all inputs at:

Enterprise based learning content

Media contribution approve/reject workflow

Device agnostic media capture

Featured content management by enterprise


Site contributed learning content Usage metrics, individual Usage metrics, office


“View count” organized list

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1508 Dynamic Learning Onboarding


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1510 Dynamic Learning Configuration


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1509 Dynamic Learning Usage and Adoption


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.5 Learning, Formal

Description: The Learning Spot (TLS), our new ABM Corporate University is a cloud-based, multi-language learning management solution that manages all aspects of learning across ABM. The organizational learning and growth of employees are areas of utmost importance at ABM. Access to a robust curricula and transparent tracking of training gives employees an opportunity for growth and visibility to compliance by management. TLS gives employees access to learning content in a curricula that fits their service, industry and level of proficiency.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Purpose:  Content management (media, presentations, assessments, etc.)  Courses (collections of content)  Curricula (collection of courses commonly aligned to roles)  Transcript management (learning records for each participant)  Integration point for all third party content (leveraging the content in The Learning Spot while maintaining existing relationship and providing single sign on. IE: Summit safety, PSTN (Security), etc.) Functions: See 3.5 Learning, Formal - From Item 3.5 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Formal Learning: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualtls

Assessment feedback loop Assessment selection automated workflow (UW Queue) Competitive framework, local labor Competitive framework, peer to peer


Competitive framework, supplier (materials) Dynamic BI, individual learning performance Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases – vignettes Dynamic BI, team learning performance

Skill level calculations engine The Learning Spot alerts and notifications The Learning Spot content access matrix (primary, pre, post) UW standing inputs, 30 (learning engine) – see all inputs: http://www.abmlq.com/uwpoints

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WI-ABM-1515 TLS SCORM Files Management


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.6 Management, Procurement

Description: Procurement Management gives the ability to procure and account for materials while working within UW field work activities. Under the hood, a PO Proxy has been built to allow multiple purchasing systems the ability to integrate with the UW platform. Purpose: From Field Work Activity and while in a work order, a worker can view all vendors in the area using geo coded locations in Bing Maps. The decision of picking which vendor to use can be made simple based on their standing, the ranking of which is evident through color coded indicators. Functions: See 3.6 Management, Procurement - From Item 3.6 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Procurement: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualprocurement Color coded supplier map ranking

Purchasing summary view (by office)

Compelled collaboration

Supplier groups/forums engagement

Competitive framework, supplier

Supplier ranking (cost, proximity, standing)

Dynamic BI, procurement activity intelligence (individual)

UW standing inputs, 39 (PO management)

Dynamic BI, procurement activity intelligence (team)



Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

WI-ABM-1116 Procurement Management Onboarding


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1117 Procurement Management Configuration


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.7 Management, Service Network

Description: Service Network (ABMSN) is the comprehensive collection of all on demand service providers that perform, or could potentially perform, facility-related services for clients under an ABM contract. In general, SN introduces an organization to the service declared layer of UW. The on demand service providers (currently known as local labor within UW) will be managed within UW at three levels: declared service (bronze); validated service (silver); purchasing participant (gold). The latest version of UW (9.3) has the mechanisms in place for silver and gold; however, the bronze "declared and un-validated" level will be new. Purpose: ABMSN will manage all, non-invoicing-billing aspects of business interaction between ABM business areas and sub-contractors. For additional details, please see the high level business requirements: http://sdrv.ms/LX6xZ4


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Functions: See 3.7 Management, Service Network - From Item 3.7 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Service Network: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualsn


Search; complex queries

Collateral; workflow

Messaging; annual subscription processed Messaging; annual subscription NOT processed Messaging; promotion

Competitive framework

Messaging; subscription

Service network; qualified

Competitive framework, local labor

Sorting; page

Components, ABMSN

Messaging; subscription renewal in 30 days Onboard; company

Contractor ranking; objective

Onboard; human verification

Declaration; services

Onboard; service location

Forms; teaser text

Points; contractor ranking

Subscription management; fee collection Subscription management; price adjust

Individual certification, check and balance Legal disclaimers

Profile; company

Thumbnails; company

Profile; service location

Thumbnails; service location

Levels; ABMSN

Role; ABM employee

Messaging; ABMSN support

Role; business admin

Unified Workforce; integration; locations Unified Workforce; integration; users

Messaging; ABMSN welcomes you

Role; client manager

Unified Workforce; user management

Collateral; management

Messaging; announcements


Search; simple Service network; certified

Subscription management; approval routing Subscription management; billing cycle

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1112 Service Network Management Onboarding


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1124 Service Network Management Configuration


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.8 Work Activity, Client (E’Service)

Description: One point of perspective for our office and client, UW participants aggregating work activity from numerous transactional or work order management systems. Purpose: “Where is my tech” is the fundamental question addressed with E’Service -- a simplified tool that allows users to view current, past and present work activities for their site locations or office crews. Functions: See 3.8 Work Activity, Client (E’Service) - From Item 3.8 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Client Work Activity: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualcwa


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Client role interface for all WOM

Profile set primary zip filtering

Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases – vignettes

Profile set top ten zip filtering (portfolio)

Historical work activity access

Real time work activity status

Integrated search function

Tile clustering, contextual insight

Office role interface for all WOM

Work request creation


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1113 Client Work Activity Onboarding


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1114 Client Work Activity Configuration


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1115 Client Work Activity Usage and Adoption


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.9 Work Activity, Field

Description: Field Work Activity (FWA) provides interaction for field labor resources with transactional WOM system(s). This device and operating system agnostic tool allows field personnel to check in and out of work activity, see related activity data, check into equipment, list materials, locate location based subject matter experts and compete for four overall social awards (efficient, effective, equipped and overall). Purpose: Simplified interface which will allow many locations still strapped to paper based mobile solutions to engage in UW and Social Dispatch. Collective intelligence, friendly competition to compel productive behavior and the ability to leverage face-2-face and digitally based contextual insight are some of the main reasons for FWA.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Functions: See 3.9 Work Activity, Field - From Item 3.9 of this manual for the definition of each function listed below. Visit this link to view a separate packet that includes information specific to Field Work Activity: http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualfwa Behavioral modification

Field role interface for all WOM

Profile set primary zip filtering

Check in, check out

Field selected work activity (UW Queue)

Profile set top ten zip filtering (portfolio)

Color coded work list

Historical work activity access

Subcontractor management (local labor)

Competitive framework, local labor

Immediate awards leader feedback

Tasks, equipment

Competitive framework, peer to peer

Integrated contextual learning

Tasks, work activity

Continuous learning loops

Integrated materials procurement

UW contextual learning

Continuous quality loops

Journal based, multi-thread notes

UW standing inputs *

Dynamic BI, Metropolis Cases – vignettes

Local labor management (subs)

Work activity, auto check out

Dynamic BI, productivity awareness real time

Location defined behavioral parameters

Work activity, company assignment

Dynamic BI, personal work performance

Offline work activity

Work activity, field generated

Dynamic BI, team work performance

Office assigned work activity

Work activity, individual assignment

Dynamic crew status

One click activity entry from work list

Work activity, multi-user simultaneous engagement

Dynamic SME

Optimized activity status types

Work activity, offline

Equipment (assets)

Productivity based awards, equipment, allotted vs used, incomplete activities

Work activity type to SME

Expandable charm based user interface

Productivity based awards pay period auto reset

Work activity, user presence



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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1109 Field Work Activity Usage and Adoption


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Section I Item 4.0 Unified Workforce Elements


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UW Elements


Admin Portal

The development and production of any technological platform or system starts with a requirements document. From there, a team of highly qualified people come together to build a solution that meets the provisions of the requirements document. Once the solution is delivered to the client, and after several iterations of testing and acceptance, the solution can go live. What about the long-term administration and maintenance of the solution? Continuing support from the developers can be solicited as needed throughout the life of the delivered solution. However, it would be beneficial in financial and practical terms if the solution can somehow be managed autonomously by the developer’s client, the actual end users. In the case of UW, that’s exactly what the Admin Portal provides: the ability to manage the rules, configurations and settings of UW without the need of engaging a developer to apply complex codes. It is the command center of UW where points of configuration for the UW platform are managed, adjusted and displayed in a userfriendly interface. In the Admin Portal, the following sections exist that allow authorized users to make required adjustments in the course of deploying, managing and maintaining UW.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Each section has a menu of items to choose from where adjustments can be made as required. Please consult 4.4 Interface - From Item 4.4 of this manual for the definitions of each. Click here (http://www.abmlq.com/uwadminportal) to watch a short video on the Admin Portal. 

User Interface o Charm Functionality o Charm o Charm Bar o Live Functionality o Tile Type o Tile o Screen o Jump Bar o Notification Code o UW Message

Logical Entities o TNT o Certification o Certificate of Insurance (COI) o License o Service Tools o Specialized PPE o CNT o Union o Service o Industry o Language o Country o State o Proficiency o Proficiency Level o ANT

Internal Application o Application Configuration o Social Compulsion [Field Work Activity] o Social Dispatch [Queue] o Social Standing [Points] o Eservice [Client Work Activity] o Contextual Learning [Dynamic Learning] o Learning Engine [Formal Learning] o Advertising Messages o UW Geo [Location Based Services]


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

External Application Configuration of third-party solution for integration into UW; currently includes: o VenU – Corporate University o abmlq.com o GEP

Work Order Management (WOM) o Configuration o TNT

Purchase Order Management (POM) o POM Configuration o GEP Vendor Profile o POM Configuration Attribute o NOC Attribute Mapping

Organizational Hierarchy o Configuration o Corporation o Business Type o Market o Office o Location

Customer o Client Configuration

Role o

Role Configuration

User o

User Configuration

 

Email Template o Email Template Configuration

Platform o UW Platform Landing Configuration

Admin o Admin User Configuration


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 General Configuration The successful and effective use of UW starts with a comprehensive onboarding and configuration process. The configuration of specific user fields, settings, and rules in the UW Admin Portal before a set of users or a specific location begins their use of UW is a critical step to ensuring the complex algorithm that enables the various UW components, their features and functions are in place. This section will define the configuration process from an initial use perspective and from each component listed in Section I, Item 3.0 of this manual. Initial Use Configuration: Before any users can begin using UW, there are organizational configuration settings that must be defined in the Admin Portal. It is highly recommended that representatives from different facets of the organization are asked to participate in the discussion and come to an agreement when defining these parameters, including those from operations, marketing/branding, human resources, accounting and training. Once the options for each setting have been defined and associated to a multitude of users and activity records, it will be difficult to make any changes. The following sections of the UW Admin Portal must be configured at initial use: a. Organizational Hierarchy b. User Interface c. Logical Entities d. Points Engine Organizational Hierarchy:


e. Primary Roles f. Batch Default Password g. Onboarding Elements (individual) h. Onboarding Elements (company/local labor)

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 The following organizational hierarchies must be defined and configured in the UW Admin Portal to properly associate each user and filter the user experience accordingly. These items appear as fields in the user registration form that captures each user’s profile or in the batch import file when larger groups of users need to be onboarded. 

Corporation This is the primary company affiliation ABM Entries: ABM

Business Type Division or business hierarchy ABM Entries: On Site; Mobile

Market The company’s market assignations; in ABM’s case, markets are defined in terms of super regions as dictated by financial coding. ABM Entries: Midwest; Northeast; South Central; West

Office The ABM name of office as defined in the HRIS or payroll system. This is the office to which the employee is associated but not necessarily where work is performed. ABM Entries: Generated from data that exists in JDE or whatever system the division uses.

Location This is the site or location where actual services are delivered or provided. ABM Entries: Generated from data that exists in JDE or whatever system the division uses.

Go to this link to learn more about the UW Admin Portal: http://www.abmlq.com/uwadminportal


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.2

Advertising Tile

The ability to reach a captive audience for the delivery of information that is specific to their location (office, site) or timely messages for immediate consumption is an important element in the use of UW. The Advertising Tile in UW provides that and more. This list of its functions defines the different applications of the Advertising Tile in UW: 1.

Advertising message Text based information is displayed via a tile which may be placed on one-to-many screens within UW


Enable or disable messaging A master list which allows the messages to be turned off or on; very helpful for organizations to build a consolidated list and display those important for a specific time period


Ordinal position management What message appears first, second, etc. Tracks what each user sees so when they return to the screen they always receive the full collection of messages over time


Site specific messaging By default, messages appear on the tile to all offices, sites and associated UW users. Site specific messaging allows the admin to focus very specific messaging as related to a site


Dynamic intelligence; advertising tile One tile with data feeds are configured to pull the latest intelligence from the advertising element, they are:  Site level | message count showing items flagged for their office  Enterprise | message count showing items flagged for the enterprise  Reaching | counts of all UW users including ABMSN users


Message; check out the new advertising message Sends off when a new message has been added to the listing


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.3

Integrations With respect to Integrations, UW is architected with these design principles:  Abstraction layers – provides for easier mapping of data as well as an opportunity to inject specific business logic.  Loosely-coupled systems – among other benefits, this allows the users to continue working in the likely event that one system goes down however infrequently.  UW Proxies – wherever it makes sense, that is you foresee the likelihood of integrating to similar types of applications, use a proxy to speed implementation and allow for aggregating of data and ease integration with future systems. The following lists enumerate active or in-progress Integrations within UW:                 

ABMLQ (Wordpress) ABMSN Azure – and the MSFT development stack Bing – mapping API, traffic GeoNames – Lat/Long/Zip code resolution Google – simple analytics Metropolis Paypal (ABMSN) SendGrid – email SOLR/Lucene – used for search in some components Telerik – Visual Studio UI controls The Learning Spot (Venu) Twilio – SMS UserVoice Vimeo – Media hosting World Weather online - weather Wunderground – Disaster info

Work Order Management  Corrigo Cloud  Dynamic Activity (UW Native)  Maximo 6.2 (LFS)  Maximo 7.5 (LGS) Authentication Providers  Azure AD  Azure ADFS (oneabm)  Facebook (depricated)  Google  MSFT LIVE  Yahoo


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Integration Analysis Exercise Implementing a bi-directional integration with a modern work order management system is a relatively straight forward exercise consisting of these general steps:  An analysis of the target system is performed as to workflows, status updates, DB Schema and exposed API’s is performed along with a field/status mapping exercise.  If Labor and/or Materials support is required, extended analysis is done as well.  A normalization exercise is performed to resolve nature’s of call with UW TNT table.  If SSO is a component and additional analysis is performed where we examine user and organizational entities, SSO implementation and user/organization sync. Once the integration is understood we build use cases and scenarios that drive any required development and/or configuration.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.4 Interface The interface is the initial and continuing contact a user has with a solution or system. The user experience relies heavily on the interface and the ease with which the solution is navigated and more importantly, the personalization of the information that is displayed and consumed. The image below provides a glimpse into the UW interface and how it can tailor the user experience to the Client he serves, the Industry he represents, the Skills he possess, the Proficiencies he attained, the Locations he visits, etc. Listed below the image are the attributes of the UW interface, all of which provide a user-friendly and personalized user experience.

See 4.4

Interface - From Item 4.4 of this manual for the definitions of each interface attribute listed

below. 3x3 grid level three

Outline mode

Tile, dynamic

Agnostic device and browser (HTML5)

Peek-a-boo tile and charm logic

Tile template

Background external configuration (global) Centralized tile element configuration

QR code nested tile capability

Update screen, data grouping Update screen, return-run options

Charms, global, subordinate, functional

Single click access to commonly used functions Tile clustering, contextual insight

Dynamically sized commonly used tiles

Tile, agent based

Zone based horizontally swipe enabled

Enterprise sized commonly used tile manipulation


User interface template

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.5 Learning Management Engine The use of a Learning Management System (LMS) in UW requires the integration of a learning management engine provider. At ABM, the LMS engine provider for The Learning Spot (TLS) is VenU; it is integrated with Unified Workforce to provide single-sign on access and the many learning activity features that come with UW. The initial implementation of UW will require the decision to retain VenU as the LMS engine or any other similar providers. Click here to view the LMS Research Document that determined the use of VenU as the ABM engine provider, or go to this link: http://www.abmlq.com/wiabm1514a In order to use TLS in UW, the connection or integration of the VenU LMS engine must be implemented. The steps in this process are executed in the UW Admin Portal, specifically in the following areas: UW Admin Portal | Internal Application | Learning Engine       

Dynamic Workflow Proficiency Rules Learning Matrix Assessments Pre-Post Course Activities Proficiency Level Range Retry Settings Running Internal Workflow View

To view the detailed steps in implementing the integration or connection of the LMS engine to UW, please click here or go to this link: http://www.abmlq.com/wiabm1514b The following is a comprehensive list of all the functions of the Learning Management Engine: 1.

Assessment feedback loop Results based on required passing levels on assessments are routed back to the user advising them if they passed, need to retake, or consider trying an assessment at a lower level (applies to Expert and Proficient levels).


Assessment selection automated workflow (UW Queue) During the on boarding process a new user makes a "declaration" of industry - service - skill level choice. It is likely, and expected, that users will have numerous industry - service - skill combinations. The learning engine sees these as assessment requests and automatically routes an alert(s) (via the UW message buss) to the user to take their qualifying assessment.


Competitive framework, local labor Skill qualification (see assessment selection) falls into three major categories (fundamental, proficient, expert) and ten levels (i.e. proficient level five). As described in the UW Queue, these levels are associated to work types and determine if a company is a candidate or not for the work in the hopper. The current levels of companies are displayed for all to see.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Competitive framework, peer to peer Skill qualification (see assessment selection) falls into three major categories (fundamental, proficient, expert) and ten levels (IE proficient level five). As described in the UW Queue work activity these levels are associated to work types and determine if a company is a candidate or not for the work in the queue. The current levels of individuals are displayed for all to see.


Competitive framework, supplier (materials) As with the competitive frameworks for local labor and peer to peer the suppliers are assessed in the same manner. However, the impact for a supplier is considerably different. As the procurement system provides the possible suppliers for material requests they pass over to UW where they are combined with the suppliers community score (standing). The result produces a "good-fair-poor" ranking for the field user to choose. Good provides positive field user points, poor provides negative field user points.


Dynamic BI, Individual learning performance The Learning Spot feeds active data constantly to the UW Learning screen where it is reveled on a set of tiles. With the UW2013 release the following individual learning performance tiles are provided:     


Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases - vignettes Metropolis feeds active data constantly to the UW Learning screen where it is reveled on a tiles. With the UW2013 release the following tile is provided using the users primary industry - service combination: 


My Activity | # courses added ; # pieces of content viewed, # total views My Learning | # new courses, # pieces of content, % viewed My Plan | % complete, average score, # active plans Compulsory | # scheduled, # past due, # in the next 30 days Learning | # Completed, # pending, # required

Metropolis | # case studies added, # videos added, # views in 2 weeks.

Dynamic BI, Team learning performance The Learning Spot feeds active data constantly to the UW Learning screen where it is reveled on a set of tiles. With the UW2013 release the following crew learning performance tiles are provided: 

Crew Activity | # courses added ; # pieces of content viewed, # total views


Individual certification, check and balance An up to 20 character field labeled "training category" has been added and may be given to help desks to verify that the caller has taken the prerequisite courses. This reporting based feature from the Learning Spot (VenU) provides just this function. The default course completion certification template displays the information entered in the "training category" field for the course, along with the value entered in the Employee ID field found in the UW profile for the users.


Skill level calculations engine Based on the pass level established in The Learning Spot for a given assessment a calculation is performed which establishes the skill level between one and ten. For example: Commercial - Parking - Fundamental assessment requires a 80% passing level. The user scores 90% which passes with a F5 level.


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The Learning Spot alerts and notifications Assessments required, scores and requests to interact are managed via the UW message buss with alerts and notifications. Messages may also be sent via the email or user name in the UW profile regarding course performance.


The Learning Spot content access matrix (primary, pre, post) Currently being developed


UW standing inputs, 30 (learning engine) | see all inputs: http://www.abmlq.com/uwpoints Community standing points which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right) are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.6 Messaging Communication between field workers, office workers and clients can provide an advantage in the instant delivery and consumption of information between members of UW. The Messaging element in UW provides a means to do just that and more: 1.

Message buss, machine to machine Native UW components and third party integrated applications may contract with the UW message buss to aggregate messaging from these systems.


Message buss, peer to peer In many cases (IE: UW share function), messages need to be sent from a machine to a user or from a user to a user. The UW message buss integrates with the abmlq.com messaging service to deliver peer to peer messaging. While the abmlq.com engine is leveraged the messages will appear in both UW and abmlq.com. Note: UW user must also be an EASI member (abmlq.com) – click here (http://www.abmlq.com/) to learn more about EASI.


Third party communication tools An integration and extension to third party tools that handle email (i.e. Sendgrid) and text message (i.e. Twilio) distribution.


User specific messaging behavior During the on-boarding process the forms of communication are established, email, SMS (text), UW message buss (default) or all of the aforementioned.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.7 Platform The use and implementation of Unified Workforce (UW) begins with an understanding of its environment or platform. One definition of Platform is a “declaration of the principles on which a group of people stand”; another (in technology) is “an underlying computer system on which application programs can run”. In this WI and for UW, Platform is defined by a combination of the two. As illustrated in the image below, the six areas not only represent the underlying systems that run UW but also the principles that drive the purpose of UW.

Platform Pieces: These six puzzle pieces of the UW Platform together provide UW members with the user experience that can increase productivity, provide value to clients and help nurture the career and growth of employees.  Knowledge Management System Service, at all levels, has a degree of creativity related to troubleshooting. ABM constantly balances the curriculum with a degree of "instruction" as, if not careful, instruction may smother the horizons of service workers’ imagination. Our approach has created learners addicted to being taught, all of which will seek security in compulsive teaching and the desire to reproduce their success in others.  Complete Learning Platform This is not some clinical definition of how to work on a piece of equipment or how to use a new vacuum, or get the parking gate open. Instead, UW provides learners with the dynamic learning required to do the job right now at the job location. Contextual Learning allows the service employee to consume and contribute rich learning content (pictures, video, audio). Embedded within this UW exclusive application, users may see featured media, enterprise media (generic information related to a piece of equipment or tool) and site media (specific to that site generally contributed by the service employees with their existing mobile devices). Discussion around the media content is also encouraged with the "Instagram" like collaboration thread, likes, and views delivering instant insight.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

 Awards and Recognition Platform Awards are provided by UW applications (UW Social Compulsion) and are reactive based on pre-set performance criteria. Achievements are the first entrée into the game logic, bi-products or proactive events designed to challenge an individual to get to the next level or stage. Achievements are tied to the EASI community (abmlq.com) and are focused on collaborative participation in groups and forums. UW2014 will introduce additional achievements based inputs. Consistent with UW standards the awards and achievements may be "contracted" by a third party or native UW application to aggregate within the overall UW engine.  Activity Platform UW flips upside-down work activity delivery mechanisms found in traditional work order and knowledge management systems. A peer governed user environment designed to match work activity with labor resources allows unfettered delivery of service spanning urban, suburban and rural service regions. UW is a holistic platform which optimizes contextual service information to its participants thus sharply increasing productivity and amplifying field level esprit de corps.  Software Integration System The UW platform is a pure cloud based middleware platform designed to share and integrate information in a contextual manner to the UW community member. It brokers information about information (metadata) adding value on top of existing transactional management systems. Brokering metadata, site based personalization, web service integration (published and subscribed), messaging aggregation, site data and single sign on authentication. All of the aforementioned functions make UW a perfect choice when considering the opportunity of extending and/or squeezing every last bit of value from transactional system(s).  Collaboration and Messaging Platform The UW framework includes a powerful messaging buss. Notifications (news) and Alerts (actionable) are prominently displayed at every UW level once logged in. Peer to peer, application to person, application to application, are all enabled to provide one central hub of messaging. Email and SMS services are also leveraged in an attempt to "leave no stone unturned" with regards to communicating with UW community participants. Platform Functions The functions that enable the UW Platform are listed below. abmlq.com default user registration abmlq.com points integration Achievements aggregation and display Admin Portal Admin Portal, personalization parameters Admin Portal, user levels


Contracted UW service, and services Contracted UW service, messaging Contracted UW service, engine Contracted UW service,


Middleware, integration platform


Multi-shift device sharing


MyMetropolis filtering, industry/service


Normalization, assets (equipment)

Contracted UW service, share

Normalization, security clearances

Daily pending notifications email

Normalization, work activity types

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Agent management Agent support, simple and complex Agnostic operating system Alerts and notifications “to do” list tool Authentication Auto scaling infrastructure Batch candidate on-boarding (admin assisted) Candidate registration (form based) Click tracking

Device display sensing and autoadjust Device display sensing and outline view auto-switching Distributed user administration

Office team message group distribution tool Onboarding, batch (individuals)

Dynamic, BI, Profile based (zip codes) disaster Dynamic BI, Profile based (zip codes) traffic Dynamic BI, Profile based (zip codes) weather Federation, user credentials

Onboarding, entity (internal system)

Individual candidate onboarding (admin assisted) Information bar

Onboarding, entity (external system)

Onboarding, individual Onboarding, office Publish – subscribe web service architecture (service buss) Role support, field, office, client, batch, custom Screen management

Community standing, dynamic scoring and display Community standing, induction leveling Community standing, input elements-impact matrix Community standing, output distribution service Compelled collaboration

Information bar, nested third party app support Integrated user diagnostic tools

Member profile management

Tile management

Competitive framework, local labor

Message buss, machine to machine

Tile support, agent fed

Competitive framework, peer to peer Competitive framework (supplier)

Message buss, peer to peer

Tile support, animated

Metropolis content industry/service updates Middleware, exponential business value

UW component centric awards and display UW standing inputs, 19 (16 EASI, 3 Metropolis) – see points engine event log here

Contracted UW service, external message (sendgrid)

See 4.7


Managed shutdown logic and dependencies Master functional icons (tiles)

Shift based credential storage Single mobile window navigation (jump bar) Single sign-on Tile automated refresh

Platform - From Item 4.7 of this manual for the definitions of each item listed above.

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.8 Private Label Private Label is a fully functioning independently hosted version of the entire UW Platform. The following is a complete list of the functions of Private Label. 1.

Activity based behaviors; anonymous Anonymous data is aggregated from all private labels and extracted through automatic data mining efforts. This information is used to shape future designs of UW in our never-ending quest to get the right person to the right place at the right time


Agents; UW Refers to those UW partners that have integrated the UW offering as part of their current consulting/product offering. Agents are industry influencers that use UW as a tool set to assist their customers realize the benefits. Agents customers' will be the UW private label owners


Independent subscription UW runs on the Microsoft Azure PaaS cloud based infrastructure. Private labels involve commissioning of full and independent PaaS environments per client. Clients typically opt for several operating instances within their subscriptions, production, integrated staging, testing, training.


PaaS Platform as a service


Private label Technically this term does not fully describe the offering of private labeling; however, may be mentioned. In context of UW, private label and white label are synonymous


Related but isolated Each private label starts as a copy of the original production instance of UW. As a result updates which reside at the original instance may be pushed to any copy via a deliberate "build" process.


Resellers; UW Refers to those UW private label owners opening their instance to companies outside of their core organization


Separation; database Private labels versions of UW are 100% independent at the database layer


Separation; metadata Private labels versions of UW are 100% independent at the metadata layer


Separation; users Private labels versions of UW are 100% independent at the user and authentication layer


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Usage stats; role Subscription billing for the use of UW is based on three components one has to do with the types of billable users. Three billable roles exist within UW:   

contingent | refers to individuals, sub-contractors (individuals). Each role consumes credits on a 30 day refresh cycle, this role consumes 76% of UW components and elements or 19 credits semi-skilled | the lowest consumption billable role typically applied to office, client and field supervisors. Each role consumes credits on a 30 day refresh cycle, this role consumes 64% of UW components and elements or 16 credits skilled | the highest consumption billable role typically applied to field workers. Each role consumes credits on a 30 day refresh cycle, this role consumes 96% of UW components and elements or 24 credits


UW agents Refers to those UW partners which have integrated the UW offering as part of their current consulting / product offering. Agents are industry influencers that use UW as a tool set to assist their customers realize the benefits. Agents customers' will be the UW private label owners


UW resellers Refers to those UW private label owners opening their instance to companies outside of their core organization


White label Technically this term does not fully describe the offering of private labeling; however, may be mentioned. In context of UW, white label and private label are synonyms


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.9 Queue Activity, Dispatch Delegate Queue Activity is a core component of Unified Workforce (UW) that distributes work activities from third party work order management to field associates according to a set of configurable rules. However, this automated process removes the service organizations office from the decision-making process to determine if a service opportunity is acceptable for the office or company. The Dispatch Delegate feature enhances the Queue with the addition of the Dispatch Delegate role, which has the ability to intercept and manually assign work activities to field associates. The Dispatch Delegate element has many functions, as listed below: 1.

Activity assignments; qualified and non-qualified Based on the nature of call a specific skill is assigned based on the industry, service and skill combination. Once the DD picks up an available activity the nature of call and skill are reviewed and a list of qualified individuals are displayed. NOTE: non-qualified individuals may also appear if the office profile flag is set appropriately.


Activity assignments; qualified and non-qualified; compelling behavior As with many UW functions the user is not prevented from making non-optimum decisions. However, when these decisions are made they will receive negative points as dictated within the UW points engine.


Activity assignments; qualified only The office profile may be adjusted to allow only qualified resources to appear. Highly regulated or higher skill markets this feature is commonly used.


Average points; team The logic of the DD is a bit odd when you consider that normally those participating in the UW Queue for activity are individual field workers. In this case the assigned DD (which may be a field supervisor or office worker) are in the same environment. Thus the DD is given the average points of the office team to establish when they will see the UW Queue activity.


Compelling behavior; qualified and non-qualified activity assignments As with many UW functions the user is not prevented from making non-optimum decisions. However, when these decisions are made they will receive negative points as dictated within the UW points engine.


Compelling behavior; weekly notifications At a frequency set by the office profile in the admin portal, a notification is sent to field worker with the highest skill level congratulating them on their accomplishments.


Dispatch delegate (DD) role This new role may be assigned to many individuals within a locations community of workers (field or office). The delegate intercepts queue activity and prevents their workers from seeing the work until the DD decides it is appropriate. While UW and especially the UW Queue is highly automated, this function places control back with the office controlling their field workforce.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Dispatch delegate; highest skill level Many variables impact when and if an individual will see queue activity. One of those variables is tied to the UW nature of call looking for the proper skill level as determined by the industry, service, skill matrix. In the case of the DD they are allowed to see queue activity based on the highest skill level of their team.


Dispatch delegate; multiple offices Delegates may be associated to many offices allowing them the opportunity to act as a dispatch proxy.


Dispatch delegate; response time penalties; individual Once the DD "picks up" an available queue activity the normal queue timer starts (see UW Queue activity for details). The DD must make sure that their field resources commit within the allotted time or both the field worker and DD will receive negative points. Negative points directly impact when you will see new work activity candidates appear in the UW Queue.


Dispatch delegate; response time penalties; multiple Once the DD "picks up" an available queue activity the normal queue timer starts (see UW Queue activity for details). The DD must make sure that their field resources commit within the allotted time or both the field worker and all DD's at that office will receive negative points. Negative points directly impact when you will see new work activity candidates appear in the UW Queue.


First right of refusal Not all work activity requests sent from another service organization are good for the recipient. An infrequent client during a busy time may get prioritized differently at the office level. Essentially a private "preview" function allows for the office DD or field supervisor DD to filter and chose to pass on work that may not meet optimum business conditions.


Highest skill level for DD Many variables impact when and if an individual will see queue activity. One of those variables is tied to the UW nature of call looking for the proper skill level as determined by the industry, service, skill matrix. In the case of the DD they are allowed to see queue activity based on the highest skill level of their team.


Notifications; compelling behavior; weekly At a frequency set by the office profile in the admin portal, a notification is sent to field worker with the highest skill level congratulating them on their accomplishments.


Qualified activity assignments only The office profile may be adjusted to allow only qualified resources to appear. Highly regulated or higher skill markets this feature is commonly used.


Qualified and non-qualified activity assignments Based on the nature of call a specific skill is assigned based on the industry, service and skill combination. Once the DD picks up an available activity the nature of call and skill are reviewed and a list of qualified individuals are displayed. NOTE: non-qualified individuals may also appear if the office profile flag is set appropriately.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Response time penalties; dispatch delegate; individual Once the DD "picks up" an available queue activity the normal queue timer starts (see UW Queue activity for details). The DD must make sure that their field resources commit within the allotted time or both the field worker and DD will receive negative points. Negative points directly impact when you will see new work activity candidates appear in the UW Queue.


Response time penalties; dispatch delegate; multiple Once the DD "picks up" an available queue activity the normal queue timer starts (see UW Queue activity for details). The DD must make sure that their field resources commit within the allotted time or both the field worker and all DD's at that office will receive negative points. Negative points directly impact when you will see new work activity candidates appear in the UW Queue.


Team average points The logic of the DD is a bit odd when you consider that normally those participating in the UW Queue for activity are individual field workers. In this case the assigned DD (which may be a field supervisor or office worker) are in the same environment. Thus the DD is given the average points of the office team to establish when they will see the UW Queue activity.


Warning; non-qualified activity assignment As configured within the admin portal the DD may be warned when they select a non-qualified field resource.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.10

UW Standing (Points) UW Standing is a point engine that allows different events inside of Unified Workforce to award or remove points to users of the system for taking actions. For example, completing a work order on time rewards points and leaving a work order open too long takes away points. These points are displayed inside of UW in the header in addition to the chalice for having the highest score. Rules are defined in the admin database and define how many points to award for each event. At a high level, the system consists of: 

Event Input Service Web Service endpoint where new events are fed into the system.

Event Output Service Web Service endpoint where the current users score can be retrieved.

Event Processor Worker Worker that processes the raw event data, applies the business rules, and updates the users point score.

Extraction Agent Worker Worker used to process abmlq and import the points from that system into Unified Workforce.

Labor Ranking Worker Worker used to update the labor specific score to be used in the Queue when prioritizing where to route work orders.

To view the complete UW points event log, please go to: http://www.abmlq.com/uwpoints


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 4.11

Work Activity, Location Based Services The Location Based Services of UW provides longitude and latitude (GPS) based triggers to field and office workers, distribute targeted messages, and provide on-site service worker awareness and confirmation. Specifically, Location Based Services include the following functions: 1.

Compelling behavior; status jellybeans As witnessed in many areas through UW we try never to constrain the field worker. However, through subtle visual indicators (unconfirmed yellow and confirmed orange jellybeans) we encourage all users to embrace our belief that everyone wants to do the right thing.


Confirmed visualization within various UW activity screens Subtly obvious to the user a whereabouts jellybean indicator appears to show them that their location has been confirmed by displaying a green jellybean.


Consecutive un-confirmed; field worker notification UW tracks all GPS states after each "check-in" to a field work activity (UWFWA). In the background a consecutive counter runs looking for five un-confirmed check-in activities, after the fifth a notification is sent to the user (as defined in their admin profile) requesting that they check to make sure their location services are enabled on their device.


Consecutive un-confirmed; supervisor notification UW tracks all GPS states after each "check-in" to a field work activity (UWFWA). In the background a consecutive counter runs looking for ten un-confirmed check-in activities, after the tenth a notification is sent to the user and their manager (as defined in their admin profile) requesting that they check to make sure their location services are enabled on their device.


Dynamic intelligence; location based services Three tiles with data feeds are configured to pull the latest intelligence from the LBS component, they are:   

GPS stats my | shows the number of confirmed (%) versus unconfirmed (%) and total number of activity check in's (count) GPS stats team | shows the number of confirmed (%) versus unconfirmed (%) and total number of activity check in's (count) all calculated by the team Site NOW | view shows a list of users on site (individual site). For the clients will show all field workers on sites across client or office role site lists


Emergency evacuation; client accident avoidance A client may see all work being performed at their site by using this feature via the UW client work activity component. Any worker which has checked-in via the UW field work activity tool will appear in the view. The client may view last 24h, last 7d last 30d.


Geo fencing; inverted Many geo fence based solutions are generally monitoring when someone leaves a fenced zone, UWLBS is trigged at check in to monitor when they enter a fenced zone.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


GPS fence; messaging; enterprise As the user checks in to any site UW location based services (UWLBS) has the ability to send a message via all mechanisms declared in the users profile within the admin portal (UW message; SMS; email). These messages may be anything related to the enterprise. For instance, a safety condition has arisen and every person checking into a work activity for the next three days will receive a reminder to make sure they are using "lock out - tag out".


GPS fence; messaging; site As the user checks in to a site UW location based services (UWLBS) has the ability to send a message via all mechanisms declared in the users profile within the admin portal (UW message; SMS; email). These messages may be anything related to the site. For instance, a mobile serviced site may want to the service trucks to always park by the loading dock or around the back of the building.


GPS sensitivity for "check-in" Depending upon your site surroundings you have the flexibility, at the site location level, to configure the allowable range of GPS sensitivity in "feet". This thoughtful addition to the configuration profile helps you make adjustments for sites in rural and densely populated areas as well.


GPS spotty service; field worker GPS and location services can be a bit finicky sometimes. If during the standard check in process the field worker is unconfirmed they can go to a different place at that location and hit re-initiate a GPS based second confirmation (without the need to check in again).


Longitude and latitude triggers Based on the GPS coordinates compared to the work activity address and the point where the field person clicks "check-in" we verify that the person is where they say they are.


Messaging GPS fence; enterprise As the user checks in to any site UW location based services (UWLBS) has the ability to send a message via all mechanisms declared in the users profile within the admin portal (UW message; SMS; email). These messages may be anything related to the enterprise. For instance, a safety condition has arisen and every person checking into a work activity for the next three days will receive a reminder to make sure they are using "lock out - tag out"


Messaging; GPS fence; site As the user checks in to a site UW location based services (UWLBS) has the ability to send a message via all mechanisms declared in the users profile within the admin portal (UW message; SMS; email). These messages may be anything related to the site. For instance, a mobile serviced site may want to the service trucks to always park by the loading dock or around the back of the building.


Message; see you next time User leaves the confirmed address and GPS match location.


Mobile device location based services As with many mobile device applications UW leverages the mobile devices GPS tools to send coordinates to a cloud based service responsible for comparing work activity address to actual long/lat coordinates.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


On-site NOW; client A client may see all work being performed at their site by using this feature via the UW client work activity component. Any worker which has checked-in via the UW field work activity tool will appear in the view. The client may view last 24h, last 7d last 30d.


On-site NOW; field worker GPS and location services can be a bit finicky sometimes. If during the standard check in process the field worker is unconfirmed they can go to a different place at that location and hit re-initiate a GPS based second confirmation (without the need to check in again).


On-site; NOW; views The client has the ability to see who is on their site leveraging numerous UW views; list; map, 24h, 7d, 30d.


Points; location based services; confirmed As adjustable through the UW points engine, confirmed activity receives +.5% of users community points.


Points; location based services; unconfirmed As adjustable through the UW points engine, confirmed activity receives -.2% of users community points.


Proof of arrival A distinctive function is the ability to prove to a client that a field worker arrived on their site. Especially helpful in non-owner occupied or after-hours service locations.


Range for "check-in" Depending upon your site surroundings you have the flexibility, at the site location level, to configure the allowable range of GPS sensitivity in "feet". This thoughtful addition to the configuration profile helps you make adjustments for sites in rural and densely populated areas as well.


RFP response; proof of arrival A distinctive function is the ability to prove to a client that a field worker arrived on their site. Especially helpful in non-owner occupied or after-hours service locations.


Sales; proof of arrival A distinctive function is the ability to prove to a client that a field worker arrived on their site. Especially helpful in non-owner occupied or after-hours service locations.


Site level tuning for GPS sensitivity Depending upon your site surroundings you have the flexibility, at the site location level, to configure the allowable range of GPS sensitivity in "feet". This thoughtful addition to the configuration profile helps you make adjustments for sites in rural and densely populated areas as well.


Triggers; longitude and latitude Based on the GPS coordinates compared to the work activity address and the point where the field person clicks "check-in" we verify that the person is where they say they are.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Un-confirmed visualization within various UW activity screens Subtly obvious to the user a whereabouts jellybean indicator appears to show them that their location is un-confirmed by displaying a yellow jellybean.


Whereabouts visualization within various UW activity screens Subtly obvious to the user a whereabouts jellybean indicator appears to show them that their location has been confirmed or not. A yellow jellybean indicates "unconfirmed" and a green jellybean indicates "confirmed".


Workflow; consecutive un-confirmed; field worker notification UW tracks all GPS states after each "check-in" to a field work activity (UWFWA). In the background a consecutive counter runs looking for five un-confirmed check-in activities, after the fifth a notification is sent to the user (as defined in their admin profile) requesting that they check to make sure their location services are enabled on their device.


Workflow; consecutive un-confirmed; supervisor notification UW tracks all GPS states after each "check-in" to a field work activity (UWFWA). In the background a consecutive counter runs looking for ten un-confirmed check-in activities, after the tenth a notification is sent to the user and their manager (as defined in their admin profile) requesting that they check to make sure their location services are enabled on their device.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Section I Item 5.0 Supporting Work Instructions


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 5.0

Supporting Work Instructions In addition to the core set of Work Instructions that define how each UW component is used, there are also supporting documentation that allow UW members to effectively use UW as a whole. This current set of supporting Work Instructions may grow as features are updated or added. These Work Instructions are included in the next pages; to view current inventory of all UW related quality documents, please visit this link: http://www.abmlq.com/uwqualitydocuments WI-ABM-1102 Onboarding General WI-ABM-1103 Onboarding Location WI-ABM-1104 Onboarding Individual Users WI-ABM-1101 WI-ABM-1556 WI-ABM-1551 WI-ABM-1001


UW Device Guidelines User Status Management UW Support and Notifications UW Quality Audits

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1102 UW Onboarding General


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1103 UW Onboarding Location


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1104 UW Onboarding Individual Users


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1101 UW Device Guidelines


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1556 User Status Management


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1551 UW Support and Notifications


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 WI-ABM-1001 UW Quality Audits


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Section II ABM Quality Management System


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Section II: Quality Management System 1.0

Management Statement ABM is fully committed to cultivating an organizational culture focused on consistently providing our customers with the highest quality products through full support and participation in the Unified Workforce Quality Management System. The UW Quality Manual has been designed with the following management principles: A.

Customer Focus ABM depends on our customers and therefore, we must understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed expectations.


Leadership Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. ABM must create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives.


Involvement of People People at all levels are the essence of an organization. Employee involvement enables individuals to grow and directly contribute to the success of ABM.


Process Approach Consistently delivering customer value is achieved more efficiently when our activities and related resources are managed as a process.


System Approach to Management Identifying, understanding, and managing interrelated processes as a system, contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency in achieving our objectives.


Continual Improvement Continual improvement to the ABM overall performance is a permanent objective of our organization.


Measurements and Factual Approach to Decision Making Effective decisions and priorities are based on objective measurements, analysis and data of our business processes.


Mutually Beneficial Affiliate and Partner Relationships ABM and its affiliates and partners are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 2.0

Quality Management System Introduction The Quality Management System (QMS) defines our systematic approach to consistently turn out

products and services that enhance customer value and increase productivity.

The Quality Management System provides a means to achieve our objectives, however it is not an end in itself. Our commitment to implement the discipline throughout our organization including measuring organizational performance at all levels and measuring the impact of continual improvement opportunities enables us to succeed in achieving our objectives. The basis forming the Quality Management System: 

Guiding principles for managing every aspect of our business.

Master Business Process for defining, designing and executing standardized processes to consistently deliver customer value.

Communication and documentation standard and lexicon for company documentation, measurement, corrective and preventive actions and analysis.

Measurement system to measure and analyze performance to continually improve our business management approach and business model to deliver quality products and services that meet customer expectations.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.0

QMS Guiding Principles The QMS Guiding Principles set forth the fundamental business management beliefs of ABM. Everything that we do at ABM is guided by these four tenets. These principles are used by management and employees to lead the organization towards improved performance.

Customer Value


Quality In Perception ip sh r e ad Le

gy te ra St

Do the Right Things

Quality In Fact Doing Things Right

al nt inu eme nt Co prov Im


Performance Measurement

Metrics: Customer Value Process Performance

s es c o Pr


Master Business Process Products and Services Management System ISO & Baldrige Framework

Focus on Customer Value - Understanding our customers and having that understanding drive our business. The QMS has built in checks and balances that guide all employees to focus on the value that we create for our customer:   

Are we doing the right things? Do our customers perceive the delivery of a quality product? Are we meeting the expectation of our customers?

Focus on Productivity – Evaluating how we deliver products and services. The QMS has built in checks and balances that guide all employees to continually ask:   


Are we doing things right? Are our processes enabling us to fulfill the requirements of our customers? Are we learning how to continue to improve and create value?

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Standardization - Standardization of business processes provides the foundation to measure customer value creation which is derived from processes, decisions and actions occurring throughout the organization. Standard business processes provide all employees with a roadmap to consistently meet customer expectations from product development to delivering our products and services. Performance Measurements – Provide both external and internal feedback essential to:  Gauge how well our processes are delivering customer value.  Choose the top priority improvements for the business to deliver customer value.  Measure actual performance and assess strategy and market focus against customer demands and expectations.


QMS Master Business Process The QMS Master Business Process describes 8 elements that all “closed loop” business processes contain. By applying these 8 elements to the design and execution of all business processes, we are guaranteed that every process delivers customer value in the most cost effective way. The 8 elements guide all employees to always measure everything that they do from both an internal and external perspective and to identify any corrective or preventive actions that are required to improve our processes and our ability to meet customer expectations. The Business Process steps provide a sequential framework for defining any business process from:  sales of Products and Services, to  day to day delivery of customer commitments, to  solving customer inquiries, to  management planning activities, to  employee education, to  accounts payable processes,  …. For any business process, it may take seconds or weeks to go sequentially from one phase to the other depending on the process that is being defined or executed. Understanding the term customer is essential to the application of the process. Customer is defined as anyone to whom a product, information or service is provided. The ultimate customer inhabits the outside world, external to our business, with money in their pockets that buy our services; every employee also has a customer(s) within the business. Understanding this makes the application of the Master Business processes to all business processes clearer. The Master Business Process also emphasizes innovation and learning by providing the direction to continually ask the questions, for every process and at a macro level: Are we doing things right? And, are we doing the right things?


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Customer Value

Needs Assessment



Customer Scorecard Ind. Benchmark

Profile Customer

Proof of Performance

Business Case Development

Transition & Validation

Quality Assurance System

Measurement &Verification

Continual Improvement

Originate Customer


Master Business Process



Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 5.0

QMS Documentation A.

QMS Documentation Location

All QMS documentation resides in a central repository on the SharePoint Portal within the following SharePoint folder hierarchy: QMS Links: QMS Released Library:

QMS Links: QMS WIP Library:

: :

Standard Operating Procedures Work Instructions: Unified Workforce Reference Documents: Unified Workforce


Standard Operating Procedures UW WIP : Work Instructions : Reference Documents


Corrective/Preventive Actions Library

All documents are considered to be “living, breathing documents” that change as we identify process improvements. To ensure access to the most current documentation please refer to the links provided in Section 3 – 3.0, as this manual is updated based on process improvements through Corrective/Preventive Actions. All QMS documents are presented in a standard format to make it easier to locate important information and to guide QMS document authors through the thought process of designing and creating comprehensive business process documentation. B.

QMS Documentation Types The UW QMS documentation is comprised of the following four types of documents which go from high level view (SOP) to a detailed instructional document (WI). 1. 2. 3. 4. 


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Process Maps Work Instructions (WI) Reference Documents

Standard Operating Procedure Standard Operating Procedures are required to document ALL aspects of ABM business model and quality management system. SOPs are created and modified by the ABM Quality Team as a result of feedback from the quality management processes at both ABM and Business Unit levels.

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Process Maps A Process Map is a drawing that describes each step that must be taken to execute a business process that has been identified during the Business Process Inventory or BPI process when each process owner was interviewed on how their business processes are executed keeping in mind the objective of providing customer value. The BPI is typically the first tool that one would use to identify and define business processes. The process map shows what needs to be done and what tools are available to assist in each step of the process. There are two types of process maps: macro and micro. The macro process map shows in a single view all the processes that must be executed to successfully deliver the output to the customer. The micro map then goes one level deeper, expanding on each process defined in the macro process. The micro process is a step-bystep road map.

Work Instruction Work Instructions document all written procedures, instructions, reference materials, forms and records that make up the business and quality management systems of the Business Units. WI’s are required to document (1) a new process and (2) all existing processes or reference documents such as business process maps, images or procedural manuals.

Reference Documents A Reference Document is a document that has been referenced by a Standard Operating Procedure or Work Instruction that provides additional information, instructions or other supporting reference to accurately document the Standard Operating Procedure or Work Instruction (WI). Typically these documents are procedure manuals, images or drawings, spreadsheet tools or forms. The UW QMS provides a framework for developing documentation and providing open access to those that require access to perform their jobs or enhance their contribution to the organization. Existing Business Unit documents that fit the description of reference documents will be described in a Work Instruction that will provide an online link directly to the existing document or provide information about where to locate the document.

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 6.0

Measurement and Verification The QMS Measurement and Verification Phase ensures “Quality in Perception” by describing the minimum requirements for measuring and verifying internal processes, organizational effectiveness, service delivery performance and overall financial performance. The Measurement and Verification Phase ensures “Quality in Fact” by describing the minimum requirements for measuring and verifying internal processes effectiveness. The essential element of this phase is to learn from measuring and verification and to translate the outcome into opportunities for improvement. (SOP-0057) The Quality Management System provides the means to perform measurements of various business processes using various QMS tools, some of which are.      

Process Review: Quality Audit Customer Contract Reviews Organizational Effectiveness Overall Financial Performance Corrective and Preventive Action Learning and Feedback Tools

Currently, the measurement and verification phase for Unified Workforce will be evident in the Quality Audit process, Corrective and Preventive Actions and Learning and Feedback Tools. Quality Audit: Internal process review to verify that all components of the Unified Workforce Business Process, related WIs, SOPs and service level commitments, both internal and external, have been satisfied. Refer to SOP-0166 QA Internal Quality Audits as a reference. Quality Audits will be performed on a semi-annual (twice a year) basis from the date of this manual’s current publication and version. Each process owner will be involved in the internal audit that will be performed by the ABMLQ Corporate Quality Manager. Corrective and Preventive Actions: All instances of non-conformance identified shall be investigated and the corrective action undertaken shall be recorded as required by SOP-00163 QA-Corrective and Preventive Action. Learning and Feedback Tools: Appropriate steps shall be taken beyond the actual corrective and preventive action to ensure that all affected employees are given the opportunity to learn from the process.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

Section III Terms and Definitions and Document Links


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Section III: Terms and Definitions and Document Links 1.0

Terms and Definitions From Section I: Benefits – From Item 1.4.1 1.

Agnostic browser and computing device access: Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops will all work regardless of internet browser or operating system. Our ability to engage anyone, anywhere without the overhead of managing devices allows us to focus on driving service value within your operation.


Blended, qualified and trusted labor resources: A mix of ABM labor and non-ABM labor (local labor) qualified through the ABM University and ranked in three major skill categories; fundamental, proficient and expert. The UW platform prevents work from going to any labor resource which has not been filtered through numerous levels of qualification.


Community fed contextual learning environment: Motivated to contribute practical learning content related to the site or across the UW community. Associating rich media (images, video, and audio) to field assets and providing the ability to discuss asset-specific content is the path to a perpetual learning environment.


Digital communication path: The UW framework boasts a powerful messaging buss. Notifications (news) and Alerts (actionable) are prominently displayed at every UW level once logged in. Peer to peer, application to person, application to application, are all enabled to provide one central hub of messaging. Email and SMS services are also leveraged in an attempt to "leave no stone unturned" with regards to communicating with UW community participants.


Dispatch "pull model": Work activity based queue where notifications to participating UW members are prioritized based on qualifications, proximity and past performance. Those with the best traits are notified first and all others incrementally notified at greater durations from the initial field notification. Thus, the best field based UW members will receive the best work activity opportunities and those further down the notification sequence will be motivated to improve their performance.


Dispatch "push model": Traditional approach to where a dispatcher directly assigns a work activity to a named labor resource. All three models are supported within UW, pull, push and shuffle. As with all UW components one common point of interface exists for the field, office and client regardless of the number of transactional systems providing data feeds.


Dispatch "shuffle model": A client, across their portfolio, has the ability to change what is worked on next by UW labor resources. Influence the priority of work activity leveraging a "pull" model of dispatch utilizing our sophisticated algorithms.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 8.

Intuitive fleet routing: Allowing field personnel to "pull" their own tickets (and governing behavior via our performance balanced work model) allows intuition to enter the vehicle routing question. We are always endeavoring to minimize the impact on our environment. Field personnel having the ability to optimize their paths based on traffic patterns, real-time traffic feeds and "known" problem areas reduces our carbon footprint and manages windshield time.


Performance balanced work availability and selection: Don't limit choices with rigid workflow paths. Instead create a self-balanced environment where every action has a cause and effect, good choices are rewarded and as a result elevate your standing within the UW community. The UW framework leverages these points to influence the work activity notification service. Those with the best standing have "first right of refusal" on UW activities.


Point of service, community compelled learning: Contributions are permanently associated to the asset (equipment) and available for all UW members to view and contribute input.


Productivity focused, competitively inspired, work execution: People want to do the right thing. Provide the "allotted" time for an activity and most will meet or come in under that expectation. Add a layer of competition between the field workers on who is performing at what levels and you unlock phenomenal productivity.


Proximity based labor alignment: Labor is added to the UW Community, all carrying specific skills recorded via the organizational learning management system and skills associated to work order types. Now, you do not need to know "who is in the market", instead just what activity needs to be conducted, route it into the UW Queue and let the system match the perfect resource. All managed by UW with respect to the resources within proximity of the work activity.


Questions addressed within activity and in context: The real value of any service organization lies with the perspectives of the service employee. Our job is to aggregate and channel that information in context with the current activity. Associating rich media (images, video, and audio) to field assets and providing the ability to discuss asset specific content is the path to a perpetual learning environment.


Resolution driven crowdsourcing: An activity management based environment (UW) combined with a "points" motivated collaborative toolset provides the perfect ingredients for a connected community. Take that trust based combination and mix in a robust messaging framework (native to the UW platform) and you have unleashed a forum for consuming and contributing service perspectives.


Right person, right place, right now: A unique approach needed to be introduced to execute the aforementioned consistently. Our combination of pull dispatch, highly integrated sub functions (PO management, contextual learning, etc.), peer based governance society along with the use of community, labor and supplier points positions an organization to flip over traditional service management.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Transactional system integration hub: Systems reside literally everywhere. Within a client, especially multi-location, numerous transactional systems (ie: work order management) may exist. Keeping all systems data models up to date while providing a common interface for the field worker, client and office personnel is a core function of the UW platform. Providing a service buss with publish - subscribe functionality which can connect to any transactional system with a web service is really the easy part. The trick is how to have this information influence behavior. UW does this by a strong business logic and metadata relationship environment. Enhancing the contextual meaning of the transactional systems content to enhance value for our clients and increase productivity.

Success Keys - From Item 1.4.2 1.

Blending labor resources | increased throughput: We have all known, for many years, that the most profitable jobs are those with the perfect crew mix. Leveraging the density of labor within markets and across ABM provide an opportunity to expand that concept one step further, a move towards "Portfolio labor". The power of UW affords us the ability to understand and manage "per activity" actions by the field, regardless of transactional system, industry, skill or service.


Call back reduction | dispatch "pull" : Nothing good ever becomes of a service employee having to return to "re-do" work. A sincere approach to allowing the field to have the "power of choice" has proven incredible behavioral change at the point of service. Face it, if you send someone to a job that they have no interest in performing it is likely the level of service will be different than a call that was chosen by the service person. The "pull" model embedded within UW provides a vehicle that is enabling and peer balanced.


Destination employer | reduced attrition: Who does not want to make a difference and have the opportunity to be the hero? Sure, UW is an activity management brokering service, but it is really much more. The ability to determine which work is best for my skill within my proximity; augment my work week with additional activity, have confidence that when I am faced with a challenge in the field I am not alone (via the contextual learning and UW community components), find and procure materials when and where I need them, and have a friendly competition amongst my peers. These are some of the attributes that raise the value for our clients and labor resources alike.


Dispatch model | reduced overhead: One size does not fit all. Our ability to offer a traditional direct assign (push), a taxi cab driver grab your own activity based on skills and proximity (pull), and our clients having the choice to modify priorities of activities (shuffle) provide one thing, choice.


Fleet optimization | intuitive routing by field: Who knows best the traffic patterns within a region than the service employees dealing with it every day? Certainly, we must balance the "convenience" factor where individual priorities may sometimes trump enterprise priorities (managed through the UW points engine). All in all, the combination of "pull" dispatch and "shuffle" dispatch vehicle operating costs and employee frustration will dramatically decrease. Given the opportunity most people will strive to do the right thing, we simply need to create the visibility so they can see what the right thing is in context to their work execution.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Peer governed society | best tech best work: In today's age the power of "community and collaboration" is at an all-time high. The simple philosophy of cause and effect are in play with our peer governed society. UW boasts a powerful point engine which monitors and provides positive and negative points for actions. These points, known as community points, come in play when work activity is presented through the "pull" dispatch model. Those with the most points, balanced by their industry, service and skill level, determine the notification ramp so folks can become aware of available work activity. Naturally, the highest points will have the first right of refusal for work distributed to the field.


Personalization | contract extension: You are our most important client! When the client is the center of your universe all actions are focused on differentiating and retaining the customer for life. Once connected to the UW platform we easily configure and broadcast key metrics important to our clients to the field service workers. This industry first "insight" allows our actions, from account management to the execution of service in the field to be one fluid motion. Extending existing contracts terms by offering up this unique functionality helps our clients realize the full value of our integrated facility solution set.


Promises into action | adaptable delivery mechanism: Communication is KING. Reaching field service employees is no easy task and the ability to broadcast alerts and notifications via their service platform is an integral part of the UW solution. Our use of screens and tiles (packaged on a screen) with agents (data feeds from clients exposed on tiles) provides a very agile framework to ensure that what our client says is translated and communicated to the service employee.


Work activity intelligence | decreased time to market While UW is not a transactional system it does monitor and gather intelligence from transactional systems and leverages it to provide contextual content and decisions for our field, office and clients. As a result UW is constantly gathering average times for common "natures of call" assisting in our dispatch and pricing algorithms.


Zero training model | Win8 standard UW: UW has taken our training approach straight from modern-day tablet applications. Make the application VERY intuitive and they will learn how to use it. Our tile based approach, with Windows 8 charms and an "easy as 123 button" make this dream a reality. We are confident that UW participants will embrace the operation of UW in minutes.

2.0 1.


Features - From Item 2.0 Activity management; third party applications: At the technical core of UW is a robust "service buss". The purpose of the service buss is to easily connect third party applications to the UW platform. Our interests lie in extending the value of an off-the-shelf application via management and use of information within the UW platform (one of the main UW design principles). One set of business logic for a specific set of functions, which resides in UW, and may be applied to any application, meeting the base transactional data requirements. As a result we double-dip in the value bucket; one with the re-usable business logic; and secondly with our ability to leverage a "one to many" transactional third party applications (client, partner or internally owned).

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Examples (partial list) of third party UW activity management solutions:  [learning activity] interaction with "The Learning Spot", ABM's Learning management system  [procurement activity] interaction and enhanced ABM workflow assisting the UW community to material and labor suppliers  [safety activity] specific safety related training transparently woven into the ABM Learning Spot curriculum. 2.

Activity management; native UW applications: The beauty of a platform is the ability to leverage, re-use, and creatively assemble pieces to create a personalized solution. Solution providers familiar with web and cloud technology sets will add UW to their list of favorite platforms. A strong developer community, consisting of in-house ABM resources across the enterprise and within the business units or ABMIT, is encouraged. As a result of standardized development practices, third party development agencies (which are responsible for UW) are also welcome. Examples (partial list) of native UW activity management solutions:  [on-boarding activity] UW screen dedicated to providing new and existing employees access to HR related data  [work activity] dispatch variants allowing for traditional push, new pull "taxi-cab" model and client shuffling (UW Queue and UW FWA)  [work activity] mobile solution for field workers to execute work activity, one tool used to interact with one to "n" transactional work order management systems (UW Social Compulsion)  [work activity] work order information regarding upcoming, current and past activities (UW E'Service)


Agile user experience: You will discover once inside of UW that the words "agile user experience" are taken to heart.  Agile | The user interface consists of pieces, all stored and managed in a re-usable collection. Delivering immediate perspective to the UW user are the automated agents pulling business intelligence from the transactional systems and surfacing this information on a UW tile. Tiles are organized on screens in a manner which generates the greatest amount of contextual insight. IE: Client access the E'Service UW screen to see when their service worker will arrive. Sitting to the right and bottom of the E'Service launch tile are two tiles, one which contains traffic and weather information, the other which contains metrics on the arrival time performance. Each of the associated tiles, independent in their own right, offer perspective to manage expectations when the client is looking for their service worker.  User | Tiles, agents and screens are highly configurable. This "personalization of sorts" allows us to deliver exactly what is important to the UW community member  Experience | Many hours were spent focused on how a UW community member will travel through the UW environment. Leveraging the charm based subordinate and global charms provides opportunity to allow interactions with the core and related activities to have context based meaning. IE: A member is in the UW contextual learning application, adds a quick site video on a piece of equipment and wants to share this with other workers. A simple "share" bridges to the UW messaging engine right inside of the contextual learning application, selects "send to" and off it goes.


Awards and achievements: Awards are provided by UW applications (UW Social Compulsion) and are reactive based on pre-set performance criteria. Achievements are our first entrée into game logic, bi-products or proactive events designed to challenge an individual to get to the next level or stage. Achievements are tied to the EASI community (abmlq.com) and are focused on collaborative participation in groups and forums. UW2014 will introduce additional achievements based inputs. Consistent with UW standards the awards and achievements may be "contracted" by a third party or native UW application to aggregate within the overall UW engine.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Contextual learning: Hey, help me NOW! We are not talking about some clinical definition of how to work on this piece of equipment, how to use this new vacuum, or get the parking gate open. Instead, provide me the dynamic learning required to do what I need to do right now at my site location. Contextual learning allows the service employee to consume and contribute rich learning content (pictures, video, audio). Embedded within this UW exclusive application users may see featured media, enterprise media (generic information related to a piece of equipment or tool) and site media (specific to that site generally contributed by the service employees with their existing mobile devices). Discussion around the media content is also encouraged with the "Instagram" like collaboration thread, likes, and views delivering instant insight. Our service employees are heroes every day; let's give them what they need to succeed.


Cross platform: Likely that the term "cross platform" will join the ranks of other over-used words like; synergy, green, cloud. Specifically this references the capacity of UW to work across all the operating systems (IE: Android, Apple, Windows) and all internet browsers (IE: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari). In addition to this pure, from the ground up development of HTML5 styled tools, UW auto senses the capability of the browser and can shift into a simple mode of operation to satisfy even the oldest environments.


Differentiation: When you think about it service has been around; well, likely days after the first product was manufactured! Sure, incremental changes have occurred over the years from "radio dispatched" to the world of "wireless work order management". UW challenges everything you know about service while addressing nagging inefficiencies in the process of managing field service workers. As you embark upon your journey to understand and internalize the benefits and features of UW consider ABM's simple requirement in matching the "right person with the right work at the right time". These features should be used to influence the RFP process, contract renewals and extensions.


Dispatch variants | push | pull | shuffle: Choice, plain and simple. The UW platform offers something for everyone.


PUSH | Your business may have a dispatcher and currently "pushes" work activity to specific named resources, great.

PULL | Possibly you are really a time managed business, as with many of the ABM businesses (parts of Janitorial, Parking, Security) and see that managing by task is a good way to get the right person to the right job. In that case you elect to use the "pull model", assigning work orders from your transactional systems to the UW Queue. The UW Queue automatically manages the notifications to available labor resources and facilitates "available, pickup, commit, check-in, check-out" work activity stages.

SHUFFLE | Only available to our clients, allows them to change the priority of a queue activity. Assuming that the office responsible for the site location allows the client to adjust their priorities our clients are allowed to make adjustments. The queue responds to priority changes by modifying the notification sequence to service workers. The shuffle dispatch is available for activities leveraging the "pull" dispatch model and is truly a feature which will be very difficult for our competition to replicate

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Integration broker service: The UW platform is a pure cloud based middleware platform designed to share and integrate information in a contextual manner to the UW community member. We broker information about information (metadata) adding value on top of existing transactional management systems. Brokering metadata, site based personalization, web service integration (publish and subscribe), messaging aggregation, site data and single sign on authentication. All of the aforementioned functions make UW a perfect choice when considering the opportunity of extending and / or squeezing every last bit of value from your transactional system(s).


Points engine: Many components within UW are designed under the basic belief that everyone wants to do the right thing. The UW points engine was built to capture those reactive and proactive activities, rewarding when contributions are positive and taking away points on unfavorable actions. Field service workers utilizing the UW platform are empowered to make more choices when compared to traditional service management models. Points are used to balance things out and have a direct impact on their community social standing as well as, when using the pull or shuffle variants of dispatch, dictate when you are notified of available work activity. As you may imagine, those getting notified first will likely choose the work that they prefer. Those with low community standing will see work activity after the good calls have been cherry picked. Influenced by the social impact of eBay and World of Warcraft, the UW points engine allows a "peer governed society" to self-regulate and flourish.

UW Components – Functions (From Item 3.0) 3.1

Activity, Dynamic – From Item 3.1


Activity; peak A dynamic, ad-hoc activity generator which is very powerful when addressing conditions where numerous copies of work activity are required. Examples of application include fast staffing for an event or day after an event.


Activity; projects A dynamic, ad-hoc activity generator allows for the creation of project activity with estimated time and reminders prior to "drop dead dates". Helpful in introducing activities to project based workers, powerful for both manager and activity recipient


Activity; queue | encouragement Leveraging the powerful virtuous work engine within the UW platform we help compel the project manager utilizing UWPA (UW project activity) by encouraging them to send requests to the community and not individuals. While adjustable at the office level the default points are -.03% for assigning to an individual and +1.5% for assigning to the community


Activity; sales A dynamic, ad-hoc activity generator is convenient to use when tracking required sales activity related to sales functions. UWDA may be used for field and office based (sales support) workers.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Activity; peak load A dynamic, ad-hoc activity generator allows the creator to generate copies of an activity based off of one master activity. This group of related activities may be distributed to the community (via the UWQ) or direct to an individual (via the UWFWA). Imagine searching for 10 field workers to arrive tomorrow morning to assist in cleaning up after a sporting event the previous night, one dynamic activity, ten copies, and you are off letting UW find the most qualified workers


Broadcast activity The trick to really leveraging the power of UW dynamic activity is to build your bench by recruiting as many qualified resources as possible into the UW platform. Once you have your "reserve resources" in place the broadcast function of UWDA is amazing. Create x number of dynamic activities, send to the UW Queue (UWQ) and allow the system root through the candidates.


Field workers; qualified (community and individual) Exclusively for those activities which originate within UWDA both assign to community and assign to individual are checked against the workers qualifications. Office profile has a flag which allows the distribution of activity to qualified ONLY or allows sending to any resource. In the case of sending to any resource a couple of caveats exist:  Assign to an individual will show the qualified resources on top separated by a horizontal line to unqualified resources  Office worker selecting unqualified resources will receive negative points


Messaging | consider the community After five consecutive times (adjustable at the office level) of assigning to an individual the requestor will be sent this message: distributing activity via the community makes your job much easier, give a try sometime, you can always pull it back from the queue if things don’t work as expected


Messaging | UWDA < 48h reminder As the "no later than due date" comes within 48 hours a reminder is sent to the assigned worker to help them shuffle their priorities and finish on time (not to mention avoiding the negative points as a result of not finishing by obligated time)


Tile; dynamic activity All UW tiles allow for automated data feeds to provide relevant and contextual information for the consumer. This tile provides:   


Tile; dynamic stats All UW tiles allow for automated data feeds to provide relevant and contextual information for the consumer. This tile provides:   


In progress | activity status with picked up; committed; or checked-in Complete | activity status of complete Available | activity status of available (when sent to UWQ)

% assigned | percent of time requestor assigned to an individual % community | percent of time requestor assigned to the UWQ (queue) Generated | total count of UWDA's created by office based on users profile default office

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.2 Activity, Project (with Smart

Market) - From Item 3.2


Alerts; slip notification Alerts may be sent to your local community (those within your zip range) or to all candidates (which will likely start calculating some additional cost points due to travelers). Alerts will contain; team selection date; anticipated kickoff; anticipated project field complete; anticipated duration


Billable rate; company and service location Pulling the information from the Service Network these costs impact selection criteria and for automated work distribution can serve as one of the massaging variables on the activity points. Manipulating the activity points will have a direct influence on who gets what, when (notification ramp)


Billable rate; service network company Set as part of the profile within the UW Service network these points can influence both the community and activity points. Those companies falling above the median receive negative points, those below receive positive points (all configurable within the admin portal)


Choice; essential to cultivating exceptional team performance Teams are allowed to form based on several factors, logistics, business, financial, skill. However, what really forms a great team is the ability to folks to work with one another. The project activity candidates can place and extract their names from the candidate listing at any time (and multiple times) during the "team selection" window. This process allows potential team members to work with other compatible resources


Cost of resource Designed to address the fully burdened cost of an individual as a variable in establishing visibility for the project manager is selected the best team


Cost of resource; per diem Contributing to the cost of a resource, these per day fees, are automatically calculated via a web service to the US Government (GSA) per diem standards by zip code


Cost of resource, total Considered as an activity score adjustment if traveler as dictated by office level value. cost per mile (GSA default) and cost per day (GSA per diem). Both of the aforementioned GSA values may be overridden by the office


Culture driven team selection Teams are allowed to form based on several factors, logistics, business, financial, skill. However, what really forms a great team is the ability to folks to work with one another. The project activity candidates can place and extract their names from the candidate listing at any time (and multiple times) during the "team selection" window. This process allows potential team members to work with other compatible resources


Distribution; project slip Project manage initiates the process and UW sends via email, text message and UW message buss (default) depending upon settings in the users profile


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Expense per day; calculation logic Contributing to the cost of a resource, these per day fees, are automatically calculated via a web service to the US Government (GSA) per diem standards by zip code


Express interest; levels Possessing the technical "know-how" does not necessarily insure that you will have a successful project with the right mix of humans. Candidates elect to throw their names in the hat for any or all of the project roles (assuming they have the proper qualifications). The process of signing up involves the user selecting an interest level (high, medium, low)


Export; available resources View for available resources by primary service, industry, skill (declared and qualified) may be exported to a .CSV


Flag; distance worker Configured at the office level a mileage (based on the office zip code) is entered and calculated. Any resource associated with the office that crosses the distance flag threshold will add additional cost elements to their calculations for the SMART market


Master service; project activity The master project activity named "consulting services" leans on the project normalization table to pull specific service types. This process works exactly as the TNT table for work activity


Message; a new project opportunity is available A project slip is saved and within proximity of users' primary zip codes.


Message; congrats, you have been selected for "projectname" Work phased project listing


Message; thank you for your willingness to travel Based on the flag in the admin portal and when the user crosses the "traveler" threshold


Message; you have not been selected for "projectname" Project manager does not elect to move you to work phased


Notification of slip Alerts may be sent to your local community (those within your zip range) or to all candidates (which will likely start calculating some additional cost points due to travelers)


Per diem; calculation logic Contributing to the cost of a resource, these per day fees, are automatically calculated via a web service to the US Government (GSA) per diem standards by zip code


Personality adjustment; individual addition and removal from teams Possessing the technical "know-how" does not necessarily insure that you will have a successful project with the right mix of humans. Candidates elect to throw their names in the hat for any or all of the project roles (assuming they have the proper qualifications. Over the team selection window (generally several days) candidates can return to add or remove their name from the list of candidates for specific project roles.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Points; activity; financial variables  Cost of resource | for all slip candidates their median cost will be established. Those above the median will receive -2% and those below (for this project slip only) will take a +5% activity points adjustment. NOTE: only applied when the distance threshold is exceeded calculated by work activity location and primary zip code of labor resource 

billable rate of resource | for all slip candidates their median rate will be established. Those above the median will receive -10% and those below (for this project slip only and activity points) will take a +25% activity points adjustment


Points; activity; influencers The following variables will be evaluated to calculate project and activity points;  cost of resource (project and activity)  billable rate of resource (project and activity)  client familiarity index (median) (project)  client familiarity (high points) (project)  scarcity factors (project)


Points; community  project slip creation | +.05%  project slip association | any number of items associated to the collateral function +.02%  project slip transitioned from active to work phased | +.75%  project urgency select | a user selects the project slips which have been weighted, high (+2%), medium (+1%), or low urgency (+.01%)


Points; project  cost of resource | for all slip candidates their median cost will be established. Those above the median will receive -2% and those below (for this project slip only) will take a +5% activity points adjustment. NOTE: only applied when the distance threshold is exceeded calculated by work activity location and primary zip code of labor resource  billable rate of resource | for all slip candidates their median rate will be established. Those above the median will receive -10% and those below (for this project slip only and activity points) will take a +25% activity points adjustment  Client familiarity index | for all work activity candidates their median familiarity will be established. Those above the median will receive -5% and those above (for this work activity only) will take a +15% activity points adjustment.  Client familiarity index | the candidate with the most client familiarity points will be awarded an additional +15% activity points adjustment  Scarcity factors | Two points engine entries will be required for each level and will be represented as percent increases, very limited = +1% and readily available +.1%


Points; urgency selection Three levels of urgency are available, high, medium, low. While these are very generic they do have an impact on points based on the candidates selection (high priority grabs more points)


Project activity; view distance workers Users may view a list of distance workers by industry, service, skill and State


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 28.

Project feedback Integrated into the project slip the ability to provide a URL to a feedback blog or discussion thread


Project manager; tools Initiate a project slip and monitor its progress through a series of views.  Active project slips (default) shows those still in progress and those that have not been changed to "work phased".  Work phased slips are those read-only slips of projects underway. In some cases UW Field Work Activity may be used to manage those resources selected during the active team building phases. For those managers with lots of projects a mechanism to disposition multiple active to work phased status is available. Project normalization table (PNT) The output of the project roles (managed at the office level) will be additional services added to the master list and viewed by a deliberate UW service (consulting services). Once the role is selected (pulling from PNT) hours range (top and bottom); payment (top and bottom) are configured



Project profile One page quick reference slip which shows the fields required to assist candidates in making informed decisions as to throw their hat in the candidate pool. Project profiles yield a project slip and are generated by the project manager role within UW


Project slip; interaction; candidates Candidates may interact with project slips in the following ways:  follow message sent link to project slip  view active slips and request to view details  details for project slips associated to user  express interest for project  view a list of all other candidates for a specific project slip  modify and / or retract express for interest


Project slip; interaction; project managers Project managers are provided with many tools to assemble the optimum teams, some of the adjustments possible:  details the project slip  modifications to the project slip  delete a project role in cases where no user has expressed interest  count of committed candidates  list of candidates and their respective points  move to work phased (locks record)


Project slip; items User may specific the following parameters;  name of project  details | short description  SOW reference  site  urgency | high, medium, low  team selection date  anticipated kick off date


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015      

anticipated project completion project roles | service roles required to complete the project, set in admin portal. Once the role is selected (IE: architect) the following parameters are assigned per role: location (on-site, remote, majority on-site, majority remote (no travel) scarcity (very limited, readily available) hours (min/max) rate (min/max)


Project slip; distribution Project manage initiates the process and UW sends via email, text message and UW message buss (default) depending upon settings in the users profile


Project slips; search Using the UW global charm users may search across project slips. Users may specify; name and / or site of the project


Project slips; share Users may share a project slip with other team members leveraging the connection with the ABMLQ.com messaging service (WordPress)


Project slip; views; candidates Exposed via charms the candidates may see; active; committed and work phased projects


Qualified candidates As with other areas within UW, candidates will only see project slips that they are qualified with the proper skill levels


Rates influence on insights SMART market looks at cost of resource and billable rate of resource and responds accordingly with points awards or deducts. How each of these (cost and billable rate) are weighted is configurable within the office profile. Helpful depending upon the market conditions and industry


Resource scarcity factor Identified as resources that are very scarce (subjectively set by their management). Exposed ad offset with points so the project manager can quickly identify those individuals from the other candidates


Role selection; project slip; frenzy Some may sign up for every project so they make sure that their billable percentages are always high. While this may be good for the individual it is not always the best for the organization as it creates false loads. Users may decline project slips; however, will incur a small negative points impact


Role; SMART admin Configurations that impact the logic running within the project activity are adjustable by the project admin, they are:  travel threshold (miles)  cost per day (GSA with override)  cost per mile (GSA with override)  office distance for subcontractors (miles)  billable rate weightage (%)


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015  

cost of resource weightage (%) total cost of resource multiplier


Scarcity factor; resource Identified as resources that are very scarce (subjectively set by their management). Exposed ad offset with points so the project manager can quickly identify those individuals from the other candidates


Search; project slips Using the UW global charm users may search across project slips. Users may specify; name and / or site of the project


Selection; culture driven Teams are allowed to form based on several factors, logistics, business, financial, skill. However, what really forms a great team is the ability to folks to work with one another. The project activity candidates can place and extract their names from the candidate listing at any time (and multiple times) during the "team selection" window. This process allows potential team members to work with other compatible resources


Share; project slips Users may share a project slip with other team members leveraging the connection with the ABMLQ.com messaging service (WordPress)


Team personality adjustments Possessing the technical "know-how" does not necessarily insure that you will have a successful project with the right mix of humans. Candidates elect to throw their names in the hat for any or all of the project roles (assuming they have the proper qualifications. Over the team selection window (generally several days) candidates can return to add or remove their name from the list of candidates for specific project roles.


Tile; launch (project)  Project managers | total number of project managers in project entity  project participants | running number of user which have used the project slip function  projects | count of all project slip views in all phases (active, committed, work phased)


Tile; project factors  billable rate | percent of time that billable rate fell below the median for users zip codes  familiarity index | percent of time that client familiarity rate fell below the median for user zip codes


Tile; project slips  active | number of active slips for the current user  committed | number of committed slips for the current user  work phased | number of work phased slips for the current user


Traveler flag; individual Adjusted at the office level a value is set which dictates when an individual should be considered a traveler. This is significant as this flag will begin to add travel expenses to the calculations (like distance and per diem costs)


Urgency selection; points Three levels of urgency are available, high, medium, low. While these are very generic they do have an impact on points based on the candidates selection (high priority grabs more points)


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Work location; selections Four selections are presented for the project manager when configuring a slip; majority on-site; majority remote (no travel); on-site; remote (no travel)


Web services; GSA Two points of data are pulled from the US Government standards datasets; per diem and cost per mile


Activity, Queue - From Item 3.3

1. Activity list and calendar views (day , week) Three status levels are available for field users, available, pickup, commit. Calendar views are provided at the commit level to assist with appointment conflict management. 2. Alert distribution, email Email is sent for those participating in the "pull" dispatch variant and fired off when an available activity enters the queue which they are a candidate. UW message buss will also send a request to "check UW for pending alerts and notifications" if items have not been addressed within 24hours. 3. Alert distribution, SMS (text) SMS (text) is sent for those participating in the "pull" dispatch variant and fired off when an available activity enters the queue which they are a candidate. This notification is read only and requires a smart device in order to pick up the activity. 4. Algorithm based worker selection Hundreds of events add and delete community points from a UW user. These community points are leveraged once a pool of candidates is determined for a given work activity. Those with the greatest number of points will receive the first work notifications making the process self-regulating aka "peer governed society". 5. "Available" priority based ramp Transactional work orders carry a priority, as dictated by the dispatcher or system, when then enter the queue. Clients have the ability if utilizing the "shuffle" dispatch variant to modify the priority while in the available state. Modifying the priority of their tickets will modify the notification ramp. Priority may be moved on step (one to ten) at a time. 6. Charm based expandable application When non-common functionality needs to be added to a UW component it is done via the top and bottom charms. These charms, which are uniquely programmed icons, allow UW to maintain its composure as a pure platform. 7. "Committed" alerts and notifications Once a work activity commit time is saved a timer watches the time and politely sends a remind notification to the user as the time approaches.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

8. "Committed" time / day conflict resolution A daily calendar view is provided during the commit process. However, a field user may double book any time slot. 9. Community standing, induction leveling During the on boarding process users declare a default industry-service-skill combination. Over time they will accumulate and lose community points. A new user will be granted the median of all UW users which have a default industry-service-skill match. If no user exists in that match, UW will take the median of points for the levels above and below the users default. 10. Compelled collaboration Essentially, when using the pull model of dispatch, users want to have the highest community points as they directly impact the type of work activity they may choose. Thus the UW points engine has the ability to modify the impact of point bearing events. For instance, we may want UW users to collaborate within contextual learning, a reward for that behavior may be adjusting the "reply to content" from a + .25% to a +3% community impact. 11. Continuous quality loops Using the pull dispatch variant you get a mix of service employees on a site, encouraged to share the sites "tribal knowledge" through their community standing we open checks and double checks. Client and employee feedback are integrated and easy to access, these inputs impact community points. 12. Dispatch variant, pull Work activity based queue where notifications to participating UW members are prioritized based on qualifications, proximity and past performance. Those with the best traits are notified first and all others incrementally notified at greater durations from the initial field notification. Thus, the best field based UW members will receive the best work activity opportunities and those further down the notification sequence will be motivated to improve their performance. 13. Dispatch variant, shuffle A client, across their portfolio, has the ability to change what is worked on next by UW labor resources. Influence the priority of work activity leveraging a “pull� model of dispatch utilizing our sophisticated algorithms. 14. Dispatcher-less work activity distribution Transactional work order systems may "pre assign" work activity types to named users. In this example a location does not have any dispatcher support and pre assigns all work orders to the user "UW Tech". By default, and fully automatic, these activities enter the queue. See also "dispatch variant, pull" 15. Dynamic work type actual pay calculations All activity types (clean spot on carpet) have related data which includes estimate cost (a calculation of time versus rate). When office locations are on boarded to UW they dictate a margin to be shown around the cost (default is + or - 5%). UW tracks actual pay by work activity and the office, if they choose to display, shows ranges based on the confidence of their field service workers by work activity type.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

16. Dynamic work type actual time calculations All activity types (clean spot on carpet) have related data which includes estimate time. When office locations are on boarded to UW they dictate a margin to be shown around the time (default is + or - 5%). UW tracks actual time by work activity and the office shows ranges based on the confidence of their field service workers by work activity type. 17. Event based surge staffing The key is to engage as many third party providers as possible in a market and get them qualified within the UW platform. As surge events arise assigning activity to the queue handles all functions automatically while keeping the requestor up to date via the UW messaging buss. 18. Filtering, business rules enforcement Multi system filter criteria is utilized when determining candidates to execute work activity. Examples include, yet are not limited to; certificates of insurance, clearances, certifications, licenses, personal protective equipment, special tools, etc. 19. Filtering, proximity based Zip code filtering is used to determine work activity candidates. If the field worker is active on an activity we use that zip and the zip of the next activity. If the field worker is not active on an activity we use their UW admin portal default and optional zip codes to establish "location". 20. Filtering, skill based Once assessed a skill level is established for each industry, service, skill scenario. Work activity types contain required industry, service, skill levels and will only appear in the queue for those with matching or exceeding skill levels. 21. Queue activity summary view (by office) Labor resources receiving work activity via the pull dispatch variant will be listed weekly for the person (s) listed as Office administrators. This web based list will show the labor name, estimated time, actual time for ABM and non ABM labor. It is likely that this list will be used to reconcile with a transactional work order system a "check off" list function has been added to the view. 22. Integrated search function Search is found as provided as a global charm (right side) and contracted with by numerous UW components. Queue based activity will be searched using this search contract. 23. Office configurable effort and pay banding UW average effort and pay by work activity type are constantly being updated. Depending upon the labor conditions and site variables UW displays a range as opposed to exact numbers. The Office may configure the independent ranges for effort and pay respectively. 24. Office configurable NAL handicap Based on the internal labor conditions (flush with resources or more work than resources) the Office may apply a handicap to any non ABM labor. As candidates are filtered for various elements the end result will be a look at community points and notification grouping. Those with the highest points will be notified first. Thus, this function allows the Office to place "x" percent handicap on non ABM labor (they may choose to apply a 50% deduct on non ABM labor points, thus non ABM labor will always be at the end of the notification grouping).


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25. Office configurable show pay at "pickup" When work activity is shown Office may elect to not show any pay related data (effort is always shown). 26. Office configurable proximity One of the filtering mechanisms for the queue is proximity to the queue activity. Office may adjust the default setting of 30 miles. Generally, if the office is located in a densely populated area reduced miles may be appropriate. For those offices in rural areas extending the range will allow you to cast a wider net. 27. Peer governed society The UW points engine is woven into all aspects of the experience. Hundreds of events, collected as a biproduct of natural UW interactions, impact the community score for each participant. A couple of the impact statements have been provided:  Cultural impact: Points are displayed at the top of all UW screens and dynamically change in real time. Color indicator also shows users if their last interactions had a positive or negative influence  Tactical impact: When using the queue (pull dispatch variant) the community points are instrumental in establishing the users notification grouping. The higher number of community points; the faster the notification; and thus the opportunity to choose preferred work 28. Performance to opportunity balance (standing) When using the queue (pull dispatch variant) the community points are instrumental in establishing the users notification grouping. The higher number of community points; the faster the notification; and thus the opportunity to choose preferred work. 29. "Pickup" alerts and notifications All three roles (field, office, client) will be notified via the UW message buss when the queue activity changes states. 30. "Pickup" by others immediate feedback Those field UW users in common distribution groups will experience a "race condition" with regards to picking up activity. This condition is by design and thus all users within the group which do not succeed at the pickup are immediately advised who picked up and what time the queue activity (motivational indicator). 31. "Pickup" selection, effort and pay (optional) To assist in making better decisions, those picking up queue activity are provided a work activity type, description, effort and pay ranges. User may return, accept, decline. 32. Priority based, client manipulation "Available" queue activity has the ability to have the priority modified by the client only. Modifying the priority of an activity modifies the notification ramp. We refer to this as the "shuffle" dispatch variant. 33. Priority based, auto escalation loop Any work activity which passes through the notification cycle with no "pickup" the activity will automatically recycle and move up to a higher priority level. 34. Random rounds management Security officers with quantified skills (industry - services - skills) may pick up work activity as the officer which will naturally create a random rounds schedule. 35. "Recycled" alerts and notifications


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 As queue activity is recycled all impacted roles are notified via the UW message buss. The field will receive an alert (actionable) and the office and client will receive a notification (news). 36. "Recycled" queue activity logic Queue activities may be forced into a recycle loop by the field user. Those queue activities which are not picked up (undesirable) will automatically recycle and move up to a higher priority level. 37. Shuffle, client priority modification "Available" queue activity has the ability to have the priority modified by the client only. Modifying the priority of an activity modifies the notification ramp. We refer to this as the "shuffle" dispatch variant. 38. SMS (text) based queue activity interaction Users which prefer text messages may receive alerts and notifications from the UW message buss. 39. System based, objective, work distribution An algorithm manages the queue activity via the UW points engine and explicitly the math based logic of notification groups. The pull dispatch variant, when leveraged, objectively manages the distribution of work based off of skills, pre-set filters, proximity. 40. "Undesirable" alerts and notifications The field will receive an alert (actionable) and the office and client will receive a notification (news). See undesirable queue activity logic. 41. "Undesirable" queue activity logic A queue activity which is not picked up automatically becomes undesirable and is recycled and moved up to a higher priority level. 42. UW standing inputs, 56 (23 SD, 3 SC, 30 distance related) | see all inputs: http://sdrv.ms/14HaSpX Community standing points, which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right), are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments. 43. Work activity alerts and notifications Status changes, call for action and updates are all possible through the UW messaging buss. The field work activity tool contracts with the UW message buss to deliver alerts (action) and notifications (news). 44. Work activity summary view (by office) Labor resources receiving work activity via the pull dispatch variant will be listed weekly for the person (s) listed as Office administrators. This web based list will show the labor name, estimated time, actual time for ABM and non ABM labor. It is likely that this list will be used to reconcile with a transactional work order system a "check off" list function has been added to the view.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

45. Work activity type matching, personal protective equipment When PPE is tied to a work activity type it will be filtered when using the pull dispatch variant (UW Queue). In this instance the vendor management module, which contains many pieces of information on the subcontractor, will be called to provide reference data. If the requested PPE does not exist the sub-contractor will be eliminated from the queue activity candidate pool. 46. Work activity type matching, proximity Zip code filtering is used to determine work activity candidates. If the field worker is active on an activity we use that zip and the zip of the next activity. If the field worker is not active on an activity we use their UW admin portal default and optional zip codes to establish "location". 47. Work activity type matching, skill level Once assessed a skill level is established for each industry, service, skill scenario. Work activity types contain required industry, service, skill levels and will only appear in the queue for those with matching or exceeding skill levels. 48. Work activity type matching, tools Special tools may be tied to a work activity type in which case it will be filtered when using the pull dispatch variant (UW Queue). In this instance the vendor management module, which contains many pieces of information on the sub-contractor, will be called to provide reference data. If the requested special tools do not exist the sub-contractor will be eliminated from the queue activity candidate pool.


Learning, Dynamic – From Item 3.4


Contextual learning client work activity charm based launch Allows you to bridge to learning from within the client work activity system


Contextual learning field work activity charm based launch Allows you to bridge to learning from within the field work activity system


Contextual learning UW tile based launch Allows you to bridge to learning from a tile directly, without any work activity


Device agnostic media capture Phones, tablets, PCs with any operating system provides the ability to capture, upload and manage media to the system


Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases - vignettes Each UW member declares their industries and services as shown in metropolis.abm.com . These declarations (many to many) are used to personalize the experience to show you information which matters to you. This information (agents) is displayed via UW tiles on UW screens.


Enterprise based learning content Deliberate, centralized publishing of content to be consumed by users of contextual learning via UW.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Featured content management by enterprise Ability for the corporation to flag specific content to appear on the first screen of contextual learning once launched for x period of time. If site has featured media the enterprise will land at the top position.


Featured content management by site Ability for the site management to flag specific content to appear on the first screen of contextual learning once launched for x period of time.


Individual media asset work activity automatic discussion contribution Contained within the notes section of contextual learning as related to a field asset the work activity number, service employee name, date and time are auto added to discussion thread (machine based posting). These machine based postings are filtered out by default; however, may be viewed by invoking a functional charm (bottom).


Individual media asset user discussion contribution and consumption Media posted (images, audio, video) may be "liked" and "discussed" by users via the work activity (as related to the asset) or via the UW tile and search function.


Integrated search function Ability to search across all media for the enterprise and your site media


Integrated share function Ability to share, via the UW message buss, a link to a piece of media. NOTE: This function is available to those with UW and abmlq.com user names.


Media contribution approve/reject workflow Site management is notified, via the UW message buss, media is pending their review. These "alert" based messages leverage the "UW to-do" list which allow a user to view messages (alerts, notifications) and park to be addressed at another time. Once the message is addressed the user easily removes it from view.


Peer ranked media Leveraging the industry standard "thumbs up" function users are able to "like" items. Items are sorted by views and likes.


Site contributed learning content All UW roles connected to sites have the ability to contribute and by default this media is related to their sites. It is possible to also promote media to the enterprise. Approval routing is available for both posting at the site and promoting to the enterprise.


Usage metrics, individual Interaction with contextual learning is monitored by nine different events, for a list please follow the link below next to "UW standing inputs".


Usage metrics, office Individuals (either ABM or non ABM) belong to one office. Metrics are rolled up for all users at an office, regardless of the number of sites.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 18.

UW standing inputs, 9 (contextual learning) | see all inputs at: http://www.abmlq.com/uwstandinginputs Community standing points, which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right), are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments.


"View count" organized list Three areas are measured per media item, views, likes, notes.


Learning, Formal - From Item 3.5


Assessment feedback loop Results based on required passing levels on assessments are routed back to the user advising them if they passed, need to retake, or consider trying an assessment at a lower level (applies to Expert and Proficient levels).


Assessment selection automated workflow (UW Queue) During the on boarding process a new user makes a "declaration" of industry - service - skill level choice. It is likely, and expected, that users will have numerous industry - service - skill combinations. The learning engine sees these as assessment requests and automatically routes an alert(s) (via the UW message buss) to the user to take their qualifying assessment.


Competitive framework, local labor Skill qualification (see assessment selection) falls into three major categories (fundamental, proficient, expert) and ten levels (IE proficient lvel five). As described in the UW Queue work activity these levels are associated to work types and determine if a company is a candidate or not for the work in the queue. The current levels of companies are displayed for all to see.


Competitive framework, peer to peer Skill qualification (see assessment selection) falls into three major categories (fundamental, proficient, expert) and ten levels (IE proficient level five). As described in the UW Queue work activity these levels are associated to work types and determine if a company is a candidate or not for the work in the queue. The current levels of individuals are displayed for all to see.


Competitive framework, supplier (materials) As with the competitive frameworks for local labor and peer to peer the suppliers are assessed in the same manner. However, the impact for a supplier is considerably different. As the procurement system provides the possible suppliers for material requests they pass over to UW where they are combined with the suppliers community score (standing). The result produces a "good-fair-poor" ranking for the field user to choose. Good provides positive field user points, poor provides negative field user points.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Dynamic BI, Individual learning performance The Learning Spot feeds active data constantly to the UW Learning screen where it is reveled on a set of tiles. With the UW2013 release the following individual learning performance tiles are provided:  My Activity | # courses added ; # pieces of content viewed, # total views  My Learning | # new courses, # pieces of content, % viewed  My Plan | % complete, average score, # active plans  Compulsory | # scheduled, # past due, # in the next 30 days  Learning | # Completed, # pending, # required


Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases - vignettes Metropolis feeds active data constantly to the UW Learning screen where it is reveled on a tiles. With the UW2013 release the following tile is provided using the users primary industry - service combination:  Metropolis | # case studies added, # videos added, # views in 2 weeks


Dynamic BI, Team learning performance The Learning Spot feeds active data constantly to the UW Learning screen where it is reveled on a set of tiles. With the UW2013 release the following crew learning performance tiles are provided:  Crew Activity | # courses added ; # pieces of content viewed, # total views


Skill level calculations engine Based on the pass level established in The Learning Spot for a given assessment a calculation is performed which establishes the skill level between one and ten. IE: Commercial - Parking - Fundamental assessment requires a 80% passing level. The user scores 90% which passes with a F5 level.


The Learning Spot alerts and notifications Assessments required, scores and requests to interact are managed via the UW message buss with alerts and notifications. Messages may also be sent via the email or user name in the UW profile regarding course performance.


The Learning Spot content access matrix (primary, pre, post) UW2014


UW standing inputs, 30 (learning engine) | see all inputs: http://www.abmlq.com/uwstandinginputs Community standing points, which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right), are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.6

Management, Procurement - From Item 3.6


Color coded supplier map ranking Material suppliers are sent from GEP in a cost based rank order. Once they hit UW this ranking is combined with their community points to establish their position as good, fair, poor. When using a map feature these partners will appear on the map as green (good), yellow (fair) and poor (red) indicators.


Compelled collaboration Field, Office and Client roles are all encouraged to gain points by consuming and/or contributing points of information. Our material supplier partners are strongly encouraged as these points represent the majority of points opportunities which will determine their positioning as good, fair or poor in the field users view.


Competitive framework, supplier (materials) As with the competitive frameworks for local labor and peer to peer the suppliers are assessed in the same manner. However, the impact for a supplier is considerably different. As the procurement system provides the possible suppliers for material requests they pass over to UW where they are combined with the suppliers community score (standing). The result produces a "good-fair-poor" ranking for the field user to choose. Good provides positive field user points, poor provides negative field user points.


Dynamic BI, Procurement activity intelligence (individual) An individual can see what is pending approval, been purchased or in process.


Dynamic BI, Procurement activity intelligence (team) An office person can see what is pending approval, been purchased or in process for all field employees associated to the office.


Purchasing summary view (by office) Similar to the labor summary view, this view, provided from the PO management module, allows the office to see purchasing information for all field employees associated to the office.


Supplier groups / forums engagement ABMLQ.com provides an environment for material and labor suppliers to collaborate with UW members. These interactions all count towards community points and influence the display of suppliers as good, fair, poor when the field requests materials. Please note that field service personnel are incentivized with community points to choose material suppliers in the "good" grouping.


Supplier ranking (cost, proximity, standing) Material suppliers are sent from GEP in a cost based rank order. When the list of candidate suppliers are sent back to UW based on the user request, they take the cost based sorting and add immediate points for proximity (supplier to current active work activity) and community points. The result produces a "good-fair-poor" ranking for the field user to choose. Good provides positive field user points, poor provides negative field user points.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


UW standing inputs, 39 (PO mgmt.) | see all inputs: http://www.abmlq.com/uwpoints Community standing points, which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right), are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments.

3.7 Management, Service

Network - From Item 3.7


Analytics All search functions screen results may be exported to CSV for further data analysis


Collateral; management Several groups of collateral are available via the ABMSN platform. ABMSN member companies and service locations may enter as many pieces of collateral as required. They are as follows;  Certificates  Insurance  Legal  Licenses  Marketing  Safety  Sales  Union


Collateral; workflow As collateral is uploaded the contributor can set the expiration date (defaults at one year from posting date). 30 days prior to collateral expiration messages are sent to contributor. Workflow continues to fire up to the date of expiration and 10 days after (as set in the admin portal for the office)


Competitive framework Each service location declares which services they offer during the onboarding process. These declared services are surfaced within the rates schedule and the service location dictates their level of skill (fundamental, proficient, expert) and rates. Once at the silver level these rates play into the work distribution algorithm thus providing the service locations with some capability to affect outcomes and drive or lose business.


Competitive framework, local labor Skill qualification (see assessment selection) falls into three major categories (fundamental, proficient, expert) and ten levels (IE proficient level five). As described in the UW Queue activity these levels are associated to work types and determine if a company is a candidate or not for the work in the queue. The current levels of companies are displayed for all to see.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Components; ABMSN Seven components are available within ABM Service network:  Admin | used by business admins to work with existing and new users  Users | not viewed by contractors role this allows for management of all users across ABMSN companies  Company | corporate office  Service location | where the operations folks reside. For single location companies the Company and Service location are likely the same physical address  Collateral | any item that is associated to the ABMSN organization. Common items include; certificates of insurance, business licenses, certifications, marketing content, etc. All collateral uploaded is verified and includes a workflow to remind content contributors when the collateral has expired  Rates | granular entry point for rates related to delivered services. Rates are grouped by major service area (IE: electrical; plumbing; etc.) and followed by a specific service type (IE: HVAC | boilers; Energy | audit; etc.). Pricing for rates are broken into hourly, overtime, emergency  Analytics | all searches (simple and complex) may be exported to CSV format for additional analysis


Contractor ranking; objective Search results, simple and complex, will show an overall ranking in the view. These points and indicators of positive points or negative points are fed from the UW platform. The only way to accumulate points is to have ABMSN member service location techs using the UW work distribution and learning tools.


Declaration; services Once at the Silver level the service location dictates their level of skill (fundamental, proficient, expert) and rates. Rates play into the work distribution algorithm thus providing the service locations with some capability to affect outcomes and drive or lose business.


Forms; teaser text Teaser text is provided in the form fields (where applicable) to minimize confusion while completing ABMSN forms


Individual certification, check and balance An up to 20 character field labeled "training category" has been added and may be given to help desks to verify that the caller has taken the prerequisite courses. This reporting based feature from the Learning Spot (VenU) provides just this function. The default course completion certification template displays the information entered in the "training category" field for the course, along with the value entered in the Employee ID field found in the UW profile for the users.


Legal disclaimers During the onboarding process participants are required to review and verify understanding of ABM legal conditions


Levels; ABMSN Three levels exist within the ABMSN platform, they are:  Bronze | base level candidates  Silver | subscription level which produces certified companies (ready for dispatch by ABM) and provides access to ABM group purchasing organization. ABMSN member companies individuals may also onboard into the Unified Workforce platform to leverage automated work distribution and learning components.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Certified | companies vetted to have the proper legal documentation to perform work on ABM sites o Qualified | individuals assessed and operating within the Unified Workforce platform Gold | similar to Silver; however, reserved for ABM company locations and ABM Franchise company locations o  13.

Messaging; ABMSN support is easy Once the ABMSN member company and service location complete their onboarding process guiding the user to digital support alternatives


Messaging; ABMSN welcomes you Once the ABMSN member company and service location complete their onboarding process "welcome to ABMSN, enjoy the experience"


Messaging; announcements ABMSN leverages the advertising tile logic and allows the business admins the ability to send announcements to the ABMSN member companies and service locations. Messages are text based and message counts appear and are accessed via a tile on the ABMSN UW screen


Messaging; annual subscription processed At the subscription renewal trigger date ABMSN auto initiates a request via PayPal for another payment on the user specified subscription term


Messaging; annual subscription NOT processed At the subscription renewal trigger date ABMSN auto initiates a request via PayPal for another payment on the user specified subscription term. In this case the payment was not able to process as required.


Messaging; collateral requires your attention Trigged when any collateral due date expires, sent to contributor


Messaging; promotion Sent when an ABMSN member company or service location is promoted from bronze to silver level Messaging; subscription will renew in 30 days Workflow fires off of the date the ABMSN member company or service location specified while completing the billing cycle form



Onboard; company Detailed form which contains all information related to the ABMSN member company. Each company completes one company onboarding form


Onboard; human verification In our constant battle to fight spam and hackers two levels of verification have been added to the onboarding process. Math verification is part of the initial onboarding form. Email verification with a link to the provided email address serves as a second human confirmation


Onboard; service location Detailed form which contains all information related to the ABMSN member companies service location(s). Each company is allowed to have as many service locations as they like as related to the one company record. An onboarding form is completed for each service location


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Points; contractor ranking Search results, simple and complex, will show an overall ranking in the view. These points and indicators of positive points or negative points are fed from the UW platform. The only way to accumulate points is to have ABMSN member service location techs using the UW work distribution and learning tools.


Profile; company Detailed form which contains all information related to the ABMSN member company. Each company is allowed one company profile


Profile; service location Detailed form which contains all information related to the ABMSN member companies service location(s). Each company is allowed to have as many service locations as they like as related to the one company record


Role; ABM employee Members assigned to the role have rights to search across all ABMSN member companies and service locations data via the ABMSN user interface


Role; business admin Members assigned to the role have rights to add, search, edit, delete ABMSN member companies and service locations data via the ABMSN user interface


Role; client manager Members assigned to the role have rights to search across all ABMSN member companies and service locations data via the ABMSN user interface. In addition these members may associate ABMSN member companies and service locations to specific client records (many to many)


Search; complex queries Search tool which allows the combination of search criteria across all ABMSN components


Search; simple Search tool which allows the searching within the ABMSN component


Service network; certified Certified | companies vetted to have the proper legal documentation to perform work on ABM sites


Service network; qualified Qualified | individuals assessed and operating within the Unified Workforce platform


Sorting; page Relative to the ABMSN component (admin; users; company; locations; collateral; rates) sorting options change as viewed in the upper right corner. On page options allow for quick sorting and access to pertinent information.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Subscription management; approval routing A request is initiated by the ABMSN member company or location to move from bronze to silver, ABMSN business admins process the request. Approval routing is automated through an ABMSN workflow process sending a request for approval in a serial notification to all ABMSN business admins. Those pending approval may also be seen within the ABMSN UI sort views.


Subscription management; billing cycle A request is initiated by the ABMSN member company or location to move from bronze to silver, ABMSN business admins process the request. During the initial subscription process the ABMSN member company and / or service location chooses the billing cycle (x number of months, x number of years, etc.)


Subscription management; fee collection A request is initiated by the ABMSN member company or location to move from bronze to silver, ABMSN business admins process the request. The fee collection process is automated via an integration between ABMSN and PayPal. ABMSN member company and service locations may opt to leverage the PayPal structure or just pay on-line with a credit card. NO subscriptions are managed via a traditional accounting invoicing process


Subscription management; price adjust A request is initiated by the ABMSN member company or location to move from bronze to silver, ABMSN business admins process the request. The ABMSN business admins do have the right to change the suggested prices for companies and service locations. This edit process is a one-time adjustment, once the subscription renews the pricing will go back to the standards configured within the UW admin portal.


Thumbnails; company Company (where service is managed) has the ability to upload a logo or image of their organization


Thumbnails; service locations Service locations (where service is performed), in one location companies service locations are in the same location as the company. Each service location also has the ability to upload a logo or image of their operation.


Unified Workforce; integration; locations Silver level ABMSN member companies service locations are automatically added to the Unified Workforce (UW) platform. The UW platform opens ABMSN member company locations and their employees to a host of activities such as; learning; safety; queue (auto dispatch); work; client; etc.


Unified Workforce; integration; users Silver level ABMSN member companies service locations are automatically added to the Unified Workforce (UW) platform. Once the location has been added to UW a workflow is fired to the ABMSN member company admin providing an introduction email with links and instructions to begin the ABMSN member company employee onboarding process


Unified Workforce; user management Once the ABMSN member company employee onboarding process is completed the employees names will be added to the respective ABMSN member service locations. While employees cannot be added to UW via this function it is possible to deactivate the ABMSN member service location employee without the need to contact support.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.8 Work Activity, Client (E’Service) - From Item 3.8 1.

Client role interface for all WOM UW aggregates work activity for a client across their portfolio which in many cases consist of numerous transactional work order management systems.


Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases - vignettes Each UW member declares their industries and services as shown in metropolis.abm.com . These declarations (many to many) are used to personalize the experience to show you information which matters to you. This information (agents) are displayed via UW tiles on UW screens.


Historical work activity access Ability to look back, across any connected transactional work order management, and pull history on work activities for your associated site(s).


Integrated search function Leveraging charm logic (as with Windows 8 computers) search is pulled out from the right hand charm bar and provides simple and detailed search capability.


Office role interface for all WOM Office based users leverage this information to view the latest happenings at any given site.


Profile set primary zip filtering It is critical to always know your best working and data "zone" so the opportunities and information are within proximal reach.


Profile set top ten zip filtering (portfolio) Working with the primary zip these additional zip codes allow users to view data across portfolios.


Real time work activity status Spanning from queue activity (those pushed to the queue) to work activity (after the field has "checkedin") the robust UW middleware platform is tirelessly updating status changes for all connected systems. In addition to the systems updates, notifications are sent via the UW message buss.


Tile clustering, contextual insight

“Show me what I didn't think I even needed to know and within context!� For instance, it is likely you are traveling here because you are wondering "where is my service worker"? Immediately surrounding the launch tile you will see the "alerts" tile to show you traffic, weather, and disasters. Showing you this information will assist in better answering your fundamental question of service worker whereabouts.



Work request creation Quick form used to request service at a site.

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 3.9 Work

Activity, Field - From Item 3.9


Behavioral modification Traditional work order systems isolate the work activities. However, field service personnel are inherently competitive. The UW field work activity process allows for users to compete with one another on a pay period reset point in time. These efficient, effective and equipment awards constantly compel behavior. Visible in almost all screens users are reminded of their performance for themselves as well as how their team mates (connecting to a common office) are performing, by the work activity.


Check in, check out Quick and efficient process for engaging with a work activity from the auto updated work list. Both functions provide exact time and date capturing.


Color coded work list The logic is to visually allow new work activities that need to be addressed are blue. Incomplete work activity are red to bring special attention to items which need to be completed. Blue, you do. Red, don't let these be dead.


Competitive framework, local labor Woven into the core design of UW is the ability for companies to compete with one another based on work activity performance. Visible in almost all screens users are reminded of their performance for themselves as well as how their team mates (connecting to a common office) are performing, by the work activity.


Competitive framework, peer to peer Woven into the core design of UW is the ability for individuals to compete with one another based on work activity performance. Visible in almost all screens users are reminded of their performance for themselves as well as how their team mates (connecting to a common office) are performing, by the work activity.


Continuous learning loops Learning is grouped within ABM between formal and dynamic. Formal learning drives a learner through a pre-determined path. Dynamic learning allows the learner to consume and contribute experience throughout their interaction with the UW platform.  Formal | the UW learning engine is configured to place participants in one of three skill levels as related to industry - skill combinations. Within the skill levels (fundamental, proficient, expert) up to ten levels may be obtained. Our learning engine constantly challenges the learners to "climb the learning ladder"  Dynamic | contextual learning, agents feeds on active tiles are just a couple of the tools provided within UW which are constantly collecting and distributing experiential "tribal knowledge".


Continuous quality loops UW tiles, agents, connected abmlq.com groups / forums provide an environment which supports both success and failure loops. Commonly quality falls when service workers are isolated from one another, UW platform provides common and persistent communication vehicles


Dynamic BI, Metropolis cases - vignettes Each UW member declares their industries and services as shown in metropolis.abm.com . These declarations (many to many) are used to personalize the experience to show you information which matters to you. This information (agents) is displayed via UW tiles on UW screens.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Dynamic BI, productivity awareness real time Driving an employee back to a dashboard, which contains information which has some "aged perspective" does nothing for me RIGHT NOW. Consider this, if the highway patrol had a dashboard, which you could check when you got home to see where they were stationed on the road, would that actually change your driving behavior? The use of UW tiles and agents to provide contextual data to the field worker in the interface is where you can influence real change


Dynamic BI, personal work performance Allotted versus used time metrics for the individual is front and center. Performance is relative. If an individual does not have visibility to their performance, how are we to expect any increase in performance. This information is displayed via UW tiles on UW screens. UW tiles are strategically placed to provide the greatest contextual insight.


Dynamic BI, team work performance Allotted versus used time metrics for the team (service workers related to a common office) is front and center. Individuals, especially high performers, may become complacent without the ability to compare themselves to other team members. This information is displayed via UW tiles on UW screens. UW tiles are strategically placed to provide the greatest contextual insight.


Dynamic crew status Real time access to see which service employees are working at this point in time. While UW boasts the ability to cultivate "tribal knowledge" talking to a co-worker often fills in between the lines.


Dynamic SME (subject matter experts) As with many functions within the UW platform the user does not go out of their way to provide input data. When a field service worker opens a work activity and interacts with an asset (equipment) they are tagged with an experience mark. Down the road when a work activity is sent to another worker they can see all of those which have ever checked into the asset. You would be amazed what this does to a working team, allows movement of workers across sites which promotes enhanced quality, provides a direct line to the person with the most experience.


Equipment (assets) Associated to the work activity by the transactional work order system (WOM) and passed through UW to the field work activity application and back to the transactional WOM.


Expandable charm based user interface Three types of charms are used across all UW screens, global (right), subordinate (top) and functional (bottom). Charm bars are contextual and not all appear at every screen. Example: Client has a proprietary bar code system which they would like used in conjunction with the UW field work activity application. A charm is added (subordinate) and associated to the UW field work activity without any modification to any existing systems.


Field role interface for all WOM The UW field role establishes what agents, tiles, screens appear to manage the users experience


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Field selected work activity (UW Queue) Dispatch "pull" variant allows the field; based on their proximity, skill level and other variables pickup and commit to available activity. The office service worker assigns the activity to "UW Queue" in their transactional work order management system.


Historical work activity access (two periods) Field service worker has the ability to access their completed work activity from the last two pay periods


Immediate awards leader feedback Three awards are sought indirectly by the service worker. As points are gathered by work activity a "gold cup" appears next to the workers name showing all other team members that they are the overall leader at that point in time.


Integrated contextual learning Inside of a work activity and at the equipment screen the option is presented to bridge to the rich media collaboration tool via the top charm bar


Integrated materials procurement (ABM GPO) Inside of a work activity and at the main screen or equipment level the option is presented to bridge to the materials procurement via the top charm bar


Journal based, multi thread notes Comments / Notes on the work activity allow "per check-in" notes to be captured and reviewed as a threaded view


Local labor management (subs) Work activity, as elected by the sub-contractor may be distributed to an office person (dispatcher) or directly to the field service worker (s)


Location defined behavioral parameters Contained within the UW user profile a primary and alternate zip codes are stored. Work activity candidates use this information to filter out those not within optimum proximal range. UW offices (where service work is administered) may adjust the default 30 mile radius.


Off line work activity Items in the work and historical list while connected are automatically cached locally for access in casually connected environments. All functions are available while off line for those items on the device at the last point of connection.


Office assigned work activity Traditional model referred to in UW as "dispatch "push" variant". This allows the office service worker the ability to assign a work activity directly to a field service resource.


One click activity entry from work list Quick access for the field service worker to the check-in process is essential as we want their days filled with back to back work activity


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Optimized activity status types Three, very simple status types are provided, complete, incomplete - will return soon, and incomplete need parts


Productivity based awards, equipment, allotted vs. used, incomplete activities Driving an employee back to a dashboard, which contains information which has some "aged perspective" does nothing for me RIGHT NOW. Consider this, if the highway patrol had a dashboard, which you could check when you got home to see where they were stationed on the road, would that actually change your driving behavior? The use of UW tiles and agents to provide contextual data to the field worker in the interface is where you can influence real change.


Productivity based awards pay period auto reset The office specifies their pay periods, generally one or two weeks. Based on that specification the UW field work activity system stores historical information for that period x two.


Profile set primary zip filtering It is critical to always know your best working and data "zone" so the opportunities and information are within proximal reach


Profile set top ten zip filtering (portfolio) Working with the primary zip these additional zip codes allow users to view data across portfolios. For the field role additional zips can be used to "breadcrumb" where they would like to be notified of work activity opportunities.


Sub-contractor management (local labor) Work activity, as elected by the sub-contractor may be distributed to an office person (dispatcher) or directly to the field service worker (s)


Tasks, equipment Common list of tasks which are pulled over from the transactional work order management system related to the asset. These tasks may be individually checked off as well as a "check all" function.


Tasks, work activity Common list of tasks which are pulled over from the transactional work order management system related to the work activity. These tasks may be individually checked off as well as a "check all" function.


UW Contextual learning Associated to all assets via the UW asset normalization table. Rich media (video, audio, pictures) is permanently connected to asset for current and future data entry and recall.


UW standing inputs, 7 (local labor) | see all inputs: http://www.abmlq.com/uwstandinginputs Community standing points, which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right), are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 38.

Work activity, auto check out Commonly used with kiosk multi-company use of UW whereas if a sub-contractor fails to "check out" the UW field activity logic will check them out of the work activity (typically using a 30 minute buffer). Items using this machine based check out function are noted on the weekly audit review of UW activity for the office location


Work activity, company assignment When working with sub-contractors (local labor) we have the ability to send the work activity directly to the company (directed to the sub-contractors office employee(s)) or to a sub-contractors employee by name. Those items dispatched to a company the office communicates with the field and has the rights to adjust the work activity accordingly


Work activity, field generated Field users may generate a work activity "on the fly" when they do not have activities to pull from the queue or be pushed by an office user


Work activity, individual assignment Also referred to as the "push" dispatch variant the transactional work order system assigns to a specific named user. All features (except the queue) are available via UW. One note, an activity may start as a direct assign (push) and be modified with the office to a "pull" dispatch


Work activity, multi user simultaneous engagement Especially handy with kiosk style UW tablet deployments where we are managing numerous subcontractors at a facility. Essentially the field work activity UW component allows and tracks time on multiple "in progress" activities simultaneously. An "auto check out" feature is also included, see function with this name.


Work activity, off-line Work activity, from numerous transactional work order management systems, is managed in one field work activity screen named "work list". Items residing in the work list while connected to the internet will be available when disconnected (out of coverage). Users will have core functions provided which allow to check in, update tasks, check out as well as some feedback and SME data.


Work activity type to SME A natural part of many work activities involves working on a piece of equipment (asset). As equipment is check into the user gets dynamic subject matter credit. The UW field work activity engine keeps track of these credits and shows these for other service employees represented as the most credits = equipment dynamic subject matter expert. Also see "work activity, user presence.


Work activity, user presence The concept is to reach the person with the most experience on a piece of equipment, this is facilitated with a robust user status awareness and messaging buss.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 UW Elements 4.4

Interface - From Item 4.4


3x3 grid level three Level three consists of two screens, each of which may contain a maximum of nine tiles. The ready and related level three screens enable dynamic update, individual refresh rates, and configuration; all accessed via the UW admin portal.


Agnostic device and browser (html5) Ground up designed user interface built for HTML5. This design allows us, given an HTML5 test of 325 points or greater, to run across any device, device form factor, operating system, internet browser. If a non-compliant browser is detected we switch to outline mode, see "Outline mode" below. See WI-ABM1101 for the complete UW Device Guidelines.


Background external configuration (global) UW consists of four primary levels, each of which leverage a common, UW admin portal configurable, background screen. This flexibility will be used for many purposes, including yet not limited to: marketing messages, global announcements, creative seasonal variations.


Centralized tile element configuration Via the UW admin portal all elements of the tile are managed. Top left - QR code, Top right - date, time, number of unread items, middle - support of agents (agent based) or dynamic - support of image on side one, support of text on side two, bottom right - screen association, bottom left banner - tile name, bottom right banner - functional icon.


Charms, global, subordinate, functional Three charm bars are provided, and defined below. The logic of the charm bars, location and purpose are in 100% alignment with Windows 8 standards (however, remain device, operating system and browser agnostic):  Top are for subordinate current screen functions. IE: A work activity may provide a charm to access a "get PO" function. These items are added without modifying core application functions  Bottom are for functional screen functions. IE: Edit, Check in, Approve media  Right are global charms. These are available across all screens from level two through four. Search, Share, Home, Navigate, Settings are contracted by UW applications to provide consistent behavior for users.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Dynamically sized commonly used tiles Level two defaults to the MyRhythm view. Contained within this view are six tiles, four of which dynamically change based on the most commonly used tiles from within UW screen tile collections (level three). The largest tile will be the most commonly used by that user and can change based on the rhythm of the user. These provide one click access to common user functions.


Enterprise sized commonly used tile manipulation Please see "dynamically sized commonly used tiles" for details. UW uses click tracking to determine the most commonly used tiles. Via the UW admin portal the click count may be manipulated to show a desired "largest" tiles for targeted audiences. For example: Safety wants everyone to have quick access to the latest bulletin, the safety tile can be configured with 1 million clicks and it would appear as the largest tile at all users level in both screens.


Outline mode Once a user authenticates to UW their browser is automatically checked. If the browser is suspected to not handle HTML5 the user will be routed to an Outline mode of UW screens and tiles.


Peek a boo tile and charm logic UW senses the screen size and orientation and modifies the view so the user can always see that something is just off of the current screen. We do this by providing mono color objects that tease the user into swiping that direction.


QR code nested tile capability All base tiles have the ability to add a QR code in the upper left. Commonly used on kiosk based tablets where a consumer may want to "copy the QR code destination URL" locally for future access.


Single click access to commonly used functions Using UW click tracking we provide the user with automatically sized tiles for the four most commonly used UW tiles. User accesses these tiles via the UW level two MyRhythm view.


Tile clustering, contextual insight Leveraging the 3x3 tile configuration screen design deliberately places related tiles as neighbors. IE: I am wondering where my tech is, I travel to the client work activity screen, top left tile launches the application to view work activity. However, to the immediate right may show the tile with traffic and weather, the tile below may show historical response times. Both of which provide insight for the user to manage expectations.


Tile, agent based Up to three web service based automatic data feeds can be displayed on the tile face. These have an automatic, independent update and refresh rate to manage long term transactional costs. When clicked, this tile will take you to an "update screen" which may provide a return or run function.


Tile, dynamic These tiles use a graphic and text on the animated flip side of the tile. They typically will not contain active agent feeds and when clicked will travel directly to a destination.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Tile template One master tile exists within UW managed via the UW admin portal. These tiles contain the zones as described in "Centralized tile element configuration".


Update screen, data grouping Launched from an agent based tile a common template is pulled up. However, based on the requested data the columns and the grouping will change.


Update screen, return-run options Regardless of the content two controls exist at the bottom of the screen.  Return (left side) : Takes the user back to the previous screen  Run (right side) : When applicable will launch a different UW component or application


User interface template Similar to the logic with the tiles the primary user interface is a template. Included with the template are configured charms, primary screen controls and information (upper right) which contains global functions.


Zone based horizontally swipe enabled All UW levels are swipe enabled. Swipe may occur with a touch or mouse enabled device.


Platform - From Item 4.7


abmlq.com default user integration Automated batch (one time or at a preset frequency) user configuration will push "silent" users into abmlq.com first via a batch process. Once confirmed in abmlq.com these users will flow into UW as required by business units (common with learning activity) along with their metadata.


abmlq.com points integration Hundreds of events have been configured for the release of UW2013. These events pull from native UW components and external systems. Abmlq.com based in WordPress, has a points engine which is pulled from and aggregated in the users’ UW community standing.


Achievements aggregation and display The release of UW2013 is currently pulling achievements from the abmlq.com achievements engine. UW points engine along with the UI templates and information bar work together to deliver these achievements to the users.


Admin portal Points of configuration for the UW platform are managed, adjusted and displayed via the UW Admin portal


Admin portal, Personalization parameters Office (where service is administered) , entity , and performance components are all available via the admin portal. IE: Office - distance where the UW Queue filters available labor resources.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Admin portal, user levels  Overall administrator | May change all levels of the UW platform  Office administrator | May approve UW requests routed by various UW components (IE: image upload) and is notified with alerts and messages for related field user messages connected to office  User administrator | Manages users for that office location


Agent management Data feeds extracted from web services makeup the agents consumed by UW tiles. A many to many relationship exists between the agents and the tiles leveraged through an admin portal based list and selection (to a tile) process.


Agent support, simple and complex Some data feeds are consumed by the tile "as is", we refer to these as simple agents. However, in several cases multiple data feeds are assembled for calculation prior to an agent output for use on the tile. The multi data input agents with calculated outputs are referred to as complex agents.


Agnostic operating system UW is designed to operate across all computer operating systems, to include yet not limited to:  Android (all iterations and versions)  iOS  MacOS  Ubuntu  Windows Phone  Windows 7.x, 8.x


Alerts and notifications to-do list tool "UW to-do" lists allow a user to view messages (alerts, notifications) and park to be addressed at another time. Once the message is addressed the user easily removes it from view.


Authentication In order to handle the wide variety of users, field, office, client a broad federation needed to be deployed. UW has relationships with credential systems and manages encrypted tokens between these services. UW2012 and UW2013 provide the ability for users to use the following credential providers:         


Active Directory (internal ABM credential management system, limited to approximately 10% of the organization) Facebook Google Hotmail Live MSN Outlook.com WordPress (abmlq.com) Yahoo

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Auto scaling infrastructure Right from the start UW has been built to operate as a platform in the cloud leveraging Microsoft Azure. As a result our ability to scale up and down becomes almost infinite. Demand rises and the servers automatically add resources and when the demand diminishes the servers scale back.


Batch candidate onboarding (admin assisted) Automated batch (one time or at a preset frequency) user configuration will push "silent" users into abmlq.com first via a batch process. Once confirmed in abmlq.com these users will flow into UW as required by business units (common with learning activity) along with their metadata.


Candidate registration (form based) The individual on-boarding process has two steps. Initial entries are known as candidates, they complete the information required for review and acceptance by a human using an on line form. Once processed, they become UW users.


Click tracking Using UW click tracking we provide the user with automatically sized tiles for the four most commonly used UW tiles. User accesses these tiles via the UW level two MyRhythm view. Count click values may also be manipulated by the admin to force a screen to be viewed at a specific time.


Community standing, dynamic scoring and display Hundreds of variables feed the points engine adding and removing points as the user utilizes UW. In near real time, we display their points and provide a visual indicator to show up or down score movement (up green triangle pointing up, down - red triangle pointing down).


Community standing, induction leveling When a person is on-boarded to UW, either as an individual or batch, they will be end up with a default industry-service-skill. A specific level will be established (IE: BioPharma - Energy - Proficient 4). The community standing points may go up or down; however, are always active. Thus, over time a user will accumulate a large number of points. To that end, new users entering are provided with induction points, they are calculated as follows:  

Users exist within my default industry-service-skill | the median value of all existing users becomes the new users induction points Users do not exist within my default industry-service-skill | the median of one skill level above and one below becomes the new users induction points


Community standing, input elements-impact matrix UW Points engine contains the matrix which dictates, input variable, element impact (generally + or - % of existing points), description, UW component. These settings are found within the admin portal.


Community standing, output distribution service A foundational service is provided to UW components from the platform. This service provides point values by user when called.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Compelled collaboration Numerous events which contribute to Community points reside within the abmlq.com collaborative environment. Field, Office and Client roles are all encouraged to gain points by consuming and/or contributing points of information. Our material supplier partners are strongly encouraged as these points represent the majority of points opportunities which will determine their positioning as good, fair or poor in the field user’s view.


Competitive framework, local labor Woven into the core design of UW is the ability for companies to compete with one another based on work activity performance. Visible in almost all screens users are reminded of their performance for themselves as well as how their team mates (connecting to a common office) are performing, by the work activity.


Competitive framework, peer to peer Woven into the core design of UW is the ability for individuals to compete with one another based on work activity performance. Visible in almost all screens users are reminded of their performance for themselves as well as how their team mates (connecting to a common office) are performing, by the work activity.


Competitive framework, supplier (materials) Woven into the core design of UW is the ability for material suppliers to compete with one another based on work activity performance. The community score impacts directly the decisions made by field users regarding selection of a preferred partner. Material pricing and available suppliers in a specific proximity are provided by the procurement system; however, suppliers are ranked and grouped based on the community points. Field personnel are encouraged to choose suppliers which appear in the "good" group. Group positioning by suppliers may be changed by increasing their participation in ABM collaborative environments (abmlq.com).


Contracted UW service, external message (sendgrid) Specific UW components require the use or addition of external messages, email and SMS. As a result, these UW components (like UW Queue) contract with this UW platform provided service. A contracted service allows us to use "template" style grouping of commands and functions, creating scalable and consistent application of functionality for the user and holistic UW platform services.


Contracted UW service, industries and services UW platform provides the user, industry, services and skills for all UW components required to consume this data as part of their computing logic. A contracted service allows us to use "template" style grouping of commands and functions, creating scalable and consistent application of functionality for the user and holistic UW platform services.


Contracted UW service, internal messaging Alerts (actionable) and Notifications (news based) are provided as a contracted service available for UW component to UW user, UW component to UW component, UW component to third party application, peer to peer* (*must belong to abmlq.com). We commonly refer to this service as the UW messaging buss. A contracted service allows us to use "template" style grouping of commands and functions, creating scalable and consistent application of functionality for the user and holistic UW platform services.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Contracted UW service, points engine This service provides point values by user when called. A contracted service allows us to use "template" style grouping of commands and functions, creating scalable and consistent application of functionality for the user and holistic UW platform services.


Contracted UW service, search Motivated by the Windows 8 search function we have the ability to search contextual information depending on the UW component. A contracted service allows us to use "template" style grouping of commands and functions, creating scalable and consistent application of functionality for the user and holistic UW platform services.


Contracted UW service, share Motivated by the Windows 8 search function we have the ability to share contextual information depending on the UW component. A contracted service allows us to use "template" style grouping of commands and functions, creating scalable and consistent application of functionality for the user and holistic UW platform services.


Daily "pending notifications" email "You have pending notifications" combined with a link back to UW will be the message sent to UW users nightly if they have pending alerts or notifications. This function allows us to pull folks back into UW if their daily habits do not currently dictate. You may be familiar with a similar service used by Facebook.


Device display sensing and auto-adjust Four different display sizes are detected, and for each of these the screen, charms, and tiles are auto adjusted. Included with standard functionality is the ability to pinch and zoom on nearly all of the UW levels.


Device display sensing and outline view auto-switching Once a user authenticates to UW their browser is automatically checked. If the browser is suspected to not handle HTML5 the user will be routed to an Outline mode of UW screens and tiles.


Distributed user administration UW was purpose built to place the Office (where service is administered) in the driver's seat. Each office location has an administrator assigned which can add, update, inactivate users.


Dynamic BI, Profile based (zip codes) disaster Each UW user has a default zip code which resides in their admin portal based profile. A complex agent is used to pull information from a third party provider of natural disaster data with the user’s zip code. The output lands on a tile face to display these filtered natural disasters.


Dynamic BI, Profile based (zip codes) traffic Each UW user has a default zip code which resides in their admin portal based profile. A complex agent is used to pull information from a third party provider of traffic data with the user’s zip code. The output lands on a tile face to display these filtered traffic events.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Dynamic BI, Profile based (zip codes) weather Each UW user has a default zip code which resides in their admin portal based profile. A complex agent is used to pull information from a third party provider of weather data with the user’s zip code. The output lands on a tile face to display these filtered weather reports.


Federation, user credentials In order to handle the wide variety of users, field, office, client a broad federation needed to be deployed. UW has relationships with credential systems and manages encrypted tokens between these services. UW2012 and UW2013 provide the ability for users to use the following credential providers:  Active Directory (internal ABM credential management system, limited to approx. 10% of the organization)  Facebook  Google  Hotmail  Live  MSN  Outlook.com  Wordpress (abmlq.com)  Yahoo


Individual candidate on-boarding (admin assisted) The individual on-boarding process is two step. Initial entries are known as candidates, they complete the information required for review and acceptance by a human using an on line form. Once processed they become UW users.


Information bar Present on all levels across UW except level one (authentication screen). The information bar contains the following:  UW Message buss | Alerts and notifications bubble shows the number of unread items and is easily accessed once clicked  Achievements and Awards | Achievements are constantly updated and appear across all screens. Awards are UW component specific and only appear with those tools have awards engines (i.e. Field Work Activity).  Jump bar | A series of horizontal lines


Information bar nested third party app support The UW information may also reside on top of third party applications which are bridged to from within the UW experience.


Integrated user diagnostic tools The ability to confirm connectivity and disable charms across the UW platform when not in coverage is a good example of the diagnostic tools available with the UW platform.


Managed shut down logic and dependencies Utilizing the UW jump bar allows a user easily to navigate between active UW components and screens. To avoid shutting down UW without stopping other UW functions first all UW components are tied into a master shut down logic.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Master functional icons (tiles) Tiles contain many zones. Along the bottom of every tile, active or dynamic, a functional icon exists. These icons allow us to group similar tiles with consistent, grounding, images. Twelve functional icons may be found:  Announcements  Applications  Browsing  Collaboration  Contacts  Events  Files  Incidents  Location  Media  Pictures  Travel


Member profile management The UW admin portal manages all member profiles, field, office, and client. A myriad of information is contained from basic contact data, preferences, industry-service combinations, and skill levels.


Message buss, machine to machine Native UW components and third party integrated applications may contract with the UW message buss to aggregate messaging from these systems.


Message buss, peer to peer In many cases (i.e., UW share function) messages need to be sent from a machine to a user or from a user to a user. The UW message buss integrates with the abmlq.com messaging service to deliver peer to peer messaging. While the abmlq.com engine is leveraged the messages will appear in both UW and abmlq.com. Note: UW user must also be an EASI member (abmlq.com).


Metropolis content industry/service updates Metropolis is an internal and external learning application which exposes users to the breadth of ABM services and industries. Case studies and learning vignettes (what we do and why we do it) are frequently updated within the Metropolis environment. You may stay abreast of changes in two ways; via summary email service sent from UW message buss; MyMetropolis tile within UW which provides active data feeds to advise you of additions to content based on your industry and service selection. Metropolis.abm.com


Middleware, exponential business value All applications have information about information (metadata) which when leveraged across applications becomes exponentially more valuable to the business. The key is to use third party applications as intended without customization and extract value and add layers of workflow within the UW service buss.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Middleware, integration platform The UW service buss is the section of the platform which manages how information is shared between and amongst UW components and applications. Web services, which essentially publish and subscribe to discrete data elements, are used to pass information between connected systems. This approach provides an infinite "many to many" integration opportunity. Literally, if an application can be accessed via a computer it likely can be connected to the UW service buss.


Multi shift device sharing Level one manages authentication. Deliberately the UW platform was designed to allow multiple users to share the same device or kiosk. Once a user is logged into UW their profile data follows and changes the experience as dictated by their settings in the UW admin portal.


MyMetropolis filtering, industry/service MyMetropolis tile within UW which provides active data feeds to advise you of additions to content based on your industry and service selection.


Normalization, assets (equipment) Commonly known as the ANT table we provide a master listing of all asset types worked on by ABM locations. This asset normalization table is used during an office on board process. Asset types will be aligned to the master list.


Normalization, security clearances Commonly known as the CNT table we provide a master listing of all security clearance types worked on by ABM locations. This clearance normalization tool is used during an office on board process. Clearance types will be aligned to the master list.


Normalization, work activity types Commonly known as the TNT table we provide a master listing of all work activity types worked on by ABM locations. This work type normalization table is used during an office on board process. Work types will be aligned to the master list and verified against the average time allotted and pay.


Office team message group distribution tool In many cases (IE: UW share function) messages need to be sent from a machine to a user or from a user to a user. The UW message buss integrates with the abmlq.com messaging service to deliver peer to peer messaging. While the abmlq.com engine is leveraged the messages will appear in both UW and abmlq.com. Note: UW user must also be an EASI member (abmlq.com)


On-boarding, batch (individuals) Automated batch (one time or at a preset frequency) user configuration will push "silent" users into abmlq.com first via a batch process. Once confirmed in abmlq.com these users will flow into UW as required by business units (common with learning activity) along with their metadata.


On-boarding, entity (external system) The UW platform is designed to allow a simplified process for connecting nonnative UW components. These systems are most commonly transactional applications which UW will provide single sign on capability, exchange of data (web services, publish and subscribe) and data agents feeds (as required by tiles). Access is straightforward and involves connectivity via the public internet.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 58.

On-boarding, entity (internal system) The UW platform is designed to allow a simplified process for connecting nonnative UW components. These systems are most commonly transactional applications which UW will provide single sign on capability, exchange of data (web services, publish and subscribe) and data agents feeds (as required by tiles). Access is straightforward and involves connectivity via the relay servers located behind the ABM firewall.


On-boarding, individual The individual on-boarding process is two step. Initial entries are known as candidates, they complete the information required for review and acceptance by a human using an on line form. Once processed they become UW users.


On-boarding, office Exposed within the UW admin portal are settings which allow the office (where service administration occurs) to personalize the UW platform to their preferences. Common items to be adjusted may be default materials shipping location, zip code radius for local labor, etc. Offices may also choose to adopt the default settings provided by the UW deployment team.


Publish - Subscribe web service architecture (service buss) At the core of the UW middleware is a service buss that allows the exchange of standard web formatted integration data. These web services broadcast (publish) and listen (subscribe) for bits of data that influence the active UW process underway.


Role support, field, office, client, batch, custom UW is made up of agents (data feeds from transactional systems), tiles (which collect agents), screens (which organize tiles) and roles (which associate screens). Three primary roles exist, field (service workers - ABM and non ABM), office (service support - ABM and non ABM), and clients. Custom roles may be used when clients would like to have their own screens (IE BMW, PacMutual) and functional roles like our batch user process management.


Screen management Screens are associated to roles and a user may have numerous roles, thus multiple screens. All of the user assigned screens appear at level two of UW (home) under the "my role" swipe location.


Shift based credential storage When new users successfully log in the first time into UW, they will receive their own tile on UW level one (unifiedworkforce.abm.com). Multiple tiles may be stored at this level for the convenience of the users. However, if "x" time passes between logging into UW the user will be routed to their credential provider to re-authenticate.


Single mobile window navigation (jump bar) Located in the upper right of the screen on levels two, three and four users will see several small horizontal lines. When clicked the user may easily navigate back to the desired screen, or "jump" to their new location.


Single sign on Microsoft ACS is used to connect disparate systems to one user name and password within UW. Once an entity is on boarded, the primary UW credentials are used to log in any connected system that the user has access. Users only have to maintain and remember their UW user name and password.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015


Tile automated refresh Each tile, as configured within the UW admin portal, may have a different data refresh rate. A manual process also exists which allows the user to manually refresh a tile at any time. This only applies to active tiles with data feeds and is a long term cost management tool.


Tile management Tiles and agents are many to many, designed to apply freely to numerous screens. UW admin portal is used to manage the relationships between agents, tiles and screens.


Tile support, agent fed When an entity is on boarded tile data feeds are identified, added and placed in the UW admin portal for consumption by tiles. The relationship between the data feed, tile, and screen is a pure many to many environment. When clicked will take the user to an update screen.


Tile support, animated Also known as dynamic tiles these tiles provide two sides tiles which "flip over". One side of the tile contains a graphic and the other is text (managed via the UW portal) which when clicked will take the user to a destination (URL).


UW component centric awards and display Two tools exist for social recognition, achievements and awards. The second level of the information bar contains a location where UW native components may display their unique awards.


UW standing inputs, 19 (16 EASI, 3 Metropolis) | see all inputs here: http://www.abmlq.com/uwpoints Community standing points, which may be viewed in the information bar (upper right), are constantly being updated. Hundreds of inputs contribute events which have positive or negative total points impact. Outside of the psychological impact of community viewed points, users compete for position and the UW Queue based work activity favors those with the highest standing (as measured by their UW points). Community standing events are dependent upon input variables pulling from UW native and connected UW environments.


Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 2.0 Document Links The document links listed below are organized by category; click on each or type the URL in any web browser to view the document online. UW Quality Manual UW Quality Manual (complete) All UW Quality Manual Components Activity, Dynamic Activity, Project Activity, Queue Learning, Dynamic Learning, Formal Management, Procurement Management, Service Network Work Activity, Client Work Activity, Field

http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualuw http://www.abmlq.com/uwcomponents http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualda http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualpwa http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualqa http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualcl http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualtls http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualprocurement http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualsn http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualcwa http://www.abmlq.com/qualitymanualfwa

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) SOP-0506 Unified Workforce R-SOP-0506 UW Master Business Process

http://www.abmlq.com/sop0506 http://www.abmlq.com/sop0506a

Work Instructions Activity, Dynamic Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Activity, Project (in development) Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Activity, Queue Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Onboarding Process Map Learning, Dynamic Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Learning, Formal Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption TLS SCORM Files Management


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Management, Procurement Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Management, Service Network Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Work Activity, Client Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Work Activity, Field Onboarding Configuration Usage and Adoption Supporting Work Instructions Onboarding General Onboarding Individual Users Onboarding Location Quality Audits Support and Notifications User Status Management UW Device Guidelines Reference Material ABMSN Membership Tier Requirements Daily UW Sanity Checklist (ref WI-ABM-1111) LMS Research Document Process Diagram – Practical Application of DWA and UWQ UW Component Sketches UW Infographics UW Multi-Tenant Guide UW POM Proxy Design Document UW SDK Document UW Standing Inputs or Points Learning Material QuickTip: Contextual Learning User Interface QuickTip: How to Batch Import UW Users QuickTip: Logging into UW First Time QuickTip: Logging into UW in HTML5 Mode QuickTip: UW Switching Between My Role, Experience and Rhythm QuickTip: UW User Interface QuickTip: UW Work Order Charm Bar Scrubbing Guidelines for Batch Import Files Video: Contextual Learning Overview


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Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015 Video: Overview of UW Queue Video: Procurement Management Overview (in development) Video: UW Admin Portal Applications and Components


http://www.abmlq.com/uwqueueoverviewvideo http://www.abmlq.com/pomoverview http://www.abmlq.com/uwadminportal

Unified Workforce Quality Manual 2015

End of Manual


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