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2011 – 2012

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute Catholic Institute Floriana FRN 1441

T:21 233304

2011– 2012

L-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali kien twaqqaf wara li s-Sinodu Djocesan esprima l-bΩonn ta’ sostenn u koordinazzjoni iktar s˙i˙a f’qasam mill-aktar important g˙all-Knisja fi Ωminijietna: li

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

ji©u m˙ejjija persuni li jistg˙u jg˙ixu l-˙ajja nisranija tag˙hom b’mod s˙i˙ fir-realtajiet soçjali kontemporanji differenti, kif ukoll li jing˙ataw ta˙ri© dawk li b’xi mod huma involuti f’oqsma differenti tal-˙idma pastorali tal-Knisja. L-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali huwa wkoll sinjal ˙aj li l-Knisja f’Malta trid toffri formazzjoni lil dawk il-persuni, gruppi u setturi li, g˙alkemm m’humiex involuti direttament fil-˙idma pastorali, i˙ossu l-bΩonn li jid˙lu fil-fond fil-˙sieb tal-Van©elu u firriflessjoni tal-Knisja. Dan il-Prospectus hu xhieda tal-mod li bih il-Knisja qed tirrispondi g˙all-bΩonnijiet li qed jin˙assu madwarna. Il-fatt li korsijiet differenti qed ji©u offruti b’metodu ta’ kollaborazzjoni bejn Segretarjati, G˙aqdiet, u Organizzazzjonijiet differenti juri r-rispett s˙i˙ g˙all-kariΩmi u tal-identità differenti tal-entijiet li qed joffu din il-˙idma. Il-fatt li bosta korsijiet qed isiru b’metodolo©ija professjonali, fuq medda ta’ diversi xhur jew snin, ifisser ukoll li din ilformazzjoni tista’ tkun effettiva f’li ji©u ffurmati communities of learning li jg˙inu ferm biex ti©i arrikkita l-˙idma ministerjali tal-Knisja u l-viΩjoni pastorali li biha ssir din il-˙idma. Ir-rispons poΩittiv g˙all-korsijiet li saru f’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin flimkien mal-klima parteçipattiva u entuΩjasta li n˙olqot s’issa jawguraw tajjeb g˙al din il-˙idma fejjieda.

Formola tal-Applikazzjoni

Application Form Pastoral Formation Institute Catholic Institute Floriana FRN 1441  21 233304

Name & Surname:

Applicants are kindly asked to fill in this application and send it to Ms Stephanie Falzon (unless otherwise stated)

at the Pastoral Formation Institute, Catholic Institute, Floriana by not later than 29th July 2011

Reasons why you are interested in this course:


ID Number: Please choose the course you are interested in: Date of Birth:

A Short Introduction to the Liturgy A Short Introduction to the Theology of the Family

Gender:     Male     Female

General Education Award in Evangelisation Higher Education Award in Adolescent and Youth Ministry


Higher Education Award in Spirituality Higher Education Award in Christian Leadership I

Telephone Number:

Higher Education Award in Theology Higher Education Award in Missiology

Mobile Number:

Higher Education Award in Catholic Social Teaching Korsijiet tal-Moviment ta’ Kana *

Pastoral Formation Institute

Catholic Institute Floriana FRN 1441 2123 3304 2203 9510 2203 9513


Korsijiet tas-Segretarjat g˙all-Katekezi * Korsijiet tal-G˙aqda Bibblika *

Highest Qualification:

Korsijiet tal-Istitut Karmelitan * Korsijiet tal-Fakultà tat-Teolo©ija * * ATTENTION: Applications for these courses, organised by the Faculty of Theology, Carmelite Institute, Secretariat for Catechesis, Bible Society and Cana Movement should be sent to the respective organisations as indicated on the course brochures.

2011 – 2012

Kors ta’ Formazzjoni Biblika

mill-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija

It-Testment il-Ġdid

L-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija toffri korsijiet qosra ta’ bejn 4 u 6 laqg˙at ta’ sieg˙a u nofs il-wa˙da fil-perjodi bejn Ottubru u Diçembru 2010; Frar u April 2011; Mejju u Ìunju 2011. Ikun hemm lectures filg˙odu u filg˙axija. Is-su©©etti jkunu varji. Isir ukoll kors mifrux fuq sena bejn Ottubru 2009 u Mejju 2011 – filg˙odu darba f’©img˙a. Il-lectures isiru fis-Sala tal-Konferenzi tal-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija, fl-Istitut g˙allKultura Biblika, 51 Triq il-Miratur, Floriana. G˙al aktar informazzjoni çempel lill-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija bejn it-Tnejn u l-Ìimg˙a (bejn id-0900 u s-1300 u s-1400 u l-1700) fuq Telefon 21220318 jew b’email fuq

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute G˙aqda Biblika Maltija


It-Testment il-Ġdid

Dan il-kors ta’ formazzjoni biblika hu mifrux fuq 3 snin u hu intiΩ li jag˙ti idea baΩika imma çara tal-Iskrittura u s-su©©etti relatati mag˙ha. Fit-tielet sena jsir studju fuq it-Testment il-Gdid. Il-lectures isiru minn Biblisti esperti fis-su©©etti.

Temi Il-Van©eli Sinottiçi Il-Van©elu ta’ San Ìwann L-Atti tal-Appostli L-Ittri ta’ San Pawl L-Ittra lil-Lhud L-Ittri Kattoliçi L-Apokalissi ta’ San Ìwann

Lecturers: Diversi

Il-lectures isiru fis-Sala talKonferenzi tal-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija, fl-Istitut g˙all-Kultura Biblika, 51 Triq il-Miratur, Floriana. G˙al aktar informazzjoni çempel lill-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija bejn it-Tnejn u l-Ìimg˙a (bejn id-0900 u s-1300 u s-1400 u l-1700) fuq Telefon 21220318.

Ìurnata: Il-Óamis bejn Ottubru 2011 u Mejju 2012 Óin: 18:00 - 19:30 (ikun hemm break ta’ kwarta bir-refreshments) Ólas: €150

Nota: Kull applikazzjoni ti©i kkunsidrata. L-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali jevalwa tipi differenti ta’ kwalifiçi (akkademiçi, vokazzjonali, professjonali, kif ukoll ta’ xog˙ol u ta’ esperjenzi u kapaçitajiet o˙ra) fuq baΩi tal-potenzjal akkademiku tal-persuna.


Korsijiet ta’ Formazzjoni

mill-Moviment ta’ Kana The Cana Movement is an organisation of people who have the family at heart. It is a voluntary organisation within the Catholic Church of Malta. Our objectives are: to help couples prepare for marriage; to help couples or individuals who are facing difficulties in their relationships to help couples strengthen their marriage and their family Mission Statement “Our mission is to present marriage as a relationship which is lifelong, faithful and open to life.” It is also our mission to help persons prepare for marriage; to work with couples and families so that they grow in life, joy and stability; to stand by couples and individuals when they are facing difficulties in their marriage.” Cana Movement, Catholic Institute, St. Publius Street, Floriana FRN 1441, Malta +356 2123 8942  +356 2123 8068


Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus Cana Movement Pastoral Formation Institute

Kors ta’ T˙ejjija g˙aΩ-Ûwie© Kors ta’ 9 sessjonijiet ta’ sag˙tejn il-wa˙da miftu˙ g˙all-koppji miΩΩew©a (approvati mill-kappillan tal-parroçça tag˙hom) li jwasslek biex tkun koppja mexxejja tal-korsijiet ta’ Kana organizzati fil-parroççi ta’ Malta. Dan il-kors hu offrut b’xejn. Il-laqgÓat huma dawn: Il-Pastorali tal-Familja f’Malta Id-Dinamika tal-Gruppi u kif tmexxi grupp Id-Dinamika tal-Koppja u l-Komunikazzjoni Kif Insolvu Konflitt Is-sagrament taΩ-Ûwie©

Cana Weekend Seminars for

Leading Couples The Catholic Community, through Cana movement wants to accompany couples who wish to enter the sacrament of marriage in their journey to know better each other, to know Christ through each other and to move beyond themselves and enter in communion and become living signs of the love of God for his People. Therefore there is a need to provide for ongoing formation for married couples who wish to accompany engaged couples who: • are aware and experience a fulfilled Christian marriage • have a knowledge of Christ and the Christian message, and • are able to share the joy of Christian discipleship lived in married life.

Natural Family Planning u Responsible Parenthood COURSE 1

IΩ-Ûwie© u l-Óajja Nisranija

Emotional and Cognitive Intimacy

Theddid g˙aΩ-Ûwie©

(non-residential) 26 – 28 October 2011 or 10 – 12 February 2012

Óarsa lejn il-handouts tal-Kors u G˙eluq Lecturers: Diversi

Óin u Post: Il-laqg˙at isiru fid-Dar ta’ Kana, 21, Triq il-Mall, Floriana, bejn is-7:00 - 9:00pm (ikun hemm break ta’ kwarta birrefreshments)

Ìurnata: It-Tnejn bejn Ottubru 2011 u Novembru 2011. It-Tnejn 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ta’ Ottubru u 7, 14, 15, 21, 28 ta’ Novembru. Jew it-Tnejn bejn Jannar - Marzu 2012 It-Tnejn 9, 16, 23, 30 ta’ Jannar u 6, 13, 20, 27 ta ‘ Frar u 5 ta’ Marzu.


Spiritual Intimacy (non-residential) 14 – 16 October 2011 or 13 – 15 January 2012 Language of Instruction: Maltese Venue for Weekends: The Archbishop’s Seminary, Tal-Virtù, Rabat Session Format: Friday from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Sunday from 9:00am to 12:30pm.

2011 – 2012

Short Certificate Course in


Lecturers: All lecturers have a recognised post-graduate degree

Administration: Pastoral Formation Institute

Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

Short Certificate Course in Evangelisation

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF)

Proposed Level 4


One year part time

Teaching Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course.

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute

Course Goal

The course aims at informing and forming participants in becoming more acquainted with the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. The course also aims at equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to share the faith with others.

Course Information Course Co-Ordinator: Ms Mariella Chetcuti Board of Studies: Ms Mariella Chetcuti (Course Coordinator) Dr Adrian-Mario Gellel Rev. Dr Mark Sultana Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills. An interview may be held to ascertain a pretertiary level of education.

Assessment: Online Quiz and a Practical Project Course Fee: €40 Venue for Lectures: Various. More information can be obtained either by calling 2123 3304, by visiting us on or by sending us an email on

Students may have access the Foundation for Theological Studies Library at the Archbishop’s Seminary, the Library at the Secretariat for Catechesis and the Library at the Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙

Session Format: The course will be spread over one year (part-time) with a total of 70 hrs. The course format takes into consideration the busy schedule of students. Students will be required to follow 10, 2-hour sessions, two half-day seminars and participate and continue reflection through online sessions

Modules Code

Module Title Value

THP4001 Introduction to Evangelisation THD4001 Introduction to Christianity

4 ects 6 ects

2011 - 2012

Higher Education Award in

Christian Leadership I

Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

Higher Education Award in Christian Leadership I


1 Year part-time


Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Proposed Level 5

Teaching Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute together with,

Ms M A Agius; Sr Mariella Agius; Ms Georgina Debattista, Ms J C Scicluna


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute

Course Goal

Participants will be presented with various models of Church and will be helped to understand how different models imply different pastoral action.

Course Information The Vision: The course will focus on (i) the Christian vision of Leadership, and (ii) the psychological tools needed to sustain and service a Christian community. The following aspects are to be highlighted: • Christian leaders are to be committed to collaboration. • The activities of Christian leaders are to reflect consistency and a mindfulness for psychological and spiritual growth within the group. Tools: In this set of sessions, participants will be helped to acquire the necessary skills and tools to lead a Christian community. In particular they will be helped to reflect on group dynamics, leadership styles and interpersonal relationships, together with the interface between the spirituality and psychology of leadership.

Assessment: Reflective Reports Course Fee: €120 Venue for Lectures: The first 3 modules will be held at ‘Çentru Parrokkjali Papa Ìwanni Pawlu II, Attard. The fourth module will be held at the Seminary, Tal-Virtù, Rabat.

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments. Fees include lectures, assessment, final certificate and certificates supplement.

Class Size: Due to the nature and the structure of the course only 30 participants may apply for the course

Course Co-Ordinator: Ms M A Agius Language of Instruction: Maltese

Modules Module Title DURATION

Session Format: The short certificate course will be spread over a year with a total of 56 hrs of sessions. These 4 modules will be held over 4 weekends . The first 3 weekends are non residential and the fourth weekend is residential. All weekends commence on Fridays at 6pm and end on Sundays at noon.

Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institutes accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Group Dynamics | 4-6 November Group Leadership | 24-26 February Interpersonal Relationships | 23-25 March Spiritual Seminar ‘Leading in the Name of Christ’ | 20-22 April

14 Hrs 14 Hrs 14 Hrs 14 Hrs


A Short Introduction to the


Lecture Rooms: Lecture Hall San Pawl, Pastoral Formation Institute

Lecturers: All lecturers have a recognised post-graduate degree

Administration: Pastoral Formation Institute

Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

4 ECTS Module

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Proposed Level 5

Duration: Teaching Institution:

Secretariat for the Liturgy in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute.

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course. Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute Secretariat for the Liturgy

Course Goal

The course is aimed to all those who wish to know more about the Liturgy of the Catholic Church, in particular those who are involved in Liturgical Commissions.

Course Information Need: Throughout its history, the Catholic Church in Malta has formed and sustained the formation of new Catholic communities. Eager to continue to celebrate the presence of the Risen Christ and aware of the everchanging face of the Catholic Community in Malta, there is a need to form the laity to: • feel and believe in the urgency and importance to understand better and live more deeply the liturgy of the Church; • be filled with a sense of respect and urgency to plan towards and share liturgical moments and their meaning with others; • sustain the local Church by reminding it of its primary mission and spread enthusiasm in and through the Liturgy at all levels of the local Catholic Community.

Board of Studies: Rev. Dr Jesmond Manicaro (Course Coordinator) Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (IFP) Rev. Ignatius Borg Language of Instruction: Maltese

For this reason there is need for a formation course which instils in participants the knowledge and the attitudes that are essential for celebrating and sustaining the faith and life of the local Church through the Liturgy.

A Short Introduction to the Liturgy

Course Co-Ordinator: Rev. Dr Jesmond Manicaro SThL SLD (Ans) Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Assessment: Reflective Report

Students may have access the Foundation for Theological Studies Library at the Archbishop’s Seminary, the Library at the Secretariat for Catechesis and the Library at the Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙

Course Fee: €20 Venue for Lectures: Sala San Pawl, Catholic Institute, Floriana

The Term ‘Liturgy’ Worship in the Old Testament Worship in the New Testament Principles of Liturgical Theology throughout the Ages – from the age of persection to the 6th century. Principles of Liturgical Theology throughout the Ages – from Gregory the Great to Gregory VII (590-1073). Principles of Liturgical Theology throughout the Ages – from Gregory VII to the Council of Trent (1073-1545). Principles of Liturgical Theology throughout the Ages – from the Counter-Reformation to the Contemporary Era. Principles of Liturgical Theology throughout the Ages – The Theology of the Liturgical Movement. The Liturgical Theology of Vatican II – i The Liturgical Theology of Vatican II – ii The Liturgical Assembly The Liturgical Celebration Principles of Liturgical Spirituality

Lectures will be held every Thursday, commencing on the 6th October and ending on the 19th January (with a two-week Christmas break on the 22 and 29 December), between 6 and 8pm at the Sala San Pawl, Catholic Institute, Floriana.


Higher Education Award in


Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

Higher Education Award in Missiology

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Proposed Level 5


One year part time

Teaching Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course.

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute Çentru Animazzjoni Missjunarja Pontificial Mission Societies

Course Goal

The course is aimed to all those who wish to know more about the activity and mission of the Catholic Church amongst new emerging communities, in particular those who intend to go themselves on a missionary experience.

Course Information Need: Throughout its history, the Catholic Church in Malta has formed and sustained the formation of new Catholic communities. Eager to continue to respond to Christ’s command to teach and baptise all nations and aware of the ever changing face of global challenges and of the Catholic Community in Malta, there is a need to form the laity to: • feel and believe in the urgency and importance to actualise the kingdom of God amongst all nations; • be filled with a sense of respect and urgency to share the Message entrusted to us; • sustain the local Church by reminding it of its primary mission and spread enthusiasm at all levels of the local Catholic Community.

Board of Studies: Rev. John Curmi (Course Coordinator) Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (IFP) Rev. Louis Mallia MSSP Rev. Martin Cilia MSSP Rev. Mgr Salvinu Micallef

For this reason there is need for a formation course which instils in participants the knowledge and the attitudes that are essential for building and sustaining a missionary attitude and will within the local Church.

Language of Instruction: Maltese

Course Co-Ordinator: Rev. John Curmi S.Th.L (Greg)

Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Assessment: Reflective Report and a Practical Project Course Fee: €50 Venue for Lectures: Dar San ÌuΩepp, Santa Venera from 6:30 to 8:30pm

Modules Code

CALENDAR Module 1 Mondays November 21 to February 20 December 26 and January 2 (Christmas Holidays) Module 2 Mondays February 27 to May 7 April 2 and 9 (Easter Holidays)

Students may have access the Foundation for Theological Studies Library at the Archbishop’s Seminary, the Library at the Secretariat for Catechesis and the Library at the Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙

Module Title Value

THP5001 Foundations of Missiology THP5005 Contemporary Developments in Missiology

4 4

2011 – 2012

Korsijiet ta’ Formazzjoni

mis-Segretarjat g˙all-KatekeΩi

4 KatekeΩi mal-Adulti

korsijiet g˙as-sena 2011 - 2012

A. Kors dwar il-Konċilju Vatikan it-Tieni – 50 Sena Wara Kors ta’ 5 laqgħat, kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa Ottubru /Novembru, mis-6.00pm sat-8.00pm Ħlas €12   Imexxi Fr René Camilleri B. Kors ‘Fil-Qalba ta’ dak li nemmen’ Kors ta’ 5 laqgħat dwar il-Kredu, kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa mis-6 ta’ Jannar, mis-6.00pm sat-8.00pm Ħlas €12   Imexxi Fr René Camilleri Ċ. Kors ‘Kif taqra l-Iskrittura’ Kors ta’ 5 laqgħat, kull nhar ta’ Ħamis Ottubru / Novembru, mis-6.00pm sat-8.00pm Ħlas €12    Imexxi Patri Ġiġi Sapiano OP D. Kors dwar ‘Il-Katekumenat u l-Evanġelizzazzjoni l-Ġdida’ Kors ta’ 5 laqgħat, kull nhar ta’ Sibt filgħodu, mill-14 ta’ April 2012, mid-9.30am sa 12.00 Ħlas €15   Imexxi Fr René Camilleri

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Segretarjat g˙all-KatekeΩi

Monsinjur Arċisqof Mikiel Gonzi f’Jannar tas-sena 1967 waqqaf il-Kummissjoni Kateketika Nazzjonali (KKN) bil-għan li tkun responsabbli mit-tfassil u l-implimentazzjoni tas-Sillabi għall-Katekeżi tat-tfal fil-parroċċi u għat-tagħlim tarReliġjon fl-iskejjel. B’Digriet tal-11 ta’ Mejju 1988, il-KKN saret is-Segretarjat għatTħabbir tal-Kelma u l-Katekeżi. Fid-dawl tal-ħidma mwettqa minn dan is-Segretarjat, kif ukoll skont il-ħidma proġettata għall-futur, b’Digriet tal-4 ta’ Lulju 1998 Monsinjur Arċisqof Gużeppi Mercieca ippublika direttivi ġodda dwar l-operat ta’ dan is-Segretarjat li beda jissejjaħ Segretarjat għallKatekeżi.

Il-lectures isiru fis-Sala tasSegretarjat g˙all-KatekeΩi, fittielet sular tal-Istitut Kattoliku, Furjana. G˙al aktar informazzjoni çempel lis-Segretarjat mitTnejn sal-Ìimg˙a bejn id-9:00 u s-12:00) fuq Telefon 2122 3949.

1 Kors ta’ Metodolo©ija

u Pedago©ija g˙all-Katekisti tat-Tfal

2 Kors Ìenerali ta’ Teolo©ija Nisranija g˙all-Edukaturi fil-Fidi

Dan il-kors jimmira g˙all-formazzjoni ta’ katekisti impenjati fit-tag˙lim nisrani u li jixtiequ jwessg˙u l-g˙arfien tat-teolo©ija.

Dan il-kors huwa mmirat g˙al dawk kollha li huma impenjati fil-qasam kateketiku tat-tfal sa tnax-il sena, jew li huma interessati li jkunu mpenjati f’dan il-qasam.

Il-kors ser ikun kull nhar ta’ Tlieta minn Ottubru sa Marzu 2012, mid9:30am sal-11:45am bi break fin-nofs g˙all-kafè.

Il-kors ser ikun kull nhar ta’ Erbg˙a minn Ottubru sa Frar, mid-9:30am sal-11:45am bi break fin-nofs g˙all-kafè.

Niltaqg˙u fis-Sala tas-Segretarjat g˙all-KatekeΩi fl-Istitut Kattoliku (t-tielet sular). Il-˙las hu ta’ €30 li jinkludi n-noti u r-refreshments. Wie˙ed jista’ jara jekk il-parroçça tistax tissussidjah.

Niltaqg˙u fis-Sala tas-Segretarjat g˙all-KatekeΩi flIstitut Kattoliku (t-tielet sular). Il-˙las hu ta’ €30 li jinkludi n-noti u r-refreshments. Wie˙ed jista’ jara jekk il-parroçça tistax tissussidjah. Tikkordina l-kors Sr Alexandra Chircop. Biex tapplika çempel fuq 2203 9402

Jikkordina l-kors Fr Ìi©i Sapiano. Biex tapplika çempel fuq 2203 9402


Kors Introduttiv g˙all-Katekisti

Dan il-kors huwa mmirat g˙al dawk kollha li g˙adhom fil-bidu tal-ministeru tal-edukazzjoni g˙all-fidi jew inkella g˙adhom se jibdew ja˙dmu filministeru tal-edukazzjoni g˙all-fidi. Huma mistiedna speçjali dawk kollha li ja˙dmu jew li se jkunu ja˙dmu fil-qasam tal-edukazzjoni g˙all-fidi tat-tfal u pre-adoloxxenti fil-preparazzjoni tag˙hom g˙ad-d˙ul fil-˙ajja nisranija. L-g˙an ta’ dan il-kors huwa li jintroduçi lil dawn il-katekisti fil-ministeru kateketiku billi jg˙inhom: • jag˙arfu x’inhi l-katekeΩi fid-dawl tal-missjoni tal-evan©elizzazzjoni talKnisja Kattolika • jifhmu x’inhi l-vokazzjoni u l-missjoni partikulari tal-katekist • jsiru jafu dwar xi elementi tal-psikolo©ija u l-kultura soçjolo©ika li fiha qeg˙din jikbru t-tfal u l-pre-adoloxxenti llum Dan huwa kors li jie˙u tliet xhur u li jibda f’Ottubru 2011. Jikkordina l-kors Fr Carl-Mario Sultana u se jsir kull nhar ta’ Tlieta filg˙axija bejn is-6:00pm u t-8:00pm fis-Sala tas-Segretarjat g˙all-KatekeΩi, fl-Istitut Kattoliku.


Higher Education Award in

Adolescent and

Youth Ministry

Lecture Rooms: Lecture Hall, Secretariat for Catechesis Lecture Hall San Pawl, Pastoral Formation Institute

Lecturers: All lecturers have a recognised post-graduate degree

Administration: Pastoral Formation Institute

Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

Higher Education Award in Adolescent and Youth Ministry


2 years part-time (112 hours taught sessions)

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Proposed Level 5

Teaching Institutions:

Secretariat for Catechesis and Kummissjoni Djoċesana Żgħażagħ in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course.

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute Secretariat for Catechesis Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙

Course Goal

The course aims to provide holistic formation and training to all those who are currently involved or who desire to become involved in youth formation programmes within a Churchrelated ambience. CALENDAR Module 1 October 4 to November 15 Module 2 November 22 to January 10, 2012 Module 3 January 17 to March 6 Module 4 March 13 to May 15 December 20 and 27 (Christmas Recess) February 21 (Carnival) April 3 and 10 (Easter Recess)

Course Information Course Co-Ordinator: Sr Alexandra Chircop, fcj MA Rel. & Educ. (Dublin) Board of Studies: Sr Alexandra Chircop, fcj Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (PFI) Dr Adrian-Mario Gellel Entry Requirements:  Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.  Referral letter from Parish Priest and/or the respective Provincial Superior,(in the case of members of Consecrated Religious Life) and/ or Movement/Association Leader (in the case of members of a Youth Group), together with an interview Language of Instruction: Maltese Assessment: Written assignment or reflection paper for every module Course Fee: €75 per year Session Format: The short certificate course will be spread over a maximum of two-years part-time with a total of 112 hrs of taught sessions. Lectures are held every Tuesday, as from 5 October 2010, between 6pm and 8pm. There will be a short coffee/tea break.

Modules First Year Code

Module Title Value

PSY5004 Understanding Youth and Adolescents THD5001 Introduction to Dogmatic Theology THP5002 Tackling Pastoral Issues from a Biblical Perspective THD5002 Living the Catholic faith in a Pluralistic Society

2 ects 2 ects 2 ects 2 ects

Venue for Lectures: Lecture Halls of Secretariat for Catechesis, Catholic Institute, Floriana

Second Year Code

Module Title Value

THP5003 Introduction to Christian Leadership THP5004 Youth and Adolescent Catechesis THM5008 Introduction to Spirituality THM5009 Professional Ethics and Moral Issues

2 ects 2 ects 2 ects 2 ects

Students may have access the Foundation for Theological Studies Library at the Archbishop’s Seminary, the Library at the Secretariat for Catechesis and the Library at the Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙

Ongoing Formation Day Seminars Saturday 21 January, 5 May and 1 September 2012 For Youth Leaders (18+) particularly those who have completed the Higher Education Award in Adolescent and Youth Ministry, and teachers. The three seminars will be accredited by the Pastoral Formation Institute. Seminar Co-Ordinators: Sr Alexandra Chircop 22039408 Fr Marco Portelli 21484506


Carmelite Institute The Carmelite Institute Malta (CIM) emerged from the collaboration of the Maltese Carmelite Province and the Maltese Discalced Carmelite Province in an attempt to provide formation in Spirituality through courses and research. In collaboration with the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta, the Carmelite Institute Malta, offers also an MA course in Carmelite Spirituality. It collaborates also with other Carmelite Institutes and Centres of Spirituality worldwide. The Institute aims to provide a sacred space and language, from a Carmelite perspective, enabling reflection on one’s own personal relationship with God through a life of prayer leading to mystical union with God.

Formation Courses by the

Carmelite Institute

Awards and Level Course Code: Final Award:

Certificate Award in Carmelite Spirituality

Level Rating:

Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) Level 6


Two years. 9 modules of 14 hours each

Teaching Institution:

Carmelite Institute Malta in collaboration with Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Carmelite Institute Malta in collaboration with Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate after successful completion of the course

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.


Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus Carmelite Institute  21454524 Pastoral Formation Institute

Certificate in Carmelite Spirituality The two year course is divided into two main parts consisting respectively of Modules in General Spirituality during the first year and in Carmelite Spirituality during the second year. Primarily, the first year aims at providing participants with a historical overview of the development of Christian Spirituality through the ages and to introduce them to areas of study in the field of Spirituality. Attention will be given also to the spiritual tradition of other religions and to contemporary paths in the field of spiritual experience. The four modules in the second year, will specifically delve deeper into the Carmelite Spiritual Tradition, from the perspective of the historical development of Carmelite Spirituality. Fundamental Carmelite figures and mystical texts will be studied and analysed. Language of Instruction: Maltese

Venue for Lectures: Carmelite Priory, Mdina.

Assessment: Tutors’ reports every trimester together with an assessment after each module as per module description

Course Fee: 1st Year: €100 per person 2nd year: €100 per person

Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Carmelite Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills. Contact Information: Ms Denise Sultana Kunvent tal-Karmnu Triq Villegaignon L-Imdina

Modules First Year

Module Title Il-Ħidma ta’ Alla fil-Ħajja u fl-Istorja tal-Bniedem It-Tweġiba tal-Bniedem lil Alla L-Istorja tal-Ispiritwalità Nisranija Il-Ħajja Spiritwali f’Reliġjonijiet oħra: Lhudija, Iżlamika, Lvant Imbiegħed It-Tfittxija ta’ Alla fid-Dinja Kontemporanja

Value 2ects 2ects 2ects 2ects 2ects

Second Year Module Title Il-Pedamenti u l-Qċaċet tal-Ispiritwalità Karmelitana L-Iżvilupp tal-Iskejjel tal-Ħajja tat-Talb fit-Tradizzjoni Karmelitana Il-Kontemplazzjoni fil-Karmelu: Twaħħid mas-Salib ta’ Ġesù Il-Proċess ta’ Trasformazzjoni

Value 2ects 2ects 2ects 2ects

Elective Modules First Year Module Title Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù: Il-Ktieb tal-Ħajja Il-Verġni Marija fil-Ħajja Spiritwali Elective Modules Second Year

Value 2ects 2ects

Module Title Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù: It-Triq tal-Perfezzjoni L-Ispiritwalità tas-Salmi L-Ispiritwalità u l-Media

Value 2ects 2ects 4 ects


Higher Education Award in

Catholic Social Teaching

Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

Higher Education Award in Catholic Social Teaching


Two year part-time course with 6 modules of 14 hours each

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Level 5

Teaching Institutions:

Centre for Faith and Justice in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course.

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute Centre for Faith and Justice

Course Goal

to familiarise the participants with issues of social justice and how the Catholic Church has called for responses. Participants will be challenged to consider their personal responsibility in addressing social issues and how they can integrate the Church’s social teaching into their spirituality and their daily lives, ministries and professions. CALENDAR Module 1 Tuesdays 15, 22, 29 Nov, 6 Dec Saturday 10 Dec Module 2 Tuesdays 17, 24, 31 Jan, 7 Feb Saturday 18 february Module 3 Tuesdays 17, 24 Apr, 8, 15 May Saturday 19 May

Course Information Course Co-Ordinator: Fr Edgar Busutil, sj (Course Coordinator) Board of Studies: Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (PFI) Mr Jean Paul De Lucca Ms Daniela De Bono Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills. Language of Instruction: Maltese Assessment: Written assignment or reflection paper for every module Course Fee: €25 per module Session Format: In each module, sessions will be held as follows: Four Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 8:30pm and one Saturday from 9:00am to 12:30pm

Modules First Year Code

Module Title

THM5001 Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching THM5002 State and Society in Catholic Thought THM5003 The Moral dimension of the economy


2ects 2ects 2ects

Second Year Code

Module Title

THM5004 Theology, Human Rights and Global Issues THM5005 Theory and Practice of Social Analysis THM5006 CST and the Commitment of the Laity Students may have access the Foundation for Theological Studies Library at the Archbishop’s Seminary, the Library at the Secretariat for Catechesis and the Library at the Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙

Venue for Lectures: Sala San Pawl, Catholic Institute, Floriana


2ects 2ects 2ects

Bachelor of Arts in Theology Honours

3-year day course or 5-year evening course The B.A. (Hons.) Theology can be taken either in Theology as the single Honours area of study or in Theology with a subsidiary area.


Formation Courses offered by the

Faculty of Theology

The Theology programme provides a comprehensive overview of the biblical sources of Christianity as well as its history, its doctrinal, ethical and pastoral aspects, including its relations to economics, politics, culture and biotechnology. The B.A. (Hons) in Theology with a subsidiary area aims at providing for the possibility of the combination of Theology with another area of study provided by the Faculties of Arts and Science. The Board of Studies will consider each request in consultation with the Department or Faculty concerned. It is recommended to students wishing: ■  to have a good grounding for the teaching of religion in the upper secondary school levels or to exercise certain forms of pastoral ministry and community work (to be able to teach in schools one needs to obtain a PGCE) ■  to prepare for further specialised training in theology ■  to relate faith with their own work, professional or social responsibilities.

Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Human Studies 3-year day course The B.A. in Theology and Human Studies has a flexible structure to meet a variety of educational needs through the combination of theology with a number of areas of humanistic studies. It provides a good base to students wishing: ■  to qualify as teachers of religion at the secondary school level (PGCE required) ■  to prepare for church or community related work, including work in religious tourism, through the combination of theology with sociology, psychology, communication studies, philosophy, history or a language subject.


Faculty of Theology, University of Malta

Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Master of Arts in Bioethics

3-year evening course, mainly taught, partly by research with the final year exclusively dedicated to dissertation Today’s rapid development in health care constantly confronts professionals with new ethical and legal challenges. Thus, health care today demands an increased bioethical competence. Due to the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to issues of contemporary health care, the Professional Ethics Programme within the Faculty of Theology is offering a Master of Arts in Bioethics with the aim of making a significant contribution to the formation of professionals enabling them to face contemporary bioethical challenges.

Masters in Spirituality

Masters in Spirituality and Spiritual Companionship

3-year evening course, mainly taught, partly by research and final year exclusively dedicated to dissertation In response to the growing need for spiritual guidance and companionship, the Faculty of Theology is offering a programme of studies to committed members of the Christian community to empower those interested in discovering and practising the art and profession of Spiritual Companionship (Stream A). This course also intends to respond to the need of ongoing formation of School Religious Counsellors (Stream B).

Masters of Arts in Theology

6-semester evening course

3-year evening course, mainly taught, partly by research and final year exclusively dedicated to dissertation.

The M.A. (Theol.) programme provides specialisation in a specific area of theology and is taken mainly on a research basis.

In today’s society there is a growing interest for a deeper understanding of spirituality. In trying to respond to the needs of individuals, the Faculty of Theology is offering a course that helps students to acquire a holistic perception of life and of the human person, and to value the contribution of spirituality to the individual and human society. In the second year of study, students will be able to choose whether to pursue their interests in General Spirituality (Stream A) or Carmelite Spirituality (Stream B) or AAA.

It is designed to meet the needs of those interested in: ■  teaching religion at the upper school, including pre-University, levels ■  deepening the study of the Bible and religious cultural heritage ■  exploring arguments that the Christian tradition has opened and maintained on doctrinal and moral matters.

This course intends to offer students: ■  a solid grounding in the theology and tradition of Christian spirituality ■  the skills needed to become animators of other persons and communities in their process of Christian development ■  the ability to discern the signs of the time.

Masters of Arts in Religious Studies 6-semester evening course

The M.A. (Rel. Stud.) is offered mainly by research on the philosophical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of religion. It aims at giving those who already have a Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant area to explore its relationship to religion.

Other courses offered by the Faculty of Theology Diploma in Religious Studies (2-year evening course), Bachelor of Sacred Theology (5-year full-time course), Licentiate in Sacred Theology (2-year full-time course), Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (3-semester full-time course)


General Education Award in

Theology of the Family

Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

General Education Award in Family Ministry

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Level 4


1 year part-time (56 hours taught courses)

Teaching Institution:

Kummissjoni Djoċesana Familja in collaboration with the Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course. Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute Kummissjoni Djoçesana Familja

Course Goal

The course aims to provide holistic formation and training to all those who are currently involved or who desire to become involved in family ministry within a Churchrelated ambience. CALENDAR Theology of the Family 20, 27 January 3-5 February

non-residential weekend

17, 24 February 2 March 3 March one-day seminar

Family Ministry 20, 27 April 4, 11, 18, 25 May 1, 8, 15 June 16 June one-day seminar

Course Information Course Co-Ordinator: Dr Rita Borg Xuereb Board of Studies: Dr Rita Borg Xuereb (Co-ordinator) Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (IFP) Rev Dr Joseph Galea Curmi Ms Louise Laferla Language of Instruction: Maltese Assessment: Reflective Report Course Fee: To be confirmed Venue for Lectures: Sala San Pawl, Catholic Institute, Floriana Entry Requirements:  Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.  Referral letter from Parish Priest.  This course is intended as a follow-up to the Pastoral Visitation. Preference will be given to applicants from parishes where the Pastoral Visitation was held. Due to the nature of the course, a limited number of applicants will be accepted. The course will be held yearly. Session Format: Fourteen 2-hour lectures on Fridays between 6:30 and 8:30 pm. Two Day Seminars on a Saturday. One nonresidential weekend at the Archbishop’s Seminary, TalVirtu, Rabat.

General Education Award in Family Ministry Theology of the Family 4ects 1.‘Who am I?’ – Who are We? A Christian Anthropology Love and Sexuality 2. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body 3. The Gift of Life and the Gift of Love 4. Marriage in the Scripture/ Lectio Divina 5. Marriage and family in the Teachings of the Fathers of the Church 6. The Teachings of the Church on Marriage and the Family (recent magisterium) 7. Sacramental and Liturgical Theology of Marriage Family Ministry 4ects 1. The Family: Psychological and Sociological Perspectives 2. Family Life-Cycle and Dynamics 3. Caring for life and Commitment towards our Children and towards Society 4. Bioethics and the family (including the formation of conscience and the process of discernment) 5. An Ecclesial Theology of Mission: Different States of Life in the Church. 6. The Spirituality and Mission of the Couple – experiential seminarweekend

Students may have access the Foundation for Theological Studies Library at the Archbishop’s Seminary, the Library at the Secretariat for Catechesis and the Library at the Kummissjoni Djoçesana Ûg˙aΩag˙


Awards and Level Course Code:


Exit Award after 2 yrs:

Students who obtain 30 ects with an average mark of at least 50% and do not proceed with the Course, or having proceeded do not successfully obtain 60 ects, shall be eligible for the award of the Higher Education Award in Spirituality.

Higher Education Award in


Final Award after 3 yrs: Diploma in Spiritual Accompaniment Course Code of Exit 2: IFP/DS6 Level Rating: Duration:

Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) Level 6 First two years 16 modules of 14 hours each together with 1 module of 28 hours (Sensitivity Training) equivalent to a total of 252 hours of lectures and training.

Third Year: 6 modules of 14 hours each, together with 2 modules of 28 hours each, together with 1 module of 56hrs (Practicum: Spiritual Exercises and Spiritual Direction under supervision) equivalent to a total of 196 hours of lectures and training.

Teaching Institution:

Centre of Ignatian Spirituality in collaboration with Pastoral Formation Institute

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course. 1

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute

Course Goal

The first part of the course aims at familiarising the participants with certain schools of spirituality, in particular, with Ignatian Spirituality as well as introducing them to the disciplines of Theology. The second part of the course aims at training the participants in spiritual accompaniment and retreatgiving through theoretical and practical sessions.

Course Information Course Co-Ordinator: Fr Reno Grech sj Board of Studies: Rev Reno Grech sj (Course Coordinator) Ms Josette Vassallo Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (IFP) Sr Marie Scicluna Entry Requirements:  Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.  Referral letter from Parish Priest and/or the respective Provincial Superior,(in the case of members of Consecrated Religious Life) and/ or Movement/Association Leader (in the case of members of a Youth Group), together with an interview Language of Instruction: Maltese Assessment: Tutors’ reports every trimester together with an assessment after each module as per module description Course Fee: To be confirmed Venue for Lectures: Mount St Joseph Retreat House, Mosta. Session Format: Lectures will normally be held on Thursdays between 6:30 and 8:30pm. The course also includes a number of non-residential and residnetial weekends.


2011-2012 Introduction to Course Introduction to Dogmatic Theology Self-Awareness Introduction to Fundamental Theology History and Foundation of Spiritual Theology Prayer: Different Spiritualities & Methods Prayerful biblical reflection Psychological Dynamics in Spirituality Feminine Spirituality Faith and Culture

Sept 7 Sept 15, 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27 Oct 14-16 (res. weekend) Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 15,22 Jan 5, 12, 19, 26, 31, Feb 2, 9,16 Feb 23, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Apr 12 Apr 14-15 (residential weekend) Apr 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, June 14 June 16-17 (non residential weekend) June 23-24 (non residential weekend)

2012-2013 Introduction to Moral Theology Discernment in the Spiritual Exercises Sensitivity Training Historical Context & Writings of St. Ignatius The Dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises Introduction to Pastoral Theology Communal Spiritual Discernment Biblical Studies and the Spiritual Exercises Helping Skills

Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18 Oct. 25, Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29, Dec 6, 20 Oct 31 - Nov 4 Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14. Feb 23-24 (non residential weekend) Feb 28, Mar 7, 14, 21, Apr 4,11,18 Apr 27,28 (non residential weekend) May 2,9,16,23,30, June 6, 13 Jun 22-23 (non-res. weekend)


Higher Education Award in


Awards and Level Course Code:


Final Award:

Higher Education Award in Theology


2 years part-time (112 hours taught courses)

Level Rating:

Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) Level 5

Teaching Institutions:

Pastoral Formation Institute together with the Secretariat for Catechesis

Awarding Institution:

Pastoral Formation Institute


A Sealed Certificate together with a Diploma supplement after successful completion of the course.

Students will be considered to have successfully completed the course after attending at least 2/3 of the lecture sessions and obtaining a pass in all formative assessments.

prospectus Prospectus ta’ Korsijiet • Course Prospectus

Pastoral Formation Institute

Course Goal

to offer an in-depth curriculum of solid theological discourse enabling participants to reflect deeply about their faith; integrate the development of reflective ministry with respect to the needs of our contemporary Church and society; and to provide an opportunity for the ongoing spiritual development of the participants.

Course Information Course Co-Ordinator: Rev. Dr René Camilleri Board of Studies: Rev. Dr René Camilleri (Course Coordinator) Rev. Dr Mark Sultana or his delegate (IFP) Ms Louise Laferla Entry Requirements: Every application will be considered on its individual merits. The Pastoral Formation Institute accepts a wide range of qualifications, and we always try to judge applications on the basis of academic potential. We do consider a very wide range of academic, vocational, and professional qualifications, as well as work and other appropriate experiences and skills.

Modules First Year Code

Module Title


THD5005 THD5006 THD5007 THD5008

Theology and the Human Quest for God Theological thought and development during Early and Medieval times Theological thought and development during the modern and contemporary period Revelation and Faith

2ects 2ects 2ects 2ects

Second Year Code

Module Title

THD5009 THD5010 THD5004

The Person of Christ and the Revelation of the Trinitarian God Contemporary Issues after the Second Vatican Council The Search for God in Contemporary Culture

Language of Instruction: Maltese Assessment: Written Assignment for every module Course Fee: €75 per year Session Format: The certificate course will be spread over a maximum of two-years part-time with a total of 56 hrs of taught sessions. Lectures will be held on Mondays between 6:30 and 8:30pm. Venue for lectures: Lecture Hall San Pawl, Pastoral Formation Institute Virtual Learning Environment: Moodle


2ects 2ects 4ects

CALENDAR Module 1 October 3 to November 14 Module 2 November 21 to January 16, 2012 Module 3 January 23 to March 12 Module 4 March 26 to May 21 December 26 and 2 January (Christmas Recess) February 20 (Carnival) April 2 and 9 (Easter Recess)


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