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T h e r e a r e n o " B r i t i s h L a w Enforcement investigations or reports on Leicester riots This claim is false and m i s l e a d i n g T h e a r t i c l e b y P a k i s t a n i -
British Abdul Taher quotes a "UK security source" Asian Voice reached out to members of the community in Leicester to unders t a n d t h e i r t a k e o n t h i s r e v e l a t i o n
Yogesh Desai from Leicester told Asian Voice, “I read the article, and until now I heard from different people about violent clashes because of cricket, so many people came outside of Leicester to fight against Indian people I also heard that they got money to do the fight ” Dipti Mistry told us, “In Leicester, many faiths and communities are living in h a r m o n y a n d p e a c e f o r m a n y y e a r s Sudden attacks on our Hindu community were a shock and certainly guided by outside forces Mainly people were attacking our Hindu religious places and Hindu people were from outside Leicester ”
Time to grow our own food
With ever rising population and climate change, the result of human greed and indifference to nature, it is no wonder that food shortage is a curse for many poor nations throughout the world, especially in Africa and part of Latin America The question is what is the solution?
The answer is simple and staring in our face but the question is; are we, the rich and powerful nations of the West ready to change our ways, sacrifice their comfort zone and help to produce more common food like maize, wheat and rice that most of the under-developed world need, consume
There is already shortage of vegetables, fresh foods, now extended to eggs and poultry In meat eating America, even stake is served at breakfast Cattles and poultry are raised on maze and other cereals, wasting millions of tons of these cereals that could feed the hungry nations of the world
Looking at our supermarkets with empty shelves, one may wonder where this would end! Of course, we are immune to hunger and starvation but not many poorer countries like Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Afghanistan and many more while we use our own fertile agricultural land to grow unnecessary food items that we could do without, like grapes for wine making, baby corn pick early when it is hardly out of its wrappings It is a Chine delicacy the West has taken to their hearts, used mainly in salads
At one time we used to grow some 80% of our fresh vegetables and soft fruits, some under glass houses, now it has shrunk to mere 40%, rest imported, mainly from our neighbour Netherland who has the same climate as us, but their genuinely amazing tactics and use of the latest technology makes them the world beater on export front
Importing what we could grow at home is nothing short of criminal, as we import food from South America, Australia, even New Zealand; thousands of miles from our shores, flown by air, polluting atmosphere, increasing carbon level in the air, the main reason for warming and melting Arctic and Antarctic ice Unless the West wise-up and grow our own food, Supermarkets with Hobson’s choice, encouraged buying locally grown food, we are heading for trouble that could not be rectified later!
Bhupendra M Gandhi
Council election in Leicester
In the recent council elections in Leicester, many Hindu Councillors were replaced by non-Hindu Asian candidates by the Labour Party
Why was this decision taken by the party? To me it is clearly a racist and divisive action and needs clarification
R J Patel