11 minute read
The Rise of Anti-Hindu Hatred
I ha ve wr it te n about an ti-Hin du hatr ed (Hinduphobia as some might call it) in the past I have e ven placed be for e our commun ity a d efinition of ant i-Hind u hat red in t he hope that our or gan isa tions, our gove rnme nt , an d our society ma y come t o t erms with it A nd whilst I wa it, I observ e the incessa nt rise of hat re d a gain st Hindus (ofte n disguise d a s an tiIn dia sent imen ts) g o un cha lleng ed by our g over nme nt an d many politicians Le t me sha re just a few e xa mple s of how this ha tr ed builds up a nd impa ct s us
We are still waiting for Keir Starmer to respond to the misbehaviour by his minister, Gareth Thomas, towards the Gujarati community Their silence on this very serious matter is telling Ask yourself the question, would Gareth still be in his position had he violated the trust of Muslims or the Jewish community? The answer is simple, he would be on his backside with the Labour whip removed Yet when it comes to Indians, and in particular Hindus, Labour don’t care a damn
We have also witnessed the publication of the Bloom Review which laid blame on Hindus, for Islamists attacking Hindus! Imagine the madness of such a grotesque assertion By any independent means of verifiable evidence, it has been clear that it was the Islamists who were totally responsible for attacking Hindus and our Mandir Even a government sponsored review is too afraid to call out the extremists, appeasement shows no sign of subsiding
The Federation of Muslim Organisations (FMO) and UK Indian Muslim Council (UKIMC), on the social media channel of UKIMC, made an astounding claim that the event organised by INSIGHT titled, Hindu Awareness Campaign - Grooming and Religious Conversion in the UK", was in some way not conducive to community cohesion Now think about it, here we have two Islamic organisations wanting to stop INSIGHT in exposing the truth about grooming gangs Why would they do that when some have claimed that these Pakistani grooming gangs had nothing to do with Islam? Are they now claiming that these grooming gangs are related to Islam after all? Today when all of us would wish to protect vulnerable women and girls from becoming the Shamima Begum’s of tomorrow, is it not astonishing that such Muslim organisations are intent on silencing the voice of the victims? Protecting girls, be they Hindu, white, Sikh and Muslim, surely should be a uniting positive force for community cohesion
A petition to ‘Investigate Anti-Hindu propaganda & hatred attacks on Hindu Community’ was set up Krishan
Rape has become a serious problem in India today because our laws don’t act as a deterrent which often leaves the culprits go unpunished Some rapists escape with light punishment or no reprimand at all, as they enjoy political clout
Young girls and elderly women are scared to travel alone in public transport and night travel is risky The Indian government must recruit better qualified and trained personnel to keep a strict vigilance in sensitive and isolated areas, as well as in local trains to induce caution and fear in the minds of criminals This preventative mode could result in a reduction in the number of crimes taking place and might even make people respect the laws of the country
The strictest possible punishment with no provision for exemption should be meted out without any consideration for juveniles, as they are the ones committing most of the crimes, including rapes and robberies None of the criminals should be released on bail This will teach other criminals not to commit such gruesome acts of crimes in future
The existing rape laws in India are very weak, which is why we have not been able to curb the numerous cases of sexual assaults on women that are happening daily Perhaps, the most uncomfortable procedure in the investigation of such cases is the identification parade
Barbaric laws like those of Saudi Arabia and other Arabian Gulf countries should be introduced in India where the rapists are either castrated, beheaded or stoned to death The law should be such that it upholds the dignity of a woman while giving the rapists the maximum amount of punishment This will reduce the number of rapes taking place in the country
Jub el D'Cruz
Jaglan which has already attracted over 16000 signatories (you can sign it here: https://petition parliament uk/petitions/629845) The Government had to respond formally, but in my view, it was mostly rhetoric I don’t care two hoots that the government thinks anti-Hindu hatred is wrong and unacceptable What I want from my government is for them to instigate an independent investigation into:
A Leicester riots and the involvement of Islamists, the police, and the local mayor
B I s l a m i s t s a n d K h a l i s t a n i s a t t a c k i n g I n d i a n s a n d Hindus, be it on our streets, at our Mandirs or when we gather at the Indian High Commission to celebrate events
C How some politicians are working hand in glove with extremists and Islamists to undermine our nation And how such activities are being funded and supported
D The practical support it can provide to Hindus, and H i n d u o r g a n i s a t i o n s / M a n d i r s i n t e r m s o f f u n d i n g , resources, and security measures Do we need a Hindu to be killed before the authorities wake up?
I can continue the list, but suffice to say, surely any person with a bit of common sense would conclude that the above are serious and worthy of being acted on urgently I am ready to help if they find the starting point a bit too challenging No doubt the government could learn a lot if they followed the research carried out by The Henry Jackson Society that showed that Hindus are victims of extremists’ aggression
We had the Daily Mail this week publish an incredibly incendiary false article attempting to lay the blame for Leicester on Hindus, and even the Modi government! Their claim to the story was that ‘UK security sources ’ had told them, ‘Activists from Mr Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) used closed WhatsApp groups to incite British Hindus of the involvement of the Indian government’ I find this narrative alarming and frankly fake There seems to be a planned attack on India, Indians, and in particular Hindus, by excusing away the extremism of the Islamists It’s for the government to investigate and sort out this mess Is there such a thing as a ‘UK security source’? If so, what pathetic level of inaccurate intelligence is it gathering? And if not, then they should expose the lies of the Daily Mail At this rate, these numptees will be telling us that Pakistan is a bastion of democracy, law and order, and of good governance!
It's time for Indians and Hindus to wake up Take a lead from Leicester and Slough, it’s time to use our vote purposefully so that those who wish us harm, never take us for granted
Pakistan in Troubled Waters
Ruchi Ghanashyam
Mrs Ruchi Ghanashyam is the former High Commissioner of India to the UK With a career in Indian Foreign Service for over 38 years, she has been posted in many countries including South Africa, Ghana, before arriving in the UK She was o n l y t h e s e c o n d w o m a n H i g h Commissioner to the UK since India’s independence and during her tenure, she w i t n e s s e d a n u m b e r o f s i g n i f i c a n t developments in the UK-India relations
A s Pakistan’s economy trundles precariously toward s a d ark abyss, d ev astated by sev ere flood s last year, soaring inflatio n, an uncertain IMF bailout p ackag e; as people strug gle to feed themselv es and their ch ild ren; and as terro r attacks continue unabated ; P akistan w as w racked by yet anoth er crisis last week
On 9th M ay 20 23, Imran K han, Pakistan's form er prime m inister, was arrested on corruption ch arges
Founder and chairman of the political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan became Pakistan’s 22nd Prime Minister from August 2018 - April 2022
He was arrested from inside the High C o u r t i n I s l a m a b a d b y t h e N a t i o n a l Accountability Bureau (NAB) in connection with the Al-Qadir Trust, which he owns alongside his wife, Bushra Bibi Following his arrest, his party called for demonstrations Responding to these calls, Imran Khan’s followers took over the streets in several cities of
P a k i s t a n T h e A r m y e s t a b l i s h m e n t s i n
Rawalpindi and Lahore were amongst those that faced the wrath of Khan’s supporters Situation eased a little after the Supreme Court of Pakistan deemed the arrest unlawful and mandated Khan's immediate release On 12 May, Islamabad High Court granted two weeks bail to Khan But, shortly after his release, Khan accused the army chief Asim
M u n i r o f p l a y i n g a r o l e i n h i s a r r e s t
M e a n w h i l e , K h a n s w i f e B u s h r a B i b i w a s granted bail till May 23 by a Pakistani court
Imran Khan returned to his home in Lahore after having locked himself in the Islamabad high court premises for hours for fear of rearrest despite bail having been granted earlier
In another twist, Imran Khan claimed in a video statement that following his arrest, government buildings and the Lahore Corps Commander's House were ransacked under an "organised conspiracy" He also claimed that the country's powerful military establishment has planned to keep him in jail for the next 10 years under sedition charges Khan said in a series of tweets after a meeting of his party leaders at his Lahore residence: "So now the complete London plan is out Using pretext of violence while I was inside the jail, they have assumed the role of judge, jury and executioner The plan now is to humiliate me by putting Bushra Begum in jail, and using some sedition law to keep me inside for next ten years "
Imran Khan was considered to be the preferred candidate of the Pakistan Army, but tensions didn’t take long to build up His tense relations with the army are not new Last year, he was charged under anti-terror laws after accusing the police and judiciary of detaining and torturing an aide Later, he survived what is described as an assassination attempt during a political rally in Wazirabad, Punjab
Imran Khan became the first Pakistani Prime Minister to be removed from office through a no-confidence motion in April
2022 In the dramatic events surrounding his removal, Khan had claimed that the US was behind his removal because he conducted an independent foreign policy and had friendly relations with China and Russia His removal had also led to protests from his supporters across Pakistan Khan faces several other charges (about 100 cases) One of these, the Toshakhana case (August 2022) relates to failu r e t o d i s c l o s e t h e s p e c i f i c s o f t h e T o s h a k h a n a p r e s e n t s i n h i s y e a r l y a s s e t r e p o r t t o t h e E l e c t i o n C o m m i s s i o n o f
P a k i s t a n ’ s a r m y s e e m s t o b e l o s i n g patience and said “restraint will no longer be e x e r c i s e d ” o n g r o u p s a t t a c k i n g m i l i t a r y installations It vowed to take legal action against those who damaged property after Khan’s dramatic arrest “The Armed Forces are well aware of the planners, instigators, abettors and perpetrators of these attacks and attempts to create distortions in this regard are absolutely futile,” the military said in a statement without naming anyone “Those involved in these heinous crimes against the m i l i t a r y i n s t a l l a t i o n s a n d p e r s o n a l / e q u i pment will be brought to justice through trials under relevant laws of Pakistan including Pakistan Army Act and Official Secret Act ”
The army has ruled Pakistan, directly or i n d i r e c t l y a l m o s t f r o m t h e b e g i n n i n g Pakistan has faced three military coups, the first being very early in its life in 1958, soon after Pakistan was created in 1947 Four military dictators have exercised direct power over decades Even when in power, civilian governments in Pakistan need to constantly l o o k o v e r t h e i r s h o u l d e r s f o r t h e a r m y ’ s approval The attacks on army establishments in Lahore and Rawalpindi, therefore, caught the eye of the world How Imran Khan’s tussle with the army plays out, will be evident over the coming days and weeks Meanwhile, the long-suffering Pakistani people can not hope for succour as political instability is added to the mix of the many challenges Pakistan faces
Staff threatened and punched in a Leicestershire care home
A watchd og has rep orted that staff were th reatened and hu rt at the Clarendo n Beechlands care home on mu ltiple occasions and no actions were taken by th e provid er The staff at th is care hom e w er e t h rea ten ed w i th s tr ang u lat io n , pu nched i n th e h ead , inap prop riately tou ch ed and h ad nails d ug into their skin
Around 11 incidents were identified by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on inspecting the Clarendon Park service The service cares for 18 residents with mental health conditions, learning disabilities and autism The situation at home puts them at risk of aggression The home was rated as inadequate in terms of safety, leadership and inadequate overall Chief Operating Officer for Prime L i f e S i m o n V a n H e r r e w e g e t o l d Leicestershire Live: “We were extremely disappointed by the outcome of this inspection, but must recognise some of the current failings identified within the home ” Support teams are working with the service to make improvements