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E X C L U S I V E E D I T I O N # 2 3 M A R C H 2 0 2 3
MILLION VIEWS -154 COUNTRIES 13 A B S O L U T E E S C A P E E X C L U S I V E E D I T I O N # 2 3 | E N G V E R S I O N | M O N T H L Y WABI SABI | ÉVORA - ALENTEJO 1 Y E A R O F A B S O L U T E E S C A P E | 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3

An original idea by António

Propriedade | António Vidigal

Director | António Vidigal

Diretor de Arte | Joana Elias

Designers | Joana Elias - Magda Gomes

Designer Júnior | Tiffany Lee

Social Media | Tiffany Lee - Kimberly Jones

Texto | António Vidigal


Agência de Comunicação | LUX AGENCY

Licença ERC Portugal | 127654

Estatuto Editorial | Página 41

Periodicidade | Mensal

Marca Registada | INPI 20212002450674

NIF | 204 579 430

Formato | ONLINE

Preço | Grátis

Sede Editor e Redação |

Rua Tenente Ferreira Durão nº 5 5º Andar

1350-309 Lisboa

Ownership | António Vidigal

Director | António Vidigal

Art Director | Joana Elias

Designers | Joana Elias - Magda Gomes

Júnior Designer | Tiffany Lee

Social Media | Tiffany Lee - Kimberly Jones

Texto | António Vidigal



ERC Portugal Licence | 127654

Editorial Status | Page 42

Frequency | Monthly

Trademark | INPI 20212002450674

VAT | 204 579 430

Format | ONLINE

Price | Free Social Media |

Facebook | @absoluteescape online

Instagram | @absolute.escape

absoluteescape pt

E X C L U S I V E E D I T I O N # 2 3 M A R C H 2 0 2 3

With the 22nd edition of ABSOLUTE ESCAPE, we reached 2,700,000 readers in 154 countries, and more than 12,000,000 views on the two main world digital magazine reading platforms

I feel very proud and happy, ABSOLUTE ESCAPE is an innovative, independent project with unique characteristics, as is the case with ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EXCLUSIVE EDITION, the only editorial publication that highlights only one theme, one project, to a single hotel or accommodation

When we thought about editing the first edition of ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION, we wanted something that we called the "WOW" factor, "a quality or feature that is extremely impressive", we found this in Salvaterra Country House and we have always found the same factor mirrored in our 22 editions

22 editions later I can argue that we can talk about the 2WOW factor, as this project named WABI SABI ALENTEJO impresses and sets new standards in this type of accommodation

Wabi-Sabi is the second project by João Costa and Polina Kartanova. About three years ago, the couple inaugurated the Salvaterra Country House & Spa, in the district of Santarém, and it was the first cover of ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION #01, it is a rural tourism unit with a unique environment in the country

We are in the heart of Alentejo, with the house and the pool surrounded by an oasis-like garden. A state of calmness and tranquility in one's thoughts and emotions, this is what WABI SABI gives us

WABI SABI is inspired by wabi-sabi, a Japanese philosophy with Buddhist influence, being a trend, not only decorative, but also a way of life.

Until our next adventure and thank you very much for making ABSOLUTE ESCAPE an increasingly global project

António Vidigal

António Vidigal | CEO & Editor-in-Chief

Make your reservation directly at the desired destination at the BEST PRICE


An oasis is a fertile area in a desert or semi-arid region, often surrounding a spring or similar water source.

It provides a habitat for various plants and animals that are adapted to survive in hot and arid conditions.

The term "oasis" is also commonly used to describe a peaceful or restful place in the midst of a busy or hectic environment.




Wabi Sabi is the second project by João Costa and Polina Kartanova About three years ago, the couple inaugurated the Salvaterra Country House & Spa, in the district of Santarém, and it was the first cover of ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION #01, it is a rural tourism unit with a unique environment in the country.

We are in the heart of Alentejo, with the house and the pool surrounded by an oasislike garden.


Peace of mind and Spirit

a state of calmness and tranquility in one's thoughts and emotions, this is what WABI SABI gives us.


In the heart of the Alentejo Countryside, near the beautiful historic city of Evora, considered the historical capital of Alentejo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located Wabi Sabi Alentejo Estate –a slice of timeless rural Portugal

A bespoke estate huddled amidst the rolling cork hills and vineyards of Sao Miguel de Machede, this is a place for romantics and intrepid travelers alike

The silence of the sun-drenched morning, broken only by the distant echo bells of the free grazing cattle, assure a reconnection with a slower pace of life

This country house, secluded by palm groves and olive trees, lies perched in a top of a hill, with uninterrupted panoramas of the beautiful countryside around it


Gracefully remade, with all the modern comforts and the necessary technology, this singular Estate, comprised of 2 villas and 8 suites and a Fly Camping capsule, overlooks the marvelous fields where nature happens and cattle roams freely

A palm shaded large pool, guarded by a cacti garden and olive trees, fountains and a lake are all comprised within the property. Formerly a family home and farm, it sits on two hectares of land, with its own centuries old olive fields and abundant wildflowers growing among the native flora

inspired by wabi-sabi, a Japanese philosophy with Buddhist influence, being a trend, not only decorative, but also a way of life.

The cleverly-designed spaces were created by a noted landscaper. Simple and romantic, they surround the villas and the attachment buildings A series of paths lead you to undiscovered, wilder areas where you can reflect and relax and study the bird life.

Shady areas are perfect for settling down with a great book The gardens are tranquil, calm and simply planted, and complement the house and its leisurely ambience

The bedrooms offer spacious living and sleeping accommodation, featuring king size organic talalay beds, dressed in the finest egyptian cotton and luxurious bedding, to ensure the perfect nights sleep.Bathrooms are finished with a mixture of natural clay and earth of the estate, and lioz natural marble, fitted with Gessi and Cea Design fittings, Hand Carved marble baths, and walk in rain drencher showers stocked with soft towels offers a one of a kind bathing experience, were the simplicity and purity of design intends to transmit the outmost sophistication.

Chill in the sun lounges or warm yourself by the fire pit in the cooler months.


Make your reservation directly at the desired destination at the BEST PRICE

visituson W W W . A B S O L U T E G U I D E . P T


StreetAddress: Caminho Municipal 1173,

Foros das Pombas

City: São Miguel de Machede - Evora

PostalCode: 7005-755

Phone: +351 915 355 566

Email: info@wabisabialentejocom

Website: www.wabisabialentejo.com


Uma ideia original de António Vidigal



O ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION é um projeto de comunicação Premium e exclusivo, para o mercado nacional e internacional, e que visa ocupar um lugar de destaque no mercado online, proporcionando verdadeiras experiências de leitura sobre Turismo Rural, Hotéis, Resorts, Restaurantes e outros locais

A ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION é uma revista 100% online, com edições em bilingue Português/Inglês e em Português e Inglês É uma revista independente, e que cujos artigos são rigorosos, isentos e de grande qualidade, sendo suportada por uma equipa multidisciplinar, multicultural e com mais de 10 anos de experiência na área da comunicação

A revista com um design moderno, de linhas gráficas e cuidadas e “clean”, proporciona uma experiência de leitura com uma forte componente visual e gráfica Também possui ampla divulgação em várias plataformas internacionais, bem como no portal ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION em wwwabsoluteescapeonline, que está a ser constantemente atualizado, proporcionando um retorno constante por parte dos utilizadores em busca de mais experiências visuais e de leitura

A ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION respeita integramente a lei em vigor conservando os direitos liberdades e garantias consignadas na Constituição da República, bem como a boa-fé de todos os nossos leitores. Cumprimos a Lei de Imprensa e respeitamos as normas do Código Deontológico dos Jornalistas.


O ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION é um projeto de comunicação Premium e exclusivo, para o mercado nacional e internacional, e que visa ocupar um lugar de destaque no mercado online, proporcionando verdadeiras experiências de leitura sobre Turismo Rural, Hotéis, Resorts, Restaurantes e outros locais

A ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION é uma revista 100% online, com edições em bilingue Português/Inglês e em Português e Inglês É uma revista independente, e que cujos artigos são rigorosos, isentos e de grande qualidade, sendo suportada por um equipa multidisciplinar, multicultural e com mais de 10 anos de experiência na área da comunicação

A revista com um design moderno, de linhas gráficas e cuidadas e clean”, proporciona uma experiência de leitura com uma forte componente visual e gráfica Também possui ampla divulgação em várias plataformas internacionais, bem como no portal ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION em wwwabsoluteescapeonline, que está a ser constantemente atualizado, proporcionando um retorno constante por parte dos utilizadores em busca de mais experiências visuais e de leitura

As edições da ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION estarão presentes na maior plataforma mundial de hospedagem de publicações digitais, a ISSUU, que possui 30 milhões de publicações em wwwissuucom, sendo que este portal conta com mais de 100 milhões de visitas únicas por mês Este fato coloca as publicações da ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION em um mercado de potencial ilimitado que jamais será alcançado por uma publicação em papel

As redes sociais da ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION são constantemente atualizadas. Cada plataforma oferece as últimas histórias, e publicações do portal e da revista, sendo que também publica conteúdos exclusivos, quer para a revista, quer para o portal. ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION Portal, representa uma plataforma de promoção excepcional e oferece aos seus parceiros uma combinação excecional e atraente de qualidade e precisão de “direcionamento” para sua mensagem, atingindo o público-alvo de forma direta.

Licença ERC | 127654


An original idea by António Vidigal



ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION is a Premium and exclusive communication project for the national and international market, which aims to occupy a prominent place in the online market, providing true reading experiences about Rural Tourism, Hotels, Resorts, Restaurants and other places

ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION is a 100% online magazine with editions in bilingual Portuguese/English and in Portuguese and English It is an independent magazine whose articles are rigorous impartial and of high quality supported by a multidisciplinary multicultural team with more than 10 years of experience in the field of communication.

The magazine with a modern design, with graphic and careful lines and “clean”, provides a reading experience with a strong visual and graphic component. It also has wide dissemination on various international platforms, as well as on the ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION portal at wwwabsoluteescapeonline, which is constantly being updated, providing constant feedback from users in search of more visual and reading experiences

ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION fully respects the law in force, preserving the rights, freedoms and guarantees enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, as well as the good faith of all our readers We comply with the Press Law and respect the norms of the Code of Ethics for Journalists


ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION is a Premium and exclusive communication project for the national and international market, which aims to occupy a prominent place in the online market, providing true reading experiences about Rural Tourism, Hotels, Resorts, Restaurants and other places

ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION is a 100% online magazine, with editions in bilingual Portuguese/English and in Portuguese and English It is an independent magazine, whose articles are rigorous, impartial and of high quality, supported by a multidisciplinary, multicultural team with more than 10 years of experience in the field of communication

The magazine with a modern design, with graphic and careful lines and “clean”, provides a reading experience with a strong visual and graphic component It also has wide dissemination on various international platforms, as well as on the ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION portal at wwwabsoluteescapeonline, which is constantly being updated, providing constant feedback from users in search of more visual and reading experiences

ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION will be present on the world's largest platform for hosting digital publications ISSUU which has 30 million publications on www.issuu.com, and this portal has more than 100 million unique visits per month. This fact places ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION publications in a market of unlimited potential, which will never be reached by a paper publication.

ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION social networks are constantly updated. Each platform offers the latest stories and publications from the portal and the magazine, and it also publishes exclusive content for both the magazine and the portal

ABSOLUTE ESCAPE EDITION Portal, represents an exceptional promotion platform and offers its partners an exceptional and attractive combination of quality and precision “targeting” for their message, reaching the target audience directly

ERC Licence | 127654

Make your reservation directly at the desired destination at the BEST PRICE

visituson W W W . A B S O L U T E G U I D E . P T

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