How To Deodorize Carpet
arpets are a wonderful addition to the comfort and appearance of your home but they attract dirt and odors like magnets. Here are some tips to eliminate odours from your carpet. Inspect the carpet for stains. If the carpet was subjected to large amounts of water, it may have mold or mildew in or underneath. In some cases, the problem could be with the padding beneath the carpet and not with the carpet itself. The solution here would be to replace the underlying pad. This might be time consuming, but it nevertheless relieves you of the necessity of replacing the entire carpet. Sprinkle baking soda over the entire carpet and allow it to sit overnight. The baking soda will soak up the odors in the carpet. Vacuum the baking soda the next morning. Misting the
carpet with white vinegar from a spray bottle can also help to eliminate odors. Ventilate the area well as vinegar doesn't have the most pleasant aroma. When it dissipates, the carpet will smell fresher. You can also cut up an onion, place it in a bowl of water and leave it in the middle of the room overnight to further absorb odors. Close off the room for maximum effect. Lemon is acidic and can
also be used to kill odor causing bacteria on carpets. Mix a little fresh lemon juice with water and apply it to the areas that smell. Scrub it well and then rinse with soapy water. Dry the carpet out in direct sunlight. Make sure to keep pets off your carpets as they are liable to leave stains and hair in your carpets. These tips will help your carpets stay fresh and your home smelling good.
Christmas Decoration Storage Tips
ecorating at Christmastime is fun but packing away the decorations can be a real task. Having to de-tangle lights, remove Christmas tree decorations or remove wreaths can take forever and there never seems to be enough room to put everything. You sometimes wonder “how did it fit there in the first place”? Proper storage of Christmas decorations can help protect them, it can save space and makes it easier to find when decorating the following year. Try these tips when storing your Christmas decorations. Lights- probably the most troublesome to store, this can be stored easily with these simple steps. Plug each end together and fold in half several times, tying the middle with a twisty. Put each string into a separate bag, then bulk all together and store
in a big garbage bag or box. Trees- since most of us use artificial trees, it is easier to tuck the branches as close to the stalk as possible and stow in a bag. Some persons store the tree without moving the decorations but this should not be done; it not only damages the decorations, but it bends the branches and strains the iron that attaches the branches to the tree.
Wreaths- probably the easiest to stow, wreaths can be stored in bags. Since they are usually light, they should be put to rest on top of items and the option is open to leave light decorations on them such as ribbons. All other items should be removed before stowing. Ornaments- Ensure to remove all ornaments from trees and wreaths and store together in w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m
a box. There is the possibility that one or two may have been broken but glue and creativity can mend any broken ornament. The key is to separate the broken or discoloured ornaments from the rest. A box with different compartments can house both or they can be placed in separate boxes but remember it’s all about saving space. Broken or chipped ornaments should be wrapped in tissue paper before stowing so that sharp ends don’t puncture the box that they are placed in. Candles- For those who use and light candles during the season, ensure that they are wrapped before stowing. Wax paper is the ideal paper to use and they should be stored in a cool dry place. Candles and candle holders should be stored in separate boxes.
Natural Garden Care Tips
uccessful gardeners know that if you choose the right plants for your conditions, plant them in healthy soil, give them fertilizer and water judiciously, and react sensibly to problems, your garden will be beautiful, productive, and undemanding. The same holds true of houseplants. But did you know that you don’t need to spend a pound and a crown on commercial fertilizers and pesticides? Here are some natural, organic ways to keep your plants and lawn healthy while keeping pests at bay. Garlic spray - Garlic acts as a deterrent, encouraging insects to move on to more appetizing plants. Unlike many other types of insecticidal garden sprays, garlic can safely be applied to the leaves of plants. Drop the cloves from an entire bulb of garlic into the blender along with two cups of water, puree until finely blended and set it aside for a day. Then, strain out the pulp, mix the garlic liquid with a gallon of water and add it to a sprayer. Banana Peels - Eating a banana helps replenish lost potassium. Roses love potassium too. Simply throw one or two peels in the hole before planting or bury peels under mulch so they can compost naturally. Get bigger and more blooms. Coffee grounds - Acid loving plants such as tomatoes, blueberries, roses and azaleas love coffee grounds mixed into the soil, sprinkled on top of the ground before watering, 2
or poured on top of the soil. If using as a soil drench, soak 6 cups of coffee grounds in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Let it sit for 2-3 days and then saturate the soil around your plants. Grass clippings -Want a beautiful, effortlessly green lawn? Don’t pick up those grass clippings when you mow the lawn! It’s that simple. Grass clippings are free fertilizer, adding precious nitrogen back to the soil. Short grass clippings decompose quickly, so as long as you mow often enough, they won’t stick around so long that they build up to unmanageable levels. Egg shells - Wash them first, then crush. Work the shell pieces into the soil near tomatoes and peppers. The calcium helps fend off blossom end rot. Eggshells are 93% calcium carbonate, the same ingredient as lime, a tried and true soil amendment! Cornmeal - Contains lots of phosphorus and nitrogen and acts as an effective fungicide. Add a cup of cornmeal to 5 gallons of water. Let it soak for several hours, then strain the liquid so you can add it to a spray bottle. Spray the leaves of plants that are susceptible to fungus. You can combine this cornmeal tea with compost tea for even more benefits. Blood meal - This is made from dried animal blood that is collected as part of the rendering process, and it is then made into
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a powder. Blood meal releases fairly quickly into the soil and can readily be used by plants. But because blood meal is so high in nitrogen, it should be used sparingly as an organic fertilizer as too much can prevent plants from flowering or even burn and kill plants if the concentration is too high. Fish emulsion - This product is a decomposed blend of finely pulverized fish left over from commercial processing, which contains a very high concentration of nitrogen. This powerful natural plant food can be used in very small quantities to give plants a major boost in growth. It does have a fish odor, but the smell goes away within about 24 hours. Dried Pet Food - As it decays, the dog food releases all the main plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, plus many minerals and vitamins. Its proteins and carbohydrates feed the earthworms and beneficial fungi and bacteria that make soil fertile by decomposing organic matter. The alfalfa pellets supply beneficial bacteria, trace minerals, nitrogen and organic matter. Ash - Save barbeque and fireplace ashes for fertilizer. They are an excellent source of potash and are especially useful for sprinkling around the garden during growing season. Some types of ash provide better fertilizing benefits than others. Plus, mature wood ashes have less potash than twig ashes.
Marvelous Mothball Alternatives
oths and rodents can destroy your clothing, curtains and more during storage, but recent studies have revealed that the popular repellant known as mothballs is actually toxic and can cause human harm as well. Therefore, alternative measures have been sought and we are sharing our findings with you. Any or all of the materials listed below, wrapped in 100% cotton cheesecloth or similar material, placed amongst your yarn or garments, may just do the trick. Be sure the material does not directly touch your garments to prevent any staining, etc. If using an airtight container, ensure items are perfectly dry. If you live in a humid environment, you may want to use cloth rather than plastic. • Bay leaves • Cedar blocks (sand regularly to refresh)
• Cedar shavings (pet rodent bedding) • Cinnamon sticks • Cloves • Eucalyptus • Lavendar • Mint (variety was not given) • Pennyroyal - Warning: Toxic to animals, especially cats • Peppercorns • Peppermint stick of gum • Rosemary • Vetiver
• Wormwood In addition, there are some other measures which can be taken to prevent moths and similar pests from attacking your linens. • Clean items thoroughly before storing. Moths are attracted to the scent of humans - that means food to them! • Ironing
• Dry cleaning • Laundering in the hottest water possible • Steam cleaning • Running items through a hot dryer • Storage in cedar chest. Chest must be sanded and / or have cedar oil reapplied regularly (every 1 -2 years). • Microwave the affected item on high for 30 seconds. Do not leave unattended! • Placing clothing in the sun, brushing and shaking, and exposing items to the weather. Wearing items regularly helps, too. Moths dislike light, activity and extremes in temperature. • Freeze fabric in polyethylene bags, after squeezing all air out, for at least three days. Bring back up to room temperature for a day or so, then refreeze. • Ultrasonic moth repellent runs on batteries.
Choosing The Right Plant Pot
any people choose plant pots based on their aesthetic value. However, there are other more important factors to consider when finding the right container for your plant.
of materials used and where the container will be located. e.g. Full sun may deteriorate poor quality plastics very quickly.
Cost & Time: Depending on your budget and time you have to spend, you may choose to reuse or recycle containers rather than have the convenience of buying new. Many people prefer to use pre-loved or re-purposed containers or pots rather than buy at full retail cost. You can save money, extend the life of an object rather than throwing it away and add character to your garden with a little creative thinking.
material that doesn’t need restoring from time to time such as wood. Wooden containers may need to be treated annually with a preservative or stain to retain their appearance and prevent deterioration in the weather. However if you love a rustic or earthy look and have the time, then this may not be an issue for you.
Maintenance: If you want low maintenance pots, consider a
Durability: The length of life depends on the quality and type
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Drainage: Whichever container you select, it must have adequate drainage holes. Healthy plants not only need room to grow but adequate oxygen for the roots. Excess water must be able to escape or plants will drown. Porosity: Porous containers such as those made from unglazed terracotta or clay, timber, paper pulp and other natural materials allow moisture and air to move through them. The key benefits with materials that ‘breathe’ is this allows air to circulate around plant roots and as the moisture evaporates out the side of the pot it cools the soil
and helps draw excess water and prevents rotting. The down side is these containers dry out more quickly and so does the potting mix so they need watering more frequently. Weight: Moist soil gets very heavy and if you choose a heavy container, this will make it harder to move it around. It’s important to consider the total weight (soil + pot + plants + water) of each container. If mobility and changing the look of your garden on a regular basis is an important consideration, select containers made from lightweight materials or put them on castors before you plant them out. However, if you want stability in a windy or exposed position, then a heavy container may be a more suitable choice for top-heavy or tall plants.
Home Technology Trends For 2013
hat are some must haves tech gadgets for new homeowners? In 2013 people want to network their home for connectivity, media streaming and value enrichment. They also want to discover or develop new ways to monitor their home utilities. Here are some tech advancements that will become virtual musts this year.
be transparent TV’s. The transparent TV designed by Michael Friebe is a marvelous piece of technology that combines conventional LCD and the latest TOLED display technology. This allows the creation of nontransparent / solid moving pictures with rich color reproduction and full contrast range from solid black to pristine white.
Security systems: New systems can protect a home while the owner is away by taking a snapshot of light usage in the house over the past two weeks, then mimicking the series while the owner is out of town.
Wifi Remote Switches: These switches make home automation simple. They use Wi-Fi to turn an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch into a remote control for household devices. The switch (WeMo is the forerunner), used in conjunction with the free WeMo app, lets you control any appliance that plugs into an electrical outlet. It runs over your home's Wi-Fi network and can be controlled with any iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. You can use your phone to start your coffee maker as you come down the stairs in the morning, or turn on the lights before you get home. The app will also let you schedule devices to go on and off at pre-set times.
Microdisplay-based televisions: Highdefinition televisions are hot, including LCD (liquid crystal displays), DLP (digital light processing), LCoS (liquid crystal on silicon) or LCD-based rear-projection TVs. However, the real star in 2013 will
Digital Measuring Spoons: The one by idKitchen are one nifty, low-cost example. Instead of juggling multiple spoons as you attempt to keep your measurements exact, an LCD display in the handle reveals the weight or volume. And because this gadget
Smart sound systems: Multiroom, multisource sound systems allow a homeowner to control the sound piping through rooms. Often with a touch of a key pad, a homeowner can control what's playing in each zone, independent of the rest of the house. Bose installed such whole-house systems in two of the showcase houses built specifically for the builders show.
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uses technology—not spoon size—to measure the ingredients, there’s no need for several pesky spoons. One will do. That said, a second larger spoon is included. It can be attached when you’re working with larger batches. Eco Cleaners: Without using regular dish detergents, the Eco Cleaner makes the plates bright and fresh using ultrasonic waves to ionize food particles on the dishes, converting the food into reusable compost for plants. Less waste and more nutrients for plants are a good idea for the future and a solution for enriching the soil. Of course, we’re talking about the soil for the plants that you keep in your apartment. Quattro Connectivity: No, this is not the spreadsheet program of yesteryears. Quattro is a cheap that you put into your wall in lieu of regular electric outlets. Instead of the electric cords of your appliances, Quattro has four holes designed especially for your USB-charged gadgets. There would be no need for electric adapters anymore. Neither would you need to boot up your computer to charge your devices that source their power from a USB. With Quattro, you can now directly power up your iPad, iPod, iPhone, speakers and other USB devices directly to the wall.
home office
Support Yourself On The Side
eems like no matter how we budget and budget, some of us still wind up living pay cheque to pay cheque, playing catch up with credit cards and other expenses. Maybe it’s a new job with a lower salary (though more fulfilling, thumbs up!) that has landed some here or a sudden emergency that necessitated a loan that now has us making large monthly payments. It’s time to stop toying with the idea of a second job and give it more serious consideration. A second job is increasingly necessary for many people, even before these recessionary-price increasing times. Further, many might think most people who have second jobs are in minimum wage positions but studies suggest that teachers, police officers, engineers, nurses and other professionals often hold down second jobs. Having a side job can greatly help you with your financial goals. If you can fit a second job around your existing job, you can more easily pay off student loans, save for a down payment, pay off a car loan, eliminate credit card debt, fund vacations, top up retirement savings — or just simply make ends meet. Make sure your second job doesn’t interfere with your main job and be wary of overworking yourself. Look for work that accommodates your existing position and lets you get a full night’s sleep. Handyman. No matter where the economy stands, or whatever else goes on in the world for that matter, things will always break and these ‘things’ must be fixed. When you are really good at fixing things, word travels fast. It's possible to make a small mint fixing cars, 8
commitments just like you. Therefore, being available outside of business hours makes meeting up more convenient for everyone involved. Income Tax Preparer. Preparing income taxes is one of the most dreaded have-tos. There are plenty of people who would be glad to pass off their tax preparations to someone else if for no other reason than the fear of being audited. Many have turned this side business into profitable companies.
installing shelves, building fences, or doing home electrical and plumbing jobs. Keep in mind that some of these gigs may require attaining certain licenses and certifications. Consider how much a full-time car mechanic or a plumber charges, even if you discount your rate, the pay is still good, and customers feel like they got a deal. From painting to step-building, there are plenty of household jobs many people can't or simply don't want to do. Wills/Medical Power of Attorney. While planning for the inevitable can be upsetting, it provides a way for attorneys to make extra side income. Lawyers can get up to speed on formulating simple wills and living trusts without too much effort. Completing these documents is something most people agree is essential but have not checked off on their 'to-do' list. Talk to friends, church members, and neighbors to generate clients. Potential clients are likely working or have other
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Teach a Hobby. This can be your first option. Whether it is dance, tennis, golf, computer skills, or music, teaching someone how to do something you are good at and love makes working a second job less like ‘work’. You can find teacher job ads at recreational centers in your neighborhood or advertise your expertise online and in local publications. Frequently we take the things we are good at for granted, being able to market your skill and be paid for it is an overlooked blunder many live with, even if you do not want to be paid for it, teaching something you excel at is giving of yourself in the most charitable way. School Transport Services. A recent bill led me to wondering about what possible profit the nice old man who picks my niece up for school makes. Fair enough, it was exam season and little missy had lessons ‘coming and going!’ if he picks her up for $25 and drops her home for another $25, five times a week, and does this, in his 12 seater van for four weeks… you do the math…
Spice Up Your Staircase Design
elegant ideas
An elegant staircase with intricate wrought iron railings and polished steps w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m
elegant ideas
A modern staircase with glass rails is different and effective
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elegant ideas
This staircase skillfully blends retro and modern styles
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elegant ideas
The wrought iron railing is softened by the plush carpet on these stairs
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elegant ideas
This simple staircase is used to border a corridor as well as its usual function
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Maintaining A Vegetarian Diet From cardiovascular issues to cancer there are several reasons why more people have decided to switch to a vegetarian diet as opposed to the carnivorous cuisine choices the world has become accustomed to. Starting the diet program is one thing, but the upkeep is another. Concerned about falling off the vegetarian wagon? Here are some tips to keep you grounded. First, create a meal schedule for yourself at the beginning of each week and stick to it. Buy all of the food you will need for this schedule early so that you won't be tempted to “pick something up for dinner” at the last minute. Temptation is not easy to overcome if you give it room to breed. Try to find other vegetarians with whom to interact. Surround yourself with support and encouragement. Not everyone in your life will understand
your new diet choice, but don't let them discourage you. All that reading you've done will come in handy in explaining to others why you've made the switch to vegetarianism. Also, find a local vegetarian restaurant in your area. This can be your getaway when you are craving meat. These restaurants serve all vegetarian meals and are even beloved by carnivores. Everything from vegetarian burgers
to sweet and sour tofu can be found at these restaurants and they can serve as a good substitute for a meat-based menu. Lastly, find replacements for the tastes and textures of meat to which you're accustomed. Here are some alternatives. Mushrooms easily replace beef in spaghetti sauces. Rice (when prepared with Taco seasonings) works well in tacos and TVP (textured vegetable protein) is perfect for chili, burgers, tacos, "meat"balls, etc. It makes great "chicken" noodle soup, too! It looks a little like granola, but reconstitute it with water and it's a close match for ground beef. Staying with any diet can be hard, but the reasons you chose the diet alone should be good enough to make you consider the necessary steps to staying on the chosen path. Meat lovers can eat their hearts out. Vegetarians can stay healthy with these tips.
Kitchen Cabinet Options:
Materials And Style
expensive to build and changing them every year is not an option. Take a look at the options below and decide which is better suited for your kitchen.
he type of materials used to build your kitchen cabinets and cupboards, determines the overall look of your kitchen. Another factor that influences this is the style and design: modern versus vintage. When choosing a style for your cupboards ensure that it is one that you are comfortable with; one that you can become accustomed to as cabinets are very 16
1) Wood cabinets. Wood is still the most popular choice among the materials as it is cheaper than the rest and comes in different types such as oak, pine, cherry or hickory. These can be left with their natural tones or tinted to reflect a darker wood grain or a lighter wood grain finish. If these are still too expensive, then wood veneers could be used. This is applied over ply wood to give a similar effect. 2) Laminates. The material is made from res-
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in-soaked papers that have been heated by sealing layers, which are very durable. They can be pre-coloured and given a texture and gives a very modern, chic look when coupled with a white or ivory gloss finish. 3) Melamine. This is cheaper than laminates and comes in a variety of colours, hues, surfaces and finishes but care must be taken not to get it scratched as it is not very durable 4) Glass. This is the preference among homeowners who wish to have that modern touch. Glass is an illuminator as it shines light throughout the kitchen making it appear very bright and spacious. The only downside to
glass cabinets is that all the contents will be ‘on show’ unless the glass is frosted or tinted. 5) Stainless Steel. These cabinet types were only found in restaurants but recently and with the increase in popularity of cooking shows, fans are eagerly designing their kitchen cabinets and counters using this material. The consensus is that it gives your kitchen a very vogue look and is easily maintained. A bit expensive to install but a good buy. 6) Copper. This is the ‘warmer’ side to stainless steel; it gives the kitchen a more welcoming look and feel. It is durable and easy to maintain.
Black Eyed Peas Recipes
t’s a great Western tradition to end the year with a meal of black eyed peas. Some people start the year with it. There’d probably be a pot of Black-Eyed Peas pelau on every block in Trinidad if we checked. Apart from pelau, there are several dishes which can be made with this underrated pea. Check out these recipes.
Fried Black-Eyed Peas Ingredients 1/2 pound bacon 3 cups canned black-eye peas, rinsed and drained 2 tablespoons minced shallot 1/3 cup chopped roasted red peppers 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour, or as needed Salt and black pepper to taste 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Directions Place the bacon in a large, deep skillet, and cook over mediumhigh heat, turning occasionally, until evenly browned, about 10 minutes. Drain the bacon slices on a paper towel-lined plate. Mash the black-eye peas in a bowl with a fork. Crumble the bacon into the peas, and stir in the shallots, red peppers, and enough flour to make the mixture stick together. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Form the black-eye pea mixture into 4 patties. Melt the butter with the vegetable oil in a large skillet over 18
medium heat. Cook the patties until golden brown and crispy on each side, about 4 minutes per side.
Basic Black-Eyed Peas Salad Ingredients 2 (15.5 ounce) cans black-eyed peas 1 large tomato, chopped 1 medium red bell pepper, chopped 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped 1/2 red onion, diced 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions In a medium bowl, toss together black-eyed peas, tomato, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, red onion, celery, and parsley. In a small bowl, mix balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Season it with salt and pepper. Toss into the vegetables. Cover, and chill in the refrigerator 8 hours, or overnight.
Black- Eyed Peas Soup Ingredients 1 pound bulk pork sausage 1 pound ground beef 1 large onion, diced 4 cups water 3 (15 ounce) cans black-eyed peas, drained 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes
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1 (10 ounce) can diced tomatoes with green chili peppers (undrained) 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 3/4 teaspoon garlic salt 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chilies 4 teaspoons molasses 4 beef bouillon cubes 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin Directions In a large Dutch oven, cook and stir the pork sausage and ground beef with the onion over medium heat until the meat is no longer pink, 10 to 12 minutes; drain off excess fat. Pour in the water, and stir in black-eyed peas, diced tomatoes, Green chilis, Worcestershire sauce, garlic salt, salt, canned green chilies, molasses, beef bouillon cubes, black pepper, and cumin until thoroughly mixed. Bring the soup to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes.
Black-Eyed Pea Dip Ingredients 1 (15 ounce) can black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained 4 green onions, chopped 2 tablespoons white sugar 1/4 cup olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 roma (plum) tomatoes, chopped 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1/4 teaspoon salt Minced jalapeno pepper to taste Directions Stir the black-eyed peas, green onions, sugar, olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, cilantro, balsamic vinegar, and salt together in a mixing bowl. Mix in jalapeno peppers, if desired. Cover, and refrigerate at least six hours before serving.
Black-Eyed peas Gumbo Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped 5 stalks celery, chopped 2 cups chicken broth 1 cup brown rice 4 (15 ounce) cans black-eyed peas with liquid 1 (10 ounce) can diced tomatoes and green chiles 1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped Directions Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, and cook the onion, pepper, and celery until tender. Pour in the chicken broth, and mix in rice, black-eyed peas with liquid, diced tomatoes and green chiles, diced tomatoes, and garlic. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 45 minutes, or until rice is tender. Add water if soup is too thick.
Staging The Right Stag Night
n the sixties, the words bachelor parties would strike fear in every bride to be, and testosterone in every groom to be. In those days, bachelor parties comprised of a lot of booze, a lot of friends – all male – and a lot of big breasted girls - all hookers - jumping out of oversized cakes. These days the male species has evolved. There is a lot more that may interest him than alcohol and women – or so we hope! Now, when planning a bachelor party for your best buddy since kindergarten, you might find that you would have to get a little more creative that the norm. But don’t be daunted. We can help you plan a bachelor party that would spare his bride to be dreams of wanting you dead. Let’s put the alpha male in different pots so that we can cook up the perfect bachelor party experience The Sports Lover Always a great male bonding activity. Here’s an idea. Organize a tournament for married friends’ vs. bachelors; losers buy the drinks. It could be football, cricket, basketball, or even obstacle matches. Words to the 20
wise though…never plan these events for the day before the wedding. Especially if the married men are bigger than the bachelors and the groom to be is not as athletic as you thought. You’d hate to see him getting married in a cast.
friends and the bride’s friends hook up, you might have a lot more party planning to do in the future.
The nature lover There is nothing that could say “you’re my pal’ like taking the hard core nature lover on an overnight hike to some beautiful, far off, forest covered location. After he gets married, he may never be allowed to go again. Period. Organize tents, food, cross bows if you intend to do a little hunting, and most importantly, get permission from his bride-to- be. You can fish, raft, hang glide, climb, whatever there is to do where you’re going. Prepare well.
The car lover Rally anyone? There are a lot of treasure hunts that involve driving all around the country searching for clues to find a hidden treasure. Organize a road trip like this for the guy who loves everything about cars and driving. The ultimate prize would of course be to have his bride to be waiting at the end of the game as his long hunted treasure.
The party lover An interesting concept for this one is to invite the bride-to-be, and her single friends to meet the groom and his single buds to have an all night bash. You can rent the VIP area of your favorite club, or even do it at one of your houses. Be careful though. When the groom’s
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The home lover Let him stay home and send him a card.
The church lover Pray for him. (Just kidding). The church lover may find interest in lots of things, but they should be spiritually based. There are those who would even suggest bible-based trivia. Suffer the boredom. He’s your friend. The travel lover The Caribbean is full of beautiful islands. Pick one. Organize a trip, and plan to see all the
islands beauty. If you and your other friends can afford it, island hop. Each destination is unique and you are bound to find something to do. The poker lover There are some people who just love card games. For them, weddings = cards. Funerals = cards. Holidays = cards. Work days = cards. Honeymoons? There are Casinos all over the Caribbean that cater to the whims and fancies to the poker lover. Take the night and turn it into magic for him. After the wedding, the only cards he’ll be playing with are the ones he’ll be using to pay to his wife’s luxuries. The vice lover Throw everything that you just read out the window and do what your father, and your father’s father, and his father did. Go to the sleaziest strip club you could find, drink yourself to a stupor, and get a stripper to give you a lap dance before you throw up all her fifteen dollar dress. After all is said and done, go home and pray to Jesus, Joseph and Mary that his fiancé would still agree to marry him.
Perfect Kids Parties
any moms want to celebrate their children’s birthday, but for some reason feel daunted by the task. They seem to think they need to hire a professional planner or spend months organizing and planning. Some even tell themselves “I don’t have a creative bone in my body; I can never come with a theme my child will like”. Well none of the above is necessarily true. I have gathered tested and proven party planning tips over the years that demystify throwing the perfect children’s party or any party for that matter. So let’s plan this party together. • Get the child involved, that little person will supply you with a wealth of information, kids will tell you their favourite colour, cartoon character, flavour cake. So let them help select the theme of the party, location, guest list, menu and games. When children get involved in the planning process they are more motivated to help out. • Next, refine the guest list, decide how many children
you believe you can manage, the younger the children, the less children you may want to invite unless other adult family members and parents are involved. Safety is very important so keep the party manageable. • The Invitation- invite only your child’s closet friends, they already know each other well which makes the party so much more fun! Remember to invite friends from daycare, school, Sunday school, Sabbath school, godparents and grandparents. • Invitations can be homemade, it’s a lot more personal and fun for the birthday child, remember its all about your child having fun not impressing the neighbours. • Begin planning for the party at least 4 weeks before the actual date. • Order the cake early on, especially if it’s a character or specialty cake the game. • Children love colour so get creative when choosing plates, cups, forks, mix and match, stick flowers to spoons and forks to give a real feminine flare to the event, there are so many
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party shops selling all shapes, patterns of these items its mind boggling, just go crazy! • Also book entertainment during the first week, whether it’s a clown, Cinderella, Poke Môn whoever, do it early particularly just before the summer vacation since August just happens to be one of the busiest party months. • Plan plenty of activities; children are happiest when they are active. Activities must be participatory, games like wacky relay. Teams compete in relays that include putting on dress up clothing and hats. Scavenger hunts, musical chairs is always a favourite. Competitive games are a no, no; no child should go home a loser. Set games up so that every child wins something. • Choose party favours that either reflect the theme of the party or will leave a lasting impression. The birthday child should hand out the favours. • Finger foods are best for these occasions, heavy meals could leave children feeling
lethargic and the next thing you know you’re hosting a slumber party. I’ll give you food ideas later on. • Most children’s parties are held outdoors, have a back up plan in case rain falls. Here are some great activity ideas: Crab race Treasure hunts Story time Fire-fighter’s training centre Red light, green light Hide and seek Wheelbarrow races Lemon and spoon Jewellery making (kids must be old enough and well supervised) Pizza making The list could go on. Just do your own research and even make up games once they are safe and as I said before every child comes out a winner. Remember to say thank you to the parents who sent their kids and the kids who actually attended. Thank you notes are an important part of party etiquette. This is your child’s day remember to make your child feel special.
Basic Beauty Tips For Men
n today's world men are not afraid to make themselves more attractive by using personal care products. You're are already a fine specimen, but why not help nature out a bit and boost your ego? Indulge yourself by implementing these simple, proven beauty and grooming tips that will have you a cut above the rest. Men's Grooming Tips • Keep your fingernails trimmed and clean. Same for toenails. • Trim your nose hairs occasionally. What you're used to, others may notice. • If you don't iron your clothes, remove them immediately from the dryer so wrinkles don't set. • In hot weather, wear lightcolored, cotton clothing and socks. This will absorb less heat and "sweat stains" will be less visible. • Consider trimming your arm pit hairs in warm weather. Less hairs, less bacteria, less smell. Think about it. • Don't be reluctant to trim or tweeze any stray eyebrow hairs. • Good dental hygiene means a dazzling smile. • Brush your tongue when you brush your teeth. Your tongue attracts bacteria and can cause bad breath.
Skin Care • Wear sunglasses outside, not only will the sun damage the skin around your eyes, constant squinting will leave permanent creases over time. • Men need moisturizers and sunscreen just as much as the opposite gender. If you don't have a skin care regimen, start now. • Quit smoking and heavy drinking and restore your healthy glow. • Never pick a mole. If one looks suspicious or is bothersome, your dermatologist can remove it with a very simple procedure. • Visit your dermatologist annually for a complete examination. • If you're prone to acne and breakouts, wash your face twice a day with antibacterial soap. • Use a toner to remove excess oil and shine on your face. • Use lip balm to prevent chapped lips in the tropical heat or air-conditioned rooms.
Now that you have furnished yourself with swagger for days, go out and have fun. The women will definitely notice and the guys will envy you. After all, guys need a little attention too right?
Organizing Your Large Closet
f you have the luxury of owning a walk-in closet, do not neglect it. Keep it in fine order to make it work for you. The extra space afforded in a walk in closet can be tweaked to ensure maximum efficiency while adding to your décor. Here are some tips.
Clear it out Distinguish clothing and shoes that you wear and items that you need to get rid of. You can do this by the golden rule of closet organizing: If you haven't worn it in a year, toss it. Also, if it doesn't fit you well, it is time to get rid of it. Don’t hang on to your "skinny jeans" until you lose a few pounds. Sort Your Stuff Separate all your clothing items according to use, season or activity. Put all your religious, work, casual and sporty items in different parts of the closet to make searching simpler. Further sort by colour coding to make putting outfits together a breeze. Even though it’s in your closet, this will also add to the overall décor of your wardrobe space. w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m
Install hooks. Most homeowners never think to have hook in their walk-in closets, but these fixtures can actually be extremely handy. You can (and should) use hooks to hang items like bathrobes, belts, and scarves. Take notice to how a clothing store keeps items – that's how you should keep them too. Hanging items makes them easier to see and prevents items from being tangled, damaged, or forgotten. Make it Easy Plan to place the items that you use the most frequently between waist and shoulder height. This will assure that you neither have to kneel nor reach up for common items, making the storage system more convenient and easier to maintain. Lighting A poorly lit closet is difficult to use and maintain. Make sure that there are no dark spots or corners in the closet, especially in a walk-in closet that receives no natural light. Consider LED lighting under shelves and on the walls to have light for small, tight spaces.
home gym
The Three Most Important Supplements For Building Muscle
re you trying to build muscle with little to no results? Perhaps supplementation is a good option for you. If you are going to use supplements, just note that the following three are the most important and that is the first place you should start. Creatine Creatine is one of the most researched supplements for muscle gain in the fitness industry. The effects of creatine are quickly felt (usually just after a few days/week) mainly in terms of strength gains. Creatine is naturally produced in our bodies, primarily in the liver, and is stored in the form of creatine phosphate, mostly inside the skeletal muscle where it’s used to replenish our primary fuel system which is ATP. ATP or adenosine triphosphate is the body’s principal fuel source in all tissues. ATP can be converted from carbohydrates, fat and oxidation of leucine. It’s the primary fuel source for all energy requirements in the body. Protein As you likely already learned in Biology, proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms. They participate in virtually every process within cells. If there’s only one supplement on this list that you choose to take, and 24
building muscle is your primary goal, then protein is it. You absolutely cannot grow without it. To build muscle, most research suggests taking between 0.5 and 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. The two most popular forms of protein supplements are Whey protein and Casein protein. Whey is a faster acting form which is good for consumption right after workouts, while casein is slow digesting and is better when taken just before bed. Omega-3 Fish Oil I know what you’re probably thinking. “Fish oil is a HEALTH supplement… it won’t help me build muscle!” If that’s the case, you really need to reexamine your program. How can you expect to make great, consistent gains in the gym if you’re not meeting your basic needs? Adding new muscle tissue is an extremely taxing process, and your body won’t cooperate unless you give it everything it needs to grow – and then some. Plus, Omega-3’s aren’t only important for cardiovascular health. The right balance of fatty acids is critical for the production of testosterone, growth hormone, and other critical musclebuilding molecules. A steady supply of fish oil can also help to reduce inflammation and keep your joints and tendons ready to rock on your heaviest exercises.
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Four Fantastic Leg Exercises Without Weights Calf Presses Find a step 4 inches off the ground. Stand with the back half of your foot hanging off the step. Lower your heels 2 inches. Press up so that you are standing on the balls of your feet. Repeat 15 to 20 times to complete one set. Do two sets to complete the exercise point toes in to isolate the inner calf and point toes out to isolate the outer calf. Mountain Climbers Start in push-up position. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot between your hands, foot planted firmly on the floor. Keep your hands in push-up position and jump to switch your legs, straightening your right leg out behind you and bringing your left leg up between your knees. Repeat as fast as you can for one minute. Mountain climbers are an allover leg strengthener, and the explosive jumping movement strengthens your calves. Squat Performing a squat activates the muscles of the gluteals, quadriceps and the hamstrings. Position your feet hipwidth apart with your toes
pointing straight ahead. For the intermediate to advanced exerciser, place your hands behind your head. If you are a beginner or need more practice with balance and core strength, extend your arms out in front of your shoulders, keeping them parallel to the floor throughout the exercise. Center your weight evenly from heel to toe. Without allowing your knees to extend past your toes and keeping your torso up as straight as possible, lower your body as if you are trying to sit on a bench behind you. Once you have reached a bend of approximately 90 degrees, lift your body back up to the starting position without letting your knees move back or forward. Burpees Stand with your hips shoulder width apart with your hands at your sides. Squat down to the floor placing your hands on the ground in front of you. Shift your weight to arms and kick your legs back and out straight so you are in a plank position. Jump your feet back in to their original point. Jump up and landing standing up straight. Repeat.
Freshens and cleans
Tips For Handling Birds
Great Gifts For Garage Buffs
hristmas is over, but that doesn’t mean you should stop giving gifts. Give the car lover in your live the perfect gifts to enhance their favourite garage accessory. Here are some great gifts for the new year.
while on the move. An SCA 12V Phone Charger suits most popular makes and models of mobile phones and is available for next to nothing online. You can even give a local store a sale if they have a good price.
Leatherman Tool Any gear head worth their salt has a little bit of MacGyverness in them, and a Leatherman multi-tool is really a must-have item when you’re in a bind on the go. Whether you’re in need a bottle opener, a screwdriver, a pocket knife or a pair of vice grips, this useful little gadget can really save the day. Between this, a roll of duct tape, and a fistful of zip ties, your car guy or gal will should never be stranded on the side of the road again. Makes a killer stocking stuffer!
Car Care Pack Most car lovers like to take good care of their machines. The top brand in car detailing is undoubtedly Meguair’s. A Meguair’s Car Kit will set you back a couple hundred dollars, but it’s a gift any car fiend will truly appreciate. In the Meguair’s kit you get Ultimate Wash & Wax, Ultimate Liquid Wax, Endurance Tyre Gel Microfiber Wash Mitt, Microfiber Drying Towel, Microfiber Supreme Shine towel, and two soft foam applicator pads.
Mobile Charger Another really useful present is an in-car phone charger, which can be plugged into your 12V socket (i.e. the cigarette lighter) for continuous charging 26
These three New Year’s presents will definitely make life easier for the person you cared enough about to purchase a holiday gift. You don’t have buy an entire rim set to show you care.
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irds are loveable animals that make the perfect pets. Although they can be quite moody, they are very playful and are lowmaintenance as long as they are kept in ideal conditions. Most new owners do not know how to properly take care of birds and these can cause the birds to get restless and become unruly. Although there are different kinds of birds who require different needs, certain basic rules should be followed when caring for your pet bird. Remember the main factor when caring for birds is to gain their trust, so that they won’t feel threatened by you, their owner.
maintain a healthy diet. Don’ts Don’t continue to pet your bird if it retreats. This can be a sign that they are irritable and wants to be left alone
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Do’s Check out your bird’s body language before petting it. They can be very moody at times and may snap at you.
Don’t allow strangers to pet your bird without introducing them to the bird first. Strangers are seen as enemies and the bird will snap it feels threatened.
Speak to your bird before petting it; ease into it the touch. Don’t assume that the bird wants to be touched and try to grab it.
Spend time petting your bird as this helps to develop a bond.
Pet your bird’s head. Touching the body may warrant a bite as this may seem to be invading its space.
Spend time understanding your bird. This takes patience and understanding.
Learn about the ideal foods that should be fed to your birds and what can be done to
Don’t pet your bird’s body. Steer clear of the bird’s body; only pet its head.
Don’t get upset if your bird doesn’t want to be touched. Birds exhibit certain human qualities and prefer to be left alone at times.
Don’t torment the bird by poking it with objects or grabbing them from the cage. Gently coax your bird out onto your finger or guide them out of the cage.
Don’t feed your birds every type of food available. Certain foods would not be digested by their tiny stomachs and can cause death.
The Key To Capturing Vacation Moments… Forever
reat vacation trip on the horizon and the only thing better than photographic memory is actual photos. This topic warms my little heart as my love for photography just about equals my love for music, the trump card being I don’t hyperventilate when I haven’t seen my camera for a complete 24 hours. In this issue we advise on camera equipment to best capture that jaw dropping moment when the sun rises through the mist over X or Y city/mountain/landscape. Many homes already have at least one digital ‘point and shoot’ camera; these are the very easy to use models with the settings for achieving the best capture being already set, usually in ‘automatic’ mode – hence the name because all you have to do is point, and shoot, without setting the tool yourself. The range extends to the ‘advanced point and shoot’ with a bit more buttons and a bit more scope for adjusting the settings, and often choosing settings to match the occasion, such as ‘Portrait’ ‘Landscape’ ‘Macro’ will give you the camera’s best judgment
for depth of field and sharpness. Note though that these basic cameras lack zoom lenses and image stabilization. For those not yet in possession of one- maybe you’re rightfully happy with the fancy camera on that fancy PDA posing as a phone- we offer some 2010 favorites in the area of point and shoot. Before we go into that though, you should note the point of your camera, namely vacation. A camera you take on vacation should be lightweight enough to go everywhere with you so getting one that fits in your pocket is something to consider. This is another factor in the popularity of the point and shoot, most of which weigh less than a pound and, what do you know, they fit easily in your pocket or purse. A good quality camera will have a megapixel (MP) capacity of 5 or more. Cell phone cameras top out at 2 to 4MP, and the resulting photos are not keepsakes. The more megapixels (MP) a camera has, the larger the prints you can make without blurriness but as megapixels increase, so does the price of the camera.
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A digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera has many advantages over a compact point and shoot camera, especially image quality, fast performance and interchangeable lenses. Based on the build quality and performance, the DSLR camera is divided into two types: entry level and advanced. For vacation, the entry level camera is a good recommendation, because it is generally lighter and compact and has many good features. Still it is bulkier than the point and shoot with even the smallest lens on. SLR cameras also come with the automatic preset modes so if you do decide to get this instead of a point and shoot, you will be able to reap the advantages of the basic settings without tinkering with the manual settings that will truly reap all the SLR has to offer. Knowing exactly what you will be using your camera for helps cancel out a lot of the bulk in the digital camera market. Do some online reading on what each has to offer and select one that best fits your needs. There are many, many options to choose from in a bewildering
array of tempting models. There are also waterproof cameras, which are resistant to the elements when you’re at the beach with those youngsters who love to spritz you in the surf. But unless you are taking the camera diving, with normal care even around splashy grandchildren, the regular digital models are sufficiently moisture resistant. So an ideal vacation camera is one that is still lightweight and compact, but loaded with goodies, including (in the point and shoot category) lenses up to 10x zoom and image stabilization. At all times, but especially while on vacation, keep your gear in its case when you are not snapping away at the sights. Once it’s out of the case, always loop the camera’s strap around your wrist or neck as some models can be easily jostled out of your hand if someone bumps into you. In your continued role as master of multitasking, you’ll be able to keep an eye on the kids, look out for amazing deals and now be able to capture all the minute details that make a vacation the best thing about working.
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