Abstract Home Vol. 4 Issue 10 2013

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Examining Outdoor Trends


ou can make your immediate outdoors more akin to “the great outdoors” by taking simple steps to boost your landscape. Home décor and design is not limited to the rooms that make up your house. These three landscaping trends show how much importance people have been putting on developing the look of their yards. Less Water A popular outdoor trend is the use of less water in the yard. Some choose to follow intricately detailed xeriscaping plans while others simply favour drought-resistant plants such as cacti and succulents. When shopping at the nursery, more and more people are keeping water conservation in mind when deciding on what to plant in their yards. This

ists or idealistic hippies. Lawns guzzle water, plus they require a ton of maintenance and suck up nasty chemicals. Some may even say lawns are boring. Instead people are opting to mix a variety of succulents, cacti, grasses, rocks, pathways, or other features in place of the usual lawn. Going green doesn’t necessarily mean having more green in your yard; it’s about what makes more sense. landscaping trend isn't always entirely voluntary, as water restrictions sometimes force the homeowner's hand in this regard. While we are experiencing rainier weather these days it does not mean we should not be conservative. Going Lawn-Free The idea of ripping out your lush green lawn is no longer limited to fanatical water conservation-

Fragrant Outdoors The first thing people do when they receive a bouquet is take a whiff. Yet, many garden flowers are not that fragrant. A fragrant garden is the new in-thing. It’s a much better option than putting Glade Plug-ins on your home’s outer walls. This is why plants that offer pleasant-scented leaves and blooms are skyrocketing in popularity.

Creating A Storm Checklist


od might be a Trini and we may be well positioned below the hurricane belt, but it’s definitely storm season and Trinidad and Tobago are by no means exempt from a freak storm. Who knows, Trinidad may just get surprised by a hurricane that decides to veer a little further south. In that event, it’s good to be prepared. Here’s a storm checklist. Gather emergency supply items including: A battery-powered radio, so you can be abreast of the latest news surrounding the storm A battery-powered flashlight and extra batteries Candles and matches (Never leave burning candles unattended) Non-perishable food and plenty of bottled water Manual can opener

First-aid kit Prescription and any other necessary extra medicine Fire extinguisher Wind-up clock Blankets Toilet articles and sanitary needs Baby items if needed During the Storm Remain inside. Listen to your radio for the all clear. Use your telephone for emergencies only. Conserve refrigeration. If you lose power, open the refrigerator only when needed. After the Storm Stay clear of downed power lines, trees and debris. Listen to instructions from local officials. Do not drive across flooded roadways. Stay clear of moving water es-

pecially near rivers, streams and drainage systems. Stay tuned to radio (or TV if available) for weather and news bulletins. Remember to check our website for the latest news updates and outage information. w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m

When the power comes back on, give the electric system a chance to stabilize by gradually using the appliances you turned off. Use only the most essential first and wait 15 minutes on the others, including water and space heating. JULY 2013




Useful Cleaning Tips


t has been said that imitation is the best form of flattery. Even so, why try to flatter Oscar the Grouch with a dirty abode? Furthermore, can a puppet really feel flattered? Instead of trying to answer those questions, (which I hope you realized were rhetorical) try picking up a broom or a wet rag and let’s start cleaning. We at Abstract Home have the best tips to get you started on house cleaning and we are sharing them with you right here free of charge. Before you start cleaning you should know that there are some things which cannot be cleaned using conventional methods. For instance, regular soap and water just won’t do the trick where removing blood stains or crayon marks are concerned. Try using normal hair shampoo on blood stains on fabric. Let the shampoo set on the stain for about a minute then rinse it off. This also works on stained shirt collars as shampoo breaks down body oils well. There are other ways to remove blood stains as well. Put a paste of water and cornstarch, cornmeal or talcum powder on fresh spots. Let dry and brush off. If the blood is on fabric you can also wet a long piece of white cotton thread with saliva and place it across the spot. The thread will absorb the blood. For removing crayon marks on painted walls, scrub with toothpaste or an ammoniasoaked cloth. If you have a problem removing heel marks from surfaces, easily rub them off with a pencil eraser. Now that you have removed those heel marks, you can keep your wooden floor 2

surfaces shiny and beautiful with this tip. Place a piece of wax paper under your dust mop just before mopping. Dust particles will collect on the dust-mop while the wax paper will shine your floor. Speaking of wax, candle wax on fabric can be removed by placing a brown bag on the wax and running a hot iron over it. Wax on floors can be reheated with a blow-dryer then wiped away with a paper towel. Window cleaning is often troublesome for many. This is because windows have to deal with dust from inside as well as dust and weather effects from the outside. Window treatments such as curtains and blinds assist in trapping dust on window sills and panes which means when it’s time to finally clean them you are in for double duty. Fear not, because we have window cleaning tips for you as well. 1. Clean windows when it is slightly overcast. Direct sunlight causes the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, leaving streaks. 2. Formulate a pattern for wiping. Clean the inside from top to bottom and wipe the outside side to side or vice versa. This way you will be able to identify missed spots and know which side they are on. 3. Dust or vacuum sills before wiping. The wetness can interact with the dirt to form messy mud. 4. Use cool, clear water to clean windows. If they are really dirty add two tablespoons of vinegar per gallon of water used.

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Moving on to doors: There is no better way to make a first impression than to greet people with a clean door upon entry. Cleaning doors makes the entire house look sharper and cleaner. Make sure to begin by wiping away all of the dirt that has settled on top of the door, its frame and hinges. Those places (much like window sills and ceiling fan tops) have a propensity for getting dirty. After all, just because the stuff that settles on top your door looks like velvet or felt does not mean it is. Depending on the finish of your door scrub it thoroughly with a mild solution. Be careful not to destroy the varnish or paint. Now that your doors are clean you can invite people inside. Just make sure that your counter tops and centre tables are clean. If you have glass table tops, clean them by rubbing them with a little lemon juice. After that, use a paper towel to dry them and shine them with a crumpled newspaper. For any surface scratches to the glass table top use toothpaste. The toothpaste adds luster to your dull, abused glass furniture. A similar approach can be taken when cleaning marble tops. To remove stains, sprinkle salt on a fresh cut lemon. Rub very lightly over stain. Do not rub hard or you will ruin the polished surface. Wash off with soap and water. Apart from the more obvious things we have to clean there are some things which never really get the attention they deserve when cleaning. Doorknobs need their fair share of cleaning as well. Disinfect doorknobs and light switches as these areas are always being contaminated by dirty hands. Use a disinfectant

spray then wipe with a clean wet cloth. Plants get dusty too. Give smaller plants a quick dousing in the kitchen sink. Larger ones can be cleaned with a shower in the bathroom. Alternatively, they can both be cleaned by a gentle spraying and wiping of the leaves. Now that we have dealt with tips on cleaning several surfaces, here are some general cleaning tips which should make housecleaning less taxing for you. 1. Always clean top to bottom. When you dust, start at the top and work down. Gravity causes dust to fall downward, so it makes sense to start from the top. 2. In order to avoid unnecessary trips back and forth when cleaning, take all your cleaning tools with you into each room. 3. Leaving baking soda on carpeting for the night as a tool for absorbing musty odors. Sprinkle the baking soda and vacuum in the morning. Never underestimate the power of scent. 4. When it comes to dealing with urine spots act on them quickly with a solution of dish detergent and water. Once you take these simple things into account you can get through rooms quickly and progress to the next step. Cleaning your home can be quite a task especially if there are kids in the house or it is holiday time. Hopefully the information dispensed here will serve to make your life a little easier and much cleaner.


Ways To Keep Cool

Without Air-conditioning


he rainy season has done little to reduce the soaring temperatures we experience. Instead, most times it has just become wet and hot. Therefore, people are singing the praises of air-condition units across the country. However, some people don’t have air-conditioning units in their homes and effective alternatives to keeping cool must be sought. Look no further. Here are some easy, breezy tips to keeping you cool. Windows Use white or light colored window dressings to reflect light. You can also apply reflective slicks to windows to further cut down on light. At night, leave cabinets open as well, as they will store heat.

you can put up large plastic or bamboo shades to cut down on sunlight.

Hot Air Out, Cool Air In The most basic thing you can do to keep your house cooler without air conditioning is to keep as much sunlight out as possible and let cooler air in at night. During the day, keep windows, drapes, blinds or shades closed, especially on the eastern and western sides of your home. If you have a porch,

Turn On A Fan Air moving on your skin makes you feel cooler. But don’t leave the fan running all day — only keep it on when you’re sitting under it. Really, I’m not kidding, it only works if the air blows on your skin. When it doesn’t the fan only adds heat to the room from the energy in the motor. Get Your Gardener On Avoid landscaping with lots of un-shaded rock, cement, or asphalt on the east or west sides because it increases the temperature around the house and radiates heat to the house after the sun has set.

Tips To Great Tomato Growing


tarting a home tomato garden can be a very fruitful experience for those who so desire. Tomatoes are used quite a bit in local cuisine and having home-grown tomatoes at your disposal will definitely be highly beneficial. In order to grow the best tomatoes, try these tips.

They get the least amount of sun and soil borne pathogens can be unintentionally splashed up onto them. Spraying weekly with compost tea also seems to be effective at warding off fungus diseases. Water deeply but infrequently Soak your tomato bed once a week, or every five days at the height of summer. Water directly on the soil, not on the leaves.

Choose a bright, airy spot Plant tomatoes where they will get at least 10 hours of light in summer. And leave room between plants for air to circulate. Don’t crowd seedlings If you are starting tomatoes from seed, be sure to give the seedlings room to branch out. Close conditions inhibit their growth, so transplant them as soon as they get their first true leaves and move them into 4" pots about 2 weeks after that. 4

Bury the stems Plant your tomato seedlings up to the first true leaves. New roots will quickly sprout on the stems. More roots means more fruits.

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Remove the Bottom Leaves Once the tomato plants are about 3' tall, remove the leaves from the bottom 1' of stem. These are usually the first leaves to develop fungus problems.

Get Shaking Shake your plant poles or cages gently once or twice each week for about 5 seconds once flowering begins to promote pollination of the blossoms (from one flower to another). Shaking the tomato plant increases fruit production by more evenly distributing pollen.


How To Throw A Tea Party


ea parties are a great way to keep in contact with friends and family. It’s a timeless tradition that both the young and old can enjoy so it is a great way to bring different generations together. For those of you who think that tea parties are a bore think again. There are many fun things that can be done. These include games, dancing and the usual conversations. The activities chosen would depend solely on what type of tea party it is. A tea party can be held to announce your daughters’ engagement or it can be held to celebrate a wedding anniversary. Tea parties are a sophisticated way of celebrating the happy moments in your life. To get started you must first plan out the theme of the party. The theme should be indicated on the invitations which should to be sent out at least three weeks in advance. When sending invitations be creative, for instance if you are having a garden tea party try getting invitations that have pressed flowers on the outside to create a back to 6

nature feeling. After the invitations have been sent out you can now get started on setting up the location. Decorate according to the theme that was chosen and use colors that can add life to the location. This is a tea party and not a house party so be careful not to over decorate. You can be creative yet simple at the same time. The table will be the centre of attention in a tea party so it is essential that it stands out. Set up the table in an area that will allow the guests to have room to mingle. A nice tablecloth should be placed on the table. The tea sets should be at one end of the

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serving table. Next to the tea set place the teapot, sugar, milk and a pitcher of hot water to dilute the tea. On the other end of the table you can set up a coffee service or another type of tea. Place the refreshments in the middle of the table. The traditional refreshments for tea parties usually include sweet finger foods such as cookies, cakes, muffins and scones placed on platters or cake stands. For a savory bite you may also include some finger sandwiches. There are two ways that your guests can be served. You can either serve them or you can allow them to serve themselves. If you are going to be serving the guests place napkins, plates and utensils at each person’s setting. Ask your guests how they would like their tea and proceed to make it as they wish. Tell them that they can proceed to help themselves with the refreshments. As a host it is not nice to have a table that does not have enough refreshment available for your guests. To avoid this have extra finger foods available, and always replenish the table

when it needs to be. While having tea the guests can entertain each other with light conversation and jokes. If your guests are not familiar with each other introduce them and be the conversation starter for them. After tea they can relax to the sound of some of your favourite music. Light upbeat music is usually the best and can entertain any age bracket. If you decide to have games this is the perfect time to start playing them. After eating some people seem to get listless, so a game will liven up the mood. As the host encourage your guests to play by taking part your self. Show them that you are having fun and they are more likely to join in. You can end the evening with some music and dancing. As you can see it doesn’t take much to throw a tea party so you can surely host your own. The main goal of the day would be for your guests to have fun and everyone knows how to do that. So I hope that you will soon be getting some friends together to celebrate and evening of tea, conversation and laughter.

home office

Raising Financially Prudent Kids


hat parent hasn't heard that phrase one too many times? "Will you give me?" or "Will you lend me?" or just "Do you have any money?" Teens are expensive. Well in their defense all kids are expensive. Raising teenagers is like financial aerobics, there are so many expenses that simply didn't exist in previous generations or what used to be considered a ‘privilege‘ of the wealthy, is now considered a basic luxury. Today's teenagers not only expect those privileges, their school administrators, teachers and peer groups also expect that they will have those privileges, “All cell-phones off…” “Bring your laptops to the field trip.” Teens are as different as their musical taste and have equally different levels of money-management skills and vastly different personalities when it comes to dealing with money… not pointing any fingers where they got this from. At this point you’re trying to turn this growing monster into a financial whiz kid. It will take some time for them to realize that money


really is not manufactured in the ATM, get on it. If you didn’t introduce the ‘piggy-bank’ policy just after infancy stages it’ll be twice as hard getting them to save now; don’t blame them. Setting goals for something they want is just as instrumental a learning tool. So, that overpriced pair of sneakers they swear they will die without is $200? Offer to match their savings towards it; this usually gets the money jar going, often in plain sight. Explain the difference between a need and a want. Your voice may be softer than that of peer pressure and the mass me-

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dia but you can still whisper in there, especially when they’re hungry and at their most vulnerable. No matter what else changes in this crazy world parents will always retain the power to ‘make them work for it. / such as dishes, the lawn and cleaning their rooms’ as clearly you’ve already stated that these are for character building, not financial wisdom. As they get older, and more demanding let them experience your financial responsibilities; give them a particular item to budget out and follow through like the grocery money for this

week or a family event. By having an active part in budgeting an experience they are part of, they will connect how the money was spent to produce the experience. Having them pay your taxes is perhaps too disenchanting to their outlook on employment. Have them research. If they want a cell phone or a laptop, have them check out various options and present the results, explaining which one represents the best value and why. Have her help you research wireless providers' family rates, or involve him in choosing a cable or digital TV, phone line and Internet service package that saves cash and meets with his teenage tech-savvy approval. Budget. Sometimes called an allowance, but let them know that when it’s gone, it’s gone. This is good; it reinforces the concept of finite as opposed to infinite resources. Don't Be a Human ATM Machine. Learning how to get work, make money, and manage their own money is the first start to financial independence, and the end to "Mom, I need money!"

elegant ideas

Be One With Nature

Rugged, yet warm is this beautiful bathroom with textured stone finish w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m

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elegant ideas

Luxurious leather is coupled with rich wooden furniture and floor accents in this living room 12

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elegant ideas

You don’t have to go all out jungle… these flowers are enough natural accents for the room

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elegant ideas

Giant glass panes make this room feel at one with the outdoors 14

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elegant ideas

Log beams give this room a true cabin feel w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m

JULY 2013





Historic Restaurants From Around The World

onventional knowledge would suggest that everybody likes food (barring a few Hollywood leading ladies and thousands of models; but who’s counting?). Anyway, good food is normally that much more memorable when it is consumed in the presence of good company and great ambiance. Abstract Home went searching around the globe to find some of the most historic restaurants that are known for providing both the ambiance and service that has kept them on top of their game for so many years. Here is a look at some of that history.

The Sobrino de Botín The Sobrino de Botin (Calle de Cuchilleros 17, 28005 Madrid, Spain) is a restaurant established in 1725. It is listed by the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest eatery currently in existence. Part of the restaurant's folklore has it that a young Francisco Goya (considered to be the father of modern art) worked there as a waiter whilst he was waiting to get a place at Madrid's "Royal Academy of Fine Art". The restaurant is decorated in the old Madrileño style, with dark wooden panels carrying elegant gilt designs. The exterior is entirely in beautiful, old wood. There are two floors and a small room to dine in. The fact that you have to pass through the kitchen to get to the small room adds to the experience more than it takes away. Traditional Madrileño food with lots of variety is served at the Sobrino de Botin (meat, game and seafood). If you have the appetite, you could have a traditional seven course meal (starter, soup, egg course, vegetable, seafood, meat and dessert). Excellent wines and service accompany the good food there. The Sobrino and its specialty of cochinillo asado ("roasted suckling pig") are mentioned in the 16

and concerts every Sunday morning from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. The restaurant also offers the possibility of refreshments, banquets, cocktail parties, inside and on the terrace of the café. The facilities include audio and video devices for debates and screen presentations, and computer capabilities. The café’s new hall has 60 seats for exhibitions, banquets and congresses, and is equipped with modern audio- and video devices (also computer ready).

closing pages of Ernest Hemingway's novel, The Sun Also Rises. Its other signature dish is sopa de ajo (an egg, poached in chicken broth, and laced with sherry and garlic) a favourite pick-me-up with Madrileño revellers. THE CAFFÈ TOMMASEO The Caffè Tommaseo in Piazza Tommaseo 4/c lies close to the famous Piazza Unità d'Italia and the Communal Theatre Giuseppe Verdi in one of the most prestigious areas of Trieste. It is the oldest coffee-house in Trieste and belongs to the Association of the Italian historical inns. Opened in 1830 by the Paduan Tommaso Marcato, it was decorated by the painter Gatteri and furnished with large mirrors, purposely brought from Belgium. On behalf of the new owner Society, in December 1997 the café was restored and renewed in the style of the original tradition of the Vienna cafés. The Caffe Tommaseo is the ideal blend of traditional and modern dining. Here you can purchase specialties such as Tagliatelle with Mushroom Boletus, Fiorentine steak and Spaghetti with Mushels meat and caviar. Open from 8 a.m. to 00.30 a.m. The services are: pastry shop-cafeteria, buffet, restaurant, American bar specializing in cocktails and tropical long drinks, live music every evening

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MÁTYÁS PINCE RESTAURANT The restaurant named after the Hungarian king of Matthias opened in 1904 in the centre, at the side of the Elisabeth Bridge. The name of the cellar is one of the most famous types of wine. The Hungarian sophisticated wine lovers and the gourmands coming from distant areas both know what this name means in the Hungarian gastronomy. In the noble sense of the word it means real Hungarian hospitality. During its more than one hundred century long existence, generations of regular customers visited the restaurant that offered traditional Hungarian specialties. Beginning with the great statesmen through to the world of arts, everyone who ever came to Hungary visited the Matthias Cellar. The furniture of the inn and the three halls, the frescos and the lead-glass windows that remind us of the time of King Matthias, are the work of Haranghy Jenő and his student Bozó Gyula. They represent such valuable art that in 1973 the Matthias Cellar was pronounced protected. Some examples of the Hungarian dishes served are: fishsoup in cup and carp of Dorozsma, both favourites of King Matthias, and apple-sour cherry strudel. Those who prefer vegetarian or international dishes will also be satisfied. At lunchtime and in the evenings, the delicious dishes and the superb wines from the wine

regions of Hungary are accompanied by the gypsy music of the Déki-Lakatos “dynasty” of musicians. From 30 April each year, the Matthias Cellar welcomes its guests with an open-air terrace. Those who want to take a rest in a relaxing environment, after a pleasant walk, can choose from a variety of sandwiches alongside cool beverages, iced tea or iced coffee. MANKAME-RO The famous Mankame-Ro in Kyoto, Tokyo is one of the oldest restaurants in the world. It was established in 1702 and is still operating under most of the traditional standards as before. Mankame-Ro holds its staff to extremely high traditional Japanese standards and food preparation standards. The current proprietor of Mankame Ro is Masayasu Ikama, the 29th in his line to preserve the family’s traditions. With more than 270 years of history, Mankame-Ro began as a Yusoku restaurant, but today it is best known for its original lkama-school cuisine. Enjoy the finest of Kyoto beauty and taste in this genuine Kyoto sukiya-style building. On the second floor of Mankame Ro's traditional Japanese structure is a spacious tatami-matted room reserved for private banquets and demonstrations of shiki-bocho, a ritual performed since the 10th century for nobility, in which swordlike blades are used to fillet fish and fowl. Downstairs, Mankame Ro's signature lunch menu is the takekago bento, named after the lidded, lattice-work basket in which seasonal delicacies are artfully presented. Another notable delicacy is domyojiko (crushed, dried rice) served up with a pair of two-toned eel and burdock root rolls. It is not unusual to spend over TT$3000 on a meal at this restaurant.


Pep Up Your Pot With Potatoes


otatoes are a wonderful source of carbs. This great starch has been the base for many a side and main dish for years. Now, we share some great potato recipes that will take your from breakfast to dessert. Bon AppĂŠtit!

Delicious Ham and Potato Soup Ingredients 3 1/2 cups peeled and diced potatoes 1/3 cup diced celery 1/3 cup finely chopped onion 3/4 cup diced cooked ham 3 1/4 cups water 2 tablespoons chicken bouillon granules 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1 teaspoon ground white or black pepper, or to taste 5 tablespoons butter 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 cups milk Directions Combine the potatoes, celery, onion, ham and water in a stockpot. Bring to a boil; then cook over medium heat until potatoes are tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in the chicken bouillon, salt and pepper. In a separate saucepan, melt butter over medium-low heat. Whisk in flour with a fork, and cook, stirring constantly until thick, about 1 minute. Slowly stir in milk as not to allow lumps to form until all of the milk has 18

been added. Continue stirring over medium-low heat until thick, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir the milk mixture into the stockpot, and cook soup until heated through. Serve immediately.

Hamburger Hash Ingredients 1 pound ground beef 1 large onion, chopped 1 pound potatoes, cut into small chunks 2 tablespoons beef bouillon Water to cover Directions Brown beef and onion in a large saucepan until meat is no longer pink. Add potatoes, bouillon and water to cover. Cover saucepan, lower heat and let simmer for 30 minutes, or until potatoes are tender and water has reduced/evaporated.

Cheese and Bacon Potato Rounds Ingredients 4 baking potatoes cut into 1/2 inch slices 1/4 cup melted butter 8 slices bacon - cooked and crumbled 8 ounces shredded Cheddar cheese 1/2 cup chopped green onions Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Brush both side of potato slices

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with butter; place them on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in the preheated 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until lightly browned on both sides, turning once. When potatoes are ready, top with bacon, cheese, and green onion; continue baking until the cheese has melted.

Fancy Potato Bake Ingredients 5 large potatoes 1 cup sour cream 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese 1 pinch garlic salt 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Place potatoes in a large pot of salted boiling water, bring water back to a boil. Cook until potatoes are tender, approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Drain well. Let cool. When potatoes are cooled, cut them into small chunks. Using an electric blender, whip po-

tatoes with sour cream, cream cheese and garlic salt. Place mixture in a 9x13 inch casserole dish. Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese. Bake for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Chocolate Covered Potato Chips Ingredients 1 pound high quality milk chocolate, chopped 8 cups ridged potato chips Directions Place about 3/4 of the chocolate into a heat safe bowl, and place over the top of a pan of simmering water. If you have a double boiler, use that. Heat, stirring occasionally until the chocolate has melted, then continue to heat the chocolate to 110 degrees F (43 degrees C), stirring occasionally. You may use a meat thermometer if your candy thermometer does not go that low. As soon as the melted chocolate reaches temperature, remove it from the heat, and stir in the remaining chopped chocolate until melted. Continue stirring until the chocolate has cooled to 90 degrees F (32 degrees C). Touching a dab of chocolate to your lip will feel cool. Use tongs to dip potato chips one at a time into the chocolate. Place on waxed paper starting at the point farthest from you and working your way in so as not to drip on your finished chips. Cool until set. You may refrigerate if you like.


Things Grooms Should Know


hen people think of weddings, the bride is usually the first thing that comes to mind. A wedding involves the union of two people so some consideration should be given to the groom. With that said, the groom needs to focus as well. There are some things a groom must know before taking the plunge. Speaking out The bridegroom’s speech is supposed to convey your thanks to the bride’s parents for both their daughter and the wedding, and also to thank your parents and the guests. Say a few words about the best man and address something exclusively to your bride about how happy you are today. You should finish by thanking the bridesmaids and by toasting them and your new wife. Don’t promise more than you can deliver. Make sure that what you volunteer to help with is realistic. Especially on the weekend of the wedding, with family in town, you may not want to be stuck doing menial tasks for a 20

big get-together you offered to host. And you don’t want to cause panic when someone has to be recruited at the last minute to fill in for you. Whom to select Most grooms have a solid gut feeling on whom they’ll select as their Best Man. This is usually a brother or other life-long friend. It’s considered courtesy to include your soon-to-be brother in laws in the wedding party as well. Depending on how many groomsmen/bridesmaids there will be, there’s always room for more friends to serve as ushers. A common rule of thumb to remember is one usher per 50 guests. Micromanage your groomsmen One of the most common causes of wedding stress for grooms is the tendency for at least one of the groomsmen to lose track of their schedule, miss their tuxedo fittings, or even fail to pick up their wedding day attire. Keep a timetable of important deadlines that gives you a day or two of extra wiggle room if you need it. Then, connect with your tailor

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have to do is go to the courthouse, answer some questions, and be presented with your marriage license. Not so fast. You need to be familiar with all the necessary requirements and waiting periods. Most importantly, don’t wait until the last minute! This may seem like a minor last-minute item on the to-do list, but without it you can’t legally be married.

or your tuxedo shop to make sure your guys are all on track. Don’t wait for catastrophe to strike on your wedding day! Get to know the in-laws Traditionally, after the engagement is announced, the groom’s parents reach out to arrange a get-together, but there’s no need to stand on ceremony. You can take initiative as a groom and invite both sets of parents to a dinner to meet and discuss initial thinking about the wedding plans. Marriage license It seems so simple. All you

Wedding Night Realism Bottom line is- it's your nightplan for it to be the one you've been looking forward to but have a backup plan for the next day if you or your Bride are too exhausted (or drunk) to enjoy it. If you aren't going directly to your honeymoon destination, rent a room at a local spa, resort, or B&B. And, many hotels will allow you to take advantage of late checkout times if you ask, so take a breather and just enjoy your time together! And, if you need any tips for the wedding night festivities, talk to a friend frankly, or purchase a book or two from your favorite bookstore. Even if you don't think you need it- it'll be worth it for years to come.


Teen Dating From The Parents Side


o your daughter thinks she has found the young man of her dreams and she wants to start dating. Many parents become nervous and uneasy when their teenager approaches them about dating and I guess it’s because the first concern that pops into their head is “Oh my God he/she wants to become sexually active”. In today’s world it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s social lives. Once you have done the necessary ground work- and ground work means once you are comfortable with the morals and values you have instilled in your teenagers-having an open and honest conversation will not seem all that daunting. If you haven’t done much ground work don’t be discouraged, I’ll guide you. Also it’s worth mentioning here that before you are even approached by your teen about the subject, you should already be taking note of academic performance, interpersonal skills, their strengths, weaknesses, sense of self and how they cope with disappointment. Ask your teen what his or her concept of dating is, use this opportunity to listen attentively taking note of any misconceptions your teen may be presenting so that you can address them later. Find out what they hope to achieve in the relationship and what they believe they have to offer. Explain to your teen that his/her purpose for dating will determine the eventual outcome of the relationship; for example if they tell you “everyone in my class is doing it” or “I’m old enough,” these are are not solid enough reasons to engage in dating. Dating should be a spring board to help enhance certain


personality and character traits and to understand and relate to the opposite sex. Dating is a great way to learn how to treat other people and allows your teen to discover how he/she wants to be treated by others. Through the experience your teen should expect to become more confident and self-sufficient. There are stages of dating. Maybe there are no hard and fast rules, especially since human sexuality and interaction has changed somewhat in the 21st century, but there are good guidelines for people who are wondering “So we’re going out, what next?” As a parent it is also important to understand the phases so that you can give guidance and advice accordingly. • Friendship is the first and logical stage. If healthy friendships aren’t maintained easily then the second stage is a nonissue. • The friendship then moves into dating itself, but it gets more complicated, dating has three phases- the casual, special, and steady. The first step is necessary and allows the opportunity for young adults to get acquainted with members of the opposite sex and understand how they react to life. Steady dating has a limited degree of emotional involvement and is where all the serious stuff happens. The teens decide to go out exclusively and emotions also run a lot deeper. If all goes well it will take your teen to the final stages, the engaged, –to-be-engaged, formal engagement, and finally marriage. If you feel that your teen is not ready for a relationship, do not just dismiss them without an

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explanation, voice your concerns or fears. Say if you feel they are immature, if religious convictions do not permit it or if the person to whom they are attracted is questionable. Once you’ve decided you are okay with your son or daughter having a boyfriend or girlfriend, it is wise to also discuss sexual behaviour. What you say to your teen will depend largely on your family values, spirituality and your knowledge of critical health issues. But discussing this is important. If you don’t they may take this to mean, you are okay with whatever choice they make and really you shouldn’t be. To kiss or not to kiss on a first date is a great way to start a conversation about sexual behaviour. It is also very appropriate to enquire about the parents of the individual your child might be dating. Let’s face it the Brady bunch or Cosby show type families are few. A telephone call goes a long way. It says that you are interested in your teen’s affairs and that it is very important to you to know who they associate with. If you sense a lack of interest on the other parent’s side then it just means you need to play closer attention to that imminent relationship. To exercise a bit of control without seeming nosy as teenagers see it, offer to be the chauffeur, (that is drop off and pick up). This is also a subtle way of enforcing a curfew. Encourage them to double date if you are really nervous. I find it also helpful if parents casually toss ideas as to great places to go, and do encourage participation dates. These are dates that call for an investment of conversation by both parties. Be sure to invite that new boyfriend or girlfriend to your

family’s outings and gatherings. It is a wonderful time to observe personalities because we all tend to become very relaxed when we are in a homey situation and unless you are a secret agent your true colours will show. Ensure that your teen is learning all the important things that a healthy relationship can teach, such as honesty, trust and respect, and see that their values are being enhanced and their emotions are in check. Many unpleasant situations like date rape, physical abuse, mental abuse, drug use, could be avoided if parents took the time out to research and become involved in their children’s social activities. Yes, they will call you miserable, old and all the mean names they can think of, but wouldn’t you rather be unpopular than sorry you tried to be cool and failed to protect your child? Preparing a son/ daughter to date is exciting for them and may be a bit so for you, but also make sure they are in touch with reality and understand that romances aren’t always predictable. This is really a time when they will be growing mentally and understanding their likes and dislikes in the opposite sex and while it is okay to feel hurt when a relationship ends, it’s not the end of the world. How they handle a break up though, depends quite a bit on your parenting and the quality of guidance you gave during the whole dating process. Look for signs of dependence, obsession or fantastic visions of a “happily ever after”. Dating should be an enriching and wonderful time for all involved so do what you think is necessary and reasonable to make so.




Beauty Q&A

ou’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. That’s our pledge and we are sticking to it. You posted your beauty questions to us and we tried our best to come up with suitably satisfying answers. Check it out. People have been raving about facial masks for a while now. I have never used one myself. What am I missing? Home: Facial masks give your skin a deeper cleansing than ordinary face soap can. This is particularly important for us in the tropics as sweat can cause dirt to collect on the skin's surface and clog pores. Adding a facial mask to your daily beauty regime can help to rejuvenate your look and add youth. Ouch! I lay out in the sun the other day, and now I'm really feeling the burn. How can I soothe my aching skin? Home: To ease the discomfort from sunburn, take an aspirin and a cool bath. Try to stay away from washing with scented soaps or bath oils-they can irritate sensitive skin. If the discomfort remains, dilute two cups of vinegar in a sinkful of cool water. Apply the mixture to sunburned areas with a washcloth. Skin should also be kept moisturized to prevent it from peeling. If blisters appear or the stinging persists after a few days, consult a physician. One bad sunburn may double your risk of skin cancer in

the future. So avoid sunburn by using an SPF 15 sunscreen and avoid staying in the sun for prolonged hours during peak sun times. I am a swimmer and my hair has become seriously damaged because of this. I want to get my hair back into shape and keep it that way. Any help? Home: Next time you are about to swim, thoroughly wet hair and massage a water-based conditioner before entering the water. Make sure that it is well worked into the roots of the hair. Immediately after swimming, rinse your hair with fresh water. You may then proceed to shampoo your hair. Too much sun or chlorine or salt in water are especially damaging to the ends of your hair. Trim ends regularly to make sure everything is in order. I heard using tap water is the best way to cleanse the skin. Does that mean I don't need to use a cleanser of any kind? Home: Water is a good cleaner. It is probably the best natural cleanser out there. However, though water is refreshing, the addition of a gentle cleanser helps the skin even more. This helps to remove spent oils and impurities and will give the skin the extra nudge it needs to function most efficiently. Antioxidants found in cleansers provide important skin protection as well.

Tips For Buying Casual Clothing


hopping has been a favourite pastime of many for quite a long time. People shop for clothes, shoes, furniture even books. There are no set rules when it comes to shopping. However the shopper must be alert and have some idea of what he/she is looking for. This applies to everything that you shop for, including casual clothing. Here are some tips that can come in handy when shopping for casual clothing. Comfort is one point that should be stressed when buying casual clothing. Go for clothes made of cotton or other light materials. These materials feel comfortable on the skin and allow for a cooler body temperature. Don’t think about trying something that looks uncomfortable because it probably is. Let your instincts guide you in buying clothes. The only person who knows what you will truly feel comfortable in is you. Don’t make anyone make the decision for you. Pay attention to all the clothing that you are buying. There is often the tendency to overlook casual clothing because it is not as important as other clothing such as those for work. All items of clothing must be inspected before they are bought. Look for defects in them just as you would do your other clothes. Test each item for durability and ensure that you are satisfied with the entire item. All casual clothing must be tried on before leaving the store. Ensure that you are wearing proper undergarments w w w . a b s tr a c th o m e . c o m

so that you can see what the clothes would look like in reality. If you have doubts about a piece of clothing think about it before purchasing it. There is no need to buy the item right away. If the store policy says that you are unable to try on any of the clothes please take your money and leave. Do you think that there is not enough space in your wardrobe? Well here’s a solution, buy casual clothing that can be mixed and matched. This is a very easy job to do. First you have to look at the clothing and the different colors that you already have available. Make a list of the colors that you have and the styles you have the clothing in. The next step is to go looking for the styles and colors that you don’t have. The last step is the fun part, you get to go shopping. Remember there is no need to have five of the same tops in different colors. Finally, when shopping for casual clothing, remain true to the term casual. You are going to be wearing these clothes on a regular basis. Try to get items that look different from your work and party clothes. Each set of clothing should have a different personality. People should be able to see you at different stages of dressing up. There must be a differentiation between the working individual, partying individual and casual individual. So when buying casual clothing think about your casual personality and shop to suit it. JULY 2013





Diets That Don’t Work

hose concerned with their weight would definitely spend some time considering dieting. However, diets are not all they seem to be. Here are three diets that may be as dangerous as they are effective or worse. Cleanses Most of us have heard about how Beyonce used the Master Cleanse to shed pounds quickly while filming Dream Girls. But most cleanses are comprised of liquid-based diets that were created to detoxify the body— not to be quick weight-loss solutions. This is just another quick fix that doesn’t set you up for long-term success. Weight loss is a process and people should be encouraged to make small, achievable goals instead of drastic changes. Raw Food Diet This vegan diet promotes the consumption of organic and natural foods such as fresh fruits, coconut milk, natural foods, seaweed, dried fruits, grains, beans, nuts and vegetables. There are definitely people who can consume raw food for extended periods of time and be fine and healthy. But most people find it extremely restrictive and have a hard time getting enough vitamin B12 and vitamin A. The reason for this is that some nutrients, such as lycopene (an impor24

home gym

tant antioxidant for prostate and blood health that's found in tomatoes), aren't available until the food is cooked. The same goes for the iron found in leafy greens. Fasting and very low-calorie diets Fasting has been a cultural and religious tradition for centuries, and is fine for a day or so, but fasting for weight loss is counterproductive. When you consume too few calories, your body thinks it is starving and adjusts the metabolism. Then when you go back to eating normally, your metabolism doesn't readjust and therefore you need fewer calories than before - otherwise known as the yo-yo syndrome. What's worse, weight loss during a fast is usually a combination of fat, fluid, and muscle, but the pounds regained will probably be all fat. You won't feel good, nor will you have much energy to be physically active while fasting. And what about very low-calorie diets? Diets promising losses of more than a half to 1 pound per week are simply not realistic. When you see diet books touting 5, 10 or 15 pounds in a short period of time, it is unrealistic. Depending on how much you have to lose, you may experience some initial water loss. But over time, weight loss averages out to around a pound per week.

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Arm Toning Tips


etting toned, arms can be a difficult task for some, largely because of their genes. However, getting more muscular arms is not mission impossible. Smart training will go a long way in giving you the look you desire. Several factors come into play for the best results. Make sure you pay attention to diet, rest and recovery; it's not all about what you do in the gym. You have to train your arms, sure, but you need to eat the proper foods after training to maximize your growth. In addition to that, here are three extra arm-toning tips.

Increase Your Weight And Decrease The Reps When you weight train do not fall under the misinformation that using light weights with high reps will tone your arms. It won’t. It is an old ru-

mor that should be put to rest. If you want to tone your arms you should gradually begin to use heavier weights with less reps. This is how we grow muscles. Each time you workout you should stress the muscles slightly more than the last by increasing the resistance placed on it. Toning the arms is no different. You need muscle to be able to show it off. Do Not Train Your Arms More than Twice Per Week The arms get a lot of indirect stimulation from compound exercises such as shoulder presses and the bench press, so training them directly could lead to overtraining since they are a small muscle group compared to the body overall. Make sure your training routine is not overdoing it in the arms department! Don’t Overlook the Importance of Stretching You should stretch to make sure your muscle bellies can extend, fill with more blood and grow. Once I plateaued and started stretching my calves, for example, I found that growth in them came a little easier.



Four Fast Tips To Selling Your Car


t is no secret that you can add hundreds to even thousands of dollars to your car’s sale price if you put a little effort into preparing it before presentation. These tips will help you get your car sold faster for the best price. Have your vehicle inspected Be prepared to address any questions about the reliability of your vehicle by taking the car in to a repair shop before listing it on sale. While you're at it, make sure to request a detailed report that can be shared with prospective buyers. Keep it clean and polished This is something that you should do anyways, but it is especially important when selling the car. The inside and outside of the car should look at their best if you want to sell your car quicker. This means polishing the inside and waxing the outside. Also, if you can find anything to cover up small scratches on the car then this will likely aid you in selling the car as no one really wants to buy a car that has scratches all over it. If you don’t clean up the small scratches it is not the end of the world however, please be aware that a smart buyer will seek to use this against you when trying to haggle the price down with you. Thus, if you don’t want this to happen then I would advise spending the small amount of money that it will cost you to 26

go and buy something to sort these out. Get the Right signs Drive-by advertising is a great way to sell your car, but don't rely on cheap store-bought “For Sale” signs. Make your own on your computer and tape it to the inside of a side window. Then print “calling cards” with the make, model, year and mileage, price, phone number and selling features. Never force buyers to call for the price—they won't make the call. Put the cards in a plastic page protector and tape it to the outside of the window. Also, try to answer all phone calls in person rather than letting them go to voice mail—prospective buyers won't leave a message. Then encourage callers to see the car in person. If you follow these steps, you'll have cash in your hands in no time!Use caution when showing the vehicle Be Careful Be safe and meet potential buyers at a public location instead of your home. If you choose to show your car at home, make sure you have someone else with you. It never hurts to do an online search of the person interested in your vehicle before scheduling a showing. You might be surprised at how much information you can learn from a simple Google search. If you're not comfortable with what you see or your search comes up blank, you may want to wait.

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Three Ways To Make You And Your Dog Mutually Happier


hile most of us obsess about how to make our own lives easier and better, not enough of us consider our pets in that way. However, taking care of your pet can actually make your life easier. Here are three simple ways to make your dog wag and you smile. Make Your Own Dog treats Your dog probably isn't going to care who made the treat so long as s/he gets to eat it, but when you bake them yourself you have the distinct advantage of choosing what's inside. If the nutritional content of a Snausage isn't your ideal, make your own healthier option. It's not hard to do and your dog will love your for it. Clean Your Dog's Ears Properly Ears like to accumulate their disgusting ear wax in most types of animals, and dogs are far from exempt. While you definitely don't want to leave wax buildup to crust over inside your pet's ear canals, you also don't want to clean improperly. Just like with hu-

mans, you want to be gentle and only clean the parts you can see. Stay out of the ear canal and you're doing it right. Reduce Medication Costs Saving money can be far from your mind when your furry friend is sick, but keep in mind that veterinary office margins on prescription medications start at 100% above cost and can often go up to 150%. Fortunately, if your pet needs a medication that is also prescribed to humans you can have it filled at most pharmacies to avoid the price inflation.


The Top 5 Summer Beach Vacation Destinations Explored


he hot sizzling steamy summer vacation is finally here again. As your kids’ dash out in bikinis, holding bucket and spade in hands, slapping on loads of sun block lotion and running off in flip flops in a carefree manner, after being trapped with indoor activities for months, you realize that it's now their time to break free and bask in the warm sunshine! There's a burst of activities everywhere to keep them occupied for the long summer season, but the beaches would most likely be the place that they are craving the most. If your idea of the ideal summer vacation for you and family or you and your mate is soft sand sifting through your toes, salty wind blowing in from the sea, the sound of waves breaking against the shore and the big warm sun above you, then the beaches across the globe is definitely awaiting you. If you are dying for that beach filled summer vacation and completely lost on where in the world to turn lucky for you, we have done the research on the world's most popular beaches and have listed five(5) of them below in no particular order. Pink Sands Beach in the Bahamas - This beach is covered 28

in 5kms of salmon pink coloured sand, due to the mixture of the sea beds red plankton and the earth’s fine white sand. Pink Sands is a stunning beach located on Harbor Island in the Bahamas. It is one of the world’s most photographed beaches and is often voted world’s best by most travel publications. Pink Sands is a popular destination for tourists who want to spend their holidays in a more private and intimate manner. Anyone who comes to this part of the Island is stunned by how miraculously nature can create such fine exquisiteness. Poipu Beach in Kauai Hawaii- In Poipu, the whole family can take their vacation to a higher, more exciting level by engaging in different activities such as camping, ATV (all terrain vehicles) riding, bicycling downhill, surfing, hiking, scuba diving, and other kid-friendly activities. But the best that Poipu can offer will have to be the helicopter rides the whole family can take! Yup, kids are allowed to experience the view of Poipu from the top, as long as their parents or guardians will accompany them during the trip. This is probably the most extraordinary way to enjoy your entire stay in Poipu! Surfers Paradise in Queens-

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land Australia- This beach is situated near the commercial center along Gold Coast in Australia it is a haven for surfers from Australia and even other countries as well. But aside from surfing, there are plenty of other activities to enjoy. The beach area offers a wide range of water sports such as jet skiing, as well as beach volleyball. You can also enjoy the water but never get wet by joining one of their fishing charters or whale watching cruises. If you’d rather stay dry on land, maybe some bungee jumping or golfing will do for you. Clearly the list of activities to do on the beach is endless, and if you’re one who enjoys spending your holidays relaxing without getting out of shape, this is the place to go. Maroma Beach in Yucatan Mexico-This beautiful paradise located in the Yucatan jungle is a prime destination for hon-

eymooners and simple tourists alike. The sight of the crystal waters will stick with you like an unforgettable kiss forever, and you’ll find yourself coming back for more. The tropical climate gives tourists cool nights and wonderfully sunny days, while they enjoy the solitude the beach offers. It’s perfect for couples who want to spend their vacation privately, where intimacy will never be hard to achieve as the harmony of the beach and the natural wonders around will surely inspire you. Although Maroma is located near the spring break capital of Cancun, you can be sure that you will not be disturbed by all the partying neighbors. Phi Phi Islands in ThailandThis beach is an eye-pleaser. With its azure-and-green-toturquoise waters and its gorgeous flora, this beach shines with beauty. The distinct tropical islands of Phi Phi are refreshingly unspoiled and inexpensive to visit; they are the main reason and often the only reason beach lovers head to Thailand. This is perfect not only for family but for coworkers as well. Whether you venture out to one of these locations or take a few trips to one of your local beaches this summer, there's no ignoring summer time!

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