N. 16 - January 2015

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Quarterly Journal

January 2015 - year V


N. 16



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Le teorie dell’invecchiamento La discordanza evolutiva Genetica ed Epigenetica La modulazione ormonale Gli integratori ormono-stimolanti La cronormorfodieta Gli integratori ormono-stimolanti Alimentazione ed integrazione antinfiammatoria, antiossidante e antiglicante Gli integratori alimentari Il fitness metabolico Il fitness muscolo-osteo-articolare Metodologie anti-stress Esercizi per la funzionalità sessuale Qi Gong La Medicina Funzionale Antiaging L’Antiaging nella scienza dermocosmetologica Tecniche di stimolazione del trofismo cutaneo e muscolare Cure cosmetiche preventive e cure cosmetiche correttive

DATE (2015): 7-8 febbraio / 21 marzo 11 aprile / 23 maggio / 6 giugno



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50 ECM

ESAME: 20 giugno SEDE: PARMA QUOTA: € 560,00 + 40 (quota associativa) (nella quota non è compresa ‘IVA) • Le iscrizioni e il pagamento dovranno pervenire entro il 16.01.2015 • E’ necessario inviare richiesta di ammissione con curriculum entro il 09.01.2015 ECM: sono stati attribuiti N. 50 crediti per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista Segreteria Organizzativa: AFFWA - Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 Parma Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it

number 16 / 2015

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Wellness - Antiaging Galleria Crocetta 9/A 43126 Parma Tel. +39 0521 1682083 Fax +39 0521 294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com accademia-magazine@libero.it


Editor in Chief: Valerio Merola Scientific director: Massimo Spattini Art director: Cinzia Ruggeri Executive editors: Silvia Iorio Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Cristiana Pedrazzini Andrea Angelozzi Scientific committee: Dott. Damiano Galimberti Prof. Fulvio Marzatico Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Massimo Agnoletti Antonella Dassenno Pasquale D’Autilia Silvia Iorio Giampaolo Lavagetto Giovanni Magnani Giovanni Occhionero Filippo Ongaro Pina Sabia Massimo Spattini Tommaso Villani Cover: Laura Randon Photographer cover: Luca Mion Editor: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Tel. +39 0521.941319

Food education, just like physical and civic education, should be part of the learning experience of every individual, but unfortunately our society, fundamentally based on interests of an economical nature, does not accomplish this mission. Families themselves have neither the necessary information nor the time to dedicate to their children in order to give them the means through which they can preserve their own health and the health of their children. As a consequence, young people follow an unhealthy diet, do not practise enough sports activities and are not often acquainted even with the simplest norms of good manners. The lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet inevitably often result in disorders which place the quality of our life at risk, with severe consequences also for our health service. Supplying our youths with the right information has become an emergency. I feel the duty to answer. With the passing of time everybody’s aims change and this applies to me as well. When I was a professional athlete, my greatest ambition was to win competitions and to be acknowledged as a Champion in the sport to which I had always dedicated myself with passion. After graduating and withdrawing from professional competition, I was anyway gratified by being known and recognized as a sort of “guru” in the field of physical culture, so I was pleased whenever, during the competitions I took part in, either to follow my athletes or in the position of

a judge, people asked for my autograph, for my photo or for my advice. I have now discovered the greatest gratification of all, a much more mature and complex one which almost goes beyond me as Massimo Spattini, the sports doctor, as it is linked to social awareness and to the conviction that my knowledge can be useful to many, not only athletes or people with exclusively aesthetic ambitions. Where does this awareness of mine come from? From situations which are more and more frequent and concern above all young people, university students, postgraduates in the disciplines mainly connected to my sphere. I am often contacted by undergraduates who would like to carry out their training practice at my study because they believe in the theories I support and would like to follow my same path. There are students who ask to participate in conferences or to send them reports to be included in their thesis. I realize I have an invaluable opportunity: the possibility of contributing to the creation of a cultural model concerning a more functional life-style through young people. This is the “victory” which I believe should be aimed at, despite being just at the beginning, and I certainly believe it is the most important one in my career. Massimo Spattini President of AFFWA

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L’Accademia del Fitness







by Massimo Spattini

by Valerio Merola

by Massimo Spattini



A PASS FOR WELLNESS CELLFOOD: oxygen for life detoxication and cellular nutrition nascent oxygen and hydrogen


by Giovanni Occhionero








by Pina Sabia

by Pasquale D’Autilia

by Giovanni Magnani

THE COM MASSAGE “As there is not a diet suitable for everyone, there is not a type of massage for everyone” 36 by Antonella Dassenno e Silvia Iorio

PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE THROUGH THE FIGURE OF THE PERSONAL TRAINER. Recognizing the value of motivation in making the clients reach their desired targets 42 by Tommaso Villani






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L’Accademia del Fitness


LAURA RANDON – BRAVISSIMA FITNESS 2014 “Bravissima”, the first Italian television talent show, has come back to Italy after 18 years of international great success on TV channels abroad. As the creator of the format and patron of the competition, thanks to my great passion for fitness & wellness, I also included fitness among the other traditional categories such as singing, dancing, fashion, cinema/TV. The national final of “Bravissima Fitness” 2014 took place at Teatro Magnolia in Abano Terme, and the title was won by Miss Laura Randon, whom I have the pleasure of interviewing. Laura, first of all, congratulations. Can you describe your experience at “Bravissima”?


I would call it a completely positive experience. Earlier on, I had taken part in some beauty competitions, not talent shows, which disappointed me very much. Bravissima was totally different, it distinguished itself for professionalism and organization. What about your relationship with the world of fitness? I am usually called a fitness professional. I graduated in physiotherapy at the University of Padua and I have various certificates, among which the certificate of Personal Trainer. I think my career as a professional rollerskater artist has been very useful. I started roller skating at the age of three and I still compete abroad in the Italian National Team.

number 16 / 2015

How much time do you dedicate to training? I alternate between training at the gym and roller skating. When I am training for competitions, I usually skate from about 4 to 6 hours a day, alternating a session at the gym every two days. When I am not engaged in competitions, I train at the gym for about an hour a day. I love swimming, so I try to go to the swimming pool at least once a week. I must say that I really do a lot for the sake of my psycho-physical wellbeing, as I believe that only sport can give you the best results. So I try to communicate this conviction to my students. Have you participated in fitness competitions? I participated in the category Bikini Model and I won the third position at the Triveneto Grand Prix in 2013, the second position at Trofeo Linea e Sport in 2013, and in the same year the top position at the Italian Championship. In 2014 I won two first positions at the selections of the Italian Championship in the categories Bikini Model and Fashion, the second position at the European Circuit Muscle Mania, the first position at the Grand Prix in Slovenia, and finally in November the second position at the Grand Prix “The best natural in show”. What are your plans for future competitions? I haven’t decided yet in with which federation I will compete next year, I’d like to try some circuit abroad. In Italy my ambition would be to win the 2015 Due Torri Trophy Model Woman. I hope that winning the very important Bravissima competition and a year of preparation with the great Dr Massimo Spattini may help me achieve my ambitions.

Have you got artistic ambitions besides sports ones? To tell the truth, I have always dreamed of being part of the show business. So far I have worked a lot as a model for photo shootings and as an image model for events and so on. I also love acting, not only fashion: I am attending acting courses. I don’t want to leave out any chances concerning the cinema or TV fictions. But I must say that even if I manage to become successful as a model or as an actress, I will never give up sport and training. Three words to define your body… Healthy, because in good health. Brave because it expresses energy and enthusiasm. Curvy because I care for the femininity and the elegance of my figure. So, finally, Laura, what is the best wish you would like to accomplish? That all my dreams may come true and that I may always be proud of the choices I make. Editor


L’Accademia del Fitness

ANTI-AGING ESTROGENIC MODULATION Estrogens are steroid hormones which derive from cholesterol. Together with progesterone, they are the main female hormones. They promote women’s secondary sex characteristics. Actually, they are also present in man, even if in a much reduced amount, since the biochemical process leading to the synthesis of estrogens goes through transitional stages represented by masculine hormones such as androstenedione and testosterone. In women, estrogens are produced in the ovaries. Generally, when we talk of estrogens, we refer to beta-estradiol. In fact, there are three main estrogens produced by women: - Estradiol. 17 Beta-estradiol represents the most important hormone in women, since it supports the development of the ovarian follicles in the fertile period and the development of the secondary characteristics as well as of the reproductive organs in puberty. Its precursor in biosynthesis is testosterone. Betaestradiol is provided with proliferative activity and can favour the origin of tumours in estrogen-dependent organs.


-Estriol. Present in larger amounts than Beta-estradiol, it is provided with scarce estrogenic activity. For this reason, it has always been given little importance. Actually, it is fundamental, together with progesterone, to support pregnancy. It is also supposed to have antitumoral effect. - Estrone. It is produced by the ovaries from androstenedione. After menopause it is the estrogen present in the highest amount. It has pro-carcinogenic effect. In men, the production of estrogens is carried out in a percentage of 10% by the testicles. The rest is mainly produced by the conversion of testosterone into estrogens. This occurs above all in the liver and in the adipose tissue through the so-called aromatization. In women, high estrogen levels can be found in puberty and pregnancy. Around the age of 40, the so-called “estrogen predominance” can occur: this does not mean that the estrogen levels are high per se, but rather that the ratio estrogens/progesterone has increased, mainly due to a decrease in

number 06 / 2012


L’Accademia del Fitness progesterone caused by a lack of suprarenal functionality often connected to stress. Moreover, stress “steals” progesterone, which is used as a precursor of cortisol. Nowadays we must consider the estrogens contained in food, too, above all dairy products and beef. They are rich is saturated fats which, in turn, favour the production of estrogens. Hepatic functionality is another important factor, since estrogens are metabolised in the liver. For this reason, every factor which may alter its functionality (alcohol, drugs, lack of vitamins and amino acids) can cause an increase in estrogens. In women, the prevalence of estrogens can cause water retention and an increase in the adipose tissue, painful and heavy menstrual period. In men hyperestrogenism is mainly connected to obesity, since the adipose tissue is the main area in which testosterone is aromatized. It is also linked to age, since aromatase increases with age. As a result, there is a decrease in testosterone, with a decrease in sexual desire and in the erectile capacity, as well as in the production of sperm cells. An higher amount of estrogens in man can also lead to an increase in mammary fat or even to gynecomastia and to more general feminization which results in a different distribution of body fat. Besides pharmacological treatment which, in case of estrogen predominance in women, requires the use of progesterone and in case of men requires the use of inhibitors, great results can also be achieved through integrators – mainly herbal. That is, natural substances which can be found in vegetable products and which can modulate hormonal metabolisms. Pomegranate contains the highest variety of phytoestrogens compared to any other food. About 80% of the oil of its seeds contains pucinic acid, which has lipolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, the conjugated fatty acids contained in pomegranate have anti-estrogenic properties. In fact, behaving as mild estrogens, they occupy estrogen receptors, thus preventing more powerful estrogens from exerting their effect. The high amount of polyphenols, among which ellagic acid present in pomegranate peel, is also a powerful anti-oxidant provided with antiaromatase activity, thus inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Indole-3-carbinol is a flavone contained in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and in other cruciferous vegetables. It is involved in estrogen metabolism in the liver, increasing their deactivation. Specifically, it lowers the metabolic process that leads to 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, favouring the synthesis of metabolites provided with less estrogenic activity.

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements for our body. It is involved in the formation of over 300 enzymes. It is fundamental for insulin metabolism, for the health of sex organs and for the immune system. It is also provided with an effective antiaromatase (antiaromatic) activity and can be useful above all in men who are prone to aromatization. Silybum Marianum contains an amount of phytoestrogens called flavonolignans, belonging to the family of bioflavonoids, among which the main ones are silybin, isosilybin and dehydrosilybin. These phytoestrogens regulate the female hormonal production. The purified extracts of flavonolignans from the fruits of Silybum Marianum mainly contain silymarin, an isomeric compound of silybin provided with significant hepatoprotective action which favours detoxification of estrogens in the liver. The proper use of these integrators at the right dose and proportions will have a synergic effect which will surely fight estrogen predominance. Yet, it is important to consider further tips to introduce in one’s life-style in order to enhance the result. The tips are as follows: - Eat food containing weak phytoestrogens such as pomegranate, linseed, apples, raspberries, fermented soy, wheat germ. - Eat yoghurt and food rich in fibres in order to favour catabolism and the elimination of estrogens. - Eat organic meat and dairy products. - Increase the consumption of detoxifying food such as broccoli, cauliflower, black cabbage, apples, ginger, onions, artichokes, celery. - Avoid alcohol. - Avoid exposition to xenoestrogens present in plastic (drink water in glass bottles) and in cosmetics and avoid contraceptive pills. - Avoid non-fermented soy products. - Use infrared sauna. - Exercise regularly so as to provoke abundant sweating. - Reach and keep a proper amount of body fat.

Pomegranate contains the highest variety of phytoestrogens compared to any other food. About 80% of the oil of its seeds contains pucinic acid, which has lipolytic and anti-inflammatory properties.


Dottor Massimo Spattini Specialized in Sports Medicine Specialized in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM-USA) Certificate AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - (IFM-USA)


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L’Accademia del Fitness



During the day, the glycemic values of a healthy subject are between 70-140 mg/dL. Hyperglycaemia consists in an excessive increase of haematic glucose and presents values exceeding 200, 300 mg/dL and can even reach very high concentrations of 400 - 600 mg/dL. According to WHO, an altered glycemic threshold is reached when the glycemic levels taken after an abstinence from food of at least 8 hours on a venous blood sample are over or equal to 110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L), and lower than 126 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L, which are pathognomonic for diabetes). Such values, according to ADA (American Diabetes Association) are to be considered more restrictive between 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) and 126 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L). Hyperglycaemia is a clinical condition whose characteristics are: polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. Other common symptoms of hyperglycaemia are weight loss (when the condition is chronic), foggy eyesight, fatigue, nausea and vomit, drowsiness, skin reddening and dehydration, xerostomy (altered salivary dryness), acetonaemic breath (smelling of ripe fruit) and Candida infection. In extreme cases hyperglycaemia can lead to coma and even to death. It must be underlined that the first symptoms of hyperglycaemia tend to appear clearly only with values over 180/200 mg/dL, although glycemic values chronically over 125 mg/dl can lead to serious organ and vascular damage after a long time.


The most well known cause for hyperglycaemia is undoubtedly diabetes mellitus. However, besides it many other hormones intervene in the regulation of body glycemic levels and there are even more conditions which can potentially provoke hyperglycaemia, both acute and chronic. An example is represented by Cortisol and catecholamines in stress hyperglycaemia. We must also take into consideration the intake of drugs (cortisone, beta blocking, thiazidic diuretics, niacin, hormone growth, protease inhibitors, pentamidine, asparaginase and some antipsychotic drugs). Not less important are the conditions of the so called hyperglycaemia caused by behaviour due to the Metabolic Syndrome combined with a reduction of physical activity and the consumption of high glycemic index food. The treatment of this condition, besides possibly eliminating the causes of hyperglycaemia and inviting the patient to a healthier life style, is based on oral antihyperglycemic drugs or insulin intake. The demand for less invasive approaches and the availability in nature of vegetable extracts with effective properties to modulate glycaemia have led researchers to study and apply synergies in the treatment of this particular clinical condition. Among the medicinal plants which have proved to be more effective we can include Makino, Banaba and Moringa.


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Pubblicazione riservata ai medici e agli operatori del settore. Š Sigmastudio 2014 – P9-algIP-2.00/14

Stop ai dismetabolismi

L’Accademia del Fitness Makino The Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a perennial liana belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is common in Southern China, Japan, India and Korea. Many flavonoids and steroid compounds have been extracted from this plant. In particular, about 90 different triterpene saponins, called Gypenosides, with particular adaptogenic properties, have been identified. Actually, saponins are natural molecules which can modulate the processes leading to a healthy blood system condition, such as the decrease in oxidation of circulating lipids, the normalization of coagulation, cholesterol and glucose decrease. Therefore, Makino has beneficial effects on glycidic and lipid metabolism. Various clinical trials indicate that it can improve glucose tolerance and metabolism (thanks to the action of a particular molecule called Phanoside) and that Makino extract can also normalize triglyceride and cholesterol blood levels. Researchers have also shown that the use of Gynostemma pentaphyllum is safe. Moreover, preclinical models show that the extract of Gynostemma pentaphyllum can have gastroprotective function and can also maintain the synthesis of mucous and of other secretions due to stress or damage. It can have an anti inflammatory and hepatoprotective function. In this latter case, Makino can have a protective effect on hepatocytes, preserving them from cellular death, from lipid accumulation and oxidation stress caused for example by diabetes. In conclusion, the use of Gynostemma pentaphyllum has been shown to be useful in patients affected by diabetes mellitus and by hepatic non alcoholic steatosis.

usefulness of Banaba leaves extracts is clear today as they can represent a valid help in the regulation of glycidic metabolism. In fact, the hypoglycemic action of corosolic acid, already widely used as a traditional remedy in Asian countries, has been confirmed by modern scientific research. The phytocomplex present in the leaves of Lagerstroemia could therefore be of great help for those subjects predisposed to develop insulin resistance (socalled “typical of the Metabolic Syndrome”). S o far, no experimental evidence of toxic effects due to the oral intake of Banaba extracts has been found. In the clinical research so far carried out, the extracts from the leaves of Lagerstroemia speciosa have not been connected to any toxic effect. Moringa seeds Moringa, also known as “the miracle tree”, is a plant belonging to the Moringaceae family, widely present in the tropical areas of the planet. Its leaves, owing to the high presence of healthy nutritious substances, have given this plant the fame of a powerful natural remedy for the preservation of our health. The plant is edible, but it is mainly its leaves and seeds which are employed as food. Moringa leaves are rich in vitamins, proteins and mineral salts. Moringa contains: Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and group B vitamins. The protein content of Moringa is represented by its seeds from which a very precious oil is extracted. After extracting the oil, a residual paste with high protein content and high biological value, is obtained from the seeds: it presents all the necessary amino acids for the correct functioning of our body. Moringa contains 18 amino acids and 9 essential amino acids. Moringa is rich in ant oxidation and antiinflammatory substances (quercetin and caffeoylquinic acid) and so it helps protect our immune system. It stimulates correct blood circulation and digestion, it readjusts and speeds up metabolism and also regulates hormonal levels. Quercetin, zetaine, omega-3, fatty acids and vitamins can protect our cells and prevent many conditions associated with aging. Some studies have shown another very important property of Moringa, that is, its capacity to normalize glucose haematic levels and to contrast all those clinical manifestations typical of the metabolic syndrome. In particular, Moringa extracts, besides improving glycemic levels, help normalize artery pressure values and represent a valid aid in the prevention of the lesions typical of atherosclerosis. In fact, the phytocomplexes, present above all in the seeds of this plant, can contrast the COX-2 enzyme, inhibit lipid peroxidation and also stimulate insulin release from β cells of the islets of Langerhans. All the studies so far carried out on the possible toxic aspects of Moringa oleifera suggest that the intake of this plant is safe.

The most well known cause for hyperglycaemia is undoubtedly diabetes mellitus. However, besides it, many other hormones intervene in the regulation of body glycaemic levels.

Banaba Banaba is a plant belonging to the Lythraceae family which grows spontaneously In south east Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan), but it is also very common in Australia and on the Pacific coasts. Modern scientific research has experimentally confirmed the hypoglycemic effect of some compounds identified in the leaves of this plant, corosolic acid and some derivations of ellagic acid (lagerstroemin, flosin B and reginin A). In particular, such substances have been shown to have an insulin-like action in combination with the administration of Banaba leaves compounds. In particular, corosolic acid can stimulate glucose transportation in adipocytes cells. In a study carried out on rats it appears that also other tannins present in the phytocomplex, particularly the ones derived from ellagic acid (lagerstroemin, flosin B and reginin A), can have the function of activating glucose transportation in adipocytes. The first scientific evidence which confirm the validity of the traditional use of the leaves of Lagerstroemia speciosa as a hypoglycaemic drug, came from a Japanese research group. The


L’Accademia del Fitness Pimpinella spinosa (Sarcopoterium spinosum L.) cortex of the main roots. It is a perennial thorny plant with many branches that grows in the arid areas of eastern Mediterrenean countries. It contains: catechin and ellagic tannins, polymerized eptahydroxyflavane, triterpene glycosides (tormentillin and tormentoside), tormentic acid, chromium traces. The part used is the cortex of the main root. The decoction of the root has always been used by the Bedouin populations as an ant diabetic. Its main property, due to Berberin, has hypoglycemic action. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of diabetes, above all type II. The plant does not appear to be as effective in insulin dependent diabetes. As far as its action is concerned, studies have shown that the phyto complexes of this plant can above all inhibit the action of α-amylase and of α-glycosidase in the digestion of starch. The non activation of such enzymes leads to a reduced digestive capacity of starch, with consequent reduction of intestinal absorption and contrast action against hyperglycaemic conditions. Moreover, catechins and epicatechins of Pimpinella Spinosa can lead to an increase of insulin secretion by the pancreas, it stimulates further glycogen production, it blocks lipolysis and also increases cell capacity to seize glucose. Pimpinella can also contrast and prevent some of the microangiopathic complications thanks to the anti-hypertension, coronary and antiarrhythmic vasodilation action of the polymerized flavonoids and of the eptahydroxyiflavanes. Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre Schult.) leaves. It is a climbing shrub which grows spontaneously in tropical countries of Asia and Africa. The leaves are the part of the plant that are usually used. Its active principles are: polyphenols, triterpene glycosides. It is well known in eastern medicine under the name of Gur-Mar “destroyer of sugar” for its hypoglycemic properties. Thanks to the presence of gymnenic acids, the glucose receptor is reversibly blocked at the level of the taste buds and intestine, thereby causing a modification of the perception of sweetness and a reduction of intestinal sugar absorption. In particular, gymnemic acid (a triterpenoid saponin) can block the sodium dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1). These transporters, localized at the level of the small intestine epithelium and of the proximal renal tubule, show a strong affinity for glucose and galactose and represent a very attractive pharmacological target in the treatment of diabetes. According to other experiments, it would seem that Gymnema extracts can stimulate pancreatic insulin release. It has been demonstrated that the plant can reduce basic, postprandial, glycosuria glycemic indexes and of glycosylated protein responsible for vascular, kidney and ocular damage which occur in condi-


tions of diabetes. In conclusion, this plant can also have, thanks to the phytocomplexes contained in it, a hepatoprotective role and it normalises the haematic lipid composition (reduction of total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides; HDL increase). Momordica (Momordica charantia L.) fruits It is a climbing plant grown in India, Malaysia, China, Africa, America and Philippines. Its principles are: glycosides, soluble pectins, saponins, alkaloids, sugars, resins, phenolic constituents, fixed oils, free acids and minerals. Its use as an antidiabetic is well known in Ayurvedic medicine. Momordica is used in the treatment of diabetes above all for the hypoglycemic role of some watery extracts which can stimulate insulin release by pancreatic cells. At the same time a specific hepatic action, stimulated by the active principles of this plant, determines greater hepatic use of glucose, reduces gluconeogenesis by means of the inhibitions of two enzymes (glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1.6-diphosphatase) and improves glucose oxidation by the activation of glucose-6-phosphodehydrogenase. Moreover, the phytocomplexes of Momordica can enhance glucose entry into cells, stimulate insulin release improving its biological action and also increase the number of B cells of pancreas. In addition, various experiments suggest that the extracts from the fruits of Momordica (essentially the saponin components which can inhibit the action of pancreatic lipase and, consequently, reduce intestinal lipid absorption) can normalise lipid composition, determining a decrease in the total cholesterol, in triglycerides and LDL haematic values, as well as increasing the number of HDL lipoproteins. Dr. Giovanni Occhionero Pharmaceutical Chemist expert in natural integration in sport and antiaging phytotherapy Simeb teacher (Italian Society of Biointegrated Medicine)

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L’Accademia del Fitness


CELLFOOD: OXYGEN FOR LIFE DETOXICATION AND CELLULAR NUTRITION NASCENT OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN One of the aims of a correct integration and therapy should be to contrast the constant oxidation process involving the entire biological system. It would be even best to prevent this process. Oxidation is the phenomenon of deterioration of a structure, not only a biological one, constantly exposed to microclimatic attack. Among these conditions, oxygen - and in particular the products of its metabolism - plays an important role. The products of oxygen metabolism are called free radicals and are daily produced both spontaneously and by external stimuli. These substances have a very short life. They immediately go in search of balance, that is, of something to cling on to in order to return to a state of biochemical stability. The problem is that this “support” is represented by the cellular membrane which can consequently be damaged, together with the entire cellular function. Luckily – or due to our evolution - the human body is supplied with other substances called “scavengers” which, whenever a free radical is formed, are readily available to block and restrain it in order to prevent it from causing damage. These substances represent the key of the problem. Actually, they must not only be introduced into our body through a proper diet, but they must not be uselessly conserved, so as to keep a high level of protection. For example: cigarette smoke causes a production of free radicals in the lungs. The harmful effect of these substances is immediately blocked by the presence of some vitamins, the scavengers, which avoid further problems, at least acute ones. However, this implies that instead of using these substances to protect us from ordinary daily stress, we sacrifice them to block cigarette damage. It is evident that, with the passing of time, the deterioration of these scavengers is an issue. Yet, it is also clear that our diet hardly ever supplies us with all those necessary useful substances for this process, particularly vitamins, mineral salts, oligoelements. This explains why we need to integrate our daily diets with products which guarantee the supply of these necessary substances and, at the same time, arrest or slow down the process of cellular oxidation. CELLFOOD® owes its great success exactly to this synergic, complete and necessary action. Let us see the action of this product in detail. CELLFOOD® is a colloidal food integrator containing 78 trace oligoelements, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids as well as dissolved and nascent oxygen, suspended in aqueous solution of deu-




ALIMENTARE ■ ANTROPOMETRIA: misurazioni - plicometria ed impedenziometria ■ Biochimica ed endocrinologia dell’alimentazione ■ Alimentazione nell’attività fisica ■ Diete del Fitness: Gruppi sanguigni - Mediterranea Metabolica - Paleodieta - Warrior Diet - Dieta Zona ■ DietaCOM® e dimagrimento localizzato ■ Integrazione alimentare ■ Intolleranze ed allergie alimentari - I Prebiotici ■ Le teorie dell’invecchiamento ■ La discordanza evolutiva ■ Genetica ed epigenetica ■ Alimentazione Antiaging : alimentazione ed integrazione antinfiammatoria, antiossidante e antiglicante ■ Programmazione neurolinguistica : l’aspetto motivazionale

SEDE: PARMA DATE: 17 gen / 14 feb / 21 mar/18 aprile 30-31 maggio (ROMA) ESAME (con e senza frequenza): 6 giugno - Parma Accademia Funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it


L’Accademia del Fitness terium sulphate. It is composed of natural, pure and non-toxic substances which are not chemically extracted but cryogenically extracted (extreme cold). But how does it work? CELLFOOD® works according to two principles. The first one is to make synergically available all the substances it contains. Actually, thanks to its colloidal formula all its substances are ready to be used by the body. This is very important: the fact that the substances are available means that the body is not forced to use those substances and therefore they can be eliminated if they are of no use. In short, the body is not obliged to work on a metal unnecessarily. This means that the body will absorb from the CELLFOOD® solution only what it actually needs. The same applies for enzymes and amino acids. The latter make up for food deficiency, whereas enzymes are fundamental for the accomplishment of the main chemical reactions in the right time. The second principle is represented by Deuterium Sulphate.

For SPORT: Results obtained from a study carried out on 45 heterogeneous athletes in double blind experiment and placebo controlled: - Significant increase in ferritin, hemoglobin, red blood cells - Increase in maximum running speed and decrease in measured effort. - Lower production of measured lactate acid. Who should use this product? Leaving aside the above mentioned principles, we must also admit that we are all exposed to a more rapid consumption of scavenger substances, to a greater production of oxidative substances and to a lower introduction through our diet of the main principles necessary for the anti-oxidation process. For these reasons, we all need food integration. The people suffering from or recovering from a disease or simply from a difficult psycho-physical period are obviously the first ones to see the benefits of CELLFOOD®, but also amateur and professional athletes will soon realize how their performance and the management of effort and recovery time will improve. But if we want to prevent, as well as to treat, we should all use this product in standard doses. We must not forget all the products of the CELLFOOD line: nutritional integrators and cosmetics like CELLFOOD OXYGEN GEL, a rich and nourishing product which can be applied on any part of the body to balance, restructure, rejuvenate and protect the skin. It is a particularly indicated GEL against wrinkles, facial expression marks, stretch marks, acne, skin spots, bruises, rough skin, wounds, scars, burns, skin abrasions. Application in the morning on clean skin prevents skin from drying and produces a wonderful protective barrier supplying ideal nourishment. Used by men, it restores skin pH and heals damage from shaving and/or skin irritation. After removing makeup, the application of CELLFOOD OXYGEN GEL in the evening over clean skin, in particular over the neck and eye area, allows skin recovery overnight.

Not only has CELLFOOD® eliminated a free radical, not only has it made us save a scavenger substance. Indeed, the result of this reaction has led to the production of a nascent oxygen molecule, that is, the right fuel for the engine of our cellular metabolism.

This solution, which is kept stable inside its container, can react with the water contained in our body, loosening the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of which it is composed and making them available for cellular metabolism. The hydrogen released, in the form of positive ions, is immediately used in the process of acidosis reduction, that is, to purify the system. Oxygen, instead, in the form of negative ion, binds with an oxygen free radical (positive, since it lacks an electron), thus producing molecular oxygen. This is its secret! Not only has CELLFOOD® eliminated a free radical, not only has it made us save a scavenger substance. Indeed, the result of this reaction has led to the production of a nascent oxygen molecule, that is, the right fuel for the engine of our cellular metabolism. Therefore, the cell will be able to carry out its function with the availability of all the other substances provided by CELLFOOD®. CELLFOOD® supports the following functions: 1. Oxygenate body cells 2. Increase energy 3. Empower immune system 4. Detoxify the body 5. Increase cellular respiration 6. Balance body metabolism 7. Carry nutrients in a vital ionic form 8. Increase bioavailability of other nutrients


by EURODREAM scientific committee La Spezia www.eurodream.net

LA DISBIOSI INTESTINALE, UN PROBLEMA MOLTO COMUNE MA POCO CONSIDERATO DYSBIO CHECK L’intestino è un organo caratterizzato da complesse funzionalità: digestione ed assorbimento di nutrienti, produzione di anticorpi per difendere l’organismo, produzione di ormoni e neurotrasmettitori che regolano il senso di fame e sazietà e il ritmo della peristalsi. Il benessere dell’intestino si traduce in benessere generale. La buona funzionalità intestinale dipende da numerosi fattori tra cui l’equilibrio della flora batterica. Quando la flora batterica non è in equilibrio si parla di DISBIOSI, ovvero una diminuzione dei “batteri amici” che vivono in simbiosi con l’uomo, secernendo vitamine, collaborando alla digestione, regolando la permeabilità della barriera intestinale, aiutando a difenderci dalle infezioni. Il DYSBIO CHECK è il test utile per la valutazione della DISBIOSI INTESTINALE e prevede la quantificazione nelle urine di due metaboliti del triptofano: INDICANO e SCATOLO. Valori elevati di INDICANO urinario sono indice di disbiosi a livello dell’intestino tenue. Valori elevati di SCATOLO urinario sono

indice di una disbiosi a livello del colon. CAUSE DI DISBIOSI: ritmi di vita frenetici e stile di vita stressante, alimentazione poco varia, ricca di cibi raffinati e povera di fibre, Intolleranze alimentari, terapia antibiotica, utilizzo di inibitori di pompa protonica, abuso di lassativi. Infiammazione intestinale e malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali (IBD). Colon irritabile (IBS). Infezioni intestinali batteriche e virali. Intossicazione da metalli pesanti in primis il mercurio. Il test è utile a chi soffre di: • Intolleranze alimentari; • Irregolarità intestinale; diarrea e stispi; gonfiori addominali, tensioni e crampi addominali; flatulenza e aerofagia; malassorbimento; difficoltà digestive; alitosi; Colon irritabile (IBS), malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali (IBD); malattie del fegato e delle vie biliari; • Infezioni genitali ricorrenti (candidosi e cistite); • Acne; dermatiti. Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001 : 2000) di riferimento per le tue analisi personalizzate: • FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST: valutazione delle intolleranze alimentari IgG-mediate, metodo ELISA.

• CELIAC TEST: Valutazione immunitaria della positività al morbo celiaco. • GLUTEN SENSITIVITY TEST: Valutazione della Sensibilità al Glutine non Celiaca. • CELLULAR AGING FACTORS: valutazione dell’invecchiamento cellulare (ossidazione, metilazione, glicazione, infiammazione). • LIPIDOMIC PROFILE: valutazione del profilo lipidomico plas-matico e di membrana (acidi grassi). • CARDIO WELLNESS TEST: analisi globale del benessere cardiovascolare, integrato con l’indice di rischio di contrarre patologie a carico del sistema cardiovascolare. • IN FLORA SCAN: il pannello più approfondito di valutazione del benessere intestinale. • HORMONAL PROFILES: dimagrimento, stress, sport, buona notte, donna fertile, donna menopausa, uomo. • MINERAL EVO: valutazione approfondita di minerali nutrizionali e metalli pesanti su capello. Tutte queste analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare o salivare.

L’Accademia del Fitness



In wharves over storehouses, in shelters inside houses or inside submarines, Randy Hetrick and his team of Navy Seals needed a way to keep in excellent physical shape so that they could be immediately ready to set out on a mission, in a limited space without the aid of fitness instruments. By using parachutes and old Karate belts, Randy created the first example of the current TRX Suspension Trainer, giving rise to the beginning of a movement for fitness training. After leaving the Seals to achieve his MBA, Randy improved his TRX transforming it into a professional training instrument and he developed an efficient training program made up of hundreds of exercises which can be modified to achieve any fitness goal to be used at any level. At present professional athletes (basketball teams, fighters, swimmers, cyclists, Olympic level runners), soldiers of the four army forces in the USA, top clubs, personal trainers and amateurs all over the world have chosen TRX. This workout program in suspension is performed through a series of exercises in which the body is markedly unbalanced with the aim of improving strength, balance and resistance. It is fundamental above all for the muscular system, for the pos-


ture of the lumbar area and the coxofemoral articulation, defined as the centre of the body, called “Core” in the Anglo-Saxon world. The use of gravity and movement triggers neuromuscular reactions by changing body positions with evident mechanical advantage. By adapting body position it is possible to decrease or increase resistance, thus modulating difficulty. After mastering a basic movement, it is possible to increase the level of difficulty by increasing body angulation, thus increasing resistance or, by reducing the support base, reducing stability. The main methods to increase TRX difficulty are: • increasing body angulation in order to increase the resistance applied to the exercise. • according to the principle of the pendulum, TRX will naturally lean downwards below the anchorage point. By moving farther from the initial position, gravity makes TRX undulate in the direction of one’s movements. This makes the exercise easier because there is less resistance. On the contrary, if one goes beyond the neutral position, gravity will have a contrary force making the exercise more difficult.

L’Accademia del Fitness Trx is an instrument which allows training by exploiting the weight of one’s body and has the result of developing balance, strength, flexibility, coordination and stability at the same time. It is suitable for individual or little groups and it offers evident important results in very little time! Not without effort, to tell the truth, but it is very often more a matter of search of balance and stability than a real effort. It represents a way to regain one’s freedom of movement in order to cope with daily duties in the best of ways, as well as being a method of improving one’s physical aspect. This type of training is called “multiplanar”: the exercises are performed on the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane, always in suspension. It has great versatility, it can be used anywhere: at the gym, in parks, in hotels and also at home. It is possible to create different workout programs: strength, hypertrophy, resistance, training sessions in fat burning circuits. It is suitable both for beginners and for athletes who want to improve their performance. It develops coordination and proprioception, it reduces muscular-skeletal articulation overload. It improves posture and makes postural muscles stronger. Pina Sabia Personal trainer, fitness advisor, food educator mobile: 340 6973879- e-mail: info@pinasabia.com website: www.pinasabia.com - fan page: Pina Sabia Personal Trainer.



L’Accademia del Fitness



Among the variety of functional training activities, Power Postural Training dr. D’Autilia ® represents, under many aspects, an innovative and special method. The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that it was invented by a physician, Dr. Pasquale D’Autilia, a surgeon specialised in occupational medicine who has combined his knowledge in official medicine to the knowledge acquired in his participation to a number of masters and training courses: from Posturology to shiatsu, to manipulative medicine. The study of martial arts, which Dr D’Autilia currently practises and teaches, has also played a fundamental role, since he has reached the level of Karate IV° dan Master. Such a variety of experiences has led Dr. D’Autilia to develop a unique functional training method: actually, it combines techniques derived from martial arts (for exercise strengthening, coordination and bilateralism), from Qi Gong (for its balance between the development of superficial and deep muscles), Yoga (for its respiration techniques), from Pilates and calisthenics (for its balance between muscle tone and articular flexibility). All the exercises are performed with natural loading, a feature which makes them intense but at the same time modifiable ac-


cording to the various training levels and to the state of health of the participants to the sessions. Power Postural Training ® is a complete experience which starts from the body and eventually reaches the mind: it develops the awareness of performing movements in space, of breathing (by means of diaphragm respiration), it involves and improves balance, coordination and posture. As a consequence, higher concentration and relaxation capacity will be achieved. Moreover, this training method does not concentrate on single muscle groups but on the functional balance of the kinetic chains which are fundamental for our daily life movements. All this results in greater energy and resistance in performing daily activities. How often is our life limited by backache, articular or muscle pain often due to the incorrect intervention of our neuromuscular system? The feature which makes the Power Postural Training ® method unique is that it combines the development of static strength with dynamic and explosive strength, thus increasing power as well as muscle elasticity. Actually, it involves the muscles which are generally used for our movements, but particular attention is also given to our sta-

L’Accademia del Fitness bilizing muscles which are necessary to give support and action economy to our skeletal muscles. Training is performed barefoot: our feet, which are unused to direct contact with the ground, can regain complete freedom of movement with the consequent beneficial effects concerning the whole body. Gradually complete articular capacity and mobilization is reacquired. Besides having all the so far listed features, Power Postural Training ® is a diverse and amusing activity. During a session all the body parts are involved by means of free body exercises or with the aid of small instruments, among which one purposely created and registered by Dr. D’Autilia: the Memè slide-gym-pad ®. The Memè ® is a small and very light instrument, easy to carry and store away, which uses the principle of sliding and elastic resistance, allowing the performance of a wide variety of exercises, both of motor coordination in sliding stretching and in adaptive counter resistance, in combination with special elastic bands whose resistance can be modulated. Power Postural Training ® is suitable for group sessions, personal training activities and for home fitness as well.

Such extreme adaptability makes Power Postural Training ® a transversal method. In other words, it can be followed as a training discipline in itself in order to achieve psycho-physical wellbeing to contrast the most common disorders of the skeletal muscle system. It can also be used to complete technical/ athletic training for all kinds of sports (running, cycling, swimming, martial arts, football etc.) providing the athlete with improved physical condition and better performance in sport activities by means of a steady workout program involving various muscle kinds. By means of regular exercise with Power Postural Training ®, each participant has the opportunity to test his motor abilities and to constantly acquire new ones: the final result will be a tonic, flexible, posturally-correct body which will also be more resistant from the point of view of aerobic capacity, thanks to the involvement of the cardiovascular system.

Power Postural Training ® is a diverse and amusing activity. During a session all the body parts are involved by means of free body exercises or with the aid of small instruments.


For further information visit the site: www.powerposturaltraining.it or the Facebook page: Power Postural Training dr. D’Autilia

L’Accademia del Fitness


(POSTUROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS) Stabilometry (posturographic analysis) is an exam which allows the evaluation and measurement of postural control. The subject examined steps on a computerized platform, keeps still there, in the erect position, for a programmed amount of time, while the platform records. What does it record? Apparently, the subject is still. Actually, it is impossibile to keep a totally still posture. Each one of us, standing “still”, performs little oscillations, almost impossible to perceive visually. A stabilometric platform can record these oscillations in detail. These little oscillations are essential: they are the incessant fine adjustments made by the brain to keep the body in its balance. The human body, which is a set of articulated segments, is totally unstable without neuromuscular control. Without it, it would collapse due to the force of gravity (this happens when a person faints). The stabilometric platform shows that if the subjects examined make forward oscillations, their postural reactions bring them back. If they oscillate to the right, the postural reactions bring them back to the left, and so on. The brain contains a sophisticated system of control of the locomotor apparatus which keeps the balance by opposing the force of gravity. What is balance? The force of gravity acts on the human body by applying its resultant to the centre of mass (barycenter), which is placed just in front of the sacrum.


If the vertical axis going downwards (line of gravity) is projected within the base of support, the body is in balance. If it is projected outside, the body loses its balance and falls. Stabilometry clearly underlines that the brain constantly keeps the barycenter projection more or less in the middle of the base of support.

The STABILOMETRIC PLATFORM is able to record the vertical forces which are exerted upon itself: more specifically, the weight force of the human body. The platform layer, upon which the subject examined stands, contains pressure detectors which can record the movements of the body’s COP (Center Of Pressure), which projects vertically on the base of support


■ La teoria neuro-endocrina dell’invecchiamento ■ Alimentazione neuro-endocrina ■ L’allenamento come stimolo ormonale ■ Integratori alimentari per la modulazione dei valori ormonali ■ La terapia sostitutiva ormonale con ormoni bioidentici per contrastare il decadimento psico-fisico: applicazioni ed indicazioni terapeutiche, effetti benefici ed effetti indesiderati

Specialista in : - Scienza dell’Alimentazione - Medicina dello Sport Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM - USA) Certified AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - IFM (USA) - Corso di Alta formazione: Metodologie "Antiaging e Antistress" Università Sapienza - Roma

Dr. GIOVANNI MONTAGNA - Dietista - Bio Age Advisor - Corso di formazione: "Benessere e Stili di Vita" Università Sapienza - Roma ECM : sono stati richiesti i Crediti per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista

Segreteria organizzativa AFFWA Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it

L’Accademia del Fitness following the vertical line of the line of gravity. In this way, from the platform it is possible to record the micro-movements of the body’s barycenter and its continuous corrections made by the system of postural control in order to keep its balance. The oscillations of the human body in its erect position are similar to those of an inverted pendulum whose fixed-point is on the ankles. The force of gravity constantly produces stress which unbalances the body in various directions. The system of postural control perceives it (through sensory channels) and makes the necessary corrections activating the muscles necessary to keep the position. The picture shows two stabilometric drawings where the oscillations of the Center of Pressure (COP) keeping one’s eyes open are illustrated in the red graph, while the ones keeping one’s eyes closed are represented in the blue graph. At the centre of the picture it is possible to observe the footprints, thus the real dimension (around one centimeter) of the tangle of oscillations made by an apparently still body. It can be observed that, by subtracting the visual channel of sensory information (keeping one’s eyes closed) the width of the oscillations increases significantly. The distribution of loads and oscillations inside the ellipse provides information on the personal postural strategy of the subject under examination.

f) statokinesigram (representation of oscillation in the ground); g) stabilogram (graph recording the COP movement in time). There are two types of stabilometry: static and dynamic. In static stabilometry the subject under examination remains still on the platform for a certain time, keeping his/her eyes open or closed. In dynamic stabilometry the spontaneous posture is disrupted by unexpected external stimuli, in order to evaluate the contribution given by the visual, vestibular and somatosensory channels for the recovery of the initial posture. Apart from specific experimental protocols, static stabilometry is the one most commonly used. Stabilometry is used to evaluate fine postural control and the normality of “postural receptors”. What are they? Postural control is based on peripheral multisensory information: visual, vestibular and somatosensory. In other words, the eye, the vestibules of the internal ear and the musculoskeletal system have receptors which contribute to define the position of the body in space. These receptors send information to the Postural Control System, placed in the middle of the brain stem. It elaborates the pieces of information and causes muscular activities of postural adjustment, which keep the body in the required position. The system can be “stressed” by suppressing or disturbing one of the postural receptors, for example through the ROMBERG TEST (open yes-closed eyes). Another test which is commonly used is the OCCLUSION-POSTURAL TEST, where the mere mandible release modifies important information collected by the craniomandibular-cervical system.

POSTURE is the position we spontaneously have in our erect state. So, it refers to the erect position of the human body and to its orientation in space.

Actually, there are worldwide accepted parameters for the evaluation of graphs. Since they are technical parameters, they will just be mentioned here in order to have a thorough picture. a) COP XY coordinates in the horizontal plane; b) oscillation length (distance covered by the COP); c) average speed (AS) of the movements; d) surface of the ellipse (oscillation dispersion); e) spectrogram [oscillation frequency (sagittal and frontal)];


The importance of testing through stabilometry the craniomandibular-cervical system lies in its fundamental role in body movements. There is a close anatomical, biomechanical and neurophysiological relation between the Stomatognathic System and the upper cervical spine. Over a century ago, Magnus and Sherrington had pointed out the “primacy of the occipitoatlas-axis complex in controlling the postural reflexes of the whole body”. Today we know that craniomandibular disorders (malocclusion, temporomandibular joint syndromes) interfere


TI RENDE LIBERO FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST Le intolleranze alle proteine alimentari, dette allergie ritardate, sono reazioni conseguenti l’introduzione di alimenti di consumo comune. Queste reazioni sono causate da un’iperproduzione di immunoglobuline di classe G (IgG). Emicrania, disturbi gastro-intestinali e respiratori, stanchezza cronica, dermatiti, irritabilità, sovrappeso, sono solo alcuni dei sintomi ricorrenti nei soggetti affetti da allergia ritardata. Il FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST (F.I.T.) di Natrix permette di verificare la reazione dell’organismo nei confronti di 46, 92 o 184 alimenti. Ciò che ha reso il F.I.T. affidabile è la metodica analitica ELISA,

affidabile e ripetibile e la lunghissima esperienza di Natrix nel campo della diagnostica delle intolleranze.

celiaci, per il monitoraggio della malattia celiaca in soggetti che seguono una dieta priva di glutine.


Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001: 2000) di riferimento per le analisi:

Ad oggi per ogni celiaco diagnosticato, ve ne sono sette a cui la celiachia non viene diagnosticata. L’ingestione di glutine, nei pazienti affetti o predisposti a celiachia, provoca un grave danneggiamento della mucosa intestinale. Il CELIAC TEST è una prova allergometrica che consente di effettuare un saggio di I° livello completo per la celiachia. Il CELIAC TEST è consigliato in caso di sospetto di malattia celiaca, in familiari di primo grado (genitori, fratelli) di soggetti

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Tutte le analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare e salivare.

L’Accademia del Fitness with this tract of cervical spine and change posture. The upper cervical section has the highest concentration of proprioceptors (receptors for the sense of position) in the human body. It is not by chance that all the natural actions of our body begin with a movement of the upper cervical section: neck, trunk, joints and limbs follow this “start movement” thanks to postural reactions, whose aim is to keep or re-instate head verticality, gaze horizontality, body symmetry.

In anti-age evaluations it is important to verify the good functioning of postural control, in order to optimise its mechanisms in supposedly healthy subjects, in particular lacking pathologies and symptoms which alter balance (in case of balance pathologies the problem is strictly medical). The subject, barefoot, is examined in a quiet environment without being disturbed by visual or audio stimuli. He/she has to keep the Romberg position, with the arms held next to the body and a pre-determined distance (around 30 mm) between the toes. The test is generally carried out with open eyes, while the subject is relaxed, keeping his/her arms next to the body, his/her head straight, still and without talking. The examiner, who remains near the subject in order to give him/her self-confidence, must not give any message throughout the test (30-60 seconds). Then, another test follows, with closed eyes.


Static stabilometry does not have well-defined ranges of normality (such as arterial pressure or cholesterolemia): every subject has their own postural behaviour which can be different from other people’s and it can be influenced by lots of individual variables (age, weight, height, physical structure, psycho-emotional state, psychological or professional state, etc.). Obviously, the individual postural strategy of each normal subject can also be influenced by the conditions of the locomotor apparatus and by the spine, by the way feet support the body, by visual acuity as well as by disorders of the temporomandibular joints (present in 70% of the population). There are a lot of definitions for posture. The most accepted one is very generic: POSTURE is the position we spontaneously have in our erect state. So, it refers to the erect position of the human body and to its orientation in space. Even if the ideal posture and normal posture have been described in literature, the criteria of ideal posture remain hypothetical. Actually, every subject has his/her own ideal posture. The criterion by which “the ideal posture is the one which requires the minimum muscular support and which minimises loads and stress on joints, ligaments and muscles” is accepted. In other words, this means efficiency and wellness. A subject suffering from pain or disorders typical of an overloaded or stressed musculoskeletal system already shows that his/ her posture is not ideal. Doctor Giovanni Magnani Degree in Medicine, Specialised in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Specialised in Neurology, master’s degree in Chiropractic and Osteopathy

L’Accademia del Fitness

THE COM MASSAGE “As there is not a diet suitable for everyone, there is not a type of massage for everyone” Tactile communication, which in the western world generally receives little attention and even less as we grow older, is actually an immediate, emotionally involving form of communication suitable for everyone at any age. By touching a person, even just by brushing, it is possible to activate proprioceptive functions which can sweep away emotional tensions and, consequently, neuromuscular ones as well. Unlike children who come into close physical contact with other human beings more frequently (for obvious reasons such as for example because they totally depend on their mothers and because adults express their love for them by embracing and caressing them), adults lack this tactile exchange whose proprioceptive, emotional and identifying functions should indeed be known and developed. An elderly person, for instance, who generally suffers from this lack of contact, finds in the empathy generated by a tactile exchange a new form of confidence which comes from the feeling of being accepted and loved. The COM massage has the aim of activating with the massaged person deep physical and mental empathy, so that he or she does not need to express in words any problem (sometimes the massaged person is not even fully aware of them) and can instead pleasantly step into a sort of “shelter”. The COM massage makes use of a series of personalized actions based on very important knowledge referring to each mor-


phological type and on the not less precious intuitive expertise of the operator. Therefore, the COM massage is based both on the morphological type the massaged subject belongs to and on the changes his style of life have brought on to it. The possible postural defects due to bad habits or to small or serious trauma, the type of diet followed in that precise period, the general psychological features of the subject’s morphotype and the particular psychoenergetic moment the subject is living are only some elements which the COM operator will keep into consideration when deciding the suitable, personalized type of massage for the subject to be treated. The operator’s experience will have taught him that, besides the subject’s individuality, it is also very important to evaluate carefully the subject’s needs according to his age: if at the age of 20 it is important to depurate, at the age of 50 one will need to emotionalize. Everything one does is absorbed into our cellular memory so our behaviour and habits determine, together with our genetic features, the elements on which the operator must work. The main requisites a COM operator must have are the deep knowledge of morphotypes, attention and insight. MASSAGE FOR THE HYPERLIPOGENETIC MORPHOTYPE These are subjects who accumulate toxins, fats, hormones and often have artery pressure problems, high cortisol and a surplus



DietaCOM ADVISOR RELATORI Giovanni Montagna - Massimo Spattini CERTIFICAZIONE Alla fine del Workshop verrà rilasciata la Certificazione di “DietaCOM ADVISOR” previo superamento del test scritto finale ECM Sono stati richiesti al Ministero della Salute i crediti ECM per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista RESPONSABILE SCIENTIFICO Massimo Spattini SEGRETERIA Scientifica e Organizzativa AFFWA - Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521 1682083 - Fax 0521 294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it

QUOTE : Entro il 24.04.2015 : Soci € 200,00 non Soci € 240,00 Oltre il 24.04.2015 : Soci € 240,00 non Soci € 280,00 (Le quote sono IVA esclusa)



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ROMA - 30/31 maggio

Endocrinologia generale Valutazione della composizione corporea Ritmi circadiani Dismetabolismi implicati nel sovrappeso Basi fisiologiche del dimagrimento Influenze ormonali sul deposito localizzato di grasso Attività fisica e dimagrimento localizzato Impostazioni pratiche di programmi di allenamento Impostazioni pratiche di valutazione della composizione corporea Prove pratiche di formulazione Diete Integratori alimentari e dimagrimento Prove pratiche di integrazione alimentare

L’Accademia del Fitness of energy above all in the upper part, which makes them excited both from the psychological and physical points of view. These subjects generally need constant depuration because they tend to self intoxicate themselves. The subjects belonging to this biotype usually suffer from high blood pressure, they tend to be hot, perspire abundantly, they are excitable and stressed but it is necessary to consider that, among them, there is a smaller number who, although belonging to the same morphology, are always cold, they have cold and sweaty hands and feet and often panic and suffer from anxiety. After establishing to which of these two groups the hyperlipogenetic client belongs to, the massager needs to decide carefully what type of massage to prepare, having ready at hand, for example, heated blankets for the subjects who are cold. Lavender essential oil is usually suitable for this morphotype because its notes are highly rebalancing and detoxifying, besides being an essential oil suitable for both groups of subjects, the ones who are constantly cold and the ones who are hot. However, the hypelipogenetic subject who is hot and suffers from high blood pressure might not like the smell of lavender, so lemon essential oil could be used instead, adding it to mas-

sage oil, since it depurates and eliminates excessive heat (due to jammed effluent organs) or mandarin essential oil would be suitable for its soothing power. It must be underlined that the massage must begin lightly and gradually become more vigorous. Subjects with high blood pressure have more difficulty in relaxing, so it will be necessary to start the massage as if it were a relaxation technique because otherwise the operator would risk encountering both muscular and psychoenergetic resistance, and this would prevent the subject from enjoying the beneficial effects of the massage. Therefore, it will be necessary to proceed lightly and delicately in order to manage to penetrate the psychophysical “ barrier” due to an excess of energy and cortisol. The massage will begin following precise techniques, first very delicately with dangling movements and gradually more intensely with progressively louder music. It will end softly again in regained relaxation. Very soft music should accompany the massage, like New Age music, which is indicated for deep relaxation. The hyperlipogenetic subject must be “charmed” with long movements. The massage can begin either from the head or

Everything one does is absorbed into our cellular memory so our behaviour and habits determine, together with our genetic features, the elements on which the COM operator must work.


L’Accademia del Fitness from the feet, but it would be advisable to concentrate more on the relaxation of the upper part of the body, then linger on the hands and finally on the feet. MASSAGE FOR THE HYPOLIPOLITIC SUBJECT This is a subject who tends to accumulate liquids and fats in the lower part of the body so the first thing to do is to perform a lymphatic drainage of that area. The massage must begin from the subject’s legs, working hard on them with draining essential oils like birch, lavender or rosemary or with creams containing natural active anti-edemigenous principles. The hypolipolitic subject usually has low basal metabolism and little immunity. This is a subject whose energies must be deeply and discerningly stimulated. Also aromatherapy should have a role: strong and spicy essential oils should be used like ginger, clove, mint, rosemary, which penetrate the limbic system and stimulate the release of hormones and endorphins. The pressure of the massage will be medium, but at the same time carried out with energy, not delicately. The lower limbs must be massaged for a long time and gently, as if kneading to empty the lymphatic ganglia. These subjects feel as if they were “divided into two”, so it is necessary to free the lower part of their body from its excessive toxins and liquids and so allow its energy to flow again. In this morphotype it is not advisable to begin the massage from the head, because it is easier to get these subjects to relax after freeing the lower part of their bodies from its weight due to the excessive edema and thereby reconnecting the lower part with the upper one. After draining and massaging the lower part of the body for a protracted time, the operator will move to the upper part which will be stimulated with a “lively” sort of massage, touching and pinching. The hypolipolitic subject will require not too calming music, but one whose notes will communicate energy, since this type surely needs auditory stimulation, being particularly sensitive to sounds. MASSAGE FOR THE HYPERMIXED SUBJECT In the hypermixed group the choice of massage depends on whether the subject is a man or a woman. In the case of a woman, the essential oils to be used should have very female notes such as Damascus rose and ylang ylang. For men, instead, spicy, strong oils should be used such as pepper, sandalwood, clove, incense. In these subjects the male and female Energy must be particularly balanced. The genetic features of this subject are defined as “normal”. It is the typical morphotype who gains weight homogenously, without accumulating fat in certain body areas. Therefore, the massage should concentrate on the subject’s present needs, trying to eliminate any possible pain, excess or problems referring to that particular moment, considering both the physical and emotional points of view. This subject usually needs to be both stimulated and calmed, so the massage should be of a mixed kind and should be very pleasant and emotionally involving, vigorous but never causing


any kind of unpleasantness or pain. Since this is a subject who loves “beauty”, the massage must take place in an environment in which each detail has been carefully chosen and the massage will have aesthetic quality by giving great attention to the subject’s face, which will be massaged with essential oils and anti-age creams to hydrate and smooth the skin. For this morphotype classical music, with its relaxing notes, is ideal. MASSAGE FOR THE HYPOMIXED SUBJECT This is a “low spirited” subject whose energy tends to be blocked, so the massage should tend above all to stimulate the circulation of energy by means of special movements having the function of making the subject’s blocked energy flow and allow greater production of endorphins and hormones, thus rebalancing the hypophysial axis. In this group the massage will always begin from the centre of the body and will then proceed to make the energy circulate into the other districts. The essential oils to be used will be stimulating ones with citrus notes and lively colours like orange and yellow. This is a subject whose oxygen and energy are stagnating. One of the most indicated massages for this biotype is with hot stones (stone massage), performed with many circulatory movements which give balance and at the same time energy. Since this subject usually presents an asphyxial complexion, it would be advisable to use highly hydrating creams together with essential oils. The music should be lively and cheerful, without obviously being too aggressive. Ethnic and oriental music with these features would be a perfect choice. Antonella Dassenno Naturopath Silvia Iorio Expert in massage techniques Training course “Wellness and life-styles” Sapienza University - Rome


2015 ROMA

14-15 febbraio / 28 febbraio 1 marzo /14 marzo ESAME: 15 marzo

Istruttore di BODY BUILDING e FITNESS PARMA 28 febbraio / 1 marzo 14-15 marzo / 28-29 marzo ESAME: 4 aprile


28-29 marzo / 18-19 aprile 30 maggio ESAME: 31 maggio


9-10 maggio / 16-17 maggio 30 maggio / 13 giugno ESAME: 14 giugno AFFWA Accademia Funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it - www.affwa.it

L’Accademia del Fitness


Recognizing the value of motivation in making the clients reach their desired targets. Many studies and publications in scientific magazines have confirmed the significant beneficial effects of physical activity on people’s mental health, not only from the physiological point of view. The 1992 European Sports Charter of Rhodes gives a valuable definition of sport which also underlines the above mentioned concept: “Sport means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relations or obtaining results in competitions at all levels.” It must be underlined that physical activity can determine both acute response and long term adaptations on the psychological attitudes of subjects who exercise regularly. In other words, it guarantees a decrease in the levels of anxiety and depression, in stress reactivity and an improvement of their cognitive capacity in terms of memory improvement and problem solving abilities.


This preliminary concept allows us to highlight the role of the Personal Trainer (pt) seen as an educator who boosts motivation in the execution of workouts considering that, in spite of the above mentioned beneficial effects of exercise, recent evidence supplied by the National Center for Health Statistics suggest that in the USA, about 40% of the population lead a sedentary life in their free time. Moreover, less than 50% of the people who start a regular workout program will carry it on after a period of six months. Therefore, the Personal Trainer plays a key role in helping people to recognize the importance of an active life style. The Personal Trainer sets possible and convincing targets for his clients and encourages their participation in exercise programs. His task is to stimulate in his clients the sensation of having successfully managed to reach the targets according to schedule, competently involving them in the right way. Direct dialogue between pt and his client is fundamental to identify

L’Accademia del Fitness measurable and compatible aims. Rather than obtaining information from evaluations and imposing goals on the client, it is important to identify his real wishes and needs. Moreover, the targets must be planned in short, medium and long terms. Once the short term target is reached, we are getting closer to our final goal, that is, the long term target. Successful target planning should include the varied combination of all the three above mentioned stages. We must always keep in mind that a difficult but not impossible target is effective if there is a 50% possibility of success. In this perspective the Personal Trainer not only chooses the activity his client will follow in order to reach set targets, but will also encourage self-confidence and the right mental attitude to this end. Only if we are self-confident is it possible to enhance our will power, which leads to our constant improvement and does not distract us from reaching our targets. A deeply motivated client is so involved in exercise that he will not be able to do without it and so he will include it in his daily habits such as for example eating or resting. It is not easy to convince somebody to change their lifestyle, but this is the primary role of the Personal Trainer. Thanks to his technical skills, his empathy, psychological motivation and effective communication, the latter must increase in his client the perception of physical pleasure in performing his work-

outs in whatever form exercise is carried out: aerobic, lactacyd or alactacyd anaerobic, floor exercises or by means of functional pieces of apparatus such as barbells, handlebars, elastic bands, isotonic machines, kettlebells and so on and so forth. A pt must even possibly become a reference figure in the life of the client and must provide advice on how to follow a healthy diet and manage daily stress. Let us remember that helping someone reach a healthy condition also leads to positive aesthetic and psychological effects and sets in action a successful transformation. A Personal Trainer plans workout programs stimulating a lifestyle change, This does not mean formulating diagnosis or prescribing treatments to his clients, or accepting to train clients with particular clinical conditions, beyond their practice and competence. In such cases the PT will address them to more suitable professional figures such as for example a dietician who, in the case of diabetes or obesity, can take care of their health problems. Nothing has greater effect on building up a client’s confidence than success. Choosing the right Personal Trainer can determine the success we all want for ourselves.

It is not easy to convince somebody to change their lifestyle, but this is the primary role of the Personal Trainer, who has to make use of his technical skills, his empathy, psychological motivation and effective communication.


Dr. Tommaso Villani Fitness Instructor, Postural Trainer, Personal Trainer, Athletic Trainer, Sport Massage Therapist, Advanced Kettlebell Trainer and Functional Trainer.

number 16 / 2015


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L’Accademia del Fitness


FITNESS Even if the concept of fitness generally refers to the state of our physical health, it is in fact a very complex one which indirectly involves our mental condition, since a great deal of scientific literature increasingly shows that there is a strict and inseparable link between what we define as mental and what appears to us as physical/biological. Also our ancient forebears believed in this close relation which can be summarised in expressions like “mens sana in corpore sano”. However, today science adds something fundamental to the general picture, giving us evidence which also goes in the opposite direction of the Latin expression, that is, our mental state affects the physiological condition of our bodies. Elizabeth Blackburn, winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine, together with other colleagues showed that the condition of not being able to manage stress efficiently accelerates the aging of our genetic cells, predisposing us to many heart, immune and oncological diseases. On the contrary, the cellular aging process of the people who were taught anti-stress techniques slowed down, thus modifying their genetic expression. In my opinion, this study marked a turning point in the history of biology and psychology since, for the first time, the connection between the psychological level - in which we perceive stress - and the biological one - which incorporates the genetic contents of all our body cells - was scientifically proven. At the same time, this special study underlines the importance of the epigenetic mechanisms of our cellular functioning. In other words, the importance of the internal communication taking place in our body (on the psychological and cellular level) which regulates what should be expressed or not by our genetic memory in response to this communication. The psycho-biological complexity which characterises us cannot be explained by the traditional concept of fitness, limited to more physiological aspects, nor by the more articulated and modern one which also includes the mental aspect. For instance, if we consider it properly, the value of an athlete’s performance is always the reflection of his dedication, motivation and discipline while training and striving to reach his goals. This is exactly what makes the value of his performance so significant. We admire athletes like Jury Chechi, Federica Pellegrini or Valentina Vezzali because we are more or less aware of how much determination, energy and dedication lie behind their performance.


Naturalmente innovativa La For Farma è una realtà italiana consolidata presente sul mercato dell’integrazione alimentare dal 2004, specializzata in fitoterapia clinica, particolarmente attenta alla qualità di materie prime, processi produttivi e prodotto finito. Attenzione alla qualità significa poter fornire alla Classe Medica e ai Farmacisti prodotti sicuri, ben tollerati ed efficaci. I nostri nutraceutici sono tutti formulati da esperti fitoterapeuti e specialisti clinici. Vengono prodotti presso stabilimenti certificati che ci garantiscono:

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30/12/11 09.24

L’Accademia del Fitness It is not by chance that at a certain level of performance we speak of “mental training” considering the importance it has on the final result. The latest developments in neurosciences have shown that qualities such as positive attitude, resilience (the capacity to cope with difficulties in a positive way), the ability to effectively deal with stress are dimensions which can be significantly improved by “training” them in order to improve the quality of our life and our performance (both muscular and cognitive) as well. As it clearly appears, the modern concept of fitness in terms of ability to express our potential capabilities by means of training them includes inseparable psycho-physical elements. In the psychological field a concept which well expresses the complexity of the term fitness is Optimal Experience (also called Flow in the Anglo-Saxon world). In other words, that particular type of situations which greatly satisfy us and that, if cultivated in the course of time, makes our lives more meaningful and gratifying. The theory of Flow was developed by Prof. Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced “cich-sent-mihai”) who, analyzing systematically the descriptions made by various people, identified the same positive psychological configuration beyond any specific type of activity performed. More precisely, when people intentionally decide to perform a certain activity for its own sake (from sports people to chess players, from people who love playing a

musical instrument to those who have any kind of hobby and so on) the same kind of experiential features emerge: • total involvement in the activity itself; • balance between the degree of the activity’s difficulty and the perceived competence; • intrinsic motivation (when the activity is performed for its own sake); • distorted perception of time; • the aim of the activity is clear; • the feedback while performing the activity is clear and immediate (it is immediately clear if one is performing the activity in the right way); • concentration is totally focussed on the present (the mind does not wander to the past or to the future); • there is a deep sense of control of the situation; • the sense of self-awareness is lost (in other words, there are no thoughts concerning heavy judgements of others).

Living more optimal experiences, besides making our lives more significant, would also improve our fitness from the more directly physiological point of view, reducing the negative impact.


In the course of nearly 40 years, the theory of Flow has been confirmed also throughout different cultures by means of thousands of questionnaires proving that there is a specific human psychological mechanism underlying certain experiences that we tend to replicate for the positive value they have for us. Speaking of fitness, I believe it is particularly interesting to explore the Flow’s feature concerning the balance between challenge/skills, in other words, the rela-

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La migliore qualità!

L’Accademia del Fitness

tion between the level of difficulty/complexity of the activity and the level of perceived competence of the subject involved in the activity itself.

From the table it is possible to understand that in order to replicate Flow, a balance between the challenge we undertake and the skills we think we possess is necessary because, if we are involved in an activity too difficult for us, for which we do not possess the necessary skills, we would feel anxious (distress due to the lack of control and/or predictability of the events). Whereas, if on the contrary we are involved in an activity whose level of difficulty is perceived inferior to our skills, the experience will be boring for us, since it is perceived under our control, but not very stimulating. The configuration leading to Flow obviously changes with time since, as we go through optimal experiences, we incorporate new abilities. From the practical point of view this means that the activity will have to be progressively more complex/difficult in order to trigger the same positive experiential configuration.


As the table shows, a skier who is a beginner will enjoy an optimal experience on an easy (white) track but, after a certain time, he will find the track boring as he will have developed better skills. Therefore, he will be challenged to undertake more difficult tasks (the blue track) to re- experience a pleasant Flow again. If he had to ski on the black track immediately he would feel anxious, whereas if he had to continue skiing on the white track he would be bored. The concept of Flow is closely connected to the concept of fitness because it involves constant psycho-physical investment aimed at reaching a dynamic balance potentially threatened by one’s personal and/or environmental features which can alter the state of one’s personal wellbeing (anxiety or boredom). In 2005 I elaborated a doctorate thesis under the supervision of Prof. Csikszentmihaliy. The thesis investigated the evolutionary meaning of Flow: the hypothesis was that, like under other conditions, we find that the partners who are potentially more attractive for us are the ones who experience Flow more often. In an Italian sample of 118 people, the thesis was confirmed non only because it seems that we are more attracted by people who more frequently go through these experiences, but because the degree of attraction is directly proportional to how often our potential partner has gone through the experiences (as if to say… “the more flows you experience, the more I like you”). Currently, the same research is on the point of being repeated transculturally by an Iranian colleague in her own country of origin. Psychological fitness has much to do with the experience of challenging but not too stressful experiences in which we perceive a sensation of being in control. This combination, with the passing of time, produces an improvement of our skills which, in turn, generate a sense of satisfaction and give meaning to our life. In 2013 during an International convention on psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology I made the hypothesis (above all thanks to some recent studies on Flow of neurosciences) that the people who frequently experience Flow receive greater benefits at the level of their hypothalamus-hypophyseal- suprarenal axis because optimal experiences selectively activate also the part of the brain (prefrontal cortex) which inhibits, that is, keeps under control the activation of amygdalae. We have known for a long time that amygdalae is the neural centre which activates the hypothalamus-hypophyseal-suprarenal axis producing cortisol in excess, which is the source of a great deal of psycho-physical problems linked to chronic stress. Living more optimal experiences, besides making our lives more significant, would also improve our fitness from the more directly physiological point of view, reducing the negative impact produced by the overstimulation of the hypothalamus-hypophyseal- suprarenal axis if protracted in time. Dr. Massimo Agnoletti, Ph.D educator, expert in Stress/Anxiety, Positive Psychology, New Communication Technologies


















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WHP: health promotion at work In the Ottawa Charter the World Health Organization points out that “Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health”. Experience proves that an investment with the aim of enabling working people to have effective actions against what damages their health and wellness leads to a reduction in diseases and in mortality rate. Health promotion is an effective means to improve working people’s health as well as a country’s health. According to the World Health Organization, occupational risks are responsible for about 1.5% of the lost years in good health (DALYs), while other factors connected to individual behaviours (which can be partially prevented), such as smoking tobacco, consuming alcohol, weight excess, sedentariness, diet, driving habits, are responsible for about 30%. In 2010, in the United States alone absence from work and the reduction in productivity resulted in 8,500 billion dollars due to bad mental health and 8,300 billion dollars due to cardiovascular diseases. It is estimated that by the year 2030 these figures will double.


According to a revision of 72 studies carried out in 2001, ROI (return on investment) of WHP programmes goes from 3:1 to values over 10:1. In particular (it must be pointed out that all the studies have been carried out in the USA), each dollar invested in programmes dedicated to “health promotion” has generated an average saving of 3.48 dollars for health treatment and a cost reduction for lack of diseases of 5.82 dollars. In 20009 the World Economy Forum, the international institution responsible for the improvement of the world condition through public-private cooperation, launched the establishment of the Workplace Wellness Alliance, aiming at improving health and productivity at work on a world scale. In 2012 this effort covered almost 2 million employees in the world. Since January 2013, WWA has relied on the Institute for Health and Productivity Management, a no-profit institute which elaborates research programmes worldwide for health and wellness at work. WEF has recently elaborated an application thanks to which




LE TESTIMONIANZE PALASPRINT LA SPEZIA Nonostante lo scetticismo iniziale, già nel primo mese di prova ci siamo accorti dei numerosi vantaggi che ci ha portato sia a livello di fatturato che di fidelizzazione. Grazie!!!!

MIQO TREVISO Dopo essere stati scelti come area test ed aver toccato con mano i vantaggi di un progetto scientifico, abbiamo continuato ad utilizzarlo con successo, incrementando il fatturato e la fidelizzazione. Proprio ciò che serviva al nostro club !!!!!



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Ho avuto da subito buone sensazioni confermate poi dal test di misurazione eseguito dopo appena 2 settimane: meno 4 cm di circonferenza in entrambe le cosce! Consiglio a tutte di farlo!

Innanzitutto funziona! Ho deciso di sottopormi al metodo nonostante mi stessi già allenando in maniera tradizionale. Perdere quasi 7 cm in circonferenza addominale in sole 4 settimane mi ha lasciato veramente a bocca aperta.


35 anni parrucchiera

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L’allenamento è stato efficace in quanto mi ha fatto perdere centimetri e allo stesso tempo migliorare il tono muscolare. Perdere 7 cm sui fianchi in sole 4 settimane è semplicemente fantastico!!

L’Accademia del Fitness companies can calculate both the impact that the various chronic pathologies may have on health costs and on productivity reduction, and the saving that prevention against such wrong life-styles may produce to the company itself. In 1996, the ENWHP (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion) was established in Europe as an informal network of national institutions active in the field of health and safety at work, as well as of bodies and institutions responsible for public health, for the promotion of health and social insurance. ENWHP develops and promotes good health practice at work. In turn, the working place contributes to the economic and social development in Europe. In these years the European Community has constantly made aware the State members in favour of the adoption of WHP programmes. The January 2007 Luxembourg declaration for health promotion at work in the European Union replaces and amends the 1997 version by stating that health promotion at work (WHP) is a joint effort of the employers, the employees and society in order to improve the health and wellness of people at work.

Despite the fact that Italy, through INAIL, is a member of ENWHP, in our country health at work is not promoted much yet. Big news is represented by the decree of Lombardy N°11861 of11/12/2012 “PROMOTION OF LIFE-STYLES IN FAVOUR OF HEALTH AT WORK. INDICATIONS FOR LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EFFECTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMMES”. 200 companies have been involved so far in this process for a total amount of 90 thousand employees. Our group has analysed this important initiative, pointing out its positive aspects and the possible improvements. The process proposed by the Manual of the experience in Lombardy introduces health culture in companies by means of raising the employees’ awareness in favour of a healthy life-style, of an improvement in the company’s atmosphere and identity. Yet, it has some limits: the programmes are only based on general training to good behaviour. Therefore, at the Aragona Hospital Foundation in S. Giovanni in Croce in Cremona, we have started a WHP process provided with a behavioural training programme proposed by Lombardy together with a customised prevention programme characterised by the following check-up: • Internal Medical evaluation of risk factors and vital parameters • Ultrasound: supra-aortic vessels, splanchnic area, lower limb venous circle • Impedentiometric evaluation of body composition • Customised bio-nutritional and motor programme.

Despite the fact that Italy, through INAIL, is a member of ENWHP, in our country health at work is not promoted much yet.

Some days ago we activated a similar process at the Multiservice cooperative in Parma. The project is based on a pilot phase on over 250 employees in the province of Parma, to be subsequently extended to the over 1,800 employees in the 5 Italian regions where the company operates. CONCLUSIONS Health promotion at work has been considered by the main world and European organizations in order to promote the best practice to intervene. In Italy the action promoted by the authorities in charge is not enough yet, both as for direct and indirect actions, such as the concrete financial help for those companies which want to invest in this sector. Doctor Giampaolo Lavagetto Specialised in Internal Medicine Member Italian Sports Medicine Federation Scientific Head Spa & Medicine Lifestyle Head of the project WHP Aragona Foundation Head of the project WHP Multiservice coop


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L’Accademia del Fitness LATEST RESEARCH IN FITNESS, WELLNESS AND ANTIAGING MEDICINE by Dr. Filippo Ongaro AFFWA Vice President www.filippo-ongaro.it The combination of a healthy diet, physical activity and relaxation techniques are the fundamental pillars of health and prevention. Although this is confirmed by a number of data, it is still difficult to see a radical change in people’s life style and this is also due to the fact that too little is invested in prevention and health education. According to 2014 OECD data, Italy in particular occupies the bottom position concerning investment in prevention, as it represents only 0.5% of its health budget. We invest in prevention less that countries like Finland, holding the top position with its 5.4%, but also than Slovakia (5.3%), Hungary (4.5%), Slovenia (3.8%) and the Czech Republic (2.5%). Also in the United States, in spite of the efforts made in recent years to contrast unhealthy life styles, the incidence of diseases connected to sedentariness, unhealthy diet and stress is increasingly growing. A recent report from the Center for Dis-


ease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows for instance that there are 29.1 million people suffering from diabetes, with an increase of 3.3 million since 2011. Moreover, other 86 million people have a condition of prediabetes (National Diabetes Statistic Report June 10, 2014). Perhaps also for this reason, the American Medical Association (AMA) has decided to classify obesity as a real illness and not simply as a risk factor. This decision might make it easier for us to take a few steps forward in prevention. First of all, physicians will abandon their traditional habit to treat only diagnosed pathologies and not pre-pathological conditions. Secondarily, as an effective pharmacological treatment for obesity does not exist, they will have to insist on prescribing a healthy diet and physical exercise which are aspects often neglected or considered of minor importance (Current Sports Medicine Reports 13:205-206, 2014).

L’Accademia del Fitness A new study in the field of weight loss confirms that diets with a low amount of carbohydrates facilitate weight loss and in many cases more successfully than diets with a low amount of fats. However, since carbohydrates are necessary for our physical performance and for the reintroduction of glycogen supplies consumed during exercise, this approach can be more indicated for sedentary people than for the ones who practise sports (Nutrition, 30: 748-754, 2014). More and more attention is being given to brown fat, a tissue which helps us adapt to the cold by using energy to produce heat rather than depositing it as fat. Sleeping in a room with a low temperature, reaching up to about 18 degrees, significantly contributes to increase the activity of brown fat and to increase energy consumption. This might explain why in the past there were fewer fat people and it also represents quite an easy and convenient way to keep fat accumulation under control (Diabetes, Published Online June 22, 2014). In conclusion, June’s issue of the magazine Annals of Internal Medicine published an editorial under the title “Enough: let’s stop throwing our money away in vitamin and mineral integrators” (Ann Int Med 2014 Jun 3). This article triggered the response of the scientists Bruce N Ames, and Jeffrey Blumberg, authors of many studies on the effect of vitamins. They claim

that it is naïve to pretend not knowing that most people take inadequate amounts of micronutrients and that it is completely wrong to condemn the use of integrators which are a safe and economical way of dealing with this deficiency. According to Ames and Blumberg there is strong evidence that multivitamin supplements contribute to optimize the functioning of the body, to improve our health in general and, in some cases, even to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. According to Ames, Professor Emeritus at the University of Berkley, the most prestigious public university in the world, it is irresponsible to ignore decades of nutritional research and tell people they do not need any kind of integrators. Obviously, not everybody agrees with this opinion. Who knows what the experts in our country will have to say in this regard? Dr. Filippo Ongaro Surgeon Health Director Institute of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine s.r.l. (Ismerian) Vice-President of AMIA (Italian Association of Anti-Aging Medical Doctors) Vice-President of AFFWA Functional Fitness-Wellness-Antiaging Academy

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