N. 18 - July 2015

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Quarterly Journal

July 2015 - year V



N. 18



PARMA - 17/18 OTTOBRE 2015 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


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Accademia Funzionale del Fitness-Wellness-Antiaging Galleria Crocetta 9/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521 1682083 Fax 0521 294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it www.affwa.it ECM Crediti per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista.


Presidente AFFWA Specialista in Scienza dell’Alimentazione Specialista in Medicina dello Sport Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM - USA) ■ Certified AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice- IFM) ■ Membro del Comitato Scientifico AMIA (Associazione Medici Italiani Anti-aging)

FILIPPO ONGARO ■ Vice-Presidente AFFWA ■ Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM - USA) ■ Certified AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice - IFM) ■ Certified in Gynaecological Endocrinology (ISGE) ■ Vice-Presidente AMIA (Associazione Medici Italiani Anti-aging)

number 18 / 2015

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Wellness - Antiaging Galleria Crocetta 9/A 43126 Parma Tel. 0521 1682083 Fax 0521 294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com accademia-magazine@libero.it


Editor in Chief: Valerio Merola Scientific director: Massimo Spattini Art director: Cinzia Ruggeri Executive editors: Silvia Iorio Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Cristiana Pedrazzini Andrea Angelozzi Scientific committee: Dott. Damiano Galimberti Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Davide Antoniella Stella Lo Barco Guido Maronati Mauro Miceli Giovanni Montagna Giovanni Occhionero Filippo Ongaro Antonio Polito Massimo Spattini Roberto Vecchi Photographers: Daniele Monaro Giulio Mori Alex Ardenti Cover: Alicia Marie Photographer cover: Alex Ardenti Editor: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Tel. +39 0521.941319 Printed and delivered by: Toriazzi S.r.l. Strada del Pozzetto 16/a 43122 Parma Tel. +39 0521.645875

The Fitness and Wellness world is basically made of two souls: diet and training. The first one is based on the development of innovative diets, new integrators and scientific discoveries which contribute to the creation of growing allied activities. The second one, more connected to the field of gyms, is based on the success of Functional Training and “low cost” centres. On the one hand, these are opportunities for new business, but on the other they cause problems to the existing ones which cannot adjust or which try to compete on the same level even if they lack the requirements and marketing systems. I have seen gyms advertising invented courses of Functional Training held by instructors with no specific preparation. The only result was an increase in the work of physiotherapists, who try to treat the damage caused by training without following a technique. I have witnessed attempts at increasing the number of members by lowering subscription prices, thus filling the gym with people (and increasing management expense) but reducing the profit. While books on diets, companies making integrators and nutritionists grow, fitness centres – above all the “medium” ones – suffer. I personally believe that the “classical” medium-size gym will not be able to survive anymore in cities. Only large structures based on franchising or low-cost gyms will. In such scenario, fitness centres must obviously start providing services. Actually, we must ask ourselves why a person should choose to go to a centre lacking all the facilities offered by big centres - such as café, restaurant, swimming pool, sauna, spa, children playground, etc... – if the price difference does not justify the choice. These considerations make me think that gyms must make the difference by offering specific services which can place them

in a different segment of the market. Considering that the success of books about diets, integrators and nutritionists is connected to weight loss, I think fitness centres must absolutely take advantage of this opportunity in a more scientific and proper way than what has been done up to now with hyperprotein unbalanced diets and with equipment of scarce validity. The integrated approach, which includes the right physical activity combined to a proper diet and integration, is the only way to achieve real and long-lasting results. This is “training to a lifestyle” respecting people’s biodiversity by means of customised offers. This is why our magazine “L’Accademia del Fitness – Wellness – Antiaging” is always spreading these concepts and obtains more and more results in terms of contacts and subscriptions. AFFWA, the technical body, becomes a partner of the DietaCOM® and dimaCOM® initiatives, aiming at promoting models of entrepreneurial development linked to the weight loss business and designed for dietitians, nutritionists, personal trainers, chemists and fitness centres. From next autumn, the courses “DietaCOM® Advisor” and “Food Educator” will become available as “Webinar”, thus allowing larger involvement also of people for whom distance may be a problem. The workshop “Clinical Nutrition in Antiaging Functional Medicine” will be held in autumn as an anticipation of the more wide-ranging course “Metabolic Functional Advisor”. Further information will be available soon on the website www.affwa.it. Massimo Spattini AFFWA President

Registration n. 12/2004 Court of Parma


L’Accademia del Fitness







by Massimo Spattini

by Valerio Merola

by Massimo Spattini





THE PHYSIOLOGICAL MODULATION OF OXYGEN LACK AT CELLULAR LEVEL. Beyond integration: the antioxidant revolution
















by Davide Antoniella

by Giovanni Montagna

by Mauro Miceli

by Antonio Polito

by Stella Lo Barco

by Roberto Vecchi

by Equipe scientifica Nutergia

by Giovanni Occhionero

by Guido Maronati

by Filippo Ongaro 4

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L’Accademia del Fitness


ALICIA MARIE: "THE MACHINE" Alicia Marie: a mix of strength and determination in a perfect body... it is not surprising that she has become one of the most important celebrities in the world of fitness! Alicia has won national and international titles (as 2004 Miss Bikini Universe), but she is not only active in the field of fitness. Actually, Alicia is well-known in showbusiness, and she is leader writer for Oxygen magazine, as well as IFBB athlete in the Figure category. She is also an entrepreneur and model. Sports expert and lover, she has taken part in several TV and radio programmes to promote fitness and health, such as Good Day New York, Le notizie del mattino WB11, MSNBC and radio MAXIM. On MTV she has worked as fitness expert and trainer for the successful TV series “MADE” and “SUPERMADE”. Alicia has become famous by using her body to advertise numerous products: her abdominal muscles were shown on billboards and in magazines in the national campaign of “0% Fat” Eggbeaters and her famous buttocks were used in the national advertising campaign of Jergens Firming Body Lotion “You Bet Your Bottom” and Curel Body Lotion. Alicia has also advertised a book titled “The Booty Bible”, dealing with how to make your but-

tocks perfect through specific exercises and following a specific diet. How did you enter the fitness world? Strange as it might seem, everything started with comics. As a child, I was obsessed with superheroes in comics and I really liked the way women were represented. Then, when I was in high school, I felt very competitive with men and I started training with them. I wanted to make an impression and I did 130 kg squat... it was not the best thing to do for my knees, but boys were really impressed! Before starting to compete I had never found a woman I could train with... Generally, women were almost scared of getting in a weight room! Anyway, I have always been an athlete, I have played softball, athletics and martial arts. After college, I simply continued being an active sportswoman and I found a job based on my passion. I have always known I would work in the fitness field. Who is the fitness personality you are most inspired by? It is certainly Cory Everson, who has won the title of Miss Olympia for six times in a row (from 1984 to 1989). What kind of diet do you follow? Even when I am not training for a competition, I prefer eating healthy food and keep my body fit. I like feeling like a well-oiled machine, I like eating healthy food. Obviously, I sometimes allow myself to make an exception but I always try to keep constantly fit. What gives you the motivation to keep your commitment in keeping fit? Two things: 1) “Feeling like a machine”: I like the feeling of being able to run, jump and even fly... If I want! I like feeling powerful! My old gym mates used to call me “The Machine”. 2) My clothes: I love my clothes and I like knowing that whatever I decide to wear, it will probably fit me quite well. It is a reward for all the efforts I have made in taking care of my body. I really enjoy going shopping!


number 18 / 2015

When you want to define your muscles, what devices help you get the best results? Carbohydrate cyclization: I take them for two days and I avoid them on the third day. If I am defining my muscles before a competition, I think the two weeks immediately prior to it are crucial. Experience has taught me that it is necessary to keep a minimum of carbohydrates because getting rid of them all means getting o the stage too thin and drained. As for cardio, I do a lot of training on the stair climber. Which integrators do you use? I use serum proteins, a fat burner before training or a cardio session. I also take a nitric oxide stimulator. I often use substitutive meals because I seldom eat at home. Moreover, I take multivitamin supplements, Omega -3-6-9s and probiotics.

What is the part of your body you are most proud of? My arms... even if the majority of people believe it is my buttocks, since it is what made me famous after the advertising campaign for Jergen’s Body Lotion.

Photo Alex Arde


What are the exercises you like best? I like working on the bosu because it allows many different movements. I also like side leg lifts on the Captain Chair, which I perform doing a torsion so that I can use the oblique muscles and the transverse, instead of simply lifting my knees. I train my arms alternating barbell curl and hammer curl. For my back, high and low pulley.

And what is the sexiest body part in a man? The shoulders. What is a “myth to debunk” related to the world of fitness? That eating fruit makes you fat! What is the most common question people ask you? They ask me my favourite exercise for my buttocks, and my reply is what really matters is feeling the muscle while you are training it, really feel the contraction and focus on the working muscle. If you do not feel these sensations, it means that you are not training properly. Three pieces of advice for those who want to get fit: 1) be concrete 2) stop complaining 3) choose the right diet People must learn to get out of their “comfort zone”... things do not come to you easily, you must have willpower and make an effort to get them! Nobody will give you what you wish, you

must not wait for opportunities, you must go and get them. It is us who must lead our life, not fate or destiny... This is true for every little thing we want... we need commitment and willpower. This is the truth. What do you think of spot reduction? I have always thought Spot Reduction works and, after reading Doctor Massimo Spattini’s book “The Com Diet & Spot Reduction” I finally know the scientific reasons, too. Moreover, I have to say that, after Doctor Massimo Spattini’s book was released, other books which support this thesis – which considers hormonal influence on the distribution of body fat - have been published in America. What are your ambitions today? I do what I love... and it is everything I have always wished to do! Editor


L’Accademia del Fitness


WHAT IF CORTISOL WERE TOO LOW? Cortisol is certainly the hormone which is more frequently associated to a condition of stress. Actually, high levels of this hormone are often found both in conditions of acute and chronic stress. Attention towards cortisol is above all present in the scientific approach connected to sports performance, since the cortisol/testosterone ratio or cortisol/DHEA ratio are fundamental parameters to monitor the condition of athletes. This means that when this ratio is particularly high, there is a condition of overtraining and muscular catabolism. High cortisol levels are not only harmful for athletes. Actually, also in normal people suffering from hypercortisolism there are metabolic changes which favour the insurgence of secondary hyperinsulinism with predisposition to the metabolic syndrome and to the increase in body fat. Often, weight increase, water retention, face or abdominal swelling which do not improve (and which even worsen in case of further calorie restriction and increase in physical activity) are correlated to high cortisol levels. However, today more and more often we experience an apparently opposite phenomenon, that is, the presence of low cortisol levels. When its causes are not iatrogenic, as in case of prolonged use of corticosteroids, they can be central causes (brain trauma, alteration in the susceptibility of hypothalamic and pituitary receptors, hippocampal dysfunction, etc.), peripheral causes


(increase in Cortisol Binding Globulin, conversion of cortisol into other hormones responsible for cortisol production), or suprarenal causes (decrease in receptors, autoantibodies against suprarenal glands, lack of vitamin-mineral co-factors, lack of precursors such as pregnenolone and progesterone). Yet, they are more and more often linked to stress. This deficit in cortisol production is linked to a decrease in suprarenal functionality due to exhaustion or to the functional adjustment of the suprarenal glands as a result of the mechanism of negative feedback on part of the brain and the hippocampus which balance cortisol production to limit its detrimental action towards the brain in the hippocampus. Obviously, stress can be physical, emotional, psychological, environmental, due to diseases or it can be due to a combination of all these factors. The suprarenal glands react to all these types of stress in the same way: with cortisol hyperproduction. When the amount of stress goes beyond the capacity of the suprarenal glands to balance and recover, then the so-called “Adrenal Fatigue” or suprarenal insufficiency takes place. Actually, the words “suprarenal insufficiency” can be misleading: as we have seen, the exhaustion of suprarenal functionality is not necessarily implied. So, the correct term is “hypocortisolism”. Hypocortisolism appears with various problems, the most frequent of which are hypoglycaemia due to the lack of the hyper-



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Servizio per i Centri Fitness/Benessere By Massimo Spattini

L’Accademia del Fitness glycemizing effect of cortisol and articular pain or fibromyalgia due to the lack of the anti-inflammatory effect of cortisol, allergies, autoimmune diseases and frequent respiratory infections due to alterations in the immune response. The most common symptoms are: - difficulty in getting up in the morning - constant fatigue not mitigated by sleep - craving for savoury food - lethargy - decrease in libido - decrease in the ability to cope with stress - increase in the time needed for recovery and healing from diseases and wounds - tendency to depression - inability to experience fun -hypoglycaemia on the occasion of salty meals and need to have snacks throughout the day in order not to faint - difficulty in taking decisions - memory problems - decrease in tolerance towards other people - feeling of strong apathy associated to lack of will until about 10 a.m. At about 3 p.m. there is often a fit of drowsiness. At 6 p.m. the subject feels better, as if he/she was a different person. In order to diagnose “hypocortisolism”, as well as the symptoms, it is important to make use of proper laboratory tests. Unfortunately, the blood and urine tests which are generally used by the majority of doctors have been designed to identify evident diseases such as Addison’s Disease (when the levels of cortisol are below the range of reference) or Cushing’s Disease (when they are extremely high). Yet, today there is a new test measuring the level of hormonal values in the saliva rather than in blood or urine. The saliva test is also more indicated to measure the hormones at intracellular level, that is, where the hormones really work. The test is based on 4 samples a day: between 6 and 8 a.m. (about thirty minutes after getting up), between 11 and 12 a.m., between 4 and 6 p.m. and between 10 and 12 p.m. This shows that cortisol varies a lot during the day, so this test gives a more complete picture of suprarenal functionality. Once “Hypocortisolism” has been diagnoses, the treatment is based on interventions at various levels: - lifestyle - diet - elimination of food causing allergies and food intolerance - food integrators - use of suprarenal cortex extracts - hormonal substitutive therapy Let us now consider the use of some supplements: • liquorice extract, glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetic acid inhibit the 11B HSD enzyme, which is responsible for cortisol inhibition.


This inhibition causes an increase in cortisol levels. Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen plant which can positively influence physical and mental stress modulating cortisol production. Korean ginseng (panax ginseng) is a herb which can help increase cortisol levels. It must be used moderately since it can increase irritation. Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng) increases stress resistance and regulates neurotransmitters. In vitro tests have shown an increase in ACTH levels (hypophyseal hormone which stimulates cortisol production) after eleutherococcus intake. It fights mental fatigue and has anti-depressant properties. It also has anti-anxiety effect and helps sleep, giving a sensation of well-being. Withania Somnifera or Indian ginseng is another adaptogen plant and it is useful in case of anxiety and insomnia. It can reduce cortisol production when it is too high and increase it when it is too low. The vitamins of the B complex are fundamental for the correct functionality of suprarenal glands. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is fundamental for the functionality of the nervous and cardiac system, and it is necessary for the metabolisation of carbohydrates. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxalphosphate is even more effective in protecting the system of response to stress. It is generally used by the body for the production of the various neurotransmitters. Moreover, it is a co-factor in many enzymatic routes used to produce suprarenal hormones. Recent studies have demonstrated that vitamin B6 helps the functioning and rhythmic control of the HPA (hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal) axis. Finally, many studies have demonstrated that vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, can balance cortisol. Pantothenic acid is turned into acetyl-CoA, a fundamental substance for the conversion of glucose into energy. It is contained in all the cells but there is a higher amount in the suprarenal ones since a lot of energy is necessary to produce suprarenal hormones. Vitamin C is absolutely essential not only to keep optimum levels of cortisol but also for the production of catecholamines (adrenaline-noradrenaline). The suprarenal glands have the highest concentration of vitamin C in our body and, in stressful periods, they release vitamin C from their deposit, favouring local vasodilation which allows higher cortisol production. Dr. Massimo Spattini Specialized in Sports Medicine Specialized in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM-USA) Certificate AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - (IFM-USA)

L’Accademia del Fitness


Photo Daniele Monaro

The twentieth century saw the appearance of “isotonic” training, with several pieces of equipment aiming at counter-resistance training of single muscle districts (or groups). As a consequence of the enhancement protocols developed with such equipment, conditions of imbalance were found in the muscular development between agonist-antagonist districts, articulation(s) fixators and stabilizers, which undergo a certain movement. It was also underlined that the “transformation” timing of power training sessions was protracted. This is due to the assumption that this training was basically conceived for the “muscle” and not for the “movement”. This is what generated the need to “reconnect” muscular training to proper gesture kinematics. Motor control is part of a complex physiological system whose main actor is NCS, which organizes, regulates and controls movements in its entirety. NCS becomes efficient in presence of controlled mobility and dynamic stability.


It recognises movements, not muscles, and it does not allow movements it cannot control. First of all comes mobility, motor patterns are learnt and become gradually more and more complex, the motor basis with new motor engrams is established (both for athletes and for ordinary people). Finally, stability to the movement is established. This may sound banal, but actually this concept is based on the neurogenesis of the movement itself. In fact, every gesture is generated in the premotor cortex (area of the motor cortex placed in the frontal lobe anterior to the primary motor cortex), like a real “image” of movement, complete in its series of muscular activations and inhibitions, velocity and related articular angular momentum. This “Idea” of movement arrives - through the sub-cortical corticopontine-cerebellar reticular structures – to the cerebellum and it is adjusted to the contingent needs thanks to the mediation of neurologic inputs coming from the neuro-sensory-affer-


















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L’Accademia del Fitness ent component. It will then go back – through other sub-cortical structures (cerebellar-pontine-cortical reticular substance) - to the primary motor cortex and it will be spread to the spinal marrow. Using Brodmann’s codifications, we can observe that his mapping of the motor cortex is divided according to complex anatomical articulations (limb, hand, trunk, etc.) and not single muscular districts. Therefore, this teaches us that our nervous system is, on its whole, optimised to deal with gestures”, that is, movements based on intentions and aiming at obtaining a result. In 2009 Keith Spennewyn, president of the “National Institute of Health Stroke Scale” (NIHSS), carried out a research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research where he compared functional training to traditional machine training. The results of the study were definitely in favour of functional training: the athletes of the group who followed functional training experienced a 58% higher increase in power compared to the group

who followed machine training. There was a 196% improvement in balance. Functional training also caused a 30% decrease in articular pain. Functional training answers the need to make use of the advantages obtained in terms of muscular power thanks to the improvement of interdistrict coordination, through complex training involving tonifying-postural activities, balance and movement suitable for all ages. Talking of neurophysiology of functional training, we have to mention the fact that the centres which control movement are the same which control somatic posture and, at the same time, balance in its three forms of expression generally present in sports gesture (pseudostatic balance, balance in movement and balance in suspension). This explanation is necessary since a protocol of functional training which does not take into consideration the careful assessment of the control systems of posture, balance and movement would actually be pointless.

Photo Daniele Monaro

The observation of all the movements made by the subject can also direct and widen clinical investigation, revealing limitations which are not related to the medical diagnosis but which are relevant for the restoration of the normal functions.


L’Accademia del Fitness In fact, in case of altered function in the tonic postural system, it would not be possible to train (and to improve) a gesture. On the contrary, we would train a “compensated” (wrong) gesture, and this would lead to consequences (less terminal effectiveness, risks of overload phenomena, etc.). Hence, before developing a functional training programme, it is important to assess the postural structure of the subject as well as the function of the main control systems (endoceptors, proprioceptors and esteroceptors). “The observation of all the movements made by the subject can also direct and widen clinical investigation, revealing limitations which are not related to the medical diagnosis but which are relevant for the restoration of the normal functions”. The concept of interdependent regions refers to the concept that functional limitations which are apparently not related, in remote anatomical areas, may contribute or be associated to the patient’s primary disorder. From the neurophysiologic point of view, functional training is not trite at all. The concept of training is very often considered as “linear”. A specific muscular district is conditioned with the aim of increasing its capacity to express higher “power” along its ROM (Range of Motion). The movements must create a destabilising condition which forces the intrinsic muscles to create the condition of balance necessary to perform the exercise. This causes a power increase in the articulation “fixators” and an increase in power even in analytical exercise. Advantage may come from the use of activities emphasising the natural capacity of the body to move in six degrees of freedom. Even if machines seem to be safer to use, since they limit the movements to one plane, they represent an unnatural expression of psychomotricity. This may lead to defective movement patterns or injury. F.T. consists in giving the body stressors to enhance the various physiological parameters. Instead of stimulating only one “side”, complex cascade stimuli are used. Therefore, in such context it is possible to use methods which use principles coming from body building, weight lifting, power lifting, athletics and rehabilitation, with apparatus of various kinds, etc... as long as the stimuli aim at increasing all the parameters from the aesthetic, health and functional point of view. The training does not aim at training one specific muscle or characteristic (power, resistance, articular mobility, etc.) but complex movements including various abilities. So, according to functional training, we have to think in terms of body movement and kinetic chains.

This means making the muscles work in synchrony. Moreover, even if functional training – performed properly - can prevent accidents (since it stabilises the articulations and makes them work more efficiently), it is also true that the probability to get injured is higher compared to machine training, because there is a higher probability to perform the exercises in the wrong way, thus overloading the articulations. In other words, the typical exercises characterising functional training are more difficult and must be “learnt” in a similar way as those of real sports. Today many pieces of equipment are considered functional and they can be identified according to a categorization based on the natural elements: water, fire, air, earth. The air category is composed of inflated equipment, both suitable to be thrown and to perform exercises on unstable surfaces. The earth category is made of all the products useful to perform exercises on the ground or leaning. The water category includes equipment filled with this element, which makes the weight of the equipment dynamic, hence unstable. The fire category is composed of equipment suitable to warm-up and to enhance power. Actually, the equipment can be very simple or complex, because it includes everything that allows us to customise the exercise and to make it functional to our aim, respecting the subject’s biomechanics, anatomy and physiology. You just need to use your imagination! This does not mean that machines are not important anymore in training and rehabilitation, nor does it mean that thanks to functional training you can achieve extraordinary results. For example, despite its name, in order to train specific movements for a specific sport, you have to perform EXACTLY the typical movements of that sport. In short: you have to train by practising that very sport, there is no other exercise, functional or of other type. Therefore, in this specific case we will consider functional training applied to the prevention of injury and overload caused by sports gestures, even if sports gestures are not functional. All the pieces of equipment, simple and complex, provisional and creative, can be suitable for functional training according to the subject. So we can say that what determines their collocation in functional training is their proper application. Physiological anatomy, biomechanics and techniques of use give serious grounding to functional training.

The training does not aim at training one specific muscle or characteristic, but complex movements including various abilities.


Prof. Davide Antoniella ISEF Diploma and Athletic Trainer Personal Trainer

L’Accademia del Fitness

CARNOSINE Carnosine, from a chemical point of view, is made of two amino acids (it is a dipeptide): alanine and histidine, which form NĂ&#x;-alanyl-L-histidine. This substance has both antioxidant and buffer properties (that is, it can contrast the reduction of intracellular pH caused by lactic acid). Researchers in the sports field started studying this molecule more in-depth when it was highlighted that it was only contained in the muscles (above all of horses, dogs, man) and in the brain. In particular, the muscles with a higher amount of fast-contraction white fibres (where anaerobic metabolism plays a very important role) contain it in a higher amount compared to the red-fibre muscles, more suitable for aerobic and oxidative work. Both in the earth and water world, there are animals which make us understand the importance of the buffer effect of carnosine: 1) greyhounds and thoroughbred racing horses are able to express high power during physical effort, even if they are not affected in a relevant way by the high amount of lactic acid produced by the activity of the type of muscle fibres involved (mainly fast white fibres); 2) water mammals such as whales, due to their habitat (to which they are genetically predisposed) undergo long hypoxia (in lack of oxygen). This situation predisposes a high production of lactic acid, with consequent metabolic acidosis which is obviated by the presence of carnosine.


The same molecule is also present in man, even if in limited amount. This justifies the limit of the performance and precocious fatigue when intense anaerobic lactic acid activities are performed (scarce amount of oxygen and production of lactic acid). It was found out that the buffer effect of carnosine is caused by its particular chemical structure, more specifically by its imidazole ring. How does it really work? We said that during exertion with anaerobic characteristics, the oxygenation of skeletal muscles is not appropriate and this leads to an accumulation of lactic acid and hydrogen ions (H+). The continuous increase of acidity, not buffered promptly, can quickly lead to muscular fatigue. This is due to the fact that hypoxia prevents the completion of the whole process of aerobic metabolism, where we get water and carbon dioxide from glucose. As a consequence, the production of ATP is not sufficient, and this causes a decrease in the contractions of the skeletal muscle and a decrease in performance. Carnosine captures the hydrogen atom of lactic acid, allowing its reconversion into pyruvic acid for the production of new energy. This allows the buffering of muscular pH, to prevent it from dropping quickly. It also allows the synthesis of higher amounts of ATP which will be available to favour a higher amount of muscular contractions, slowing down the sense of local fatigue as much

number 18 / 2015

as possible. Moreover, better metabolic use of phosphocreatine can be obtained increasing the effectiveness of creatine integration. The exogenous intake of carnosine has proved its effectiveness in improving the performance of sports which imply lactic acid metabolism (specific phases of bicycle races; training with loads which allow 15-20 repetitions; 200-400 m sprint; etc.).

muscles after intake through food and/or integration, but it is also synthesised, since its antioxidant action is fundamental to protect cellular membranes, largely made of polyunsaturated fatty acids (which can be easily attacked and damaged by oxidant substances), thus allowing better functionality with consequent advantage for all the metabolic exchanges (for sportsmen this means better supply of energy and plastic substratum in skeletal muscles; faster disposal of toxic products and waste metabolites; better recovery and muscular synthesis). Confirmation on the antioxidant capacity, even indirect, of carnosine is given by data indicating that in lack of vitamin E, this dipeptide is “consumed� in higher amount at muscular level. Carnosine can also inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol: in cardiovascular pathologies, the quantity of oxidised LDL is almost more important than its absolute quantity) and the experimental induction of breast cancer on part of anthracene metabolites in animals fed in lack of vitamin E. Scientific studies show the important capacities of carnosine, which can be adopted as a valid antioxidant in one’s diet. The third function of carnosine is its role in the activation of myosin ATP-ase, an enzyme which allows more rapid energy liberation and better contractility of myofibrils. Recent studies have demonstrated that the chronic oral intake of -alanine can highly increase (up to 80%) the content of carnosine in the human skeletal muscle. It is interesting to notice

The exogenous intake of carnosine has proved its effectiveness in improving the performance of sports which imply lactic acid metabolism.

What about antioxidant properties? Carnosine can reduce the lipid peroxidation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This antioxidant function depends on its chelating capacity with transition metals and on its scavenger function on some free radicals: a) carnosine has a chelating capacity both on copper and iron; b) carnosine can inactivate hydroxyl free radicals (very dangerous) produced by the reaction between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron with ionizing radiations; c) carnosine can inactivate singlet oxygen, but it cannot react with superoxide radical. The intake of carnosine requires the co-presence of vitamins A,C,E, which are known as great anti-oxidants. This antioxidant action is useful to sportsmen, since it prevents from tissue damage caused by training, it helps and accelerates muscle recovery and allows the disposal and inactivation of free radicals produced during physical exercise, which cause tissue aging and chronic diseases. Carnosine is not only accumulated in skeletal


L’Accademia del Fitness that, when the muscle has proper levels of carnosine, there is an improvement in the performance of high intensity exercise, both in trained and in non-trained subjects. Even if carnosine is not involved in the classic metabolic pathway of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, these results show the important role of the dipeptide in energy homeostasis of the cells. In women the amount of carnosine contained in muscles is lower than in men. Moreover, it lowers in both sexes due to the aging process. In vegetarians carnosine levels are probably lower. In elite sprinters carnosine levels are high. This is an important factor for the metabolism involved in their activity. It is not clear whether it is more linked to genetics or it is a consequence of all the years spent doing specific high-level training.

active and stressed people) is its high cost of production, which affects sale also in relation to the intake amount needed, which varies from a minimum of 400mg up to 5g a day, depending on one’s needs, lifestyle, body weight, etc. (always bear in mind that before taking any product you should ask your doctor’s advice). Intake can be 30-60 minutes before athletic performance or even on the days before the competition (a sort of “carnosine charge”) in order to increase the concentration of carnosine in skeletal muscles. The indications I have given must not be taken as gospel: I always say that every individual is genetically different, so somebody will have great results with minimum integration, while others will have good results with the right quantity for their characteristics and some sportsmen will have no results despite integration. So, the moral is always the same: have a thorough check up including hematochemical lab tests and if you do not have pathologies which prevent you from taking the food integrator you want to try (or a special diet or the performance of intense physical effort or anything else: in short, if your psycho-physical health is excellent), then go on little by little and customise integration paying attention to the response of your body, so as to obtain the best advantage with the minimum quantity.

In elite sprinters carnosine levels are high. This is an important factor for the metabolism involved in their activity.

Does exogenous carnosine arrive where it is needed? Carnosine is absorbed as a whole through a specific transport mechanism in the small intestine. Then, it is carried in the blood stream to peripheral tissues, or it is hydrolysed into ß-alanine and histidine by the carnosinase enzyme present in blood, in the liver and in the kidney (the latter seems to be the main responsible for catabolism and the excretion of the dipeptide). Considering a diet intake of 0.05-0.25 g of carnosine for a diet including 100 g of beef, pork or chicken, the quantitative data of its absorption, transport, distribution and catabolism are still uncertain. Obviously, some changes in one’s dietary habits, lifestyle, intake of food integrators can influence the concentration of muscular carnosine. As for its content in animal species, it varies according to the type of muscle considered and analysed. As it was said before, the muscles with high percentage of white fibres contain higher quantities of this dipeptide. This is confirmed by the presence of carnosine levels six times higher in chicken breast (2.7g/kg) compared to the thigh (0.5g/kg). Also pork meat (2.8g/kg), turkey, beef (1.5g/kg) contain a good amount of carnosine, unlike salmon, which is almost devoid of it. Cooking has no significant influence on the concentration of this molecule in food. The lack of histidine amino acid in an experimental diet leads to a reduction in the concentration of carnosine in the muscles, while a diet intake of 1% of histidine does not lead to an increase in the carnosine present in the muscles but can increase its presence in the liver. Instead, a diet intake with 5% of histidine can increase muscular carnosine by 2.8 times. Conclusions Unfortunately, the factor which limits the spreading of this molecule as an integrator in sport (and in everyday life, above all for


Dr. Giovanni Montagna Dietitian Master “Wellness and Lifestyles” Sapienza University - Rome ® DietaCOM Advisor - Antiaging Advisor

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Beyond integration: the antioxidant revolution The extracellular matrix can be defined as a stable yet dynamic complex of macromolecules which is placed around the majority of the body cells, forming an orderly three-dimensional framework. Using the typical comparison observed by Robert Hooke, who gave the cell its name considering it as a “little cell”, if the cell corresponds to the hollow spaces of cork, the extracellular matrix is the cork. With the huge difference that while cork is inert matter, the matrix is characterised by important vital phenomena. Actually, when we say that superior beings are made of cells, very often we forget that among them there is an extracellular matrix, whose dry weight is even higher than the one of all the corresponding cells taken together. The extracellular matrix has a different composition according to the species. For example, in plants it is mainly composed of cellulose, while in arthropoda and fungi it is mainly composed of chitin. In man the extracellular matrix derives from mesenchyme, the still not differentiated embryonic connective which, in a very precocious phase of its development, is placed between the


ectoderm and the endoderm in order to form the trophic-connective and muscular tissues. Some AA use mesenchyme as a synonym for connective tissue or even for matrix, in order to underline its specific embryonic origin. Anyway, starting from the end of the embryonic epoch, the extracellular matrix develops a specific structure similar to a colloid, generally non-calcified, whose aqueous phase contains fibres (collagen, reticular and elastic ones) and macromolecules – basically polysaccharides (glycosaminoglycans) and proteins (proteoglycans and glycoproteins). In general, the collagen fibres make up the three-dimensional support framework of the whole matrix, the reticular ones form a thinner texture around the small blood vessels or inside the stroma of the organs, while the elastic ones give the mechanical property of stretching. The glycosaminoglycans, alone or combined to a protein core, fill the spaces left free from the fibrous framework and, incorporating a high amount of water, they are effective “shock absorbers” (the so-called “fundamental substance” of classical histology corresponds to this highly hydrophilous complex).

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L’Accademia del Fitness

The extracellular matrix has not only a structural function of support, giving the organs form and texture, but it also protects the cells from traumatism.

Special glycoproteins, called “adhesion proteins”, allow specific interactions between the various components of the extracellular matrix and between this one and the cells. Moreover, in correspondence of the basal pole of some specific cells, generally with covering and protective functions, such as epithelial and endothelial cells, the matrix becomes compact, adjusting to a mainly structural support function by forming the so-called basal membranes, where the protein component is dominant. Finally, the adhesion structures placed between adjacent epithelial cells (clenched or occlusive junctions, anchor junctions and gap junctions) can be considered as specializations of the matrix. In fact, according to the most recent studies in the field of cellular biology and biochemistry, the extracellular matrix has not only a structural function of support, giving the organs form and texture, but it also protects the cells from traumatism. Moreover, since it is a highly hydrated gel, it allows an incessant flux of molecules (nutrients, chemical mediators, drugs and waste substances) between the haematic and cell compartment, thus helping the communication between cells and – in some cases - orientating their migration in response to specific stimuli along specific directions. In particular, the interaction between cells and specific components of the matrix generates a complex series of signals involved in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, adhe-


sion and motility. Also, it is important to remember some specific functions such as for example the lubrication of the articular surfaces or of the viscera in the big serous cavities (pleura, pericardium and peritoneum) and, above all, the compartmentation of the tissues thanks to basal membranes. Finally, the extracellular matrix is where reactive processes take place: for example inflammation and immune response, wound repair and accumulation of fat and other detrimental or non-useful substances. “An essential property of Comel Interstice - studied by Stagnaro S. clinically with Biophysical Semeiotics since 1988 (1-5) and still not well-known among the Authors and Doctors - is that it intervenes on Microcirculation Vasomotion, performing a central role in the viscous-elasticity of the interstice. In fact, the interstitial glycosaminoglycans – particularly the three forms of Hyaluronic Acid – physiologically retain HO and regulate the free water/bound water ratio, thus actively participating to microvascular-parietal distensibility and contractility during the activity of the “peripheral heart”, according to C. Allegra, represented by Hammersen’s small arteries and arterioles. It is now useful to think of the typically altered dynamics of vasomotion in the microvascular-tissue unit of Steatotic Liver. Actually, the physiological vasomotility and the consequent vasomotion are essential for the preservation of the normal structure/function of biological systems”. With the passing of time, the extracellular matrix – also due to oxidative stress - pro-



ALIMENTARE ■ ANTROPOMETRIA: misurazioni - plicometria ed impedenziometria ■ Biochimica ed endocrinologia dell’alimentazione ■ Alimentazione nell’attività fisica ■ Diete del Fitness: Gruppi sanguigni - Mediterranea Metabolica - Paleodieta - Warrior Diet - Dieta Zona ■ DietaCOM® e dimagrimento localizzato ■ Integrazione alimentare ■ Intolleranze ed allergie alimentari - I Prebiotici ■ Le teorie dell’invecchiamento ■ La discordanza evolutiva ■ Genetica ed epigenetica ■ Alimentazione Antiaging : alimentazione ed integrazione antinfiammatoria, antiossidante e antiglicante ■ Programmazione neurolinguistica : l’aspetto motivazionale

SEDE: PARMA DATE: 5-6 dicembre / 16 gennaio / 20 febbraio 19 marzo / 16 aprile ESAME (con e senza frequenza): 11 giugno 2016 Accademia Funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it


L’Accademia del Fitness gressively loses its morpho-functional integrity. Therefore, the metabolic exchanges slow down, the communication between cells is compromised and the toxic waste of cellular activity accumulates, causing a dangerous vicious circle which speeds up the aging process. The skin, which is the most sensitive organ to the alteration of the extracellular matrix, becomes atrophic and thin due to dehydration. The articulations, due to the reduction in the lubricant capacity of the intercellular substance, progressively lose their functionality, with frequent insurgence of rigidity and ankylosis. The process of tissue repair, also due to the communication difficulty between cells and to the reduced metabolic exchanges, is significantly slowed down, with accumulation of detrimental or nonuseful substances. The cells are immediately affected by the alterations of the matrix, reducing their capacity to assimilate nutrients and to react against the action of drugs at normal doses, with potential hyper dose risk. Moreover, in predisposed subjects the sudden or gradual loss of the biochemical and functional properties of the matrix favours the insurgence or worsens chronic and degenerative conditions of all the organs. Among them, it is important to mention the chronic degenerative processes on the articulations but also the ones consequent to the compromised structures covering the big body cavities, which lean on the basal membranes, such as blood vessels (with predisposition to atherosclerosis), gastrointestinal and genitourinary respiratory mucosae, which become more sensitive to the action of external pollutants (with consequent allergies, infections, autoimmune phenomena). Finally, hormone and neurotransmitter transportation becomes inefficient and cellular sensitivity to them is reduced, favouring the insurgence of hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc. It is clear that every form of nutritional integration must take into account the special morpho-functional and biochemical properties of the cellular matrix. Oxygen is rightly considered – at least in aerobic organisms, which are the main forms of life on our Planet – the vital element par excellence. In fact, during terminal metabolism it accepts the reductant equivalents extracted by the various nutrients, thus allowing to create – through oxidative phosphorylation – adenosintriphosphate, fundamental for all the cellular functions (metabolism, growth, reproduction, movement, etc.). Even in its radical form, oxygen has a pivotal role in vital processes, and in the most evolved species it contributes to the protection against pathogen microorganisms (viruses and bacteria). It is obvious that the altered bioavailability of this precious element, especially if intense and/or protracted in time, will have negative consequences on the functions of the whole body. In Man, in particular, when the oxygen partial pressure (a

measurement of the gas concentration) decreases, in arterial blood, below the threshold value of 60 mm Hg, the tissues suffer from “hypoxia”. This can be caused by a reduction in the oxygen available in inhaled air (hypoxic hypoxia), an increase in the gas extraction on part of the tissues due to a decrease in circulation velocity (stagnant hypoxia), a reduction in the total amount of functionally active circulating hemoglobin (anemic hypoxia) or, finally, a block – generally iatrogenic – of oxidative phosphorylation (histotoxic hypoxia). Whichever the cause, hypoxia is accompanied by often subtle tissue suffering, which is not easy to recognise due to the lack of specific symptomatology (asthenia, headache, lack of concentration, etc.). Actually, it is only when the reduced availability of oxygen becomes chronic that pathognomonic signs appear (paleness, nail fragility, hard hair growth etc.). Until the mid ‘50s it was believed that hypoxia was the only undesired event somehow ascribable to altered oxygen “metabolism”. Actually, relatively recent studies have demonstrated that even the increase in the availability of the element – hyperoxia – can be dangerous, since it causes an increase in

Oxygen is rightly considered – at least in aerobic organisms, which are the main forms of life on our Planet – the vital element par excellence.


number 18 / 2015 the chance to generate uncontrollably highly reactive chemical species such as hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide, whose histolesive potential is well-known. In even more recent times it has been demonstrated that the fluctuations in the partial pressure of oxygen – that is, the decrease in the level of the gas in the tissues followed by its subsequent increase – can be as dangerous as hypoxia or hyperoxia. Such phenomenon, known as ischemia-reperfusion, occurs when the blood flows abundantly along a vessel where there had been a transitory obstacle to circulation – functional (ex. spasm with subsequent dilation) or mechanical (ex. thrombosis with subsequent clot lysis). Phenomena of ischemia-reperfusion happen physiologically, when more or less extended parts of our body undergo compression-decompression phases (ex. going from prolonged sitting position to standing straight), or in pathologic conditions, such as in organ ischemia and in the so-called night apnea, or due to the undesired effect of specific treatment (ex. organ transplant, by-pass surgery, etc.). In all these cases transitory hypoxia causes – through a complex mechanism involving calcium and some proteases – the conversion of xanthine dehydrogenase enzyme into xanthine oxidase. The latter, when the oxygen partial pressure goes back to normal, uses the precious gas to produce highly reactive chemical species such as hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide, which

are responsible for the reperfusion tissue damage. From this perspective, the phenomenon of ischemia-reperfusion is one of the primary factors responsible for the so-called oxidative stress, which is a lack of balance between the production and the elimination of free radicals. As for this, experimental evidence demonstrates that it is possible to prevent ischemia-reperfusion damage through antioxidant pre-intake. From what has been said before it is clear that keeping a constant level of tissue oxygenation – within the limits of the variability needed by metabolic demand – is an indispensable condition for correct cellular functionality. This must be taken into consideration when a condition of hypoxia needs to be corrected. Actually, in this condition the intake of a higher amount of oxygen than demanded may cause the partial transformation of the gas molecules into histolesive free radicals. The correlation of effective causality between hyperoxia and retrolental fibroplasia in hypoxic newborns is widely-known. This happens because oxygen, vital gas par excellence, in some conditions can turn into a real cellular killer. . Prof. Mauro Miceli Associate Professor Biomedical Science Laboratory Biomedical Centre University of Florence U.F. Food Chemistry Lab Public Health - Florence

Ogni sonno è un buon sonno con Armonia Melatonina pura al 99,9% e una scelta di formulazioni per rispondere a ogni singola esigenza di riequilibrio del ritmo del sonno. Tutto questo è Informazioni riservate ai signori medici e farmacisti


L’Accademia del Fitness


IS IT JUST A SIMPLE INTEGRATOR? The market of integrators is constantly offering new substances whose effects are advertised and guaranteed by their producers. Integrators not based on scientific research can often be found, together with others based only on studies and experiments carried out on animals, without any experimental transposition on human beings. The world of integrators avails itself, above all today, of a continuous output of new natural or synthetic products which promise not only to satisfy the lack of various macro and micro nutrients, but also to accomplish healthy or ergogenic effects. First of all, I would like to remark that it is possible to find excellent effective and sometimes essential products in the complex world of integrators. However, it is always necessary to follow the advice of a professional figure in order to make the correct choice. Inexperienced people who come into contact with the world of fitness and sports for the first time are often submitted to the excessive negative influence of the media and are led to


think that integrators can represent “a magic pill� which might help them enhance their athletic skills or reach an improved body composition without sometimes being aware of the importance of other aspects such as a healthy diet, exercise and rest. Most nutritionists agree that integrators must be indicated in cases where there is a real lack of certain body elements or substances. Therefore, they are not curative substances but they supplement and integrate a normal diet when necessary. Other nutritionists (and I am among these) prefer to adopt a more flexible approach and to consider that in the world of integrators we can find products with curative or preventive properties, as we can see for instance in Pycnogenol, Curcuminoids or Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, which are commonly used to contrast bone demineralization processes which can often lead menopausal women to osteoporosis. Some integrators of proven effectiveness have a base of molecules which are part of a scientific experimental research

L’Accademia del Fitness aiming at studying and understanding the mechanism of certain diseases with an important social impact as is the case of cardiovascular diseases such as infarction, ischemia and ictus. I am going to describe one of these integrators: agmatine. Agmatine is an amino acid produced by arginine decarboxylation which is involved in nitric oxide synthesis and has, directly or indirectly, potential positive effects on cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders. In studies carried out on animals, agmatine has proven to have a potential in the development of new integrators. It was discovered over 100 years ago by the Nobel Prize winner Albrecht Kossel, but only in 1994 it was discovered in human beings. It is one of the most recent and most promising compounds in the field of sport nutrition and anti-aging medicine. But is this all true? Agmatine made its appearance in the world market of integrators a few years ago, but in spite of its promises it has not yet reached the popularity of other integrators. So, let us examine why this molecule might represent an effective integrator, underlining the results of scientific research on this. I want to underline that integrators whose active principle is represented by agmatine have not been authorised in Italy yet, and that the subject matter of this article is purely informative: it intends to illustrate the results of scientific research so far achieved on the potentiality of this molecule and on its


real utility. Agmatine is a biogenic amine also produced by the neurons of the central nervous system. It is stored in synaptic vesicles and is then released for depolarization and eventually inactivated by the agmatinase enzyme. In the human brain, agmatine seems to act as a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter and, in some experimental models, it has proven to have some interesting neuro protective effects. Endogen agmatine is produced in response to stress or inflammation conditions. It has affinities with some transmembrane receptors, while it has an antagonist power which can block receptors such as those activating nitroxide synthase which produces nitric oxide (NO). Therefore, it seems that agmatine inhibits nitric oxide synthesis but, in spite of this, it seems to have vasodilation and hypotensive effects. This amino acid binds with imidazoline receptors (molecules with vasoconstriction action), promoting the release of peptide hormones such as the growth hormone and the LH hormone, which in turn stimulates the release of testosterone. Moreover, it seems to be involved in enhancing the release of catecholamines and of the insulin hormone. Agmatine also includes antiepileptic, antineurotoxic and antidepressive effects which have been experimented only on animals so far. Intraperitoneal injections of agmatine in animals have also given rise to anxiolytic behaviour changes in response to acute stress conditions, so we can define agmatine as an

L’Accademia del Fitness endogenous neuromodulator of mental stress. From studies carried out on animals we know that the highest agmatine concentration has been found in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex which are associated with learning and memory skills and where it might have some role. In conclusion, endogenous agmatine presents the following features: • It inhibits the production of Nitric Oxide. However, it promotes vasodilation through other mechanisms. • It increases the release of hormones such as GH, LH and insulin, all anabolyser hormones. • It improves glomerular filtration. • It has a positive effect in stress and inflammation conditions. • It improves “mental” condition in response to stress, improving one’s mood. It acts through mechanisms independent from serotonin, the main hormone involved in humoral states. Yet, why do producers of integrators advertise agmatine-based products as the new “nitric oxide booster” if it actually seems that endogenous agmatine is an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis? We know that nitric oxide improves our body vasodilation, allowing us to supply a greater amount of blood, oxygen and nutritional substances to our muscle cells. Thus, our body is allowed to recover more rapidly and therefore a more rapid muscle growth is obtained. We know that L-Arginine based integrators and some of its reaction intermediates (ornithine, citrulline), are used to achieve this end as this amino acid is directly involved in the production of nitric oxide. We have just mentioned that endogenous agmatine actually blocks nitric oxide synthesis. However, the intake of this amino acid might paradoxically have an opposite function, promoting nitric oxide synthesis, blocking the endogenous transformation of arginine into agmatine, thus implementing the bioavailability of arginine for nitric oxide production. Integrator producers themselves advertise, perhaps improperly, the positive effect of the use of agmatine on insulin release and therefore on the management of haematic glucose. It has been shown that endogenous agmatine determines such effects. Yet, exogenous agmatine has not been shown to have equivalent effects, if not in few experiments carried out on rats. Let us consider now the probable effects of agmatine on the release of LH hormone and of its power to increase testosterone release.

Agmatine can stimulate hypophyseal release of LH. It has been shown that the intracerebroventricular administration of agmatine can rapidly increase the release of LH in ovariectomized rats. These studies imply that agmatine can be useful as an excitatory neurotransmitter in hypothalamic control of LH release and therefore of testosterone. However, further studies in this field are necessary in order to confirm this “Testo-Booster” effect. Moreover, agmatine means of administration and doses in such experiments are little compatible with traditional integration. At the moment there is great interest in the therapeutic potential of agmatine in various diseases. Recent clinical studies have proven that the oral intake of agmatine sulphate represents a safe and effective treatment compared with traditional ones for short term neuropathic pain. We know little about agmatine, and it has not been studied much yet. We are not aware of the side effects connected to its use. Yet, in rats it has been shown that agmatine increases calorie supply and the preference for carbohydrates. This could lead to an increase of undesired appetite and, therefore, of weight. Agmatine can have many potentialities, but they must be confirmed by further research. Therefore, as far as we know from scientific studies, my advice is to wait for further data and, under the guide of an expert, make use of integrators whose effectiveness have been recognized.

In the human brain, agmatine seems to act as a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter and, in some experimental models, it has proven to have some interesting neuro protective effects.


Dr. Antonio Polito Nutritional Biologist DietaCOM® Advisor - Antiaging Advisor

L’Accademia del Fitness



The human body is like an open book. One’s character, aspect, behaviour, the way one moves, all these aspects tell the story of every individual. Beside the simplicity of a gesture and the objectivity of a physical form, there is something that characterises every man, a burden we have to carry since our birth, all life-long: genetics. In 400 B.C., Hippocrates understood from his experience that “something” could determine the way every individual was made. Classification criteria were then elaborated thanks to his studies on this topic. This represented the propulsive force for the development and implementation of the specific branch of medicine which today is represented by biotypology. Biotypology deals with the classification and study of constitutional types. It examines the relations between morphologicalfunctional features and pathological conditions to which the different constitutional types are predisposed. There are several schools of classification, all of which use the adjective biotype: constitutional biotypes, morphotypes or


somatotypes. The most widely used classification is Sheldon’s classification. Sheldon was an American psychologist and doctor who conducted his study in the first half of the twentieth century, on a group of 4,000 students at the university of Ivy League. Sheldon analysed 4,000 photographic models, exposing his patients to in-depth interviews which allowed him to set the subject into a specific temperament scale. Thus, relying on the means he could use, Sheldon distinguished three essential physical scales: ectomorphic (long and slender muscles and limbs, little fat accumulation), mesomorphic (medium-size bones, solid trunk, low levels of body fat, large shoulders and tight waist) and endomorphic (increased fat deposit, large waist and robust bone structure). He also added that pure biotypes are rare but each subject, according to specific prevalence, can be introduced within one specific category. His data were supported and shared by the greatest anthropologists, biotypologists and psychiatrists of the time.


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Buone prestazioni, energia, la vitalità necessaria ad affrontare le sfide che la vita ci pone di fronte o gli obiettivi che abbiamo dato a noi stessi, passano dall'alimentare il “motore” che ci spinge nella maniera più idonea. I dati che ci fornisce questo test costituiscono sicuramente u n ' i n d i c a z i o n e fondamentale sulla correttezza delle nostre scelte dietetiche e integrative.

Minerali, vitamine, aminoacidi e ormoni sono componenti essenziali per l'uomo, regolando processi vitali importanti, con risvolti fondamentali nei processi di gestione delle energie e nelle prestazioni sportive. Squilibri dietetici, abuso di farmaci, stress, e tanti altri fattori, portano a carenze che influenzano profondamente il nostro benessere. Il test Newbiomineral©, tramite un'analisi delle cellule del bulbo del capello, consente di analizzare tutte queste componenti, fornendo un profilo metabolico completo delle condizioni interne al nostro organismo. I campioni sottoposti a questo test non subiscono alcuna manipolazione fisica o chimica, poiché la metodica impiegata non prevede una preparazione “distruttiva” del campione: questo consente di ampliare l'analisi comprendendo anche composti organici termolabili, come ad esempio le vitamine, le quali con altre metodiche non possono essere altrimenti identificate.

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L’Accademia del Fitness They were collected in the book “The Varieties of Human Physique”, which gave great contribution to the development of the theories on the relations between physical, psychological and criminal constitution, for which he would become well-known in these scopes. In fact, Sheldon could point out a specific correlation not only between one’s body and personality, but also between somatotypes and criminality. Studies based on valid and objective criteria, focused on 200 young criminals who were part of a rehabilitation programme in Boston, confirmed that the criminals shared more elements in common with the mesomorphic somatotypes. Instead, studies on patients suffering from manic-depressive pathologies showed lack of control typical of the ectomorphic type. Over two thousand years after Hippocrates and some years after Sheldon, doctor Spattini has elaborated his studies and has carried out an integrated approach taking into account the Chronobiology of Hormones and Morphology, the COMDiet. This time the “subdivision and classification of morphotypes” is supported and corroborated not only by his experience, but also by reliable scientific data which do not leave much to imagination. During his examination, doctor Spattini performs a complete check-up of the patient: the forefront Inbody 720 impedentiometric scales estimates the values of water, body fat and muscular mass, together with the levels of visceral fat and degree of bone mineralization. Plicometry and anthropometric measurements will provide data related to the patient’s morphology, while three tests will give information on a series of other factors which can influence the metabolism, thus the response to a certain type of diet. One of these tests is biomineralogram, a test carried out on a hairbulb: through sophisticated analytical techniques, this test determines the concentration of the main minerals present in the sample, allowing to detect, on the basis of the balance of hormones and proportion between minerals, the metabolic ac-

tivity of the cells. This will also allow to define if the patient is hypoxydator, hyperoxydator or mixed oxydator (on a scale which basically corresponds to the hypolipolitic, hyperlipogenetic and the mixed type classification in the Chronomorphodiet). Moreover, this test shows possible lack of vitamins and minerals, and it allows to determine more accurately the hormonal concentrations which are not always superimposable to the haematic ones (for example, due to problems caused by receptor mechanisms). The genetic food test is carried out on exfoliated cells of the oral mucosa. It identifies the polymorphisms of specific genes in order to evaluate some predispositions of the patient. For example, it indicates the predisposition to a metabolism that burns fats or carbohydrates, to a specific physical activity or food intolerance such as gluten and lactose. Therefore, the Spattini method collects informations on the genetic component of the patient and the way the environment affects on this (epigenetics). It goes beyond mere analysis, allowing the elaboration of an effective and customised food plan for each individual.

The Spattini method collects information on the genetic component of the patient and the way the environment affects on this (epigenetics). It allows the elaboration of an effective and customised food plan for each individual.


Dr. Stella Lo Barco Nutritional Biologist Food Educator Master Nutritional Consultant DietaCOM® Advisor - Antiaging Advisor

L’Accademia del Fitness


Are you afraid that the effort you have made throughout winter to train your body may fade just when you are on holiday and you would like to display it most? No problem! This easy guide of do-it-yourself exercises will help you train even far from home, and it will allow you to keep perfectly fit throughout summer. Thanks to little daily tricks, you will keep your metabolism stimulated, you will be able to loosen all the muscular tension accumulated in the previous months and you will even manage to lose those grams in excess which make you feel you are still not perfectly fit. So, to keep or reach your goals in the intense hot season you will have to constantly train your brain as well as your body by performing medium-intensity training sessions. Obviously, it is not easy to put into practice everything we write! Actually, as it often happens, going on holiday means going far from home and from one’s daily routine. For some days your lifestyle will radically change and, most likely, you will not have the chance to access your gym, swimming pool or any sports area of which you are so restlessly fond. Don’t worry! This quick exercise guide will allow you to train every day at the seaside, in the mountains or in your own garden! The most famous and practical aerobic exercise is fast walking or slow running, which will take 30-40 minutes. It can be performed in various ways, according to your training. Those who are not well-trained are advised to start with 10-minute moderate walking, then 5-minute faster walking. Finally, the session will end at a slightly reduced speed. On the contrary, people who are more athletic and at ease with running could replace the 30-minute intermediate and final training phase with frequent acceleration and subsequent reduction in speed (for example HIIT, which is based on 2-minute walking or moderate running and 30-sec./60-sec. sprint up to the duration of 30 minutes). Other two very effective aerobic exercises are jumping jack and skip. The first one consists in synchronising legs and arms when jumping on the spot: you spread your legs wide, then return to a position with your feet together, while the arms perform side abductions upwards. Instead, the second exercise simply consists in running on the spot pushing your knees upwards. The toughest athletes can modify skip by synergically alternating the arms with the lower limbs: right leg-left arm, left leg-right arm.


Photo Giulio Mori






PERSONAL TRAINER 7-8 NOVEMBRE 21-22 NOVEMBRE 5-6 DICEMBRE Esame: 12 DICEMBRE AFFWA Accademia Funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 accademia-affwa@libero.it - www.affwa.it

L’Accademia del Fitness To strengthen buttocks and thighs, do leg-bend (squat), inhaling when you bend and exhaling when you stand. Remember to keep your abdomen contracted and your arms outstretched in front of your shoulders for all the duration of the exercise. Perform 3-4 series composed of 10-15 repetitions, rest for one minute and start again. Another very effective exercise is lunge walking. You start from the stationary erect position, then you step forward with your right leg and you go down as if you had to bend, until your left knee comes close to the floor. From this position and in just one step, raise and put your left leg forward. Like before, bend with the other leg until your right knee comes close to the floor. Perform 20 steps, then rest for 60 seconds. Repeat the exercise at least three times. To strengthen arms and pectoral muscles get down on your hands and knees or keep your body outstretched (if you are fit enough) and perform press-ups inhaling while going down and exhaling while going up. In order to perform this exercise at best remember to keep your elbows close

to your hips. Complete 3-4 series with 8-10 repetitions each, resting for one minute between the series. In order to train your shoulders and arms when you lack specific equipment you can use water bottles (a six-bottle package for the toughest ones), or suitcases (more or less full) to use in the same way as you use weighs at the gym. Last but not least, here is how to train your abdominal muscles. Lay on your back. Interlace your fingers and put them behind your head, keeping your elbows wide open. Finally, make sure your knees are parallel and your feet do not touch the floor. Start bending and focus your strength on the abdominal muscles and avoid stressing your neck. Remember to exhale when you go up. Perform 15-20 movements for each series, then rest for about 30-60 seconds before you start again. Another very effective exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles is prone plank. Lie prone (with your face downwards) with your body outstretched leaning on your elbows. Stay still in the same position for

Photo Giulio Mori

To train your shoulders and arms when you lack specific equipment you can use water bottles (a six-bottle package for the toughest ones), or suitcases (more or less full) to use in the same way as you use weighs at the gym.


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La migliore qualità!

L’Accademia del Fitness about 40-60 seconds. Rest for one minute, then repeat twice. What else can I say? Follow these suggestions and with a little dedication you will keep your body fit while enjoying your holidays.

TOTAL BODY FOR EVERYONE Running or fast walking: 10 min. Jumping jack : 1x20 sec. Free squat: 1x10 rip. Normal or simplified press-ups: 1x10 rep. Lunge walking : 1x10 per side Traction (use a tree branch, a bar, etc.) : 1x8-10 Plank leaning on your elbows : 1x40 sec. REPEAT 5 TIMES WITHOUT STOPPING Running or fast walking: 5 min.


Photo Giulio Mori

Roberto Vecchi Personal Trainer – Food Educator – Antiaging Advisor Web : roberto-vecchi.com


8 miliardi di cellule vive

Ovunque tu vada ai nostri lactobacilli non fa nè caldo nè freddo Primo probiotico al mondo con tecnologia TA ETTA entare te V E R m en B ULA a per au compon S P A t C etta e del ità e i prog rotezion all’umid i estern la p attivo d li agent dag

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L’Accademia del Fitness

FLORA COLONIZATION AND EVOLUTION IN INFANCY Over the last two centuries, the populations of the West have experienced an unprecedented evolution in their lifestyle in general and, in particular, in their diet. This has influenced intestinal regulation, one of the vital centres of our balance and health. The intestinal tract contains beneficial flora, microbiota, composed of over 100,000 billion bacteria which, from our birth to adulthood, are responsible for important physiological duties in digestion, keeping the immune barrier and controlling inflammatory disorders. Apart from digestive problems, the imbalance of the bacterial flora cause a weakening in the immune system, thus favouring the development of the so-called “modern civilization” pathologies: intolerances, allergies, chronic inflammation pathologies and many more. Studies on probiotics, bacteria belonging to the microbiota modulating the intestinal flora and stimulating the immune system, clearly demonstrate today their “strain-dependent and dosedependent” beneficial effects even on the health of babies. This has an epigenetic effect, affecting the health of adults and has even a positive influence on preventing obesity, as we will see in another article. After living in a sterile environment up to the moment of birth, babies find themselves in contact with rich and varied bacteria which colonize their tissues: vaginal and fecal flora of the mother as well as microorganisms present in the environment at the moment of childbirth. Then, this first colonization “makes progress” with new bacteria coming from food, from the environment where the baby lives and from the people surrounding the baby through feeding, kisses and other forms of contact.


Babies develop stable flora, similar to the one of adults, around their second/fourth year of age. General ways of settlement In babies born with full-term delivery, colonization takes place following a prearranged sequence which does not depend on feeding in the first forty-eight hours. The sequence starts with the settlement of aerobe-anaerobe microorganisms which, on the third day, allow the settlement of obligate anaerobes, among which Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, followed by Bacteroides and Clostridium. Imbalance and dysbiosis in infancy and related consequences 1. Factors influencing the flora composition Many factors influence the flora composition and the velocity of colonization: Childbirth technique In babies born with Caesarean delivery, anaerobic flora (in particular Bifidobacteria and Bacteroides) settles belatedly. This delay is significant for a period of time within one and six months. Premature delivery Babies born with pre-term birth show significant delays in the colonization on part of the protective flora (in particular Bifidobacteria). This is due to the more or less prolonged stay in aseptic environment and, often, to antibiotic prophylaxis due to the higher intestinal permeability of premature babies.

number 18 / 2015

(effetto barriera). - Alla sintesi di sostanze derivate di rilievo metabolico. È la flora che attiva i segnali che modulano la maturazione del sistema immunitario, con le cui cellule interagisce direttamente.

1. I probiotici sono batteri o lieviti non patogeni e non tossici, che contribuiscono all’equilibrio della flora intestinale. Una volta ingeriti, devono rimanere vivi per determinare i loro effetti fisiologici, impiantandosi o meno nell’intestino.

tatte nel colon, dove fermentano grazie all’azione della flora. I prebiotici: - Favoriscono la moltiplicazione dei batteri protettivi nell’intestino (i probiotici).

Figura 1 - La ripartizione della flora batterica intestinale

Concentrazione di batteri stomaco pH = 1-3 duodeno e digiuno

Principalmente streptococchi Lattobacilli

< 103 UFC*/g

Batteroidi Streptococchi Lattobacilli

103 -6 UFC*/g

Batteroidi Bifidobatteri Streptococchi Lattobacilli Enterobatteri Clostridi Stafilococchi Pseudomonas


pH = 6-7

106 - 8 UFC*/g colon

Tipologie di batteri

109 -11 UFC*/g

pH = 6-9

* UFC: Unità Formanti Colonie

omeopatia oggi omeopatia oggi

Premature delivery and Caesarean delivery represent the first risk of dysbiosis. Type of diet At the end of the first month, there are significant differences in the flora composition according to the diet. Mother’s milk contains bifidogenic oligosaccharides which are at the basis of the dominant colonization in younger babies on part of genus Bifidobacterium in its breve, infantis and longum species. Mother’s milk favours the settlement of a higher variety of bacteria, yet with less protective effect. The lack of breastfeeding thus represents the second risk of dysbiosis. Antibiotic therapy If given to the child or the mother per partum, antibiotics cause a delay and less effectiveness of the colonization on part of Bifidobacteria. As a consequence, antibiotic therapy represents the third risk of dysbiosis. Precocious vaccine The existence of a link between asthma and precocious vaccine (between 1 and 2 months of age) has been demonstrated. L’idea di utilizzarli nell’alimentazione è lungi dall’essere nuova e risalirebbe addirittura a tempi molto antichi.

In some circumstances, vaccines could have consequences in the intestinal flora and in the orientation of the immune system towards pro-inflammatory and “pro-allergic” activity. 2. Consequences of dysbiosis Such changes in the flora also affect its physiological functions: the barrier effect and the development of the immune system. Barrier effect - Premature infants, in whom the protective flora develops belatedly, risk precocious and widespread colonization on part of Clostridium, which has a pivotal role in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). - Babies who have been breastfed for more than four months show lower infective risk (-70% acute diarrhoea, -0% otitis, -12% severe respiratory infections). Allergies The intestinal flora is an important incentive for the development of the immune system: activation of T lymphocytes (LT), stimulation of Th for Th1/Th2 balance (since babies have a proinflammatory Th2 profile), pathogen protection, development of oral tolerance. In their atopic form (eczema, allergic rhinitis, asthma), allergies prospettive prospettive di di terapia terapia

25 25

fIGURA 2 - L’azione dei probiotici Probiotici

Meccanismi d’azione (cfr. fig. 2) Ceppi Nel gruppo dei batteri lattici (così chiamati perché trasformano i carboidrati in acido lattico) si annoverano, fra i probiotici di maggior impiego, i lattobacilli e i bifidobatteri11, che si rivelano più o meno efficaci gli uni degli altri a seconda del disturbo da trattare (cfr. fig. 3). È importante ricordare che i rispettivi effetti benefici sono “ceppo- e dose-dipendenti” e che i microorganismi, per essere efficaci, devono rimanere vivi. 2. I prebiotici sono zuccheri bifidogeni, ossia impiegati come substrato per la crescita dai bifidobatteri, microorganismi ad azione protettiva. Si tratta generalmente di fibre solubili (inulina e FOS, ossia fruttooligosaccaridi), le quali restano indigerite e giungono quasi intatte nel colon, dove fermentano grazie all’azione della flora.

Flora saprofita

Crescita e rinnovamento

1 Cellule Intestinali 2 Metabolismo/Fermentazione 3 flora patogena 4

5 Cellule Immunitarie

- Acidificano il contenuto del colon, contrastando così la proliferazione dei germi indesiderati.

Produzione di mucine, diminuzione permeabilità Acidi grassi a catena corta + vit. B9, K. Idrolisi lattosio Deconiugazione dei sali biliari Attivazione di molecole di detossinazione Inibizione, diminuzione adesione

Modulazione Th1/Th2 maturazione del sistema immunitario

biotici), dai farmaci (antibiotici e antiinfiammatori), stress psicologico e altre cause.

Diarrea - Diversi ceppi di Lattobacilli (rhamnosus GG, casei) permettono di ridurre il


li croniche. “Tali aggressioni” possono venire dagli alimenti (eccessi di proteine che determinano la prevalenza della flora putrefattiva a danno di quella fermentativa oppure carenza di pre-

L’Accademia Principalmente streptococchidel Fitness Tipologie di batteri Lattobacilli

problemi di stipsi ha dimostrato che il L. plantarum e il B. longum sono in grado di aumentare le evacuazioni e migliorare i sintomi di stipsi dopo 15 giorni dall’inizio dell’assunzione12.

Batteroidi Streptococchi Lattobacilli

fIGURA 3 - Azioni specifiche per ceppo

Batteroidi Bifidobatteri Streptococchi Lattobacilli Enterobatteri Clostridi Stafilococchi Pseudomonas

Gonfiore, dolori

L. rhamnosus GG

L. acidophilus

b. bifidum

L. paracasei











q.tà in MLD

S. boulardii


Stipsi +++


Infezioni e antibioticoterapia

Difese immunitarie






(impermeabilità intestinale)





Iperpermeabilità intestinale





Leaky gut syndrome

Intolleranza al lattosio


nale e permettere lo sviluppo di germi patogeni come il Clostridium difficile, causa della diarrea post-trattamento antibiotico, oltre a ridurre la formazione di acidi grassi a catena corta nel colon. Anche in questo caso, è importante ripristinare l’equilibrio della flora con l’uso di probiotici. In particolare, il LGG previene diarree di questo tipo o ne attenua gli effetti secondari 14,15. b. La Sindrome dell’intestino irritabile (nota anche come colopatia funzionale o SII) La sindrome dell’intestino irritabile rappresenta un insieme di disturbi gastrointestinali cronici, caratterizzati dai seguenti sintomi: dolori addominali, gonfiore, difficoltà del transito intestinale che vanno dalla stipsi e dalla diarrea occasionale fino all’alternanza tra i due disturbi. La SII tocca almeno il 15% della popolazione occidentale, in particolare donne, e influisce sulla qualità della vita. È noto il ruolo dell’alimentazione, come



are pathologies in growing expansion in the developed coun- - Prevention of atopic eczema. Perinatal intake n° of 47 LGG (dur- 2012 - Febbraio n° 47 - Febbraio 2012 tries. According to the hygienist theory, generalised asepsis ing pregnancy and breastfeeding and, subsequently, until the (at the moment of childbirth, in daily life, in the form of anti- sixth month of birth) reduces the incidence of atopic dermatitis biotic therapy, etc.) is the cause of dysbiosis and of wrong or up to four years after birth. Lactobacillus rhamnosus also causes incomplete orientation of the immune system. The polarization the significant mitigation of atopic dermatitis in infants allergic towards Th2, which generally diminishes in the first two years to cow’s milk through the production of type Th1 cytokines. 26 prospettive terapia 26 prospettive didi terapia of age, is instead amplified in allergic infants in the same time - Diarrhoea and infective etiology. LGG allows the activation span, which corresponds to the moment of stabilization of the of specific serologic response in the productionPRObIOTICI of IgM and IgA pure dello stress, nel limitare o scate- legata a un’alterazione nell’assimila- d. Allergie e immunità E PREbIOTICI Ricerche against I probioticithe permettono all’adultoresponsible di nare le manifestazioni cliniche. Inoltre, zione delle proteine solforate. intestinal flora. antibodies rotaviruses for acute diarNELLA PRATICA CLINICA sebbene la patogenesi non sia ancora recentissime mostrano invece che nei ripristinare l’equilibrio della flora intecolpiti da malattia di Crohn, stinale e,and dunque, di stimolare the le difese tutto chiara, si intestine sa che la genetica, The flora colonizingdel the infant’s in thesoggetti first weeks rhoea, shortening mitigating severity ofLEthe infection. ESPERIENZE PRATICHE i fattori psicosociali e l’ipersensibilità la mucosa intestinale è colonizzata in immunitarie rafforzando la barriera DEL DR RéGIS GROSDIDIER maniera anomala da batteri Escherichia intestinale. Alcuni lattobacilli, come ilan increase in cytokines intestinale sono elementi determinanof life has fundamental importance. If its composition is • Lactobacillus fermentum allows ti. La somministrazione continua di coli. L’adesione di tali microrganismi è LGG, sono in grado di stimolare l’im1. Rinite allergica in bambino di 11 anni: possibile graziebe all’espressione di unaIgA, munità congenita, che libera le IgA sein quantità Sintomatologia altered by hygienistprobiotici, practice, the sufficienti, barrierpuò effect could Th1 and which shows cellular immunologic stimulation, svolgere un effetto benefico sulla com- molecola (il recettore CEACAM6) sulle crete nel lume intestinale per impedire a - Rinite allergica: test cutanei positivi cellule intestinali. L’interazione tradirectly l’E. batteri o virus infettivi di penetrare nella ponente dolorosa della sindrome e sulla per acari, graminacee less effective and the stimulation of the immune system acting on the severity and extension of atopic derma-e pelo di gatto. stipsi, ma anche sull’ipersensibilità in- coli e tale recettore favorisce la coloniz- mucosa. I probiotici permettono di limi- Precedenti: eczema atopico, laringiti zazione anomala, inducendo un’infiamtare i fenomeni allergici. Il L. acidophilus testinale, grazie all’azione immunomostridule, genitori allergici. could be compromised. titis in little patients. mazione cronica . ha un effetto benefico nei soggetti che dulante. - IoMET®: - Infatti, dopo 28 giorni di sommini- Le MICI sono accompagnate dall’iper- soffrono di rinite allergica . • Bifidobacterium infantis mitigates pain and swelling. It strazione a pazienti affetti da SII, gli permeabilità intestinale, che rende Terreno baso-colitico 38% integratori a base di L. plantarum e possibile il passaggio di patogeni, aller- e. Obesità e flora intestinale Helpfulness of probiotics in infancy seems it has antiflogistic action. The intake ofTerreno Bifidobacteria Neurodistonico 52% L. acidophilus hanno ridotto la dolo- geni o sostanze tossiche nell’organismo, Studi recenti dimostrano che i batteri Terreno Carente di AGPI 30% rabilità del 50% e i sintomi del 55% avviando un circolo vizioso, perché la che vivono normalmente nell’intestiDefined as “live microorganisms which, if taken in the right in premature babies allows the development of more balanced . loro migrazione incontrollata finisce no svolgono un ruolo chiave nell’assiTerreno Acido demineralizzato 22% e B. longum agiscono per determinare un’infiammazione cro- milazione delle sostanze nutritive e nel amount, give benefit- L.sulla toplantarum human probiotics cause le lesioni flora.a danno metabolismo energetico. Nell’uomo, la produzionehealth, di gas nel colon, re- nica,can che favorisce Consigliati: il transito e modulando della barriera intestinale (cfr. fig. 4). flora dei soggetti obesi presenta una mi- ERGYPHILUS®: 2 capsule 15 min. many positive effects golarizzando in infants, depending on the • The combination between dobacteria and Lactobaimmunità e infiammazione. nor diversità (con un numero Bifi ridotto di Nellestrain MICI, laand biodiversità della flora prima dei pasti mattina e sera. viene dimezzata, con perdita, in parti- Bifidobatteri) rispetto a quella degli in- ERGYMAG®: capsule la mattina. dose. leads todividui a signifi in the incidence of 2NEC, c. Le MICI (infiammazioni della mu- colare, di diverse specie cilli snelli. Sicant è vistodecrease come una dieta di Lattobacilli, - ERGY-ONAGRE: 2 capsule mattina e cosa del colon-retto) squilibrata induca una modificazione Batteroidi ed Eubatteri. sera. associated a lower of severity. Le due principali malattie infiammato- I probiotici agiscono, al contempo, della flora neglidegree obesi e come tale flora sulla to - ERGYCALM: 1 tappo dosatore mattirie croniche intestinali (MICI) sono la permeabilità e sull’infiammazione e au- alterata, ricca di lipopolisaccaridi battena e sera. • Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) has ul-a positive action malattia o morbo di Crohn e la colite mentano la produzione di acidi grassi rici, favorisca l’infiammazione e accentui + Dieta senza zuccheri raffinati né cerosa, che evolvono per riacutizzazioni a catena corta, tra cui il butirrato, as- la permeabilità intestinale. Nei topi obeprodotti a base di latte vaccino. on some infancy problems: Nutergia Scientifi c Equipe “with the contribution of the editosuccessive. Trattasi di patologie sempre sicurando l’apporto energetico ai co- si, l’apporto di prebiotici, noti per l’effetpiù frequenti, caratterizzate da flogosi lonociti e rinforzando così la barriera to bifidogeno, modifica la composizione Risultati staffriducendo of the magazine Omeopatia Oggi” globale e cronica, ulcerazioni e lesioni, che cau- intestinale . della flora rial intestinale, l’inDopo 1 anno: miglioramento 18




sano sintomi come dolori addominali, diarrea e sanguinamento e la cui eziologia non è stata ancora del tutto chiarita. Pare, tuttavia, che la colite ulcerosa sia

Alcuni probiotici, tra cui il LGG, hanno evidenziato un aumento della risposta IgA e un miglioramento della permeabilità intestinale 20.

fiammazione e la permeabilità intestinale. Nuove scoperte sono all’orizzonte. Equipe scientifica NUTERGIA

fIGURA 4 - L’iperpermeabilità intestinale Mucosa Sana

Mucosa Alterata

Allergeni, agenti tossici


Anti-infiammatori Antibiotici Terapia multifarmaco


omeopatia oggi omeopatia oggi

Stress Alimentazione squilibrata, ecc.

= = =



= =

Virus, batteri

Infezione Allergia Occlusione Malassorbimento

➩ stati carenziali


scomparsa dei sintomi.

2. Rinite allergica in donna di 45 anni: Sintomatologia - Asma allergica da 6 anni. - Sinusite. - Antibiotici e antistaminici inefficaci. - Edema di Quincke post-partum 15 anni prima, con Salbutamolo 10 gg, Valium 15 gg dopo allattamento, corticoidi. - Reazioni cutanee multiple alle creme cosmetiche. - Coliti, gonfiore addominale. - Crisi d’asma quotidiane. - Intolleranza ai prodotti chimici e ai FANS. - Habitat: moquette nel luogo di lavoro e nella camera; presenza di un gatto. - Precedenti: sorella maggiore colopatica, polipo intestinale; altra sorella poliallergizzata, madre deceduta per cancro al fegato, padre deceduto per cancro allo stomaco. - IoMET®: Terreno baso-colitico Terreno Neurodistonico Terreno Carente di AGPI Terreno Acido demineralizzato Terreno Ossidato

38% 18% 56% 18% 18%

ALLERGIE E INTOLLERANZE Nutrizione e attività fisica - Diagnostica di qualità per sportivi

E' ormai ampiamente dimostrato che la performance fisica ottimale è il risultato dell'azione combinata di dieta ed attività fisica. Quando si parla di dieta, tuttavia, occorre considerare molti fattori che vanno dalla qualità degli alimenti alla loro quantità, dalla frequenza nel consumo alla loro combinazione, fino allo stato di salute e alla sensibilità individuale. Tutto ciò che proviene dal mondo esterno, alimenti compresi, viene analizzato e valutato dal nostro sistema immunitario che reagisce di conseguenza, approntando meccanismi di difesa o di tolleranza. Perdere la capacità di tollerare un alimento scatena nell'organismo reazioni che è importante riconoscere e risolvere. L'allergia è una reazione abnorme e pressoché immediata dell'organismo verso alimenti, ma anche polvere di casa, pollini, epitelio di cane o di gatto. Il sistema immunitario reagisce producendo anticorpi di classe E (IgE) che innescano reazioni a cascata. Il contatto con l'allergene può indurre immediatamente prurito e gonfiore alle labbra, al palato e alla gola, può provocare nausea, vomito, crampi, gonfiori addominali, diarrea. Sono frequenti reazioni cutanee come orticaria ed eczemi oppure sintomi a carico dell'apparato respiratorio come asma e rinite, ma anche cefalea ed emicrania, fino alle reazioni estreme dello shock anafilattico. In quest'ottica, il test per la determinazione delle allergie proposto da Spire si propone di valutare la presenza di IgE specifiche nel siero del paziente, nel momento in cui, alla risposta allergica, deve essere trovata la causa. L'intolleranza alimentare, invece, contribuisce ad instaurare uno stato di infiammazione cronica, conseguenza della ripetuta e continua assunzione di uno stesso cibo, come in una sorta di intossicazione. Quando il perdurare di tale stato infiammatorio supera un certo limite, si scatena l'insorgenza dei disturbi che coinvolgono la quasi totalità degli apparati dell'organismo. Le immunoglobuline di classe G (IgG) intervengono nella formazione di immunocomplessi che innescano lo stato infiammatorio che può raggiungere e colpire anche i bersagli meno facilmente riconducibili a problematiche alimentari. In queste condizioni il sistema immunitario e di disintossicazione utilizzano le loro energie per far fronte ad una sollecitazione costante, con un conseguente indebolimento dell'organismo.

www.spiremed.com Intolleranze Alimentari e Nutrizione

Colon irritabile, costipazione, diarrea, nausea, vomito, dermatiti, eczemi, orticaria, pruriti, acne, cefalee, nevralgie, asma, dolori articolari, astenia cronica, labilità d'umore, insonnia, difficoltà a perdere peso, ritenzione idrica, disbiosi, infezioni ricorrenti. Spesso la difficoltà di remissione di questi sintomi viene imputata allo stress, probabilmente perché non si pensa al cibo come risposta. La difficoltà di ricollegarli a problematiche alimentari è aggravata anche dal fatto che la risposta ad uno stato di intolleranza alimentare è soggettiva, non tutti reagiscono allo stesso modo. Spire, fin dall'inizio, ha sempre dedicato molte risorse per la ricerca e sviluppo, nell'ottica di creare strumenti realmente al servizio della persona. L'analisi per l'individuazione di intolleranze alimentari viene effettuata, su campioni ematici, con metodica ELISA, una tecnica immunoenzimatica in grado di individuare in modo attendibile e ripetibile la reazione antigeneanticorpo. Spire offre gli strumenti diagnostici perché l'alimentazione diventi realmente una sana abitudine “su misura”. Spire s.r.l. - Sede Centrale Via Fermi, 63 Reggio Emilia - TELEFONO: Tel. 0522.767130 - MAIL: info@spiremed.com

Sei uno specialista nel settore dello sport o della nutrizione e benessere? Affiliati al laboratorio Spire per offrire servizi diagnostici di qualità ai tuoi clienti


L’Accademia del Fitness

PHYTOTHERAPY By Dr. Giovanni Occhionero

THE NATURAL SUBSTANCES WHICH FAVOUR CATABOLISM AND THE USE OF FATS The adipose tissue is made of cells called adipocytes, which accumulate fat in the form of triglycerides and release it in the form of fatty acids and glycerol. So, the adipocytes work as containers capable of storing fat (lipids). Since fat is mainly used to produce energy, the adipose tissue is a real energy supply. Moreover, the adipose tissue can be divided into two types: white adipose tissue, whose main role is to produce energy which can be used for the various body activities, and brown adipose tissue, which produces energy that is not usable but can only be dispersed in the form of heat. Fats: ideal fuel for physical activity The human body has a very high lipid supply, which is also virtually limitless for muscular work. Fat oxidation is a pivotal energy source for the muscle, both at rest and in intense contraction. The muscle can make use of fats both in the form of endogenous supply and fats coming from deposits (adipose tissue, liver). The contribution of lipids to the metabolic mixture during exercise is


proportional to the intensity of the exercise itself. Studies carried out on trained subjects pedalling at 25-85% of the maximum level of their aerobic metabolism show that during mild, moderate exercise (40% or less of the maximum), the fats provide the main source of energy, mainly as plasma free fatty acids released by adipose tissue deposits. Instead, by increasing the intensity of the exercise it was observed that the total energy of fat catabolism is basically unchanged, while haematic glucose and muscular glycogen give additional energy for more intense exercise. During an exercise going from mild to moderate, the highest amount of energy comes from two main sources: 1) the fatty acids released by triglycerides kept in the adipocytes and carried, relatively slowly, to the muscles in the form of free fatty acids (FFA) bound to plasma albumin 2) the triglycerides present in the active muscle. Yet, when exercise becomes more intense, the release of FFA from the adipose tissue cannot stand the pace, as it can be ob-

number 18 / 2015

served from the decrease in plasma free fatty acids. This, in turn, stimulates the use of muscular glycogen, with concomitant significant increase in the oxidation of the triglycerides at intramuscular level. The oral intake of natural substances can promote fat oxidation.

The oral intake of natural substances can promote fat oxidation.

Garcinia Cambogia of Desrousseaux It is widespread in central-southern India, particularly in coastal areas. The part to be used is the skin of its fruit. Its main constituent is hydroxycitric acid, or hydroxycitrate. Hydroxycitric acid strongly inhibits the action of the citrate-lyase enzyme, which turns non-consumed carbohydrates into fats, thus highly limiting the storage of calories in the form of deposit fats - mainly accumulated in subcutaneous adipose tissue, they are the main responsible cause for body weight increase. Moreover, it stimulates liver glycogen synthesis starting from glucose, with an increase in the deposit of this supply sugar in the liver and in the muscles. The brain, informed of the increase in glycogen deposits in the liver, reacts by inhibiting the nucleus of hunger and by stimulating the nucleus of satiety, because this means that the energy supplies of the body have been restored and it is not necessary to introduce more food anymore. Rhododendron caucasicum spring extract Rodode It grows in highly elevated regions in Georgia. Its active principles are made of flavonoids, anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins, phenylpropanoids, with high antioxidant action. The best harvest, rich is active substances from a therapeutic point of view, is in spring. Among the properties of Rhododendron caucasicum it is possible to recognise: the normalization of systolic pressure and

heart rate, antiarthritic activity thanks to the inhibition of hyaluronidase enzyme, the reduction in cholesterol rate and the inhibition of fat absorption, above all if associated to Rhodiola Rosea.

Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill. Matè leaves This tree comes from southern Brazil, North-East of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is very common to find it along waterways, in humid places. The tree reaches the height of around 12-16 metres, and it is characterised by a 50-70 cm wide trunk, cinder smooth bark and numerous leaves. The drug is taken from its leaves. Its active principles are: purine alkaloids (xanthine) including caffeine, theobromine and traces of theophylline; Vitamin A, B, C, E, tannins, triterpene saponins, flavonoids, trigonelline, anthocyanins, sugars and oligoelements. The Maté is particularly effective in treating overweight, since it causes an increase in the use of lipids as oxidative substratum. An experiment carried out on 30 people has demonstrated that Maté infusion can reduce hunger thanks to the presence of xanthine in synergy with terpene, resins and chlorogenic acid. Other components, among which caffeine, theobromine, flavonoids, saponins and polyphenolic compounds help burn fats and lose weight. Other important actions of this tree are: vitamin mineral intake, stimulating action - thanks to caffeine -, antioxidant action and coronary protection. Cassia mimosoides L. var, Makino leaves Cassia is a plant coming from Eastern phytotherapeutic tradition. It is also known as “Japanese Tea Bush” and it has long been considered one of the best natural remedies for fat control and overweight. Recent scientific studies have made it very popular: actually,


L’Accademia del Fitness Cassia mimosoides var. Nomame has demonstrated its significant inhibiting action against pancreatic lipase. So, it is a useful natural remedy in the treatment of overweight, especially if overweight is correlated by a diet rich in fats. Pharmacological research has already indicated that molecules which can interfere in the first step of fat metabolism - that is, in the hydrolysis of food fats on part of the enzymes, fundamental for their intestinal absorption and for their use with energy or deposit purposes – have a fundamental role in controlling overweight. The phytocomplex of Cassia Nomame has been the object of many studies which have led to the characterization of some fractions which have been attributed the current phytotherapeutic properties of the plant. In particular, attention has been devoted to the phytocomplex of the leaves, which shows high concentration of polyphenols. First, luteolin and its inhibiting action on pancreatic lipase was identified. Then, the ethylacetate extract was taken from the leaves and from the ethyl ether of the drug containing a series of flavan dimers. These molecules have a strong inhibiting action on pancreatic lipase: among them, the most active molecule is a catechin, (2S)-3’-4’-7’-trihydroxyflavone-(4 alpha)-8-catechin. According to the scientists, its strong action in lipase inhibition depends on its stereochemical uniqueness. Yet, due to the complexity of the phytocomplex of Cassia Nomame, many of its active principles have not been identified yet. Today, the flavonic dimers can be taken as markers for extract standardization. Preliminary studies, both analytic and concerning in vitro pharmacological activity, have also found confirmation in further in


vivo research. The possible anti-obesity effect of preparations based on Cassia Nomame extracts has been studied in protocols on animals against placebo group. The most significant protocol used rats, both normal and obese, fed with a high -fat diet: in rats with normal weight the intake of Cassia Nomame had the effect of reducing weight increase due to the diet. In obese rats there was a decrease not only in this parameter but also in the body mass index of the animal and in his total fat mass. Moreover, it was calculated that about 30% of the fat contained in meals was not digested in presence of Cassia Nomame extract. Positive effects were also found on hepatic steatosis and on fat accumulation in the kidney and in the heart. Also the circulating triglycerides and the total cholesterol sensibly decreased in rats treated with the extract, compared to the control groups. These experimental data were subsequently confirmed by preliminary clinical studies on man, according to which the plant could be used as complementary help in treating overweight. Pharmacological studies do not report toxicity nor significant side effects. Yet, there could be an interference with the absorption of liposoluble vitamins. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Dr. Giovanni Occhionero Pharmaceutical Chemist expert in natural integration in sport and antiaging phytotherapy Simeb teacher (Italian Society of Biointegrated Medicine)

FITOTERAPIA IN NUTRIZIONE BIOINTEGRATA I principi attivi bionaturali per il controllo del peso

L’Accademia del Fitness


WHEN SPOT REDUCTION IS NOT ENOUGH According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, the rate of diet failure amounts to 95% after 4 years. In short, getting into shape (and keeping into shape) is not an easy matter. Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine can help us not only to lose weight, but to restore a better and more harmonious figure when small or large localized fat accumulation, resistant to diet, sport and other localized treatments, thickens and, in some cases, even deforms our figure features. ®Aesthetic surgery Liposuction (or lipoaspiration or liposculpture) is the most widespread aesthetic surgery intervention in the world. Its aim is to eliminate once and for all fat accumulation in certain body areas: the excessive adipose tissue deposited in thighs, knees, buttocks and also in the back, arms, chin is aspirated by means of thin cannulae of variable diameter which allow us to “sculpt” the treated area in order to reach the desired shape. Fat in numbers In normal conditions, a man’s fat will amount to about 15% of his weight and a woman’s to about 30%. As the mean dimensions of a fat cell (adipocyte) is 0.2-1.4 mcg of lipids/cell, an individual with 20 kilograms of fat will have about 33 billion adipose cells. It is a real figure remodelling which allows us to get rid of even important and large localized fat resistant to diet, physi-

cal exercise and local therapies (massage, cavitation, ultrasounds and so on). The intervention can be performed on men and women in good health and with elastic skin. In fact, important skin laxity can represent a contraindication, since it could prevent the skin from adapting harmoniously to the new underlying tissue shape. The first inexpert attempts at liposuction date back to the 60’s in Europe, while the origin of modern liposuction is to be attributed to the Fischers, two Italian gynaecologists who in 1974 invented a safe and effective technique which was further improved in 1982 by Illouz, the French surgeon who invented the tumescent solution. Liposuction represents a turning point in the history of aesthetic medicine: for the first time great quantities of high quality fat were available and could also be used in a variety of treatments. Laser lipolysis is an intervention of aesthetic surgery and it is very similar to traditional liposuction except for its use of laser and the principle of adipocyte elimination. In fact, the cannula used during the intervention contains a special laser source which selectively attacks fat cells and degrades them. Deprived of its cellular wall and destroyed by the laser, fat has a liquid consistency and is eliminated by the body through urine. Laser lipolysis has the same indications as traditional liposuction, but it is generally limited to well-localized, smaller fat accumulation restricted to certain body areas.

“Anything in life that’s any fun is either immoral, illegal or fattening” (Oscar Wilde)





LE TESTIMONIANZE PALASPRINT LA SPEZIA Nonostante lo scetticismo iniziale, già nel primo mese di prova ci siamo accorti dei numerosi vantaggi che ci ha portato sia a livello di fatturato che di fidelizzazione. Grazie!!!!

MIQO TREVISO Dopo essere stati scelti come area test ed aver toccato con mano i vantaggi di un progetto scientifico, abbiamo continuato ad utilizzarlo con successo, incrementando il fatturato e la fidelizzazione. Proprio ciò che serviva al nostro club !!!!!



35 anni educatrice


42 anni impiegato

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Innanzitutto funziona! Ho deciso di sottopormi al metodo nonostante mi stessi già allenando in maniera tradizionale. Perdere quasi 7 cm in circonferenza addominale in sole 4 settimane mi ha lasciato veramente a bocca aperta.


35 anni parrucchiera

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L’allenamento è stato efficace in quanto mi ha fatto perdere centimetri e allo stesso tempo migliorare il tono muscolare. Perdere 7 cm sui fianchi in sole 4 settimane è semplicemente fantastico!!

L’Accademia del Fitness

By Dott. Guido Maronati

Cellulitis picture Cellulitis (the original term dates back to 1816, France - Scherwitz, 1978) is “a compact and distinctive layer of subcutaneous body fat common in women” (Querleux, 2002). Its typical “orange peel” aspect is due to the protrusion of adipose cells from the smocking structure of the fibrous tissue surrounding them. The fat is held in position by a thin retention network situated under the skin. Cellulitis appears when this barrier becomes ineffective and allows the fat to leak out. The adipose cells swell and aggregate in the dermis and hypodermis, thus giving the skin a typical irregular and non homogeneous “mattress” aspect. Cellulitis is not different from “normal” fat, except for the way it is kept and distributed in the tissues, and its chemical nature is identical to that of the rest of body fat. About 85% of women in post-puberty age has a form of cellulitis (Avram, 2004; Rawlings, 2006) which is instead very rare in men, where – when present – is usually associated to hormonal deficiency (Avram, 2004). Finally, there is clear genetic predisposition to cellulitis (Rossi, 2000; Del Pino, 2006) which influences fat distribution and accumulation. Aesthetic Medicine Lipolytic mesotherapy makes use of drugs which stimulate local lipolysis, that is, they reduce the volume of fatty cells due to fat degradation which is naturally eliminated by the body. It is a consolidated treatment to be used exclusively for small, welllocalized adipose accumulations. It must be repeated in single cycles since it does not destroy adipocytes nor does it remove them mechanically, which implies that the adipose cells might refill again. Why does cellulitis worsen with aging? The dermis reaches its maximum thickness at the age of thirty (Nurnberger, 1978), after which it becomes increasingly thinner and loses its structural integrity. Also its connective tissue becomes more relaxed due to elastic fibre and collagen aging. This allows a greater number of adipose cells


to protrude, thus accentuating the skin’s typical cellulitic aspect. Mesotherapy is particularly indicated for all the body areas presenting small adipose accumulations: thighs, abdomen, hips, knees, buttocks. Thighs and buttocks, the favourite targets of cellulitis. It is by now generally acknowledged that women have a higher percentage of body fat compared with men. For instance, the mean percentage value of body fat in adults between 18 and 34 is 13% for men and 28% for women (Heyward, 2006). Thighs and buttocks in women tend to store greater amounts of fat (and contain 5 times as many adipocytes compared to any other body area): this comes under the name of “gynoid fat” (Del Pino, 2006). Instead traditional mesotherapy is particularly indicated for the treatment of cellulitis and for the reduction of its associated symptoms: “orange peel” skin, water retention, heavy leg sensation. Mesotherapy has its origins in the 50’s in France thanks to an accidental discovery made by Dr Michael Pistor while treating a patient with asthma. Since the treated tissue was of mesodermal origin, Pistor decided to call the treatment “mesotherapy” (Jayasinghe, 2013). According to the Italian Society of Mesotherapy, mesotherapy is “a method of localized intradermal injections which makes use of Official Pharmacopoeia drugs or authorized aids for “intradermal” use. Small drug amounts divided in several micro injections are used in mesotherapy administration. (...) Its effectiveness is associated to the action of the drug, therefore the choice of the active principle is essential”. Dr. Guido Maronati Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Medicine www.guidomaronati.it

IO gio n a m SITIVO PO


Alzheimer’s Disease is certainly one of the most feared chronic diseases due to its disastrous effects on the life of those who are affected by it, as well as to the scarce effectiveness of the existing treatment. A study published in The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (J Alz Dis 2014 Dec 16) highlighted that three nutrients can prevent the insurgence of Alzheimer’s Disease in the elderly. The study was carried out on 918 people over 65 years of age. The therapy consisted in omega 3, ginkgo biloba and lycopene. The adherence to the therapy was associated to a 31% reduction in the risk of developing the disease. In the last few years vitamin D has become pivotal in food integration protocols thanks to numerous studies proving its wide

preventive effects. A study published in the British Medical Journal (Br Med J 2014 Nov 19) identified an association between low levels of vitamin D caused by a specific genetic variation and an increase in the risk of mortality in a population of over 95,000 subjects. The people with the genetic variation causing lower levels of vitamin D have a 30% higher risk, and the risk is 40% higher just considering deaths caused by cancer. Once again, this indicates that the action of cellular cycle regulation performed by vitamin D is fundamental to prevent the development of cancer. Any fitness and bodybuilding expert certainly knows that proteins are fundamental to increase muscular mass and to protect

NUTRIGENETICA per una nutrizione personalizzata

La genetica in aiuto degli specialisti per una maggiore personalizzazione della Dieta e dello Sport Test genetici di predisposizione:

Celiachia Intolleranza primaria al Lattosio Metabolismo dei Folati Metabolismo Glucidico e Lipidico Metabolismo della Vitamina D Sport e Metabolismo Muscolare

E’ possibile richiedere i test effettuando un semplice tampone buccale dal quale verrà estratto il DNA per le analisi richieste. Il tampone potrà essere ritirato presso lo studio dello specialista da corrieri autorizzati su tutto il territorio nazionale. Per maggiori informazioni contattare il numero 06 3295370 Laboratorio di Genetica Medica “Krom Genetics” (Certificazioni ISO 9001 e MedLab) info@kromgenetics.it www.kromgenetics.it


number 18 / 2015 it in a programme aimed at reducing body fat. There has often been lack of attention to protein intake in the diet approach towards non-athletes. As a consequence, weight reduction is often caused by the loss of muscular mass instead of fat, and this has negative consequences on the aesthetic and health field. A study published in Journal of Nutrition (J Nutr 2014 Dec 17) demonstrated that supplements with milk serum proteins can reduce the loss of muscular tissue in overweight and obese subjects following a hypocaloric diet. The study also demonstrated the superiority of milk serum integrators in stimulating protein synthesis compared to those made of soya or carbohydrates. It is often said that a little bit of alcohol is good for one’s health, especially for the elderly. Certainly, alcoholic drinks cause a vasodilation action which can contribute to improve circulation. Yet, from other points of view, alcohol is quite negative. A study published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Adv Exp Med Biol 2015;815:333-48) highlights once again that

Alcoholic drinks cause a vasodilation action which can contribute to improve circulation. Yet, from other points of view, alcohol is quite negative.

alcohol represents a risk factor for many types of cancer. According to the authors, alcohol is a sort of bomb against our genes: it damages them and prevents them from being repaired. The good news is that according to the authors resveratrol can partially buffer this negative action. This would be confirmed by the fact that considering the same alcohol intake, those who drink red wine have lower cancer incidence compared to those who consume other alcoholic drinks. This is not an invitation to drink more, but rather to select better what we drink. Dr. Filippo Ongaro Surgeon Health Director Institute of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine s.r.l. (Ismerian) Vice-President of AMIA (Italian Association of Anti-Aging Medical Doctors) Vice-President of AFFWA Functional Fitness-Wellness-Antiaging Academy

Programma di Formazione INCA

Institut de Nutrition Cellulaire Active



3-4 OTTOBRE 2015 14-15 NOVEMBRE 2015






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