2020 Annual Report - Athens Community Council on Aging

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OUR MISSION The Athens Community Council on Aging’s mission is to promote a lifetime of wellness through engagement, advocacy, education and support.

RESILIENCY IN IMAGERY When we chose the theme of this year’s report, we sought to find an image that best illustrated resiliency. Faced with COVID-19, we continuously pivoted our operations to best serve the needs of the community. We believe that our staff, volunteers and extended ACCA family are front-line superheroes. It is because of their bravery, determination, commitment and compassion that ensured no senior was left behind in 2020.

It is said that a superhero is someone who does heroic deeds and can do to them in a way that a normal person could not. A superhero possesses their own unique set of powers and they are unstoppable when they use those powers to accomplish good deeds. This image will forever serve as a reminder to all of the challenges we faced together and the good deeds that followed.

INDEX ACCA Mission/Resiliency Defined/Index ..... 2 Introduction Letter ..... 3 ACCA's Core Values ..... 4 Our Work ..... 5-6 ACCA COVID Response ..... 7 Superheroes in Action ..... 8 Messages from Those We Have Served ..... 9 Spending One Last Birthday Together ..... 10 Giving Back is a Family Affair .....11 Superhero Student Helps Launch Buddy Calls .....12 Kindness & Good Company Are Just a Call Away .....13 Superheroes at Work ..... 14-15 FY 2020 Financials ..... 16 2019-2020 Board of Directors .....17 A Lifelong Leader and Mentor Gives Back to ACCA ..... 18 1967 Legacy Society Donors ..... 19 FY 2020 Supporters ..... 19-25 Community Partners and Sponsors ..... 26 Staff Response to COVID-19 ..... 27 2

RE·SIL·IEN·CY Dear Friends,

Much like you do for your holiday letter to family or friends, we sit down each year to work on our annual report as a way to take time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments, celebrations and updates. This publication not only captures the very essence of who we are and what we do, but it serves as the historical snapshot for the agency. We are so very honored to share it with you, our ACCA family and friends.

When the calendar flipped on January 1, 2020, no one could have predicted what was to come a few short months later. For the first time in our 53-year-old history, ACCA was faced with a global pandemic, disproportionally affecting those we serve and many of those who volunteer to serve with us. In response to COVID-19, ACCA suspended its in-person programming on March 16, 2020. The decision to do so was a heart-wrenching necessity to keep our most vulnerable safe. Although we faced unprecedented uncertainty, our purpose was clear - no senior would be left behind.

We were prepared and quickly put a plan in place to meet the most critical needs of those we serve and the many older adults in the community who called upon ACCA for the first time. We transitioned our full agency resources into the Meals on Wheels model of service delivery, focusing on three critical areas: food and basic needs, security checks and social connections.

By definition, resiliency is an ability to recover from or adjust easily to adversity or change. ACCA certainly did that in 2020! We continue to be in awe of the ACCA front-liners who became superheroes in their response to the change surrounding them. Staff and volunteers, donning an array of colorful masks, showed up each day to pack and distribute food to our community in need. Staff were innovative in their creation of the virtual Center for Active Living, offering virtual cooking demonstrations, bingo, trips and exercise groups to older adults sheltering in place. Volunteers made countless Buddy Calls to homebound, isolated seniors to provide companionship and security. Serving those who continue to be the most vulnerable, our Long Term Care Ombudsman provided information, guidance and assurance to residents and their families living in long term care facilities.

Our loyal donors and community partners reached out to offer donations, resources and their expertise. There truly has not been a more innovative, heroic and truly resilient time in ACCA’s history. We are so proud to share with you just how resilient we have become, and how rewarding it has truly been. We are immensely proud to serve our community and it is our hope, through sharing in our challenges and successes, that we make you equally as proud to be a part of the ACCA family.




OUR CORE VALUES IMAGINATION & INNOVATION We embrace change and always find new and creative ways to increase our value to the community we serve.

KINDNESS & RESPECT We always act with genuine care and concern for each other, the people we serve and the organization.

QUALITY & COMMITMENT We exceed expectations.

GENEROSITY & GRATITUDE We believe in the power of generosity to change lives and are grateful for the time and resources given of others.

LEARNING & SHARING We are committed to life-long growth and discovery and are passionate about sharing our stories and experiences with others.



while they sheltered in place.

VALUE If we were to add a core value after 2020, it would certainly be resiliency. Our staff, volunteers and community partners came together to not only honor our core values, but to exceed even our own expectations of them.

Food access was the most critical and urgent need because of our population's need to shelter in place. With the help from our community partners, we mobilized emergency food distribution. Drawing on our long history of Meals on Wheels programming, we

We brought innovative ideas to the frontline in order to serve not only our existing clients, but over 1,400 community members in need due to COVID-19.

were quickly able to expand to serve more. For those able to drive and safely leave their homes, we started a contactless drive thru commodity and grocery pick-up three times per week at ACCA.

Driveway visits, virtual activities, Buddy Calls and safety checks allowed us to stay connected with those we serve to ensure their health and happiness

ACCA transportation drivers continued to give rides to critical medical appointments to those unable to drive or use public transit due to the risk.


OUR WORK Senior Community Service

assisted living facilities are

and health related needs in a safe,

Employment Program

supported by representatives who

engaging environment. Designed

Under and unemployed older

advocate for their rights, investigate

for medically frail adults and

adults participate in on-the-job

and resolve complaints, and provide

individuals with Alzheimer’s disease

training programs, gaining the new

education to facility staff. This was

and related dementias the program

skills and knowledge needed to

critical in 2020 as we continued to

also provides caregivers with much

enter the workforce. Local

be a vital resource for residents and

needed respite. Our aides

employers receive the benefit of

their family members separated

continued safe interaction with

hosting reliable, mature older

because of COVID-19.

clients through socially distanced


driveway visits, virtual check-ins

Adult Day Health

and activities as well as safety

Long Term Care Ombudsman

Members engage in therapeutic

checks. The caregivers support

Long term care residents of nursing

activities and socialization while

group continued through virtual

and personal care homes and

receiving assistance with medical






transportation to critical medical

Adults aged 55 and up remain

Medicare beneficiaries receive


active and engaged by providing

unbiased information and assistance

meaningful service to their

to make informed decisions about

Meals on Wheels

community. Through three Senior

their health care benefit options.

Homebound older adults and adults

Corps programs, volunteers enrich

with disabilities receive a nutritious

the lives of children, older adults


meal and friendly visit from our

and themselves. *Now AmeriCorps

Older commuters whose

dedicated volunteers, but it’s more


transportation needs are not met by

than that. Volunteers also deliver

traditional services ride with trained

pet food, fans, blankets, library

Center for Active Living

drivers who assist them at every

books and holiday gifts, bringing

Members enjoy a diverse mix of

step of the trip. This service allows

the community to those who need

educational seminars, social and

the riders access to essential

it the most. We maintained this

resources needed to remain living

high level of service through the

and thriving in their community. This

expanded Meals on Wheels

service continued during COVID-19

program providing emergency

with the agency providing safe

relief meals during the pandemic.

cultural programming, travel, opportunities for fellowship, and health-related classes designed for older adults. These opportunities continued – only virtually.


Senior Hunger


Raising awareness of senior hunger,

Members enjoy a morning of diverse

coalition members provide

activities, including cooking

supplemental food to help meet the

demonstrations, health talks and

basic needs of food insecure

screenings, gardening, bingo, outings,

individuals in the community. This

and more. The program includes a

partnership ensures that all served

delicious lunch, as well as connection to

by ACCA are food secure with a

additional resources and support. We

commitment to serve all older

reimagined our CAL+ program to

adults within our community. Our

continue providing fun and social

expertise in this area proved

activities through teleconferencing.

essential with the significant increase of need because of COVID-19.


Grandparents Raising

families, our care manager’s expertise


provides the answers at a time of

Relative caregivers are supported

uncertainty, and can assist with

through a robust case management

relocation, health care coordination,

program that addresses the needs

safety evaluation, crisis intervention,

of both the grandparent and the

and caregiver respite.

grandchild in their care. Services include support groups, parent

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group

education, family activities and

Caregivers supporting individuals living

nursing care.

with dementia have the opportunity of fellowship, participate in educational

Geriatric Care Management

programs, and gain connections to

With the support of a Care

additional supportive resources. With

Manager, older adults and their

older adults sheltering-in-place, we

caregivers navigate the road map of

recognized the heightened need and

decisions and tasks related to their

continued our outreach and support via

care and needs. Working with













4,150 98% 97% 96%





SUPERHEROES IN ACTION The accomplishments we share with you reflect the hard work and dedication from our superhero staff, volunteers, partners, donors and the community who believe so much in the work we do at ACCA.

That commitment is illustrated in the


Meals on Wheels volunteer, Amy, and Mr. Riddle chat about sports, the weather and his house during meal drop-offs. Mr. Riddle said he is so appreciative of everyone at ACCA and the Meals on Wheels Program.


to medical appointments, grocery stores, pharmacies and other community resources.



adults of all backgrounds


and abilities,


disabilities and

OF CARE COVID-19 was no match to our resilient Adult Day Health staff who fully embraced social distancing in order to see their clients. 8

including older

adults with

family caregivers.

ACCA outreach reached an additional

12,696 individuals.

MESSAGES FROM THOSE WE HAVE SERVED “I had called you late yesterday

"I truly appreciate your effort to

afternoon and you guys were

help me with groceries. I

so super! Within an hour or an

especially like the frozen meals.

hour and a half, you sent me an

It helps me with my handicap. I

emergency food bag with great

can not cook myself. It really

stuff and I am so thankful and

helps my food budget. I do not

so appreciative. You have no

know how you do all that you do

clue. I just wanted to thank you

so well but I am truly thankful

and tell you what wonderful

what you do. I am sure all

you people are. And thank you.

residents of Columbia Brookside

And please be safe!”


"Please tell everyone involved

"I just want to thank you so

in the Meals on Wheels

much. These are some nice

program how thankful I am for

masks. They helped save me

the services I have received

and my grandson… I just want

over the years. This means so

to tell you thank you so very

much to me and helps me out a

much. Thank you."

lot.” "Just want to tell you how "Thank you for taking such

impressed I am with ACCA.

good care of our seniors

As a CAL member, I have enjoyed

through this COVID-19

yoga classes (until they were

pandemic. Your programs offer

cancelled in March, of course)

so much assistance, caring and

and learning about all the

hope to our at-risk citizens. I’m

wonderful programs you all offer

so proud of you and all that you

to connect and offer help to


Athens-area seniors. I'm especially impressed with how

"Just a little note to say thank

well you have been able to

you for your kindness and

continue to do so during the

generosity during this crisis.

pandemic shutdown. Thank you

You are appreciated!"

for all you and staff and volunteers do for our community. Take care of yourself and your

"Thank you so, so much for all

great staff!"

you folks have done and continue to do. God bless you all. You are an answer to my prayers."


SPENDING ONE LAST BIRTHDAY TOGETHER Lauren was in the car on her way from New

“Linda was so understanding, so comforting.

York to Northern Georgia to see her grand-

The empathy was exactly what I needed in

father John. She had been having weekly

that moment because I was so upset and

video calls with him since April and could tell

nervous that I wouldn’t be able to see him,”

his health was declining. The car ride was an

Lauren recalled. “She talked me through

emotional one as she knew deep down it

strategies and concrete steps on how to

would likely be the last time she would be

navigate the nursing home policies and

able to see him. As an asymptomatic patient

those were the strategies that got me in to

he had already survived COVID-19, but his

see him.”

Parkinson’s disease had progressed, and he was placed on hospice.

Dressed in full personal protection equipment, supplied by the nursing home,

As Lauren and her husband drove, she

Lauren and her cousin were able to spend

received word that the

time with John on his 88th birthday –

nursing home where he

even teleconferencing two other cousins to

was staying would not let

join in on the visit. John’s Parkinson’s

her visit due to a recent

disease affected him physically, but Lauren

policy change. Lauren had the option of standing outside his

said he never suffered from a mental decline, so he was lucid during her visit making it all the more special. "It made me

window again as she

so happy to be there on his birthday and to

had done

be able to hold his hand and hug him," she

previously, but


it wouldn't be the same.

His health dramatically declined after her visit and a couple of weeks later John

She had

passed away peacefully.

heard about the Long

After her visit, Lauren wrote to Linda, "The

Term Care

work you are doing is so important and


valuable. I appreciate you and I am sure


countless other families do as well."

through her research and decided to reach out. Lauren spoke with Linda Newton, ACCA’s Ombudsman

Lauren will remain forever grateful for that time she was able to spend with him. “He was so kind, had a beautiful smile and knew everyone in town. He was one of those people who would light up any room he entered. He was the kindest, most generous person.”

Representative for the North Region, when


Lauren admired him for always making the time for her and her cousins if they needed

she arrived in

him or if they simply wanted to spend time


with him. “That’s why it was so important to me to be with him at the end of his life.”

GIVING BACK IS A FAMILY AFFAIR Like many, Shannah and Ethan Montgomery’s lives shifted when COVID-19 altered their work and school schedules. The mother and son duo decided to make the best of the situation by volunteering with Meals on Wheels. Shannah was already familiar with the work ACCA does and, in turn, Ethan learned of the program through his mom.

For Ethan, a junior at Cedar Shoals High School, his volunteering was a way to stay socially distanced while directly impacting members of the community. “It’s not often that volunteer programs allow the volunteer to establish a personal connection with the people they are helping and be able to check on them almost every week," he said.

Shannah and Ethan both felt that personal connection with a Meals on Wheels client, Mr. Evans, who reminded Shannah of her granddad. “Even though we are in a pandemic, he would be waiting on his porch with his mask on and chat with us about gardening, how to tell a good watermelon, and other important life lessons,” Shannah said.

Ethan felt significantly humbled with this experience but understands his ability to directly give back to a community that supports him, by supporting those that need it most. "Being able to see the impact that your personal efforts have on people in our own community is a very powerful feeling, and establishing those connections makes the work feel like reaching a helping hand out to a friend," said Ethan.

Along with helping others, one takeaway to the experience was that Shannah and Ethan were able to experience it together. Shannah said she loved that Ethan recognized the challenges others face and how he developed true empathy for those they helped.

“Our time together gave us the space for thoughtful conversations that we rarely find time for in the hustle and bustle of life. The time we spent together this summer is something I will always cherish,” Shannah said. "There are so many things I love about Athens, but what has kept our family here for so many years is the people," said Shannah. "Athens seems to cultivate a willingness to help, kindness, creativity and respect for the uniqueness of each person in this community. We don’t get everything right, but we keep trying. It’s been inspiring to see the efforts of so many people, all who are dealing with their own challenges, go out and find something they can do to help someone else."

Thank you for being superheroes, Shannah and Ethan!


SUPERHERO STUDENT HELPS LAUNCH BUDDY CALLS The Buddy Calls program was launched in April after Quinn Peragine, a fourth-year medical student at the Augusta University/ University of Georgia Medical Partnership, approached ACCA with an idea. He knew that because of the pandemic, those older adults sheltering in place were missing social connections and knew this would be a great opportunity for he and his fellow medical school classmates. Quinn, his classmates and community volunteers began reaching out to older adults and in the first two months, over 100 phone calls were made to area seniors.

Quinn has lived in Athens for a while and has enjoyed giving back to the community, especially brightening the days of area seniors. The buddies he has gotten to know have led amazing lives and for Quinn, it has been fascinating to hear some of their stories. At the height of the lockdown one of his buddies, Mr. Mann called him which was unusual. They had some connection issues and the call dropped so Quinn could not make out exactly what he was saying but could tell from his tone that he seemed down that day. “I reached out to ACCA, who were able to send adult day health staff over to his house to cheer him up. The next time we spoke he told me that he had been feeling a little lonely, but that visit had really brightened his day!” As an aspiring emergency medicine physician, Quinn understands that along with a patient’s presenting medical problem, their social situation also plays a part for managing their overall health going forward. He says that the Buddy Calls experience has taught him the importance of plugging into community resources to assist patients. “I believe the positive experience I have had working with ACCA will encourage me to continue to make connections with other organizations to help benefit my patients wherever I end up practicing in the future.”

This student superhero is back in his clinical rotations after some downtime during the lockdown but has still been able to keep up with his buddies. “The clients that I work with have had a chance to learn about what I do, and they have been understanding if we are not able to stick to a consistent schedule. Even though I am busy, it has been fun finding time to talk and catch up with my buddies!”

Quinn's family has been very supportive and are very happy that the program is reaching so many people but one in particular wants to make sure she’s still number one in his book. “My grandmother just wanted me to remember to give her a call every now and then too!" Quinn remarked.

You are certainly our superhero Quinn - thank you!


KINDNESS & GOOD COMPANY ARE JUST A CALL AWAY Resiliency comes to mind when speaking with Dr. Gene Johnson, a recipient of Meals on Wheels in Winder. Born and raised in Georgia, Dr. Johnson spent his career traveling until health issues grounded him and he settled in Winder, Georgia. When you speak with Dr. Johnson, you realize how much of a life he has lived and how quickly he has had to adjust to new situations and circumstances. From a PhD in computer science to owning his own business and playing music with great artists such as Dolly Parton, he has a larger than life personality and exudes pure joy, but since the pandemic has begun, he is at home, staying safe.

“Calls from Elizabeth make me feel like somebody cares about me. I was more than a file. They bring joy and happiness to my life.” - Dr. Gene Johnson Dr. Johnson has been receiving meals since 2018. When you ask him about his experience with Meals on Wheels he says, “I’m very blessed to have such wonderful people that really care. It’s been wonderful for me. I can’t thank the agency enough for doing what they have done for me.” And honestly, we feel the same about him.

When the pandemic first began, ACCA had thought it would be a few weeks that we might not get to see those we serve. We were hopeful. But, six months later we found ourselves navigating the new normal. Part of that new normal included weekly calls to check in on our friends and each week Dr. Johnson received a call from Elizabeth Thompson, Winder Adult Day Health/Activity Aide, to chat, to see how things are going and to see how ACCA can help.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has presented all of us with challenges and setbacks. Talking with Dr. Johnson kind of brings me peace of mind knowing that I am able to bring him comfort, reassurance and a sense of peace. I really enjoy talking with him and hearing his stories,” said Elizabeth.

For Dr. Johnson, being part of ACCA has a special place in his heart, especially for the staff. “It goes beyond that [being a part of ACCA], the people that I have come in contact with, like Elizabeth, are very compassionate and understanding… they’re very helpful and kind. I am very blessed to have known them.”

When you ask Dr. Johnson what it has meant for Elizabeth to call and check in on him, he’s quick to reply, “Wow. It makes me feel alive! It makes me feel like somebody cares about me. I was more than a file. It brought joy and happiness into my life.”

The pandemic has created chaos and uncertainty, but it’s also created new friendships and connections, like that of Dr. Johnson and Elizabeth. While there have been many challenges in our everyday lives, it’s the resiliency that keeps us going and making those silver linings shine brighter.







ACCA Fiscal Year 2020 Funding by Source

FY20 saw more than $600,000 raised through private support - an increase of over $187,000 from last year. You helped answer the call when COVID-19 suspended our in-person programming, events, and fundraisers.

Your support helped to sustain our promise of no senior left behind. We were able to provide food and basic needs, security checks and the virtual social connections for our seniors in need.


ACCA Fiscal Year 2020

ACCA Fiscal Year 2020

Revenue vs. Expense

Expense Breakdown


Chair: Laurie Douglas, Meals on Wheels Volunteer Vice Chair: Kelly Holloway, Attorney, Epps, Holloway, DeLoach & Hoipkemier, LLC Treasurer: Robert Hardell, Vice President Commercial Banking, Synovus Bank Secretary: Don DeMaria, Director, University of Georgia Washington Semester

Shirley Allen, Engagement Officer with Development and Alumni Relations, UGA Maria Bowie, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Program Henry Brown, Retired Vice President, Athens Clarke County Board of Education Bob Burton, Owner, burton + BURTON Becky Lane, Retired UGA HR Director Beverly Logan, Clerk, Superior Court Dr. Katheryn Davis, Emeriti Faculty, University of Georgia School of Social Work Carol Sue Meech, Meals on Wheels Volunteer Dr. Achilia Morrow, Community Internal Medicine, St. Mary's Healthcare Victoria Prevatt, Lead Strategist/Owner Good Works Consulting Paige Otwell, Assistant District Attorney, Western Judicial Circuit DA's Office Dr. Don Scott, Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership Dr. Reginald Woods, Retired Sr. HR Manager, Facilities Management Division, University of Georgia Wes Zwirn, Owner, Little Prodigies Child Development Center

MBA Fellows: William Cangelosi and Lily Waldron 17

A LIFELONG LEADER AND MENTOR GIVES BACK TO ACCA Much like the colors of his signature bowties,

Donors for several years, Reginald and Brenda

Dr. Reginald Woods’ warmth and vibrancy

became 1967 Legacy Society members last

shines through in every interaction. His

year. The giving society is named after the

calming nature is rich with wisdom and

year of ACCA’s founding. For Reginald, the

gratitude. He is a husband, father, grand-

name had additional significance and he told

father, a guiding mentor and lucky for us, a

his wife they had to join. “I strongly believe

dedicated board member.

that everyone can give their time, talent and treasure. But 1967 really resonated with me –

A Missouri native, he has a proven record of

it was the year I graduated high school.”

resiliency which has helped shaped the man he is today. Early on in his career he was laid off

Reginald went on to explain what a

from his position at Trans World Airlines – a

tumultuous year that had been with the

job he greatly enjoyed. He became a

ongoing Vietnam War, an unpopular

uniformed member of the Missouri State

President, race riots and concerning tensions

Highway Patrol where he was able to interact

overseas. It was certainly an unsettling time.

with neighborhood kids while serving as a role model and mentor to many along the way.

With 2020 serving up its own set of

That’s not to say it was easy, however. Being a

challenges, Reginald encourages others to

State Trooper meant missing many holidays

continue on their own paths of resiliency.

and special occasions away from his wife and

“Ask for help when you need it, lean on

four children.

others for support and make sure to give back however you are able. Together, we will get

“As a family, we would hold family meetings in

through this.”

the living room whenever we needed to discuss something important,” Reginald said.

Thank you, Dr. Woods, for your leadership

He called a family meeting when he decided

and support of all we do at ACCA!

to pursue a job outside of law enforcement. “My kids were elated that day.”

He eventually found himself relocating to Georgia and he never looked back at those Missouri winters. He worked at the University of Georgia for many years before retiring in the spring as the Senior HR Manager in the Facilities Management Division. Reginald is relishing in retirement, staying busy with volunteer work and keeping up with his ‘honey do-list.’

He strongly believes in the mission of ACCA, “I love the tagline of age well, live well but I would like to add ‘finish well’ to it. That's so important in the latter stages of life!”

Reginald and his wife Brenda are not only supportive of the older adults receiving services from ACCA but also the staff. During COVID-19, he sent hand-written notes of encouragement thanking them.


DONORS 1967 LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Legacy Society members invest in our mission by making an annual gift commemorating the year of our founding. These gifts help us ensure that every older adult in our community has the opportunity to age well. Thank you to our fiscal year 2020 Legacy Society members:

Joan D. Berryman

Dr. Huda and Dorris A. Lillard

Marilyn K. Brown

Richard and Janice Ludwig

Lori and Gerry Carroll

Jim and Dorothy Newland

Bill and Laurie Douglas

Gordhan and Jinx Patel

John and Kathleen Gratzek

Donna and Brian Seagraves

Harold Holtz in Loving Memory

Marcy Tanner

of Eleanor Holtz

Gene Weeks

Gregory and Jennifer Holcomb

Reginald and Brenda Woods

THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS We are so appreciative of the financial support that allows us to continue outreach, programming and services to those who need it most. On behalf of those we serve, we thank you for your support during the last fiscal year. Active Network

Frederick Arnold

Hortense Bates

Beth Adams

Ralph Askren

Patrick Beall

Penny Ann Adams

Athens Church

Betsy Bean

Susanne Alford

Athens Korean Presbyterian Church

Brad and Erin Beasley

Abdulwahab and Naomi Al-Haroun

Athens PRIDE

Richard Beasley

Barbara Ali

Athens Rotary Club

Irene Becker

Monica Ali Warren

Scott Atkinson

Andrew Belasco

Gilles Allard

Aubrey Entertainment

Roy Bell

Kelley Allen

Charles Auslander

Patricia Bell-Scott

Shirley Allen

Frank Bachelder

Timothy and Katie Bemisderfer

Irene Allinger

Rebecca Baggett

Randy Bennett

Linda Amick

Bill Baggs

Annette Bergins

Andrea Anderson

Shirley Baker

David Berkes

Merry Anderson

Victoria Baker

Joan Berryman

Richard Anderson

Ralph and Kris Bakowski

Eric Beville

Tracy Anderson

Karen Baldwin

Laura Lee Bierema

Wyatt Anderson

June Ball

Big City Bread

Kathryn Andrews

Peter Balsamo

Eron Bird

Jenna Andrews-Swann

Linda Banks

Frances Blackburn

Clyde and Pat Anthony

Mattee Barkdoll

Andrea Blaesing

Neal and Eve Anthony

Dottie Barksdale

Jean Bleyle

Marilyn Appleby

Diane Barret

Lowell Blickenderfer

Marta Aquino

John Barrett

Barbara Bloom-Fisher

Lorie Arata

John Barton

Susan Boatright

Mark Armstrong

P. Michael Bascle

Bogart United Methodist Church


FY20 SUPPORTERS Daniel Borremans

Nancy E. Carmichael

George Crook

Sharon Boswell

Peter Carnell

Gay Crowe

Karen Bothwell

Margaret Carr

Ralph Crown

Thomas Bowden

Lori and Gerry Carroll

Claire Cruse

Sharon Bower

Michael Carson

Mindy Currence

Rachel Bowers

Carson Plumbing, Inc.

Cooper Currin

Maria Bowie

James Carter

Susan Curtis

Priscilla Bowling

Sally Carter

Whitney Cutler

James Boyles

Porge Casey

Greg and Lynn Cutright

Asa Boynton

Kate Cassity-Duffey

Amy Daigle

David Bradley

Michael and Alice Castengera

Gloria Daniel

Joshua Branch

Steven Catani

John Daniel

Sherryl Branch

J. Mack Cawthon

Mark and Marta Daniell

Margie Braselton

J. Robert Chambers

Ann Darby

Robert Bretscher

Janet Chambers

David Sweat

Ron Bridgers

Chapelwood United Methodist

Martha Davis

Duke Briscoe


Thomas Davis

Jacquelyn Briscoe

Frances Chapman

Katheryn Davis

Elizabeth Broad and Mary Yelenick

Shashi Charles

Al Davison

Charles and Eleanor Broaded

Chastain and Associates Insurance

Tim and Susan Deaton

Donald Brockway

Agency, Inc.

James Deeley

Josef Broder

Hsiao-Hui Chen

James deHaseth

Frances Brown

Cheri Cherry

Deidre deLaughter

Janice Brown

Peter Chitko

Don and Melinda DeMaria

Joyce Brown

Christopher's Bridge Home Care

Fanniel DeMarks

Lisa Brown

Gloria Chu

Nancy Denson

Marilyn Brown

Paula Ciembor

DePalma's Italian Cafe

Susan Brown

Kevin Clancey

Edward dePeterse

Catherine Browne

Thomas Clarke

Dan DerVartanian

Lisa Bryant

Classic City of Athens Rotary

Christine Devereaux

Christopher Burback

Vikki Clawson

Jordan DeWitt

Charles Burch

Clerk of Superior Court Staff

Joe and Sharyn Dickerson

Patricia Burch

Wes Clonts

Richard DiPietro

W. Travis Burch

Bruce Clotfelter

David Dixon

Elizabeth Burmeister

Serge Clouatre

Jing Dong

Linda Burton

Maureen Coffman

Connor Dougherty

Robert Burton

Jeff Cole and Mary Bess Jarrard

Bill and Laurie Douglas

Jack Bush

Ronald Cole

Max Dowis

Brian Bushway

Daniel Coner

Doris Downer

C.O.C.O. Organization

Vicki Connell

Nancy Downes

Melisa Cahnmann

Melissa Connelly

Donald Downie

Tom Call

Cloud Conrad

Bertis Downs

Gwen Callaway-Howard

Charles Cook

J. Griffin Doyle

Camp Twitch and Shout

Walter Cook

Ginger Duensing

J.N. Campbell

Madelaine Cooke

James Duffie

Richard Campbell

Tom Cooney

Kathryn Dunkley

Timothy Campbell

Diane Cooper

Dynamite Clothing

Bill Cangelosi

Karen Cosgrove

Donna Edwards

Robert Cannon

Cotton Patch Quilters

Gaylen Edwards

Cannon Financial Institute

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Josh and Alison Edwards

Sandra Carey

Arthur Crawley

Martinique Edwards

Nathan Carmack

Kemberly Credle

Melinda Edwards and Ken Manring

Leah Carmichael

Anthony Crisafulli

William Edwards


FY20 SUPPORTERS Molly Efland

Thomas and Lisa Ganschow

Nonie Hale

Diane Ehlers

Al Garbin

Phil Hale

Sarah Ehlers

Randy Garner

John Haley

Charles Eidsvik

Ellisa Garrett

Laura Hallett

William Eiland

David Gast

Jimmy Hamilton

Doc and Sheri Eldridge

David Gastley and Mary Kramer

Clara Ham-Johnson

Mamie Elliott

James Gaudin

Cristina Hamman

Nancy Elliott

Violet Gauthreaux

Ashley Hammock

Paula Elliott

Gerald H. & Carol F. Driver

Marjorie Hammock

Samuel Elliott

Foundation, Inc.

Lillian Hammond

Kerstin Emerson

Doris Gerst

Richard Handwork

Jeffrey Engel

William Gesch

Richard Hanlin

Mary Engel

Jean Giannasi

Kris Hanna

Ruth Engle

Rachel Gibson

Kent Hannon

Epps, Holloway, DeLoach, &

Freda Giles

Robert Hardell

Jennifer Gilliam

Mark Hardigree

Epting Events, Catering, and Design

Hoipkemier, LLC

Michelle Gilliam

Jared V. Harper and Elena Brown

Georgia Everson

Martha Gilree

Wilma Harrington

Marina Evich

Max Gilstrap

Alice Harris

Stacee Farrell

Give It All Fund

Eric Harris

Garnet Faulkner

George and Donna Gladbach

Samuel Harris

Lesley Feracho

Carl Glickman

Laurie Hart

Richard Field

Charlotte Goff

Robert Hart

R.C. Findly

Robert Gogal

Jane Harvey

Mike Finnerty

Golden Pantry Food Stores Inc.

Patricia Hatcher

First American Bank and Trust Co.

Dale Goodhue

Thomas Heery

First Presbyterian Church

Barbara Goodrich

Christina Hegedus and Gregory

Gerald Firth

John Goodrum

William Flatt

Elliot Gootman

Heirloom Cafe & Fresh Market

Frank Fleming

Belita Gordon

Jill Helme

Kathryn Fletcher

Dorothy Gordon

Michele Henn

Amy Flurry

Laura Gordon

David Henry

Susan Foley

Deborah Goswick

Lawrence Hepburn

Janet Fong

Mary Sue Gotham

Keith Herist

Stuart Fors

Gerald Gouge

Pam Hetland

John Fowler

Mary Gould

Thomas Hewell

Kathryn Fowler

Kenneth Goyen

Heyward Allen Motor Co.

George Francisco

Tom Grace

Brandon Hicks

Shari Frank

Grace Athens

Melissa Hicks

Allyson Franklin

Nancy Graham

Andrew Hill

Rosemary Franklin

Deborah Grainger

Richard Hill

Margean Franks

Debbie Granger

Dennis and Jackie Hix

Nagoster Franks

Cherlyn Granrose

Mark Hodges

Edith Frazier

John Gratzek

Tom Hodgson

Nikaela Frederick

JoAnn Griffeth

Don Hoeler

Portia Frederick

Robert and Meg Griffith

Margaret Hoeler

Byron Freeman

Claire Guest

September Hoeler

Friends in Faith PM Circle at

Colby Gunby

Carol Hoffman

Stephanie Hacker

John and Gail Hoge

Jack Frierson

Scott Hagen

Gregory Holcomb

Joseph and Lisa Frierson

Sussie Haggard

Holiday Benevolence Market 13

Rachel Gabara

Rob Hagwood

Richard Holland

Julie Gaines

Silke Haidekker

Mt. Bethel UMC



FY20 SUPPORTERS Barry and Edith Hollander

Janice Jordan

Joan Laughton

Chris Holliday

Margaret Joyner

Thomas Lauth

Catherine Hollingsworth

Matt and Mary Beth Justus

James Lavelle

Jack Hollis and David Hammond

Doris Kadish

S. Edward Law

Kelly Holloway

Rudolph Kagerer

Tony Lay

William Holmes

Deirdre Kane

Brenda Lazarus

Bettye Holston

Elena Karahanna

Barbara Ann Lee

Harold Holtz in Memory of

Georgui Kassaev

Leon Farmer & Company

Karen Kassinger

Jennifer Lewis

Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Ryan Katz

Sheryl Lewis

Home Instead Senior Care

Amy Kay

Chenxiao Li

Patricia Hopaluk-Gay

Paula Keam

Dr. Huda and Dorris A. Lillard

Roger Hopkins

Cora Keber

Derek Little

Kyle Elizabeth Hopwood

Paul Keck

Earl and Lindy Lively

Arthur Horne

Brenda Keen

Ben Liverman

Jane Keene

Christine Lo

Eleanor Holtz

Harold Horton Helen Hosti-Etheredge Yiren Hou Sandra House Kline Howell Elizabeth Howerth Betty Hoyt Chung Huang Janice Huff Neil and Martha Hughes Hughes Subaru Robert Hulsey Ryan Hunt Theresa Hunt Erin Hurley Douglas Huston Martie Hutchens Mary Hutcherson Amber Hutton Keren Hymo Illinois Tool Works, Inc. Inspired Closets Dortha Jacobson Nancy Jacobson Amanda James Constance Jeffreys Cheryl Jett Pamela Johns Alton Johnson Larry Johnson Liz Johnson Mark Johnson Shannah Johnson Carole Jones Jovonda Jones Judy Jones Kenneth Jones Christopher and Michelle Jordan


Randall Keene Melissa Kelly Toni Kelly Kelly Family Cuidiu Foundation Nolan Kennedy Bradley Hall Barbara Kiewel Caroline Killens Lillian Kincey Alice King Bruce King Daniel King Brandy Kirkwood Nancy Kissane Julie Kittleson Douglas Kleiber Jared Klein Francis Klonowski Kim Klonowski Beth Knight Diane Kohl Lawrence Kramer Donald Kraus Richard Kraus Sarah Kruse Richard Kumnick Susan Kumnick Paul and Carol Kurtz Eric LaBorie Michael Lacy Michael LaMorte Amy Lancaster Becky Lane Frances Lang John Langone Moneek Langston Last Resort Grill

David Loegel Evet Loewen Beverly Logan William Loughner Sarajane Love Donald Lowe Richard and Janice Ludwig Kirsten Lundergan-Linker Frank Lusk Yolanda Lyons Alan and Janice Mace Cecile Maher Majorette Club Two Nicole Malcolm Douglas Malcom Jessica Mangum Jane Mann Roy Manoll Kelly Marckioli Debora Marsden Jared and Kim Marsden Scott Martin Natalie Martinez Corrie Massey Katha Massey Edward Matias Sharon Matthews Jonathan and Nicole Maxwell Karen and Rosemary May Gene Mays Amy McBride Janelle McCain Andrew McCollum Ilka McConnell Bernadine McCranie Bryan and Alison McCullick Catherine McCurdy

FY20 SUPPORTERS Harry McDonald

Campbell and Allison Nairn

Bill and Linda Pinto

Reba McDuffie

Laura Naslund

Richard Pipitone

Jonathan McElhannon

Susan Nelson

James Ponsoldt

D.L. McGinty

Thomas Nemetz

Leonard and Marie Poon

Carol McKay

Ashley Nettles

James Porter

Bobbie McKeller

Chan Nevin

Bobby Poss

Pamela McKenzie

Jim Newland

Jason and Paige Powell

John and Sarah McKinney

Newmark Rosenbaum Fund

Madelyn Powell

John McMillan

Kristina Nichols

Scott and Beverly Powell

Sara McMullan Richmond

Kate Nicholson

Tina Powers

Mildred Mealor

Leon Nicolosi

Presbyterian Women - First

Paul and Carol Sue Meech

Ray Noblet

Meredith Meeks

Tom Nolan

James Prestegard

Richard Meltzer

Louise Norrell

Victoria Prevatt and Evan Elder

Men's Fellowship First Christian

Nita Norris

Neal Priest

Peter Norris

Shannon Primm

Alden Mergenthal

Phil Novinger

Princeton United Methodist

Aleena Meriline

Michelle Nuss

J. Michael Meyers

Kathy O’Connor

Doug Pynn

John Meyne

Shannon O'Brien Brooks

Alam and Muntzra Qadri

Barbara Michalove

Marie O'Connor

Sharon Queen

Cynthia Miller

Stephen Olejnik

Dr. Mary Ellen and Bob Quinn

Eileen Miller

Henry O'Pry

Joanne Quinn

Ryan Miller

Betty Ormes

Yusuf Ra'aid

Milton Mills

Jessica Ostick

Laura Rack

Herschel Mize

Dick Oswell

Nancy Ramsey

Jan Mock

Emily Ott

Donald Randall

Mickey Montevideo

Paige Otwell

Reid Ratcliffe

Amey Montgomery

John and Christine Packwood

Preston and Nancy Rawlings

Debbie Montgomery

Johnette Padgett

Stephen Rawlings

Ethan Montgomery

James Pagonis

Mac Rawson

Marilyn Montgomery

David Parajon

Priscilla Ray

Garry Moon

Susan Parish

Carol Ann Raymond

Myra Moore

Al and Kathy Parker

James and Carol Reap

Susan Moore

Martha Parker

Robyn Reardon

Taffi Moore

Nelda Parker

Karen Redwine

Wayne Moore

Julius Parks

Katie Reed

Julie Morgan

Kiatha and Cherry Pass

Elinor Rees

Nancy Morgan

Gordhan and Jinx Patel

Craig Reese

James Morgenthaler

Navin Patel

Regions Bank

Merrill Morris

Marie Patterson

Lauren Register

Achilia Morrow

Robert Paul

Sharon Reid

Terry and Mary Morse

Brenda Paulk

Robert Reinert

Ada Mosley

Jane Payne

David Reinking

Frances Mosley

Peach State Federal Credit Union

Resource Tax and Accounting, LLC

Lorenzo Moss

Wayne and Kimberly Peacock

Sylva Riblet

Marjorie Mueller

Peter Pellegrini

Symma Rich

Robert Muffley

Terry and Angela Perrin

Gloria Ricks Taylor

Stephanie Mullis

Red Petrovs

Jeff Rieter

Tommie Mullis

Gregory Pierce

Harold Rittenberry

Jon Murphy

Bill Pierson

Bonita Roberts

Suzanne Murphy

Kate Pilgrim

Melinda Robins

Zee Nagao

Glenn Pinholster

John Robinson

Church of Athens

Presbyterian Church

Church - Golden Age Group


FY20 SUPPORTERS Gustavo Rodriguez-Zaccaro

Esther Smith

Harvey Tarpley

Thomas Rogerberg

Gabrielle Smith

Susan Tate

Luther Rogers

James Smith

Penelope Thacker

Nancy Rogers

Jean Smith

Faye Thaxton

Dean Rojek

Linda Smith

The Benevity Community Impact

Channette Romero

Margaret Smith

Richard Rose

Mario and Tiffany Smith

The Epting Family Foundation Fund

Richard Rosemond

Robert Smith

The Erika C. Lewis Family Fund

Robert Trippe Ross

Russell Smith

The Foot & Ankle Treatment Center

Jennifer Royal

Ruth Smith

The Georgia Association of DFCS

Rod and Ethel Rutledge

Shannyn Smith

Sarah Saint

Willie Smith

The Georgia Club Foundation, Inc.

Ashley Berry Salie

Wanda Snell

The GoodCoin Foundation

Judy Salmon

Maurice Snook

The Harris Foundation

Salon DM5

Andrea Snyder

The Hepburn Family Charitable

Walter Sams

Cher Snyder

Clate Sanders

Mason and Ann Somerville

The Irving Family Fund

Sheila Sanders

John and Nancy Songster

The Irving Foundation, Inc.

KathyLynn Sanderson

Mary Songster

The Joyful Faith Bible Study Class

Lamar Sapp

Elizabeth South

The Moschak Family Trust

Takao Sasaki

Gordon Sparks

The Petal Exchange, LLC

Richard Saunders

Charles and Vickie Spence

The Side Hustle

Jackie Scarborough

St. Gregory's Episcopal Church

Thomas McKey Tillman Foundation

Kristi Schaller

Erin Stacer

Judith Thompson

Kimberly Schmitz

Stanfield Air Systems

Ramon and Amanda Thompson

Donald Schneider

Donna Staples

Charles Thorne

Cynthia Schulte

State Farm

Lyn Thornton

Lee Scoggins

Donald Steindl

Grady Thrasher and Kathy Prescott

Ida Scotland-Jenkins

Beth Stephens

Sonny Thurmond

Don and Karen Scott

Tom and Sharon Stephens

Jason and Stephanie Tiller

Lewis Scruggs

Frederick and Sharon Stephenson

John Timmons

Brian and Donna Seagraves

Ashley Stewart

Patricia Titus

Nancy Seagraves

Ella Stewart

Jenna Tollerson

Yuksel Selcukoglu

Sean Stoltz

Barbara Tooley

Jane Self

Zolinda Stoneman

Donna Toulme

Kim Settles

James Stowe

Lisa Townsley

Fred Sewell

Margaret Strahl

James Travis

Ray Sexton

Carolyn Stratton

Dan and Leslie Trier

Janine Sheedy

Dawn Strehlke

Trinity Health/St. Mary's Hospital

Hortense Shelton

Sharon Stroud

Patrick Tritt

Jane Shenk

Richard Stuck

Terry Truhlar

Sylvia Shortt

Kalena Stull

Tuckston United Methodist Church

John Shouf

David Suggs

Melissa Tufts

Carley Sibley

Joyce Sundling

Wayne Turnbull

Judy Sikes

Stephen Suplee

Brad Turner

Silver Angels

Anne and David Sweaney

Charlie and Kateri Turner

Michael Simpson

Heather Sweaney Tracy

Turner Family Foundation

Thomas Simpson


Sara Tweedell

Denise Sims

Talmage Terrace - Lanier Gardens

Daniel Tyree

Martha Sims

Vince and Carol Tamborello

UGA Office of Service Learning

Michelle and Harold Sims

Marcy Tanner

Ludwig Uhlig

Ronald Sladky

Melodie Tanner

Eddie VanWinkle

Catherine Slaughter

Claire Tardy

Betty Varnadore





FY20 SUPPORTERS Mimi Vickers

Michelle Yancich

Abbie Vogt

Margaret Yehle

Patricia Voytik

Christopher Young

W&A Engeneering

Mary Young

John Wagner

Sandra Young

Lily Waldron

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority

Eleanor Walker

Pamela Zohar

Robert Wall

Magdalena Zurawski

Carol Wallace Erin Wallace Don and Nancy Walton Betty Ward Connie Ward Amy Ware Richard Warner Robert Warnock Tiffany Washington Debra Watson Michelle Watson Terri Watts Bengi Weber Gene Weeks


Ison Weems John Wellons Brandi Werther Jef Whatley


Joe and Hilda White Karen White Julia Wiley Edward Williams Geraldine Williams


Megan Williams Sara Williamson Rosetta Willingham John Willis


Willis Towers Watson Terry and Brenda Wimpey Delores Windate Robert and Carol Winthrop


Joe Wisenbaker Women's Healthcare Associates Patricia Wong Jennifer Wood


Anna Woodall Rosemary Woodel Joan Woods Reginald and Brenda Woods


Bonnie Wooten John Workman Charles Worthy Rod Wright


Lihong Xie Patricia Yager


COMMUNITY PARTNERS It is with profound appreciation that we thank the following for their unwavering support of ACCA, our mission and the clients we so proudly serve.


EVENTS & FUNDRAISERS Due to COVID-19, our March for Meals 5K was held virtually in 2020 with 98 virtual participants. Our retroProm was postponed. In addition to those listed above, we would like to thank the following sponsors for their event support despite the unforeseen changes:

DePalma's Italian Cafe Paul and Carol Kurtz Last Resort Grill

We look forward to reconvening in person for our events when we are able to do so! 26

STAFF RESPONSE TO COVID-19 ACCA superheroes don't wear capes. They are a special group of dedicated people who show up to work with one goal: to ensure that the older adults we serve are not alone. We will do whatever it takes to assist in times of need!

“Even with everything going on in the world and in our personal lives, we as a team were able to keep ACCA's mission at the forefront to serve record-breaking numbers of people.”


“I am so thankful to work with some of the most passionate and positive people. Seeing everyone pitch in during these hard times makes me more motivated to continue doing our work and serving the community.”


“I have felt nothing - absolutely nothing - but support from other staff during COVID. My role has changed a lot and as the point person on "all things food." I 100% claim that we would not have been successful without the hard work and good attitudes of all our staff. We have a team with amazing hearts and people who just flat out get the job done.”


“ACCA has proven repeatedly that the dedication and the love of the people we jointly serve will prevail. Our roles may be very different and of late may be in a constant state of fluidity however at the core of this team is service. I am honored to be a part of ACCA.”

ANGELA CHAVOUS, LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM - AUGUSTA "We had just hired an activity aide in Winder who was here one week before we closed for COVID. To this day, she is still here showing up every day and doing whatever is asked of her. I think that is a testament to the dedication that our staff show to the agency. My team is showing up and doing what is asked of them. Some of the tasks are not in their typical job description duties so I am proud of how they have been able to adapt to a constantly changing environment as COVID goes on."


WAYS TO GET INVOLVED We can face any challenge with determination, resiliency and a lot of heart. That is what we do at ACCA. We truly believe there is a superhero in all of us and together, as an ACCA family, we can do so much more to help our community age well and live well.

Even during these times, you can:

VOLUNTEER. We are always looking for amazing community members to support our work. We have adapted these opportunities so you can safely participate. From contactless delivery of meals, to teaching a virtual class, to becoming a phone buddy to a senior, we will make sure to find the right place for your skills and comfort level!

DONATE. With your help, it’s possible for ACCA to continue fighting senior hunger and social isolation, offer health and wellness activities, support to caregivers, provide meals and care to homebound older adults, engage older adults in job training and so much more. Philanthropic support is vital to sustain all of ACCA’s programs until we can safely reopen.

SPONSOR. Your local business or community group can invest in our mission and be a part of our impact on older adults in our community. Your support will be recognized year-round through our communication platforms.

PARTNER. This year has been a testament that we can do significantly more for less when we partner with others in our community who share our mission. Please reach out to us if you are interested in partnering with ACCA!

FOLLOW. Like us on Facebook and Instagram. Stay posted on all of the amazing things ACCA has going on. Become our friend! @ACCaging

For more ways to get involved call us at 706.549.4850

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