ACC EMag #3 2020

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A Story of Mental Illness, Suicide and Hope through Loss By Kayla Stoecklein A pastor’s wife’s shattering yet ultimately hopeful story of her husband’s death by suicide, her journey to understand mental illness, and the light she found in the darkness. On August 25, 2018, Kayla Stoecklein lost her husband, Andrew--megachurch pastor of Inland Hills Church in Chino, California-to suicide. In the wake of the tragedy, she embarked on a brave journey to better understand his harrowing battle with mental illness and, ultimately, to overcome the stigma of suicide. Fear Gone Wild is her intimate account of all that led to that tragic day, including her husband’s panic attacks and debilitating bouts of anxiety and depression. Despite their deep faith in God and the countless prayers of many believers, Andrew was never healed of his illness. Turning to Scripture for answers, she discovered that God uses wilderness experiences to prepare His children--including Jesus--for his greater purpose and to work miracles inside our souls. With a clear-eyed acknowledgment of how misguided and misinformed she was about mental illness, Kayla Stoecklein shares her story in hopes that anyone walking through the wilderness of mental illness will be better equipped for the journey and will learn to put their hope in Jesus through it all. Fear Gone Wild is available at


Keys to a Flourishing Family and a Fulfilled Ministry By Daryl J. Potts The verse, Joshua 24:15, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord,” has been the desire and declaration of ministry couples for centuries. Yet the heartache of many ministers and their spouses is the realization that even though they have ministered to many and have been instruments to strengthen people’s spiritual lives, the spiritual well-being of their own immediate family is not always where they would like it to be. Many sadly observe members of their own family who no longer attend church, having turned away from the faith. For many ministers and spouses, both those presently in ministry and those starting out, there is a great desire to find keys to prevent their family members from falling away from the faith. The heart of every pastoral couple is to function in their ministry and at the same time see their family flourish. In the light of the dearth of research regarding the ministry/family journey, this book investigates how ministers and their spouses perceive that their involvement in ministry affects their family lives. It further reveals the components that contribute toward the spiritual well-being of their family, while fulfilling their unique ministry responsibilities. As For Me & My House is available at:

Extract see page 20

Extract see page 40 44


Trust in the Miracle of God’s Presence By Max Lucado In You Are Never Alone, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will show you that you’re stronger than you think because God is nearer than you know. You’ll be comforted by the living, loving, miracle-working God who doesn’t think twice about stepping into the thorny thickets of your world to lift you out. The answer in the life-giving miracles in the Gospel of John is a resounding yes. Do you know them? Do you believe in a Jesus who has, not only power, but a passionate love for the weak and wounded of the world? Do you think he cares enough about you to find you in the lonely waiting rooms, rehab centers and convalescent homes of life? We long for Someone who will meet us in the midst of life’s messes. We long to believe in a living, loving, miracle-working God who won’t think twice about stepping into the thorny thickets of our world and lift us out. If this is your desire, take a good look at the words of John and the miracles of Christ and see if they don’t achieve their desired goal: “That you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name” (John. 20:31). You Are Never Alone is available at:

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