eschenau summer press publications is volume 1 of herman de vries – publisher. Volume 2, magazines, is scheduled for autumn 2025.
6 Thomas A. Clark
Dissemination Archival introduction (2000)
8 1:1 overview
86 Lynne van Rhijn Clouds of coherence in the eschenau summer press publications
96 Ton Geerts a book is a book herman de vries and the (artist’s) book
°1 herman de vries noise / आवाज
°2 herman de vries to be all ways to be
°3 [Marinus] Boezem as wide as
°4 Sjoerd Buisman swellings: 1976 composterra / prades pyrénées orientales france
°5 herman de vries ○
°6 Rudolf Mattes linie 200 cm lang line length 200 cm
[°7] [Marinus] Boezem – light events – [not published]
°8 herman de vries october, february, june
°9 herman de vries the dust of some roads & a leaf from a tree
°10 Rolf Sachsse both sides
°11 Heinz Brand brand news
°12 James Lee Byars – devil –
°13 [Bernard] Aubertin essai sur le feu
°14 Dieter Roth [untitled] [aus der heimat …]
°15 [Ryszard] Winiarski strategic game
[°16] [Maurizio Nannucci] ANTHOLOGY 1967/2007 [not published]
°17 Ewerdt Hilgemann for herman random sculptures, torano di carrara, 11.00–12.00 a.m. on a day in august
°18 herman de vries – concept –
°19 François Morellet a badly bound book
°20 Jiří Valoch five parts of one work
°21 Jiří Valoch three possibilities
°22 Jan Smejkal nine days – 1985
°23 Wolfgang Schmidt worte machen
°24 Paul Panhuysen – clock –Paul Panhuysen & – spider –Johan Goedhart
°25 herman de vries rosa damascena
°26 Nicolaus Koliusis schau dem licht in die augen
°27 herman de vries von wirklichkeit und sprache
°28 Thomas A. Clark poem
°29 Martin Haseneier mykographie einer wiese
°30 Susanne Stövhase let us HELP in your RECREATION plans
°32 Chris Drury amanita muscaria
°33 herman de vries remember theodor gustav fechner. a reading-performance at the royal botanic garden edinburgh at the 16th of august 1992 by herman de vries
°34 herman de vries botanische werke : distelsamen
°35/36 Hartmut Geerken das zeichnerische spätwerk von immanuel kant. kommentiert von hartmut geerken
°37 herman de vries this
°38 Robert Lax circle
°39 Robert Lax More Scales – selection by John Beer
°40 Paul-Armand Gette Kleine botanische Mythologie Petite mythologie botanique Small botanical mythology
°41 Robert Lax red blue
°42 herman de vries wörter
°43 Ted Purves collected notes – observing birds 1995–1998
°44 herman de vries tutto
°45 herman de vries different & identic
°46 Robert Lax notebook
°47 herman de vries philosophische bemerkungen
°48 Hartmut Geerken may bug fly! a paper sinking in the indian ocean
°49 Joe Jones joe jones memorial
°50 herman de vries change
°51 herman de vries gold
°52 Christa Schuster rosen in die dunkelheit – juni 2004
°53 Eugen Gomringer es muss alles hand und fuss haben
°54 Muriel Desroches papillions
°55 Karin Sander eschenau, februar 2008
°56 herman de vries eigenblut
°57 herman de vries le chêne de trévans. statement
°58 herman de vries quelques moments du courant de bès. réproductions photographiques (3 sec. de difference)
°59 herman de vries looking smelling hearing etc.
°60 herman de vries kant cant
°61 Hartmut Geerken – bombus terrestris visited –no. zero minus one
°62 Thomas A. Clark the hidden place
°63 herman de vries searching for the source
°64 Ulay power flower – nature paper. a gift exchange
°65 Hartmut Geerken signed / not signed
°66 François Morellet stamped
°67 susanne de vries alles auf seinem platz
°68/69 Carlijn Mens het is daar – dat is het. shadows of moments passed
°70 susanne de vries, die wolken / the clouds herman de vries
°71(1) herman de vries looking, smelling, hearing, etc.
°71(2) herman de vries zufall
°72 susanne de vries places
°73 Katharina Winterhalter drawing in the wind
°74 melanie bonajo the coven
°75 herman de vries zweitausendneunzehn
°76 Hartmut Geerken motz el son
°77 susanne & die wäscheleine herman de vries
°78 Nan Groot Antink from the garden in eschenau
[Marinus Boezem] Unpublished: correspondence [Maurizio Nannucci] Unpublished: correspondence [Lawrence Weiner] Unpublished: correspondence
Handout introduction by Thomas A Clark for exhibition herman de vries & the eschenau travelling press, February – March 26, 2000, Dundee Contemporary Arts (Visual Research Centre / University of Dundee), Archive herman de vries RKD, inv. 280

The following pages show a page of all the eschenau summer press publications in full size (1:1).