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2.1.10 Although dormers are not a common feature within the ATC, they do provide interest and rhythm to the roof line. They usually take the form of a small gable as an element of the facade. Gables are strong elements and require appropriate proportions which relate to the height and plot width of the buildings to ensure visual success.
2.1.11 Mansard roofs with windows visible from the street level or set back dormers are not appropriate for the ATC.
Decorative details
2.1. 13
Many of the buildings within the ATC have interesting elevational detailing, including pediments and architraves, cornice lines, banded rustication on lower floors and rustic quoin strips on the corners or the buildings.
Alterations to the buildings should not damage or destroy these features of interest but should fit comfortably within the framework of the existing details. Any new work should be carried out with care and attention to quality, resulting in a positive feature of the building.
2.1.14 Bu1ldfng maintenance should provide for the repair and restoration of decorative features rather than their removal or replacement thus preventing the loss of character to the ATC.