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Appendix 2 - Schedule of listed buildings within Lurgan ATC

HB14/24/028 14-16 Market Street, Lurgan 1911 Three storey stone built building with Granite base.



H B 14/23/037

H B 14/23/047

HB 14/23/049

40 Church Place, lurgan Early 19"' Century fronts and replacing 18th Century structures

Three storey dwelling converted to use as a school, slated and stuccoed with Ionic porch.

Christ Church, Church Place Of two building periods 1725 and 1836. Enlarged 1931 Most of the spire is of the original building. Blackstone with sandstone dressings. Untutored Gothic styling.

Lurgan War Memorial 1920s A hexagonal Roman Doric templelike pavilion in Portland stone with a domical stone roof surmounted by a bronze winged figure. The monument stands on a raised mound approached by three flights of stone steps located in a memorial garden. Designed and executed by LS Merrifield this is one of the finest war memorials in Northern Ireland.

Carnegie library, Carnegie Street, lurgan 1906 An asymmetrical three bay red brick building, comprising on the front elevation, a pyramidal - roofed two-storey entrance tower flanked by a gabled single storey block and a gabled two-storey block.Tripartite windows to the ground floor, w ith a cusped and arched entrance doorway in the centre. The free treatment of the Palladian motif doorway in red Dumfries sandstone is an unusual feature. Designed by Hobart and Heron.

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Chrisl Churr/J,

Church Place

lurgan War Memorial

Carnegie library, C.vn,-.gie Street, lurgan

H.B 14/24/001

HB14/21/004a HB14/21/004b HB14/21/004c HB14/21/004d 48 Church Place, Lurgan c1900 A three storey building, the two upper floors are variegated brick •·.:hile the ground is dressed with decorative fence.

20 Church Place, Lurgan 21 Church Place, Lurgan 22 Church Place, Lurgan 23 Church Place, Lurgan Three-storey terrace slated and stuccoed. Late 19th century

HB14/23/012 41 Church Place, Lurgan Mid-19'" Century, remodelled later An individual design, terraced into the street, slated and rendered.


H B 14/23/032a HB14/23/032b

H 814/23/033

H B 14/24/009

HB14/24/010 45 High Street, Lurgan Late 181h Century

47 High Street, Lurgan Two storey, slated and rendered dwellings with two classical door cases

43 High Street, Lurgan A three-storey dwelling slated and stuccoed. Early 19th Century

Former Friends Meeting House, High St, Lurgan. First building on the site 1696 The present building predominantly 1882. Three bay, two storey front, stuccoed, ecclectic classical detailing.

Friends Entrance & Gates, High St, Lurgan c.1880 P.iir of decorative iron carriage gates hung on cast iron piers and flanked by pedestrian gates




HB 14/24/023a HB14/24/023b HB14/24/023c HB14/24/023d HB14/24/023e HB14/24/023f

HB14/24/025a HB14/24/025b

HB14/24/026 60 High Street. Lurgan Three storeys, slat ed and rendered dwelling (forms a group with Presbyterian Meeting House and no. 62 High Street). Early 19"· Century

1" Presbyterian Meeting House, High Street, Lurgan

Stuccoed front in Roman Doric style but poorly proportioned. Behind a plain Blackstone hall of 1827. First building 1827, refronted c.1860. Renovated 1932

16 High Street, Lurgan Two and a half storey decorative brick building above ashlar ground floor. 1902

80 High Street, Lurgan 82 High Street, Lurgan 84 High Street, Lurgan 86 High Street, Lurgan 88 High Street, LL1rgan 90 High Street. Lurgan Late 19th century

Three storied terraced dwellings. Basalt with yellow brick dressings.

52 High Street. Lurgan 52A High Street, Lurgan Three-storey, stuccoed with classic detailing. Early 19th century

48 High Street, Lurgan A three storey townhouse, slated, variegated brickwo classical detailing. rk and Early 19'h Century

HB14/24/027a 42 High Street, Lurgan HB14/24/027b 44 High Street, Lurgan HB14/24/027c 46 High Street. Lurgan Three-storey terraced group. Slated. Blackstone, stuccoed dressings of coade stonekeys. Early 19"' Century

HB14/23/001 49-51 High Street, Lurgan A double house hotel of three storeys with ionic porches and other classical details. The basement is enclosed with deco,·.,tive iron railings. c1835

HB14/23/015 Methodist Church, High Street, Lurgan, Built 1826, refitted 1888 on the site occupied by the first Presbyterian congregation since 1684

Two three storey bay symmetrical street frontage. Inside the lobby gives access to the gallery. The congregation was founded in 1748 and first built a church on this site in 17S3. The building was rebuilt in 1826 and refitted in 1988 to meet the needs of the great revival of Methodism and increasing congregations. The detailing of the main front was also modified. The interior is practically complete and a rare survivor at this scale from this period.


H814/24/032 Masonic Hall, Windsor Avenue, Lurgan A two-st orey red brick building in Queen Anne style, with Dutch gables, moulded terracotta keystones, wavy pedimented doorway and steep turret roof to the stair tower designed by Godfrey Ferguson. Located near the main street, this building adds considerably to the Victorian character of t he Lurgan Town Centre. 1899-1900

APPE tD/X 3:

Sources of lnformat,on

A Planning Strategy for Rural Northern Ireland

Planning Policy Statement 1: General Principles

Planning Policy Statement 5: Retailing and Town Centres

Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning, Archaeology and the Built Heritage

Craigavon Area Plan 2010- Draft Plan

Historic Monuments and Buildings Branch, Department of the Environment 5-33 Hill Street Belfast BT1 2LA

Photos courtesy o-f Craigavon Area Plan Team Marlborough House Central Way Craigavon BT64 1 AD

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