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Re-use of buildings
2.2.7 The retention of existing sash windows, wooden doors and roofing materials should be a priority within any refurbishment proposal. Replacements should replicate the original, with any new openings within the building corresponding to the existing fenestration and entrance patterns.
New build proposals
22.8 New development will be required to respect the context of the traditional backland building form. \t should create an impression of a solid built form; provide a sense of enclosure to the courtyard; and should have a direct relationship to the main street frontage. Impressions of solidity come from the proportion and relationship between solid and void within the elevations. This is of particular concern where proposals may require the creation of shop windows within both new development and the existing buildings. Display windows should not be excessively large but should reflect traditional patterns.
2.2.9 Roofs add to this impression of solidity. With the exception of flat roofed developments, a pitch of at least 30"will be required to ensure appropriate proportions.
2.2.10 Most of the existing Lurgan backland areas are accessed via a covered arched gateway, which forms an intricate element of a two or three storey main street frontage. This traditional form heightens the pedestrians' impression of discovery, and provides for a sense of anticipation upon entering through the gateways. There are a few examples where this traditional arched form is not present and an dttempt should be made either to create an archway through a new built frontage or to provide a gated entrance feature.