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Shopfront surround

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L u r g a n Area •of•Townscape•Charac ter

Stall risers

2.3.12 Stallrisers arc the solid panels below the shop window. They can be useful to provide a visual base to the shopfront; to screen unattractive floor areas; to produce an element of horizontal unity in the streetscene; to bring displays of goods closer to the shopper and to protect the shop window from damage. It should be care-fully proportioned in relation to the shopfront as a whole and should be constructed in good quality, hard wearing materials.

2.3.13 The base of the pilasters or existing traditional stall risers in adjacent units should determine the height of any new stallriser. The general design and details of mouldings and sills should respect the architectural period of the property. The materials for the st.allrisers and upstands should respect the main building and shopfront. Acceptable materials include; timber, stonework, brickwork to match upper facades, painted smooth render, slate, matt finish tiles or good quality terracotta.

Window frames and doors

2.3.14 The design of these element~ within the shopfront allows the most scope for creativity and individual design. Through the use of interesting shapes and proportions, colour, quality materials and lively w indow displays, a distinctive shop front can be created which will form part of a visually interesting street scene.

2.3.15 Imitation historical styles in a building of a different date are inappropriate. For example the use of the Georgian st yle in Victorian or Edwardian properties should be avoided.

2.3.16 The scale and proportion of window frames, glazing bars and door locations should respond to the proportions of the upper floors of the building and the elevational design of the street. The vertical proportions and narrow bay widths of the older premises should be emphasised by using glazing bars or mullions to divide windows into vertically proportioned sections, so avoiding large panes of glass. The hori7.ontal lines found within the shopfront should be lined up, such as ~Lallriser sills to door panels and clerestory to fanlights.

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