EVENT OF THE MONTH Hari Bersih Indonesia
In This Issue Hari Bersih Indonesia Page 1
Message from the Principal Upcoming Events Page 2
Message from the Vice PrincipalPrimary Page 3
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Page 4
Learner Profile of the Month Page 5
In accordance with the second World Clean Up Day, 21 September 2019, the students, parents, and ACG staff, along with other volunteers from companies and the local government excitedly joined Hari Bersih Indonesia at Taman Honda Jakarta. We cleaned up the area around the park by collecting recyclable and non-recyclable waste to prevent it from ending up in the rivers and seas. Following the clean-up, the primary students sang “We Love the Earth” while secondary students sang “Nyawa dan Harapan”, a song that encourages environmental consciousness and reflection. It was a meaningful experience for the students to work cooperatively with a larger community who cares about the environment. The event showed that the ACG School Jakarta community is dedicated to preserving the Earth for everyone’s future. September Newsletter
Community Group Update Page 14
Parents as Learners Page 17
Whole School Information Page 20
Message from the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, September has passed us by with a blink of an eye, but the action-packed month has provided wonderful opportunities for all of us to learn more about each other, build stronger relationships and continue the process of caring deeply about our learning, our local and global communities and each other. The Learner Profile attribute this month focused on caring, and our students continue to demonstrate this attribute on a daily basis through their actions and interactions with each other.
Upcoming Events 4 October Primary Assembly Parents as Learners 7 - 11 October Primary Parent Teacher
Our sports teams have made a positive start to season one and our students should feel proud of their efforts and the way that they have conducted themselves on and off the playing field. Our basketball, volleyball, and football junior and senior team members care deeply about their performances, but it is also pleasing to see how our students care about having fun, show great sportsmanship, and care about the well-being of all players and coaches. Our recent Years 10 and 11 three-day camp at Sindangbarang provided opportunities for students to make connections with their learning and demonstrate care for each other, their teachers, instructors and the local community. Read more about the camp experience here: Life skills learned at the camp. Caring for our environment and raising awareness of environmental issues has seen our eco-warriors and wider community members engage in activities and actions throughout the month. Strong participation in Clean Up Jakarta and the recent Hari Bersih Indonesia clearly demonstrates that our students care about the health of our planet. More details about Hari Bersih can be found here: Inspiring eco-friendly change with Hari Bersih Indonesia and here: Students raise their voices at Hari Bersih Indonesia.
Conferences Years 12 and 13 Art Exhibition 9 October Primary Sports Carnival Secondary Parent Teacher Student Conferences 10 October Secondary Sports Carnival 11 October End of Term 1 14 - 18 October Term Break
Caring about the health and wellness of our community members is an important step toward strengthening our community. The Parent Wellness classes on offer aim to provide free services to parents, and we look forward to our parents taking advantage of these experiences. In December, we will be hosting visitors from the Council of International Schools (CIS) as we prepare for membership. Joining the CIS membership community is something that our teachers and parents can do by clicking on the link here: CIS News. Joining CIS news will enable all community members to receive strategic updates about the services, events and resources available to member organisations.
21 - 22 October Staff only days 23 October Term 2 Begins Lance King Parent Workshop 24 - 26 October
The end of Term One is fast approaching and we will hold our end of term assembly in our gymnasium on Friday, 11 October from 2.00pm. We warmly invite parents and caregivers to our end of term assembly to help us acknowledge student achievements and showcase student performances.
Ubud Writers’ Festival 25 October Primary Assembly
Shawn Hutchinson Principal
29 October A Day in the Life Years 4-6
September Newsletter
Message from the Vice Principal - Primary Dear Parents and Caregivers, September has been a busy month full of learning and opportunities to interact with the local community outside of school. We are proud of all of our students for their participation in the various events this month. Our Year 6 students participated in The Big Sing with other international schools, our school community came together to clean up Jakarta on Hari Bersih Indonesia, where some of our students performed a song on the stage, and several of our year levels took field trips connected to their units of inquiry. We are excited to invite parents of students in Years 1-6 to experience a day in the life of their child. In the next few weeks, parents will have the opportunity to come to school with their child, taking on the role of a student, to learn alongside the other students and parents. Our aim of these events is to showcase a typical day at ACG School Jakarta. Parents will experience lessons in literacy, mathematics, and the unit of inquiry, as well as enjoy snack and lunch with their child. Please see the flyer sent out this week for more information. If you have any questions, email me at Primary Parent Teacher Conferences will be held during the week of 7-11 October throughout the day, as well as after school hours. Parent Teacher Conferences are one of the ways we formally report on student progress. During the conference, the homeroom teacher will discuss your child’s academic, social, and emotional progress thus far. They will also share diagnostic assessment data, observations and other assessments. Prior to the conference, you may choose to write down a few questions you have for the teachers. These questions may relate to your child’s academic performance, Unit of Inquiry understanding, English speaking ability, and/or social or emotional behaviours. All parents will sign up for a 20-minute conference with their child’s homeroom teacher. Please refer to the email sent this week with sign-up links. If you would like to meet with a single-subject teacher, please email them directly to arrange a conference.
Jennifer Kesler Vice Principal - Primary
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Kindergarten - Let’s Investigate Last week, the Kindergarten team hosted their very first ‘Let’s Investigate’ session, where parents and caregivers were invited to learn and discover with their child. It was wonderful to see parents and children learning together, by exploring the different learning areas of the classroom. Children showed what confident and curious learners they were by leading their play ideas, answering questions, sharing their reflections and demonstrating all the skills they had been working on over the last few weeks, including story writing (their own idea) and using their senses to express themselves. The sensory area was a particular hit, as they made sculptures out of scented playdough and created pictures using chocolate and cinnamon paint! During our follow-up session in the library, parents learned more about the Kindergarten learning environment, how we plan and deliver our PYP, inquiry-based programme, as well as the important role children play in leading their own learning. Thanks so much to everyone for their participation and enthusiasm in our first ‘Let’s Investigate’ session and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Year 5 Field Trip On 24 September, linking with our Unit of Inquiry about cultural heritage, Year 5 went on an excursion to Kampung Betawi Setu Babakan. We learned about eight icons of Betawi culture, such as ondel-ondel, kembang kelapa, gigi balang, baju sadariah, baju kebaya, batik Betawi, kerak telor and bir pletok. Moreover, we did some creative activities, such as making an Ondel-ondel doll and learned how to cook Betawi’s traditional snack named Kerak Telor.
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta JASIS Big Sing On the 14th of September 2019, The Big Sing took place at AIS Primary Campus in Kemang. There were six schools that joined this event; those schools are ACG School Jakarta, AIS, ISB, NAS, Semarang, and Cisarua. It was a wonderful event. On the day, the students split into four groups; the Kylies, the Billies, the Arethas, and the Bjorks. Students took part in four different workshops with four different teachers. The first workshop was with Mr John in the Hall. The students learned the harmony for the ‘Circle of Life’ song. The second workshop was with Ms Sinead in the Year 6J room. They learned how to use expression while singing. The students liked that one the most! The third workshop was with Mr Brent in the drama room. The students learned some vocal exercises and warmups. The last workshop was with Ms O’Connor in the multi-court space. We learned the lyrics to the ‘Circle of Life.’ In the afternoon, ACG School Jakarta practiced their ‘Hala Lala’ song and the ‘Circle of Life’ song. They performed very well. It was a very exciting day!
By Izabelle Widjaja, Year 6A
Learner Profile of the Month Principled The IBO defines a principled person as someone who “…acts with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.”(International Baccalaureate Organization 2013).
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 3 Ancestor’s Day To conclude our inquiry into ‘Family histories provide an insight into personal identity’, Year 3 shared and celebrated all of our own unique family histories. We invited family members to join us for Ancestor’s Day! Everyone dressed up in clothes that which had special meaning for their family and culture. We had wedding dresses, 200 year old fabric designs, traditional cloth and unique accessories. The students shared their learning through their Family History Scrapbooks and then we all enjoyed fabulous traditional food and games together.
Year 3 Thanksgiving For our Where We Are in Place and Time Unit of Inquiry, we have been incredibly fortunate to have parents who generously shared their time and family celebrations and traditions with Year 3. We learned about the history of Chuseok , also known as the Korean Thanksgiving Day, one of the most important festive holidays of the year where families honor their ancestors and give thanks for a good harvest. We learned how to play Yut Nori, a Korean board game played during Korean New Year. We also got to experience some special traditional Korean treats. For American Thanksgiving, we learned about the history of where the celebration originated, how it is celebrated today, and how families from Indonesia also celebrate the tradition. We experienced a full feast including turkey, stuffing, mashed potato, sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie.
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Years 10-11 Camp Engaging in a variety of cultural customs and activities, our Year 10 and 11 students have enjoyed the interactive learning opportunities of their recent three-day school camp at Sindangbarang. Underpinned by problem solving, investigation and the opportunity to try different endeavours, students were encouraged to broaden their own horizons and recognise ways in which their studies are reflected in the outside world. Students had the opportunity to observe and interact with the local ecosystem and rich biodiversity of Indonesia, which interrelated well with their Biology IGCSE course. For many of our students, this was their first opportunity to observe many organisms native to Indonesia, allowing them to encounter in a real-life setting that they had previously only read about in textbooks. Trekking through an Indonesian village, known as a “kampung”, the surrounding rice fields and mountains illustrated to students how the natural beauty of Indonesia can be promoted on the world tourism stage. Appreciating different types of Indonesian foods has also allowed them to gain insights into the efficient use of local and national agricultural resources. Emphasising creativity and innovation, students discovered how traditional pursuits, such as designing puppets from coconut leaves or making Gamelan music from instruments of local wood and metals, can generate income for families and small businesses. Learning challenging new talents, such as walking on stilts, took perseverance and determination to master, while puppet making involved clear visual and verbal instructions to communicate clearly. Resourcefulness and teamwork were vital for Bakiak running, where students stood back-to-back while trying to move forward. Amid much laughter, patience, and sometimes frustration, students achieved great successes while developing important life skills. While camp activities do not traditionally focus on language skills, there was also one clear connection to a topic they are currently studying in IGCSE English as a Second Language – the unit “Wide World vs. Global Village”. This raised questions among the students regarding whether the world is becoming a smaller place due to modern communication technology, or whether the traditional lifestyle they encountered at Sindangbarang demonstrated that not everyone lives in their world. As a result of their experiences, students now recognise that the word ‘village’ still resonates more with many cultures than the word ‘global’ and it helps them to identify the world around them in a variety of ways. Special thanks to our wonderful teachers, Ms Annie Pickering (Mathematics), Mr. Qasam Wahid (Biology), Mr. Brendan McTiernan (Global Perspectives) and Mr. Dillon Sweales (English) for sharing their insights and stories from camp.
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Sports This has been a very eventful and exciting month for ACG Wolves Athletics. There are eight different codes currently running, with our senior students competing in volleyball and soccer, and our junior students competing in basketball and soccer. The senior boys’ soccer team went through some major roster changes from last year, with many new younger players filling up the ranks. They had four matches in September in the South Jakarta Area Athletic Conference (SJAC) and went 0-2-2. The senior girls’ soccer team is 0-4 so far this season, but they are a new code and have made many impressive developments in a short amount of time. The senior volleyball teams are gearing up for their ASAC Senior Volleyball Tournament in Hanoi, Vietnam on 1-3 November. The boys had four games this month, going 2-2 and the girls had three games, going 2-1. Volleyball has become the signature sport at ACG in the past few years and this in large part due to our excellent coaches, Mr. Raju and Ms. Kate Schiman. They are both in their second year with the teams and have done an outstanding job elevating them to a highly competitive and skilled level. The junior basketball teams have been immensely popular this year as well, with over forty students currently on the boys’ and girls’ teams. They have had two tournaments so far in the newly formed JAMISSA league. Both teams have had great success with the girls going undefeated at 5-0 and the boys enjoying a respectable 3-3 record, heading into the last tournament on Saturday, 5 October at Jakarta Intercultural School. Lastly the Junior Soccer teams have had one tournament so far in the JAMISSA league both going 0-3. They had a much improved effort at their last tournament, which took place 28 September at the British School Jakarta. The girls went 0-1-2 and the boys 0-2 in all very close matches. Go Wolves!
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta The Arts Time is a curious thing; when it appears to go very fast, last week’s events seem to have happened a lifetime ago. So it is that the month of September at ACG seems to have flown by in a couple of weeks; here is a brief synopsis of events in words and pictures. New Music Room (The Sound Room): September saw work completed on what must be one of the best looking, best sound-proofed music rooms in SE Asia. Recording Studio: In the Sound Room ‘suite’ we have a 24 track recording facility which will soon be in use by the ‘Unplugged’ student initiative to help students learn the mechanics and art of sound recording. We already have a wait-list for students to get in there, perform and record versions of original and cover material. Radio Station: Our Radio Station will soon be in business. Students will soon be learning the technical side of producing content and presentation skills. Café Society: Our Café Society is up and running and three events in. Our student led team is taking bookings. If you are in school, we encourage you to stop by the Cafeteria any Monday, Wednesday or Friday to see who is playing between 12:40 and 13:15. IBDP Visual Arts Y12 and 13: Year 12 have just completed Unit 1, I am What I am. As part of the process, students present, explain and discuss their work in an art school style. This work will be exhibited in the 4th floor art room (A404) during the PTC week, October 7-11. I will be in the art room between 12:00 and 13:00 on PTC day to answer any of your questions about the IBDP Visual Arts course. Please ask your child to take you up to the exhibition during the PTC day so that they have the opportunity to explain their work and creative processes to you. IGCSE Art and Design: Year 10 students are currently learning about composition, the skill of effectively organizing and arranging the components of an art work to convey a message or an emotion. The ACG Rap: During the (very well attended) PYP assembly, our wonderfully talented students performed the ‘ACG Rap’ to great applause. They will have an encore performance at the End of Term Assembly on 11 October.
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Hari Bersih Indonesia: Rayyan and Michelle’s Speech This is it. This is what we should be doing more often, Indonesia. I am Michelle and this is Rayyan and we are from ACG School Jakarta. Kebersihan adalah keindahan! Membersihkan Indonesia dari sampah atau kotoran adalah tugas yang harus kita lakukan lebih sering agar negeri ini menjadi indah dan enak dipandang. Saya Rayyan dan ini Michelle dan kami dari sekolah ACG Jakarta. As we clean up the mess we have left behind, a little bit at a time, not only are we bettering the country we call home, but also helping to create a cleaner, healthier and more liveable world. This is what we should strive for everyday as a nation. Ketika kita membersihkan sampah-sampah atau kotoran yang telah kita tinggalkan, sedikit demi sedikit, bukan saja kita memperbaiki negara yang kita sebut rumah, tetapi juga untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih bersih, lebih sehat, dan lebih nyaman untuk ditinggali. Hal inilah yang harus kita perjuangkan sehari-hari sebagai sebuah bangsa. Indonesia produces nearly 190,000 tonnes of waste a day and without the unity of our people helping to declutter our cities, beaches and oceans, our health becomes at risk. Let’s take water as an example. We all know how crucial water is to human survival, but if that becomes contaminated, we would have no choice but to risk ourselves to the exposure of diseases solely for the sake of staying alive. Indonesia menghasilkan hampir 190.000 ton sampah perhari dan tanpa adanya persatuan dari kita untuk membantu membersihkan kota, pantai, dan lautan yang kita miliki, kesehatan kita menjadi berisiko. Mari kita ambil air sebagai contoh. Kita semua tahu betapa pentingnya air bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Akan tetapi bagaimana jika air itu sudah terkontaminasi? Kita tidak punya pilihan selain mengambil risiko terhadap paparan penyakit semata-mata demi tetap hidup. A significantly concerning issue the world is facing right now is climate change. The decomposition of garbage in landfills produces methane and it is destroying our ozone layer. This is the reason why it is crucial for us to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as we can. So please, try to always remind your friends and family to do so, as everyone’s small efforts count and contribute to the big change. Let’s not destroy and lose our only planet. Masalah signifikan yang dihadapi dunia saat ini adalah perubahan iklim. Pembusukan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah menghasilkan metana dan merusak lapisan ozon kita. Inilah alasan mengapa sangat penting bagi kita untuk mengurangi, menggunakan kembali, dan mendaur ulang sebanyak yang kita bisa. Jadi tolong, cobalah untuk selalu mengingatkan teman dan keluarga Anda untuk melakukannya karena upaya kecil semua orang menghitung dan berkontribusi pada perubahan besar. Jangan menghancurkan dan menghilangkan satu-satunya bumi kita. I am Michelle and this is Rayyan and we are from ACG School Jakarta. We would like to thank you for your time. We did good today, Indonesia. Well done. Saya Rayyan dan ini Michelle dan kami dari sekolah ACG Jakarta. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas waktu Anda. Kami melakukannya dengan baik hari ini, untuk Indonesia, untuk masa depan negeri yang kita cintai ini!
10 | ACG JKT
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Secondary Prefect Profiles Ever since Danu Yulianto joined ACG in 2008, he has been a delightful addition to the ACG’s community as a student, role model and friend. He has been prevalent in many aspects of ACG’s accomplishments, including the sports and music department, as well as the academic aspects, earning reputable IGCSE grades, qualifying him as he undertakes the IB Diploma. When asked for an interesting fact about him, he reveals, “I lived in Egypt for 5 years before moving back to Indonesia.” Having fading memories of where he grew up, he intends to return back once he has grown older to experience the culture as an adult. However, this dream may have to wait, as Danu plans to complete his university studies in Australia. As a proud Biawak, he adds that, “My fondest memory of ACG is during House competitions, where the school felt united and everyone had fun.” This can be seen by how Biawaks have earned multiple trophies under the wings of Danu as captain. His athleticism also mirrors his achievements, as he is the captain of the Varsity Football team and he earned the Most Improved Player of the volleyball team and Most Valuable Player of the Football team last year. Full of youth and vision, Danu states, “I became prefect because I want ACG to become one of the most prestigious international schools in South Jakarta,” where he plans to implement more academic events, such as BYLS and MUN, as well as social events such as the Lock-In in which he played a significant role last year.
Although she has only been in ACG for one year, Lina Hutchinson has been a force to be reckoned with; well-known by everyone for her friendliness and cheerful personality, Lina is one of the selected prefects for this academic year. Lina is a very talented and diligent student who has contributed greatly towards the school’s music scene, having performed at the senior graduation ceremony, amazing people with her angelic voice and piano skills at last year’s winter recital and now overseeing ACG’s Café Society full of musicians. Moreover, she is also the leading figure and current Captain of the Wolves’ Girls’ Soccer team that has been established this academic year. Within one year, Lina Hutchinson stated that she has learned so many things about ACG School Jakarta and its community. “One thing I’ve definitely learned and realised is the strength of the ACG community and the positive relationships between students, staff and families”. Expressing that she’s always had an interest in leadership opportunities, Lina believes that being a prefect will be the perfect opportunity for her to work with other students in the school and improve certain aspects of the school, whilst developing her own leadership skills in the process. Through her role as prefect, one thing that Lina would like to achieve is to increase the number of student-led events and opportunities the school provides. Her goal not only concerns the student council, but also getting other students to take initiative. Lina states, “I believe that ACG School Jakarta is very lucky to have such a great community, and as prefect, I aim to highlight that”.
September Newsletter
ACG JKT | 11
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Secondary Prefect Profiles Ever since she moved to ACG in 2016, Isabel ten Have has been thriving as one of the most well-rounded students of her time. As the former house captain of the Cicaks, Isabel is an optimistic student with academic excellence on her IGCSEs and a rich experience in leadership in a variety of fields. From the beginning, Isabel ten Have has been an exemplary student academically, regularly achieving A’s in all her subjects. During her IGCSE mock exams, her outstanding results earned her the prize of Year 11’s Academic Excellence award. She also seeks opportunities to contribute to her community and take risks, like when she joined the BINUS Youth Leadership Summit in 2019, despite it being the first time ACG participated. Isabel shares ACG’s holistic values perfectly, as she is naturally a jovial person, always seeking to help those around her. Because of this, she won the Internationalism award in Year 10. In the creative arts department, Isabel’s proficiency on the piano has allowed her to perform in a plethora of school events, most notably during the Winter recitals. In addition, she is also highly active in the sports department. Over the years at ACG School Jakarta, she has been a regular member of the ACG Orcas swim team, which has a won many tournaments and events in South Jakarta. Recently, she has joined the Senior Girls’ Volleyball team, where she plays a crucial part in their team’s overall performance. Being the House captain for Cicaks for over one year not only provided her with invaluable experience in becoming a student leader, but also trust from her schoolmates. Ultimately, these experiences and traits helped Isabel grow into becoming the excellent student she is, earning her the prefect title.
As one of the selected prefects for the 2019-2020 academic year, Najma Marwan is an athletic and confident role model who always motivates her classmates to push themselves to their maximum capability. Najma believes that being a prefect gives her the opportunity to develop her leadership skills, improving her ability to apply them to real world problems. Since she was the president of the student council in her old school, Najma will be a lovely addition to the ACG’s student leadership group because she will be able to express her ideas and knowledge regarding school organisation and innovate ways to make an enjoyable and exciting learning environment here in ACG School Jakarta. Within her first two years at ACG School Jakarta, Najma has been involved in numerous leadership roles, such as being the previous vice-captain of Cicaks, the main setter for the girls’ volleyball team and an experienced basketball player for the ACG Wolves. In her first year of the IB Diploma Programme, Najma enjoys Biology, Visual Arts and Economics as she aims to pursue a degree in Political Science. When asked which IB learner profile trait best describes her, she said “Communicator best describes me because I enjoy listening to other people’s perspectives, as well as giving them suggestions to collaborate with others so we could get the best result from the ideas.”
12 | ACG JKT
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Air Quality Recently, Mr Hutchinson attended a Jakarta School’s meeting at the British School Jakarta, where heads of schools discussed the important issue of air quality and how we aim to work together to manage air quality issues. Air Quality Index (AQI )Policy Air Quality ACG School Jakarta recognizes the importance of providing a healthy and safe environment for our learners. ACG School Jakarta regularly monitors the air quality index (AQI) outside in the morning and in the early afternoon. In the event of high air pollution, students will be kept indoors during morning and lunch breaks, and physical education classes will be restricted to the gymnasium. The AQI is used to determine how clean or unhealthy the outdoor air is. The index ranges on a scale of 0 to 251+. The amount of prolonged exposure to unhealthy air is limited through the reduction or modification of school activities that require moderate to heavy exertion. AQI
Measure to be taken
0 - 50
Air quality is consider satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
51 - 100
Daily activities are not affected.
101 - 150
Daily activities are not affected. Teacher reports any signs of respiratory difficulty in students to the nurse immediately.
151 - 200
1. Students will be allowed outside to play during breaks, but will not take part in strenuous activities. Students will also have the option of staying indoors in the library, especially students with respiratory problems. 2. All ASAs will be modified so that students do not take part in strenuous activity. 3. Any ACG School Jakarta outdoor community event will be modified. • Teachers report any signs of respiratory difficulty in students to the nurse immediately. • PE and related activities will be modified by PE teachers.
1. All PE and related activities will be modified and carried out indoors. 2. Students will remain indoors during break times in line with the indoor play procedures. 3. All field trips that involve any sort of physical activity will be postponed. 4. All outdoor ASAs will be moved indoors. 5. Any ACG School Jakarta outdoor community event will be cancelled. 6. Teachers report any signs of respiratory difficulty in students to the nurse immediately.
September Newsletter
ACG JKT | 13
Community Group Update On Friday, 13 September we held our general Community Group Meeting to discuss Year Level Rep roles and communication, committees and sub-committees, and the functional relationships with staff committees. The School currently communicates information via a number of WhatsApp Groups. The official ACG School Jakarta WhatsApp group can be joined by adding the following number: +62 816-297-800. We also have Year Level Parent Reps and encourage parents to join the relevant Year Level WhatsApp groups. Our next ACG School Jakarta Community Group Meeting will be held after the Parents as Learners workshop on Friday, 4 October at 10.00am.
Literacy Week Committee
Open Day Parent Representatives
The Literacy Week Committee will work closely with our Staff Events Committee to ensure that the week-long activities involve all members of our school community.
Open Days provide opportunities for prospective parents to visit the school, enjoy a guided tour from student ambassadors, experience some hands-on classroom activities and meet the school leadership team. Prospective parents will also have the opportunity to meet current parent representatives. The parent representatives will be able to share their experiences and unique perspectives.
17-21 February 2020 Parent Reps •
Jooyoung Noh
Luciana Silva
Putri Shaniya
Lady Laluyan
Aprilia Zein
Nancy Rompis
Nina Handoko-Widodo
Sumit Sonia
Sakiko Kurihara
Bhavana Shrivastava
Grace Zhao
Luciana Silva
Kyungha Kim
14 | ACG JKT
Open Day #1 Saturday, 23 November 2019 Open Day #2 Saturday, 15 February 2020 Parent Reps •
Doug Slusher / Merry Dewi
Jooyoung Noh
Vinita Boonlikitcheva
Aprilia Zein
Nina Handoko-Widodo
Bhavana Shrivastava
Luciana Silva
Sumit Sonia
September Newsletter
Community Group Update International Day Committee - Fri 6 March 2020
Promotion Committee
The International Day Committee will work closely with the Staff Partnership Committee to coordinate the International Day event.
The Community Group Promotion Team will meet to discuss ways in which we can introduce new families to the group. The team will develop ways to welcome new families to the ACG School Jakarta community and promote schoolwide events and activities.
Parent Reps •
Doug Slusher / Merry Dewi
Jooyoung Noh
Parent Reps
Dewi Sumawijaya
Doug Slusher / Merry Dewi
Luciana Silva
Luciana Silva
Maggy Good
Fanny Tong
Fanny Tong
Nolita Duder
Arlini Syah
Vinita Boonlikitcheva
Zarina Aslanova
Aprilia Zein
Nolita Duder
Nancy Rompis
Putri Shaniya
Fuaddiah Kuru
Vinita Boonlikitcheva
Nina Handoko-Widodo
Sakiko Kurihara
Sumit Sonia
Yuenhwa Hong
Choi Min-Hea
Aprilia Zein
Nancy Rompis
Fuaddiah Kuru
Nina Handoko-Widodo
Jade Kim
Sumit Sonia
Sakiko Kurihara
Grace Zhao
Bhavana Shrivastava
Kyungha Kim
September Newsletter
Graduation / Prizegiving Committee The Graduation / Prizegiving Committee will work closely with the Head Boy and Girl, Prefects and members of staff to ensure that student achievements are acknowledged and to help coordinate the events. Parent Reps •
Luki Agustini
Haruko Kogiso
Nobuko Tamaki
ACG JKT | 15
Community Group Update Assemblies Committee
Secondary Swimming / Sports Carnivals
The Assemblies Committee will work closely with our Staff Events Committee to ensure that assemblies are supported by parents.
Parents will work closely with the Staff Sports Committee members to ensure the successful running of events.
Parent Reps
Parent Reps
Putri Shaniya
Nancy Rompis
Zarina Aslanova
Jade Kim
Aprilia Zein
Sakiko Kurihara
Nancy Rompis
Fuaddiah Kuru
Sumit Sonia Year Level Representatives Luciana Silva (K2 & K3)
Parent Volunteers for school trips •
Doug Slusher / Merry Dewi
Vidya Novita Indriani
Dewi Sumawijaya
Luciana Silva
Lady Laluyan
Aprilia Zein
Nancy Rompis
Fuaddiah Kuru Jooyoung Noh (K4) Merry Slusher (Year 1) Simret Kaur (Year 2) Nancy Ludlow (Year 3) Sumit Sonia (Year 4)
Primary Swimming / Sports Carnivals Parents will work closely with the Staff Sports Committee to ensure the successful running of events.
Nolita Duder (Year 5) Dewi Sumawijaya (Year 6) Maggy Good (Year 7)
Parent Reps
Vidya Novita Indriani
Arlini Evans (Year 8)
Luciana Silva
Putri Shaniya
Puntipa (Ning) Dumlaeid (Year 9)
Yuenhwa Hong
Choi Min-Hea
Shawn Hutchinson (Years 10-13)
Lady Laluyan
Aprilia Zein
Nancy Rompis
Fuaddiah Kuru
Sumit Sonia
Grace Zhao
16 | ACG JKT
September Newsletter
Parents as Learners Parent as Learners
How the Cambridge Primary Curriculum Framework informs Learning and Teaching Friday, 4 October at 9.00am in Library
We would like to invite Primary parents to attend this month’s Parents as Learners session on Friday, 4 October at 9.00 am in the Library. We have adopted the Cambridge Primary Curriculum Framework for English and Mathematics and aligned it to the PYP Framework. We are using these outcomes to help drive the literacy and math instruction happening in the classroom. We will discuss the integration of Cambridge, the learning outcomes being taught in our Year 1-6 classrooms, our rationale for this decision, and how this will affect your child(ren).
Lance G King
Parent Workshop Lance King is the creator of the Art of Learning programme taught in over 250 schools in 33 countries and is a specialist in the direct teaching of ‘21st Century skills’. With the IB, he designed and developed the Approaches to Learning (ATL) framework, which is currently being implemented in 4000 IB schools in 150 countries. Lance will be conducting workshops at ACG School Jakarta for students, parents and staff. Join us on Wednesay, 23 October at 8.00-9.30am for Coffee Morning: Courageous Parenting in a Digital Age.
Creator of the Art of Learning programme delivered to over 250,000 students in 34 countries
Designer of the new IB ATL programme currently being implemented in over 4000 schools in 150 countries
International author of learning skills texts for students, parents and teachers
Workshop facilitator in over 300 schools worldwide and many international conferences
"Courageous Parenting in a Digital Age"
ACG School Jakarta "Coffee Morning" Wednesday, 23 October 8.00am - 9.30am Go to—for more references, course details, blogs for parents, resources for students, teachers and parents, articles and videos. Check out Lance’s keynote address “The Teaching Revolution” at
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To promote our arts programme at ACG Jakarta, we have set up a stage in the cafeteria for lunch time performances. If you are interested in performing or have any enquiries, please contact Atha, Lina or Chae in Year 12. We have performances every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please come along to perform or support the performers!
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September Newsletter
would like to invite you to join our
PARENT WELLNESS CLASSES All classes are free for parents. English Class Every Monday in A117 3.00-4.00pm Body Combat Every Tuesday in Gym 4.15-5.15pm Power Yoga (Max 10 people) Every Thursday in Black Box 4.00-5.00pm (Ladies only)
Mandarin Class Every Thursday in A120 3.00-4.00pm Bahasa Indonesia Class Every Friday in A113 3.00-4.00pm
Parents only need to register with Ms Tia ( for Yoga class.
7 - 11 OCTOBER
Please sign up for an appointment with your child's homeroom teacher.
Please sign up for an appointment with your child's advisor and subject teachers.
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Whole School Updates Parent Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch Menu Updates:
Many parents have indicated that they would like to volunteer and help out in the Primary classrooms. We have opportunities for parents to come and read with individual students or with a small group of students in the classrooms. If you would like to volunteer your time on a weekly basis to read with children, please send me an email at to sign up. We look forward to seeing parents supporting our students!
Please check the lunch menu updates (every two weeks) in the Parent Information Portal.
Parent Information Portal Please visit for updated information for parents and students. Social Responsibility As a community of learners, we have the responsibility to model behaviours and actions that we want our students to display. We are committed to embracing the energy and events of our time to advance social change in the areas of environmental protection, animal welfare and disaster relief. Parents as Learners Parents are encouraged to visit this section of our Information Portal to learn more about upcoming parent workshops and learning opportunities.
Renewal of Car Registration: Parents should complete the online form in order to receive their new Car Pass for the 2018/2019 academic year. ID Card Registration: For new domestic staff or other family members who haven’t received an ID card, please visit this section and complete the relevant form. Transport: Parents are advised to communicate bus questions or issues to or mia.sari@ Uniforms: We now have an online uniform order system and would like to encourage parents to use this online service. Payment can be made easily by bank transfer, credit card or cash. ACG School Jakarta Calendar
Student Responsibility It is the responsibility of the student to arrive at school fully prepared for the day’s activities. We need parents to support us in establishing expectations and encourage students to be independent, responsible students. Students who arrive to school without personal items (shoes, books, swim gear, library bag, homework, etc.) should not call home and request parents, drivers, or domestic helpers to deliver items during the day. Vehicle Access Only registered vehicles with an ACG School Jakarta car pass are permitted to enter the school grounds. Students / Parents arriving to school during drop off and pick up times in taxis or app-requested vehicles will be required to drop off / pick up outside of the main gate.
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September Newsletter