ACG Sunderland Newsletter Week 6 Term 3 2019

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ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland


WINGS NEWSLETTER Dear Parents and Friends of Sunderland

Vol 14, Term Three, Week Seven, 6 September 2019

Late last week we had the Education Review Office in our Preschool, and then on Monday and Tuesday of this What’s in this issue: week the team reviewed the Primary and College too. We have not seen ERO for over three years in the Preschool and for over five years in the primary and College. These are good things, reflecting a high level of trust in the policies and processes operating in our wonderful school. On Tuesday afternoon, the team reported back to the senior management team and board – and I could not have been prouder of the findings. Below are some of their key verbal findings: • Stephanie Weatherill and Ioana Vaka gave a great tour, told some interesting personal stories and were very confident successful young women. • We are meeting all ministry requirements and more (surpassing requirements). • Reviewers enjoyed meeting the International Team – documentation was of high quality and impressed with the checks going on. They like that we have moved to evaluation of the collected data and that we are acting on this. The Pastoral care side is of a very high standard and clearly individualised. • Using external providers to ensure compliance of premises is a good idea, and there are quality systems in place in this area. It is obvious that this is all based around the care and safety of the students. • Ministry reporting and the processes around this are all fit for purpose. • Impressed that all staff (including teaching staff wo are normally covered off by Teachers Council) are police vetted. • Laboratory spaces have good systems in place. • “Nuts and Bolts things are done very well”. • There is clear alignment between what we say we do and the curriculum being delivered in the classroom.

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

• High academic expectations for all students and close support seen to get students there. • Mission/Motto/Values are shown throughout the school and seen in practise. The campus has a highly focussed environment for achievement. • One to one support was seen frequently around the campus. • General Studies course develops student efficacy and confidence, giving them skills they need to be successful in the upper end of the school and on to university. Clearly seen strong growth of students both as learners and as individuals. • Impressed with the focus on extra-curricular activities, and the EOTC Camps are an excellent opportunity for students. • Curriculum is cohesive, sequenced and seamless from Year 0 to 13. Built around the Cambridge programme with NZC used from Years 1 to 10 in areas that do not have a Cambridge course. • Schemes are linked together well throughout the campus. • Strong focus on English, Mathematics and Science seen. Increase in Science in Primary is great and Year 5 and 6 in Labs. Primary students spoke very highly of Science and clearly enjoy it. • Wider world perspective seen within lessons, and Global Perspectives being trialled in Primary is a great step forward. • Real New Zealand contexts are used in class, even within Cambridge courses. • Assessment processes are logical and high levels of achievement are clearly evident. • Good support available for students for post school options and students with needs supported well. Individually tailored courses for the students with learning needs are excellent. • ESOL/Support areas have grown since last ERO visit and good practices seen here. • Deaning restructure successful for better student support. • Mainly instructional teaching seen around the campus with students taking ownership and confident to express their own ideas and opinions. • “Opportunity to express their own personal opinions in class safely and respectfully with support from their peers is a real standout of the school and great to see” • Highly focused learning environment with little student management by teachers needed as good systems are well in place. • Core values shown in all relationships around the campus. • Reporting to parents is excellent and seen to be individual and child focused, not just jargon. Real quality feedback is being given. • The high expectations around the campus for punctuality, respect and behaviour are clear. • Strong two way respectful relationships are seen in classrooms. • Teaching staff are seen to move around the classroom supporting students when not delivering material themselves. • Assemblies are a great way to recognise and celebrate student successes both in Primary and College. • Students have varied opportunities to be extended or supported when needed. Strong extra-curricular programme helps a lot here. • Pastoral care to support teaching and learning is in place well. “What is said to parents on the website/brochure actually happens”. • Effective systems in place to monitor attendance. • Well qualified teaching staff and a number of multi-skilled staff evident, which is important at a smaller school. Staff will flex to fit in with what the student options need not the other way around. • Employment of staff that fit the school and community values has been done well. Staff definitely work hard. • Rigorous staff performance management ACG wide and supported by great leadership on site. Strong processes in place here. • Level of reflection from staff is excellent, more streamlined expectations of this going forward may be needed. A principal sign off grid on the front page of appraisal document to show that staff meet teachers council requirements would save time and make things clearer. 2

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

On Monday, I sent a letter home to all parents reminding them about the measles outbreak here in New Zealand and in Auckland in particular. Coincidentally Max Denvir Nixon (a kidney transplant recipient here at Sunderland) was featured in the Herald and on Seven Sharp, highlighting the real risk a child like Max would have if he contracted this disease. Therefore, I urge every parent to make sure their child has been immunised against this disease. Measles link is: Seven Sharp link is:

Please see College the organisation forWhole Week Eight and Week Nine: Primary Preschool School Event Parents and Friends KEY:

Week Eight

09 September to 13 September

Value of the Week: Resilience

** All Week **

Maori Language Week

Tuesday 11 September

8.30am-10.10am Primary Talent Show Run through

Thursday 12 September

10.10am Year 5 or Year 6 student, Northwest Speech Competition, Royal Road School 10.30am-11.20am Year 10 Attitude Presentation, L08 12.40pm-1.30pm College Sausage sizzle, Borneo Fundraiser

Friday 13 September

12.40pm Hangi for Primary Maori Language Week 2.20pm-3.10pm Year 9 Attitude Presentation, L01

Week Nine

16 September to 20 September

Value of the Week: Tolerance

Monday 16 September

7.30am-9.00am Parents and Friends College Breakfast, The Trust Stadium 1.30pm-3.00pm College Talent Show, Auditorium

Tuesday 17 September

7.30am-9.00am Parents and Friends Primary Breakfast, The Trust Stadium 1.00pm-3.00pm Primary Talent Show, Auditorium

Wednesday 18 September

8.30am-3.00pm Northwest Sport, Year 7 and Year 8 Volleyball, TBC 3.20pm Primary Parents Meeting ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’, G03

Thursday 19 September

12.40pm-1.30pm Primary Sausage sizzle, Borneo Fundraiser ACG Rehearsal and Concert Sky City, Times to be confirmed

Saturday 21 September

10.30am-2.30pm Open Day

Aspire. Succeed. Respect.

Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland 3

Primary News Congratulations

Lower Primary Trophy Katherine Kann, Year 3AV

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Upper Trophy Edward Zhou, Year 5WB

Academic Houses Honours Badge

Joseph Kumerich, Year 6PG

Photos form Primary Art Exhibition ‘This is Me’, Northwest Mall


Primary Sports Cluster

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Hockey Cluster Students Reports The bell rang. But there was no ref. Where was the ref? That was the exact moment that I was thinking, “please please please don’t say that there was a mistake in the announcements, that we weren’t actually in the finals and that we were competing for third place.” I was so happy when the ref showed up. Zoom, “Well that’s one to zero,” Fabian said as he got his first goal. Caitlyn-Jane and Fabian shot another two goals. Heidi needed to get a goal since she hadn’t gotten a goal in any of the games. “Come on Heidi!” Mr Baker was yelling. It took a lot of tries to get the goal, but when she had everyone was so happy for her. Ding Dong Ding Dong. “Keep going” shouted the ref. Everyone started pushing up in our team. “Time!” Shouted the ref a couple minutes later. We were SO happy to win our grade again. Mr Baker had to be happy to get the trophy back. We walked back to pack our bags. “The winner of the B grade is AGC Sunderland!” the lady speaking said. We all yelled “Its ACG Sunderland!” We all walked over to get the trophy. We were given some leftover muffins, and some ice cream. The thing was was that we had to collect all the cones from the three fields before we could get the ice cream. We were so angry! All of us got into the parents' cars that we were with, then drove back to school. By James Good Ding-dong ding-dong went the bell at the courts. I knew what that meant. It was show time. We ran down to our turf and got ready. The referee blew his whistle and the game began Smack! Went the sticks attempting to swipe a hit at the tiny colorful ball. Goal! Shouted the referee. We ran back to our half of the field, hungry for another shot. Once again, we heard the bell, ding-dong ding-dong. This meant that the game was over. We shook their hands and relocated our resting area. Soon enough it was our next game, and our next, and our next, until the schools were called out that made the playoffs. We listened in very carefully to hear our school name; sure enough it was called, so we were in the finals. We practised for ages before the finals game, passing, shooting, defending, stealing and blocking until the opposing team (Summerland C) came over. We were scared. They had won all of their games by far, and we had only just won some games. After a short amount of time full of more practising, the referee came over, blew the whistle and the final had begun. I snatched the ball off the opposing team, to Harry who passed to Joseph, who passed it back to me. Now I had the ball very close to the goal, I took a very powerful shot at the very left corner of the goal, it could’ve missed easily but to my disbelief the ball went quickly rolling into the very spot I aimed at. Goal! Shouted the referee. After a tiring match of full-paced running, we walked back to our chosen resting spot and waited for our names to be called again. “First place in the B grade goes to ACG Sunderland,” called out the host. We all stood up and held the trophy. We had won! By Fabian Villars


Primary Sports Cluster

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Soccer Cluster Students Report

It was a lovely day on 29th of August 2019. Sunderland School was going to the Soccer Cluster. We were very excited and nervous. We split into three groups Mr Granger’s, Mrs WCJ’s, and Mr.Zhang’s. When we finally arrived at Henderson High School. We warmed up and practised for few minutes and did our first game. We won the first game, but we were pretty close to losing. We had won by one point. Second game started, and it was easier than the first game. We won by three points. We had a quick break and started the third game. We won the third game too. Unfortunately, we lost the fourth game. It was hard to get into the finals. The other team was pretty strong. Mr. Granger shouted at us really LOUDLY, because some of the players did nothing. Luckily we had won the last game. Mr. Granger looked at the result but sadly we couldn’t go to the finals by one point. Everyone wanted go to the finals but they were all tired. We came fifth in our grade and we headed back to school. It was very nice time. By Julia

Netball Cluster Students Report

On Thursday Week Six we went to the Netball Cluster it was an amazing day. We played 4 games and came 5th in our grade. We would like to thank Mr Meadows and Mrs Barron, Georgia’s mum, for helping on the day and thank them for our amazing reward which was some McDonalds drinks it was an amazing day!!!! By Madison McDowall and Esther Kazadi

Students Success Flynn Jameson, Year 7B. Last weekend, Flynn competed at the 2019 Pacific Junior Diving Championships. This was his first time competing with the New Zealand Team at an international competition and at the Junior Elite Level. We had 3 teams from Australia and one team from Malaysia. Flynn came away with a silver in synchro and a bronze in 1 meter springboard. The competition was tough and the caliber of the athletes was impressive.


College News

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

College Sports Basketball - Years 7 and 8 Term 4 Students interested in playing basketball need to complete a sports registration form by Week 9 Game Days: Weekly Monday Competition 4:00pm - 7:00pm Cost: $70, in addition $100 for coaching. Training: Friday 7:00am – 8:15am Venues: Trust Stadium Tennis Students interested in playing Tennis after school need to complete a sports registration form by Week 9 Game Days: Weekly Monday Cost: $30 PER TERM Equipment: Students must provide their own tennis racquet Venues: Te Pai Tennis Courts Touch - Years 7 and 8 Students interested in playing Touch need to complete a sports registration form by Week 9 Game Days: Weekly Wednesday Competition 4:00pm onwards Term 4 23 Oct to 11 Dec Start Date: 23 October Cost: $45 Training: TBC Venues: Moire Park Uniform: Generic Sports Top issued by ACG Sunderland and PE Shorts. Equipment: Optional boots recommended Touch Yr 9/10 Students interested in playing please see Mr Keen Sports Uniforms Sports uniforms need to be returned to Mr Keen personally by the Wednesday of Week 8

Mathex Year Seven and Year Eight

Congratulations to all the Year Seven and Eight Mathex participants! They delivered great performances in the event. Both Year Seven teams achieved 95% results. Year Eight, team 2 achieved 90% and team 1, achieved 80% results. They represented our school very well and demonstrated school values such as determination, confidence throughout the event. The Year Seven and Eight students showed great enthusiasm in all the Mathex training sessions and surely their hard work did pay off. Well done to you all!

College Academic House


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Parents & Friends Primary Breakfast

A reminder that our annual Parents and Friends Breakfasts, in conjunction with Fuji Xerox and Heaney & Partners Law Firm, are coming up. These are good opportunities for the family to come out together and listen to a guest speaker as well as be surrounded by wonderful company. This year they will be held at the Trust Stadium with new caterers who are offering us a fantastic Breakfast menu. This week, order forms for tickets were taken home by your child. Please return your ticket order to reception before Friday 6 September. Primary Breakfast is on Tuesday 17 September from 7.30am to 9.00am. Our guest speaker is Michaela Sokolich-Beatson. Following a breakthrough year in 2016, talented young defender Michaela SokolichBeatson has continued to enhance her credentials in leaps and bounds. Named for the first time in 2018, the talented 22-year old is an example of the next generation of Silver Fern ready to create a legacy of their own in the black dress. A product of Whangaparoa College, Sokolich-Beatson was first chosen for the Northern Mystics in 2016 and is where she has remained for the last four seasons. An impressive 2019 season saw her efforts recognised with inclusion in the wider Netball World Cup programme. An outstanding athlete, Sokolich-Beatson is a tireless and effective defender. Skilled both in the circle and out on wing defence, she offers versatility and a fierce determination for the ball. Her strong leadership skills held her in good stead as the captain of the triumphant NZU21 team at the Netball World Youth Cup in Botswana in 2017. Fresh off their championship at the Netball World Cup last month, she’s looking forward to sharing her thoughts with your students about goal setting and how it’s taken her (and the Ferns) to the pinnacle of international netball sport.

Parents & Friends College Breakfast College Breakfast is on Monday 16 September from 7.30am to 9.00am. Our guest speak is Alexia. Alexia is the founder and CEO of GirlBoss NZ - a 12,000 strong army of young women who are determined to achieve gender equality in their lifetimes. Dismayed by the under representation of women in leadership roles Alexia founded GirlBoss when she was just 16. Encouraging young women to embrace STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), leadership and entrepreneurship, GirlBoss is now New Zealand’s largest organisation for young women. It’s members are shrugging off the statistics and preparing themselves to take their seats at the table - the boardroom table that is. At 17, Alexia was the youngest person to lead a research project at the New Zealand Treasury - and at 18 - she was selected to seek new stars and planets on the NASA SOFIA mission. She was named the most influential young leader under the age of 25 at the Westpac Women of Influence awards and recently returned from Buckingham Palace where she received the Queen’s Young Leader medal for services to the commonwealth. She is the youngest Commonwealth citizen to ever receive this honour. Alexia proves that you are never too young (or too short) to be an agitator for change.


Primary Production

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Te Waka o Aotearoa Legends of New Zealand

Performances: Tues 24 September 1:30pm Wed 25 September 1:30pm) Wed 25 September 5:30pm Thurs 26 September 5:30pm Tickets: Adults - $10 Children - $5 (5-12 years old) 4 years of age & under - free.

Tickets will available at reception from Monday 19th August.

Artwork by James Good 9

Community News

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

The title of this year’s ACG Schools Combined Concert ‘Come Together’ and the theme is ‘peace and protest’. There will be a huge variety of different musical items from individual schools and there will be some combined items that will involve all four schools: ACG Sunderland, ACG Parnell, ACG Tauranga and ACG Strathallan. The date of the performance is Thursday September 19th and will take place at the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau. The performance will begin at 6:30pm. There will be an all-day rehearsal on the same day for all the participants. Please do get your tickets soon as it is sure to sell-out!


Community News

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Raise Up Massey are hosting a free Basketball Event for 13-18 year old's held at the Massey Leisure Centre on September 7th from 3pm-7pm (545 Don Buck Road, Massey) 3v3's, 3 pt shoot out, Live DJ, Trick shots, Prizes & Food. NBA 2K20 on PS4 and FREE hair cuts from Nexus Barbershop! PRIZES: 1st place shootout winner: $100 rebel sports voucher Premium ticket to a Breakers game of your choice Free YMCA Fitness membership 1st place 3v3 winner (Per age bracket) Premium tickets to a Breakers game of your choice Free YMCA Fitness Memberships Free YMCA Stadium training sessions Basketball Merch Register online at or use this form:


Holiday Programme

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

For more information please contact Nanette Carillo. Email: or phone: 021 0265 3242 12

Ground Crew

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

ACG Sunderland Ring Road I need to bring to the community’s attention the use of the Ring Road before and after school. It is imperative for the safety of our students and visitors to the school that you do not use the parking by reception unless you are using the Mobility Parking and you are a permit holder. Please use the Ring Road to drop off your child either at the rear of the school or at the side by the Primary playground till 8.30am in the morning and the gates open in the afternoon at 3.00pm. The speed limit is 5kmph and I ask you to respect this. We wish to retain our 100% safety record. Keep your speed down, watch out for pedestrians and use the correct parking and drop off areas. Entry ONLY is the entrance opposite Smith and Smith Glass/VTNZ Exit ONLY is the exit opposite Get Fed Food

关于校园环岛路交通安全的通知 致亲爱的ACG Sunderland 家长和朋友们:

过去几周内,在校园环岛路上差点发生了两起交通事故,一起在早上,一起在下午。此事引起 ACG Sunderland 委员 会的关注。 我想借此机会提醒家长们在校园内保持 5 km/h 的车速。如果家长们需要进入学校大楼,请您把车泊在学校大门旁访问客 专用停车场。 小学旁的停车位仅限于接送孩子的家长们暂时停泊,并恳请家长们保留在车内,不要离开车位。 谢谢您们的关注与支持。 Nathan Villars ACG Sunderland 校长敬啟 22/3/2016


New carparks

Parents and Caregivers using the Ring Road at the end of the school day, please note there is a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING by the Gymnasium now (just after the judder bar. PLEASE WATCH FOR STUDENTS. There are also 12 new parks as you drive up the Ring Road to the Primary courts. We ask for the communities support to: * keep to the 5 kilometre an hour speed limit.

New Pedestrian Crossing

* watch for students.


Please return all cups and trophies from Prizegiving 2018 to Mrs Davies or leave at reception. ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Attendance: A reminder to the community, the procedure for when your child is away is to please let us know by emailing not the Form Teacher, thank you for taking note.

Gold Sponsors School Contact Details

Lenco Schoolwear Shop has shifted to: 100/102 Central Park Drive, Henderson. Telephone: (09) 838 6164

Thank you to the following Sponsors and Supporters of ACG Sunderland. We greatly appreciate their assistance. Please consider them if requiring a product or service they provide.

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm January and February Opening Hours are: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am to 3.00pm Email:

Active Security – Sharma Family Phone 0800 422 848 School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Fax: 838 7040 Address: 6 Waipareira Avenue, Henderson, Waitakere 0610 Email: Attendance: Web:

The Kids at School Care afterschool programme has a 30 minute Homework Club. Available now before school programme care from 7.15 am to 8.30 am . Please contact Nanette Carillo on 021 265 3242 or email

2019 TERM DATES Term 1 Thursday, 24 January – Friday 12 April Term 2 Monday, 29 April – Friday 28 June Term 3 Monday, 22 July – Friday, 27 September Term 4 Monday, 14 October – Tuesday, 3 December

2020 TERM DATES 23 and 24 January: Tutor Days. Senior students confirm subjects • Parents / Caregivers and student meet with Homeroom Teacher/Form Tutor, • 24 January International Students Orientation

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Tuesday 28 January (Tue) – April 9 (Thu) April 28 (Tue) – June 26 (Fri) July 20 (Mon) – September 25 (Fri) October 12 (Mon) – December 4 (Fri) 14

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