ACG Tauranga Preschool OCTOBER 2019 NEWSLET TER
Welcome to all of our new children and their families We would like to welcome all our new families into the ACG Preschool family, we are very privileged that you have chosen us to be a part of your child’s preschool journey.
Black out day
Thank you to all the children to came dressed to preschool in black for our black out day to support our All Blacks. The children had a day filled with making rugby ball shaped cookies, watching the haka, and an amazing session of Rugby tots. Coach Nico and his son were so organised for our group session they made our black out day very special, here are some photos for you to see.
Preschool Newsletter | 07 213 0130 | 6 Keenan Rd, Pyes Pa
Sun Smart Daylight savings has arrived and to has the time for sunhats and sunblock. Each child received an ACG bucket hat on enrolment, these hats are perfect for sun safety as the have a good brim on them to protect your child’s face and neck while outside. ALL children need to have their sunhats in their bags from now on, as they cannot play outside without one. If you need a new hat these can be purchased from here at $15 each. Can all parents please apply sun block to their children before arriving at preschool every morning we then apply each day at 10am and 2 pm. This is to ensure maximum sun safety as last year our summer sun was very hot. If your child has a reaction to our sunblock you are able to bring in your own for us to apply.
Calendar art
Raechel, along with your children are preparing their calendar art for you to see and order. We will shortly have on display all the items you can purchase with your child’s art featured on it. This is great for the up and coming Christmas period as presents. Watch the front foyer for the display and your children’s art work. You can use the forms that will be provided to place your order and it will then be charged to your account to save bringing cash to the centre.
Wet bags and spare clothes
Here are the lovely models Jemima and Kaia with their sunhats
All children were given a wet bag on enrolment can these please be kept in your child’s school bag. We use these to contain wet clothing to save using plastic bags. Can all children please bring 2 spare changes of clothes we have noticed this week that many children do not have any changes and with all the water play that we have it is important, not to leave the children in wet clothes for too long.
Preschool Newsletter | 07 213 0130 | 6 Keenan Rd, Pyes Pa
Rugby tots term 4
Nut free centre
The children absolutely love their time over on the school fields learning how to catch, throw, navigate a circuit and all the other ball handling skills they gain. This is open for all children over two.
Could we please remember that we have to keep to the uniform at all times. This is the ACG polo shirt, navy pants/skirt/shorts and a navy jersey. We are getting lots of different variations presently. Just a reminder that we are now a nut free centre. Could you please ensure that nuts stay out of your children’s lunch boxes. Items that say may contain nuts is fine.
Children’s art We have lots of art work that needs to go home. The art box is located inside next to the art drying rack. Inside you will find your child’s name. Feel free to take home what is inside.
Survey We have recently sent you a quick survey as we are taking part in a professional learning opportunity through Poutama Pounamu. We are focusing on ‘Culturally responsive pedagogy’. If you could please fill this is for us we would very much appreciate it. It will give an insight to where we are at in the continuum and give us some direction to move forward.
Rugby tots will return for term 4. Coach Nico will place a form in the front foyer soon. If you are wanting your child to take part in rugby tots then please fill it in and they will invoice you separately.
School transition
If you have decided the school that you child will attend can you please let one of the team know. That way we will be able to help you through the transition and get in contact with the new entrants teacher from that school and invite them to visit us and your child. If you are intending on sending your child through to ACG Primary next year Sharron is seeking all applications to go through as soon as you can so they can plan for the numbers.
Here is the link if you haven’t completed it yet. ACG-Whanau-Survey-2019
Christmas holiday forms Shortly we will be sending home a holidays form, like we did last year to be able to gage staff levels needed over the Christmas holiday period. If you are aware of what your Christmas plans are please fill in the form with what you are needing or indicate on the form that you are unsure.
A group of friends re-enacting 5 green and speckled frogs