ACG Sunderland Newsletter - 5 August 2022 (Chinese)

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ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland


WINGS NEWSLETTER Vol 18, Term Three, Week Two, 5 August 2022

亲爱的桑德兰家长和朋友们, 当我开始写这周的周报时,大雾仍然在Moselle Avenue滚动, 没有迹象表明迹象表明太阳将冲破这层灰色。然而,最大 的亮点是,外面的雨已经停了,学生们在课间和午餐时间 可以恢复正常。

昨天晚上是我们的开放日。我们有很多潜在的家长和学生,他们利用晚上的机会,在 导游的带领下进行参观。 如果你错过了参加这次活动的机会,我们将在9月17日举行另外一个开放日。我当然欢 迎大家参加这个活动。 说到活动,我们的年度选课及未来职业发展咨询会将会在下周四8月11日举行 这是一个让我们所有家长听取我本人,Mr Robson以及Mrs Lambarth意见的机会。然后 你也可以和所有科系学院的院长谈谈他们的学科。晚会将于晚上7点开始。

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

在周二的中学周会上,我们有机会表彰了Bianca Raxworthy 和 Mason Wang, 他们都代表 学校参加了上周末举行的全国中学锦标赛。Bianca获得了前8名和前10名的成绩,而 Mason获得了很多奖牌。 Bianca Mason


100M Breast


100M Breast


100M Fly


50M Fly 200M Fly 50M Back 100M Free


100M IM 50M Free

ACG桑德兰在全国所有中学中排名第19。 我们为这两名学生感到高兴! 在接下来的两周里,我们还有一些中学部的音乐家们要参加Stand Up, Stand Out比赛, 我将继续向你们通报进展情况。 祝大家周末愉快。

Aspire. Succeed. Respect.

Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland

Value for the next week is: Tactfulness having or showing the ability to do or say things without offending other people. 2

Early Learning School

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Under 2’s Room 这周,我们在冬季玩水很开心

Junior Room 本周,幼儿班的孩子们获得了很多创造性的乐趣,利用彩色染料,滴管和纸巾,孩子们 能够学习颜色的识别。 他们将原色混合在一起,并在他们眼前观察它们如何在纸巾上创造出第二种颜色。


Early Learning School

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Senior Room 本周的天气非常好,学前班的孩子们可以和他们的玩具宠物们一起进行户外野餐。 他们参与了关于照顾动物的讨论,以及讨论了在它们不舒服的时候该把他们带到哪 里去。 孩子们还参与了创造性的活动,为他们的宠物画画。



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

1BTR - Orlando Chen for making great progress learning the alphabet. 1HOC - Aiden Tao-Li for good behaviour and working hard. 1CAR - Mika Parry for being a role model in class and for showing great improvement in his academic performance. 1GLC - Rhea Su for scoring 99% in her basic facts test. 2SHA - Shayaan Nath for progress in learning his 3,4 times tables. 2ZOU - Saisha Ghosh for being a kind, helpful and supportive peer. 3HAS - Andy Chen for overall improvement in class. 3YAN - Brian Li for achieving 100% in Y3 basic facts multiplication. 3SEA - Amelia Cutler for wonderful progress in literacy. 4RYN - Emilyn Li for a fantastic start to T3 and great effort at setting goals. 4SMI - Felix Ward for excellent improvement in reading and motivation to succeed in his learning, well done. 5BAK - Lillian Chen for being an amazing leader and class captain. 5RIC - Aryan Hotaki for improving his spelling age. 6LIM - Ethan Hoffmann for excellent start to T3, improved listening and concentration in class. 6DOO - Hebe He for an excellent start to her learning at ACG Sunderland.

1BTR - Mia Liu 1CAR - Allison Wang 2SHA - Chloe Yang 3HAS - Elizabeth Shingles 3SEA - Rebecca Zhao 4SMI - Joanna Zhou 5RIC - Dong Chen 6DOO - Yilia Wang

1HOC - Morgan Cheng 1GLC - Marcus Bai 2ZOU - Hanna Xia 3YAN - Stella Chen 4RYN - Jerry Li 5BAK - Nathan Zheng 6LIM - Miya Wang 5


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Week 2 Assembly – Class Captain, Honours & Student of the Week Certificates

Lower Primary Trophy winner this week was Enzo Li – Year 3

Primary House Shield Findlay 6


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Shadow a Leader Henry, a year 13 Business student, had the wonderful opportunity to shadow Katrina Glenday, the Executive Vice President of the Fisher & Paykel product lines, as part of the AUT shadow a leader program. This is what Henry had to say about the experience: Shadowing Katrina provided me with insight into what effective teamwork and communication is all about. I was stunned by the positive working environment that Fisher and Paykel has, every single staff member that I interacted with was very kind and friendly. The most memorable experience was when Katrina showed me around the prototype section where future collaborative products were being developed and designed, there were also many prototypes that unfortunately didn't make it to production. It was very informational, meeting senior colleagues of Katrina's throughout various departments of the firm. The HR person really dived into detail about how he selects the right individuals to match the organisations needs and culture. He says he allocates roughly 60 seconds to review each CV which surprised me. I also happened to be in their finance meeting which was an amazing experience because they literally had every single national manager across 10 countries to report the conditions of the economy, how sales were and what they are going to do collectively to improve their figures. I also took part in the product development meeting where Katrina talked about how to manage competition and developing a premium brand presence in terms of products. Sadly, we didn't get to visit the legal crew as they were at home due to hybrid working. Regan was fortunate enough to shadow the General Manager of ‘Ingredients of New Zealand’ at Fonterra, this is what Regan had to say about his experience: “My time at Fronterra was unique and very educational. Ms North introduced us to the team and I got to talk to them about their experience in International Relationships and was introduced to the products that contain their milk products. The time that I spent there was awesome and inspiring”.



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

ACG Sunderland School Orchestra I’m very excited to announce the formation of ACG Sunderland School Orchestra. In the orchestra we will have violins, cello, flute and clarinet and ukulele playing together. We will also have individual students on the guzheng, harp and piano. The purpose of the orchestra is to bring students together who may not have played as part of an ensemble before. They will be working on three pieces that represent the primary colours and emotions that we associate with red, blue and green. Different levels of experience and skill will be catered for. We will have students from year 3 to year 7 in the orchestra. If your child is interested in being a part of this group, and has not already contacted their class teacher, they can contact Mr. O’Connor at to express their interest. The orchestra will practice weekly on Thursdays lunchtimes, from 12.45 to 1.15. Our first rehearsal begins in Week Four on August 18. Daniel O’Connor HOD of Music



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

大学讲座– 第三学期



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

失物招领 我们积累了大量的失物—校服,饮料瓶,午餐盒,鞋子等。 请确保您孩子的所有物品都贴上他们的名字。 定期更换校服,午餐盒和饮料瓶会变得非常昂贵。

杂项购买 如果您在前台购买杂物,如计算机,徽章等,请您确保您的孩子有正确 的钱,因为我们在前台没有零钱。 我们无法将这些物品记入您的学校账户。

二手校服店 温馨提示,二手校服店不再寄出支票,也不再能够代销您寄存在学校的 校服。如果您知道商店里有校服要出售,请前往接待处或将费用转入学 校银行账户。 不提供银行帐号 - 没有付款

午餐订购 ACG桑德兰是一所只提供水的学校,午餐订单将不再提供任何饮料/棒冰。 如果订购了任何饮料或棒冰项目,我们将替换为其他相同价值的项目。


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

House Spirit Certificates and Badges

This term, the student leadership team is proud to present a new measure to recognize students who embrace their sense of house spirit, the House Spirit Certificates and Badges! When students are seen to be displaying pride, enthusiasm, leadership and participation during House meetings and events, they can be awarded a House Spirit Certificate by that teacher. Once a student has accumulated ten of these certificates, they can hand them into reception, and then they will receive a House Spirit Badge at assembly.



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

高中辅导课程 辅助课程是提供给高中部学生额外的学科指导。重点是同学们要有准备而来参加。 带着你的问题而来, 你不仅限于以下方面可以获得帮助,如 • 复习过去的考试题 • 与课程相关的特定问题解疑 • 实践论文 • 关于课程的问题 • 老师审查你的具体科目的薄弱项 学习是需要主动的,记住老师希望你主动一些。问题要具体。这些辅助课程是你在相 应科目的老师指导下认真研究每个课件要求的一个很好的机会。



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

2022 MCINTOSH AND FRASER DENTAL ORTHODONTIC SCHOLARSHIPS During the month of July 2022 nominations will be open for the 2022 McIntosh and Fraser Dental Orthodontic Scholarship. Two deserving students from selected West Auckland and West Harbour schools will be selected to receive a full scholarship to the value of up to $10,000 for orthodontic treatment which can be provided at either McIntosh or Fraser Dental. Since its creation in 2012 the scholarship has helped 24 students and their families by awarding $155,000 in orthodontic treatment. The nomination process is simple. We are looking for students who have a clear need for orthodontic treatment and who excel in one of these key areas: academic, sporting, the arts, or community involvement. Students can be nominated by teachers, other school staff, members of the community, whanau, and their peers, so spread the word to support your nominee. All nominations must be made via the online nomination form on the McIntosh Dental website, which will be live during the month of July. Go to to complete and submit the online form. Nominations are open from 1st July 2022 and close on 31st July 2022. The finalists will be chosen by the Scholarship Committee and invited to attend a complimentary orthodontic consultation, and the winners will be announced once consultations have been completed. 19


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Sunderland on Service at ACG Sunderland 亲爱的家长和同学们,你们可能知道服务是一个重要的价值观,应该被所有年龄的人 来实践。在桑德兰,我们希望表彰那些已经在家里或者社区中积极无私服务的人,但 重要的是,我们希望那些没有真正从事积极服务的人有机会接受有关服务的教育,而 这可以通过Sunderland On Service (SOS)来达到。 我们的使命宣言是什么?

通过在学校和社区帮助他人来发展服务和尊重的价值观。 在我们的社区中积极贡献,展现无私,热情和决心的价值观。

如何参与或获得您的徽章? 我们将在我们的公告板上发布有关可以进行不同活动的信息,并将进一步公布更多信 息。您可以在前台处领取表格或者在Blackboard上填写您的工作时间,然后将其交还 给前台,以便我们奖励您的出色服务。 任何你想算作你的工作时间的事情都应该作为志愿者来完成,这意味着你不能因为做 这些而获得报酬。请记住保持适当的服务年龄。 以下是获得徽章的信息:


Ground Crew Lenco School Wear Shop

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Sunderland Second-Hand Uniform Shop

40 Patiki Road Avondale Auckland Tel 09 838 6164

The shop is open. Please ask at reception for access.

2022 Open 10 January to 12 February Monday to Friday from 8.30am – 5.30pm Saturday from 9.00am – 3.00pm

Lost Property

From 12 February Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm Closed Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and Public Holidays As a reminder all school uniform continues to be available for purchase online on our Lenco website

We are taking good quality uniform items for the second-hand shop. Blazers must be dry cleaned.

All lost property can be found by the Second-Hand Uniform Shop. For your best interest, please name all clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles, as we will return all named items to the student’s homeroom teacher.

School Contact Details School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email:



Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743.

2022 Term Dates Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4:

26 Jan to 14 April 2 May to 1 July 25 July to 23 September 10 October to 6 December

Staff Emails Email format for staff is:

Lunch Orders – From Libelle You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering! No cash-out service available.

Traffic- Safety Please note that numbered car parks are for staff. Please do not park in the numbered carparks.

Contacting School Bus Drivers

Please do not ring or text the drivers after 7.15am as they will not be checking their cell phones while they are driving. Thank you for your support. 21

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