Sunflower Poetry by Year 7

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Year 7 Sunflower Poetry Anthology


Our final unit in Year 7, we wrote our own Sunflower Poems. We learned how vivid adjectives, similes, and personification help the audience to visualize as they are reading. We also learned how to speak with good pace, expression, intonation, volume, confidence, and not sound like robots. After finalizing our poems, we recorded ourselves reading them aloud. In art class, we made illustrations based on our poems.

Hope you enjoy our poetry and art! Click on the title to watch us read our poems.

Table of Contents

Meeting a Sunflower During an Eclipse

Salma Aksa pg 5-6

The Sunflower's Legacy

Ananias Asona pg 7-8

The Beauty of Sunflowers

Razin Azhan pg 9-10

Oh My Dreary Sunflower

Zoreza Farooq pg 10-11

Kissed by the Sun

Iesha Ibrahim pg 12-13

Blooming Hope from Desperate Days

Jeong-Hyeop Lee pg 14-15

The Smile Of The Sun Itself

Kyora Mita pg 16-17

Sunflower Decay

Sally Miski pg 18-19

The Dying Sunflower

Noor Sawhney pg 21-22

Lost Sunflower

Eva Sharma pg 23-24

Blithesome Sunflower

Timothy Siahaan pg 25-26

Withering Sunflower

Kieran Sudarto pg 27-28

The Screaming Sunflower

Farha Azmi pg 29-30

My Special Sunflower

Rina Takahashi pg 31-32

A Lonely Sunflower

Seungyeon Van pg33-34

The Odd Sunflower

Indira Widjaja pg 35-36

Meeting a Sunflower During an Eclipse

Walking through an endless woods, While feeling the wind touching my shoulders, Aware of the soon incoming eclipse happening I've got to be cautious for my surroundings,

All the silence left in the woods increases my anxiety, All the thoughts in my head started to erupt, The realization that i forgot where I was even going Confused as a lost deer finding their way,

Wandering around which felt like hours, Finally finding a garden-like place The willow trees dancing around, yellow sunflowers pollen gliding through the air,

I felt refreshed after my worries of the eclipse

For this one special flower that bloomed, A sunflower shining like a luminous star carrying The flourish touch of this place,

As I started playing with the sunflower, The moon had already blocked the daylight sun



Luminous are your golden petals, brighter than the sun, Out of all those dazzling flowers, you are number one, You shimmer like a silver armor, glisten like a gleam on water, You’re such a gorgeous sunflower, you’ll never be outdone.

I saw you in your field of grass, as graceful as a swan, Your flower danced so peacefully, in the lustrous light of dawn, Your stem stands like a holy tower, in the gentle breeze, You’re such a glorious sunflower, you make me feel at ease.

The blazing sun that kissed your soil, the seed that turned into your sprout, You’ll reach the silky clouds one day, you’ll even grow in the dryest drought, You’re such a glorious sunflower, you shimmer in every breath, You’re legacy will be remembered, you’ll even shine after your death…

The Beauty of Sunflowers












Oh my dreary sunflower, What are you doing looking queer in the corner?

Why are you facing the North when the sun is on the East? You can’t stay in this gloomy place you might decay!

Are those tears I see running down your sorrowful eyes, Your friends are enjoying the radiant, blazing sun, Like butterflies dancing around the flowers during spring

So why oh why are you sitting alone in the darkness?

Oh my dreary, odd sunflower, You shall not grieve it’s not a good look, What has occurred for you to act like this?

Could it be the other sunflower or possibly the sun?

Nevertheless, oh my sunflower, Although your stem is weakening, and your petals are sinking, There will never be a sunflower like you, Because you are as dazzling as a diamond ring

by Zoreza Farooq Sunflower that Tries to Find the Sun


In golden fields, the sunflower stands tall, A radiant beacon amidst nature's sprawl. Its petals, like sunshine, gleam with delight, As vibrant as stars in the dark of night.

Its face follows the sun, as if in a trance, A living portrait, a mesmerizing dance

Personified, it whispers secrets to the breeze, With a gentle rustle, as if to appease.

A tapestry of beauty, vibrant and grand, Its velvety petals, soft as silk strands

Bathed in warmth, kissed by the sun's embrace, Majestic, resplendent, it paints the landscape's grace.

With golden hues, it captures the daylight's fire, A regal marvel, a sight to inspire.

Oh, sunflower, adorned with nature's gleam, A living masterpiece, a radiant dream

Blooming Hope rom Desperate Days

Under another darkened night, a tall body falls

Over dry land without rain, golden petals fly

Desperate for life, the silent garden howls

The thunderous sky laughs, queer wind growls

As still as a great wall, the silent garden awaits, For new life to plant beneath their mother’s realm

The heir’s shell cracking like a hatching egg

The fresh embryo rises through the black bed to beg

Smallest seeds awakes wishing for the better day, Its tiny thin roots spread, its thick tall body stood grand Surrounded by despairs, sunflower gaze, At tarry sky gently brighten like haze

The blinding new hope began to race across the sky

Gracious, radiant light shines above all livin lif

Morning horizon grants wishes to the lan

The sunflower greets the hope ‘till day en


Sunflower, the symbol of the attractive nature

It is always watching the rise of glowing Sun

Its lovely face is showing that it is mature

Sunflower, it give us the satisfying feeling

Its smile is as dazzling as the Sun itself

It is smiling not only for itself


Your laughter arouses each day.

Your mellow hugs comforting my nights.

When I gaze into the fields.

All I see is my dear sunflower.

As time passes you start to fade. It hurts me so badly. But I’m drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Therefore I cannot let go. I must let go

Why does it feel like apart of me is torn away

Oh my dear sunflower

Shining on fields like the sun shines on the earth


I used to shimmer like the stars. But now I am like a crimped leaf.

I have given up...

My buds used to bloom; my petals were silk.

I used to freely flow through the breeze. Now... I am paralyzed in such stillness.

I used to drink the sun’s beam.

But now I am facing the sorrowful grass. My spirit is lost.

I have always felt alone. The butterflies used to greet me every daylight. But now they flutter by to seek another.

My friends find the sun’s beam. Their glowing faces gleam through night and day.

Oh, how I wish I could be like them one day. But for as I am.

I am a dying sunflower anyway.


Why are you hiding within the shadows?

Admire your elegance, and blossom

Don’t be afraid to join the others

In this translucent scenery

You are the only one in this tragedy

As lost as a wandering deer

Your majestic friends are wondering, asking “Why are you different than us?”

Oh sunflower please don’t be sorrowful

At the end you’ll glow

You’ll just need someone you know

To be as gorgeous as the others.


Oh sunflower, glimmering like the bright sunshine

Blowing with the breeze, free like a bird

You stood there blithesome surrounded by life

Dancing along with the flora and fauna

Your petals so graceful as gold as Midas’s touch

As the day goes on and the sun goes down

You brighten the Earth very much

Waiting until the sun rises once more

You grow and grow and flourish everyday

You will stay glorious and find your own way




















Here I stand; longingly waiting

Tired of this trauma

Always left in this eerie place

Having no home – no friends

And especially no one to take care of me

As depressing as losing everyone you loved

One by one

As despairing as your grief

Well…I’ve been suffering all these years

But who even cares

I was standing there crying for help

Dying like people in hell screaming

All I wanted is to feel safe

Someone that cares for me

But what hope do I even need

When everything is flipped upside down

Because of this exasperating, desolated place. Here I stand again


You always bring me peace of mind

I want to look at your beautiful yellow petals forever and ever

So I water you to keep you alive

You shimmer like an angel

A yellow that doesn’t hold back but isn’t too bright

People would stare at you if you are in the garden

You are as attractive as a celebrity

But I want to monopolize your beauty

Showing your appealing face right in front of me as I watch you

Your radiant face is like the pleasant sun shining in the sky

The best moments are with you


The cold breeze blowing on me

As I stand on the frosty ground

Stuck in the same spot

Like a tree year after year

The sun is shining in the dazzling sky

As I glance at the sun every day

Even when many people walk past me

They gaze upon me with warm smiles

In the same place

I’m waiting for summer to come

Standing hopelessly

Waiting for the sun to hug me


I’m the Odd Sunflower. One singular sunflower in a park. Every morning, the sun wakes me up.

I gaze upon the adults strolling and children playing. People stare at me like a hawk and ask, “What’s that doing here?”

I’m the Gorgeous Sunflower. That’s what they call me. In a vast field, I stand like a perfect statue. People take pictures of me, as if I’m a model. “Such a stunning flower!” they exclaim. But eventually, they all leave.

I’m a Friendless Sunflower.

I’ve no one to talk to.

Every morning, I see children and adults with their friends.

Every night, I long for it, dream of it, wish for it. There is no one else like me.

If only I had friends that weren’t lifeless rocks.

Every day, it’s the same cycle. People stare at me, take photos, talk about me. Yet none are ever there for me. None even genuinely care for me.

I’m a Lonely Sunflower. That’s what I truly am.

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