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Najveći regionalni događaj koji privlači i ujedinjuje sve one koji su zainteresirani za trendove i novitete u medijskom i agencijskom svijetu – Weekend Media Festival, i ove će godine biti mjesto okupljanja u srcu Rovinja.

Od 22. do 25. rujna u prostorima stare Tvornice duhana održat će se 15. izdanje najboljeg festivala u regiji koji će i u novom izdanju komentirati i najavljivati aktualne i nadolazeće trendove, predstaviti novosti iz medijske industrije te dijeliti iskustva i uspješne prakse. Specifičnost ovog jedinstvenog i popularnog festivala je u aktualnom, bogatom i raznolikom programu, atraktivnim predavačima i neformalnom druženju u ugodnom rovinjskom ambijentu koji se svake godine kreira s idejom optimizma i kreativnosti te otvara najznačajnije teme iz različitih, ali međusobno povezanih industrija i područja. Upravo zbog toga svake godine više tisuća stručnjaka, predavača, panelista, posjetitelja, stranaca i lokalaca odabire Weekend Media Festival. Na tradicionalnom mjesto održavanja, uz samu rovinjsku rivu, festival će trajati tri dana te će, uz zanimljive panele i rasprave, biti zagarantirana i vrhunska zabava. Vidimo se na najboljem Weekendu u godini!

The largest regional event, attracting and bringing together all those interested in trends and novelties in the media and agency world - Weekend Media Festival - will again this year be their gathering place in the heart of Rovinj.

To be held on the premises of the old Tobacco Factory from 22 to 25 September, the 15th edition of the best festival in the region will once again comment on and announce current and upcoming trends, present news from the media industry, and share experiences and successful practices. The specific quality of this unique and popular festival is in the current, rich and diverse programme, attractive speakers and informal socialising in Rovinj’s pleasant environment. The guiding principle of every year’s programme is the idea of optimism and creativity, bringing up the most important topics from different but interconnected industries and fields. That is why every year thousands of experts, speakers, panellists, visitors, foreigners and locals, choose to come to the Weekend Media Festival. Taking place at the same venue as usual, next to the Rovinj waterfront, the festival will last for three days and, along with bringing interesting panels and discussions, it will also guarantee excellent entertainment. See you at the best Weekend of the year!

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